Narratively, it makes a lot of sense, the two most important periods are the lead-up to the war, and the period at least 100 years post-war. It makes complete sense on a narrative level to introduce characters who have a 1st person perspective on both. Fallout 1 and 2 generally kept this concept to factions rather than individual characters, but even they have a handful of characters who have seen both. Over time, the immortality has just become simpler. Cryogenic freezing and mutation and robot-ification gave way to indefinite life-extending which gave way to supernatually sustained immortality which has now given way to unexplained immortality (Moldaver).
one fan to do know that time diverged right? They don't have transistors, and they are still using vacuum tubes. There are no Ipads, the technology does not exist. This is fallout, where in 2077 the TV of a wealthy family still at least 3 feet thick with antenna sticking out of it. To put it simply, their technology would be equivalent to 1950s in most aspects, specially if it wasn't related to war. But to be pedantic, you forgot Mr. Houses history. He was broke, he was an orphan...Born on June 25, 2020, House grew up in the Las Vegas area. He was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident involving an auto gyro and lightning, and his older brother, Anthony House, cheated him out of his inheritance and control of H&H Tools Company. He didn't have money for those fancy things till after he was 22, when he created his own company. Rob co. so much lore to remember and some of its only found (online) in niche holes in the wall that you would have to be a completionist to find naturally.
@@ravinraven6913 I absolutely respect the total dedication to the lore but it is just a silly joke at the expense of the current kid and teen generation that doesn't need to be over-analysed with lore
My head cannon of vault 112/ tranquility lane, is that instead of the 10 or so people in the game, there was more like 100 people in the simulation. No real reasoning behind it besides the games limitations making cities really small with 10-15 people living in them when it would be more irl
Compare Skyrim's settlements in Arena to TESV and this answer makes total sense. They have to downscale everything to cartoonish levels in order to create the kind of interactivity they want in a 3D world. The same is true for Fallout when you compare IRL places to the games.
I think you were right originally. But I don't think they all survived. Either this is his control group, and he did these tests on the others, who slowly became self aware. The more he changed things, the more they were aware. Which may be why he returned to memory lane, and kept it that way. Or they are connected in a different VR with a different(or same) overseer running on a different server, if you will. And since you can show up literally seconds after your father, hes still in memory lane. Since the more people in a server would cause more bugs and errors. With out a active Support team, they would need to have the 1,000 or whatever the normal number is, to be in different rooms in different servers.
I didn’t intend to make him sound evil 😂 I suppose the dry delivery and gloomy music gives that vibe. I was simply stating the facts which do on reflection sound a bit evil 😂 I agree with you!
@iplaywhatiwant3738 to be fair, the other scientists at Big MT are just kinda 'normal' insane for the Fallout universe. Just think about how the raiders behave with how they decorate or the ancient Rome LARPers who went too far with their ACTUAL slavery stuff. These people are straight up nuts, top to bottom.
@@jackrealhardman Yeah, there's context that makes the application of our pre-apocalypse ideas of what constitutes sane thought patterns vs. insane thought patterns sometimes a completely academic and useless exercise and other times make it an anachronistic paradigm providing positive community reinforcement for a set of behavior heuristics that would likely lead to a person's swift death if theu tried to adopt and adapt them to Wasteland living.
If you side with Lorenzo there is a random encounter of meeting him on the road surrounded by dead ghoul whom he murdered to study them. So I guess he will be more like a serial killer than an overlord. Maybe he would become on of those in-universe urban legends.
House is clearly based on Howard Hughes. A man who started in technology, became freakishly wealthy, owned movie studios, made military equipment, and finally became a de facto ruler of Las Vegas towards the end of his life. He also went completely insane, terrified of germs and a complete recluse who still had huge political influence and corporate power, even though he ran everything by proxy and over the phone. House actually looks like the clone of Hughes as well. Certainly behaved not too differently. And Braun is clearly Werner von Braun, the WW2 German rocket scientist brought to the US by the Army to work for the US government. He basically was a huge part of NASA and the moon landing. I love the nods to real history in these games.
You’re thinking indestructible; not immortal. In LOTR; elves are immortal. But their lives can still be ended by a weapon. But otherwise they would theoretically live forever.
Absolutley wish nuka world would’ve let us make bradburton the leader of nuka world. Instead of just killing raiders and being hostile to all the factions imagine using bradburton’s nuka themed robots to wipe them out and seize control to begin restoring the park to its former glory and having settlers and traders move in their place
Really great Video ! I have subbed (: PS: "Braun" in German is spoken out really familiar as "brown" in English. In some sentences i didnt really understood Dr.Braun´s name
There’ll be a fairly steady diet here! I’ll be cycling through Elder Scrolls and Fallout so it should be one or the other each release. I’m gonna be every week, or every other week. Probs once every couple weeks as we approach Christmas and then see how it goes! But the vids will be fairly long so hopefully that makes up for it!
I could 100% see that happening. His character is so creepy and twisted but so iconic, I could see a future game revealing he lives on or maybe in the show
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that they make Yes Man the antagonist for season 2 of the Fallout TV show. With Dave Foley back to do the voice, he could be so menacing if handled correctly! It would be a missed opportunity if they excluded him for some other route. I think House would still need to be in there, but just having Yes Man rolling around, unsure if he's obsequious or plotting against the protagonist, could just be so much fun!
I’d love to see Yes Man in it as well! I know some folk aren’t so sure about the show, but I enjoyed it. If anything felt contradictory I just compartmentalised it I suppose.
@shadesofslay only hyper-nerds lose their shit and start theowing Trump-style temper tantrums whenever some teeny tiny thing happens in a new installment of their favorite franchise that ends up contradicting what they had deemed to be the unalterable canonical word of God about their show. It's the same gatekeeper weirdo bullshit that had 24 year old basement dwelling autists going to My Little Pony conventions and telling 13 year old girls that they weren't really fans of the show, despite the fact that these girls had been watching and buying MLP stuff further back than they could even remember in their lives (because we generally can't remember anything from before we were 3 years old) and these dudes had just come to the whole phenomenon 2 years ago.
@@purpleelemental3955 Sorry, I should have clarified! ShadesofSlay is Scottish from what I can tell! I'm not sure about Cait as I've not played Fallout 4 :')
Subbed! Found you on my recommended page and I haven’t watched fallout content in awhile. I hope and can’t wait to see your channel pop off here soon! Great video! 🫡
I’m glad the channel was recommended to you! It’s been exciting this last few weeks, the subs have been going up fast. Thanks for your support and kind words 🙂
@@guwopzy @guwopzy there's a bunch of things in fo3 that make no real sense for the timeframe it claims to be in. Like how the east coast is still a complete mess with 0 real factions or nations, there's a cave society full of children even after 200 years somehow. The survivors of alot of the towns depend on raiding grocery stores even after 200 years. And the radiation is still rampant even tho fallout 2, which takes place 40 years prior, shows that the radiation effects are drastically lowering since fallout 1. those are just a few examples. it would make alot more sense if the game took place right after the great war but it doesnt and if they claim it is something they planned all along but couldnt do im calling cap.
lol yea, the cans of food. I mean goo, the soda glass bottles would all be empty if not scrounged by some one else. Truth is, if you woke up 200 years later, there should be more there. And less simultaneously, yet nothing was taken from so many things. They have "good" soda in military offices. Any good military would have its own set of goods, not use expired food. But then again Bethesda doesn't always get military things. He sends the brotherhood to kill the railrowad in FO4, VIA frontal Assault on the definitely are gonna have heavy casualties. Bomb it from the air, or assault it with artillery. Horrible tactics all around. But how good would the game be if it was really set 25 years in the futre. similiar to FO76? not at launch of course.
In a Fallout DnD campaign I made my character Mr. House's hitman brother whose brain gets put in a robot body by Mr. House after getting killed. That was fun. I think I teamed up with another guy who played as an intelligent Deathclaw who talked. Idr, it was like, maybe, 9 years ago give or take.
@shadesofslay It was fun rping as a super mutant too. Someone tried giving me drugs for mercy, I made my mutant mainline them and laugh. It was actually online. Idk if you ever heard of a website called Byond that let's you make retro games. Maybe you heard of Space Station 13. Rp Unlimited been dead for awhile. The guy also made a gundam one and an MGS one. Always use Burning Gundam, also made a dude named "Knives" I prefer text rping over DnD. But, in pure rp nobody would ever take damage.
Interestingly, if Lorenzo is freed, the player becomes another potential immortal on account of the serum. Provided Lorenzo keeps in touch about his whereabouts that is.
To me it's strange how the cabot family lives. I mean, they are surrounded by devastation and they live like nothing happened at all, they could have rebuilt the entire commonwealth and their house is the only one that remains sauber
Not to mention their superhuman strength, durability, and immunity to radiation they really could’ve done absolutely anything they want with little worry
Part of the reason I usually free Lorenzo, just listening to the rest of the family, they usually talk down on others or are just as selfish as everyone else in the wasteland. Plus I like the added benefit of being immortal lore wise because Lorenzo starts supplying you with the serum after helping.
I’m wondering on Brauns long term plans, cause eventually the generators for the vault would run out of power. I know the vault generators can lost a long time with maintenance, but even the most efficient nuclear fission needs refueling eventually. His immortal paradise was destined to have a time limit no matter how many uranium rods he stockpiled.
I wonder if he slowed time down too, to an extent, within the simulation. Or maybe the robobrains had orders to replace the whole thing eventually power wise.
Can’t forget Desmond’s “great game.” In Point Lookout he’ll have you destroy Calvert as he looks to seek revenge against all those who abused their powers before the war. That would likely include many of these immortals.
The Fallout TV show added some sort of inhalable chem that causes extreme regeneration that's essential to keeping ghouls sane and "fresh". The Cabot family seurum would seem to fit the bill a little better than other in-universe chems like Hydra. Family genetics could also play a role -- maybe most ghouls have a Cabot family ancestor.
Thank you, I appreciate that :) I was trying to make the music contextual and give over the vibes of each section. That's the thing I did different this time!
Is Frank Horrigan immortal? He's technically infected with FEV, meaning he should be immortal. I'm not too familiar with the isometric Fallout games, beyond the fact you can kill him. Think I might do another NV run after I finish 4 to kill House, he told me cats were extinct. There are so many cats in FO4.
I think anything that’s exposed to FEV is immortal to all intents and purposes. And yes, why did House say that! I suppose the true reason is that there were no cats in Nevada, and he just assumed that was the whole world.
Nice video, well put. I say this type of Scottish accent is one of the sexiest. When I speak normally, people don't understand me or they just think my voice is annoying. I get my Scottish accent(good enough to trick my other UK friend so respectful) they hang on my every word....I never have to repeat myself with the accent. But normally my mundane monotone deep voice, people just don't recognize it as speech. I can literally talk to some one next to me and they say huh what? In a Scottish accent, people across the street turn their heads to head better. Scottish accent is noble and beautiful.
@@shadesofslay Look up "Calculator" in Fallout wiki. Idk how much of it is canon though. Basically brains in a jar being the overseer of vault 0. The whole system malfunctioned and became the endgame villain controlling genocidal robots that were supposed to bring order to the wasteland.
15:20 are supermutants really functionally immortal? I can't recall any sources but as I remember their lifespan is just way longer than humans', not that they do not get old at all
call me crazy but I think a House TV show/miniseries of his feats before and leading up tp the war would go hard af. I wanna see slightly less moral Howard Stark, man.
Could you imagine if the Institute got a hold of the GEK.... Due to the fact that it got into the hands of Doctor Madison Lee, The lone Wanderer's Father and the Brotherhood of Steel... The capabilities of the GEK were limited. I think if the Institute got ahold of it, things would have been differently... In the events of fallout, 4, they explicitly talk about they don't want anything to do with the Commonwealth or the wasteland, because it's well a wasteland, there's no fixing it there really isn't.... Unless you have a Terra forming device. A device capable of Tera forming entire planets if used correctly... The GEK...😐😐😐 The Institute has the level of technology to use it at its highest capacity. If they had access to it, they probably could have saved the world
I mean it's possible! But they also had some questionable morals too, so ya never know... but yeah it would be interesting to see what they'd have done with one!
@shadesofslay Indeed... Especially with their superiority complex they tend to abandon people... Lets say they do save the world. What comes after? I think a dictatorship or something similar.
Always thought Bradberton was a bit of a wasted opportunity and felt like a cheap knock off of Mr House, it would have been possible to transfer him into a Synth body like you do with Curie, then he could have become a follower or there could have been a quest to rebuild Nuka World or do something cool with it. Both Bradberton and Mr House were the kinds of people who built the world we live in, the great minds that created so much it would make sense that they could have helped rebuild the world, more Bradberton as Mr House seemed to lose his humanity, although he was supposed to be a parody of Howard Hughes as he lived in a casino, comically he also owned the local TV station so if he did not like what was one he would call them to change the programing, the local people remember shows being changed mid way for something else which kinda fits with Mr House controlling the strip. I always felt that most stories in F4 were a bit empty and rushed in general always felt like they just did not have the talent to write great stories and characters.
Love that character but I kinda put him in the ghoul category (and they're so common) - but, his story is interesting, so I probably could have included it!
@ it’s okay to like the show, but it’s weird when “FaLlOuT fans ignore that the series lore and history is completely ruined by this adaptation being apart of the timeline. Between factions, characters, motivations, purposes and overall tone F1 F2 especially FNV can’t be canon anymore with the show existing. I know God Howard is gas lighting the idea that the OG games are okay, but even F3 and 4 get affected by the retcons in this show. Best case scenario is one day the show gets classified as a spiritual successor and is its own canon
@@wakeupzzz9110 tbh canon is getting confusing with a lot of franchises these days so I just have my personal headcanon and don’t really think much about what other folk think. If I make content I tend to just include all on screen materials whatever I personally think. It’s important to have your own comfy area for yourself where you have things the way you feel best about ‘em! At least it is to me anyway 🙂
@@shadesofslay very unique prospect, but im alright. I tend to appreciate ideas more when they make sequential sense to the establishments before them. However I will agree with you on that notion that just about every franchise is doing it. Very tragic
I wouldn’t quite call Mr. House an immortal, his body is obviously hanging in by threads. I think if the courier never got involved House maybe had 10-15 years left on his clock.
God damn Professor Calvert! I'll probably do a follow up anyway, that maybe looks into the Robobrains in Far Harbor as well, etc. And maybe some of the more general immortals (or supposed immortals) like Ghouls and other cyborgs, and maybe AI's like the transit system in Fallout 3... (which is low key one of my favourite entities in the entirety of Fallout)
Those are as you say robobrains, and, like ghouls, are fairly common so I didn't want to explore them too much in this video. I may do one about notable ghouls and robobrains down the line.
Make a video about the "Great Game" referred to by Mr New Vegas and other prominent pre-war folks who have found ways to prolong their lives through the apocalypse
Dont want to spread negativity or anything but maybe move away from your mic a bit because me personally i pick up on youtubers that make mouth noises easily and i find it a bit annoying, dont know the best way to word this better sorry about that but nice video man 👍
I'll see what I can do... the type of mic I use, it has to be quite close. I'm also reticent to make too many changes just yet - but I probably will eventually. Anyway I'll see if I can mitigate it! What sorta noises can you hear? I don't really hear anything myself when listening back... just so I know what to look out for!
@ hard to describe really id say “clicking” noises idk its really quit though so wouldn’t worry too much about it I know theres many youtubers who straight up lip smack at full volume and the comments section only talks about it 😂
Immortal isn't always the same as invulnerable - but yes, for some, we'd need to literally experience the entire lifespan of the universe to confirm immortality if we're being pedantic. But most may as well be.
Never thought about it but there is a lot of immortal people in fallout
A proper wacky lineup!
Narratively, it makes a lot of sense, the two most important periods are the lead-up to the war, and the period at least 100 years post-war.
It makes complete sense on a narrative level to introduce characters who have a 1st person perspective on both. Fallout 1 and 2 generally kept this concept to factions rather than individual characters, but even they have a handful of characters who have seen both.
Over time, the immortality has just become simpler. Cryogenic freezing and mutation and robot-ification gave way to indefinite life-extending which gave way to supernatually sustained immortality which has now given way to unexplained immortality (Moldaver).
@shadesofslay i cant comment did you turn them off?
@@shadesofslay All your missing is the final one with the B O W L E R, first letter S last letter H.
Not when I'm done with them.
I completely forgot Mr House was born in 2020. He'd be watching brainrot videos on his mum's ipad by now.
one fan to do know that time diverged right? They don't have transistors, and they are still using vacuum tubes. There are no Ipads, the technology does not exist. This is fallout, where in 2077 the TV of a wealthy family still at least 3 feet thick with antenna sticking out of it. To put it simply, their technology would be equivalent to 1950s in most aspects, specially if it wasn't related to war.
But to be pedantic, you forgot Mr. Houses history. He was broke, he was an orphan...Born on June 25, 2020, House grew up in the Las Vegas area. He was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident involving an auto gyro and lightning, and his older brother, Anthony House, cheated him out of his inheritance and control of H&H Tools Company. He didn't have money for those fancy things till after he was 22, when he created his own company. Rob co.
so much lore to remember and some of its only found (online) in niche holes in the wall that you would have to be a completionist to find naturally.
@@ravinraven6913 I absolutely respect the total dedication to the lore but it is just a silly joke at the expense of the current kid and teen generation that doesn't need to be over-analysed with lore
Ma!!! Get me some F*ckin juice!! I'm learning how to make robots on Tik Tok!
@@ravinraven6913 that’s the Mr. house of that reality. In ours, he’s a juice box drinking iPad kid.
Someone should made mod. With ALL the brainrot content uploaded to securitrons via platinum chip
My head cannon of vault 112/ tranquility lane, is that instead of the 10 or so people in the game, there was more like 100 people in the simulation. No real reasoning behind it besides the games limitations making cities really small with 10-15 people living in them when it would be more irl
Your not wrong really. Bethesda has said this is true in their elder scrolls games, and I don't see why it would apply here
I think this is a pretty reasonable idea!
Compare Skyrim's settlements in Arena to TESV and this answer makes total sense. They have to downscale everything to cartoonish levels in order to create the kind of interactivity they want in a 3D world. The same is true for Fallout when you compare IRL places to the games.
Tbh my head cannon was much the same , braun killed of many before we turned up was my canon
I think you were right originally. But I don't think they all survived. Either this is his control group, and he did these tests on the others, who slowly became self aware. The more he changed things, the more they were aware. Which may be why he returned to memory lane, and kept it that way.
Or they are connected in a different VR with a different(or same) overseer running on a different server, if you will. And since you can show up literally seconds after your father, hes still in memory lane. Since the more people in a server would cause more bugs and errors. With out a active Support team, they would need to have the 1,000 or whatever the normal number is, to be in different rooms in different servers.
Honestly with how Moira in Fallout 3 can survive a nuke detonated a hundred feet away from her, I’d be inclined to add her to this list 😂
Greatb point!!
You make Mobius sound evil lol. He was quarantining the rest of planet from the five most insane people in the universe.
I didn’t intend to make him sound evil 😂 I suppose the dry delivery and gloomy music gives that vibe. I was simply stating the facts which do on reflection sound a bit evil 😂 I agree with you!
@iplaywhatiwant3738 to be fair, the other scientists at Big MT are just kinda 'normal' insane for the Fallout universe. Just think about how the raiders behave with how they decorate or the ancient Rome LARPers who went too far with their ACTUAL slavery stuff. These people are straight up nuts, top to bottom.
@@jackrealhardman Yeah, there's context that makes the application of our pre-apocalypse ideas of what constitutes sane thought patterns vs. insane thought patterns sometimes a completely academic and useless exercise and other times make it an anachronistic paradigm providing positive community reinforcement for a set of behavior heuristics that would likely lead to a person's swift death if theu tried to adopt and adapt them to Wasteland living.
@@tommytwotacos8106settle down.
That is Dr. Mobius, he didn't go to 10 years of evil university to just be called Mobius.
If you side with Lorenzo there is a random encounter of meeting him on the road surrounded by dead ghoul whom he murdered to study them. So I guess he will be more like a serial killer than an overlord. Maybe he would become on of those in-universe urban legends.
I’ve never chosen to help him, so I’ve never experienced that encounter - fascinating.
That's called a scientist 😂 this is normal well others do the killing while he the scientists do studying
House is clearly based on Howard Hughes. A man who started in technology, became freakishly wealthy, owned movie studios, made military equipment, and finally became a de facto ruler of Las Vegas towards the end of his life. He also went completely insane, terrified of germs and a complete recluse who still had huge political influence and corporate power, even though he ran everything by proxy and over the phone. House actually looks like the clone of Hughes as well. Certainly behaved not too differently.
And Braun is clearly Werner von Braun, the WW2 German rocket scientist brought to the US by the Army to work for the US government. He basically was a huge part of NASA and the moon landing.
I love the nods to real history in these games.
Thanks for sharing this - yep, I find those two figures (and lots of others) endlessly fascinating - Nikolai Tesla as well.
All the immortals I've met turned out to be quite mortal
Immortal doesn't always mean invulnerable.
You’re thinking indestructible; not immortal. In LOTR; elves are immortal. But their lives can still be ended by a weapon. But otherwise they would theoretically live forever.
they are like highlanders, or even like gods from Norway or Greece where their gods die.
@@KaiBrunk125nah indestructible is usually an object, not a person.
@@KaiBrunk125also if they can be killed by a weapon that means they aren’t immortal just long lives.
Absolutley wish nuka world would’ve let us make bradburton the leader of nuka world. Instead of just killing raiders and being hostile to all the factions imagine using bradburton’s nuka themed robots to wipe them out and seize control to begin restoring the park to its former glory and having settlers and traders move in their place
Would have loved to see that, or hell even have the minute men take the park, or brotherhood
The nuka world DLC had so much potential and they just pissed it
@@staticx2552that describes all of fallout 4
@tenebrousoul9368 ...can't disagree there bro
@@staticx2552 i know it's petty, but I'm still saltier than the Pacific that they gave us such a middling storyline
“Immortals. We Put Their Name To The Test.” Said by every Fallout Protagonist.
Love this
You have a great voice and accent, very soothing and easy on the ears.
Thank you, I appreciate that 🙂
This is the content I need in my life. Thanks for the great vid!
No problem - glad you enjoyed it!
Really great Video !
I have subbed (:
PS: "Braun" in German is spoken out really familiar as "brown" in English. In some sentences i didnt really understood Dr.Braun´s name
My brother! As always this was a BANGER! Love this work, I adore all things deep lore from these games, thank you sir
Thank you! It was a fun one to do, since I’ve always found the immortal characters interesting!
first video of yours i have seen and I am very impressed! keep up the greatness!
I'll do my best
same, finally content I can appreciate again.
@@ravinraven6913 Thank you :)
Thoroughly enjoyed the video, as well as your awesome accent.
You've earned my subscription!
Much appreciated
hey, ive been going over a break up lately and your videos have been helpings me alot! thanks man!
I’ve been looking for more fallout content lately, this scratched that itch 😂
There’ll be a fairly steady diet here! I’ll be cycling through Elder Scrolls and Fallout so it should be one or the other each release. I’m gonna be every week, or every other week. Probs once every couple weeks as we approach Christmas and then see how it goes! But the vids will be fairly long so hopefully that makes up for it!
Plot twist: The Master is still around. He just blew up the church, not the underground section he is in.
I could 100% see that happening. His character is so creepy and twisted but so iconic, I could see a future game revealing he lives on or maybe in the show
@@MS-gd8px Another good way to create another Fallout with still no effort in new ideas ...
The bomb is inside the vault on the bottom level. You can manually activate it with a high science skill or the key found in Mariposa.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that they make Yes Man the antagonist for season 2 of the Fallout TV show. With Dave Foley back to do the voice, he could be so menacing if handled correctly! It would be a missed opportunity if they excluded him for some other route. I think House would still need to be in there, but just having Yes Man rolling around, unsure if he's obsequious or plotting against the protagonist, could just be so much fun!
I’d love to see Yes Man in it as well! I know some folk aren’t so sure about the show, but I enjoyed it. If anything felt contradictory I just compartmentalised it I suppose.
@shadesofslay only hyper-nerds lose their shit and start theowing Trump-style temper tantrums whenever some teeny tiny thing happens in a new installment of their favorite franchise that ends up contradicting what they had deemed to be the unalterable canonical word of God about their show. It's the same gatekeeper weirdo bullshit that had 24 year old basement dwelling autists going to My Little Pony conventions and telling 13 year old girls that they weren't really fans of the show, despite the fact that these girls had been watching and buying MLP stuff further back than they could even remember in their lives (because we generally can't remember anything from before we were 3 years old) and these dudes had just come to the whole phenomenon 2 years ago.
You have the same irish accent as Cait from Fallout 4. Sounds neat, I love it
It's Scottish 😅
@EIMBD oh really? I remember Cait was irish though, it was mentioned in the first dialogue with owner and by her herself
@@purpleelemental3955 Sorry, I should have clarified! ShadesofSlay is Scottish from what I can tell! I'm not sure about Cait as I've not played Fallout 4 :')
@@EIMBD oh okay :) Interesting
0:58 “Betteh” 😂😂
Ha! BETTEH!!!!!!
Found you on my recommended page and I haven’t watched fallout content in awhile. I hope and can’t wait to see your channel pop off here soon!
Great video! 🫡
I’m glad the channel was recommended to you! It’s been exciting this last few weeks, the subs have been going up fast. Thanks for your support and kind words 🙂
Braun is immortal because half of Fallout 3 was designed while they were still planning to set the game 25 years after the bombs dropped.
Is that confirmed? As far as i know is a theory to explain all the things in fo3 that make 0 sense
@@belgianfootball4529What things ?
@@guwopzy @guwopzy there's a bunch of things in fo3 that make no real sense for the timeframe it claims to be in. Like how the east coast is still a complete mess with 0 real factions or nations, there's a cave society full of children even after 200 years somehow. The survivors of alot of the towns depend on raiding grocery stores even after 200 years. And the radiation is still rampant even tho fallout 2, which takes place 40 years prior, shows that the radiation effects are drastically lowering since fallout 1. those are just a few examples. it would make alot more sense if the game took place right after the great war but it doesnt and if they claim it is something they planned all along but couldnt do im calling cap.
lol yea, the cans of food. I mean goo, the soda glass bottles would all be empty if not scrounged by some one else. Truth is, if you woke up 200 years later, there should be more there. And less simultaneously, yet nothing was taken from so many things. They have "good" soda in military offices. Any good military would have its own set of goods, not use expired food. But then again Bethesda doesn't always get military things.
He sends the brotherhood to kill the railrowad in FO4, VIA frontal Assault on the definitely are gonna have heavy casualties. Bomb it from the air, or assault it with artillery. Horrible tactics all around.
But how good would the game be if it was really set 25 years in the futre. similiar to FO76? not at launch of course.
The cave full of children wouldn't make sense even if it was 25 years after the war, maybe if it was like 5 years after @@belgianfootball4529
In a Fallout DnD campaign I made my character Mr. House's hitman brother whose brain gets put in a robot body by Mr. House after getting killed. That was fun. I think I teamed up with another guy who played as an intelligent Deathclaw who talked. Idr, it was like, maybe, 9 years ago give or take.
Love that. I would not have minded being part of that group!
@shadesofslay It was fun rping as a super mutant too. Someone tried giving me drugs for mercy, I made my mutant mainline them and laugh. It was actually online. Idk if you ever heard of a website called Byond that let's you make retro games. Maybe you heard of Space Station 13. Rp Unlimited been dead for awhile. The guy also made a gundam one and an MGS one. Always use Burning Gundam, also made a dude named "Knives" I prefer text rping over DnD. But, in pure rp nobody would ever take damage.
bro a fallout dnd campaign sounds LEGENDARY. i’m still learning to be a dm and that sounds like it’s right up my alley for a first campaign
@@alexandersteen7707magic had fallout cards
Mr House did hate his brother that much, sounds like something they would make canon, maybe the tv show X_X
Interestingly, if Lorenzo is freed, the player becomes another potential immortal on account of the serum. Provided Lorenzo keeps in touch about his whereabouts that is.
You've been killing it lately mate, great videos
Thank you :)
Great video definitely gonna check out some more on your channel
Much appreciated, hope you enjoy :)
You’re extremely underrated! Your narration is top tier! ❤
Thank you, I really appreciate that! I find myself wondering how big the channel will get, with time... will just have to wait and see I suppose!
@@shadesofslayNo problem, good luck with the growth of the channel man, I hope you get more attention! :)
@ ❤️
Let’s fucking go! Love your content. Please keep making videos.
Thank you :) and don't worry, no plans to quit!
Moriarty is that you?
More like thenthapples cousin lol
Another incredible video, king
Thank you
Me walking into Oasis with a fat man to put Hubert out of his misery.
if that were a good way, couldn't you just nuke it from the outside and not have to worry about seeing his sad face?
@ravinraven6913 Sadley no cuz plot.
To me it's strange how the cabot family lives. I mean, they are surrounded by devastation and they live like nothing happened at all, they could have rebuilt the entire commonwealth and their house is the only one that remains sauber
This is a good point. They really didn’t make much effort to help anyone else did they!
Not to mention their superhuman strength, durability, and immunity to radiation they really could’ve done absolutely anything they want with little worry
Part of the reason I usually free Lorenzo, just listening to the rest of the family, they usually talk down on others or are just as selfish as everyone else in the wasteland.
Plus I like the added benefit of being immortal lore wise because Lorenzo starts supplying you with the serum after helping.
I loved the video dude.
Thanks :)
Underrated channel fr
Subs have been going up pretty fast, which is amazing!
I’m wondering on Brauns long term plans, cause eventually the generators for the vault would run out of power. I know the vault generators can lost a long time with maintenance, but even the most efficient nuclear fission needs refueling eventually. His immortal paradise was destined to have a time limit no matter how many uranium rods he stockpiled.
I wonder if he slowed time down too, to an extent, within the simulation. Or maybe the robobrains had orders to replace the whole thing eventually power wise.
Can’t forget Desmond’s “great game.” In Point Lookout he’ll have you destroy Calvert as he looks to seek revenge against all those who abused their powers before the war. That would likely include many of these immortals.
I would love to see a game with The Master vs Mr. House.
Me too!
19:18 is surprisingly wholesome to me.
On the move so can’t click - what part was that??
@ That despite him being a head in a jar essentially. He’s still proud that people are still drinking his creation for over 200 years.
@ ah gotcha - thanks - yeah it is pretty wholesome eh!
I have 650 hours in fallout 4 and I never completed that Bradburton quest in nuka world, wow
Always something new to find!
Fun fact: you can accept petrovitas request and still get the weapon afterward. It's legit because I tried it myself not too long ago
Keep up the great work
Thank you, I’ll certainly do my best!
I like to think that all that time.That the sole survivor was Cryogenically frozen It mutated his cells and he became immortal.
Ya never know eh??
banger vid. had to sub
Thank you for that :)
love this video quality content
Thank you, I really appreciate that 🙂
I guess the ghosts like Anna Winslow are somewhat immortal as well. Crazy how many characters are in Fallout 😮
It is kinda wild when you start listing it!
Good vid mate
Thank you :)
It occurs to me that after the Fallout TV show, the Cabot formula might have something to do with ghouls.
Why do u think that.
What do you mean?
The Fallout TV show added some sort of inhalable chem that causes extreme regeneration that's essential to keeping ghouls sane and "fresh".
The Cabot family seurum would seem to fit the bill a little better than other in-universe chems like Hydra. Family genetics could also play a role -- maybe most ghouls have a Cabot family ancestor.
@@Grizabeebles it’s probably FEV not the Cabot family’s blood
@@10thousand74 I agree I think it’s a mix between fev and high levels of rads that keep gouls fresh. I’m happy they added it into the lore.
Those think tanks would have to malfunction at some point
Aren’t synths technically immortal they don’t age I might be wrong
Yeah, I suppose you could say so. But we never saw them 200 years later. I suppose Nick Valentine could be classed as an immortal given his memories.
Subscribed buddy. This is good and cool voice 🫡
Much appreciated :)
This video is so good
Thank you, I appreciate that :) I was trying to make the music contextual and give over the vibes of each section. That's the thing I did different this time!
@ it’s really great. I think this is the first video talking about the immortals in Fallout.
Got a question for ya, what’s heavier a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers?
Poor Timmy Neusbaum.
Is Frank Horrigan immortal? He's technically infected with FEV, meaning he should be immortal. I'm not too familiar with the isometric Fallout games, beyond the fact you can kill him.
Think I might do another NV run after I finish 4 to kill House, he told me cats were extinct. There are so many cats in FO4.
I think anything that’s exposed to FEV is immortal to all intents and purposes. And yes, why did House say that! I suppose the true reason is that there were no cats in Nevada, and he just assumed that was the whole world.
It’s slightly funny how all these immortals fall to our hands
True - immortal but not invulnerable!
This is one of my favorite subplots in fallout
Same :)
wasn't there also another immortal brain in Fallout 3 DLC Point Lookout? Professor Calvert counts right?
Yep, I should have mentioned him.
What about Gary clones? I expect them to have a normal lifespan, but they just keep coming.
Nice video, well put.
I say this type of Scottish accent is one of the sexiest. When I speak normally, people don't understand me or they just think my voice is annoying. I get my Scottish accent(good enough to trick my other UK friend so respectful) they hang on my every word....I never have to repeat myself with the accent. But normally my mundane monotone deep voice, people just don't recognize it as speech.
I can literally talk to some one next to me and they say huh what? In a Scottish accent, people across the street turn their heads to head better. Scottish accent is noble and beautiful.
Ha, I guess it's in the eye of the beholder...
There are also brains in jars in Fallout: Tactics.
Never played it! What’s the lore there?
@@shadesofslay Look up "Calculator" in Fallout wiki. Idk how much of it is canon though.
Basically brains in a jar being the overseer of vault 0. The whole system malfunctioned and became the endgame villain controlling genocidal robots that were supposed to bring order to the wasteland.
@ super interesting! I’ll take a look! Thanks again!
@kaarelkahu212 Bunch of the smartest and most powerful brains in the world, might I add. Basically a biological supercomputer.
How could you forget Difficult Pete?
Cos I have trauma from trying to kill him
Woohoo! It was a chilly one today so this was nice to see as I wind down. You know what that means? TIME TO GET COMFY AND ENJOY THE VID! Cheers!
Hope you enjoyed it :)
15:20 are supermutants really functionally immortal? I can't recall any sources but as I remember their lifespan is just way longer than humans', not that they do not get old at all
A lot of sources say that due to rapid cell regeneration they are effectively immortal, but obviously not invulnerable.
Only Master is. That's why he kills himself when proved Supermutants are sterile.
Ive played Fallout4 for 7days total play time, and i missed the head under nuka world?!
I missed it for yeeeeaaarrssss too.
very nice video
Thank you!
Hell yeah
Hope you enjoy!
I would glady be immortal for at least a few thousand years.
Lorenzo vs The Master but then Mr. House comes in from the side with a thousand steel chairs and a fuckin WW2 era bomber
call me crazy but I think a House TV show/miniseries of his feats before and leading up tp the war would go hard af. I wanna see slightly less moral Howard Stark, man.
I would LOVE to see that.
Could you imagine if the Institute got a hold of the GEK....
Due to the fact that it got into the hands of Doctor Madison Lee, The lone Wanderer's Father and the Brotherhood of Steel... The capabilities of the GEK were limited.
I think if the Institute got ahold of it, things would have been differently...
In the events of fallout, 4, they explicitly talk about they don't want anything to do with the Commonwealth or the wasteland, because it's well a wasteland, there's no fixing it there really isn't.... Unless you have a Terra forming device.
A device capable of Tera forming entire planets if used correctly...
The GEK...😐😐😐
The Institute has the level of technology to use it at its highest capacity. If they had access to it, they probably could have saved the world
I mean it's possible! But they also had some questionable morals too, so ya never know... but yeah it would be interesting to see what they'd have done with one!
@shadesofslay Indeed...
Especially with their superiority complex they tend to abandon people... Lets say they do save the world.
What comes after?
I think a dictatorship or something similar.
I had to double check the channel name, I thought this was thanapple
Apple's accent is softer
Always thought Bradberton was a bit of a wasted opportunity and felt like a cheap knock off of Mr House, it would have been possible to transfer him into a Synth body like you do with Curie, then he could have become a follower or there could have been a quest to rebuild Nuka World or do something cool with it.
Both Bradberton and Mr House were the kinds of people who built the world we live in, the great minds that created so much it would make sense that they could have helped rebuild the world, more Bradberton as Mr House seemed to lose his humanity, although he was supposed to be a parody of Howard Hughes as he lived in a casino, comically he also owned the local TV station so if he did not like what was one he would call them to change the programing, the local people remember shows being changed mid way for something else which kinda fits with Mr House controlling the strip.
I always felt that most stories in F4 were a bit empty and rushed in general always felt like they just did not have the talent to write great stories and characters.
I totally agree with Bradberton. Could have been an even more poignant story - I wish they'd done more with it too.
My nukes says otherwise
You forgot Desmond Lockhart 🤙
Love that character but I kinda put him in the ghoul category (and they're so common) - but, his story is interesting, so I probably could have included it!
@shadesofslay understandable, him and his adversary are basically a ghoul and RoboBrain
Keep up the vids always enjoy this content 🤙
@@ethandolinski5921 Both super interesting tho of course!
Breaking down R. House background makes you realize how badly the T.V show runners fucked the lore
I'm def interested to see what happens in Season 2...
@ it’s okay to like the show, but it’s weird when “FaLlOuT fans ignore that the series lore and history is completely ruined by this adaptation being apart of the timeline. Between factions, characters, motivations, purposes and overall tone F1 F2 especially FNV can’t be canon anymore with the show existing. I know God Howard is gas lighting the idea that the OG games are okay, but even F3 and 4 get affected by the retcons in this show. Best case scenario is one day the show gets classified as a spiritual successor and is its own canon
@@wakeupzzz9110 tbh canon is getting confusing with a lot of franchises these days so I just have my personal headcanon and don’t really think much about what other folk think. If I make content I tend to just include all on screen materials whatever I personally think. It’s important to have your own comfy area for yourself where you have things the way you feel best about ‘em! At least it is to me anyway 🙂
@@shadesofslay very unique prospect, but im alright. I tend to appreciate ideas more when they make sequential sense to the establishments before them. However I will agree with you on that notion that just about every franchise is doing it. Very tragic
@ totally, you’ve got to do things your own way! ❤️
I wouldn’t quite call Mr. House an immortal, his body is obviously hanging in by threads. I think if the courier never got involved House maybe had 10-15 years left on his clock.
Ya reckon? He did look bad. You don’t think he’d have had himself de-brained and stuck into a securitron body or something?
You sir should make a Fallout London video.
I have a playthrough on-going at the moment, I'm trying to get to know the game first but I definitely would love to cover it :)
You forgot one in point lookout buddy.
God damn Professor Calvert! I'll probably do a follow up anyway, that maybe looks into the Robobrains in Far Harbor as well, etc. And maybe some of the more general immortals (or supposed immortals) like Ghouls and other cyborgs, and maybe AI's like the transit system in Fallout 3... (which is low key one of my favourite entities in the entirety of Fallout)
Are you from swizterland ?
What about the robobrain dwellers in far harbor
Those are as you say robobrains, and, like ghouls, are fairly common so I didn't want to explore them too much in this video. I may do one about notable ghouls and robobrains down the line.
@ fair enough
You forgot one = The Mysterious Stranger
I suppose he is immortal, yeah. I spoke about him (and Miss Fortune) in one of the urban legend videos :)
I'd actually how insane and awful cabbot house was
Like as in story wise or as a location or like just generally disturbing?
👁👄👁 is my favorite
For some reason this comment really cracked me up!
Make a video about the "Great Game" referred to by Mr New Vegas and other prominent pre-war folks who have found ways to prolong their lives through the apocalypse
I've made a note of this!
Robert Gaff 🏴
What accent is that? No offense or anything just interested😅
Scottish :)
I think raul wouldve been cool to talk about but i get why you didnt
At some stage I’m gonna do deep dive character videos!
It was always super cool, to me, to think about the fact that the Cabots are actually the oldest "living" beings in Fallout.
True, indeed!
toshiro kago on the mothership is older than cabot, and should still live iirc
Room 112?
Where the playas dwell?
Dont want to spread negativity or anything but maybe move away from your mic a bit because me personally i pick up on youtubers that make mouth noises easily and i find it a bit annoying, dont know the best way to word this better sorry about that but nice video man 👍
I'll see what I can do... the type of mic I use, it has to be quite close. I'm also reticent to make too many changes just yet - but I probably will eventually. Anyway I'll see if I can mitigate it! What sorta noises can you hear? I don't really hear anything myself when listening back... just so I know what to look out for!
@ hard to describe really id say “clicking” noises idk its really quit though so wouldn’t worry too much about it I know theres many youtubers who straight up lip smack at full volume and the comments section only talks about it 😂
@ I’ll see why I can do to mitigate it!!
Someone hit the CC bu-un, blody 'ell...
Not sure what this means!
Mr. House could easily be one of Elon Musk kids
All immortal until you kill em lol 😂 the player is the only one man.
Yep immortal not invulnerable. Player is def the same. If unkilled, never ages, never changes
None of these characters are immortal. They just have long life spans and are difficult to kill.
Immortal isn't always the same as invulnerable - but yes, for some, we'd need to literally experience the entire lifespan of the universe to confirm immortality if we're being pedantic. But most may as well be.
House ran Robco not Repcon
He owned Repconn tho
Robert house kind of sounds like Elon Musk.
Super rich are a kooky bunch. I believe he was modelled after Howard Hughes.
cool accent i wish scottish people were real
I am real 😂 and thank you!