It's actually that the focus strike, Drake Auger, that is capable of applying status/element. According to Caoslayer's most recent video covering the IGN clips, wyrmstake most likely cannot inflict status/element because the damage ticks don't have the status/element effects that other attacks do.
@@Schneeregen_ ah ok, so wyrmstake is still gonna just do “true” damage like GL has done since the beginning I take it. Still looking forward to it. Cool that the focus strike will be able to now tho
9:55 that why the GS and H had a bonus multiplier for elemental damage in the altron fight. There where different multiplers for each weapon. The slower weapon got big boost to elemental damage and other got very little
I honestly found soloing alatreon with a GS was a lot of fun with the right build. Knowing the best times to punish, doing 2k-3k damage per TCS and still being able meet the element threshold. Though, without that specific build, it was a royal pain so I understand the need of change because not everyone wants to grind for a "perfect" build just to continue the story.
I’m glad they seem to be taking an approach towards balancing fights for each weapon. I think especially some of the fights in iceborne endgame for charge blade felt brutal 😅
If I can craft decos that's a win for me! Hated the world system. Having RNG for duals is fine but my main concern would be trying to balance around the duals. I doubt it will be balanced around the multi skill decos though. Monsters were not balanced around Augments and Talismans in Sunbreak. And given how you mentioned they are considering balancing it seems they won't cater too much to mix maxers or favor one weapons over another. I do agree with you on RNG being like padding. Warframe would be irredeemable for me if trading didn't exist. I had a friend that stopped playing World due to him mainning hammer and was at Ala. Imo it is kinda idiotic to balance a monster around a specific thing if not all weapons are even good at that specific thing. It's a very easy way to tick people off who would have been loyal. Not a good game design decision to make. I will say if you want to encourage people to play more weapons, make the arena quests more obvious. I had no idea they existed in World for a long time but knew from the get go they existed in Rise. (mostly because there was a Story related character tied to it). I've S ranked nearly every arena quest with nearly every weapon in Risebreak. That alone encouraged me to try different weapons, learn monsters, find out different ways to play weapons!
Yo Meekkat! Thanks for the great comment. World's system is something I'm not a fan of myself... I want to earn my builds, not just pray for it. At least this is a good mid point. Hmm good point on the monster, some weapons will than to be better than others against certain monsters. But I think they gotta at least think about how weapons will handle certain monsters too. Great point on Arena's, a good way to get people to play more weapons.
The decoration grind in world sustained hardcore players as they chased min max perfection, specific decorations being chase items actually gave you alot of replayability and something to work towards. A casual player could still achieve a near optimal build with an armour piece or two being different, their build may be 10% less optimal overall but still extremely effective. I have no problem with rng in games like monster hunter were long term replayability is desired due to the core gameplay loop being satisfying. If everyone can get the best easily then everyone has the same build for a given weapon once its mathed out.
I don't agree that some weapons weapons aren't feasible. Yes, some weapons do feel better on certain monsters. i won't deny that, but that's mostly a matter of skill of people's main weapons. I've been playing since the first MH, and that was something i use todo but with the more time i sunked in the series, the more you noticed it, it mostly depends on the players' knowledge of the game they're weapon and the monster they're fighting. I'd hate using Greatsword back in secong gen for narga, but later on, it was my fav fight cause i could read its movements and always land my charge greatsword hits. Fatalis was easy with switch axe cause i ciuld aim for the horns but the more times i beat it the more confident i grew and eventually did fatalis with the weapons i played, SnS,GS,DB,gun lance,lance and charge blade. I'd say MH is one of the few game series it feels well balanced in terms of fighting monsters. (Except you iceborne rajang)
Totally agree with you on the fairness of the series, we rarely have unfair monsters and that's why i love the series Even frontier with how over the top monsters are is really fair except on 3/4 monsters ( i'm looking at you supremacy teostra and musou duremudira )
@@NovaBushido oh i know. i just meant how some people think like that, and i genuinely and truly believe just a matter of skill of the player and monster they're hunting. Like the first few hunts, it will be rough, but with time and practice, you can make the fight go more to your tune.
Nothing is as bad as say, solo using a LS vs APEX rajang in mh4u in the guild quests over using something like a GS. The LS would take like 10-12 more min average if you were to use a LS if you were to play close to perfect, it ain't that bad these days 😂
@ fair enough! If you are looking for fun weapons, I think wilds cooked very hard with the greatsword, hunting horn, gunlance and bow. Planning to try a mix of the 4 in wilds personally
Random video to comment this but i appreciate you just being about the games and being positive but not ignoring issues you have with the games either, keep up the good work bro.
Thanks brother, I always want to be open and clear to my fans my opinion. If I think something is great I'll say it, if I don't I'll say it. Discourse is best when people can be open and clear that way :).
I think they can still make ammo and coating for bow still limited by making ingredients more abundant, and player have an ability to reach any material by slinger for faster pick up, auto crafting make crafting in combat convenient too.
I really hope they learned from worlds that people want cool weapon designs I get that it’s meant to be a more grounded version like worlds but slapping a tiny bit of monster part on a base bone or ore weapons is just not it. luckily a lot of the designs that have been shown so far seem unique and well done love that hunting horn
Charged long shelling with wymstake you could literally stunlock/triplock most monsters to death if you kept wymstake up and counted your shots 😅 it completely trivialised every single master runk monster except for alatreon and fatty and siege monsters. It was a good time and you were literally unkillable cos you only had like 4 mandatory skills, artillery, slinger cap, guard, focus.
i think some monster is weak to certain weapon is great, it allows players to explore other options, MH2 with gunlance against khezu was great, u just shoot it to oblivion, i dont play gunlance but i used it
@@serenity3157Nah it’s just that people automatically discredit elemental GS, which I also did at first. However, it’s just such a good weapon for Alatreon’s openings.
Feels like you, or who you talked to, doesn't actually play a lot of monster hunter. Not in a disrespectful way min you. You brought up the monster change between attacking during their turn, as if that's something new? You've always been able to do this in the games since early days with various weapons & tools you bring. CB with guard points that can start combos, LS having multiple dodge & counters, DB dodging mobility coming as an attack in demon & non demon modes, bow guns having KO ammo to interrupt monsters via sticky, GS shoulder charging through attacks, etc. The decoration changes are also what they already did in iceborne to fix the rng, but this time it will be base game & apart of the core from the start. Not saying the changes or things mentioned are wrong, but the way it's been worded makes it sound like this big leap forward, when it's really just a polished version of what we have already. The only true changes in wilds is the world/ local layouts, focus mode, & the clash/ offset that some weapons get. Weapons having their own skills is a nice change, but it doesn't fundamentally change how you build a character, just that weapon skills now aren't saught after for armor skills. Meaning more spots ( potentially) for other skills/ bonuses
I hope they leaned hard into crafting jewels. The rng is a very bad system and made making a build such a headache. I don’t mind grinding but holy crap it was far too much.
Good. Was tired od the ultimate giga BS decorations were in world. You could get 500 valhazak gems before getting a specific stupid decoration you wanted. Not only is it a chance to drop a stone, its a chance to roll 1 to 4 slot. Then its another chance to roll a type. So even the RAREST DROP FROM MONSTERS IN THE GAME is 100000x more chance to get than any specific decoration you are "looking for". Some people would get lucky and get every god tier gem in 1 playthrough. Others farm for 750 hours and there are certain gems that have NEVER DROPPED. They need to change that stupud sht.
I feel you, a combination of the systems may work well for all. I don't think either system along is good enough, there is something out there better. Hopefully Wilds is that, and if it isn't hopefully we find it one day.
I’m hoping there’s a system where you can make and find/meld talismans too, where the made ones are like worldborne, and the found/melded ones are like risebreak, allowing for insane builds in endgame of whatever the expansion will be called
im so confused with the decorations. They are literally just repeating what World is? Are they comparing it to rise ? Nothing was RNG in world or rise besides talisman in rise. Not understanding it at all and idk if it's just me. what is the RNG aspect they are removing ?
I'd rather have rng decorations instead of Charms. Charms are too valuable with the ammount of skill points you can put into a single one. I have about 2,000 hours in Rise and I still haven't gotten a Frostctaft 3 charm for greatsword. While with decorations you're just covering for 1 or 2 skill points and you can be more flexible in terms of what you choose to cover. Maybe you dont have a crit eye 4 jewel to cover 2 points but you have a crit eye/evasion and you add a little bit of comfort in your build while you grind to get that crit eye 4 jewel.
They shoukd of just left it so we can craft all decos like every other game than world its painful trying to get certain ones in world it was obvious padding for the game and it puts me off going back to world i hope they dont dumb down the palico system again aswell
See, I think I preferred it. It gave me an excuse to run hunts even when I had all the gear I wanted from that monster. I thought it could use refined a bit but I liked the excitement of getting a level 4 attack jewel at the end of a hunt
deco crafting sadly aint new, that was the standard in the older games when id say skills were more diverse and there were tons of them some even combing two together into one
The main problem i have with this game is that it has bad performance. i ran titles with ray tracing at over 60 fps on my 7800x3d with 4080super and 2k resolution. I had to turn on dlss and lower some settings to get over 40 when fighting ray dau in the storm . It is both processor and video card extremely demanding for what it offers visually.
So in the article they also said that the focus mode attacks were made to represent the weapons personality......... So what the ever loving F** is going on with lance. You do a heavy shield uppercut, followed by multiple smaller ticks of shield based damage while blocking and running forward and then lastly do one heavy thrust that sends out a multi hit shockwave...... Im sorry did the devs forget that for most of monster hunter lance either didnt have shield based attacks or only ever had the extremly weak shield bash. And even in this game, you only have the shield bash and the auto guard bash, both of which are weak as hell. SnS has better shield based attacks. Not to mention that the number of games where lance could do a shield charge is 2 and its only 2 because rise copied it from mhgu. And as for the multi hit shockwave thrust, the only time lance ever had something like that was with corkscrew jab in mhxx. A move they have refused to bring back. To make this clear i am not saying they should have given lance a different focus mode attack, I AM SAYING THAT, IF THAT IS HOW THEY SEE LANCE, THEN WHY THE HELL DON'T WE HAVE MORE HEAVY SHIELD, SHOCKWAVE and MULTI-HIT/DRILL ATTACKS.... they are cool as hell, give us more of that. Why is most of the new stuff still just non-multi hit pokes and 1 small shield attack.
@@herusetiawan5399 Didnt they give GL a drill attack as the focus move? the F does that fit GL. "For Focus Strikes, we wanted to have animations that show each weapon's uniqueness,” Aaahhh yes GL the drill we all know that is the most Outstanding part of's drill attacks. With Lance you could atleast say mhgu had a buch of drill thrust attacks, but the fact that GL's focus strike has nothing to do with explosions......sometimes i feel like the devs just say things
The drill bit is literally the same bit as the wyvern stake itself. Just it spins now. But the mechanical model is the same as the wyvernstake. Sides I rather like both focus strikes even though GL's is harder to use. Its got a great use case against monsters whose body is lower to the ground and capturing Doshiguma! (Correcting self!) off guard.
@LancerNobu I think you're just nitpicking at this point. You're talking about shield, I brought up another weapon that also has big shield, then you ignore that and talk about something else. You just want to complain for the sake of complaining? As the other said, it's just Wyrmstake. You do that as mount finisher too. Still fits Gun Lance.
@ I dont think you quite understood my original comment at all....i wasnt even complaining about the focus mode attack, i just said that if the goal off the focus attacks was to show off what each weapon is all about it seems weird to put in things that lance never really had or only had very rarely. If they had said the goal was just to make a cool attack, then yeah completly fair. You then said GL didnt heavy heavy shield bashes eiter, which completly misses the point of my original comment. I then pointed out the same thing, that GL's focus mode attack also doesnt really show off what GL is all about....Still a really cool move.
They learned from World, for the decorations, though a dev in the interview got it wrong with what the mythic deco is. LMAO it's not ironwall, it's shield jewel (guard up) that was dam near impossible to roll. Every skill's deco being meldable/not RNG, the RNG is for multi skill decos. So, you can get guard up but you will have to use RNG to get the best multi skill decos for your min maxed builds. Depending on what the limits of the decos are, in amount of skills on them/levels per deco/skills that are allowed to pair on decos, concerns about impossible builds with this system may have been addressed. I'll tell you right now, Rise's skills were not comparable with a system like this. For something like GL or CB, you needed 13 level 2 slots to get your basic kit of skills. Those would be,; guard (5 2 slots), guard up (3 2 slots), artillery (3 2 slots), and capacity boost (2 2 slots). That's not even with GL wanting sneak attack, another 3 2 slots on top of that so 16 level 2 slots. These all being weapon specific skills for those weapons, either for their offensive or utility mechanics. We know guard is 3 2 slots, not 5, in Wilds and it's likely guard up and capacity boost will be 1 2 slot each, like in World, so it's more like 9 slots needed. If we have charms that can have these skills and weapons that can have those skills naturally on top of slots, 9 is more attainable. The word "alchemy" implies melding, like in World. If it was crafting, they'd have said so. LMAO we already know what happens if the game is balanced around a faster, more gimmicky, weapon and it's a disaster. Look at Frontier's content near when it shut down and the magnet spike. Ah Frontier, a game defined by making the mistakes that the Monster Hunter team vowed to avoid from the start. Biggest example is the gong further nad further with magic and AOE, where the team decided kushala may have been too far for the time, so we got tigrex and narga to flesh out mid tier monsters and they were both non elemental too. DISCUSSION OF FOOTAGE FOLLOWS!!! If you were just listening and consider them spoilers, stop reading here! That HH having pretty much the same song list as the beta horn, aside from swapping impact wave to thunder wave, is concerning. I hope this isn't the final song list. I want horns to have more song list variety. It is a new echo wave but, again, apart form that one song this horn's song list is the exact same one from the beta's hope horn. I am exited to hear the sound design of each HH.
Not gonna lie..i am gonna skip wilds...the fact that they brought both rng decos and tenderizing Back IS fucking dreadful...Not interested in grinding 400 hours for 1 Focus Jewel...
I disagree. If they were to add Thunderbird mythology, how would they even interpret it? A quick google search shows that there's not many cultural depictions of it. The Thunderbird is probably spread by word of mouth. How can you reference real-world myth with the "a eagle with a bald head," which isn't even Rey Dau.
What I really hope for is that there is no Lifesteal augments in Wilds, and that Farcasting to camp to restock is more of a hassle. This means that they can balance the endgame around limited consumables and healing espescially. There's a reason why for example Fatalis had to do such obsurd damage, be so fast, and have some objectively god-awefull hitboxes ONTOP of the time limit: if people have access to infinite healing, or don't even need to USE thier consumable healing items, how do you make something hard that isn't a binary pass/fail 1-shot like Escaton Judgement? You need to make the monster hit for 50%+ of people's healthbars, have obsurd HP, very short mission timer, and extremely exagerated hitboxes. It leads of design catastrophe.
The hunting horn is based on Raijin, God of Thunder in Japanese folklore. He used a set of those drums
Thanks for the info Ryker!
i liked that hunting horn! i need it! hope all of them will be as crazy designed as that one
The wait for Monster Hunter Wilds is pure agony at this point.
We're almost there!
play rise
real shit bro
@@Little-wig after playing GL in wilds I just can't go back
yeah but there won't be any endgame so the real wait is probably another 2 years
Late night Monster Hunter vibes, you like?
Yup, that vibe of late night gaming on a school night
Something CaoSlayer pointed out that I missed is that it seems Gunlances Wyrmstake now does elemental and status buildup which is sick
Ooooh that’s a game changer, with all those tics of damage on the wyrmstake there’s potential for that to actually be an effective play style
It's actually that the focus strike, Drake Auger, that is capable of applying status/element.
According to Caoslayer's most recent video covering the IGN clips, wyrmstake most likely cannot inflict status/element because the damage ticks don't have the status/element effects that other attacks do.
@@Schneeregen_ ah ok, so wyrmstake is still gonna just do “true” damage like GL has done since the beginning I take it. Still looking forward to it. Cool that the focus strike will be able to now tho
Well seems like gunlance will be one of the maindishes of this game
@Schneeregen_ damn I definitely misunderstood then well at least it'll encourage more focus strike use
The weapon is base on Raijin(God of thunder) taikos drum to create sound of thunder, which is a cool idea for HH.
That Thunder Echo Wave is somewhat new.
In Iceborne there are only Impact and Dragon element.
Nice, will be interesting to see what else they have for us.
9:55 that why the GS and H had a bonus multiplier for elemental damage in the altron fight. There where different multiplers for each weapon. The slower weapon got big boost to elemental damage and other got very little
I think you are right about hunting horn, it’s based on Raijin, who is the Shinto god of lighting.
Thanks Nightrain for the info!
9:45 Greatsword goes with alatreon like fine wine 🍷
@@comaloma I do like wine
I honestly found soloing alatreon with a GS was a lot of fun with the right build. Knowing the best times to punish, doing 2k-3k damage per TCS and still being able meet the element threshold.
Though, without that specific build, it was a royal pain so I understand the need of change because not everyone wants to grind for a "perfect" build just to continue the story.
Glad you had a good time with it, suppose it just depends on your skill level in the end.
I’m glad they seem to be taking an approach towards balancing fights for each weapon. I think especially some of the fights in iceborne endgame for charge blade felt brutal 😅
If I can craft decos that's a win for me! Hated the world system. Having RNG for duals is fine but my main concern would be trying to balance around the duals.
I doubt it will be balanced around the multi skill decos though. Monsters were not balanced around Augments and Talismans in Sunbreak. And given how you mentioned they are considering balancing it seems they won't cater too much to mix maxers or favor one weapons over another.
I do agree with you on RNG being like padding. Warframe would be irredeemable for me if trading didn't exist.
I had a friend that stopped playing World due to him mainning hammer and was at Ala.
Imo it is kinda idiotic to balance a monster around a specific thing if not all weapons are even good at that specific thing. It's a very easy way to tick people off who would have been loyal. Not a good game design decision to make.
I will say if you want to encourage people to play more weapons, make the arena quests more obvious. I had no idea they existed in World for a long time but knew from the get go they existed in Rise. (mostly because there was a Story related character tied to it).
I've S ranked nearly every arena quest with nearly every weapon in Risebreak. That alone encouraged me to try different weapons, learn monsters, find out different ways to play weapons!
Yo Meekkat! Thanks for the great comment.
World's system is something I'm not a fan of myself... I want to earn my builds, not just pray for it. At least this is a good mid point.
Hmm good point on the monster, some weapons will than to be better than others against certain monsters. But I think they gotta at least think about how weapons will handle certain monsters too.
Great point on Arena's, a good way to get people to play more weapons.
The decoration grind in world sustained hardcore players as they chased min max perfection, specific decorations being chase items actually gave you alot of replayability and something to work towards. A casual player could still achieve a near optimal build with an armour piece or two being different, their build may be 10% less optimal overall but still extremely effective. I have no problem with rng in games like monster hunter were long term replayability is desired due to the core gameplay loop being satisfying. If everyone can get the best easily then everyone has the same build for a given weapon once its mathed out.
I don't agree that some weapons weapons aren't feasible. Yes, some weapons do feel better on certain monsters. i won't deny that, but that's mostly a matter of skill of people's main weapons. I've been playing since the first MH, and that was something i use todo but with the more time i sunked in the series, the more you noticed it, it mostly depends on the players' knowledge of the game they're weapon and the monster they're fighting. I'd hate using Greatsword back in secong gen for narga, but later on, it was my fav fight cause i could read its movements and always land my charge greatsword hits.
Fatalis was easy with switch axe cause i ciuld aim for the horns but the more times i beat it the more confident i grew and eventually did fatalis with the weapons i played, SnS,GS,DB,gun lance,lance and charge blade. I'd say MH is one of the few game series it feels well balanced in terms of fighting monsters. (Except you iceborne rajang)
Totally agree with you on the fairness of the series, we rarely have unfair monsters and that's why i love the series
Even frontier with how over the top monsters are is really fair except on 3/4 monsters ( i'm looking at you supremacy teostra and musou duremudira )
I don't think I said feasible, some are better than others vs some monsters, but I think it's just apart of the hunting process.
@@NovaBushido oh i know. i just meant how some people think like that, and i genuinely and truly believe just a matter of skill of the player and monster they're hunting. Like the first few hunts, it will be rough, but with time and practice, you can make the fight go more to your tune.
Nothing is as bad as say, solo using a LS vs APEX rajang in mh4u in the guild quests over using something like a GS.
The LS would take like 10-12 more min average if you were to use a LS if you were to play close to perfect, it ain't that bad these days 😂
they are also having all elemental waves and waves for status. and slicing waves too along with the impact waves from before
So hunting horn can sever tails now
@@wowpedia_technically could with the hilt stab, but easier now
@bobheinjenkins didn't know hit stab was a thing, started playing about half a year ago and only ever played GS and DB
@ fair enough! If you are looking for fun weapons, I think wilds cooked very hard with the greatsword, hunting horn, gunlance and bow. Planning to try a mix of the 4 in wilds personally
@bobheinjenkins I'm planning on trying kinsect glaive switch axe and maybe hammer
Random video to comment this but i appreciate you just being about the games and being positive but not ignoring issues you have with the games either, keep up the good work bro.
Thanks brother, I always want to be open and clear to my fans my opinion. If I think something is great I'll say it, if I don't I'll say it. Discourse is best when people can be open and clear that way :).
I've always tried to pose the challenge of a 100 hunts with each weapon.
Yo yoyo calm down I'm failing that challenge for sure lmao. Can't even kill a Chatacabra with a ranged weapon.
@NovaBushido nah helps evolve from low rank and high rank. So by time you make it to master/g-rank you know exactly what you want to spec into
@ Alright I got you, I'll give them a go for my first time.
I think they can still make ammo and coating for bow still limited by making ingredients more abundant, and player have an ability to reach any material by slinger for faster pick up, auto crafting make crafting in combat convenient too.
The decoration acquisition will be so good
The bow guns are both uth duna
Yes! my bad, only now realised that.
Do it. Dual Blades are great in Wilds
Guess it'll be my time.
The spider monster (can’t think of its name) reminds me of the Other Mother from Coraline.
That hunting horn is A1
Bruh, it's glorious.
I really hope they learned from worlds that people want cool weapon designs I get that it’s meant to be a more grounded version like worlds but slapping a tiny bit of monster part on a base bone or ore weapons is just not it. luckily a lot of the designs that have been shown so far seem unique and well done love that hunting horn
As a gunlance main, shelling outright just being dropped as efficient in master rank kills the weapon. It needs scaling shelling off of raw.
That seems to be the case, or at least something like that. GL is my secondary so I understand your issues.
Charged long shelling with wymstake you could literally stunlock/triplock most monsters to death if you kept wymstake up and counted your shots 😅 it completely trivialised every single master runk monster except for alatreon and fatty and siege monsters. It was a good time and you were literally unkillable cos you only had like 4 mandatory skills, artillery, slinger cap, guard, focus.
HH is based on Japanese mythology Nova.. You know with that sharingan drop thingy
i think some monster is weak to certain weapon is great, it allows players to explore other options, MH2 with gunlance against khezu was great, u just shoot it to oblivion, i dont play gunlance but i used it
Thats true! Back in 3U I stopped using Lance vs Branchy, because I had issues vs him.
great stuff
@@sakarakit5835 thanks bro
Enil from OP uses them! Or any thunder based gods or yokais from most animes/mangas.
YESSIR! You knew who I was talking about.
Great sword for Alatreon might have been the easiest time I had with him lol
Ikr. Maybe they are just bad lmao
@@serenity3157Nah it’s just that people automatically discredit elemental GS, which I also did at first. However, it’s just such a good weapon for Alatreon’s openings.
Man I just wanted to use the staff without worrying about all the kinsect bs. I just wanna hunt wukong style!
Feels like you, or who you talked to, doesn't actually play a lot of monster hunter. Not in a disrespectful way min you.
You brought up the monster change between attacking during their turn, as if that's something new? You've always been able to do this in the games since early days with various weapons & tools you bring.
CB with guard points that can start combos, LS having multiple dodge & counters, DB dodging mobility coming as an attack in demon & non demon modes, bow guns having KO ammo to interrupt monsters via sticky, GS shoulder charging through attacks, etc.
The decoration changes are also what they already did in iceborne to fix the rng, but this time it will be base game & apart of the core from the start.
Not saying the changes or things mentioned are wrong, but the way it's been worded makes it sound like this big leap forward, when it's really just a polished version of what we have already.
The only true changes in wilds is the world/ local layouts, focus mode, & the clash/ offset that some weapons get.
Weapons having their own skills is a nice change, but it doesn't fundamentally change how you build a character, just that weapon skills now aren't saught after for armor skills. Meaning more spots ( potentially) for other skills/ bonuses
I hope they leaned hard into crafting jewels.
The rng is a very bad system and made making a build such a headache.
I don’t mind grinding but holy crap it was far too much.
Good. Was tired od the ultimate giga BS decorations were in world. You could get 500 valhazak gems before getting a specific stupid decoration you wanted. Not only is it a chance to drop a stone, its a chance to roll 1 to 4 slot. Then its another chance to roll a type. So even the RAREST DROP FROM MONSTERS IN THE GAME is 100000x more chance to get than any specific decoration you are "looking for". Some people would get lucky and get every god tier gem in 1 playthrough. Others farm for 750 hours and there are certain gems that have NEVER DROPPED. They need to change that stupud sht.
About charms , why people a lot of people want one or another ? Why not both ? why not have RNG and the Ability to just craft it aswell
I feel you, a combination of the systems may work well for all. I don't think either system along is good enough, there is something out there better. Hopefully Wilds is that, and if it isn't hopefully we find it one day.
I’m hoping there’s a system where you can make and find/meld talismans too, where the made ones are like worldborne, and the found/melded ones are like risebreak, allowing for insane builds in endgame of whatever the expansion will be called
Hopefully no more RNG for decorations. Also alatreon fight is a mistake in world iceborne isn’t it
Big mistake
im so confused with the decorations. They are literally just repeating what World is? Are they comparing it to rise ? Nothing was RNG in world or rise besides talisman in rise. Not understanding it at all and idk if it's just me. what is the RNG aspect they are removing ?
@-dmm we now will have a method to craft every single, for at least a single deco. Multi skill decos will be rng based still
I'd rather have rng decorations instead of Charms. Charms are too valuable with the ammount of skill points you can put into a single one. I have about 2,000 hours in Rise and I still haven't gotten a Frostctaft 3 charm for greatsword. While with decorations you're just covering for 1 or 2 skill points and you can be more flexible in terms of what you choose to cover. Maybe you dont have a crit eye 4 jewel to cover 2 points but you have a crit eye/evasion and you add a little bit of comfort in your build while you grind to get that crit eye 4 jewel.
They shoukd of just left it so we can craft all decos like every other game than world its painful trying to get certain ones in world it was obvious padding for the game and it puts me off going back to world i hope they dont dumb down the palico system again aswell
That would of been nice, but let's see how this goes.
I saw "new weapon" in the thumbnail and got excited. My reading comprehension is at an all time low 😔
Haha maybe I should update the thumbnail to help out with that.
Man I can only replay worlds so much
There's plenty of other Monster Hunter games to try out, or maybe a new game entirely while you wait.
Feb. 28th isnt coming soon enough.😢
Do focus on other games, or maybe some life goals, then when the 28th comes, you can go HAM on Wilds😈
nah man who needs to learn multiple weapons when you can just bonk everything with hammer
Bonk them hoes my guy.
Yeah why have one hammer when you can have TWO hammers?
*Flys away*
no one cares.
Decoration grinding for me is the worst part of mhw. I dont want to play for decos. I want build diversity to keep the game fresh for me.
I'm with you, let's see where this goes.
See, I think I preferred it. It gave me an excuse to run hunts even when I had all the gear I wanted from that monster. I thought it could use refined a bit but I liked the excitement of getting a level 4 attack jewel at the end of a hunt
deco crafting sadly aint new, that was the standard in the older games when id say skills were more diverse and there were tons of them some even combing two together into one
The main problem i have with this game is that it has bad performance. i ran titles with ray tracing at over 60 fps on my 7800x3d with 4080super and 2k resolution. I had to turn on dlss and lower some settings to get over 40 when fighting ray dau in the storm . It is both processor and video card extremely demanding for what it offers visually.
@sogetsu60 they've optimised it further after beta 1, so let's see what happens om release
For a second I thought you meant new weapon type.
Ahh sorry I didn't mean to make it seem that way.
Lu Bu 👌
So in the article they also said that the focus mode attacks were made to represent the weapons personality.........
So what the ever loving F** is going on with lance. You do a heavy shield uppercut, followed by multiple smaller ticks of shield based damage while blocking and running forward and then lastly do one heavy thrust that sends out a multi hit shockwave......
Im sorry did the devs forget that for most of monster hunter lance either didnt have shield based attacks or only ever had the extremly weak shield bash. And even in this game, you only have the shield bash and the auto guard bash, both of which are weak as hell. SnS has better shield based attacks. Not to mention that the number of games where lance could do a shield charge is 2 and its only 2 because rise copied it from mhgu. And as for the multi hit shockwave thrust, the only time lance ever had something like that was with corkscrew jab in mhxx. A move they have refused to bring back.
To make this clear i am not saying they should have given lance a different focus mode attack, I AM SAYING THAT, IF THAT IS HOW THEY SEE LANCE, THEN WHY THE HELL DON'T WE HAVE MORE HEAVY SHIELD, SHOCKWAVE and MULTI-HIT/DRILL ATTACKS.... they are cool as hell, give us more of that. Why is most of the new stuff still just non-multi hit pokes and 1 small shield attack.
Bro, Gun Lance has big shield too but don't get any shield attack at all.
@@herusetiawan5399 Didnt they give GL a drill attack as the focus move? the F does that fit GL. "For Focus Strikes, we wanted to have animations that show each weapon's uniqueness,”
Aaahhh yes GL the drill we all know that is the most Outstanding part of's drill attacks.
With Lance you could atleast say mhgu had a buch of drill thrust attacks, but the fact that GL's focus strike has nothing to do with explosions......sometimes i feel like the devs just say things
The drill bit is literally the same bit as the wyvern stake itself. Just it spins now. But the mechanical model is the same as the wyvernstake. Sides I rather like both focus strikes even though GL's is harder to use. Its got a great use case against monsters whose body is lower to the ground and capturing Doshiguma! (Correcting self!) off guard.
@LancerNobu I think you're just nitpicking at this point. You're talking about shield, I brought up another weapon that also has big shield, then you ignore that and talk about something else. You just want to complain for the sake of complaining?
As the other said, it's just Wyrmstake. You do that as mount finisher too. Still fits Gun Lance.
@ I dont think you quite understood my original comment at all....i wasnt even complaining about the focus mode attack, i just said that if the goal off the focus attacks was to show off what each weapon is all about it seems weird to put in things that lance never really had or only had very rarely. If they had said the goal was just to make a cool attack, then yeah completly fair.
You then said GL didnt heavy heavy shield bashes eiter, which completly misses the point of my original comment. I then pointed out the same thing, that GL's focus mode attack also doesnt really show off what GL is all about....Still a really cool move.
They learned from World, for the decorations, though a dev in the interview got it wrong with what the mythic deco is. LMAO it's not ironwall, it's shield jewel (guard up) that was dam near impossible to roll. Every skill's deco being meldable/not RNG, the RNG is for multi skill decos. So, you can get guard up but you will have to use RNG to get the best multi skill decos for your min maxed builds. Depending on what the limits of the decos are, in amount of skills on them/levels per deco/skills that are allowed to pair on decos, concerns about impossible builds with this system may have been addressed. I'll tell you right now, Rise's skills were not comparable with a system like this. For something like GL or CB, you needed 13 level 2 slots to get your basic kit of skills. Those would be,; guard (5 2 slots), guard up (3 2 slots), artillery (3 2 slots), and capacity boost (2 2 slots). That's not even with GL wanting sneak attack, another 3 2 slots on top of that so 16 level 2 slots. These all being weapon specific skills for those weapons, either for their offensive or utility mechanics. We know guard is 3 2 slots, not 5, in Wilds and it's likely guard up and capacity boost will be 1 2 slot each, like in World, so it's more like 9 slots needed. If we have charms that can have these skills and weapons that can have those skills naturally on top of slots, 9 is more attainable. The word "alchemy" implies melding, like in World. If it was crafting, they'd have said so.
LMAO we already know what happens if the game is balanced around a faster, more gimmicky, weapon and it's a disaster. Look at Frontier's content near when it shut down and the magnet spike. Ah Frontier, a game defined by making the mistakes that the Monster Hunter team vowed to avoid from the start. Biggest example is the gong further nad further with magic and AOE, where the team decided kushala may have been too far for the time, so we got tigrex and narga to flesh out mid tier monsters and they were both non elemental too.
DISCUSSION OF FOOTAGE FOLLOWS!!! If you were just listening and consider them spoilers, stop reading here!
That HH having pretty much the same song list as the beta horn, aside from swapping impact wave to thunder wave, is concerning. I hope this isn't the final song list. I want horns to have more song list variety. It is a new echo wave but, again, apart form that one song this horn's song list is the exact same one from the beta's hope horn. I am exited to hear the sound design of each HH.
Not gonna lie..i am gonna skip wilds...the fact that they brought both rng decos and tenderizing Back IS fucking dreadful...Not interested in grinding 400 hours for 1 Focus Jewel...
@@SandroGuzelj well at least they said we'll have a way to craft every skill. So you'll be able to make it
36 days...
36 😭
2:08 Since Rey Dau is a thunderbird, which is god of various Native American religions, that'd be a pretty lame way to take his weapons tbh.
Good point.
Maybe it is from Native American Culture, when we know more, we'll have to come back and look at this.
@@NovaBushido Yeah, we will have to come back to it!
I disagree. If they were to add Thunderbird mythology, how would they even interpret it? A quick google search shows that there's not many cultural depictions of it. The Thunderbird is probably spread by word of mouth. How can you reference real-world myth with the "a eagle with a bald head," which isn't even Rey Dau.
To me ray looks like a Jinn I'm wrong probably
What I really hope for is that there is no Lifesteal augments in Wilds, and that Farcasting to camp to restock is more of a hassle. This means that they can balance the endgame around limited consumables and healing espescially. There's a reason why for example Fatalis had to do such obsurd damage, be so fast, and have some objectively god-awefull hitboxes ONTOP of the time limit: if people have access to infinite healing, or don't even need to USE thier consumable healing items, how do you make something hard that isn't a binary pass/fail 1-shot like Escaton Judgement? You need to make the monster hit for 50%+ of people's healthbars, have obsurd HP, very short mission timer, and extremely exagerated hitboxes. It leads of design catastrophe.
Hoping most of RiseBreak is left far away from this. Way too arcadey/boss rush and less HUNTING. Looking forward to Wilds system tho.