I did something similar with my old BIC 960 in that I removed all the auto function levers and gears and now it is all manual and plays superbly. In a similar vein with a Technics SL 1300, the plastic speed switch broke and was stuck on 45 RPM...I cable tied the switch so that it plays 33 RPM permanently, a small sacrifice since I seldom play 45's.
I would love to try a 3d printer for some of these plastic parts that are no longer available. But cad isn't one of my strengths lol. And trying to figure out what kind of plastic to use. So many choices.
I did something similar with my old BIC 960 in that I removed all the auto function levers and gears and now it is all manual and plays superbly. In a similar vein with a Technics SL 1300, the plastic speed switch broke and was stuck on 45 RPM...I cable tied the switch so that it plays 33 RPM permanently, a small sacrifice since I seldom play 45's.
Cant you 3D print a new wheel ?
I don't have a 3D printer but a friend of mine does.
I would love to try a 3d printer for some of these plastic parts that are no longer available. But cad isn't one of my strengths lol. And trying to figure out what kind of plastic to use. So many choices.