My solution before quitting the game completely... Is to Simply dumped out of any game that I think is unfairly unfavorable to my game play. I know that upset some of you who think that you have to go along with wargaming manipulation of the game no matter what they do and be loyal to a team you don't even know... But I woke up and realized that if I'm going to play this game it's because I want to have fun and I don't think it's fun to be chased down by some mouth breathing moron in a autoloading Auto locking Super Tank that's still somehow accurate whether it's this new abomination to hit the battlefield or the Zippy f*** tanks that swarm the battlefield every other game that's still somehow accurate weather is this new abomination to hit the battlefield or the super zippy f*** tanks that swarm the battlefield every other game... Is that your version of fun wargaming? Is that your version of fun player? Well maybe you do if you're the one driving the overpower tank... Although I've noticed with my Defender, that I hardly ever use it because when I win, I want to know it was skill that took me to Victory not some wargaming cheat... If you stop to think about what they're offering you... in any other public setting... you would consider it cheating wouldn't you? Be honest...
Vytenis Kajackas In Blitz we have an IS-3 Defender (which is just an IS-3A but with a 122mm 3-round autoloader that has a 7s intra-clip reload, and then a 21s reload. Personally, it’s really annoying to get bursted by 1.2k and then not be able to return fire. This thing, though... might be equally annoying.
WG in I don’t know even know how long... “As recent statistics show, the obj 252u premium tank known to the player base as The Defender has been experiencing a win rate drop, to compensate this tragedy the tank rate of fire will be buffed and it will receive a alternate inverse, six shell, 130mm auto loader”...
Brother the is3 defender is actually not that big of a problem, the intro-clip reload of that thing doesn’t really allow it to burst dmg and the new vk can pretty much rek it, along with most tds played at long range; cough cough 600+ damage from unspotted borsigs and repeatively 500+ damage from Skorpions. But to be real here, that’s true justice the tank used to be sooooooo op
so when it was the best? when you played with t34 tier 5 vs is7 maybe? or when t92 oneshotted t10 heavies? maybe when premium rounds were gold only and is4 was immovable object? or maybe when wt auf e100 was a thing?
@@MrBenstero they arent killing themselves, wot allready served it's purpose. It made the people behind it billionaires. They will still be billionaires once wot dies. At this point wot is nothing more then a printing press that prints gravy for people who allready are drowning in gravy. Once that stops serb sells off wargaming to some shmuck for a couple of million and then spends the rest of his days counting his money. At this point they no longer have a longterm use for wot, if they can get another 500 million out of it they are happy, if it dies or not no longer matters to them.
@@baronvonlimbourgh1716 AFAIK Victor Kislyi is the only billionaire at Wargaming. The rest of the execs like Sergey Burkatovskiy (serB) would "only' be multimillionaires.
Can’t wait for the Obj 279U-A-25 (T) next year at tier 7 with the same armour as the tier 10 AND an auto reloader with 10 shells which do 520 dmg and an alternate HE round with 300 pen which does 1050 dmg per shot oh and don’t forget it has preferential matchmaking which means it can only meet tier 8s oh and it has a hidden algorithm which blocks your team and the enemy team from joining the game because who cares about balance and fun right? Oh and I forgot to mention it has an indirect fire mode like artillery with .25 dispersion and 470 meters base view range.
@@RealCraftspirit mobility is worse by half a turbocharger and the accuracy is easily countered by playing it like an is3, which means going on the frontline instead of playing it second line like a lot of people play it. it easilly beats an is3 on the frontline thanks to the autoreloader that has higher dpm then the standard is3 the higher hitpoints and because of it being able to send the enemy tank down by 1200 hitpoints and then reload another shell in 11 seconds (standard is3 reloads in 12 seconds) meaning in a 1v1 it would be able to do 4 shots to an is3 killing it full hp while only recieving about 2 shots in return
Gonun To me is perfectly understandable. The game economy is so broken that if you play with a regular tank and you get an average result you will earn very few credits.
ay... another hint is when I tried the new russian LT431 on loan.. first game, I rush like an idiot and without really doing much I blocked 1000 damage... any other scout I have would have died within the first few shots... but you know... good rusky turret...
@@theosar ...and there is literally nothing special about LT431. Its an average tank at best. It has medium tank size with a poor gun compared to something like German premium Bulldog. Having slight amount of armor on a light tank while having everything else worse is not ideal...
@@paulbriant2067 tbh the game could spike back with a ton of players if they start to do what the community wants to happen cause even tho people quit they still come and watch wot youtubers like circon quickybaby and jingles and all the others i forgot to name
@@TeleportingBread161 No, why? This way they have less people who only use resources but don't pay while retaining their whales. They're streamlining their community and unless the whales start dropping the game, nothing is going to change.
@@TeleportingBread161 maybe i mean they have done things that the community liked and the new mm they are testing on the asia server is another good thing they are doing
Was thinking about getting the SU-130PM this evening as I would have 40% price reduction. After watching this I don't think I should invest any more money into the game.
Same.. Wanted to buy those Big Boxes like last year after spending the whole year nearly nothing. But even when those Boxes are the best bang-for-the-buck (at least last year) Im heavily overthinking my plan. I mean what the hell are they putting in them this year! KV-220-2 - Ok but E-25, Lefefefe spg, Skorpion G, IS-3A *and DEFENDER*! Looks like they wanna shut down the servers at the end of January/February together with Total war: Arena! Fuck off
I had the same thought. Wanted to get the bigges package of boxes to get lots of gold and stuff but then I saw QBs video about WOT dying which made me realize not to touch that game anymore.
In my opinion this tank represents everything that is currently broken in world of tanks. 1) Another tier 8 Russian premium heavy (we really needed one right ? ) 2) Pay to win as hell 3) Doesn't encourage smart play at all. When people play their Italian tanks, they have to be very careful about how they decide to fire their shells, keeping in mind that being empty at a bad moment can be very punishing. With this IS-3 A, you can just go in, shoot 3 shells, do 1170 average damage, reload 1 shell 12 seconds later, kill the tier 8 you were facing. 4) The APCR velocity (1400 m/s) is simply tier 10 med level, why was that implemented on a tier 8 heavy? (Because P2W) 5) Will probably break the current awful / frustrating / broken tier 8 Matchmaking a bit more. Once again it's a slap in the face of the community : "Oh, you want us to rework the matchmaker? you are frustrated by being stunned every 20 seconds and being punished by arty when you want to make a play? As usual, we listen to our community, so here's a new broken Russian tier 8 premium heavy" Also, congratulation to Wargaming to put the F18B2, E25 and Defender in the Loot Boxes this year. I can not wait to see tier 5, 6 and 7 be completely dominated by those arties and potential new players grinding low tier tanks and quitting the game because of that.
Lets say every time i go to shit i shit in toilet 1000 euros,so i can buy 15 IS-3As per day on average,why the fuck i still should buy it,to play one tank over and over and over again like a mupet.Thats one option,second is to get wrecked every time u press battle button by these things.This isnt neither a good selling tactic neither a good tactic of geting players back.This is jist litterly worst move wg made in its history EVER
@@bluesharpie9744 I legitimately think this is the case. A competitor's game in Armored Warfare is imo the same boat. the owners/publisher of AW reportedly lost over $27 million sunk into AW and the community for the game is so small that NA, EU, and RU servers were merged into one global server to house the dying playerbase. Not to mention tone deaf events involving P2W gambling lootboxes which I bet WG themselves copied over for the Christmas events in WoT, constant faulty event executions. Adding a complete douchebag of a Community Manager on the non Russian forums as the only gateway to potentially speak to the devs if something is imbalanced or messed up. It's borderline criminal how that game is still alive and people are still playing it, but I guess it's the sunk cost fallacy for hoping they can try to pull away enough WoT players when they're perpetrating equally bad tactics.
The only advantage is it's initial burst damage and after that it is a regular is3a. This isn't particularly useful in most games as you find yourself vs 3-4 enemy hvy. You can't just drive in, fire, and run. Tank is far too slow and frontal armor is very weak.
@@heroninja1125 and is3 blows. Go check global stats and you will find that defender and skorpion are significantly better. Avg is3a dmg is 1.2k. that means average is3a player in wot na damage = their mag capacity and die. That's awful.
@@joshsummers7933 you know that this Argument sucks, right? When you get attacked by 3-4 equal Tier enemys every tank, that is not fast enough to escape, will probably go down. Even though the defender is op it die too. I would argue that the Is3-op will so better against overwehlming odds than the defender
Yep. Just going to use up my credits and bail. I sure as hell am not going to let WG keep those credits and what little gold I have left. Between arty, OP Russian bullshit and invisible OP Swedish assholes, Im done. Its far too frustrating to play. Even now I suicide every time I get Prokhorovka and have 3 arty to deal with. Not worth the frustration to deal with it.
Offcourse it is. This is even better as the defender, and the defender was sure to be a lootbox seller. Next years lootbox tank, defender autoreloader...
@@TheTigerus the defender arguably has allready been powercreeped, the new russian lines plus the amount of gold spam has also increased substantially since its release. And you can be sure that all the noobs that have been begging for the defender to be put back on sale again ever since it was firat sold will spend a fortune in order to get it. Only to be confronted with a new tank released in march or so that will make the defender obsolete, which in my opinion is overrated anyway. I'm sure a lot of people who will spend houndreds to get it will be very disapointed with it once they get it..
@@TheTigerus The Type got its gunhandling nerfed didn´t it? The nerfs to the Superpershing where to its armor (mainly lfp and ufp right?) Back then it did even bounce JPZ E 100 shots :D ahhh good old times. I´m sad though...I don´t want Wot to die ;(
@@TheTigerus both got buffed recently and arguably where turned into the strongest premiums available atm. Especially concidering both are pref mm tanks. And if the mm changes actually deliver what people are expecting these tanks only become even stronger. Both are stronger then their tech tree counterparts while also being pref mm tanks. It simply is rediculess
I really do not understand why people whine that because "its Russian tank" its like somehow more bad that if it would had been any other nations tank with same overpowered shit? Fucking racists.... Do you think Russians themselves who play this game like these overpowered tanks ffs? They do not like it more than anyone else and criticize WG for it just as much for introducing pay to win tanks! WG is not pandering for "Russians" WG is trying to run a fucking business with very bad business practices, especially in last couple years. Also WoWS is made by ACTUAL Russians, not Belorussians unlike WoT, so why there is no "Russian bias" in WoWS then?
@@thomask5434 Sorry, but what you said makes little sense. Because if you think about it, OP tanks liek that is the reason everybody plays tier 9 and 10 tanks, because they have no chance against OP garbage like taht. ANd new players... imagine getting that new T-34-85 M as a new player and then meeting this tank and getting 2 shotted in 3 seconds. What will they do? They will leave and you will be stuck playing your OP tier 8 tanks mostly vs tier 10 and 9. And after a year or two vs bots, because the game will be dead.
With 10 shells in magazine and shell loading of only 1.5 seconds, oh and a 30 second reload They've already ruined and killed the game why not go balls deep lol
@@shamrockshnake1366 The Tiger 2 can definitely beat Defenders and IS-3s if their drivers are retarded and the Tiger 2 is actually smart. Keep in mind that there are T8 Heavies that are worse than the Tiger 2.
@@TheDiamondBladeHD I can kill a potato in any tank, but that's not the standard we should use. If the vehicles were balanced, a Tiger II should have a fighting chance against an equally skilled Defender. Unless both guys are actual potatoes, the Defender wins that match-up every time. He has more alpha, better armor, better maneuverability, equal pen with standard rounds, and only 100 less DPM. The Defender's lower plate is the same effective thickness as the Tiger II's upper plate. A Tiger II has an 80% chance to pen a Defender's lower plate head-on, no angling, with standard rounds. A Defender has a 70% to pen a Tiger II's upper plate when it's angled to perfect side auto-bounce. If you load the gold, the best possible angling means the Defender has a 95% or better chance to pen the Tiger II frontally anywhere on the hull. With gold, the Tiger II still has to hit the lower plate or the cupolas of the Defender to even get a chance at a pen. That's not balanced.
*The Inverse reload in THIS tank is the ultimate FU to non Russians. It's now shaming those who have not quit yet.* I quit 3 years ago and switched to WOWS. Now tired of that despite it having only just started the long decline. I LOVED both games and played a lot for a while. Thank God I insisted on free to play with the only exceptions being 2 premiums I bought from both games while I have earned FREE Premiums like the Graf Spee. So no regrets on my part and I don't resent the premiums I bought. How sad and how inevitable that short term thinking rules. Accountants ruin everything. The lowest common denominator is their God. Think Disney and Star Wars, you get the idea. Contempt for the customer is the guiding moral!
Unfortunately all russian made mmo ww2 games are havily biased towards soviet tanks/planes/ships. When you couple that with short term profit models. Well... you get this. But as long as players pay for this shitshow, it wont stop.
@ZyXvUvXyZ True. Gaijin is worse.. But War Thunder was pretty fun in the beginning, now it has become alot more grindy and the russian bias is even stronger than in WoT.
Wt did it but the reloading isn't broken, if you lose a loader you just don't care, wot will take it up a notch and possibly give it a 5 sec reload just for the hell of it
Mark Zaragoza An IS7 did not have an autoloader, it had a system where the gunner could prepare around 5 projectiles ahead, but only the projectiles not the powder charges. The IS7 was using a fucking "NAVAL GUN". Yes, the gun which are used on battleships and they have different method of loading, you load the projectile first and then you load the powder charge which act as propellant. So even with that system the is7 still reloaded as fast (or even slower) as other tanks that used conventional tank guns, where projectile and propellant are not separated. P. S. Summary: The loader had to do 2 actions to reload the (naval) gun (load the projectile and than the propellant and after that the gunner could fire), while conventional tank guns have projectiles with integrated propellant so the loader has only 1 action to do (not to mention that the assisting system in IS7 was not augmented by a motor).
WG: the Russion arent the best at everything yet, they dont have the best autoloaders so lets add in an overpowered autoreloader. now there really wont be any reason to play any other nation. WORLD OF RUSSION TANKS
Since 1.0, my WR slashed from 57.22 to 55.76 (and I have 26k games... meaning my actual WR since 1.0 is around ... U r right QB, the new MM mechanics + Skorpion G, 252U, SU-130PM and now the IS3A are ruining the game. For the first time, I'm not renewing my annual premium account and have decided to stop spending on WoT. Good news : I've got more cash to invite my girlfirend for leisure stuff... :) Thx for your contribution to the community for so many years, I've learned a lot with you and have kept improving my game ( least until 1.0 :) ).
this tank is not "op" e25 is op, this tank is not "too good" defender is too good, this tank is broken, this tank will make people who see it in the enemy suicide, this tank is worse than arty, this tank is the worst thing wg ever did.
every arty player should focus this shit house the fun for this player will be over very fast and the team members get a little air to breathe. if i play arty i already focus P2W vehicles (defender, patriot, skorp and su-130PM, e25)
pffft 1 artillery is worse than 1 IS-3A ... "this tank is the worst thing wg ever did" lol really? remember 3-5-7? stun mechanic + increasend artillery rate of fire + increased artillery HE splash radius + improved artillery gun handling? and btw: @peter fuchs you are one reason why this game is dying! Is the IS-3A game changing, broken, OP whatever? We'll see! This is just the standard hype, WG wants to sell something ...
@@TheTigerus - I own and play the lehf and it was nutered to half it's penn and dmg - used to get 4-5 kills most match's to lucky to get two - please get your facts right Sir
Please wg... make 1 fv4005-A .... and improve Pen pls.. wont be broken.. i promise i cant understand this game ffs ... always making bad decisions with a huge community telling them good things to improve...
we dont know that actually, because russians are all that matters, so if russian community is telling them this and that is what they want and what is ok, then they will do it. We are not the community for them and it doesnt really matter how much we cry on the forums. 4:20 - you see what QB says about the number of these things on the RU server, these people are clearly okay with it and will buy the shit out of IS-3A and boxes
@@FOKI5895 well, they should break relations with russia then xD they are crazy ahah but for real, that doesn't make sense.. but ok.. when game dies , they will be the ones crying..
@@ZoMTDU it does? that's nice.. but if it's not in the game.. there's 2 options.. 1: wg doesn't know that. 2: even wg thinks that will be too much in game ahha
Nah dude lets give is strv presision, scorp speed, a 5 shell autoloader with 1 second reload, and a 20 second clip reload, type 5 armour and camo of a elc even 90 and then sell it for €100. This will be fair and fun and wont kill the game at all
WG: *releases IS-3A without autoloader Players: WTF FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!! WG: *releases IS-3A with auto reloader Players: WTF OP PREMIUM CASHGRAB WG: Am I a joke to you?
Gun dispersion with Russian tanks is inverse. The higher the value the better they are in real combat. Long aim time doesn't matter, they hit the target in the sweet spot without aiming at all. Taking this into account the IS-3A will be the hell of a killer…. both for enemy tanks and the game at all. 30 minutes later: Had my first match with an IS-3A in my team (fortunately). He hammered the other team and we won by 14:0.
GREED, GREED EVERYWHERE! This shows that WG doesn't consider to atleast try and make an enjoyable game anymore. This is just blatantly another GRAB as much money as you can before the community quit the game altogether.
Do you prefer that the game company go bankrupt and not pay its employees by making everything free to play, no reason to purchase anything ? The game is enjoyable, even when you lose or die in game, you can not pay to win against every player, every game, in every tank and every map. Your totally exaggerating and being so negative about this cool game, some people will buy this tank and suck in it, or hate that its slow. Many people buy premiums and then play other tanks instead.
This is basically an old style KV1S with an autoloader in the shell of an IS3, will be fun one shotting them with the Death Star and one clipping with Foch TDs.
It isn't dying, like, whatsoever. Not that I like the game, but how does a high daily player count (especially in Russia) constitute it as a dead game?
Well look at NA, it's almost fucking dead already. Also Eu has so much less players compared what it had for example 3 years ago. Take your head out of your ass.
@@itsmemrnukki Well, we should consider the market value ; I assume, yes i can't prove it, that the usual player on the european and us market has more worth for a company as a russian player. Especially on the free2play market. Yet, i actually do not really care, since currently i only play WoT on/off as a pure free2play player. ;)
I am kinda sad that they had to make another nation have the amazing new mechanic that made the Italian line so special and amazing to play. and of course the nation it is on is russian as if we don't already have enough of those tanks around.I would have loved to see either another new tier 8 tank for the Italian line so it would stay true to what made them so special in the first place. but that aside I think that reversing the way the mechanic works is the worst idea ever because it is just a better version of all the loaders in the game you can store damage and don't get punished for shooting them and just rewarded for it. I don't like what war-gaming did here one bit and really is making me realize why I always stop playing this game after a few months. but hey that is my opinion
The whole autoloader thing should have stopped at the french. To many autoloaders allready that can clip people right within the first minutes of the game at the first engagement. The team with the most autoloaders have a huge advantage, they are one of the big reasons that cause these 3 minute rofl stomps. If you can clip 2 tanks on a flank right at the start and leave them as one shots, your teammates can just steamroll over them. And it is again another 15-3 4 minute game.
The autoreloading mechanics should be exclusive for Italian tanks, same goes for siege mode in swedish tanks. WG are just greedy, they will milk this game as much as possible and shut it down in a few years. They dont care, their arses are full of money.
thats what i thought. do you think quicky here knows this? i think WG is expecting a treachery from their beloved CC. so according to the events from WH40k, warmaster quicky will turn to WT in secret, gathering his followers to strike down WG that he thinks is being unjust. after a climactic battle, he ended up putting WG on life support at the cost of his soul and we the subscribers will ended up as the heretical troll known as WTs fanboys that will occasionally launch dark crusades upon WGs comment section led by sirfoch the despoiler.
lets see how this pans out, but based on recent experience against that tank ingame I am close to the famous last drop. The powercreep is insane, and this tank is just utterly OP.
I think you should check the performance on all tier 8 heavy in game. You will find the avg dmg puts is3a in the bottom 5 tanks. In fact is3a ranks among bottom amongst most categories. Op? No way.
Ok, wg logic, lets make the premium version support spamming shells without skill and make it 10 times better that standard is-3. Gg wg, I think i quit your game soon if you keep going like this...
Just quit already man, trust me you feel great about it. I quit last year january and only play testserver. I mean I admit I am still addicted to this game cuz i cant not play testserver when I am able to, but after nearly a year I am very glad that I quit.
Remember its your more then likely be bottom tier against 9/10s..I was bottom tier 12 games..and top once....but so many died instantly without doing anything I was swarmed and far I havent seen the OP part except for maybe giving enemy steel wall and bounce exp
Wargaming executives are like why is are game losing players and losing money mean while the devs are like we need to buff a tank let’s sea here tiger 2, t20, leopard 1 or the German tech tree ... then Ivan says hey lets take the is 3 A and make it op because Russia is best do we have blue prints for this tank no I just pulled them out of my ass.
@@pld-uz5uh thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard of they butchered so many german good Tanks waffenträger (wt) e 100 removed with shitty grille 15 ru251 Moved from. Tier 8 scout to 9 maus became useless e25 removed the only good premium beside of skorpion. And tiger 1 and 2 are the worst ones of their tier.
With an reverse auto reloader the additional 2 shells are just that, additional damage on demand at the start of an engagement, you don’t lose anything to gain an extra 600-800 alpha in an engagement
So its better at single shot than other tanks, better at autoreloading than other tanks, and better at autoloading that other tanks. Right. That makes sense. Shoulda just given it the same mechanic as the italians and be done
So you’re telling me that I sold the Fatherland ( a console IS 3A Reskin) because I thought it was just an IS 3 and then they change it into a killing machine.
I still remeber back in 2013 where all the nations played differently and now the only one line to go is russian one which has everything, ok accuracy, amazing armour, mobility and even the autoloader... Where is the balance between the nations? Recent changes have been steadily putting me out of the game, but the 1.0 just destroyed all the magic of this game and new op prem tanks which back in the day were supposed to be worse or equal to the tech tree vehicles. Overall i really recommend to quit this game and start playing other games such as rdr2
Don't worry, WG has head the community and they are happy to announce they are introducing exactly what the community has been asking for, wheeled vehicles.
Saw someone comment on another IS-3A video that they'd already spent €50 on loot boxes. Unfortunately this will be the norm, especially if WG don't allow any other way to get the IS-3A during the Holiday events. Obviously they'll label it as "never to be sold again", until they sell it again.......
One thing I repeatedly see being stated by various folks on youtube is that this reverse autoreloading system on the Soviet IS3-A is supposedly better (unambiguously and undoubtedly advantageous) when compared to the autoreloading system on the Italian meds (Progetto M35 mod. 46, P.44 Pantera, Prototipo Standard B and Progetto M40 mod. 65). I feel like 2 things need to be said about this, before addressing the core issue: First, the comparison is somewhat hampered by some obvious numeric differences relating to the guns of these vehicles: the factual full clip/magazine reload times, as well as intraclip reload times and secondarily gun handling parameters (aiming time, stabilization, turret traverse, etc). Second, the comparison is further confused by the basic role diffences an IS3-A has (essentially, a sluggish HT brawler) vs the Italian meds (fast, maneuverable, rather paper-armored MTs) . Now, to understand the implications of the conceptual difference between the 2 autoreloading systems (“direct/Italian” vs “reverse/Soviet”), we can imagine 2 hypothetical guns, where everything else apart from the autoreloading timing scheme is identical. Let’s assign them the exact same clip size of 3 shells, full clip reload time of 30 seconds, same intervals of increase or decrease between loading of different shells of 3 seconds, and also consider they have the same intraclip reload time (say 2 seconds, but it doesn’t really matter so much for our analysis here!) I hope the following explanation can serve to clarify the situation for those who haven’t really payed much attention to the logic behind those 2 different autoreloading systems, to those who simply hold their beliefs based on a poor reasoning of others and hopefully to at least some of those others, who somehow reasoned poorly themselves. To see how this works out, look at the numbers: “Hypothetical Italian system”-> full clip/magazine of 3 shells, 30 seconds total reload timing-> 1st:13sec/2nd:10sec/3rd:7sec-> *After emptying the clip, there are 13 seconds to load the first shell, 23 seconds to load 2 shells and (of course) 30 seconds to load 3 shells (full clip). * When shooting with your clip full, after 1 shot there are 7 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 2 shots there are 17 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 3 shots- empty clip, 30 seconds to reload back to full clip. “Hypothetical Soviet system”-> full clip/magazine of 3 shells, 30 seconds total reload timing -> 1st:7sec/2nd:10sec/3rd:13sec-> *After emptying the clip, there are 7 seconds to load the first shell, 17 seconds to load 2 shells and (of course) 30 seconds to load 3 shells (full clip). *When shooting with your clip full, after 1 shot there are 13 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 2 shots there are 23 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 3 shots- empty clip, 30 seconds to reload back to full clip. Conclusions. In the comparison of such 2 different autoreloading approaches with the same total clip reload time of 30 seconds and the same intraclip reload time of 2 seconds, there are needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway for the sake of absolute clarity) two things that will inevitably be identical: 1) the readiness to unload a full clip from a starting point of 0 shells in said clip, which is reflected by the 30 seconds of total clip reload time (which could be either at the very beginning of the battle or at any time later on, after emptying your clip at least once); 2) the readiness to shoot more than once sequentially, provided there is more than 1 shell already loaded in the clip, which would be reflected by the 2 seconds of intraclip reload time. Now, there ARE real differences when it comes to two other things, however. Those are: 1) relative READINESS to shoot ONCE or TWICE, AFTER you have EMPTIED your CLIP, and 2) relative READINESS to unload your FULL CLIP (all 3 shots) AFTER firing ONCE or TWICE. As can be appreciated, the “Italian” system translates into an overall lower readiness to shoot once or twice, after you emptied/unloaded your clip, and inversely, to a higher readiness to reload back to and being able to unload the full clip, after you shot once or twice. The “Soviet” system translates into the opposite: an overall lower readiness to reload back to and being able to unload the full clip, after you shot once or twice, and a higher readiness to shoot once or twice, after you emptied/unloaded your clip. In other words, the “Italian system” offers to the player who has been intermittently firing one or two shots, an overall higher/sooner readiness to take the opportunity of unloading the whole clip (3 shots) at his enemy at a certain moment, while the “Soviet system” offers to the player who already unloaded his clip (3 shots) at some moment, an overall higher/sooner readiness to fire one or two shots at his enemy. Both have advantages and drawbacks, and in my opinion, they are actually suitable for and correspond to the different roles of the tanks involved: the Italian system fits medium tanks better, while the Soviet system fits heavy tanks better.
they have given up to this game, now they are junt trying to make as much money as possible while they still can. Its sad, but its time to find something else to play
@@gaatjeniksaan336 that says nothing about the longevity of their games though. Most large corperations that crumble do so right after a string of record years of growth. Once warships playerbase stops growing and profit growth can no longer be secured trough growing the userbase, quarterly profit growth has to come from the existing playerbase. Eventually the same thing will happen there, more and more wot players are turning against wargaming and there is not enough new blood entering the game to make up for it. And just like in wot, people will put up with it for a year or two until they also had enough. At that point things will go downhill fast for wargaming. But the people behind WG will all be billionaires allready at that point. For them the company has served it's purpose allready at that point and they really don't care anymore.
This tank is overpowered and should NOT enter the game in its current state !!!! IT should have the normal Italian autoreloading mechanic !And watch wargaming ignore our feedback yet again ...
I bought the $99 loot box package, and received the IS3A. I love it. The return I got from the loot box paid for itself 3x in tanks, gold, and other stuff.
Oh great... We have finally hit the point at which if you play a tech tree tank in tier 8 stronghold YOU ARE A LIABILITY TO YOUR TEAM!!! Need cannon fodder/main group heavy? Go with Defender or IS-3A! Need an autoloader? Somua SM or Lorraine depending on your needs, but you know what, SCREW IT! IS-3A is here, so why the hell bring in traditional autoloader!? Need to do some spotting? No worries the retarded armor of LT-432, trololo HESH shell of Blackdog and Wall-E's cloaking device will make sure your team wins any light skirmish and gain vision dominance! So you want to Kemp Bush? Skorpions, both russian and german are ready for action, maybe S1 too! Wanna bring a medium? Progetto and T-44-100! Keep going WG, keep going! I don't think that i will be here next year to witness the new low you will almost certainly bring this game to!
In Blitz, there's the IS-3 Defender, which isn't as OP as the defender in this but by no means balanced. Has an autoloader with a 21 second reload but a 7 second intraclip reload. I think that's a good way to balance the tank.
@PRIME 13 I play already other games, besides wot, wot is on my bottom list of games. If I'm bored I play wot for an hour or two, sometimes 30 min. only if it don't make fun, because of rng, artys and mm, that let you lose like 15-3, 15-6 15-2 few times in a row. At the end I play Tanki Online more than wot (it's a fun game).
@PRIME 13 I don't play it that much like other people every day, I play 1 or 2 times in a week for an 1h or 2h, sometimes I don't open it for few weeks. I play Tanki online more then wot that says everything.
I want a buffed Tiger 2 with the IS-3A autoreloading system or my good ol WT auf E100.(Sure he was a bit Overpowered but not so much, when i had to fight him, it mostly went good for me, just give us the old version back with the 5 shots and not 6 or how many shots its was.) And yeah, im playing since februar 2012 and, the game was so much better in the old days, fun matchmaking and not this BS now, great maps like Pearl River and Dragon Ridge, no Defender or Skorpion G's and E25's and all the other BS premium Tanks. But still the worst is the MM and the Maps. PLZ Wargaming just get the old MM back even if it wasnt perfect, and get rid of the arty stun. The Second most important thing are the maps, it's not just that i miss my old maps like Dragon ridge because they looked so cool, but also because the played so fucking awesome, so many ways you could go, god damn, just remember the balcons on the left side of dragon ridge and the steep hills and the always changing terrain. Ans also my eyes are getting so fucking tired always looking at the same maps. Keep up the good Work QuickyBaby and show Wargaming what they did to our beloved game. PS: Srry for some wrong writing, I'm not a native english speaker and also was too lazy to look over my text again ;)
HeroesLP great words mate! I started in january 2013 and it was so fun und the nations really have been different, MM wasn't perfect, also the maps, but it was a wide variety! And Dragon Ridge
I started in 2016 got slagged off so many times for poor xvm rating. looking back I see that you need to be a stat padder and seal clubber to get up there. Ideally with a premium lower tier tank. then reboot new account and start again like so many have but with more experience
I too criticize WoT a lot. But your critic wrong. They've been good at introducing new maps and removing bad maps. The MM as it is is complete shit, but you want to go back to something is even more horrible? No thank you. Back in the day I could be, for instance, the only tier 7 tank in a mainly tier 9 battle - fun times /s. No, they should never go back to that shit, they change the MM into +1/-1. They are already testing that out on SEA server, but that's just several years too late.
Take stun mechanic out. Put arty back to the way it was, I.e. you could shave half of HP off equal tier heavy, that solves the corridor map issue. Limit of 2 party per game. Do I want to be in tier 10 battles with my Chaffee again? No. Maps need to get bigger and more variety. Been playing since Nov 2011. They need to find a revenue model that isn't pay to win. Unfortunately from what I've seen and heard the big clan system isn't helping either. Their attempt to enter e- sports is vanishing. Solution... No idea. It is hard to start from scratch again.
Absolutely, after dumping all of the shells at the beginning of the match, Is3 just looses only 30% of it's HP from the Defender or Skorpion, while Defender or any of same tier HTs have already lost at least 90% of their HP, if they were to Face to Face with this IS3A
@@TranNguyen-zn4sw gl dumping shells with 10 hp\t ratio, 0.35 aim and 0.46 accuracy. gl fighting t9s with heat, considering you cant aim and heat requiers aiming. what about somua sm? most t8 lose all hp meeting that. so what?
WG goes now in the wrong way I spent a lot of time in that game but. It was a good game ... I thing that game die in 1-2 years if WG not change it it the fair direction... THXBaby to be the promoter for us as a community
Why should this tank do more damage per shot than a Tiger 2 AND get a 3 second reload? Oh yeah, and better armor too and a lower profile. Russian bias. Phukk you WG. You've lost me as a player.
you are absolutly right about this "inverse reload". even stronger is it not the medium tank that should be more flexible then a heavy tank. i mean like a medium tank is suposed to flank and stuff but if u miss in a progetto well rip. would it not be better for the is-3A to have the 3 clips and a longest reload on your last shell so you can use it when you want to push, rush out 3 shots and move on to the next fight, this way if they want to push but fail they get punished. or it would be a nice feature if u are in your is3-A that if enemys push you can punish them and then rely on your team to hold it or do i see this wrong as well?
Haha, all the noobs have been begging for years to sell the defender again. They will sell their souls to get their hands on it. And this is3a arguably is even better then the defender. At least for half decent players it is. I bet this years lootboxes will do even better then last year for wargamming.
In world of tank BLITZ theres a similar tank called the is3 defender which has 3 shells in a clip but there is a 7.5 second reload in between each shot.
@@control123blitz7 Noob was agreeing with you lol. If they made the IS-3A a auto loader (3 round clip then have it reload all three) then it would be balanced. Instead it is a reloader (reloads constantly regardless of what's in the magazine).
The IS-3 Defender ruined Blitz for a while. But even it isn't as overpowered as this. It's a traditional autoloader with a 7.5s interclip, 3 shots, and a 22s full reload time.
I have received this tank an a gift from a fellow clan member back in 2016,I liked how it was.I took it for a spin today,I felt really dirty.I've been around since june of 2011.It's really sad that they are killing this game in such a way.
This thing is a no-skill version of the Italian auto-reloading system without any downsides. Basically if you want a better auto-reloading system take out your credit card buddy.
@@RazvanMaioru that is a non-choice. If you're out of combat long enough you load 3 shells. Otherwise you always unload, it's an unbalanced version of the current system in place.
You can even use the lower last shell reload in weird ways by purposefully changing shell types and loading back the 1st type to have a lower reload.. Idk when you would use it (if you understand what I'm saying), but it makes for some interesting situations of game mechanic advantages
It would be a lot more balanced and interesting if 2nd shot had shortest reload time, 1st would be second and 3rd would take longest time to load. reload times like following: 15/12/18
@@johnsun11 No it was not. Why there is no "Soviet Bias" World of Warships for example? Huh? People cry only Russian bias because its a BELOrussian company. Are Japanese top tier heavy tanks also part of the "Russian bias"?
Can't wait to get a 6 rounds auto reloader on a Defender for next year christmas
Russian WT Auf E100 is back :)))
with a 1460m/s 310mm HEAT as standard and 330mm pen 900dmg HESH as prem :P
The next one will be a super fast, wheeled russian scout with autoloader and stalinium magic armor. Just you wait and see.
@@theosar dont forget to mention the kv2 style autoreloading durp with 1,7sec aimtime on it^^
A moment of silence for this game ...
Difficult to do when you're constantly hitting your head on the table while making weird "auuugh" sounds.
@@qwesx lol yep. Or when ur yelling at the top of your lungs at your team.
ຸ ຸ ຸ ຸ
My solution before quitting the game completely... Is to Simply dumped out of any game that I think is unfairly unfavorable to my game play. I know that upset some of you who think that you have to go along with wargaming manipulation of the game no matter what they do and be loyal to a team you don't even know... But I woke up and realized that if I'm going to play this game it's because I want to have fun and I don't think it's fun to be chased down by some mouth breathing moron in a autoloading Auto locking Super Tank that's still somehow accurate whether it's this new abomination to hit the battlefield or the Zippy f*** tanks that swarm the battlefield every other game that's still somehow accurate weather is this new abomination to hit the battlefield or the super zippy f*** tanks that swarm the battlefield every other game... Is that your version of fun wargaming? Is that your version of fun player? Well maybe you do if you're the one driving the overpower tank... Although I've noticed with my Defender, that I hardly ever use it because when I win, I want to know it was skill that took me to Victory not some wargaming cheat... If you stop to think about what they're offering you... in any other public setting... you would consider it cheating wouldn't you? Be honest...
Players: "Defender is OP"
WG:"Hold my vodka"
😂😂😂😂 that's killing
Vytenis Kajackas
In Blitz we have an IS-3 Defender (which is just an IS-3A but with a 122mm 3-round autoloader that has a 7s intra-clip reload, and then a 21s reload.
Personally, it’s really annoying to get bursted by 1.2k and then not be able to return fire.
This thing, though... might be equally annoying.
WG in I don’t know even know how long... “As recent statistics show, the obj 252u premium tank known to the player base as The Defender has been experiencing a win rate drop, to compensate this tragedy the tank rate of fire will be buffed and it will receive a alternate inverse, six shell, 130mm auto loader”...
You mean "Hold my vodka COMRADE"
Gotta use correct russian diction........... comrade......
Brother the is3 defender is actually not that big of a problem, the intro-clip reload of that thing doesn’t really allow it to burst dmg and the new vk can pretty much rek it, along with most tds played at long range; cough cough 600+ damage from unspotted borsigs and repeatively 500+ damage from Skorpions. But to be real here, that’s true justice the tank used to be sooooooo op
My AMX 50 100 watched this video and has been hiding in the corner for almost a minute.It's either crying in shame or reloading...
@@MP-ut6eb Ha also if you are facing the wrong way and someone flanks you, they will probably pen the flat sides and back of the thing's turret.
@@MP-ut6eb yehyeh nerf those things or is it bias moment?
@@MP-ut6eb XD
QB - do the clever thing now and plan for the long term - start branching into other games more seriously for when WoT eventually kills itself.
so when it was the best? when you played with t34 tier 5 vs is7 maybe? or when t92 oneshotted t10 heavies? maybe when premium rounds were gold only and is4 was immovable object? or maybe when wt auf e100 was a thing?
go play War Thunder guys
It was better with old arties. It was annoying but better and more balanced. Around 9.0 - 9.18 it was good.
@@taufiqa.farizi9103 no, War thunder is garbage too.
i-PRO-Snipping do it bro!
World of Tanks is not dying... it's being murdered
Yes, very good way to look at it.
they have DERPED themselves right in the face with this tank
@@MrBenstero they arent killing themselves, wot allready served it's purpose. It made the people behind it billionaires.
They will still be billionaires once wot dies. At this point wot is nothing more then a printing press that prints gravy for people who allready are drowning in gravy.
Once that stops serb sells off wargaming to some shmuck for a couple of million and then spends the rest of his days counting his money.
At this point they no longer have a longterm use for wot, if they can get another 500 million out of it they are happy, if it dies or not no longer matters to them.
@@baronvonlimbourgh1716 AFAIK Victor Kislyi is the only billionaire at Wargaming. The rest of the execs like Sergey Burkatovskiy (serB) would "only' be multimillionaires.
@@baronvonlimbourgh1716 they have like 7 games now, and you underestimate their greed.
Wow is being milked for 15 years now.......
Can't wait for next year's Obj 252U-A
And an Obj 252U-A (T)
Don't give them any ideas
Can’t wait for the Obj 279U-A-25 (T) next year at tier 7 with the same armour as the tier 10 AND an auto reloader with 10 shells which do 520 dmg and an alternate HE round with 300 pen which does 1050 dmg per shot oh and don’t forget it has preferential matchmaking which means it can only meet tier 8s oh and it has a hidden algorithm which blocks your team and the enemy team from joining the game because who cares about balance and fun right? Oh and I forgot to mention it has an indirect fire mode like artillery with .25 dispersion and 470 meters base view range.
dont give them ideas, please...
pffff please, IS-7 155 Pr. (A) on next years xmas loot crate
Obj 252U-A is just too weak for the Russian tech tree
autoloader without any drawback of being autoloader, what could possibly go wrong...
I was bottom tier every single game today...and couldn't hit weak spots. .and rng said I couldn't pen the back of a type 5 for some reason...
that's the thing, nothing
@@TheTigerus it has the exact same armour as an is3
@@heroninja1125 but worst gun handling plus worst mobility
Not by a huge mile but still noticeable imo
@@RealCraftspirit mobility is worse by half a turbocharger and the accuracy is easily countered by playing it like an is3, which means going on the frontline instead of playing it second line like a lot of people play it. it easilly beats an is3 on the frontline thanks to the autoreloader that has higher dpm then the standard is3 the higher hitpoints and because of it being able to send the enemy tank down by 1200 hitpoints and then reload another shell in 11 seconds (standard is3 reloads in 12 seconds) meaning in a 1v1 it would be able to do 4 shots to an is3 killing it full hp while only recieving about 2 shots in return
Just look at the teams at 4:36. Two thirds of the Teams are Premiums. It's not World of tanks anymore, it's World of premium tanks.
No surprise - QB is playing on the RU server, which is filled with people of soviet mentality.
Those Russians are what kept them alive and gave them the confidence to continue to **** on its players and get away with it
It's the only reason to play tier 8 anymore with this match making
I felt sorry for the T28 player.
Gonun To me is perfectly understandable. The game economy is so broken that if you play with a regular tank and you get an average result you will earn very few credits.
I think we just got the answer to “is wot dying”
ay... another hint is when I tried the new russian LT431 on loan.. first game, I rush like an idiot and without really doing much I blocked 1000 damage... any other scout I have would have died within the first few shots... but you know... good rusky turret...
@@theosar ...and there is literally nothing special about LT431. Its an average tank at best. It has medium tank size with a poor gun compared to something like German premium Bulldog. Having slight amount of armor on a light tank while having everything else worse is not ideal...
Dying no, suicide yes.
The Game is a Cashcow. WoT is not supposed to gain players anymore. They just want to squeeze money out of it.
I think they have given up. They know their days are numbered and just trying to squeeze as much out of the game at the end as they can.
@@paulbriant2067 tbh the game could spike back with a ton of players if they start to do what the community wants to happen cause even tho people quit they still come and watch wot youtubers like circon quickybaby and jingles and all the others i forgot to name
@@kings_nemesis5995 The COULD attract new players and make the game more friendly...but are they gonna?
@@TeleportingBread161 No, why? This way they have less people who only use resources but don't pay while retaining their whales. They're streamlining their community and unless the whales start dropping the game, nothing is going to change.
@@TeleportingBread161 maybe i mean they have done things that the community liked and the new mm they are testing on the asia server is another good thing they are doing
wonder how long it takes to go from 130k players per day down to 10k...
Don't worry. We'll learn soon :(
In NA is only 15k! On a good day...
SEA roughly has that much on a good day.
When u saw 130k? In November avg was 60k on EU, both servers :E
it happened to h1z1. its not too hard. just do the opposite of what the community wants.
Was thinking about getting the SU-130PM this evening as I would have 40% price reduction. After watching this I don't think I should invest any more money into the game.
Same.. Wanted to buy those Big Boxes like last year after spending the whole year nearly nothing. But even when those Boxes are the best bang-for-the-buck (at least last year) Im heavily overthinking my plan. I mean what the hell are they putting in them this year! KV-220-2 - Ok but E-25, Lefefefe spg, Skorpion G, IS-3A *and DEFENDER*! Looks like they wanna shut down the servers at the end of January/February together with Total war: Arena! Fuck off
Wise decision
good idea. dont pay them anything ever again.
I had the same thought. Wanted to get the bigges package of boxes to get lots of gold and stuff but then I saw QBs video about WOT dying which made me realize not to touch that game anymore.
Bought this tank, now it got a auto loader? Damn time to try the game again.
i sense a new video coming
In my opinion this tank represents everything that is currently broken in world of tanks.
1) Another tier 8 Russian premium heavy (we really needed one right ? )
2) Pay to win as hell
3) Doesn't encourage smart play at all. When people play their Italian tanks, they have to be very careful about how they decide to fire their shells, keeping in mind that being empty at a bad moment can be very punishing. With this IS-3 A, you can just go in, shoot 3 shells, do 1170 average damage, reload 1 shell 12 seconds later, kill the tier 8 you were facing.
4) The APCR velocity (1400 m/s) is simply tier 10 med level, why was that implemented on a tier 8 heavy? (Because P2W)
5) Will probably break the current awful / frustrating / broken tier 8 Matchmaking a bit more.
Once again it's a slap in the face of the community : "Oh, you want us to rework the matchmaker? you are frustrated by being stunned every 20 seconds and being punished by arty when you want to make a play? As usual, we listen to our community, so here's a new broken Russian tier 8 premium heavy"
Also, congratulation to Wargaming to put the F18B2, E25 and Defender in the Loot Boxes this year. I can not wait to see tier 5, 6 and 7 be completely dominated by those arties and potential new players grinding low tier tanks and quitting the game because of that.
tbh, the IS-3A isn't a new tank, it just got buffed
Lets say every time i go to shit i shit in toilet 1000 euros,so i can buy 15 IS-3As per day on average,why the fuck i still should buy it,to play one tank over and over and over again like a mupet.Thats one option,second is to get wrecked every time u press battle button by these things.This isnt neither a good selling tactic neither a good tactic of geting players back.This is jist litterly worst move wg made in its history EVER
It's 8 seconds later, not 12.
Don’t worry, they just sold those tanks this year. Now the mm is full of E25s, defenders, and su130pms
Hears clause scream in the background... "BALANCED!!!"
lol yea
It is nothing comapred to Fochs ''IIIIISS BALANCE!!"
@@johnsun11 da inverse autoloader comrad? Yis itz very good for balanced gameplay.
this is just a bad idea, WG didn't get your ''wot is dying'' vid, quicky
No, they probably did and realized the game was dying so they're trying to milk as much money as possible because it'll die anyways.
@@bluesharpie9744 I legitimately think this is the case. A competitor's game in Armored Warfare is imo the same boat. the owners/publisher of AW reportedly lost over $27 million sunk into AW and the community for the game is so small that NA, EU, and RU servers were merged into one global server to house the dying playerbase. Not to mention tone deaf events involving P2W gambling lootboxes which I bet WG themselves copied over for the Christmas events in WoT, constant faulty event executions. Adding a complete douchebag of a Community Manager on the non Russian forums as the only gateway to potentially speak to the devs if something is imbalanced or messed up. It's borderline criminal how that game is still alive and people are still playing it, but I guess it's the sunk cost fallacy for hoping they can try to pull away enough WoT players when they're perpetrating equally bad tactics.
Wot isnt dying man, Its been murdered
WarGaming: The Italian techtree will feature a unique autoreloading system
WarGaming: That's where you're wrong kiddo!
to the top!
But the Italian auto-reloading system is unique...uniquely non-russian and therefore uniquely inferior.
Pretty much an autoloading tank that can fire normally.
The only advantage is it's initial burst damage and after that it is a regular is3a. This isn't particularly useful in most games as you find yourself vs 3-4 enemy hvy. You can't just drive in, fire, and run. Tank is far too slow and frontal armor is very weak.
Josh Summers it’s still just a better with no downside is3
@@heroninja1125 and is3 blows. Go check global stats and you will find that defender and skorpion are significantly better. Avg is3a dmg is 1.2k. that means average is3a player in wot na damage = their mag capacity and die. That's awful.
@@joshsummers7933 you know that this Argument sucks, right? When you get attacked by 3-4 equal Tier enemys every tank, that is not fast enough to escape, will probably go down. Even though the defender is op it die too. I would argue that the Is3-op will so better against overwehlming odds than the defender
When WoT dies, they’ll just give everyone the Type 59 for free lol
Something like that, yeah. I've said for the last two years, that once they sell the Type 59 at Christmas, the game is done for.
@@Rumator But the Hype 59 is good again. It was buffed. Played to its strengths it's really, really good.
No, they'll give out a free tier 6 tank. How fun!
@@deployedkitty i know im necroing a two year old comment section, but the first lootboxes contained the type 59.
Almost the same potential dmg as the TVP T50/51 a Tier X tank .... GG i'm out.
Sure you are....
Mark McCarrell but i am out for real. Fuck this game.
Yep. Just going to use up my credits and bail. I sure as hell am not going to let WG keep those credits and what little gold I have left. Between arty, OP Russian bullshit and invisible OP Swedish assholes, Im done. Its far too frustrating to play. Even now I suicide every time I get Prokhorovka and have 3 arty to deal with. Not worth the frustration to deal with it.
It's designed to sell loot boxes. My opinion.
Offcourse it is. This is even better as the defender, and the defender was sure to be a lootbox seller.
Next years lootbox tank, defender autoreloader...
I´m 100% sure, it will be the first Premium tank since the Type 59 that gets nerfed. Either that or Wot is going down the drain at ludicrous speed.
@@TheTigerus the defender arguably has allready been powercreeped, the new russian lines plus the amount of gold spam has also increased substantially since its release.
And you can be sure that all the noobs that have been begging for the defender to be put back on sale again ever since it was firat sold will spend a fortune in order to get it. Only to be confronted with a new tank released in march or so that will make the defender obsolete, which in my opinion is overrated anyway.
I'm sure a lot of people who will spend houndreds to get it will be very disapointed with it once they get it..
@@TheTigerus The Type got its gunhandling nerfed didn´t it?
The nerfs to the Superpershing where to its armor (mainly lfp and ufp right?) Back then it did even bounce JPZ E 100 shots :D ahhh good old times.
I´m sad though...I don´t want Wot to die ;(
@@TheTigerus both got buffed recently and arguably where turned into the strongest premiums available atm. Especially concidering both are pref mm tanks.
And if the mm changes actually deliver what people are expecting these tanks only become even stronger.
Both are stronger then their tech tree counterparts while also being pref mm tanks. It simply is rediculess
It’s Russian so yes...yes it is
It's russian so it must be buffed.
@@johnsun11 Man, it really does not matter how,good your tier 8 is als long as half of the enemy team is 80% of the time tier 10 and tier 9!
I really do not understand why people whine that because "its Russian tank" its like somehow more bad that if it would had been any other nations tank with same overpowered shit? Fucking racists.... Do you think Russians themselves who play this game like these overpowered tanks ffs? They do not like it more than anyone else and criticize WG for it just as much for introducing pay to win tanks! WG is not pandering for "Russians" WG is trying to run a fucking business with very bad business practices, especially in last couple years. Also WoWS is made by ACTUAL Russians, not Belorussians unlike WoT, so why there is no "Russian bias" in WoWS then?
@@thomask5434 Sorry, but what you said makes little sense. Because if you think about it, OP tanks liek that is the reason everybody plays tier 9 and 10 tanks, because they have no chance against OP garbage like taht. ANd new players... imagine getting that new T-34-85 M as a new player and then meeting this tank and getting 2 shotted in 3 seconds. What will they do? They will leave and you will be stuck playing your OP tier 8 tanks mostly vs tier 10 and 9. And after a year or two vs bots, because the game will be dead.
Players: The IS-3 has been left behind
WG: we'll buff it
as a premium tank
Next year: Skorpion G autoloader
With 10 shells in magazine and shell loading of only 1.5 seconds, oh and a 30 second reload
They've already ruined and killed the game why not go balls deep lol
Or new spg that makes you disconnect if direct hit
If there is a next year
nah man, Fv215b(183) with a six shot "reverse" autoloader for $100 in a crate at 5% drop rate.
It would be Amazing!!
you forgot to mention that the heat ammo has more pen than the apcr on the regular IS-3
that never changed that was the case for the old IS3A too i mean he only went over the stats briefly
ye just saying because it's bs that the premium tank has better pen on premium rounds while it has lower on standard ones
Higher velocity=higher pen... i dont see an issue
This tank vs a tiger 2... yeah that’s going to go well
this tank vs T32
Any tier 8 heavy vs the tiger 2
This tank vs a maus...
@@shamrockshnake1366 The Tiger 2 can definitely beat Defenders and IS-3s if their drivers are retarded and the Tiger 2 is actually smart. Keep in mind that there are T8 Heavies that are worse than the Tiger 2.
@@TheDiamondBladeHD I can kill a potato in any tank, but that's not the standard we should use. If the vehicles were balanced, a Tiger II should have a fighting chance against an equally skilled Defender. Unless both guys are actual potatoes, the Defender wins that match-up every time. He has more alpha, better armor, better maneuverability, equal pen with standard rounds, and only 100 less DPM. The Defender's lower plate is the same effective thickness as the Tiger II's upper plate. A Tiger II has an 80% chance to pen a Defender's lower plate head-on, no angling, with standard rounds. A Defender has a 70% to pen a Tiger II's upper plate when it's angled to perfect side auto-bounce. If you load the gold, the best possible angling means the Defender has a 95% or better chance to pen the Tiger II frontally anywhere on the hull. With gold, the Tiger II still has to hit the lower plate or the cupolas of the Defender to even get a chance at a pen. That's not balanced.
*The Inverse reload in THIS tank is the ultimate FU to non Russians. It's now shaming those who have not quit yet.* I quit 3 years ago and switched to WOWS. Now tired of that despite it having only just started the long decline. I LOVED both games and played a lot for a while. Thank God I insisted on free to play with the only exceptions being 2 premiums I bought from both games while I have earned FREE Premiums like the Graf Spee. So no regrets on my part and I don't resent the premiums I bought. How sad and how inevitable that short term thinking rules. Accountants ruin everything. The lowest common denominator is their God. Think Disney and Star Wars, you get the idea. Contempt for the customer is the guiding moral!
Why you always commenting if already quit the game.
Unfortunately all russian made mmo ww2 games are havily biased towards soviet tanks/planes/ships. When you couple that with short term profit models. Well... you get this. But as long as players pay for this shitshow, it wont stop.
Try war thunder
@@jaimykuijn6052 War Thunder is similarly bad. Only more boring.
@ZyXvUvXyZ True. Gaijin is worse.. But War Thunder was pretty fun in the beginning, now it has become alot more grindy and the russian bias is even stronger than in WoT.
Oh btw. the IS-7 also had a autoloader so please add that in as well when you're already on it WG...
Gonun that’s very true very few people know that
Wt did it but the reloading isn't broken, if you lose a loader you just don't care, wot will take it up a notch and possibly give it a 5 sec reload just for the hell of it
That would take 2 loaders 5-10 minutes to reload. Go ahead and put in the IS7 with a 10 minute load for its 7 rounds.
Mark Zaragoza
An IS7 did not have an autoloader, it had a system where the gunner could prepare around 5 projectiles ahead, but only the projectiles not the powder charges. The IS7 was using a fucking "NAVAL GUN". Yes, the gun which are used on battleships and they have different method of loading, you load the projectile first and then you load the powder charge which act as propellant. So even with that system the is7 still reloaded as fast (or even slower) as other tanks that used conventional tank guns, where projectile and propellant are not separated.
P. S.
The loader had to do 2 actions to reload the (naval) gun (load the projectile and than the propellant and after that the gunner could fire), while conventional tank guns have projectiles with integrated propellant so the loader has only 1 action to do (not to mention that the assisting system in IS7 was not augmented by a motor).
No, it did not have an autoloader, read my post directed at Mark Zaragoza.
WG: the Russion arent the best at everything yet, they dont have the best autoloaders so lets add in an overpowered autoreloader. now there really wont be any reason to play any other nation. WORLD OF RUSSION TANKS
Since 1.0, my WR slashed from 57.22 to 55.76 (and I have 26k games... meaning my actual WR since 1.0 is around ... U r right QB, the new MM mechanics + Skorpion G, 252U, SU-130PM and now the IS3A are ruining the game. For the first time, I'm not renewing my annual premium account and have decided to stop spending on WoT. Good news : I've got more cash to invite my girlfirend for leisure stuff... :)
Thx for your contribution to the community for so many years, I've learned a lot with you and have kept improving my game ( least until 1.0 :) ).
popomko Whats is wrong with Skorpion G :D?
@@Karas12Cz , nothing wrong anymore, they juste released the new IS-3A... :)
Tier 5 is the maximum to go to for a fair game now -somehow-.
this tank is not "op" e25 is op, this tank is not "too good" defender is too good, this tank is broken, this tank will make people who see it in the enemy suicide, this tank is worse than arty, this tank is the worst thing wg ever did.
ahmet said alkur Type 4/5 are the worst they’ve put in and have left in.
every arty player should focus this shit house the fun for this player will be over very fast and the team members get a little air to breathe. if i play arty i already focus P2W vehicles (defender, patriot, skorp and su-130PM, e25)
pffft 1 artillery is worse than 1 IS-3A ... "this tank is the worst thing wg ever did" lol really? remember 3-5-7? stun mechanic + increasend artillery rate of fire + increased artillery HE splash radius + improved artillery gun handling?
and btw: @peter fuchs you are one reason why this game is dying! Is the IS-3A game changing, broken, OP whatever? We'll see! This is just the standard hype, WG wants to sell something ...
@@TheTigerus - I own and play the lehf and it was nutered to half it's penn and dmg - used to get 4-5 kills most match's to lucky to get two - please get your facts right Sir
Nothing is worse than arty
Da da.
Platoon of justice?
@@armasxd Justice it will not be.
IS-3A platoon of Damnation
It's too broken and you'll get hate
No......... this is one of the best games id played back then..... And NOW THEY are Taking all of the fun out of it .....
I remember the days when i killed a tiger p and a kv 85 in my marder 2
Excited for Skorpion G to get inverse auto reloader. Hopefully with buffed alpha and shell velocity.
Please wg... make 1 fv4005-A .... and improve Pen pls.. wont be broken.. i promise
i cant understand this game ffs ... always making bad decisions with a huge community telling them good things to improve...
we dont know that actually, because russians are all that matters, so if russian community is telling them this and that is what they want and what is ok, then they will do it. We are not the community for them and it doesnt really matter how much we cry on the forums. 4:20 - you see what QB says about the number of these things on the RU server, these people are clearly okay with it and will buy the shit out of IS-3A and boxes
i mean the Fv4005 Stage 3 had a 3 shell 183mm auto loader so it would be historically accurate.
@@FOKI5895 well, they should break relations with russia then xD they are crazy ahah
but for real, that doesn't make sense.. but ok.. when game dies , they will be the ones crying..
@@ZoMTDU it does? that's nice.. but if it's not in the game.. there's 2 options.. 1: wg doesn't know that. 2: even wg thinks that will be too much in game ahha
Nah dude lets give is strv presision, scorp speed, a 5 shell autoloader with 1 second reload, and a 20 second clip reload, type 5 armour and camo of a elc even 90 and then sell it for €100.
This will be fair and fun and wont kill the game at all
Wargaming had too much Vodka again..
no no, when slavs drink vodka they think better.
Clearly, their studio doesnt have enough vodka or is prohibited of drinking
WG: *releases IS-3A without autoloader
WG: *releases IS-3A with auto reloader
WG: Am I a joke to you?
Gun dispersion with Russian tanks is inverse. The higher the value the better they are in real combat. Long aim time doesn't matter, they hit the target in the sweet spot without aiming at all. Taking this into account the IS-3A will be the hell of a killer…. both for enemy tanks and the game at all.
30 minutes later: Had my first match with an IS-3A in my team (fortunately). He hammered the other team and we won by 14:0.
he demonstrated that quite well with all these shots on the move
GREED, GREED EVERYWHERE! This shows that WG doesn't consider to atleast try and make an enjoyable game anymore. This is just blatantly another GRAB as much money as you can before the community quit the game altogether.
Do you prefer that the game company go bankrupt and not pay its employees by making everything free to play, no reason to purchase anything ? The game is enjoyable, even when you lose or die in game, you can not pay to win against every player, every game, in every tank and every map. Your totally exaggerating and being so negative about this cool game, some people will buy this tank and suck in it, or hate that its slow. Many people buy premiums and then play other tanks instead.
This is basically an old style KV1S with an autoloader in the shell of an IS3, will be fun one shotting them with the Death Star and one clipping with Foch TDs.
It’s another overpowerd prem tank this game is dying
It isn't dying, like, whatsoever. Not that I like the game, but how does a high daily player count (especially in Russia) constitute it as a dead game?
Well look at NA, it's almost fucking dead already. Also Eu has so much less players compared what it had for example 3 years ago. Take your head out of your ass.
@@itsmemrnukki Well, we should consider the market value ;
I assume, yes i can't prove it, that the usual player on the european and us market has more worth for a company as a russian player. Especially on the free2play market.
Yet, i actually do not really care, since currently i only play WoT on/off as a pure free2play player. ;)
Dont Forget wg is selling this crap in lootbox
Its even better than selling a Type 59
@@itsmemrnukki Just so you know russia has lost 18% of its player base, possibly 22% in which I have heard. The game is dying 😂
I am kinda sad that they had to make another nation have the amazing new mechanic that made the Italian line so special and amazing to play. and of course the nation it is on is russian as if we don't already have enough of those tanks around.I would have loved to see either another new tier 8 tank for the Italian line so it would stay true to what made them so special in the first place. but that aside I think that reversing the way the mechanic works is the worst idea ever because it is just a better version of all the loaders in the game you can store damage and don't get punished for shooting them and just rewarded for it. I don't like what war-gaming did here one bit and really is making me realize why I always stop playing this game after a few months. but hey that is my opinion
This time, stop playing for ever. I'm with you. Same ship.
The whole autoloader thing should have stopped at the french. To many autoloaders allready that can clip people right within the first minutes of the game at the first engagement.
The team with the most autoloaders have a huge advantage, they are one of the big reasons that cause these 3 minute rofl stomps.
If you can clip 2 tanks on a flank right at the start and leave them as one shots, your teammates can just steamroll over them. And it is again another 15-3 4 minute game.
The autoreloading mechanics should be exclusive for Italian tanks, same goes for siege mode in swedish tanks. WG are just greedy, they will milk this game as much as possible and shut it down in a few years. They dont care, their arses are full of money.
@@V8Tomek they might as well shut it down now, for all I care.
@@V8Tomek autoloading and every variant of it should have stayed exclusivly french only in the first place. There are way to many allready.
wargaming has definitely killed its own game ..
Hmm Lunar Wolves... the traitors of Warhammer 40k... are WG saying something about QuickyBaby by using this referrence?
thats what i thought. do you think quicky here knows this? i think WG is expecting a treachery from their beloved CC.
so according to the events from WH40k, warmaster quicky will turn to WT in secret, gathering his followers to strike down WG that he thinks is being unjust. after a climactic battle, he ended up putting WG on life support at the cost of his soul and we the subscribers will ended up as the heretical troll known as WTs fanboys that will occasionally launch dark crusades upon WGs comment section led by sirfoch the despoiler.
@MuffLord4 at 3.56 look at his account name.
@@hang_kentang6709 classy one WG lol
lets see how this pans out, but based on recent experience against that tank ingame I am close to the famous last drop. The powercreep is insane, and this tank is just utterly OP.
I think you should check the performance on all tier 8 heavy in game. You will find the avg dmg puts is3a in the bottom 5 tanks. In fact is3a ranks among bottom amongst most categories. Op? No way.
Same tier as T-34-2
yeah, but I must say the 59-patton is even worse
The Chinese t 34 2?
@@jakubrossa7794 aka the worst tier 8 medium tank, yet my favourite
@@theoj608 the T-34-2 is not the worst tier 8 medium the 59-Patton is
@@Digidi4 how is it worse? May I remind you it was buffed not too long ago
thats it, im done.
@123testable "Special" That's where you're wrong kiddo
Bye 👋
Ok, wg logic, lets make the premium version support spamming shells without skill and make it 10 times better that standard is-3. Gg wg, I think i quit your game soon if you keep going like this...
Just quit already man, trust me you feel great about it. I quit last year january and only play testserver. I mean I admit I am still addicted to this game cuz i cant not play testserver when I am able to, but after nearly a year I am very glad that I quit.
They've been doing this for more than a year now. IS-3A is just the new crown of pain sitting on Wargaming's thorny dick that's raping F2P players.
Remember its your more then likely be bottom tier against 9/10s..I was bottom tier 12 games..and top once....but so many died instantly without doing anything I was swarmed and far I havent seen the OP part except for maybe giving enemy steel wall and bounce exp
I bought an 11 pack of boxes and got the KV220-2, M4 Improved, Turan and the IS-3A TY WG and Merry Christmas to all.
M4 rev says :Where can i find the affirmation that the test would be in the Randoms. Lowe : only generals with the badges
16 people that disliked the video are definitely are lS-3A owners lmao.
As owner of this vehicle i don't really care. I liked the previous IS-3A as well!
I have is-3a, and I totaly agree with QB here.
Wargaming executives are like why is are game losing players and losing money mean while the devs are like we need to buff a tank let’s sea here tiger 2, t20, leopard 1 or the German tech tree ... then Ivan says hey lets take the is 3 A and make it op because Russia is best do we have blue prints for this tank no I just pulled them out of my ass.
to be honest German has the worst Tech Tree in my opinion they butchered the German Line completly same as Americas one. :C
2345pld possibly best description of WG developers 😂👍
Sam Sung they say the Germans best guns even though they seam cant the hit broad side of a barn
@@pld-uz5uh thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard of they butchered so many german good Tanks waffenträger (wt) e 100 removed with shitty grille 15 ru251 Moved from. Tier 8 scout to 9 maus became useless e25 removed the only good premium beside of skorpion. And tiger 1 and 2 are the worst ones of their tier.
Sam Sung agreed
With an reverse auto reloader the additional 2 shells are just that, additional damage on demand at the start of an engagement, you don’t lose anything to gain an extra 600-800 alpha in an engagement
An auto-reloading Russian tank in WoT.... that's terrifying.
Wg selling OP premium tanks like it's amazing and fantastic.... But look at the MM, balance, arty, maps....
They are working on it.
So its better at single shot than other tanks, better at autoreloading than other tanks, and better at autoloading that other tanks. Right. That makes sense. Shoulda just given it the same mechanic as the italians and be done
You forgot it also has great armor
A new OP Premium just in time for christmas?
Who could've predicted such a thing?!?!...
In blitz there was a tank like this called the is 3 defender but you had to complete a ton of event missions to get it.
So you’re telling me that I sold the Fatherland ( a console IS 3A Reskin) because I thought it was just an IS 3 and then they change it into a killing machine.
Another nail in the coffin for sure, way to go WG
Well can you blame them? There is so much you can add to a game with 400+ vehicles
@@redlineprime3039 how about stop addig new stuff and fix the existing ones
I still remeber back in 2013 where all the nations played differently and now the only one line to go is russian one which has everything, ok accuracy, amazing armour, mobility and even the autoloader... Where is the balance between the nations? Recent changes have been steadily putting me out of the game, but the 1.0 just destroyed all the magic of this game and new op prem tanks which back in the day were supposed to be worse or equal to the tech tree vehicles.
Overall i really recommend to quit this game and start playing other games such as rdr2
Don't worry, WG has head the community and they are happy to announce they are introducing exactly what the community has been asking for, wheeled vehicles.
yes, go where you belong.
hope npcs wont rek you too hard, dear orange.
so how didnt you leave a game where wt auf e100 was a thing? 2013, hey.
mezmery a At least that wasn’t being spammed like the premium tanks nowadays
@@cjl1w4g27 what's your problem with premium tanks? how they are different from normal ones so it affects you?
Funny thing is... that's how the game started and stayed for its first few years. Remember the is4 when it was tier 9? Lol
Boycott WG and dont buy boxes. Maybe they will learn something till its not too late !
Wg and learn....definitely two things I never thought I'd see together lmao
lol anyone who is p2w will just buy the boxes. Boycotting will do nothing
Saw someone comment on another IS-3A video that they'd already spent €50 on loot boxes. Unfortunately this will be the norm, especially if WG don't allow any other way to get the IS-3A during the Holiday events. Obviously they'll label it as "never to be sold again", until they sell it again.......
I am in
One thing not mentioned in the video is that while it does have an auto re-loader, unlike it's Italian cousins it can't mount a gun-rammer.
One thing I repeatedly see being stated by various folks on youtube is that this reverse autoreloading system on the Soviet IS3-A is supposedly better (unambiguously and undoubtedly advantageous) when compared to the autoreloading system on the Italian meds (Progetto M35 mod. 46, P.44 Pantera, Prototipo Standard B and Progetto M40 mod. 65).
I feel like 2 things need to be said about this, before addressing the core issue:
First, the comparison is somewhat hampered by some obvious numeric differences relating to the guns of these vehicles: the factual full clip/magazine reload times, as well as intraclip reload times and secondarily gun handling parameters (aiming time, stabilization, turret traverse, etc).
Second, the comparison is further confused by the basic role diffences an IS3-A has (essentially, a sluggish HT brawler) vs the Italian meds (fast, maneuverable, rather paper-armored MTs)
Now, to understand the implications of the conceptual difference between the 2 autoreloading systems (“direct/Italian” vs “reverse/Soviet”), we can imagine 2 hypothetical guns, where everything else apart from the autoreloading timing scheme is identical. Let’s assign them the exact same clip size of 3 shells, full clip reload time of 30 seconds, same intervals of increase or decrease between loading of different shells of 3 seconds, and also consider they have the same intraclip reload time (say 2 seconds, but it doesn’t really matter so much for our analysis here!)
I hope the following explanation can serve to clarify the situation for those who haven’t really payed much attention to the logic behind those 2 different autoreloading systems, to those who simply hold their beliefs based on a poor reasoning of others and hopefully to at least some of those others, who somehow reasoned poorly themselves.
To see how this works out, look at the numbers:
“Hypothetical Italian system”-> full clip/magazine of 3 shells, 30 seconds total reload timing-> 1st:13sec/2nd:10sec/3rd:7sec->
*After emptying the clip, there are 13 seconds to load the first shell, 23 seconds to load 2 shells and (of course) 30 seconds to load 3 shells (full clip).
* When shooting with your clip full, after 1 shot there are 7 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 2 shots there are 17 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 3 shots- empty clip, 30 seconds to reload back to full clip.
“Hypothetical Soviet system”-> full clip/magazine of 3 shells, 30 seconds total reload timing -> 1st:7sec/2nd:10sec/3rd:13sec->
*After emptying the clip, there are 7 seconds to load the first shell, 17 seconds to load 2 shells and (of course) 30 seconds to load 3 shells (full clip).
*When shooting with your clip full, after 1 shot there are 13 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 2 shots there are 23 seconds to reload back to full clip, after 3 shots- empty clip, 30 seconds to reload back to full clip.
In the comparison of such 2 different autoreloading approaches with the same total clip reload time of 30 seconds and the same intraclip reload time of 2 seconds, there are needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway for the sake of absolute clarity) two things that will inevitably be identical: 1) the readiness to unload a full clip from a starting point of 0 shells in said clip, which is reflected by the 30 seconds of total clip reload time (which could be either at the very beginning of the battle or at any time later on, after emptying your clip at least once); 2) the readiness to shoot more than once sequentially, provided there is more than 1 shell already loaded in the clip, which would be reflected by the 2 seconds of intraclip reload time.
Now, there ARE real differences when it comes to two other things, however. Those are: 1) relative READINESS to shoot ONCE or TWICE, AFTER you have EMPTIED your CLIP, and 2) relative READINESS to unload your FULL CLIP (all 3 shots) AFTER firing ONCE or TWICE.
As can be appreciated, the “Italian” system translates into an overall lower readiness to shoot once or twice, after you emptied/unloaded your clip, and inversely, to a higher readiness to reload back to and being able to unload the full clip, after you shot once or twice. The “Soviet” system translates into the opposite: an overall lower readiness to reload back to and being able to unload the full clip, after you shot once or twice, and a higher readiness to shoot once or twice, after you emptied/unloaded your clip.
In other words, the “Italian system” offers to the player who has been intermittently firing one or two shots, an overall higher/sooner readiness to take the opportunity of unloading the whole clip (3 shots) at his enemy at a certain moment, while the “Soviet system” offers to the player who already unloaded his clip (3 shots) at some moment, an overall higher/sooner readiness to fire one or two shots at his enemy.
Both have advantages and drawbacks, and in my opinion, they are actually suitable for and correspond to the different roles of the tanks involved: the Italian system fits medium tanks better, while the Soviet system fits heavy tanks better.
they have given up to this game, now they are junt trying to make as much money as possible while they still can. Its sad, but its time to find something else to play
Think of it: WG was valued at $1.5B nearly three years ago (literally before all the OP prems), that number is now problably around $5B
@@gaatjeniksaan336 that says nothing about the longevity of their games though. Most large corperations that crumble do so right after a string of record years of growth.
Once warships playerbase stops growing and profit growth can no longer be secured trough growing the userbase, quarterly profit growth has to come from the existing playerbase.
Eventually the same thing will happen there, more and more wot players are turning against wargaming and there is not enough new blood entering the game to make up for it.
And just like in wot, people will put up with it for a year or two until they also had enough.
At that point things will go downhill fast for wargaming. But the people behind WG will all be billionaires allready at that point. For them the company has served it's purpose allready at that point and they really don't care anymore.
War thunder
This tank is overpowered and should NOT enter the game in its current state !!!! IT should have the normal Italian autoreloading mechanic !And watch wargaming ignore our feedback yet again ...
It should NOT have an autoreloader or autoloader. Ffs Russians never planned on that during WW2 / CW
Doesn’t WG have a policy where they don’t nerf premium vehicles?
I bought the $99 loot box package, and received the IS3A. I love it. The return I got from the loot box paid for itself 3x in tanks, gold, and other stuff.
IS-3A is basically IS-3 Defender on World of Tanks Blitz
Oh great... We have finally hit the point at which if you play a tech tree tank in tier 8 stronghold YOU ARE A LIABILITY TO YOUR TEAM!!!
Need cannon fodder/main group heavy? Go with Defender or IS-3A!
Need an autoloader? Somua SM or Lorraine depending on your needs, but you know what, SCREW IT! IS-3A is here, so why the hell bring in traditional autoloader!?
Need to do some spotting? No worries the retarded armor of LT-432, trololo HESH shell of Blackdog and Wall-E's cloaking device will make sure your team wins any light skirmish and gain vision dominance!
So you want to Kemp Bush? Skorpions, both russian and german are ready for action, maybe S1 too!
Wanna bring a medium? Progetto and T-44-100!
Keep going WG, keep going! I don't think that i will be here next year to witness the new low you will almost certainly bring this game to!
"Wall-E's cloaking device"?! ROFL, made my day!
so WG is just becoming EA and UBISOFT, cool
even worse
This will be the death blow to this game. Certainly in Europe. Tragic.
In Blitz, there's the IS-3 Defender, which isn't as OP as the defender in this but by no means balanced. Has an autoloader with a 21 second reload but a 7 second intraclip reload. I think that's a good way to balance the tank.
I love how WG removed the WTF E 100 but then added high-tier autoloading French TDs with better armor
I need to find something else to play. Spent so many hours on this game. Shame
@PRIME 13 mybe wot blitz? There is no artys and no shit like IS3A.
@PRIME 13 I play already other games, besides wot, wot is on my bottom list of games. If I'm bored I play wot for an hour or two, sometimes 30 min. only if it don't make fun, because of rng, artys and mm, that let you lose like 15-3, 15-6 15-2 few times in a row. At the end I play Tanki Online more than wot (it's a fun game).
If you want a better tank game which is a simulator and not a team deathmatch and arcade style: Tank crew is the best simulator online game today :)
@PRIME 13 I don't play it that much like other people every day, I play 1 or 2 times in a week for an 1h or 2h, sometimes I don't open it for few weeks. I play Tanki online more then wot that says everything.
@@judgedeath3 Thx, looks interesting, I will try it.
I want a buffed Tiger 2 with the IS-3A autoreloading system or my good ol WT auf E100.(Sure he was a bit Overpowered but not so much, when i had to fight him, it mostly went good for me, just give us the old version back with the 5 shots and not 6 or how many shots its was.)
And yeah, im playing since februar 2012 and, the game was so much better in the old days, fun matchmaking and not this BS now, great maps like Pearl River and Dragon Ridge, no Defender or Skorpion G's and E25's and all the other BS premium Tanks.
But still the worst is the MM and the Maps. PLZ Wargaming just get the old MM back even if it wasnt perfect, and get rid of the arty stun. The Second most important thing are the maps, it's not just that i miss my old maps like Dragon ridge because they looked so cool, but also because the played so fucking awesome, so many ways you could go, god damn, just remember the balcons on the left side of dragon ridge and the steep hills and the always changing terrain.
Ans also my eyes are getting so fucking tired always looking at the same maps.
Keep up the good Work QuickyBaby and show Wargaming what they did to our beloved game.
PS: Srry for some wrong writing, I'm not a native english speaker and also was too lazy to look over my text again ;)
HeroesLP great words mate! I started in january 2013 and it was so fun und the nations really have been different, MM wasn't perfect, also the maps, but it was a wide variety! And Dragon Ridge
I started in 2016 got slagged off so many times for poor xvm rating. looking back I see that you need to be a stat padder and seal clubber to get up there. Ideally with a premium lower tier tank. then reboot new account and start again like so many have but with more experience
I too criticize WoT a lot. But your critic wrong. They've been good at introducing new maps and removing bad maps. The MM as it is is complete shit, but you want to go back to something is even more horrible? No thank you. Back in the day I could be, for instance, the only tier 7 tank in a mainly tier 9 battle - fun times /s. No, they should never go back to that shit, they change the MM into +1/-1. They are already testing that out on SEA server, but that's just several years too late.
Casually buys the waffle back because I’m a casual console player :)
Take stun mechanic out. Put arty back to the way it was, I.e. you could shave half of HP off equal tier heavy, that solves the corridor map issue. Limit of 2 party per game. Do I want to be in tier 10 battles with my Chaffee again? No. Maps need to get bigger and more variety. Been playing since Nov 2011. They need to find a revenue model that isn't pay to win. Unfortunately from what I've seen and heard the big clan system isn't helping either. Their attempt to enter e- sports is vanishing. Solution... No idea. It is hard to start from scratch again.
If it's Russian, it's bound to be good.
I just seen in game a 3 pack of them IS 3 A X3 on enemy team. Well that lasted less than 3 min and 13-0 stomp.
Great Vid as always , man ! That IS-3A is preaty nice to have in your garage :D
this tank is broken af, defender looks like shit comparing to this tank
Absolutely, after dumping all of the shells at the beginning of the match, Is3 just looses only 30% of it's HP from the Defender or Skorpion, while Defender or any of same tier HTs have already lost at least 90% of their HP, if they were to Face to Face with this IS3A
"this tank is broken af, "
How broken is the Air Force?
i see red pleb over here.
@@TranNguyen-zn4sw gl dumping shells with 10 hp\t ratio, 0.35 aim and 0.46 accuracy. gl fighting t9s with heat, considering you cant aim and heat requiers aiming.
what about somua sm? most t8 lose all hp meeting that. so what?
mezmery a here it is my nickname :Darackiller1106 im not red u stupid wanker
WG goes now in the wrong way I spent a lot of time in that game but. It was a good game ... I thing that game die in 1-2 years if WG not change it it the fair direction... THXBaby to be the promoter for us as a community
nope at this rate its like 1 year max for NA/EU there will have a russian tier 8 waffletractor to stomp tier 9s...then it will be a Russian only game
Why should this tank do more damage per shot than a Tiger 2 AND get a 3 second reload?
Oh yeah, and better armor too and a lower profile.
Russian bias.
Phukk you WG. You've lost me as a player.
Armor isn't better. Just shoot the front piked armor or right above the gun. Easy pen.
@@joshsummers7933 hahaha
"Theory crafting" always makes me happy.
you are absolutly right about this "inverse reload". even stronger is it not the medium tank that should be more flexible then a heavy tank. i mean like a medium tank is suposed to flank and stuff but if u miss in a progetto well rip. would it not be better for the is-3A to have the 3 clips and a longest reload on your last shell so you can use it when you want to push, rush out 3 shots and move on to the next fight, this way if they want to push but fail they get punished. or it would be a nice feature if u are in your is3-A that if enemys push you can punish them and then rely on your team to hold it
or do i see this wrong as well?
QB looks way better with short hair and no beard
Dude ikr
I would urge everyone NOT TOO BUY ANYTHING WG has to sell until they fix the MM and make more maps.
Haha, all the noobs have been begging for years to sell the defender again. They will sell their souls to get their hands on it. And this is3a arguably is even better then the defender. At least for half decent players it is.
I bet this years lootboxes will do even better then last year for wargamming.
In world of tank BLITZ theres a similar tank called the is3 defender which has 3 shells in a clip but there is a 7.5 second reload in between each shot.
Blitz is also dying because of patch 5.5 in which WG removed lower tier and remove 105mm gun from hetzer stuG and T82
yeah, and its not an auto-reloader. If they had done that with this tank, it might have been more balanced.
Wargaming Super Noob it is an auto loader
@@control123blitz7 Noob was agreeing with you lol. If they made the IS-3A a auto loader (3 round clip then have it reload all three) then it would be balanced. Instead it is a reloader (reloads constantly regardless of what's in the magazine).
The IS-3 Defender ruined Blitz for a while. But even it isn't as overpowered as this. It's a traditional autoloader with a 7.5s interclip, 3 shots, and a 22s full reload time.
I have received this tank an a gift from a fellow clan member back in 2016,I liked how it was.I took it for a spin today,I felt really dirty.I've been around since june of 2011.It's really sad that they are killing this game in such a way.
Player- "the game is dying", WG- "lets kill it even more"
This thing is a no-skill version of the Italian auto-reloading system without any downsides. Basically if you want a better auto-reloading system take out your credit card buddy.
You say that like the past 2 years they haven't been following the same mechanic
@@grimmghoul3135 Yeah it sucks... I only got into this game mid this year but all this p2w makes me wish I didn't.
@@Blopdie It didn't used to be this way. This all started in the last year or two with OP premium tanks. They don't even realize what they have done.
you need to chose whether to have good fire rate or to have 3 shots ready quickly
@@RazvanMaioru that is a non-choice. If you're out of combat long enough you load 3 shells. Otherwise you always unload, it's an unbalanced version of the current system in place.
I have if for more then 24 months ago....stopped playing it 20 months let me enjoy it :)
It even destroys the real balance (of many hard working parents)
Good one.
You can even use the lower last shell reload in weird ways by purposefully changing shell types and loading back the 1st type to have a lower reload.. Idk when you would use it (if you understand what I'm saying), but it makes for some interesting situations of game mechanic advantages
And then you realize the IS-3A will be in the Christmas lootboxes
It would be a lot more balanced and interesting if 2nd shot had shortest reload time, 1st would be second and 3rd would take longest time to load. reload times like following: 15/12/18
Wargaming milking their players
Nedge _ you spelled “bilking” wrong.
Soviet bias confirmed.
It was confirmed 7 years ago. Idiots just didnt listen.
@@johnsun11 No it was not. Why there is no "Soviet Bias" World of Warships for example? Huh? People cry only Russian bias because its a BELOrussian company. Are Japanese top tier heavy tanks also part of the "Russian bias"?
@@johnsun11 I totally agree with you
The tier 5 KV when the game CAME OUT circa a decade ago, had it confirmed.
@@CloneDAnon Because its impossible to bias soviet ships without being blatantly obvious. With tanks they can still hide behind plausible deniability.
The autoloading system on the IS3-A is similar to the autoloading system on the Merkava tanks in Armoured Warfare
I bought the is3a back in 2015 when I first started playing and played it a lot because it was my highest tier tank for a long while
Still just OP premium tanks and gold spamming tier 10s.. Do the F2P so you can connect with the community please