This was a very interesting and informative video. Well worth my time to watch a comparison test of each vise. Just watching the video, the Peak was my choice too. I looked on line and there are saltwater vise jaws for the rotary vise. That is what I tie. My vise was a hand-me down from my uncle and it is functional but worn and tired. It will be interesting to watch the “from box to set up” videos in the future.
As you didn't utilize the rotary function on the Mongoose, and instead ran your hands underneath (which caused the discomfort of things below getting in the way), I'd be interested to know if your score would improve, degrade, or stay the same when utilizing the rotary function. I'm not a fly tier yet, but am looking for a quality vise that I can buy once and not have to keep replacing. I've heard really good things about the Peak and the Mongoose and as such, they are on my short list.
Great vid. I'm not surprised at your first pick; I almost bought it. I've had the Mongoose for several years after decades on a Thompson A. I tie big stuff mostly, for pike and bass. I love the Mongoose. It came with a base and a clamp. I use both - clamp for traveling. The base isn't big enough so I made my own out of the top of an old marble top wash stand. I also put a dot on the center of the plastic square that holds the rotating shaft so that I can get the hook shank perfectly aligned with the rotation. I tie in the thread at the hook eye and run the thread with the shaft to my left and across the center of the dot - perfect rotational alignment.
That is a great tip! With the dot. Plus adding a heavy base to any vise simply makes it better. Tight lines and thanks for the comment. I'll be tying tonight, filling the fly box for a trip. Tiny flies for fly fishing in the Smoky Mtns. 🐟🎣
Thanks for the comparison. Now that the Peak is over 200$ , and closer in price to the Renzetti Traveler 2000. Would you pick one over the other , and , why. Thanks
I love my Renzetti, it was a gift from my wife over 20 years ago. Either the Peak or Rezentti are a soild choices. I've been testing a ~$120 model called Riverruns Colorado it's actually been pretty nice.
You never had either of the Wolf vises mounted in the bases of either of them . The stem was above your tighten knob and you were just tightening the very bottom of the stem. Plus any big hooks have the grooves to use. The jaws weren't tightened down properly either.
I agree with H Anu in that it seems you just don’t like the Mongoose for whatever reason and unfortunately it’s reflected in the way you did your review in this video and the previous. Just my opinion obviously, thanks!
It was obvious to me that the Griffin Mongoose was a vise you just did not want to like. Your reasoning "Too much going on underneath" was matched by the Wolf Atlas for which you said nothing. I don't have a horse in the race, I have neither of these, yet I contend that the Griffin Mongoose won in all the areas for which you declared a vise to be worthy.... I also would have liked you to have properly set the hook in the Mongoose.... You placed it at a disadvantaging angle. Your scoring in this respect was very biased. Nevertheless, we get to choose what we like and don't like for whatever reasons.... Still, I found your demonstration interesting - especially with the epic fails (with respect to adjustments) of the vises you obviously favored. Thanks.
Thanks for the comment. I bought each vise, I reviewed each vise and I recommended my choice - an honest review. The best kind of review with so many folks "faking it" Be Well!
Honestly did you have any preconceived notions going into this? I feel that the 200 benchmark is arbitrary as a much better vise in my opinion would be a Renzetti for just a few bucks more. Would have used the rotary feature more consistently.
I would choose the Renzetti for most tying and a Norvise for Griffiths gnat and buggers. I have had both and now just have the Renzetti. I made a much heavier base for the Renzetti.
Honestly, you should have used the rotary function exactly the same on every vise with both flies in my opinion. Otherwise it was just showing how the hook is held. What's the point in buying ANY rotary vise if you're just going to wrap by hand? Just a little constructive criticism, not trying to be mean.
Been tying on the Peak stationary. Great quality vise. Just ordered the Peak rotary vise. Gettin' excited, supposed to be here Friday.
Thanks 🐟👍
This was a very interesting and informative video. Well worth my time to watch a comparison test of each vise. Just watching the video, the Peak was my choice too. I looked on line and there are saltwater vise jaws for the rotary vise. That is what I tie. My vise was a hand-me down from my uncle and it is functional but worn and tired.
It will be interesting to watch the “from box to set up” videos in the future.
Hi Tracy I appreciate the note! I've been really happy with the Peak. Simple effective design and heavy duty. Should last a lifetime. Tight Lines!
My Peak will be here Friday. Thank you sir.
A great tying vise....Your going to have a full fly box by spring!
As you didn't utilize the rotary function on the Mongoose, and instead ran your hands underneath (which caused the discomfort of things below getting in the way), I'd be interested to know if your score would improve, degrade, or stay the same when utilizing the rotary function. I'm not a fly tier yet, but am looking for a quality vise that I can buy once and not have to keep replacing. I've heard really good things about the Peak and the Mongoose and as such, they are on my short list.
Thanks 🐟👍
Thanks for the review. It was helpful to see you tie on each, but it was more a demonstration of tying skill than the features of each vice.
Thanks 🐟👍
Great vid. I'm not surprised at your first pick; I almost bought it. I've had the Mongoose for several years after decades on a Thompson A. I tie big stuff mostly, for pike and bass. I love the Mongoose. It came with a base and a clamp. I use both - clamp for traveling. The base isn't big enough so I made my own out of the top of an old marble top wash stand. I also put a dot on the center of the plastic square that holds the rotating shaft so that I can get the hook shank perfectly aligned with the rotation. I tie in the thread at the hook eye and run the thread with the shaft to my left and across the center of the dot - perfect rotational alignment.
That is a great tip! With the dot. Plus adding a heavy base to any vise simply makes it better. Tight lines and thanks for the comment. I'll be tying tonight, filling the fly box for a trip. Tiny flies for fly fishing in the Smoky Mtns. 🐟🎣
Thanks for the comparison. Now that the Peak is over 200$ , and closer in price to the Renzetti Traveler 2000. Would you pick one over the other , and , why. Thanks
I love my Renzetti, it was a gift from my wife over 20 years ago. Either the Peak or Rezentti are a soild choices. I've been testing a ~$120 model called Riverruns Colorado it's actually been pretty nice.
"Old" renzetti travel that looks unreal 😍
It's been a good vise, I've had to replace the tension knob, lots of flies have been tied on it. Tight Lines David 🎣🐟
You never had either of the Wolf vises mounted in the bases of either of them . The stem was above your tighten knob and you were just tightening the very bottom of the stem. Plus any big hooks have the grooves to use. The jaws weren't tightened down properly either.
Thanks for the note. Winter is a great time to fill up those fly boxes. Tight Lines for the New Year 😃
Enjoyed your review on all these vise thank you .
Thanks 🐟👍
Great info
Glad you think so!
I agree with H Anu in that it seems you just don’t like the Mongoose for whatever reason and unfortunately it’s reflected in the way you did your review in this video and the previous. Just my opinion obviously, thanks!
Glad I was able to help
It was obvious to me that the Griffin Mongoose was a vise you just did not want to like. Your reasoning "Too much going on underneath" was matched by the Wolf Atlas for which you said nothing. I don't have a horse in the race, I have neither of these, yet I contend that the Griffin Mongoose won in all the areas for which you declared a vise to be worthy.... I also would have liked you to have properly set the hook in the Mongoose.... You placed it at a disadvantaging angle. Your scoring in this respect was very biased. Nevertheless, we get to choose what we like and don't like for whatever reasons.... Still, I found your demonstration interesting - especially with the epic fails (with respect to adjustments) of the vises you obviously favored. Thanks.
Thanks for the comment. I bought each vise, I reviewed each vise and I recommended my choice - an honest review. The best kind of review with so many folks "faking it" Be Well!
Honestly did you have any preconceived notions going into this? I feel that the 200 benchmark is arbitrary as a much better vise in my opinion would be a Renzetti for just a few bucks more. Would have used the rotary feature more consistently.
I tie most of my flies with my +20 year old Renzetti. Interestingly, nearly all of these vises that were just under $200 are over now with inflation.
I would choose the Renzetti for most tying and a Norvise for Griffiths gnat and buggers. I have had both and now just have the Renzetti. I made a much heavier base for the Renzetti.
I just tie jigs using my hands. they come out fine
Thanks 🐟👍
You do not have the Jay vice. It is the best.
I've got a buddy who said the same thing. Tight Lines!
And you left out a step with the regal!!!
Thanks 🐟👍
Make your own video then. This guy made a video reflecting his views if you can’t respect that make your own and express yourself.
Thanks 🐟👍
Honestly, you should have used the rotary function exactly the same on every vise with both flies in my opinion.
Otherwise it was just showing how the hook is held.
What's the point in buying ANY rotary vise if you're just going to wrap by hand?
Just a little constructive criticism, not trying to be mean.
Excellent comment, tight lines! 🎣