Hi there friend, I know whatcha mean about dented pipe syndrome. I bought an FMF fatty pipe for a CR250 years ago and very first ride I met a big side by side on a trail and went off the path, struck a rock and layed the bike down pretty hard. Brand new very expensive pipe half dented shut 😢 I was bummed. My brother in law took it to the machine shop where he worked and they pulled the dent but the shiny finish was black. So you like the sound of a performance exhaust? I had the FMF fatty with a shortly silencer. 😊 So sweet! Probably upset the neighbors but sweet lol
What's your favorite MOD/UPGRADE for trail riding?
If you wish to support us (Amazon affiliate links):
-2 stroke pipe guard: amzn.to/3uIfQb7
-Aux fuel tank: amzn.to/3IhJcA5
-Coolant recovery tank: amzn.to/3Iju2dK
-Heavy-duty tubes: amzn.to/42WfqdA
-Flywheel weight: amzn.to/4bYEdlm
-FMF spark arrestor: amzn.to/49Blon0
-Skid plate: amzn.to/3TgPOoA
-Headlight: amzn.to/49xWGDU
-Hand guards (full alum): amzn.to/3Igt2qP
-Tires (soft/inter): amzn.to/3P1z16s
Good Job, Bro❤
Thanks 🔥
Hi there friend, I know whatcha mean about dented pipe syndrome. I bought an FMF fatty pipe for a CR250 years ago and very first ride I met a big side by side on a trail and went off the path, struck a rock and layed the bike down pretty hard. Brand new very expensive pipe half dented shut 😢 I was bummed. My brother in law took it to the machine shop where he worked and they pulled the dent but the shiny finish was black. So you like the sound of a performance exhaust? I had the FMF fatty with a shortly silencer. 😊 So sweet! Probably upset the neighbors but sweet lol
Air less tube