+AVicious Hunter That's the enemy's stamina bar. It's different from the red health bar since If you get that down to zero with tranquilizers or nonlethal attacks, then you beat the enemy and it's not considered a kill.
The boss' in this game were definitely weak compared to the other bosses in the series. For my money the series was never quite able to match the bosses from the original Metal Gear Solid even though the actual best boss fights in the series were probably in Snake Eater.
Guns of the Patriots had the most epic boss battles in the entire series. The call backs to past games was awesome, especially with the showdown between Metal Gear Rex and Metal Gear Ray on the abandoned Shadow Moses Island and the final sequence starting in the microwave chamber all the way until the final fist fight with Liquid Ocelot gave me goosebumps. Very powerful stuff.
+BlamefulEye36 all feel like mini bosses to me. Quiets character was awesome but the boss fight wasn't. The Skulls are glorified Frogs, even Sehalantrophus didn't top the Shagohad let alone Rex/Ray. Great game, Bad MGS for me.
Back when boss fights actually felt like boss fights. I remember being scared shitless at the skulls. The animation and the art style is just mind blowing
I just met the skulls today and thinking they were just soldiers at first infected by what was referred to as the virus . But when I had to run past them , I got a f*clingy cold chill lol
The first ones were technically not boss fights more of wait then sneak past or just ride out on your horse. But if your really hard core I heard you get an acheivment/trophy for neutralising every skull in every encounter so... Yeh
Not really.. Only ones i consider boss fight are stealth ones.. Unless you Rambo them with rpg. Altho game giving as much possibilities as it's physically possible can be cool, i would much more like boss fights in style of PW. What makes it a bit more funnier imo is, "challenge them in their own game". Aka use only sniper on stealth ones, only smg on mist ones and only asasult rifles (and counter hits) on armored ones.
Remember when the bosses would talk as you fight them, werent mindless things and instead were humans with thoughts and there was only one that you had to deal with (other than smaller goons that are easy to take down alone like in the fight with crying wolf). Pepperidge Farms remembers
Bluegills Yes they are bosses, Kojima Productions said so. The point of these bosses is to be experimental. You could call them "Post Modern bosses", which is why you have the option to just run away from them.
The skulls had a good concept but they were more of a mini boss if they had more hp or would revive and fight again after a set period of time then they would be more dangerous the mist unit and camouflage units could be random spawns in the world or may appear if a bases alarm is sounded
For me, Dude on Fire, Female Skull Snipers, and destroying the big robot were the hardest for me. The Female skulls were very hard, cuz for one, they have thermals, sinful butterflies, and are very dangerous if you don’t get into cover. They almost murdered Quiet and she had to be sent to the sickbay. This was very hard to handle besides the other 2 I mentioned.
Holy shit. I remember the first day this game came out I played it all day and I loved it. I got up to the mission at 34:39 in this video (Traitor's Varacan) and spent literally a whole hour trying to find the damn truck. Finally MIller showed me it on the map so I set up a trap and waited for it to arrive, it arrived and then the FUCKING SKULLS jumped out and I was like FUCK and it was funny, thanks for listening :)
More like REX is a budget version of Sahelanthropus, meant to be cheap and easy to mass produce. Sahelanthropus was extremely expensive and it didn't even work on it's own.
54:20 Thanks for the tips. I've been trying to nuke them for days now. The most I did was 3 using the walker gear with gat gun. Didn't know extraction was possible, either. So many people told me to use drop flares for supplies during combat.
+Al Adeeb Quiet was worse than The End, and Sahelanthropus... i don't know. Apart from the visual effects, nothing special. The worst boss battles in any MGS so far.
the same man we need more boss,s like AI_POD BOSS ( Peace Walker) and all the boss's from mgs3 come back again in the game put them in mission or side op or something like vr mission. future DLC I hope
+Al Adeeb For me the only boss is Sahelanthropus... He is the only one with a true health bar on screen. Quiet and the skulls are amazing, but they dont look like a real boss... Man on Fire I dont know. You can spend a lot of time defeating him, or just killing him in one minute... I expected a TRUE fight against Man on Fire and Mantis. The gameplay from Phantom Pain, the graphics, the physics and the engine are very powerfull, you can see it when fighting Sahelanthropus or when you run by horse (or a car) from the skulls, and you see them teleporting and jumping on the hills... We could have had one of the best boss fight...
Skullface, compared to the antagonists from past games in the series is unfortunately sort of weak especially when you consider how much potential he had. Thinking about it though, it's hard to give Kojima a hard time in this regard especially when you remember the antagonists from the previous games : Liquid Snake & Metal Gear REX in MGS, Solidus Snake in MGS II, Colonel Volgin and the original Big Boss in MGS III and Liquid Ocelot in MGS IV. Skullface was never going to be able to live up to those standards unfortunately. With all that said he's still a very cool character and fits seamlessly in alongside all of Kojima's other creations.
+DOOMED ! The only good villain was liquid, the others weren't that special. skullface could have easily lived up to the other characters standards but unfortunately his character was half ass.
DOOMED ! Skullface never had the potential some people want to believe they're missing out on. He's meant to be a phantom antagonist, the fact that killed indirectly with no boss fight and his absence in the second chapter are deliberately meant to make the player feel dissatisfied and empty, just like how real revenge leaves you feeling.
Skull Face indirectly caused all the major problems on the next games. He has the idea for Foxdie, he started using parasites to make people stronger (in the future they turn them into nanomachines, and he is the reason why Mass Produced Metal Gears will be a thing.
Problem with Skull Face is that he wasn't meant to be this, the current one is a product of rewrites. Originally Skull Face was just a CIA agent in charge of XOF, which was meant to be a special forces unit that the CIA created as their own successor to FOX, and his mission was to destroy Cipher because the CIA ended up discovering them and saw the entire organization as a threat to the control they had over US politics, which included Big Boss. He was never meant to work for Zero or anything. In fact, originally he didn't even have a burned skin, you can see in the concept art that originally he was just a normal looking man. This is back when the enemy of Diamond Dogs wasn't Cipher, but the USA itself, and the story was told from Huey's perspective, which would have probably made the story way darker. This change from fighting the CIA to fighting Cipher is also why the return to Camp Omega didn't happen, since it no longer made sense. Some elements were still there like the Vocal Cord Parasites, Venom Snake being a memetic clone of Big Boss, but it was all handled differently. No idea why Kojima decided to rewrite the entire game, but considering what it was meant to be, I have to wonder if there weren't outside pressures to not portray the USA as straight up evil. For example, I remember General Shepherd from Modern Warfare 2 and how they changed his motivation from the beta version. In the final game it was that he just wanted revenge for what happened in COD4 (a nuke killing thousands of US marines), but originally he was just yet another US general doing what he was told, which was to provoke a falseflag invasion of the USA to give the US government an excuse to spark whatever war and invade whoever they wanted, and from what some devs implied the US government forced them to change it. I wonder if the same happened with MGSV.
@@greathoonta3461 There are 89 "loud"/ lethal weapons and 11 silenced/ non-lethal weapons. That is not stealth as a focus. Also silencers degrade (even though it's the 1980s? Come on). Also You (can) have a loudspeaker (not stealth) to announce your presence flying in. Also you could use tanks. Tanks are not stealth my friend.
To put some perspective: MGSV - 5+ years of development, gargantuan budget and dev time that most devs would wish to have. Bosses: -Quiet (a complete downgrade compared to The End or Crying Wolf) -A bunch of repetitive bullet sponges elite mooks -Liquid? (a glorified playable QTE cutscene) -Metal Gear Sanchopanza Metal Gear Rising - a rushed game made on a single year saved from development hell because Kojima Productions sucks at making action games. Bosses: -Metal Gear Ray -Bladewolf -Kamshin -Mistral -GRAD -Moonson -Sundowner -Jetstream Sam -Metal Gear Excelsus -Senator Armstrong You know what is sad? despite their limited screentime, MGR bosses felt like actual characters, heck, they interact with each other like a true unit, we dont have that kind of thing since Dead Cell in MGS2
And the characters in MGR were memorable! Monsoon with his memes, Sundowner with his "IM FUCKIN INVINCIBLE" Blade Wolf had decent development, and Sam is an honorable Samurai. Quiet here is the only thing.
Andrew Rogers MGR had terrible writing, it really says a lot about the retarded MG fanbase when That's the trash they want too see come out of the series.
MGR: The meme pit of the Metal Gear series Monsoon made 'memception' for crying out loud Sundowner is invincible Armstrong's nanomachines The list goes on Not to mention a kickass soundtrack Admittedly, the writing wasnt as good
Gargantuan budget? It cost 80 million dollars while it delivered one of the best optimized engines ever made. Metal Gear Rising is a 2 hour long game, and has such unpolished mechanics that it's borderline unplayable on Revengeance due to how atrocious the camera system is, and the obsession it has with inserting QTEs everywhere.
@@davidstinger1134 you seriously are responding to a 8 years old post? 2 hours long game...... and still is the more memorable game are left a stronger impression in the general gaming audience than The Phantom Pain Almost 12 years after its release and everyone remembers MGR story, soundtrack, setpices and bosses while MGSV is barely remembered or relevant even by hardocre fans of the series
I hate how the metal gear in this game is supposedly so bad ass and indestructible but the way you take it down is rocket spam... like the thing has an entire arsenal that can take out a tank column but you can just run around and rpg it until its weak enough. F that
I'd kill for one final Metal Gear Solid game set sometime between the original two Metal Gear games for the Japanese MSX2 featuring Solid Snake in his prime still working for FoxHound. I think that would be the perfect way to close the series. An open world game with the Fox Engine featuring Solid Snake in his prime.
Or maybe even a game set after MGS with Solid Snake working with Otacon for Philanthropy. Something. Its been so long since we've gotten to play as Solid Snake as the main character in his prime with next gen hardware.
The Phantom Pain, for as many loose ends as it ties up still leaves a few things dangling that one final game could conceivably address. Maybe it'll happen, but without Kojima I would be against a new Metal Gear game with a sequel to Metal Gear Rising being the only exception.
If this takes place in the 1980’s can someone explain how all the technology is so advanced? Like the phone Boss has and the hardware. Not trying to poke holes I’m legit curious.
Okay I'll admit at first glance the skulls unit boss is pretty damn awesome but considering you have to fight them again and again puts me off, the other boss fights are pretty cool tho, especially the Sahelanthropus (or whatever its called) and also Quiets fight considering its pretty reminiscent of The Ends fight.
What the fuck are you talking about? The original idea for the game was a war between Big Boss and the USA. It was never meant to be about Liquid, hell, Eli wasn't even in the original script, he was a last minute addition.
For the life of my i have no idea how to access cut scenes in this game and don't feel like I'm progressing in the story, wish they would have made a more traditional mgs game
Old vid, but for everyone complaining about they are not boss fights, boss fight in this game are basically for normal players fucking suffering, for smart players on certain Boss Fights, use strats and speedrunners fucking glitching the boss in some way
I wish they would have created individual bosses in this game maybe even accompanied by the skulls at times. Like the units that he had to fight in all the other games and bigger buildings that he would have to sneak in, almost like a dungeon. Would have been so much better with all that.
most of the boss fights were very easy using the walker as a buddy.......in the other Metal Gear Games there just wasnt that kind of help. Allthough this game is one hell of an experience, storywise it doesnt come close to the originals. Love the end of chapter 1 with the long cutscene, but metal gear 1 2 3 and 4 were way better. Still like this one thooo, its beautiful made.
I think the reason why the boss fights are so weak in this game is not because of Konami I believe it's because kojima, in a interview (I can't remember which one ) he was asked what kind of games has he played lately and he said none he's been mostly reading and watching movies, now I'm not saying that he's terrible at making bosses because obviously he's not (mgs1,2 and 3) but it showed he tried putting more heavy story elements in 5 as apposed to putting actual game elements like a proper boss fight that's actually fun
i like to use a "custom weapon": an assault rifle with an "under-rifle grenade launcher". (you need to do all three "legendary gunsmith" side-missions and lots of research to get that) the first two skull battles are VERY easy with a grenade launcher.
Hey do you know something none of this even matters because the real big boss is in Zanzibar and this is basically a side game. What they should have done is at the end is there should have a been quick shot of solid snake vs big boss (fake boss) from metal gear.
I’m going to be honest, I didn’t even register half of these “boss fights” as boss fights in my mind, they were just another obstacle. As great as this game is, this is just another example of it’s lacking in character.
In chronological order: MGS 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence MGS: Peace Walker MGS 5 (Ground Zero, & The Phantom Pain) Metal Gear Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty/Substance Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
What is up with people complaining about the boss fights? Complaining that you can avoid some of the encounters is like saying The End in MGS3 is not a boss fight because you can easily avoid that boss fight altogether, heck you can even skip that guy without even starting the game on your console. I love the older MGS games as much as MGSV, but the nostalgia goggles really beg to be shattered.
I don’t know how to get Quiet back to Mother Base I accidentally shot her once but I tried replaying the mission over and over but I don’t know how I can get her back I need her.
for all the shit that we give mgsv you have to admit, thematically, it is the best. sahelanthropus is genuinely terrifying compared to the later metal gears, and the skull unit is awesome. quiet could've been better, but it still isn't that bad.
Let's be honest, those "boss fights" were quite too easy. Skulls were cool and tbh scary at the beginning, but if you played for more then 10 hours, you find out they are much easier to deal with, then common fully armored soldiers. Note: Everything becomes tutorial with Brennan. Quiet.. Yeh. The loudest skull sniper in whole game. One of very rare cases, where buddy is way stronger and usefull then boss. Especially with **Brennan** (or silenced tranquilize sniper).. Imagine if she used Brennan against you in boss fight, constantly checking whole perimeter (why every skull sniper is looking 1 way and all are quite deaf to surroundings?), And same as buddy, almost always aware of your position as long as you are in her pov? Tbh whole fact that you can either drop boxes on her, or get close enough to use CQC is BULLSHIT. (Again mentioning buddy.. She is always aware of enemy positions and when they get 40m from her, she change position) Sahelanthropus 1st encounter.. I struggled here alot on first time ngl, used from peace walker i kinda obviously tried to take him down on my own. 2nd encounter was most likely best bossfight in whole game tho. Overall mechs are kind of rare in whole MGSV. Man on Fire, also not my most favorite tho.. But atleast it's unique. Btw game forces extract to fail there, just so you can extract him later x) Briliant design! (Maybe it was bad idea when Psycho Mantis was with SkullFace, but altho not a single character knows he is with Eli by the time you extract him, it's def good idea now, after thinking about it twice)
Wait, does Eli not count? I know he was short (pun intended) but you still had to take him down, he took a few slams to takedown, and had different tactics as well.
I really love how Sahelanthropus shares the same characteristics in the head with metal gear rex! XD Supposedly they were somehow related or something? Yeah its a metal gear game so i guessthere was a point to that somehow!
This is off topic and more to the other metal gear games like metal gear riseing and the one where snake is old but if in riseing he could lift ray over his head but when some concreat falls on his arm he can’t lift it and when he cuts his arm off couldent he just pick snake up with the other arm instead of some how stoping a boat on a dock, the bords on the dock would break if he stood and pushed the boat away
I liked most of these bosses but nothing compares to Metal Gear Solid 3's boss fights.
+Boss Fight Database What's that blue bar?
+AVicious Hunter That's the enemy's stamina bar. It's different from the red health bar since If you get that down to zero with tranquilizers or nonlethal attacks, then you beat the enemy and it's not considered a kill.
+Boss Fight Database What missions is the third encounter with the skulls?
The boss' in this game were definitely weak compared to the other bosses in the series. For my money the series was never quite able to match the bosses from the original Metal Gear Solid even though the actual best boss fights in the series were probably in Snake Eater.
Guns of the Patriots had the most epic boss battles in the entire series. The call backs to past games was awesome, especially with the showdown between Metal Gear Rex and Metal Gear Ray on the abandoned Shadow Moses Island and the final sequence starting in the microwave chamber all the way until the final fist fight with Liquid Ocelot gave me goosebumps. Very powerful stuff.
when i saw the skulls for the first time it scared the shit out of me
same here buddy
Yea same at back then, i really think why did the last bos doin there when we still newbie, without any enough preparations lol.
Same, I was too scared to play mgs5 again after seeing them
I ran like a bitch.
I was like “ fuck this shit I’m out “ when I met them
Skulls,Quiet,and Sehalantrophus. That's it pretty much.
+BlamefulEye36 I guess
+BlamefulEye36 all feel like mini bosses to me. Quiets character was awesome but the boss fight wasn't. The Skulls are glorified Frogs, even Sehalantrophus didn't top the Shagohad let alone Rex/Ray. Great game, Bad MGS for me.
Dont forget the man on fire
YUp he is a badass!
+Ange Collins i "killed" the man on fire in less then 30 seconds at first seeing... i planted it a bit but didnt know it would be so easy
Back when boss fights actually felt like boss fights. I remember being scared shitless at the skulls. The animation and the art style is just mind blowing
I just met the skulls today and thinking they were just soldiers at first infected by what was referred to as the virus . But when I had to run past them , I got a f*clingy cold chill lol
This is funny cuz back when this came out every reviewer e er wassaying hiw this mgs has the worst bosses in the series😂
Don't forget the sprint animation realy scary 😂
You must be around 12 years old if that feels like real boss battles to you
Only the first metal gear solid on ps1 felt like real boss fights lol
Wait, the skulls counters were "boss fights"? I just hid from them and slowly moved pass them until i saw an opening, than ran like hell.
The first ones were technically not boss fights more of wait then sneak past or just ride out on your horse. But if your really hard core I heard you get an acheivment/trophy for neutralising every skull in every encounter so... Yeh
The skulls were cool enemies but they weren't a boss fight what I like is that they can posses soldiers and they start to be like zombies
ya me too lol got an s ranke
They're easy to kill just fight them
Not really.. Only ones i consider boss fight are stealth ones.. Unless you Rambo them with rpg. Altho game giving as much possibilities as it's physically possible can be cool, i would much more like boss fights in style of PW. What makes it a bit more funnier imo is, "challenge them in their own game". Aka use only sniper on stealth ones, only smg on mist ones and only asasult rifles (and counter hits) on armored ones.
Remember when the bosses would talk as you fight them, werent mindless things and instead were humans with thoughts and there was only one that you had to deal with (other than smaller goons that are easy to take down alone like in the fight with crying wolf). Pepperidge Farms remembers
I will just correct you but the quite sniper boss doesn’t talk
Change is good stfu
I member
@@mizaelhernandez471 L
@@JimmehRulez u are unLoved and unwanted
literally 2 grenades
theres literally only 3 bosses in this game, skulls are not bosses.
Yep. those 3 bosses are Quiet, Eli (Liquid snake) and Sahelanthropus.
Sniper skulls at Extreme.They destroy tank in 8 shots
you miss the man on fire boss fight
Actually only one real boss, Sahelanthropus , the rest were not real bosses.
Bluegills Yes they are bosses, Kojima Productions said so. The point of these bosses is to be experimental. You could call them "Post Modern bosses", which is why you have the option to just run away from them.
There is just something special about Kojima’s games. It’s really special.
And it transfers perfectly from console generation to generation.
The skulls had a good concept but they were more of a mini boss if they had more hp or would revive and fight again after a set period of time then they would be more dangerous the mist unit and camouflage units could be random spawns in the world or may appear if a bases alarm is sounded
you can do this with infinite haven. you can hsve random enemies like heavies tanks ir even helicopter and skulls to spawn in randomly
Dude, are you kidding? They were really hard to kill.
@@MiyakoloverOnce I discovered the Brennan sniper, it was game, set and match
@@jonathanjohnjohnson Yeah, ONCE you discovered it.
@@northernnuggetbro can you explain about infinity heaven and what's that mod can give
4:46😂Snake: I need some of that strong ass weed
My favorite part was the first mission were you had to escape the hospital and kill those soldiers
and me that is my favorite part
You don't kill them you sneak past them
@@christianchappell4193 I killed them XD
For me, Dude on Fire, Female Skull Snipers, and destroying the big robot were the hardest for me. The Female skulls were very hard, cuz for one, they have thermals, sinful butterflies, and are very dangerous if you don’t get into cover. They almost murdered Quiet and she had to be sent to the sickbay. This was very hard to handle besides the other 2 I mentioned.
Holy shit. I remember the first day this game came out I played it all day and I loved it. I got up to the mission at 34:39 in this video (Traitor's Varacan) and spent literally a whole hour trying to find the damn truck. Finally MIller showed me it on the map so I set up a trap and waited for it to arrive, it arrived and then the FUCKING SKULLS jumped out and I was like FUCK and it was funny, thanks for listening :)
I'm glad that I'm not the only one enjoying the game ^^
i stopped playing after they jumped out because it was getting repetitive
Raiden would beat all of these boss fights easily.
but his not raiden
kasperi oinonen I'm just saying, Raiden would beat them all easily.
Well that name fits you nicely
igor sarti I know. :)
It was unintentional, but I'm glad I thought of it.
Defeat them yes...but "easily"? I doubt it.
41:31 You can't tell me this wasn't intended
Are you complaining? Lol
Sure it wasnt
Is it just me or are there kinda low variation of bosses in this game? Compared to other MGS games that had a lot of unique bosses, I mean.
+See05239 I agree. Its pretty bad & feels like they run out of ideas, honestly.
+Vadim Roskav they ran out of money, there would have been more bosses in chapter 3
Barney W Even if... it was nothing compared to the first bosses of other MGS'.
You are very wrong
Guy: *fighting last skull*
Guy: *using a Stun SMG in an attempt to kill*
Traumafine he also fought quiet with a tranquilizer pistol
For a lvl 2 one, that's actually pretty ballsy and good.
is it me or does solanthoropis look like a modded metal gear rex
Actualy, metal gear rex is modded sahelanthropus
@wut other way around
@wut nah u coo lol
@wut lol you don’t have to know the lore to know this game takes place before Metal gear solid 1
More like REX is a budget version of Sahelanthropus, meant to be cheap and easy to mass produce.
Sahelanthropus was extremely expensive and it didn't even work on it's own.
54:20 Thanks for the tips. I've been trying to nuke them for days now. The most I did was 3 using the walker gear with gat gun. Didn't know extraction was possible, either. So many people told me to use drop flares for supplies during combat.
Quiet and Sahelanthropus are the only good boss battles in this game.
+Al Adeeb in a lot of ways they're the only actual boss battles in the game
+Al Adeeb Quiet was worse than The End, and Sahelanthropus... i don't know. Apart from the visual effects, nothing special. The worst boss battles in any MGS so far.
+Vadim Roskav Quiet felt the end part 2, was still enjoyable. The sahelanthropus fight was great though, even if it was a bit of a bullet sponge
the same man
we need more boss,s like AI_POD BOSS ( Peace Walker) and all the boss's from mgs3 come back again in the game
put them in mission or side op or something like vr mission.
future DLC I hope
+Al Adeeb For me the only boss is Sahelanthropus... He is the only one with a true health bar on screen.
Quiet and the skulls are amazing, but they dont look like a real boss...
Man on Fire I dont know. You can spend a lot of time defeating him, or just killing him in one minute...
I expected a TRUE fight against Man on Fire and Mantis. The gameplay from Phantom Pain, the graphics, the physics and the engine are very powerfull, you can see it when fighting Sahelanthropus or when you run by horse (or a car) from the skulls, and you see them teleporting and jumping on the hills... We could have had one of the best boss fight...
metal gear solid on ps had the best bosses ever...each one was unique and required a different strategy to beat....
!!!!no way I will not play this hersey then
The bosses of the Metal Gear Sons of Liberty❤
Try dark soul or sekiro then
@@iamlambda8373 which is better?
Salanthropus story wasn’t over yet, as parts of the mech would be salved and influence Metal Gear Rex
I really wish they had more bosses, I mean they gave you a variety of weapons but all you really used them on was on guards
*This game was good, but MGS4 is still my favorite, I mean it's the ending of the MGS franchise that's why I love it so much more the MGS5*
I am not sure if I am the only one thinking Skull Face is kind of...lame?
+emacemacii Oh were you expecting him to be all cool...? Sorry that he wasn't so radtastic..
He's like a 2/10, not that spooky
+emacemacii He is THE MOST disappointing villain in the entire series.
I mean, there is hot coldman, but no one even knows who he is.
Compared to other villains in MGS, yes. Compared to other villains in other games, no.
His design is cool but in my opinion the only memorable thing he did was shout "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Skullface, compared to the antagonists from past games in the series is unfortunately sort of weak especially when you consider how much potential he had. Thinking about it though, it's hard to give Kojima a hard time in this regard especially when you remember the antagonists from the previous games : Liquid Snake & Metal Gear REX in MGS, Solidus Snake in MGS II, Colonel Volgin and the original Big Boss in MGS III and Liquid Ocelot in MGS IV. Skullface was never going to be able to live up to those standards unfortunately. With all that said he's still a very cool character and fits seamlessly in alongside all of Kojima's other creations.
+DOOMED ! The only good villain was liquid, the others weren't that special. skullface could have easily lived up to the other characters standards but unfortunately his character was half ass.
DOOMED ! Skullface never had the potential some people want to believe they're missing out on. He's meant to be a phantom antagonist, the fact that killed indirectly with no boss fight and his absence in the second chapter are deliberately meant to make the player feel dissatisfied and empty, just like how real revenge leaves you feeling.
@@jessicaheller3076 I expected way more from Skullface....then after mission 31 was over I knew the potential was gone
Skull Face indirectly caused all the major problems on the next games.
He has the idea for Foxdie, he started using parasites to make people stronger (in the future they turn them into nanomachines, and he is the reason why Mass Produced Metal Gears will be a thing.
Problem with Skull Face is that he wasn't meant to be this, the current one is a product of rewrites.
Originally Skull Face was just a CIA agent in charge of XOF, which was meant to be a special forces unit that the CIA created as their own successor to FOX, and his mission was to destroy Cipher because the CIA ended up discovering them and saw the entire organization as a threat to the control they had over US politics, which included Big Boss.
He was never meant to work for Zero or anything.
In fact, originally he didn't even have a burned skin, you can see in the concept art that originally he was just a normal looking man.
This is back when the enemy of Diamond Dogs wasn't Cipher, but the USA itself, and the story was told from Huey's perspective, which would have probably made the story way darker.
This change from fighting the CIA to fighting Cipher is also why the return to Camp Omega didn't happen, since it no longer made sense.
Some elements were still there like the Vocal Cord Parasites, Venom Snake being a memetic clone of Big Boss, but it was all handled differently.
No idea why Kojima decided to rewrite the entire game, but considering what it was meant to be, I have to wonder if there weren't outside pressures to not portray the USA as straight up evil.
For example, I remember General Shepherd from Modern Warfare 2 and how they changed his motivation from the beta version. In the final game it was that he just wanted revenge for what happened in COD4 (a nuke killing thousands of US marines), but originally he was just yet another US general doing what he was told, which was to provoke a falseflag invasion of the USA to give the US government an excuse to spark whatever war and invade whoever they wanted, and from what some devs implied the US government forced them to change it.
I wonder if the same happened with MGSV.
35:44 Guard: "Don't mind me, i'm just flying"
Worst boss fights in the entire series. ANd where's the awesome music?
Music was great, what are you talking about?
U shut ur dirty mouth music or not the bosses are awesome
I know its late but metallic archea its one hell of a track
smokebomb.exe stealth was the main focus, also Kojima wasn’t given the time he needed. Instead they fired him and the new director just released it
@@greathoonta3461 There are 89 "loud"/ lethal weapons and 11 silenced/ non-lethal weapons. That is not stealth as a focus. Also silencers degrade (even though it's the 1980s? Come on). Also You (can) have a loudspeaker (not stealth) to announce your presence flying in. Also you could use tanks. Tanks are not stealth my friend.
"It's them.....they played my squad like a damn fiddle!"
To put some perspective:
MGSV - 5+ years of development, gargantuan budget and dev time that most devs would wish to have. Bosses:
-Quiet (a complete downgrade compared to The End or Crying Wolf)
-A bunch of repetitive bullet sponges elite mooks
-Liquid? (a glorified playable QTE cutscene)
-Metal Gear Sanchopanza
Metal Gear Rising - a rushed game made on a single year saved from development hell because Kojima Productions sucks at making action games. Bosses:
-Metal Gear Ray
-Jetstream Sam
-Metal Gear Excelsus
-Senator Armstrong
You know what is sad? despite their limited screentime, MGR bosses felt like actual characters, heck, they interact with each other like a true unit, we dont have that kind of thing since Dead Cell in MGS2
And the characters in MGR were memorable! Monsoon with his memes, Sundowner with his "IM FUCKIN INVINCIBLE" Blade Wolf had decent development, and Sam is an honorable Samurai. Quiet here is the only thing.
Andrew Rogers MGR had terrible writing, it really says a lot about the retarded MG fanbase when That's the trash they want too see come out of the series.
MGR: The meme pit of the Metal Gear series
Monsoon made 'memception' for crying out loud
Sundowner is invincible
Armstrong's nanomachines
The list goes on
Not to mention a kickass soundtrack
Admittedly, the writing wasnt as good
Gargantuan budget? It cost 80 million dollars while it delivered one of the best optimized engines ever made.
Metal Gear Rising is a 2 hour long game, and has such unpolished mechanics that it's borderline unplayable on Revengeance due to how atrocious the camera system is, and the obsession it has with inserting QTEs everywhere.
@@davidstinger1134 you seriously are responding to a 8 years old post?
2 hours long game...... and still is the more memorable game are left a stronger impression in the general gaming audience than The Phantom Pain
Almost 12 years after its release and everyone remembers MGR story, soundtrack, setpices and bosses while MGSV is barely remembered or relevant even by hardocre fans of the series
@38:52 the gtfo from kaz caught me off guard.
😂 right
The Boss fights were disasters..
I hate how the metal gear in this game is supposedly so bad ass and indestructible but the way you take it down is rocket spam... like the thing has an entire arsenal that can take out a tank column but you can just run around and rpg it until its weak enough. F that
3 years later but... That's every metal gear on the series you rocket launch him to death
35:43 that guard be like: _I believe I can fly... I believe I can touch the sky_
47:24 Female SKULL: Fokkin' camper lol
Sahalenthropus is one of my new favorite bosses.
26:43 that's why he is cold and your favorite 🥶
35:40 - That soldier went flying after Boss fired his turret near him.
When the skulls first appeared i just ran past them, i did not even see their health bars to figure out that i had to fight them.
love how the timeline says most replayed at @41:05
I'd kill for one final Metal Gear Solid game set sometime between the original two Metal Gear games for the Japanese MSX2 featuring Solid Snake in his prime still working for FoxHound. I think that would be the perfect way to close the series. An open world game with the Fox Engine featuring Solid Snake in his prime.
Or maybe even a game set after MGS with Solid Snake working with Otacon for Philanthropy. Something. Its been so long since we've gotten to play as Solid Snake as the main character in his prime with next gen hardware.
The Phantom Pain, for as many loose ends as it ties up still leaves a few things dangling that one final game could conceivably address. Maybe it'll happen, but without Kojima I would be against a new Metal Gear game with a sequel to Metal Gear Rising being the only exception.
Or hey, about next gen remakes of Metal Gear and Metal Gear : Solid Snake? That would be absolutely incredible.
+DOOMED ! Wouldn't that be extremely short?
If this takes place in the 1980’s can someone explain how all the technology is so advanced? Like the phone Boss has and the hardware. Not trying to poke holes I’m legit curious.
oh you mean like the idroid and all ..even Sahalanthropus is more advanced than Rex. but it is worth questioning.
Welcome to metal gear solid!
Oh, thought this was a very extensive Sahelanthropus boss fight video.
you took down the skulls !?? i cant believe it!!
I took down the skulls before one week they train me one day it's pretty hard I can't beat it
Tryin to extract the fireman, the baloon pop that was funny as hell 😂
This video was a bit excessive, seeing as how Man on Fire and Sahelanthropus are the only actual bosses in the game.
mob2uz True. Well,Kojima didn't want all enemies to be bosses in a open world game. Except Sahelantropus and Volgin/Man on Fire.
mob2uz They have all been declared bosses by the team themselves.
how 'bout quiet and eli and mission 45
Okay I'll admit at first glance the skulls unit boss is pretty damn awesome but considering you have to fight them again and again puts me off, the other boss fights are pretty cool tho, especially the Sahelanthropus (or whatever its called) and also Quiets fight considering its pretty reminiscent of The Ends fight.
I know I am seven years late...but you don't "have" to fight them in all encounters, only one encounter is mandatory.
Is Mantis invisible to everyone else but the player?
It's not mantis
+Oliver Pilkington It is.
+187BURNZY it's not actually mantis, everyone calls it mantis as it looks a bit like him and you never discover who it really is.
It's Mantis.
+Oliver Pilkington It is, actually, Mantis, just like Eli is Liquid Snake and Venom Snake isn't The real Big boss, he's the medic... Sorry: Spoilers!
Quiet Boss Battle is actually soooo easy.. just use the supply drop and drop it on her head XD lmao
Harder on extreme, she jump out the way. That's why you use a tank
+SuperShah201 1 hit on extreme
Also why you use decoys while getting In the tank. Drive around for a bit till you find her then shoot her in the face. Repeat to get s rank
I chased her with a sniper and assault. Pretty good aim I got. First try, no need for that stupid supply drop.
"if you bring her here, I'll just have her killed!" "GOOD. GOOOOOD!" XD
The Huey character is pretty much Bill Gates: a spychopath hellbent on bringing death whilst looking like an innocent nerd
Bro I would've been sooooooooo mad at 13:50
I liked these bosses, For me, the quiet boss battle was very intense
+RazorRapid gives me a flashbacks of the end from mgs 3 lol
it took me about 3 minutes, all i did was move between covers along the road and stand up so i could see the flash and then i shot
i bombed her
I beat her with just a few stungun shots
37:00 Volgin?! >:0
no, volgin is the man on fire
I still cant believe Kojima dropped his original idea for the game: the origins of Liquids Foxhound
What the fuck are you talking about?
The original idea for the game was a war between Big Boss and the USA.
It was never meant to be about Liquid, hell, Eli wasn't even in the original script, he was a last minute addition.
I remember unlocking wolf viper on this one too it's all how you save kazuya in the first mission!
How much rank??
38:12 scp 457 be like
Eli fight and the tanks during Quiet exit should also be on the list.
TheKlimekpl Nope. Raven from MGS 1 tank fight similar to that.
For the life of my i have no idea how to access cut scenes in this game and don't feel like I'm progressing in the story, wish they would have made a more traditional mgs game
Wow that rocket artillery put a lot of pain in to sahlanthropus,s nuts
Im the only who really likes the boss with sniper skulls they are insane
Old vid, but for everyone complaining about they are not boss fights, boss fight in this game are basically for normal players fucking suffering, for smart players on certain Boss Fights, use strats and speedrunners fucking glitching the boss in some way
Another way to s rak the fist clip is to change the l zong of pquad s you wont trigger the cutscene
Boss fights plural :)),One Boss in the whole game.
@@Shamrocker10-12 this was 4 years ago
I wish they would have created individual bosses in this game maybe even accompanied by the skulls at times. Like the units that he had to fight in all the other games and bigger buildings that he would have to sneak in, almost like a dungeon. Would have been so much better with all that.
most of the boss fights were very easy using the walker as a buddy.......in the other Metal Gear Games there just wasnt that kind of help. Allthough this game is one hell of an experience, storywise it doesnt come close to the originals. Love the end of chapter 1 with the long cutscene, but metal gear 1 2 3 and 4 were way better. Still like this one thooo, its beautiful made.
So they basically have an entire physics engine for quiets boobs yet snakes hair still defys gravity.
I think the reason why the boss fights are so weak in this game is not because of Konami I believe it's because kojima, in a interview (I can't remember which one ) he was asked what kind of games has he played lately and he said none he's been mostly reading and watching movies, now I'm not saying that he's terrible at making bosses because obviously he's not (mgs1,2 and 3) but it showed he tried putting more heavy story elements in 5 as apposed to putting actual game elements like a proper boss fight that's actually fun
i like to use a "custom weapon": an assault rifle with an "under-rifle grenade launcher".
(you need to do all three "legendary gunsmith" side-missions and lots of research to get that)
the first two skull battles are VERY easy with a grenade launcher.
The dog's riding it.
Hey do you know something none of this even matters because the real big boss is in Zanzibar and this is basically a side game. What they should have done is at the end is there should have a been quick shot of solid snake vs big boss (fake boss) from metal gear.
23:16 that background music just sounds dope when the chooper hovers in the air
I’m going to be honest, I didn’t even register half of these “boss fights” as boss fights in my mind, they were just another obstacle. As great as this game is, this is just another example of it’s lacking in character.
35:58 Haha, look at that guy on the right, just fuckin standing there like nothing's even happening!
He is big boss team members
did they actually think these bosses were even remotely good?
This was Hideo’s last game before he left. AND HE WASN’T EVEN FINISHED WITH THIS GAME!
In chronological order:
MGS 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence
MGS: Peace Walker
MGS 5 (Ground Zero, & The Phantom Pain)
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty/Substance
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
The skulls and sahelantropus is creepy as fuck
What is up with people complaining about the boss fights? Complaining that you can avoid some of the encounters is like saying The End in MGS3 is not a boss fight because you can easily avoid that boss fight altogether, heck you can even skip that guy without even starting the game on your console.
I love the older MGS games as much as MGSV, but the nostalgia goggles really beg to be shattered.
Those Skull still scare the shit out of me
When you beat Sahelanthropus, it's not over, you have chapter 2 to go.
You have to do the Mission 51 too
I got one. The first boss is like you make your brother angry and he’s had enough
The second one is just a giant dinosaur. Robot
those white cylinders on Sahelanthropus' back are sort of a weak point.
they will EXPLODE when hit, doing extra damage.
I don’t know how to get Quiet back to Mother Base I accidentally shot her once but I tried replaying the mission over and over but I don’t know how I can get her back I need her.
I would have certainly shat all over my pants if I have encountered The Skulls in the first mission
for all the shit that we give mgsv you have to admit, thematically, it is the best. sahelanthropus is genuinely terrifying compared to the later metal gears, and the skull unit is awesome. quiet could've been better, but it still isn't that bad.
1:06:06 THIS IS PEQ-
*Support Helicopter: Departed mission area*
Let's be honest, those "boss fights" were quite too easy.
Skulls were cool and tbh scary at the beginning, but if you played for more then 10 hours, you find out they are much easier to deal with, then common fully armored soldiers.
Note: Everything becomes tutorial with Brennan.
Quiet.. Yeh. The loudest skull sniper in whole game. One of very rare cases, where buddy is way stronger and usefull then boss. Especially with **Brennan** (or silenced tranquilize sniper).. Imagine if she used Brennan against you in boss fight, constantly checking whole perimeter (why every skull sniper is looking 1 way and all are quite deaf to surroundings?), And same as buddy, almost always aware of your position as long as you are in her pov? Tbh whole fact that you can either drop boxes on her, or get close enough to use CQC is BULLSHIT. (Again mentioning buddy.. She is always aware of enemy positions and when they get 40m from her, she change position)
Sahelanthropus 1st encounter.. I struggled here alot on first time ngl, used from peace walker i kinda obviously tried to take him down on my own. 2nd encounter was most likely best bossfight in whole game tho. Overall mechs are kind of rare in whole MGSV.
Man on Fire, also not my most favorite tho.. But atleast it's unique. Btw game forces extract to fail there, just so you can extract him later x) Briliant design! (Maybe it was bad idea when Psycho Mantis was with SkullFace, but altho not a single character knows he is with Eli by the time you extract him, it's def good idea now, after thinking about it twice)
The boss fights in a nutshell:
Ah yes, the riot smg, the only true way to initiate combat with the skulls
what about the Man on Fire fight on the horse?
Where is that humming coming from during the sniper boss fight
Wait, does Eli not count? I know he was short (pun intended) but you still had to take him down, he took a few slams to takedown, and had different tactics as well.
I really love how Sahelanthropus shares the same characteristics in the head with metal gear rex! XD Supposedly they were somehow related or something? Yeah its a metal gear game so i guessthere was a point to that somehow!
Duel vs quiet: Miller: Better to live and fight another day. 😂
Bloody hell, i remember the first time i played TPP, i absolute shitted myself with The first skulls encounter.
literally all BOSS fights in the game
Mag 3 when I had to comit suicide to beat the phantom was the hardest boss battle of all lol
that man on fire really looks like and has all the reason to be volgin...
damn! :D
the bosses fucking sucked in this game.
not really
+Ferfles I haven't beaten the game yet, but I'd argue that Quiet is a boss, too.
Borene999 This was supposed to be Peace walkers successor? Yeah no.
lol peace walker just had big hp bars as bosses
I played all Metal Gears. I love all games.
And i didn`t get. Metal Gear is an ultimate weapon, yea?
Some guy with a rocket launcher can destroy it.
+Anderson you cant in the mission "hellbound' ....you can incapacitate it (SO MUCH FUN!!!) but you cant destroy it...cos...story reasons
dont forget the mgs 2 metal gear RAY boss fight where you only had the stinger missile launcher against like 3 metal gears at the same time
Nerdlinger there were more RAYs.
Not just some guy. It's "Boss "
Did you know you can run the car on him the fire man and push him off the ledge to the river
This is off topic and more to the other metal gear games like metal gear riseing and the one where snake is old but if in riseing he could lift ray over his head but when some concreat falls on his arm he can’t lift it and when he cuts his arm off couldent he just pick snake up with the other arm instead of some how stoping a boat on a dock, the bords on the dock would break if he stood and pushed the boat away