Monks Suck in D&D

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2024

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  • @nathansmith9597
    @nathansmith9597 4 ปีที่แล้ว +346

    Even though availability of magic items varies from table to table, it is probably worth mentioning that monks get kind of boned there, as well. They benefit least of any martial class from magical shields and armor (Barbarians are punished less for wearing medium armor) and are the most limited martial class in terms of weapons. They want bracers of defense really badly - but so do barbarians, wizards, sorcerers... And whereas those bracers are great for some other characters, they just help the monk keep up.
    As a final nail in the coffin, there aren't any feats they can take to help their damage, really. And without some generous house ruling and rules interpretation, their multi-classing options are poor.
    Good thought experiment:
    Imagine that Rogue's had a resource, "roguery points." One per level of rogue, and they come back on a short rest.
    Want to apply sneak attack? In addition to meeting the conditions, you need to spend a point. Want to uncannily dodge? In addition to your reaction, you need to expend a roguery point. Cunning action? Takes your bonus action AND a roguery point. Oh, and just to rub salt in the wound, most subclass abilities will require roguery points, too.
    This version of rogue would suck quite badly... however, I think it would *still* be better than the monk, at every level, except maybe level 1.

    • @LibertyMonk
      @LibertyMonk 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      IDK, there are decent multiclassing options.
      1 level into War domain Cleric can get you some cantrips and an extra 1d4 to your attacks for a minute, concentration permitting.
      1, 3, or 4 into Figher can get you a fighting style (dueling, unarmed, blind) and either some wizard spells (Eldrich, includes Gift of Alacrity, Shield, Find Familiar, Mage Hand), some Runes, or get an Echo of you to make additional melee attack.
      2 in Circle of Spores lets you weaponize your reaction kinda badly compared to an opportunity attack, or spend an action and a wild shape activating them for some temporary HP and (until the temp hp runs out) deal an extra 1d6 on each melee attack. If you combine this with casting Hex/Hunters Mark/Divine Favor, you spend the round 1 doing nothing, then can do 2d6*4 extra damage each round until you take 8 damage and/or lose concentration. Yeah, this one's a harder sell, but is pretty cool in magical christmas land.
      Any number of rogue levels works pretty well, mostly because the rogue is a better version of the monk.
      3 or 4 Ranger can also be pretty good, for Hunter's mark/favored foe, a fighting style, and either an extra attack against groups (Hunter), an extra attack with big damage round 1 (gloom stalker), 1d6 a round and Mage Hand (swarmkeeper) or 1d4 per creature per turn and adding Wis to your Cha checks (Fey Wanderer).
      17 Way of the Drunken Master 3 Fey Wanderer seems like it could dish out decent damage against hordes, 1d10+1d4+5 (13 avg) * 7 (or 91), provided that it gets split 5+ different ways, That's like half a fireball for the cost of a single ki point! Or roughly the same as a Rogue critting their Sneak Attack, using their level 17 feature archetype feature, except Sneak Attack focuses fire a bit better.
      18 Kensei 2 Spores can spend 1 turn sharpening their blade and activating their spores, then spend the next turn becoming invisible and casting Hunter's Mark (from Fey Touched), then, on the third turn, finally start dealing 1d10+2d6+8*4 damage (with advantage), that's as high as 82 per turn if you ignore the first two rounds and don't lose concentration or the bonus hp. If they don't take a hit for 2 rounds, then their average DPR is like 50, which is slightly above baseline. if it's 18 Astral Self instead, then you get 1d10+2d6+5*5 (or 88) with a 5-foot reach, which is slightly more damage and means you can be behind a tank.
      17 Astral Self + 3 Echo Knight is kinda cool, since it'll get you 4 attacks in your action, if at least 3 of them are Unarmed Strikes and at least one is from the Echo's position (all 4 have reach). Assuming you have your Echo up already, it only takes a single Bonus Action to set up. Then you can either add Hunter's Mark/Hex (from Fey Touched) to those 4 strikes, and Action Surge for 8*(1d10+1d6+5) which is an actually respectable amount of damage (112 ignoring misses and crits), then you're down to 4 or 5 attacks per round, depending on resources. Though, sadly the Echo-attack can only be used Constitution Modifier timers per LONG rest, so this will only happen once per day, meaning you're probably better off just being a Rogue still.

    • @nathansmith9597
      @nathansmith9597 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      @@LibertyMonk Thank you for the reply. My comment predated Tasha's and wasn't taking Echo Knight into account, so there are some extra options that are now available.
      Even so, I think you still just run into a lot of extra difficulties with multiclassing monks.
      Combine with rogue? Well, you aren't using cunning action and any bonus action monk attacks in the same round. These are premier features of each class - and they don't mesh.
      Go with cleric? You won't be enjoying the armor proficiencies. For domains that get martial weapon profs, you may still have weird issues based on monk weapon rulings. (There's an optional rule in Tasha's that can help a bit, there, but still.)
      I would also say, in passing, that I'm not sure why you'd go with War domain for a monk-cleric. The domains from Tasha's would be better choices.
      Note that Divine Favor, on the War spell list, only applies to weapon attacks. A lot of DMs will be generous, here, and they should be; but technically, the unarmed strikes of a monk are not "weapon attacks."
      This is actually a *huge* problem with monks, and particularly for monk multi-classes. Notably, Hunter's Mark only adds extra damage to "weapon attacks."
      Hex (not Hunter's Mark, RAW) does combine well with monk's flurry of blows and extra bonus action strike, but then you need to worry about concentration, as you note, and there will still be action economy problems. In combats where you have more than one high-threat enemy to focus on, it really won't work as well as it seems on paper.
      With very generous DM interpretation of how wild shape and monk features interact, Circle of the Moon / Monk is brokenly powerful.
      But otherwise it tends to be harder to make monks work in multi-class combinations, compared to literally any other class.
      As for the specific examples you provided... a lot of those don't actually work, and those that do, still have very big problems. So they actually illustrate my point nicely.
      For instance, Fey Wanderer feature Dreadful Strike is extremely specific: "When you hit a creature *with a weapon*...," so even generous DMs should not let you apply that to your unarmed strikes.
      But even so, requiring two full rounds to set up, requiring that you keep 8 temporary HP on a character for any length of time (at level 20, against epic-level monsters...), requiring five enemies to be within five feet of you... These just aren't going to work that well in practice, even if the DM rules that your fists count as weapons for all intents and purposes.

    • @lordderppington4694
      @lordderppington4694 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I.... don't think ki is what makes monk bad, I really don't. Sure it's kinda bad in the early game, maybe getting ki equal to level+int would help? but if it was a class that relied on burning a resource to blow up combat it would be great. If it was all about managing your resource (that you get back on a short rest) to light up a few rounds of combat and then take a nap it would have a decently unique roll. The problem is that what they get for their ki sucks. Their martial arts progression is bad, they don't need mobility when they won't deal damage when they get there, their stunning strike just isn't a good ability. Flurry is practically the only good ki spending they have and it only lets them keep up with other martials, and even then, they still don't actually keep up. Sorcerer does a similar thing where they are wizard, but woooooo magic sorcery points go brrr. the thing is doubling a spells aoe, or letting it target 2 people is amazing, where as making an extra attack at 1d6+3 is mid at best.

    • @nathansmith9597
      @nathansmith9597 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lordderppington4694 I think maybe we are saying a similar thing in different ways.
      If monks didn't have to spend a resource to do flurry of blows, they'd be consistent at damage. Not great, but consistent. If that was supplemented by some good feats that actually worked well for the monk, helping them shore up defenses and do more damage, they would at least be OK choices.
      Alternatively, you could keep the ki cost, and make the abilities much stronger (as you propose). That could also fix the monk. Even in that case, I think having one single resource (ki) that nearly all class ablities use is a bit harder to balance, which is probably why you don't see it as much. (Granted it does make monks more distinctive, so maybe that is worth retaining.)
      As it stands, monks generally have to spend a resource to achieve pretty mediocre results. I suppose removing the resource cost is a "boring, but easy to implement" way to improve the monk.
      (Also I assume you meant to write level + wis modifier for ki, which would help out at low levels.)

    • @TheTrueBrawler
      @TheTrueBrawler 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In terms of problems with Monk, the magic items one will wildly depend on the DM (I.E., how rigid are they to "official content", which is quite lacking in Monk support). Homebrew can fix almost any problem with D&D, so the DM just has to create/find homebrew magic items that the Monk can take advantage of.
      Two quick examples. These might need a bit more fine tuning, but I whipped both of these up in 15 minutes each, so it shows how easy it is to create items (it's even easier if you use Google) specifically designed to help the Monk benefit from equipment just that extra bit more if you are willing to do so:
      Knuckleduster: Simple melee weapon (1gp, 1d4 bludgeoning, 1/2lb, Properties: Light)
      - Proficiency with a knuckleduster allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. Knuckledusters are worn on the hand, and you can not be disarmed of it. The hand you wear it on is considered to be a free hand for all purposes except for interacting with other objects and items. Additionally, if you are proficient with this weapon, you can use this weapon to make unarmed strikes, and unarmed strikes made in this way deal the weapon's damage on hit, instead of just 1 + your modifier.
      +1 Clothes: Wonderous item, uncommon
      - This otherwise ordinary set of clothes have been enchanted to provide defense. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this set of clothes if you are wearing no armor, wielding no shield, and wielding no weapons which have the heavy or special property.

  • @Wouldyoukindly4545
    @Wouldyoukindly4545 2 ปีที่แล้ว +230

    People: "I don't trust your math"
    Me: "I don't trust your experiences *without* the math"
    If I attacked with 4 stunning strikes and they all succeed I'll be really happy and likely talk about for weeks. We still talk about my friend who got a critical hit with disadvantage. If you remember your highlight reel, you will forget all the times you whiffed all four, losing your ki points, and then got bitten in half and needed the Cleric to use up resources to save your life.
    People are *bad* at estimation. Trust the math.

    • @kayohwai
      @kayohwai ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Admittedly a bit of a necro-reply here, but it needs to be said: If you attack with 4 stunning strikes and they all succeed, then it's vastly more likely that your DM is fudging dice rolls in your favor than it is that your ability is working as designed.

    • @FirstLast-wk3kc
      @FirstLast-wk3kc ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @FirstLast-wk3kc
      @FirstLast-wk3kc ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@kayohwaior you are using it on weak monsters....
      Yea, it's definitely dm fudging))))

  • @roamingthereal4060
    @roamingthereal4060 3 ปีที่แล้ว +162

    I play my Monk exactly like Goku in DBZ. Jump into combat first. Immediately die. Wait to get revived. Take a short rest while everyone else is fighting. Show up late to the rematch. Burn all my cooldowns as soon as I arrive. Beg teammates for more power to immediately waste. Fail a charisma check to end the fight peacefully. Barely survive. Allow the boss to escape.

    • @kylas1902
      @kylas1902 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Well said. Only thing is Goku DM gave him the Lucky feat and A Ring of infinite wishes with no drawback recharge upon death.

    • @xxforeskin_gamerxx4395
      @xxforeskin_gamerxx4395 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Great comment

    • @demonlordkaiser920
      @demonlordkaiser920 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      🤣😂 that’s epic lol

    • @spencerbanks1370
      @spencerbanks1370 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How god was the monk in 4E?

  • @binolombardi
    @binolombardi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +956

    Monk fans: Monks have maneuverability!
    Treantmonk: good, you can be useless everywhere.

    • @lynxfirenze4994
      @lynxfirenze4994 4 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      And Swashbuckler Rogues laugh at monks.

    • @Sean-fo8kg
      @Sean-fo8kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @toshomni9478
      @toshomni9478 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      I don't know. The whole video seems to be from an uber-optimized, combat is everything, perspective which, judging from these comments, isn't all that common.

    • @jjjbjbbnjbjbjbjbjb9415
      @jjjbjbbnjbjbjbjbjb9415 4 ปีที่แล้ว +101

      @@toshomni9478 Sure, but lets take a look at the noncombat options, Monks contribute poorly in social situations with no good stats for persuade, deceive or intimidate. They can move fast, but so can rogues and they are kind of ok in that situation. How about exploring hard to reach areas....well they have shit athletics so they can't climb particularly well, though a good dm will probably let them use acrobatics. They are worse at stealth and scouting than rogues...or familiars for that matter. They tend to have decent wisdom so they can contribute a decent perception (with the right background/race). And in all these categories they are also outshone by properly applied spells of the caster classes as well. And if you counter that they provide good roleplaying opportunities, well, so do all the other classes and heck you can reflavor your rogue as an iajutsu master (ie a kensei monk), doing a sudden quick strike for massive damage. There is nothing a monk does better than any class and are bad jacks of all trades. Look, I want monk to work, I'm a huge weeb, I want to play kenshiro, I want to play goku or hell I want to be bruce lee. However, none of these things work well in the rule set of DND 5e and I would posit that any player enjoying their game as a monk, would probably have just as much fun, if not more, with other more effective classes.

    • @lynxfirenze4994
      @lynxfirenze4994 4 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      @@toshomni9478 Yeah, as has been elaborated on already, they also offer nothing out of combat. Rogues beat them every day and twice on sundays for exploration and social, Bards beat Rogues for Social and Monks at literally everything because at least they're a decent jack of all trades, etcetera.
      Really their only possible contribution is if the game is saddled with point buy so everyone has shit stats outside of primes they might have the best perception. Maybe. And then all they can do is see all the things they're bad at.

  • @fyng.1582
    @fyng.1582 4 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    I think maybe the biggest part of this is that, as you showed in your charts, the biggest hit monk takes comes at level 11. If you're playing a game 1-10, monk doesn't feel bad. It's slightly below the baseline normally, and above it when using Flurry of Blows, which seems pretty appropriate for a resource spend, overall. It's really when you reach those higher levels of play that the class just absolutely tanks it, and a lot of people don't get to those levels, so in their game monk seems perfectly fine.

    • @bulldozer8950
      @bulldozer8950 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Baseline isn’t “baseline of good damage” it’s “baseline to be considered a damage dealer”. Baseline is a warlock with eldritch blast agonizing blast and hex, which is very easy and not even very optimized. Hex technically expends a resource, but because it can be moved and has a high duration (epically once the warlock hits 5th level and the duration is 8 hours) it is a resource that never really runs out, especially after 5th level. If you’re not meeting or exceeding baseline, your damage might as well not be counted for the party when deciding if your party has enough damage. There’s plenty of good characters below the baseline, but they bring very substantial things outside of damage. A bard can fail to exceed baseline and be very useful because they do a bunch of healing and bardic inspiration and out of combat and utility and buffing. But a monk doesn’t have very much outside of damage, so they’re expected to at least meet baseline without resources. Which they don’t really do, even when optimized.

  • @TheAlphabetSuplex
    @TheAlphabetSuplex 4 ปีที่แล้ว +185

    Please include trigger warnings. I was not ready for how savagely you embarrassed all the the people making arguments for playing a Monk with that picture of children carrying a goalpost. Great stuff as always.

    • @dorianleakey
      @dorianleakey 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He is right, but there is no embarrassment and he is clearly emotionally invested in this and would be upset if monks are fixed in the next edition.

    • @themilkman7921
      @themilkman7921 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@dorianleakeyexcept that he literally made a two part video with another dnd TH-camr praising the Onednd monk when they got the buffs he wanted 😂

    • @verdurite
      @verdurite 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@dorianleakey treantmonk is actually one of the biggest supporters of monks getting buffed so idk what you are talking about. I will agree this video was over the top but it also got the ball rolling on the community realizing the issues with the class so that wotc would finally fix the monk

  • @Sosaku88
    @Sosaku88 4 ปีที่แล้ว +153

    I have a monk player in my game where she took Way of the Four Elements and wanted to base it solely on water; limiting the abilities she can use with that subclass. I've had to go back to AD&D and have the party defeat Monk Masters so she can inherit new titles which give her more abilities just so she can keep up! It's basically a load of homebrew stuff, like using ki to be able to manipulate water (basically cast more spells for ki). She has abilities like watery sphere now. BUT EVEN THEN, even after adding a load of homebrew abilities and reducing the ki cost of some, she is still the least effective member of the group!

    • @idanbhk3875
      @idanbhk3875 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      Well, the Four Elements way is just SO much worse than any other monk, it's basically being useless on purpose.

    • @Sosaku88
      @Sosaku88 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      @@idanbhk3875 Yeah and in top of that, she is self-imposing restrictions on her class abilities. She wanted to be a monk specialised in using water. I think between levels 3 - 6 she used water whip twice. She was just using flurry of blows most of the time with ki. That's when I thought to myself that her subclass was adding nothing to her. That's when I started to have masters show up to give her new options to use and reduce the ki cost. Even with them, she can't keep up with the, surprise, Agonizing Blast Warlock. At least she had a few more control abilities now though.

    • @mattrg320
      @mattrg320 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Whatever you do, don't tell her the truth about Monks.

    • @davidlundberg9924
      @davidlundberg9924 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      But the player is having fun? You know. The only thing that matters

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@Sosaku88 How about buffing the Martial Arts and Hit Dice up one stage?
      Is she alright with Ice based attacks? (They are sorta water based)
      How about the ability to spend 3 Ki points to cast Elemental Weapon without needing concentration or a weapon
      Fire Shield for 3 or 4 Ki points (it is a 4th level spell) reflavoured as boiling or freezing water
      (Just a few suggestions because I like finding ways to make Monks and their subclasses more viable)

  • @kilpatds
    @kilpatds 4 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    From your graphs, perhaps some simpler to run house rules?
    * At level 1, give Dex and *Wis* as the good saves.
    * At level 5, make flurry of blows (and patient defense and step of the wind) all cost no ki.
    * At level 11 and onward, boost the heck out of the martial arts die. 2d6 at level 11, 2d10 at level 17.
    * Around level 11 or so, give each subclass a thematic way of imposing disadvantage on the Stun save. (Shadow: if the target is in dark or dim light. Open Hand: if they're prone. Four Elements: if you did elemental damage this or last round. Kensai: if the attack was with a Kensei weapon. Long Death: if you have temp hit points. Sun Soul & Drunken Master: TBD)
    IIRC, some of that you did, except that you really dislike large changes, and prefer many small changes. I think in this case, you could think larger.
    I know that when I've run for monks, I just ignore movement speed as a DM to give them something special. ("No need to count it out, of course you can get there safely. You're a monk")
    I also know I really dislike fights with one-strong-monster against monks, because if the Stun takes, that's the fight, and if it doesn't the monk burned all their Ki and feels bad. If I "force" the save against the Wizard's spell, the wizard still has other spells and didn't burn that many resources in the three rounds of the fight: the monk blew everything in two rounds, and didn't do anywhere near as much as the Paladin did smiting it.
    Basically, as a DM, monks and single-big-monster fights aren't fun for anyone, and that's the biggest issue with Stunning Strike.

    • @Jaricko
      @Jaricko 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think the reason monk flurry of blows has to cost ki is multi classing would be gross if you didn't. Although i am always in favor of house ruling monk multi classing. You need to make a very good argument for how you are a monk and a barbarian if you want to mix them... and that is not easy to do.

    • @kilpatds
      @kilpatds 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@Jaricko That's part of why I suggested level 5. At that point, you've basically killed most multi-classing dips.

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@Jaricko not necessarily because their Unarmed Strikes won't be very strong unless you put most of your levels in Monk

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kilpatds Why not proficiency in Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom instead of just the latter two?
      Bounded Accuracy be cursed.

    • @richardwhaler8717
      @richardwhaler8717 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Honestly I realized the main problem with Monk is that they are treated like martials when they aren't.
      Monks are like Bards or warlocks! They are save-or-suck "casters" with a weapon option if their "spell" isn't applicable. Stunning Strike is the Monk's version of Hypnotic Pattern or Banishment. As a result their damage capability is nerfed, it is actually pretty comparable to Magic Missile.
      The save is Constitution so that 2-3 stun attempts per round works out to similar odds for the equivalent spells - which can only be cast once per turn.
      If you want to power up the monk we either need to choose if they are a controllers or damage dealers. If they are controllers then make their ki-DC go off of either Dex or Wis and let monks choose the type of save for their Stun as either Wisdom or Constitution. If they are damage dealers give them 2 extra attacks at level 5 instead of 1, then and give them a way to turn ki points into Smite damage.

  • @boezou
    @boezou 4 ปีที่แล้ว +176

    I think where Monks tend to "shine" is in "made" parties at earlier levels- parties that already have their primary tank, dps, healer, utility/scout/cc roles fulfilled. They're the 4th or 5th best class for basically any role. But in most parties, they're the second best character in the party for many roles. So that depending on the situation, they can focus their efforts and resources in that direction as the secondary person in that role. In this way, the monk feels more like a jack of all trades, master of none class than the bard. You really only see how bad a monk is when they're required to fulfill a primary job -- especially when compared to what other classes could fill that role better. But I think real point of why
    The monk class is probably still mechanically weak in some ways, but I think the above is why a lot of people have such different ideas of what role the monk is suppose to fill and how it's good. They have many opportunities to shine as 2nd best at most things in the party, so depending on the dice rolls/resources, they may outshine the primary person in that role -- and that stuff matters. They don't remember the times they fail, because there's another party member whose primary job is that thing, so they cover those failures up or the monk's failure is understandable given that another party also failed that job.
    But in the end, as you probably agree, the monks shortcoming are nothing a good DM, a good player, and communication can't solve. It's easy to find ways for the monk to shine and feel like a monk and have fun. And I think this where the monk succeeds. Cause in the end, that's what it's all about: having fun together.

    • @maltheopia
      @maltheopia 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      How are they the 4th or 5th best class for any role? What does the monk bring to the table that an extra Light Cleric or Paladin or Hexblade or Ancestor Barbarian or Gloomstalker Ranger doesn't? Like, if I have two clerics in the party one cleric can cover for the other one in case they go down or get incapacitated. Or they could use their extra spell slots to blast and end combat more quickly. Or they could be a Knowledge / Trickery tag-team and cover a bunch of skills while still having access to healing and control spells.

    • @Rexir2
      @Rexir2 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@maltheopia most Paladins, Clerics, Hexblades and Barbarians suck at stealth, while most Monks are at least decent at it. Most Gloomstalkers and Assassins are good on the first turn and peter out afterwards, while Monks are consistent. Full casters aside from warlocks tend to suck once they run out of spell slots, but Monks still have Martial Arts they can fall back on. Need a heal? There's a feat for that, and the Monk can get to you very quickly.

    • @Blobby3822
      @Blobby3822 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Rexir2 "Full casters aside from warlocks tend to suck once they run out of spell slots".
      Why aside from warlocks? Warlocks run out of spell slots so quick that you don't even see it coming (2 spell slots until level 11). Yes they get them again after a short rest but yeah.
      With many DMs, you will have only 1 or 2 short rests per day...

    • @Rexir2
      @Rexir2 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      @@Blobby3822 Eldritch Blast + Invocations

    • @johannesdolch
      @johannesdolch 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I think where Monks really shine is in a game that has only Monks and is more about Roleplay than difficulty.

  • @the_purple_mage
    @the_purple_mage 4 ปีที่แล้ว +478

    ME: Treant, how should I optimize a monk?
    TREANT: Roll a warlock.

    • @knightghaleon
      @knightghaleon 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Heck you could play that one Bloodhunter that is basically a warlock and take a level of monk for unarmored defense if you want to feel like it

    • @bobsmitch6353
      @bobsmitch6353 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      TREANT: Stunning Strike is bad...if the target's CR is way higher than the monk's level
      ME: What if it's not?
      TREANT: ...I got nothing...

    • @anhdinhlamduc5700
      @anhdinhlamduc5700 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@bobsmitch6353 i mean if that is the case then it is likely a mob of them to challenge the players. I thought monk is not very good vs multiple enemy.

    • @stevenyoung9738
      @stevenyoung9738 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@bobsmitch6353 if you're fighting a low cr monster, your probably fighting more than 1. Monks don't have aoe and can't feasibly stun multiple creatures for multiple turns. You watch the vid?

    • @novacorponline
      @novacorponline 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@bobsmitch6353 If the target's CR isn't way higher than the monk's level, you don't need to stun it.

  • @Adurnis
    @Adurnis 4 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    Hilariously, my brother-a relative novice to D&D-set out to make a high level DPR monk; and ended up taking TM’s suggestion of multiclassing warlock for eldritch blast to meet the damage requirements, without knowing any of these criticisms 😂

  • @frankmagana8018
    @frankmagana8018 3 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    As an MMA fan I really think an interesting way to make the monk a more valued build would be to include more reactions instead of attacks. Unarmed combat is not really a back and forth between fighters, instead its about technique, the timing of strikes and counters. Having a monk with 3 reactions per turn along with more varied strikes that impose effects on these reactions + maneuverability would make the monk a better build. They can't tank, can't do too much damage. So having the ability to flow in and out of combat and range while disrupting the action economy/ maneuverability of your opponents seems like a good fit. Just like MMA.

  • @M0ebius
    @M0ebius 4 ปีที่แล้ว +379

    LMAO! You know, I really wouldnt mind if this channel was just a continuous series of passive-aggressive takedowns. Chris I think you’ve found you calling. Let’s make this a thing.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว +82


    • @andrewreimann5203
      @andrewreimann5203 4 ปีที่แล้ว +50

      I agree, although there is nothing passive about these aggressive takedowns.

    • @M0ebius
      @M0ebius 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Andrew Reimann Yeah I made the comment like 20 minutes in and just got spicier and spicier.

    • @ianmccullough3846
      @ianmccullough3846 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I don't think this is even aggressive. Just analysis, backed by facts, calmly stated. It seems aggressive because the demolition is complete and you think "Wow, he just straight up murdered the Monk."

    • @ponytail336
      @ponytail336 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      his original "How to play a God Wizard" guides are hilariously biting, btw. He's actually showing the same sort of attitude in this video as he does in his older optimization documents for 3.5 and Pathfinder

  • @KaelinGoff
    @KaelinGoff 4 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    Monks boil down to "yea, but remember that one time when i..."
    And that's it. We always remember the highs and lows of experiences much more vividly than the averages. Guess who has a real crap time dealing the party making fun of his staff, but once in the game was able to cc that Handmaid of Loth for three rounds back to back. Thats right, the wizard. The monk died wayyy before they got that far.

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      All the more reason for me to buff Monks even more in my homebrew
      This is going to be FUN

  • @griusx
    @griusx 4 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Hello Treant. I have to say, i have never, ever, commented in a youtube video before. But in this one i have a felling i should.
    I love the class. But i do like math too, so i know you are completely right about the Monks. Long before this video i had done the math and i see how much inferior this class is compared to others.
    But i think the GREAT PROBLEM is the concept of the class. Its completely outdated. People who play with a Monk, dont inspire themselves in REMO WILLIAMS. Sometimes they simple wish to play like MMA fighter do. Sometimes they wish to play like a kung fu shaolin monk do. And in this class everyone needs to play like REMO WILLIANS. There are so many abilities that should not be there, that makes no sense to be in the class, that it is regrettable.
    I just hope that in the 6 edition of D&D they create classes that are more generic and sub-classes with a heavier influence in the outcome of the character. Because in this way it would be easier to accommodate the different play styles and concepts in the monk class.
    PS: English isn't my first language. So sorry if there are some mistakes.

    • @youtubeseagull
      @youtubeseagull 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      i made a strength monk based on a boxer. Wherever in the book it says DEX or WIS i just replaced that with STR. I also made up "haymaker", any time i have adv i can trade adv for a d10 more damage.

    • @piersonjamesa
      @piersonjamesa 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@youtubeseagull what level did you get up to? i think this is a great balancer for a monk.

    • @KenjisGamingDen
      @KenjisGamingDen 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@youtubeseagull I remember one monk i made got a belt of hill giants strength and was still built with high dex and wis. Made a good str monk that could hug you to death

  • @jordanflutes
    @jordanflutes 4 ปีที่แล้ว +85

    Moving the goalposts again, Monks excel at having a strong visual flavor to their moves that players can have fun describing. ;P

    • @jordanflutes
      @jordanflutes 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@gamecavalier3230 if you watched the video, I'm making a joke. No need to debunk me.

    • @jordanflutes
      @jordanflutes 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@gamecavalier3230 right on

    • @kevinelston404
      @kevinelston404 ปีที่แล้ว

      No you are correct lol

  • @SirSartome
    @SirSartome 4 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    When I run a game, I just give monks 1 more attack at level 11 and let them use ki abilities at -1 cost (I allow the cost to hit zero.). This does well to balance them.

  • @PedroHISilva
    @PedroHISilva 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Our party has now a lvl6 open hand monk.I track overall damage over the campaign. Meanwhile his play style has guaranteed him decent damage, but it's a bit suicidal. As he arrives on the BF earlier he has often one round of advantage. He also has the best of our magic weapons. Said this, his dpr will not increase from now on, while casters, fighter and rogue will. Meanwhile he is ahead of the rogue, but I think it's only for 1 or 2 levels. And our fighter is a sword and board, btw. The monk is also the PC that takes most damage and ends often with 1or 2 HP after some healing.
    However, the player has fun with it and this is what we value the most. If in 2-3 levels the player feels his PC too behind, we will brew something to keep it up.
    In summary, our observations agree with the video.

  • @Nr4747
    @Nr4747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +94

    Whelp, that wasn't *quite* the Monk optimization guide that I was asking for, but I'll take it - for now. ;-)

    • @monkeyinadrawer
      @monkeyinadrawer 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Monk optimization: go barbarian

    • @maltheopia
      @maltheopia 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      The monk optimization guide: ask the wizard or druid to polymorph you into a Giant Ape or T-Rex.

    • @thejammiestjam
      @thejammiestjam 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      But it's the guide we deserved.

    • @robertreymond449
      @robertreymond449 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Monk optimization is easy... start with a HB19 dip... then finish with monk.

  • @godminnette2
    @godminnette2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +155

    You didn't even mention that Beau falls above most Monks because Marisha rolled quite well.

    • @ebolaspreadn2478
      @ebolaspreadn2478 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      she had crazy stats

    • @Dezbood
      @Dezbood 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Most players roll stats, as far as I’m aware

    • @ebolaspreadn2478
      @ebolaspreadn2478 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      @@Dezbood yeah. and she got above the average roll. I think in this vid treant was saying Beau was weak and forgot to mention it was despite their stats too. Which owuldve emphasised his point that monks are bad.

    • @Dezbood
      @Dezbood 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@ebolaspreadn2478 I don’t watch CR, but her subclass focuses more on extracting information and utility than additional combat buffs, right?

    • @ebolaspreadn2478
      @ebolaspreadn2478 3 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      @@Dezbood thats true i think. cobalt souls stuff. And she got a headband of intellect. I think Marisha, the player, was their heavy note taker on the plot. And she figured lots of mysteries out at one point

  • @Alaric11
    @Alaric11 4 ปีที่แล้ว +182

    I was not ready for "I have never, ever on this channel claimed that hold person was a good spell." I nearly choked on my ramen.

    • @QuiescentPilot
      @QuiescentPilot 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      That was definitely a highlight of the video lol

    • @Sean-fo8kg
      @Sean-fo8kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      I agree with Treantmonk on most things, but I think he underrates Hold Person /Hold Monster.
      If they work, they are amazing. Even if you only hold them for ONE round,, you ready action for when the BBEG takes his turn, the entire party gets a full round of advantage and auto-crits (attacks from 5 feet). That’s a massive amount of damage. AND they waste their turn.
      Paired with something like a Divination Wizard or Eloquence Bard to assist a save fail, it is WELL worth taking.

    • @Alaric11
      @Alaric11 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @@Sean-fo8kg The problem with the god wizard play style in 5e is that your save DC's suck, and stay sucky all 20 levels of play. Any enemy that is a threat to your party usually has at least a 50% chance to save, meaning you could be spending 2-3 turns of combat just to get off a single debuff. This is why he doesn't like the hold spells and favors the aoe spells like hypnotic pattern. and abilities that give disadvantage on saves. If you watch his shadow sorcerer video though he takes hold spells because he can us the meta magic.
      When I first discovered Treantmonk he was writing guides for pathfinder and in that game you can min/max and cheese a lot more to the point where your save DC's are really hard for a lot of enemies to deal with. But that is not true of 5e.
      One thing I think Treantmonk overlooks a bit is building a character that targets multiple different saves. He has talked about the weaknesses of this plan in the past but having the odd spell in your repertoire that targets charisma or intelligence can be a game changer.

    • @DefaultProphet
      @DefaultProphet 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Alaric11 you’re right about it wasting turns which is why stunning strike is so good because you can do it multiple times on one turn and still do damage!

    • @Alaric11
      @Alaric11 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Shawn Morris stunning strike would be a great feature if it had its own resource besides ki or targeted something other than con but as it stands it’s just ok. I think the ideal balance solution is that you can attempt a stunning strike as often as you like with no ki cost but each target can only be stunned once per long rest.

  • @Porphyrogenitus1
    @Porphyrogenitus1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +229

    D&D is for everyone!*
    *Except Monks.

    • @Nr4747
      @Nr4747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Sad trombone noises . . .

  • @havasimark
    @havasimark 4 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    Must have felt good to release all that steam :D
    We've anticipated it but hey, you've outdone our expectations :D
    Well done.
    Free flurry of blows, free agile parry, d10HD and they are half-decent.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว +49

      This was like therapy.

    • @TheRockOfShame
      @TheRockOfShame 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's still the worst class. But better.

    • @killcat1971
      @killcat1971 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My work arounds are D10 hit die, Dash or Disengage as a bonus action (no Ki) at level 2, and can spend a point of Ki as a reaction to Dodge till the beginning of their next round, and they gain Uncanny Dodge at 13th.

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@killcat1971 Why 13th level? Why not 5th level like the Rogue?

  • @ZacharyKatzStein
    @ZacharyKatzStein 4 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    First, I generally agree that Monks are under-tuned - suffering from a "jack of all trades" mentality that Bards did in 3.5. Because, you're right, they are not the best at one thing, the class seems to want to be good at several things and ends up being lackluster at all of them. I do think there are two mitigating factors in the early levels (1-4) that are worth thinking about:
    1) I think the statistics undervalue the emotional impact of hitting at least one attack. Especially in the early levels, a common turn for a martial character is: I attack, miss, turn ends. Yes, other martial characters can dual wield, but many choose not to - because it doesn't scale well and they want to be optimal. So, the fact that the monk gets at least two attacks a round at level 1 just makes them FEEL good to play. Then getting flurry of blows means that they can attack 3 times around, which gives an even greater chance of at least doing SOMETHING on your turn.
    2) Total damage is not necessarily a good measure of effective damage (especially when enemies have low hit points). At the early levels, if you are fighting five goblins (or kobolds if your DM wants your party to die) and your barbarian deals 13-15 damage in a single powerful attack that is technically MORE damage than dealing 7 points of damage with an unarmed attack, but it isn't any more effective damage. I am watching an actual play where the Monk regularly double kills enemies on their turn and the barbarian either kills one or misses.

    • @mikehalloran93
      @mikehalloran93 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Ah, a fellow observer of the superiority of kobolds to goblins. I have just introduced my party to this fact by throwing "Tucker's Kobolds" at them last session. Those level 6 characters are now well and truly humbled.

    • @reespewa
      @reespewa 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Definitely agree on the psychological impact of getting a hit at low levels. Watched a player flurry of blows a goblin only to get on hit on it. Meanwhile my Eldritch Knight is gaining advantage from an owl familiar every turn because I *hate* missing a hit.

  • @anterosmc6214
    @anterosmc6214 4 ปีที่แล้ว +98

    Something I personally dislike conceptually about the monk is that their Ki can run out as if it was a battery. I think that that is very opposite to IRL / fictional ideas about Chi as cosmic energy. Fictional monks are often tireless, or if they get tired, it's their body, not the Chi.
    I'm not sure how to fix it tho. An idea I had was to say they always have 1 Ki point, and each round they can choose how to use it. But then I'm not sure what to do with abilities that require more Ki. Any thoughts? @treantmonk

    • @TheRodentMastermind
      @TheRodentMastermind 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Maybe a way to regain Ki through actions in the fight?

    • @KenjisGamingDen
      @KenjisGamingDen 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@TheRodentMastermind wizzards of the cost thought about that with there astral self monk but the saw it as to overpowered

    • @lukenator115
      @lukenator115 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I think a 1 per turn ki regen works very well

    • @hosakuwanderer2399
      @hosakuwanderer2399 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      hmm, I think A regen of ki of somekind is pretty cool. You say that the reason why it fails is because of there body. So maybe have the condition when they get below a certain health that Ki regen stops or slows to really slow. I think that might be a interesting way.

    • @midshipman8654
      @midshipman8654 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      wait, I thought ki was inner energy, not cosmic.
      i mean stuff like naruto or dragon ball they both talk about “running out of chi/chakra”

  • @Quintal100kg
    @Quintal100kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว +252

    TreantMONK is not playing monks. IRONY!

    • @TheDungeonCoach
      @TheDungeonCoach 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      He did say they are “a-MONKS-t the worse” haha get it??

    • @GunnarWahl
      @GunnarWahl 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Having played 3.5, a Monk that was polimorphed into a treant was actually a crazy high damage dealer, this is likely where his name comes from.

    • @TheDungeonCoach
      @TheDungeonCoach 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      GunnarWahl no way... that’s actually a thing??? Wow 🤯 mind blown

    • @Titan360
      @Titan360 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well, because the Treant is a TREE, his punches and kicks have a little more crushing power behind them.

  • @unchartedexe
    @unchartedexe 4 ปีที่แล้ว +158

    The stunning strike of this video was when he whipped out those stats from Critical Roll.

    • @Nastara
      @Nastara 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Hot damn i feel that burn

    • @michaeltaylor7707
      @michaeltaylor7707 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      It was a good way to prove his point objectively, plus most of us then become very invested in his point 😂

    • @thunderdragonish
      @thunderdragonish 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Why not, when crit roll stats has done the work for you? It’s compelling evidence from real play.

    • @Wolfphototech
      @Wolfphototech 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Anyone that uses critical roll as a standard for Dungeons & Dragons is ether a newbie or knob .

    • @JoshuaSMurray
      @JoshuaSMurray 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Except, it ignores that Beau has the most damage dealt in the party over the course of the campaign so far.

  • @maltheopia
    @maltheopia 4 ปีที่แล้ว +91

    Treantmonk, thanks for showing the historical origins of the monk. There was something always 70s and janky about the class, but I'm glad you were able to pinpoint it to a specific B-Movie. Which answers this question: who exactly is the 5E monk supposed to be for anyway? If you want to play a historical ninja or monk, or just one that's more down-to-earth like the character from Kung Fu you're better off as a Rogue. If you want to play an ascetic athlete with a drive for physical perfection, you're better off as a Fighter or Barbarian. If you want to play a badass magic ninja monk like in Mortal Kombat or Naruto or Ninja Gaiden, you're better off as a Bladesinger/Hexblade/Swords Bard.
    Apparently, the answer to this question is: the monk is supposed to be for people who liked ninjas and monks in the live-action TV/movies that came out during the Carter era and never played a video game or watched an anime.

    • @wassentme1891
      @wassentme1891 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Easy fix is to give Rogues a few of the Monk features, buffing Rogues and eliminating the need for Monks. If doing so I would make sure the to describe the Sneak Attack as a flurry of blows.

    • @Staff7
      @Staff7 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wassentme1891 or you could fix monks

  • @BlackTempleGaurdian
    @BlackTempleGaurdian 4 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    The problem the Monk has is when they shine, *they shine. If* they hit on their first attack, and *if* they successfully stun an opponent, the can do a lot to an enemy.
    Of course, after that no-one remembers just how conditional that was.

  • @mikehalloran93
    @mikehalloran93 4 ปีที่แล้ว +83

    So if someone says monks are great in THIS comments section, does that mean you will give them a link to this page?

    • @dylandugan76
      @dylandugan76 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      At that point, I think Chris might literally go to their house and deliver a stunning strike irl.

    • @willstanbury9725
      @willstanbury9725 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      He’s gonna make a 45 video just like this, except it’s about that user instead of monks, and he’ll link them there.

  • @BlackTempleGaurdian
    @BlackTempleGaurdian 4 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    Stunning Strike failing roughly 2/3 of the time sounds like an easy fix: Make it similar to Reckless Attack, in that it applies to every attack you make that turn. Minimum of 3 attacks turns that into an average of 1 ki=1 stun.

    • @coranbaker6401
      @coranbaker6401 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Wouldn't that make it insanely spammable and difficult for anyone to deal with?

    • @mamneo2
      @mamneo2 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@coranbaker6401 it's pretty easy to deal with really. You just stunned 1 enemy, there are other 7 right up biting your ass already. Not a very consecuential Crowd Control hability, since it only deals with 1 foe.

    • @coranbaker6401
      @coranbaker6401 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I guess. Though you'd have to keep that in mind when building encounters for the party and avoid relying on any one powerful creature for any of the fights to keep the monk from trivializing it.

    • @Dabedidabe
      @Dabedidabe 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@coranbaker6401 I would argue encounters that rely on a single powerful enemy are usually quite boring anyway. In most cases a single monster just means your turn comes up and all you can do is attack that monster.
      Also, it carries along several problems, which then get solved through legendary actions and legendary resistances, when you could just put some extra monsters to at the very least give players a choice of target.

    • @zane9464
      @zane9464 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@coranbaker6401 year late but those are a bad idea for basically every class. Casters get save or suck spells, you can grapple as a barbarian very easily, paladins and rogues will praise God that they can just unload an ungodly amount of damage because their single target can get insane. Having one person or familiar doing the help Action gives everyone else advantage in the party. Unless your encounter has legendary resistances up it's ass then it'll get rolled in a 1v6 because the way the action economy works even without most of what I stated.

  • @sheas3551
    @sheas3551 4 ปีที่แล้ว +80

    At around 48:00 the treantmonk temple intro noise sounds out while you're talking

    • @JMCLoader
      @JMCLoader 4 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      I thought it was intentional. A funny kind of thing where hes being pushed off stage by the music. Except he having to expound upon all the extra monks need to balance.

  • @NOTLPChiz
    @NOTLPChiz 4 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    I know it’s not the best answer, and you raise solid points, but I’m going to keep playing Monks. I like Monks, I think they’re a fun and interesting class. They could certainly use improvements, but I don’t need to top damage numbers to enjoy my time. Probably helps that most campaigns I’ve been in don’t go past 10th level. Still great insight into the class.

    • @tonydanatop4912
      @tonydanatop4912 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yeah cant help but agree
      Monk is made of interesting concepts that are almost always too niche or poorly put together to be consistently good but
      i REALLY REALLY like punching things and running fast 😬

    • @captianbacon
      @captianbacon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Monks have the most consistent and best lvl5 damage output. They can easily have the highest ac by then to.

    • @lucack6348
      @lucack6348 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@captianbacon How ?

    • @captianbacon
      @captianbacon 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lucack6348 simple awnser ther 3 attacks a round with a 18ish ac give them the best numbers on average. I've done the math in a previous comment.

    • @M_Giga
      @M_Giga 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@captianbacon that still does not make up for all the shortcomings, the main problem in my opinion being that ki, a magical resource, Is being tied to mundane actions while there isn't really enough of it, but even solving that you still can't really compare to other classes, the monk should just be reworked entirely, but since it has many staunch defenders that consider the class good WotC is not getting the feedback needed to do so

  • @Maragaoc
    @Maragaoc 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I think a good start for improving monks is giving more AIS/feats, like fighters. That would give then some flexiblity sooner and it makes sense, since both fighters and rogues get it (and monks are kinda a betwen class)

    • @richardwhaler8717
      @richardwhaler8717 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Honestly making monk a subclass of fighter actually make a lot of sense.

  • @Quintal100kg
    @Quintal100kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    I guess the Astral Self monk from UA actually could be an answer to at least make monk competitive in damage department. If we ever get it out of playtest without significant nerfs (haha WOTC giving something to the monk without nerfing it into oblivion first, funny joke)
    It give some extra attacks at higher levels, address MADness by giving it an ability to attack using its wisdom score, open some extra options for control (wisdom can be used instead of STR for saves and ability checks so grappling monk becoming a thing without a lot of strange multiclasses or feat investments) and, at higher levels, gives an ability to restore ki points in battle. I feel that this is the monk as it always should have been. Unfortunately I'm not very optimistic about it ever hit the print, at least without significant nerfs because WOTC hates monks aparently

    • @archmagemc3561
      @archmagemc3561 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Agreed. Funnily enough, I'm playtesting this UA class in modules as I can convince even non UA DMs to allow this one due to how weak monks are and while I agree this fixes a ton, a TON of a monk's problems, I still feel very very weak. But going from wanting 3 stats to 2, going from having no strength to 20 strength, and having a good spell save due to my wisdom being the highest.

    • @Quintal100kg
      @Quintal100kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@archmagemc3561 I had no experience with this subclass in actual play, only theoretical thoughts. I'm really interested how it is feeling in practice. What level are you playing? In what regards you are still feeling weak?

    • @archmagemc3561
      @archmagemc3561 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Quintal100kg Level 6 right now. This class is very nice in that you have access to grappling with reach and your grapple checks are made using your wisdom score which is good. Plus you do radiant damage, so you ignore resistances before level 6 which is on par with a fighter getting a moon sword. This puts you on par with a barb for offensive grappling, especially due to your movement speed.
      I feel weak because monks are just weak in general. Squishy, low HP, low damage.... yeah. I've done more damage doing grapple stuff than I have doing straight striking with my monk. And you don't get spell deflect until 11 so I can't even say how well that works yet. I'm also playing an arakkokra so I can abuse everything to the 11th degree, as hte DM agreed monks were weak and let me do whatever I wanted to try to break them as long as it was RAW. I'm still feeling weaker than a paladin or fighter, but this doesn't make me feel as weak as a non gloomstalker ranger at least.

    • @Quintal100kg
      @Quintal100kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@archmagemc3561 arakocra are great as grapplers and with monks extra speed and an ability to mitigate falling damage could do some awesome stuff. Obviously you grab a creature fly with it at the top of your speed up and then fall with him, not only it will take a falling damage, but it will also fall prone. After that just pound the guy with advantage. Even better if you could grab two guys. I hope you will have a great game =)

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      WOTC seem to be allergic to giving Monks any form of power; I looked at what they get in Pathfinder 2e and it looked... Proper/ Complete; it didn't feel like it was missing things (hopefully seeing the other classes won't undo that in comparison)

  • @dougwestvold1581
    @dougwestvold1581 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Monk is a character class I often enjoy playing.
    In 5e I feel the monk can be a versatile generalist dependent on little to no equipment to function in play. My play style leans hard away from the crutch of expendable resources (in the Monk's case Ki) and instead focuses on things the character can do indefinitely.
    Stat wise Monk's perform about where you measure, them, under-performing compared to many. Yet in play I have undermined and shut down more opponents in crucial moments as a monk than most other characters I played, and many I played with.
    Whether grappling casters and sidelining them thanks to limiting their V/S/M requirements for spells, shoving or knocking down NPCs (Open Hand), or never being without a magic weapon, I have had decent luck with Monks.
    That said there have been moments of incompetence rivaling Jackie Chan hijinx when a monk fails a roll, series of rolls (rolling 2, 3, 4, 5 with advantage in one case), at something they should be proficient in such as pulling an opponent down off their horse.
    What I feel monks do best is hard for you to measure. They do a wide variety of physical tasks pretty well with nothing but their body. Most games don't mess with gear unless things get gritty or the GM runs a prison or survival story arc. Monks will shine more than most when people try to remove the parties ability to function. Casters suffer when their foci, spell components, holy symbols, spell books and the like are stolen or tampered with (Though there are exceptions). Martial types (apart from many Barbarians) weaken quickly with damaged or absent armor and weapons. Monks just don't need much in the way of gear. Barbarians share this, but everyone else starts suffering the moment they don't have their toys.
    With the wits to spot what is vital and the sleight of hand or grappling ability to take /destroy those items, any character can undermine casters and even many martial types. Monk's can be pretty effective in this approach (Rogues as well).
    Combined with some of the racial options monks can get interesting quick, while not attempting to break game mechanics outright. I have had a great deal of fun with a Level 5 Werebear Monk of the Open Hand who is a natural lycanthrope. I felt the mechanics were too powerful, though legal, so I play him in human form unless things get dire and he will only ever bite non-humanoid opponents for fear of spreading his familial disease.
    The few times I have attacked with claws while sending targets prone for free (triggering advantage on further attacks/rounds) it has been bloody and quick. Yet it is true a smite build paladin can easily double that damage. I rest in knowing that, if need be, such a monk can do this all day.
    Yet much of that is Werebear more than Monk. Still, monks can be fun.

    • @rodrigoreis2151
      @rodrigoreis2151 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah. I have a similar experience with playing a Human Way of the Open Hand Monk. We're 5th level, the party is Monk, Spore's Druid, Divine Soul Sorc and Fighter/Warlock, and I kick ass, but I really don't know why or how.

    • @TheRodentMastermind
      @TheRodentMastermind 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah I had similar experience with my Kensei, I knew on paper he sucked. Yet actually at the table, he was dancing past mooks to tank demons in the back. There were fights where everyone else was bloodied and out of resources. And I was bouncing along hardly having taken any damage. And his damage though not amazing was fairly consistent.

  • @fadeleaf845
    @fadeleaf845 4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Monks aren't even the most anime class - many spellcasters have cheesy signature move that *demand* shouting out their names (verbal components), including but not limited to Lightning Bolt (Kamehameha), Shocking Grasp (Chidori), Shadow Blade/Magic Weapon (Bankai), Tsunami (Sacred Create Water), Haste (Invisible Air), Burning Hands (Bakugo's Explosion), Time Stop (The World), Hold Person (Judgment Chain)...

    • @burningwp
      @burningwp 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      The first thing I thought of when you said "anime" was Steel Wind Strike and you didn't even mention it once.

    • @Nr4747
      @Nr4747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Barbarians are the most anime class - their rage literally keeps them alive and also allows for a "this isn't even my final form"-moment when they start recklessly attacking !

    • @motokuchoma
      @motokuchoma 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Nr4747 Tenser's transformation tho

    • @Nr4747
      @Nr4747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@motokuchoma That one feels pretty anime, I agree. ;-)

    • @ShadowAraun
      @ShadowAraun 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      bro in fucking pathfinder there is legit a wizard archetype that lets them wield scrolls as magical swords and shields, and because scroll can hold multiple spells they can cast spells from the very weapons they are wielding. Gestalting/level dipping it with magus would literally let them cast a shocking grasp with their sword and then deliver it with a strike of that sword, on that note Eldritch Knight in 5e can be flavored to do just that with their bonus action attack if they cast a cantrip- the spell jumps off the blade as they swing at the enemy or they shoot an arrow in the shadow of the firebolt

  • @jiiaga5017
    @jiiaga5017 4 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    I'm not saying the monk is the greatest, but I don't like how you've structured a lot of your arguments.
    For example, when you talk about saving throws - how late they gain proficiency in all saving throws is a legitimate point, but you specifically point out how fighters can use indomitable for a save, yet you neglect to also point out that indomitable is on a long rest cooldown, while monks can spend ki points to reroll saves. Monks are also immune to poison and have gained the ability to end charmed or frightened conditions on themselves at the time Fighters are gaining their indomitable feature. Also, while monks don't gain as many ASI's as fighters, monks also have their combat abilities mostly built into their kit so they aren't taking things like great weapon master or marksman. Their ASI requirements are spread thinner, but a monk that was worried about their saves could take resilient: constitution early at only the cost of 1 lost ability point and little impact on feat progression.
    Your argument on armor class is also fairly deceiving. You quote fighters, rangers, and paladins as having a much higher AC at the start of the game (18+'s) but you neglect to mention that if they chose to go weapon - shield, their damage metric, which you base all your judgements on, would ALSO be trash because they'd be attacking with a single D8 weapon. A monk in the first few levels is just arguably not a tank - and that's ok. Other classes don't get what makes them really tick until levels 3-5 either. The comparison of a monk should be to another melee combatant at early levels, where they are just "meh", but no more "meh" than a fighter or paladin who hasn't taken a feat yet. They are attacking with A staff for D8 + D4 (getting proficiency + ability damage for both) or something similar compared to a D10, D12, or 2D6 from other melee combatants.
    And a general comment on tankiness - I agree monks don't get as high of AC as other classes. They do get some mitigation no other classes get, that you didn't give its due regard. If a monk is focused on "tanking", the ability to assume patient defense while being a threat and doing other things makes them basically the only class which is immune to crits. And crits are one of the more dangerous things that characters will run into. Sometimes the dice just hate a fool, and an unexpected crit, or worse chained crits, can take down characters with otherwise disgustingly high ACs. The wyvern sting that crits for 18d6.
    All of this is not to say monks are great - Heck I don't even like them. But I believe in honesty in looking at classes, and I don't think you give them a fair shake. I mean, you've gone on and on about how quick ki points disappear and what a terrible resource they are... but they are a short rest resource, a monk gets more of them then a comparable battlemaster, and they are arguably more impactful when used in most cases. And you don't give their disciplines much regard, which mostly have their defining abilities accessible by 6th level. Shadow monks have a resourceless bonus action 60 foot teleport, for example. Open hand monks can turn off reactions from creatures at will (bye bye counterspell). Kensei can jump into the tank roll with a shield bonus and D10/D4 damage, which is in line with the damage other "tanks" are doing, while getting to do monk things.

    • @elgatochurro
      @elgatochurro 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Bonus damage is doubled on crit, not bonus damage dice of a save though
      Believe it's made this way specifically for poisons

    • @BossTripp1
      @BossTripp1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are totally correct

    • @GrimatheFelldragon666
      @GrimatheFelldragon666 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was able to get my monk's ac to 30 without items

    • @elgatochurro
      @elgatochurro 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@GrimatheFelldragon666 how the fuck?

    • @CappuccinoSquid
      @CappuccinoSquid 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@elgatochurro good question, let's see...20 Dex and 20 Wis would be 20 AC...if Warforged, that could be 21, Tortles have their shell defense ability that gives them +4 AC but they can't really do anything during, 1/2 cover is +2, 3/4 cover is +5...maybe they dipped for the Shield spell or some innate Sorcery/Warlock Invocation/Cleric thing bonus?

  • @Mike-hj6mv
    @Mike-hj6mv 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    You should do more class history videos! You told an interesting and succinct story of the Monk.

  • @TheNotableNobody
    @TheNotableNobody 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I think Monk suffers from having the most dead levels for a martial in the game. Considering levels 9, 10 (good but maybe too narrow), 11 (most subclasses are ribbony here), 13, 15, and 20. Casters at their worst are still getting spell slots. I think if each of these levels were addressed, you could get monk to passable. I'm sure a lot of perception on Monk being okay is because they don't spend a lot of their time in these levels. Getting Stunning Strike right at level 5 feels good, it's just a problem of the levels after that.
    I kind of want to touch on your Variant for my own thoughts for what features Monk need. I personally don't like the increased Flurry of Blows count, not because 'too many attacks', but because the opportunity cost of picking any other option becomes extreme (which is probably why Patient Defense and Step of the Wind aren't BAs in your variant). Personally, I've included a feature called 'Flow State' at level 15 (maybe should be lower), which provides the monk with 2 Bonus Actions, but they can't be the same feature. This allows you to emulate Flurry of Blows (3) by using Flurry of Blows + Martial Arts bonus attack, but also lets you reduce the opportunity cost of other options, including BA spells if you MC or take a feat.
    I like the new MA progression in your variant (I accidentally came up with it too independently), since it pairs with said dead levels (9/13). I'm fairly sure they were made ribbon features cause of the prof bonus, but casters get new spell slots here. Martials should get at least a small mechanical boost.
    In regards to Diamond Soul, it's definitely not fitting where it is. 3.5 Diamond Soul was about Spell Resistance, while 5e Diamond Soul replicates a feature 3.5 Monk got at level 1 (high save progression). Maybe Diamond Soul should have been a tier 2 feature (level 10?).
    Stillness of Mind could be served to have clause where you can always use this action while under those conditions. While I personally would house rule in this fashion, it could be served to have overt text.
    This one is small, but I like giving Deflect Missile the ability to react to arrows within 5ft of the monk. Lets Monk care about position and 'tank' for others in a way that fits their archetype. Useful for keeping your backline safe round 1 against archers.
    Last thing, Stunning Strike and controlling. I actually do like the Monk as a controller concept. If you key to each of the 4 martials, their 11th level features really show where their niches are. Fighter gets Extra Attack (3) to hint at more DPR, Barb gets Relentless Rage to hint at tanking, Rogue's Reliable Talent for Skills, but Monk gets stuck with subclass features that don't usually lead them in a direction. The controller niche for a pure martial is open. Giving Stunning Strike a guaranteed benefit is definitely a good step, so that 1 Ki is some reward. This would steal a bit from Open Hand, but Monk should definitely have a Strike for each major save. I personally have a DEX Strike to knock prone/reduce speed on failure (2nd level), and for 11th level a WIS Strike to Blind and Deafen/disadvantage to attacks on failure. Just having more ways to target saves reduces the Ki cost of Striking.
    Hope you read this! You've given me a lot of food for thought.

  • @MrNikolasMorith
    @MrNikolasMorith 4 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    “Hello Wizards of the Coast. I would like to report a murder.”

    • @Wolfphototech
      @Wolfphototech 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's hardly a murder .
      Just a lot of bad logic focused on ignoring the positives and obsessing over the negatives .

    • @Wolfphototech
      @Wolfphototech 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Ask Aas
      He uses the fact Monks use up one resource ( Ki points ) as a knock against them .
      But over look the fact a lot of classes use resources ( spell slots & material ) to attack .
      The crazy catch is most spell casters have to do a *long rest* ( 8 hours ) to regain *spell slots* .
      An some can regain some low level spells slots with a *short rest* ( 1 hour ) .
      But he completely misses that all a monk has to to to regain all Ki points is just meditate for 30 minutes .
      So the monk can easily recover Ki points with little effort and time .
      He also creates a false choice / misleading argument ( ether or ) .
      As there is nothing restricting a monk from advancing multiple stats and abilities .
      The monk may not have the best stats .
      But it can cover multiple bases with very little equipment / resources .
      So to cover it .
      He misleads people .
      As well as he does not understand basic game & class mechanics .

    • @vasudeva01
      @vasudeva01 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Wolfphototech Why not support house rules, instead of defending the current state of the monk rules?
      You stated that a monk can meditate for 30min to regain all ki points. That's incorrect - the class rules clearly state that you must finish a short or long rest AND spend at least 30min of that rest meditating. It's good to point out that this makes Monks a short-rest class, but also keep in mind that having to spend ki points just to mimic the cunning action that rogues get for free is pretty shitty. Why not agree that monks deserve a rebalance?

    • @Wolfphototech
      @Wolfphototech 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vasudeva01 i was not dishonest about how long it takes for a monk to regain all ki point .
      But the fact it takes a short rest to do so ( an only 30 minutes of that is meditation , which is the mechanism for regaining *ALL THE KI POINTS* is still a major plus for the monk .
      *Also note a lot of the claimed weaknesses of monks is covered by skill and sub-classes .*
      *Monks require smart player's to play better then fine .*

    • @horserage
      @horserage 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Wolfphototech A class shouldnt be carried by their subclasses. Maybe a gain in a game style, maybe in thematic, but not power, never power.

  • @SaraphDarklaw
    @SaraphDarklaw 4 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    The inflammatory title is hilarious. I’m curious on the breakdown.

  • @squidheadss7105
    @squidheadss7105 4 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Personally, I think that the monk is in need of a total rework from the ground up.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Totally agree

    • @squidheadss7105
      @squidheadss7105 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@TreantmonksTemple As a big fan of the idea of monks, my primary worry is that my idea of a "good monk" that both satisfies the fantasy of a monk, as well as has good numbers, would be different as to be unrecognizable to the current 5e monk. I'm mainly looking to 4e and PF2e as inspirations for how it would work.

    • @aldoushuxley5953
      @aldoushuxley5953 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      There are a lot of flaws with 5e.
      I hope we get 5.5e (5e, but with hindsight) soon

    • @PiiskaJesusFreak
      @PiiskaJesusFreak 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TreantmonksTemple is there a way to contribute to your version of the monk class?

    • @pirateFinn
      @pirateFinn 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@squidheadss7105 for all the shtick it gets, 4e is (especially after revisions) actually exceedingly balanced when it comes to job potency I find. The monk in our party does seriously good single target damage, has absolutely stupid mobility for utility and has some party buff utility in their attacks too.

  • @marc0s158
    @marc0s158 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I had always worked under the assumption that with my tables having 1 - 2 combats per short rest, a 5th level monk could realistically use ki on most turns in combat, with combat lasting 3-5 rounds.
    I think my math was off

  • @samblood5350
    @samblood5350 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I think the "strength" of monks is their versatility. They're capable of being really bad at ALL of the roles in the game. Even the worst spellcaster with the way of the four elements monk.
    So I was trying to work on a homebrew subclass with a buddy of mine, and I just constantly kept saying "Okay that's a cool idea but it's not strong enough" over and over again.
    I think just as a base class, you could make a huge improvement by making the hit die a d10, make the bonus unarmed attack be a free part of the attack action, give them another extra attack at levels 11 and 17, and make stunning strike be a dex saving throw.
    And yes flurry of blows should still be +2 unarmed attacks. So level 1 you have 2 attacks (actual distinction to make monks uniquely strong in the early game), level 2 you could make 4 attacks, level 5 you can do 5, level 11 would be 6, and level 17 would be 7. That would make a unique character, give them a tad more durability to match other martial characters, and would allow more of their ki points to be used on the best ability. Which is now much more reliable.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Ha! You had me going after the first sentence.

    • @piersonjamesa
      @piersonjamesa 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have the monk in my game not have the second martial arts attack a bonus action , so at level 7 they 2 quarter staff attacks, 2 feet attacks(typically) and they usually do flurry of blows for 2 more attacks and a stunning strike on the first hit. Also as we had encountered these issues before, we have them add their wisdom and dex modifier to rolls. this has made them a bit extra powerful in the first combats but they get less powerfull as their ki is used.
      Of note: we have a magic item accessiblity in my game so they have defensive braces to get their ac to 20 at level 7.

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Because Monks usually can't afford good Constitution (unless you roll extremely well but that benefits ANYONE) I would say that their Hit Dice should be one stage higher than where they should be.
      Or give them the same amount of ASI's as Rogues or Fighters.

  • @exomancer3632
    @exomancer3632 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I know why my players thought monks are awesome: Quivering Palm.
    Yup. A save or die at level 18 that only one subclass gets, and is yet more drain on ki and doesn't even work how people think it does. It takes *two* actions to pull off.

    • @Dezbood
      @Dezbood 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It takes two actions but the first action doesn’t take away anything from your turn. You can still do a FULL round of attacks as part of the turn, and then do 10d10 damage (at worst) on the second turn.

  • @dylank7732
    @dylank7732 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    lol I thought when the intro music started playing at the end again he was doing the fade off into an impossibly long list of fixes. Think it was just missed edit though.

    • @Adurnis
      @Adurnis 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It was my fault; I had him fix a thing at the end of the video, and he missed moving the outtro music back to the end.

  • @zeedar412
    @zeedar412 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    We had a Tabaxi Monk with Mobile in our game, and she was a fun character, and of course ridiculously mobile. She could get in and out of a fight as she saw fit. She also made no impact whatsoever in any combat. Her wisdom was 14, so her stunning strike almost never worked.
    I'm thinking of just doubling the Ki points as a house rule, because it's just pathetic at low levels. Just compare it to the Battlemaster: At level 3 BMs have Second Wind, Action Surge, and 4 Sup Dice, all recharging on a short rest. Monks get 3 Ki points, also on a short rest. That's half as many "things" they can fire off in a combat. Doubling it would just about bring them to the same level.

    • @TheTdroid
      @TheTdroid 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Battlemaster meanouvers are also more consistent, because you're always guaranteed the bonus damage (or temp HP for Rally) even if your other effect fails and you don't spend it until you know you've hit (unlike Flurry).

  • @DJenser
    @DJenser 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    33:45 As someone who has played monks since AD&D (and who is also a huge Critter), I can safely say that Beau is pretty standard for a monk. They can be equipped and statted to supplement many rolls, but they don't have a real niche of their own in which they can really excel like the other classes. I've always built mine as a way of filling in gaps for martial or rogue classes in campaigns I've played.

  • @darkblade190
    @darkblade190 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I’ve actually made a pretty effective monk by going completely against the monks design. Was a tortle, took first level bard, open hand for the next 17, and used a maul and spear/ shield depending on my ki amount. Technically you can use flurry of blows holding a maul, so long as you use your unarmed claw attack from racial dealing significantly more damage than a traditional monk. It’s a wonky build, that only really works in AL where you can indirectly pick your magic items (looking at you belt of giants strength) but is so against type combined with the monks weird abilities it just makes dms throw up their hands as the turtle man jumps 16ft in the air and choke slams a flying enemy to head butted it to death

  • @thereaIitsybitsyspider
    @thereaIitsybitsyspider 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I made a ninja homebrew subclass for Monk that has warlock spell slots and can use spell slots and ki points to cast ninjutsu.

    • @thereaIitsybitsyspider
      @thereaIitsybitsyspider 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Here it is if you wanna try it. I'm still playtesting it, but my player hasn't broken the game yet.

  • @a.spirit8408
    @a.spirit8408 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Since everyone else is posting their monk reworks, here is one I have been recently thinking of -
    Patient Defense as a reaction (when an attack would hit) instead of bonus action.
    No Ki cost for Step of the Wind.
    Separate resources pool for Stunning Strike, same max number and regen rules as Ki.
    Level 20 - regain 4 of each resource upto max of 20 on combat start.
    My philosophy (and someone else said this in this comments section) - it's okay for Monk to not be the best in any one thing as long as they can do all of their things at once. In my version, they still have to choose between Step and Flurry, but there is less tension between the other options.
    Even with all this, I'd not recommend that someone pick Monk if they are are playing in a small party. First make sure the party has a real tank, and someone with bonus action healing. Then bring in monk as off-tank, pseudo-controller.

  • @RulesandRulings
    @RulesandRulings 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Instead of just being two weapon fighting, what if martial arts let you take the actual Attack action as a bonus action, so long as the attacks you make during it are Unarmed Strikes? This would give the monk more flexibility and allow something like the four elements monk to actually use their spells. If you gave the Monk an increasing Extra Attack feature this could scale quite well.

  • @bryanc.6735
    @bryanc.6735 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I like that you pulled in Beauregard for comparison. Her Stunning Strike effectiveness would be even lower if they used point buy or standard array for Stats. She started with an 18 Dex and 16 Wis. Current lvl 12 is 20 Dex and 18 Wis. You can see the frustration on Marishas face every time they fight and she tries SS and it fails. It's just sad.

    • @JoshuaSMurray
      @JoshuaSMurray 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Of course it also kills Matt every time it works though

    • @toshomni9478
      @toshomni9478 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      She also seems to really enjoy playing a monk though and when she does stun someone it usually turns the tide of the battle, meaning it's basically over for that NPC. Just goes to show you why most people don't have problems with the class as is.

  • @ChristnThms
    @ChristnThms 4 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    I always get a kick out of the fact that a Barbarian Battlerager is a better Monk than a Monk is. I don't even think Battlerager is a terribly good Barbarian.

  • @ntorix599
    @ntorix599 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Monks should get an ability to add their wis to their unarmed strikes and use wisdom instead of constitution for calculating hit point maximum. They'd be tankier and would be just over baseline in damage. Also an ability to spend ki to add wisdom to their ac for a round as a reaction functioning like a shield spell.

  • @rhbama13
    @rhbama13 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    To me a monk is best for locking down enemy spell casters. They have the speed and maneuverability to get to the spellcaster and enough attacks to break concentration.
    2023 edit: Please realize the difference between what I think is the best role for a Monk and the best class for filling a role.

    • @HiopX
      @HiopX 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Longbow ranger: A good thing we have a Monk for that...

    • @rhbama13
      @rhbama13 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@HiopX 4 attacks to break concentration in melee vs 2 at range. Which do you think is more difficult to deal with?

    • @HiopX
      @HiopX 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@rhbama13 The that can stay out of melee of the spell caster's allies

    • @rhbama13
      @rhbama13 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@HiopX if you want to get into a war of hypotheticals I will just say you win since the Ranger is an overall better class, but I stand by my statement. A monks best use in combat is to go after spellcasters.

    • @kendrajade6688
      @kendrajade6688 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I would like to introduce you to a spell called Shield.

  • @ParryHisParry
    @ParryHisParry 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey may I ask a quick question? W/ Extra attack:
    Monks, at lvl 11, deal 38 damage with Flurry of Blows and 20 in their attack stat. (4.5+5) x 4 = 38 dmg.
    Fighters, at lvl 11, deal 36 damage with a Greatsword and a 20 in their attack stat. With the greatsword fighting style, this increases to about 40 damage. (7+5) x 3 = 36.
    Why does your graph show Monks so vastly below the baseline at lvl 11, when they are pretty close to it? How are you calculating it?
    Also, Martial Arts isn't merely two weapon fighting, it is two weapon fighting + the fighting style which allows you to add your attack stat mod to your off hand's damage

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I include % chance to hit, which is why the number is lower. One of the biggest problems with Monk is that the melee weapons they use can't use the best feats for damage (great weapon master, polearm master). They can go ranged, but then they basically lose out on everything (no martial arts, no flurry of blows, no stunning strike). A fighter with a greatsword and no feats to support this at level 11 is not going to do well either.

    • @ParryHisParry
      @ParryHisParry 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TreantmonksTemple I know the video was from a while ago, but do you have the inputs you were using for your chart?
      Like what was the AC of the enemy/ what feats were taken into account to get your baseline that you compared Monk to?
      I am curious as a DM who is considering buffing Monks in my own games, but don't want to do so until I understand the math behind the claims in the video.
      Super appreciate the replies

  • @thejammiestjam
    @thejammiestjam 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The intro/close music overlaps part of the "how to fix" section, and it was hard to understand what was being said.
    Agreed that monks should get more attacks for their action; the idea is that they are striking quickly. I think it's totally fair if they're on par with fighters for number of attacks per action. Also agree with increasing the hit die. I've never played a monk. Having a martial artist character sounds fun, but in practice they seem to to just be meh as-written.

  • @dougwestvold1581
    @dougwestvold1581 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I posted a separate 5e response; This one is a First edition comparison.
    The best monk I ever played wasn't a monk but a Kensai from the original Kara-Tur source book. This hinged heavily on the custom martial arts creation rules. Utilizing dislocating attack and the options where a silk ribbon could attack as a spear I was able to create a fairly effective martial artist (Monk equivalent) who could defeat enemies without killing them in melee combat. This was pretty hard to do in that edition and dislocating attack became my favorite rule.
    TLDR: My favorite first edition monk character wasn't actually a monk. It was a Kensai.

  • @tobak952
    @tobak952 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    a wizard is a better tank than a monk, a ranger is a better controller, ANYONE is better DPR, and monks dont heal.

  • @PiiskaJesusFreak
    @PiiskaJesusFreak 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Hmm... What would be easiest way to buff them?
    - multiattack progression at same levels as cantrips progress
    - allow making flurry of blows and martial arts attacks with monk weapons
    Now the damage output is similar to unoptimized twf fighter? Hmm... Doesn't reach baseline yet, but it's closer.
    Bonus to AC equal to profiency bonus as a reaction without spending ki as part of martial arts?
    Trigger stunning strike automatically on critical hits without spending ki?
    It's hard to make good, yes.

    • @davidbycroft
      @davidbycroft 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The bonus to AC by using a reaction is cutting into chances for, an already situational, deflection.
      Just getting it as part of martial arts is a bit much at higher levels though?

    • @PiiskaJesusFreak
      @PiiskaJesusFreak 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@davidbycroft yeah, that is an issue. But here's another way of looking at it: as a monk, would you want to be able to cast Shield at will? I think staying a live is a fair use of one's reaction.
      Now, what about having it just always on without spending reactions? You start with 18 AC, max out at 26... Yeah, that's not overpowered either, that's just in line with other martial classes. Maybe that's better.

    • @PiiskaJesusFreak
      @PiiskaJesusFreak 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What *should* monks be good at? You could make them on par with fighters mechanically, but it would be nice if they had their own niche... Maybe if their offense wasn't so lack luster, they would make good skirmishers?

    • @chrisvelo2595
      @chrisvelo2595 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@PiiskaJesusFreak Yeah the thing is though I think a lot of rogues are some of the best skirmishers, so idk what the identity could be

    • @PiiskaJesusFreak
      @PiiskaJesusFreak 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chrisvelo2595 I think it's okay to have two skirmisher classes. Currently, Rogue excels at single target damage. So, maybe monk could specialize against multiple opponents (like drunken master tries to) or control?

  • @ninjaturtlethug7
    @ninjaturtlethug7 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I agree that even with the bonuses you gave the monk in your homebrew the class is still underpowered. The monk player in my campaign is using your revised rules, and I even threw in an extra bonus to AC and unarmed strike damage on top of your changes and he is still noticeably underperforming the other party members. I would love to see an updated revised Monk you're working on that at least gets the monk past the baseline you're using.

  • @philosopherhobbs
    @philosopherhobbs 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hahahaha, the signing-off sentence was hilarious. I really appreciate this video because I, like you, am trying to make the monk a better class.

  • @rafaelplugge3214
    @rafaelplugge3214 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    In my campaign (the player isn't an optimancer, so he doesn't know about this) I gave him a Belt of Storm Giant Strength (yes the op belt of 29 strength), as well as magic gauntlets (so he can also have the +2/+3 to hit & damage)
    For some context: (Level 16)
    Party: Way of Death Monk (the one in question), Wild Magic Sorcerer, Moon Druid & Hexblade Warlock (Treantmonk variant btw, he is loving this, and I am enjoying watching this in play)
    Even with all this, he is still the worst damage dealer in the party by a landslide if the sorcerer feels like it, he can nearly out damage him with
    fuckin firebolt cantrip (i think the math is close, but sorcerer doesn't spend any resource while monk needs flurry of blows to even compete) also this sorcerer is an Evocation style sorcerer (so he has all kinds of blasting spells, not an optimiser at all btw).
    At least he is happy being Way of Death (the one where you spend a Ki point to not get downed) so he is confident he doesn't die.
    TL; DR: My player doesn't know his class sucks really hard, I hope to keep him blissfully ignorant (don't wanna ruin that parade), and giving magic items to make him feel op is quite nice.

    • @TainakaRicchan
      @TainakaRicchan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      At lvl 16 the Monk should do 3 (4 with flurry) at 1d8+5 each, averaging total 17,1 (Flurry 22,8) with 60% hitchance
      Firebolt is flat 3 d10 averaging 9,9 with 60% hitchance
      17 level the difference is even more pronojnced as Martial Arts level up to 1d10
      Even Monk will outdamage basic Damage Cantrips everytime, sicen they do not add any Spellcasting Modifier by default. EB is the Exception because of Agonizing blast turning it into a Crossbow equivalenbt.

    • @Quintal100kg
      @Quintal100kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Thats is strange to say the least. With 29 STR and +2 from magic gauntlets your party monk should be dealing d8+11 damage per attack. Treantmonk use 60% to hit chance as a baseline, but this is for a character with the main attribute of 20. Your guy have 29 and +2 from magic gauntlets, so his to hit should be closer to 90%.
      Even without flurry of blows this is 41.85 average damage per round. This is a great damage way above the baseline. And with the flurry of blows it become 55.8 on avg.
      There is no way firebolt could beat that, so there is two possibilies: either you give other characters some powerfull (possibly homebrew) stuff as well or the player that is playing monk doesn't do the maths correctly. If it is the second case maybe you could check it on him, even if he is not an optimizer I think that he will be glad to know that he could deal much more damage

    • @TainakaRicchan
      @TainakaRicchan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Quintal100kg Yeah forgot the 29 stry and the fact that it optional to use DEX, you are absolutely right.

    • @henriklyckholm245
      @henriklyckholm245 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      What did you give the other characters?

    • @Nr4747
      @Nr4747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Are you using homebrew on the Firebolt cantrip ? There is *no* way an unenhanced Firebolt does more damage than a Monk with +3 to hit and damage on all attacks at level 16, especially not when using a Strength score of 29 !
      Assuming 60% chance to hit as the baseline, a Firebolt does 16,5 damage on average on a hit, this averages out to 9,9 damage overall + 0,825 damage on average with a 5% crit chance = 10,725 damage on average.
      A Monk using a Strength score of 29 and just +3 unarmed strikes at level 16 will do 4,5 +3 +9 damage three times with Martial Arts on hits, which is a total of 49,5 without critting or using Flurry of Blows. This averages out to (assuming a 95% chance to hit due to +3 gauntlets and a +9 to hit from having 29 Strength, and a 5% crit chance) 49,37625 damage, almost 50.
      With Flurry of Blows, the average damage increases to 65,835 almost 66 damage. Overall, we are looking at your Monk doing between almost 5 times to over 6 times the damage of an unenhanced Firebolt.

  • @josephcantanio6540
    @josephcantanio6540 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    i want to propose a fix for the monk that stays with the conventions of 5e and i would love sum feedback
    at lv10 the monk can choose 1 of 3 abilities to solidify its role.
    1: (heavy strikes) add 1 additional marshal arts die to the damage of attacks you make.
    2: (battlefield awareness) add +2 to your AC and saving throws.
    3: (presser points) eney enemy hit with a attack you make has disadvantage on constitution saving throws until the end of their next turn.

    • @alecchristiaen4856
      @alecchristiaen4856 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ngl, I think that if the monk could actually debuff a saving throw of choice of an enemy they struck, their utility would skyrocket.
      Sure, their independent dps, survivability, and control are shite, but they could vastly increase the odds of an ally's spell landing.

  • @Tyrgoth99
    @Tyrgoth99 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Some house rules that fix the base class (mostly):
    Damage increase at 5, 9, 13, 17. (To a d12)
    Unarmed attacks are +1 magical at level 11
    At level 20 regain 4 ki points (to a max of 20) every time you roll initiative
    Damage output is ~20% better, and capstone is just a little less sucky.
    Subclasses have their own tweaks...

    • @toshomni9478
      @toshomni9478 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      A level 20 capstone is way too late to save the class. I like the idea of them just getting a ki point back for every round that they take damage that someone posted on here so it would be more like a barbarian's rage.

  • @lockwoan01
    @lockwoan01 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My mother, when she finally started playing D&D, based on the suggestion of another player, went Tabaxi Monk (Way of the Open Hand). The DM, upon reading the copy of Volo's I'd borrowed from a local library, caught on to the fact that Tabaxi had a d4 claw attack (he only had the Core Rule books prior to the Celestial Warlock incident - another story that involved him failing a Wisdom/Intelligence save and doing the Thousand Yard Stare upon reading about the Celestial Warlock's abilities), and realized that, by Level 6, Martial Arts die outperformed the Claw attack anyway. So, to make use of the claw attack, the DM gave my mother's character a special set of wrappings, or whatever, that allowed her to add a d4 on top of her martial die - basically she was doing 1d6+1d4+3 worth of damage, in one hit, for between 5 and 13 points of damage. During a Dream Scenario, she actually held her own against a Sea Hag, while my Champion Fighter was scared of the "really scary ugly lady" - quite funny actually.

  • @SpiderWaffle
    @SpiderWaffle 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I would have the monk's stunning strike's saving throw be made with disadvantage and then triple disadvantage at high levels or against int/wis and disadvantage at higher levels; maybe they should start with the mobile feat too; a lot more ki points wouldn't be bad either.
    I think focusing on the unique parts of something and making them good and unique is better than trying to boost up their shortcomings to be homogeneous with other things. Games are more interesting and fun when your choices are different from each other and meaningful and player agency is valued and their options are spread out enough. Character variety while fitting in same universe.

  • @jordanstrunk120
    @jordanstrunk120 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Can't believe I'm this early to this video I've been anticipating since the Beastmaster Build video. Can't wait to finish this deep dive, thanks Treantmonk for delivering!

  • @imobliquetoo3413
    @imobliquetoo3413 4 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Ima be honest, most 5e classes need a reworking.

    • @killcat1971
      @killcat1971 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I break them into 3 groups "Only need a little polishing for their role", Wiz, Cleric etc, "Need some work" Ranger, Sorc, "Cannot be helped without significant reworking" Warlock, Monk etc.

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@killcat1971 How did the designers let this happen?

    • @crazyscotsman9327
      @crazyscotsman9327 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And Subclasses need reworking as well. Like he Berserker one.

  • @foolycoolytheband
    @foolycoolytheband 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If I remeber correctly you've said in the past you've that you thought the artificer class was overall weak, but supported by very strong subclasses. Do you think that maybe having appropriately strong subclasses could be a way to adress the classes weaknesses or is the core class to fundamentally broken for it to make a difference?

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Strong subclasses would help. Haven't gotten one officially yet

  • @anthonyalessio855
    @anthonyalessio855 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've always thought the monk should fill a similar niche to the rogue. So, in that vein, then I believe the monk's flurry should at least be comparable to sneak attack. Chris, you are spot on with this review mate.

  • @ataberkdedemen9802
    @ataberkdedemen9802 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I hope when the class feature variants gets published, monk will improve with addition of new variant features we haven’t seen yet. WOtC is not happy with monk’s damage output (astral self monk UA adresses that issue) they will surely do something about it.

  • @SpruceReduce8854
    @SpruceReduce8854 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What's your opinion on how the monk subclasses affect the viability? For example, do you think the open hand subclass level 3 ability improves their power as controllers?

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      All subclasses improve any base class. I don't find any of the Monk subclasses do this to an acceptable degree.

    • @radiocat666
      @radiocat666 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Treantmonk's Temple not even the test stuff like astral self ?

  • @daverobinson5462
    @daverobinson5462 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Down deep, in my heart of hearts, I always felt that the Monk class, a class that I have always rooted for, was an under powered and weak class.
    Then I watched this video. Treantmonk made my suspicions a reality. My lovable Monks will always be eating Thanksgiving dinner at the kids table 😢
    I was going to softly cry. Then I realized something:
    I play an Armadillo Abjurer Mage and an Oath of Conquest Paladin.
    No tears here 😜

  • @ZarHakkar
    @ZarHakkar 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've always felt like the amount of extra attacks you can make via flurry of blows should increase as you level up.

  • @shanebernier2483
    @shanebernier2483 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm so glad that this video now exists. I, too, have needed something I can link to instead of rewriting the same points over and over...

  • @gregoryfloriolli9031
    @gregoryfloriolli9031 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Oh, and your Shadow Monk doesn’t get to throw Shurikens. All your Monk gets are 10 darts which don’t even count as Monk weapons.

  • @aradicaldude
    @aradicaldude 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank goodness not all D&D players are easily entertained or dimwitted, did this math years ago, and comparisons, and all I get is goal post arguments, or "but quivering palm."
    Its so frustrating dealing with "seasoned" DMs who won't allow homebrew, redux, or errata; especially in regards to Monks.

  • @StalinMcRally
    @StalinMcRally 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "A symphony of abilities that come together for a greater whole" hits the nail imo. it has a lot of different abilities that makes you glass-half-empty in some roles. You can run around but not do much, you have a decent armor class for not having armor, you can do a decent amount of attacks but it requires resources and lacks damage etc. The monk can survive a lot on its own in a group game.

  • @LifeInGeneral-z6f
    @LifeInGeneral-z6f 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Everything youve said here is exactly as it is.
    And so many people sat at the table with me, telling me that im playing my monk wrong, or i didnt build them correctly, or i must stop using my ki for flurry of blows and rather use patient defense, or just get the mobile feat itll fix everything
    It just didnt make a difference.
    Eventually i just retired him, and the DM came to me afterwards and said that maybe he shouldve tried adjusting the encounters and enemies so i could manage but i feel that. If its at the point where everyone elses game must change just because of 1 character, rather just role another character.
    If i had to give advice to someone who wanted to try monk, make sure you do it in a party with a solid support character.
    Cleric, bard, wizard ect.
    Its not going to fix the issues, but it will help.
    Someone that can give that little bit of health to keep you upright, or that boost to your role for stunning strike so it lands more often can perhaps make you a little more relevant in combat.
    But all in all, totally agree with this video, i would stay away from monk.

    • @recless8667
      @recless8667 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I disagree. If you roll a Face character that is optimized for social encounters and the party gets lost in the wilderness, it's literally the DM's job to throw in a hermit, dryad, satyr, or some other creature that can lead to a social encounter.
      If I roll a Battlemaster and the DM doesn't give us a single combat encounter within 6 months of gameplay because "this is a political intrigue game," that's on the DM (and should have been covered in the Session Zero).
      If you roll a mobility and control character and the DM only gives you DPS race encounters vs beefsticks (that will nearly auto-succeed your CC saves) inside empty rooms, that's on the DM. An ogre shaman with WIS Save proficiency instead CON Save proficiency will give you something to do besides shitty DPS via Flurry.
      Mobility is only as useful as the DM makes it; if there's a whirring trap in the center of the room that needs be disabled through a series of lever actions, someone who doesn't lose as much action economy disabling the device will have value. If there's a high-value diplomat that is attempting to escape, someone who can bypass the bodyguards and block their retreat has value. If there's a large battle arena that's spread out with multiple mini-fights, a character with high mobility will have value.

  • @billwarburton8669
    @billwarburton8669 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Monks in people's stories and theorycrafting: "Hit multiple creatures in a round with stunning strike and single-handedly end encounters!"
    Monks in the actual campaigns after every combat encounter, "Hey gang, I'm out of ki points, let's take a short rest."

    • @maltheopia
      @maltheopia 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      About a month ago I played with a monk when we had three encounters back-to-back with medium-strength horde monsters (we were CR9s fighting hordes of hill giants and ogres in various waves) and while the monk did okay in the first combat, their performance dropped like a rock for the second two combats. Even the Battlemaster Fighter and Paladin weren't as totally hosed as the monk was, because they still had badass magical items like a Flametongue Greatsword and a Ring of Spell Storing.

    • @jinxtheunluckypony
      @jinxtheunluckypony 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I played a Monk for a while in a home game and ended up switching to Barbarian because “I just never get to do the things my class focuses on.”

    • @CheefChaos
      @CheefChaos 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Barbarians, Rogues and Fighters: Yes Please

    • @maltheopia
      @maltheopia 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@CheefChaos Don't get me wrong, short rests are still something you want to have and often, but Rogues and Barbarians and even a lot of fighters don't fall off as badly as monks do when they have to do two or even three encounters between short rests. You're a 9th-level Shadow monk with only 3 ki points, what are you supposed to do with that?

  • @geniumme2502
    @geniumme2502 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    some semi mathy criticism (this is a very very long post):
    VS a single monster as a party of 4 if you stun that creature 25% of its turns you have done your job correct? (excluding provided adv or dmg)
    At 30:00 you stated a +9 con save at CR 9 I just went back to my sheets and took the average con save of the 24 monsters at CR 9... only 2 of those have CON+9 and 2 more have +10. The average is 5.42. with STR being at 4 and DEX at 3.33. lower, but not much
    (CR 10 Con is +5.76)
    A 16 WIS monk (DC 14 vs +6) has a stun chance of 35%. His to-hit is sufficient to realistically hit ~3 (~2.8 dependent on AC) times in average. Assuming a 30% stun rate for argument’s sake to air on the side of caution due to me rounding up the hits the monster will be stunned with a 65.7% chance (about 2 thirds) consuming an average of 2.05 (+1 for flurry) KI to do so. Meaning at this level assuming ~2 encounters per SR you could be doing this in the first turn of every combat.
    At 2 hits this with 35% stun chance (con +6, still above average) your chance is 58% for success, consuming an average of 1.65 Ki.
    Your damage numbers are rather confusing to me, assuming you took a half feat (IE cursher) at 4 your dex should be 18, at level 5 with flurry of blows that means (2*(4,5+4)+2*(3,5+4))*0.7=25,2 at ~70% hit. Assuming the same 18 CHA for a warlock his EB+AB does 2*(5,5+4+3,5)*0,7=18,2
    So in round one, the round that really matters, not only did you stun the enemy with a chance of 66% chance (which is far better than an action surge for your entire team) but also have given advantage for an entire turn. AND in addition dealt notably (38%) more damage than the warlock who also uses his entire resources in 2 fights per SR
    DO MONKS SUCK: (probably yes but context matters)
    I still think your conclusion that monks are sub par holds true for the ruleset you are most commonly playing with. But I do not think at level 5 this comparison holds water in the fight scenario you outlined. As shown above.
    Monks in later game struggle due to the existence of PAM+GWM which means anyone who can't use that sucks. If that's what we are comparing it to then you should absolutely be aware of the options to make the monk single attribute dependent to avoid some of the pain. But yea it sucks if we compare to an EAcc+PAM+GWM Hexblade.
    Monks also profit far less from the arguably utterly OP Custom lin and VHuman. If we use different races the comparative strength of the monk rises in relative power compared to martials.
    Monks are notably better if you are rolling for stats due to the massively higher average base stats rolling provides (equivalent to 36.xx points in point buy) (a 17 + 16 roll is not uncommon (~40% chance) and would result in a 19 17 character at one, becoming 20 and 18 at 4 which will paint a very different picture of the monks relative strength as he now already has 19AC and a DC of 17 reducing the KI cost even further while increasing the stun rate. - So maybe if your table rolls stats next time you get 2 high values instead of one considering the monk (or paladin) isn't the worst idea.)
    Stats affect Martial more so than casters in general effectiveness. In Point buy the power of the game shifts towards casters in general.
    MY CONCLUSIONS: (it depends on your table)
    A table that rolls for stats and does not use the optional feat rule or has any feat restriction in place will have a drastically different experience when playing a monk.
    It seems that rather than the monk being simply bad it suffers from how you and many others play D&D, but we notice online that many DMs have a very different experience - where monks are outright OP due to how they play the game and due to the rules they employ.
    One more bit of information I think the reason people tell you different things about what a monk is is because it changes.
    IMO the monk is designed to be a damage dealer from level 1-7 a controller from 8 - 13 and a tank with lockdown between 15 and 20.
    When using critical role as a reference we should very very clearly state that those are nowhere close to optimized characters and that many of the monsters they fight are not from the MM or other books. And without knowing exactly how that number came about it is absolutely worthless. Counterargument: She also had the highest damage of the entire party. Does that show us that monks have the greatest damage? Yes, according to your argument.
    you are consistently comparing Stunning strike to concentration spells. We should mention clearly that Stunning stike is not concentration. This alone makes a huge difference in the power level of this ability as concentration spells are systematically far more powerful than regular spells.
    casters just like monks have a single ressource. Spell slots are very very limited. and compeating with the highest level spell of a caster is not an accurate comparison as the caster has to use cantrips when he is out of spells (unless he is a warlock) while the monk simply defaults to a mediocre martial attack thats still about 3 times the effectiveness of "crappy cantrip damage". Your assumption of 8 encounters 4 turns each means 36 turn, or 36 spells. even a 20th level caster has 22 spell slots. but low level spell are no where near what a monk can do at that level without any ressources expended.
    A 7th level caster will cast 11 times a day of which a few first level spells will be expended for shield, Mage armor or other defense and buff actions. a monk will use 21 stunning strikes in the same time if thats what he focuses on.
    Comparing upcast hold person to stunning strike seems unreasonable to me as well, maily because of the situational use of hold person. That's exactly why you never state it to be a good spell, you argue that the situation where its possible to cast it on two humanoids you are fighting is so rare that its simply not worth preparing. To account for that versitility we could in the exact same manner compare it to hold monster, a fifth level spell that many players hold in high regards (I am aware you do not like it as much), upcast to 6th cause we use 2 Stunning strike a turn. Well Stunning strike still has the advantage that it targets one creature twice and does not require 2 targets if you dont want it to. (Ofc hold monster is WIS not CON, and paralyzes not just stuns, and potentially for longer we both know all that).
    We can now argue that a monk of 5th level with 2 short rests per day basically gets 7.5 uses of a 6th level spell or 15 uses of a 5th level spell! At level 20 the monk by that logic would have 60 5th level spells or 30 6th level spells!? And they even do damage while using those spells!? it doesnt even take any action from them! All casters must suck cause they will never get 15 5th level spells no matter what level they reach!
    But this would be an absurd argument.
    We should acknowledge that there are a number of special cases that stunning stike as an ability is superior to the use of a spell if its effect were equivalent. From magic resistance to anti magic to counterspell. yes they are all rather rare, but they all come up here and there and facing one or two of these situations every few ingame days is not unlikely, especially in higher level. Presenting the number of monsters in the MM ignores that the VAST majority of those is below CR 1, and inhigher CRs counterspell and magic resistance are anything but rare.
    We should be vary of cherry picking different parts of spells when comparing different features.
    Such as the INT save of one spell with the effects of another as this does not seem like an accurate representation of effectiveness. Yes intelligence saves of monsters are worse. (as shown no where near sufficient to balance out disadvantage in average) But so are spells that target int. Its like saying stunning strike is better than hypnotic pattern because it does damage. Well yea but that's not the point.
    You are the person that told the community "we shouldn't look at the rangers favorite terrain and favored foe and conclude its a terrible class."
    - but now you immediately jump to deflect missile to show us why monks suck. An ability given as an add on to the subclass level, classes usually (like 90+% of them) get absolutely nothing at the level of their first subclass feature. but you compare it to spell use! A highly limited single resource, your spell slots. If this is how valuable this ability is then HECK YEA i want that in addition to my 3rd level feature. Its just an add on. dont judge a class by its worst features but by its best.
    Next the falling damage. Again a spell (featherfall) is being compared to one of TWO features which are BOTH given in addition to extra attack. No other class gets anything in addition to extra attack that should be compared to a spell!
    Concluding from this that monks class features are bad seems so wrong to me :(
    Monks have 12 features in the first 5 levels. You took the worst 2 of those 12 and basically said they are slightly weaker in each use than using a spell?! if this were true the monk would be absolutely op.
    At 43:26 you jump from LV 13 Tongue directly to Lv 15 Timeless body. but uhm... we are not here for either of these.... we are here for that utterly op 14th level feature you just skipped as if it wouldn't exist. Diamond Soul. This thing is like 4 effects of resilient without the ASI and Magic resistance for 1KI. Together with Evasion this is ridicules! It works not just against spells but for ALL saves! How can we ignore that this one feature makes the monk better than any other class in saving throws in late Tier3 play!?

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      At level 5 if you have a Wisdom of 16 (+3) with a proficiency bonus of +3, that's 8+3+3=14. When I say your DC will be 14 or 15 I think I'm being very fair, wouldn't you agree?

    • @geniumme2502
      @geniumme2502 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TreantmonksTemple i indeed messed that up sorry.
      I have updated it in the main post. After checking the actual Con save of monsters at CR 8 - 10 it changes nothing about the actual success rate or math. (still a mistake on my side but yea fixed that)
      I will try to keep that post updated with some other criticism i have seen in the comments :)

  • @pranakhan
    @pranakhan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've always felt that the Monk should be the class to get the extra feats that the fighter does; it ties into the original design of the Monk, in therms of them having equal access to all proficiency's in earlier editions. It might help balance them out in terms of effectiveness as well. Not sure though; looking at the numbers, that a huge obstacle to overcome

    • @pranakhan
      @pranakhan 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      How a max level monk should feel in play, watch: Maximum Shaolin! - Pushing Shaolins Kit to the Max [For Honor]

    • @unwithering5313
      @unwithering5313 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Plus the fact that Monks NEED higher stats; so they should get more ability score improvements or allow them to add their proficiency bonus to their AC.

  • @Raptor0256
    @Raptor0256 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    but what about those situations where the whole party is deprived of weapons and armour? then monks really shine.... right?

  • @SilverPhantom6005
    @SilverPhantom6005 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Having experience playing as monk and DMing with my monk player breaking some of my combats I can say this. While monks purely stats based are not the best they shine in versatility. Depending on the mosaic path they are jack of all trades, master of none. If your looking to have a specific skill maximized monk isn't for you, but if you want pick up the slack when star players are having a bad day, monks come in clutch.

  • @mattbriddell9246
    @mattbriddell9246 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Another reason that monks aren't that fun to play is they really get no out-of-combat abilities or features as they level up. Practically everything they do is geared towards combat, so they can be one-dimensional in non-combat situations (with a few subclass exceptions).

    • @SchnaKe
      @SchnaKe 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Slow Fall, Unarmored Movement (lvl 9) and Tongue of the Sun and Moon disagree with you. Also, your point is even more true for Fighters.

      @CHEEKYHAMST3R 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exploration side of the game they are good at, but not social

    • @SchnaKe
      @SchnaKe 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Again, the same can be said for Barbarians, Fighters or practically every non-CHA class. Also, just because you don't have proficiency in CHA checks doesn't mean you can't be social.

    • @stefanandrews5098
      @stefanandrews5098 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      They don’t age, they are immune to disease, can communicate in every language, are nearly immune to fall damage with slow fall, and can run up walls and across liquid surfaces - they can straight up climb a waterfall, and do so twice as fast as anyone else (minus barbarians), with a 60 base move speed with unarmored movement. Also unarmored defense, which matters outside of combat as well.
      Without touching their combat power that’s quite a few things to be good at.

  • @Vawk20
    @Vawk20 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Pretty sure the "monks are op" comment comes mostly from new players who don't know how to utilize action economy on most characters. Monks give a very clear way to regularly use a bonus action, which especially with FoB, blows a newbie's "I swing my sword once and that's my turn" out of the water. As well, just last night I workshopped a level 7 warlock in my girlfriend's campaign who was feeling useless in combat. She mostly just Eldritch Blasted (and had Agonizing Blast) but didn't realize she could use concentration spells like Hex to help out with that.
    As a side note, I've got a Kenku long death monk with a spear that I've wanted to play for a while, and this video prompted me to look at a 3-level gloomstalker dip if I ever play him lol. I did the math for him vs baseline (across 5 rounds, 1st turn setting up HM, getting 5 BA unarmed strikes in over rounds 2-5). He's good borderline very good (by your measure) at 1 and still good until 4, though he dips under the baseline a little at 5 and 6. 7 he gets back above and 8 he is solidly Very Good and can coast along on that damage till 17 lol where he falls to 85% baseline (M2->R3->MX)

  • @antongrigoryev6381
    @antongrigoryev6381 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I liked the video, but I have a question.
    Is it appropriate to use EB+AB+Hex as a baseline? It's 1d10+1d6+5 per attack, and you add new attacks quite regularly. 4th attack comes even earlier than Fighter's! I always thought it is a quite broken combo, due to its simplicity and power, especially considering that warlock is also pseudo-full-caster. I confess I'm a relatively new player, so it's a more curious question. A fighter without magic weapons can't reach it, if we don't consider limited resources like maneuvers. Even Sharpshooter doesn't make it up if I calculated it right. Or you didn't add Cha to every blast, but only to one?
    I also wonder what do you think about Kensei, especially ranged? Someone says this is a bad subclass, but I can't see why. They can use features from sharpshooter and magic weapons, 1d4 damage per attack is nice (melee monks sacrificing few points of damage for +2 AC is also good), though a bit less than martial arts attack, Lvl 6 feature actually is quite good - for 1 ki you gain almost the same damage as a flurry of blows, but without spending a bonus action. lvl 11 feature has a huge advantage of working with magical weapons that don't have an attack bonus, like Flametongue or Oathbow, and 17th Lvl feature basically gives you one advantage at turn, that stacks with other advantages. Not sure if all those features make it up for a monk, but they feel nice.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I did a video on making an effective beastmaster Ranger a couple years ago and used this baseline to show the beastmaster could beat the baseline levels 1-20. I use the same baseline still for consistency. My issue with the kensei monk, as you point out, is that we can make better archers with different classes, and with the kensei there are both class and subclass features that can't be combined with ranged.

  • @gandhigun2304
    @gandhigun2304 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think what skews monk into a more positive light is that most games I've seen have a short rest between major battles, so the monk does have their ki points at all times. So 4 attacks, with 2-4 chances to stunning strike. Though I'd agree that flurry should cost 0 ki by design, since an off hand unarmed strike should be available to all characters.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      If you get a short rest between every fight, monks do a lot better - not as well as fighters and warlocks mind you.

    • @kilpatds
      @kilpatds 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      In addition to what Chris said, I'll also point out my AL experience is that Short Rests seem pretty strongly discouraged (for "reasons"). Being able to count on short rests would change a lot of inter-class balance points.

    • @gandhigun2304
      @gandhigun2304 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TreantmonksTemple what if we just made flurry of blows do a number of extra unarmed attacks equal to your proficiency modifier?

  • @shallendor
    @shallendor 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Chuin is actually Korean, from a small village in North Korea!

    • @coldsteel9214
      @coldsteel9214 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      *Chiun*. Both you and Treantmonk better hope the Master of Sinanju doesn't see these vile insults.

    • @toshomni9478
      @toshomni9478 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@coldsteel9214 This is seriously the best post yet.

  • @MattNeisinger
    @MattNeisinger 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I grew up in the 80's, surrounded by media that popularized martial arts and ninjas and such. I love martial arts. I'm also a realist. The monk is horrible. It needs more than just a makeover, it needs reconstructive surgery. It's the number one class I'm focusing on in my own class rebuilds, and the more I try to salvage from the class as it's presented in the PHB, the more I find myself stripping away.

  • @fortello7219
    @fortello7219 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Honestly the worst thing about the Monk is that they *HAVE* to use Dex (as primary) and Wis (as secondary).
    There's basically no way to play a strength based Monk. Wisdom is critical for stunning strike and most subclass abilities. And you *really* can't afford to put anything into int or Cha because con is usually to low to pass.
    Everything else in the video is valid and important. but I think the fact that you can't branch out and you have to use dexterity and wisdom is just by far the worst part of the entire class.

  • @anthonynorman7545
    @anthonynorman7545 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Is this Treant's meme channel?

  • @mrbananahead2005
    @mrbananahead2005 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have a love/hate relationship with monks. I love the concept and a lot of the subclasses especially, but of course whenever I play a monk it sucks a** compared to even the non minmaxers in the party

  • @Nr4747
    @Nr4747 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Btw.: I would *still* be interested in you trying your hand at making the best out of 20 levels of Monk one day. There *are* some options that can make a decent-ish character, I feel. Kensei has some neat options, Shadow has its spells, Long Death is a bit tankier and Open Hand is better at control and gets a damage boost at the higher levels . . .

    • @Quintal100kg
      @Quintal100kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Probably the best think you could do with monks is something that ignores most of its features. Like Kensei who takes Hand Crossbow as his Kensei Weapon, take CE and SS as feats and now it is your standart Hand crossbow build with a little nuances here and there: for example your damage die scales (almost doesn't matter), you can add extra die of damage every turn (also almost doesn't matter) and at level 11 you could also add +3 to attack and damage of your crossbow at the start of the combat with BA (actually pretty good, considering SS)

    • @quetzalcoatlus1892
      @quetzalcoatlus1892 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Quintal100kg add 3 levels of battlemaster for the fighting style, action surge, and the maneuvers, and you might actually be above the baseline... Maybe?

    • @Quintal100kg
      @Quintal100kg 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@quetzalcoatlus1892 if you are using SS and CE you will be above the baseline, 3 levels of battlemaster will just solidify that, which is a good thing. The sad truth is that you are just ignoring most of the monks features to make use of this build. You could be a commoner withour any features at all just with ASI and you still would give out comparable damage.

  • @texteel
    @texteel 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    rewatching it...
    how should martial arts scale to be better? Would adding 1d4 to it be okay, too little, or too much? 1d4 1-4, 2d4 5-10, 3d4 11-16, 4d4 17+?

  • @samuelreese1816
    @samuelreese1816 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I love the monk concept as a class, and I have a history in martial arts so I was excited to play one in an RPG. And I have weight it, and I have measured it, ...and I have found it wanting from truely conceptualizing the dedicated martial artists. Essentially you play a grappler that can take people to the floor, giving the rest of your party advantage, and even then it fails when your taking on a crowd

  • @TheYellowMask5421
    @TheYellowMask5421 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I ran the numbers for different melee characters and found that most melee builds seem to fall below baseline without some kind of resource expenditure.
    Monk at 5
    (2d10+2d6+8*.6=15.6) baseline
    (Vuman GWM+Polearm)
    (Spear) 2d6+1d4+15=13.475
    (Rapier) 2d8+12=12.6
    (Raising Strength)
    4d6+12*.6=15.6 (Reckless) 21.84
    17.325 (Reckless) 21.97125
    So it seems like the only way to beat a monk or the baseline in melee is to be a variant human/aasimar. Is my math off, Treantmonk

    • @antongrigoryev6381
      @antongrigoryev6381 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The main point is that monks drop off after 11th lvl since they don't have any powerspike, like Fighter's third attack.
      At 5th lvl they still are pretty good.
      Though I agree that Hex+Agonizing blast may be too high for baseline.