I completed one skill in the Mandarin Chinese course and the United Nations called me up and asked me to do simultaneous interpretation for the Chinese delegation.
He needs to do a French diss video that says French isn't a romance language but a Simp for Romance langauges.. It dresses like a romance langauge just like those weabos that dress in Japanese samurai attire but in reality its Englishes brother and its a Germanic kid ashamed of its Germanic roots.. some reason it thinks that its related to Spanish, Portugese and Italian.
@@patax144 Romanian is romance no doubt, it has the classic roman pronunciatoin as its similar to Portugese. Pretty much Portugese and Romanian are the most closest to an accurate late Roman pronunication. But yeah, Italian, Spanish, Portugese and Romanian all share the same consistencies. French reads like its Romance but in rality when it's spoken it's beyond just a simple romance language its truly a hybrid or different family all together. I would like to call it a Galeo-Gaermanic Romance language. But I pulled a Latin Text from 300 AD And I did a comparison of translation from modern Italian, Portugese,Romanina , Spanish and French.. and French was the most different from al. #1 The first lesson you learn is thta Spanish and Italian were very similar. #2. Portugese is similar to Spanish but just has a different accent .Romanian was similar #3.French initially read similar but when pronounced it was totally different in fact there were similarities to English but even then the pronunciation was not Germanic nor Latin it was weird. I can show you examples later.. but its such a strange langauge. I started to do a French project, what if French was more Romance.. or what if Englisha nad Spanish became like French.. What I learned is that French is an anomoly.
@@patax144 Here is an excerpt. LATIN Sed diu magnum inter mortalis certamen fuit vine corporis an virtute animi res militaris magis procederet. Ma per molto tempo ci fu una grande lotta tra l'uomo mortale per il corpo e l'anima, se gli affari militari fossero più avanzati in virtù della sua mente. Pero durante mucho tiempo hubo una gran lucha entre el hombre mortal sobre el cuerpo y el alma, si los asuntos militares eran más importantes que la virtud de su mente. Mas por muito tempo houve uma grande luta entre o homem mortal sobre o corpo e a alma, se os assuntos militares eram mais importantes do que a virtude de sua mente. *WRITTEN; does not sound like this actually* Mais pendant longtemps il y eut une grande lutte entre l'homme mortel sur le corps et l'âme, si les affaires militaires étaient plus avancées en vertu de son esprit. *HOW it actually sounds * Me Pon longtom , l, e, u Ggggghran lou ahhhn le home mortel sue lecorp lam. Sileh affair militair ete plu avainc e ver du su esperih But pending a long time there was a grand tussle between human mortal in corpse and soul, if the military affairs ascertained more by virtue of his mind. If English was Francopilled Bu pen lon time th wa a grrrraan tuss beet uman mort in core and sou, (i give up; white flag). If French was actually a romance langauge. it would sound like this. Me Ponda muto temp huvo un gran luteh entre el homeh mortel su'vre leh korp eh et la ment, si les ah fahri militareh estan pluh importan't en virtu de su espir't. [Mais pendant longtemps il y eut une grande lutte entre l'homme mortel sur le corps et l'âme, si les affaires militaires étaient plus avancées en vertu de son esprit.] [PORT - Mas por muito tempo houve uma grande luta entre o homem mortal sobre o corpo e a alma, se os assuntos militares eram mais importantes do que a virtude de sua mente. ] ROMANIAN Dar multă ori(horario) a existat o mare(grande) luptă (lucha) între omul(humano) muritor(mortal) despre trup și suflet, dacă treburile(tribunos) militare erau mai importante decât (de que a) virtutea minții (mente) sale ( endonde sale) .
The thing about Duolingo is that it gets you well beyond native level! Like, all the natives are so embarrassed when they hear you after this course, as they realise they are far far behind, even members of the Academie Francaise.
I literally knew a guy who lied about speaking four languages in an interview. He proceeded to try and simultaneously learn all four languages in under a month before he had to help work this huge event for his position. The funniest part to me is that the position was unpaid volunteer work for a millionaire inspirational speaker jerkwad that the guy really looked up to. Guess he took the whole "if you can believe, you can achieve" advice to heart lol.
@@karkador most likely not. It takes around a month of condensed study to be able to hold a conversation in a single language (that is close to any language you already speak) , so he basically would have just learnt the very basics
Dear Native French, Please speak Romance correctly and not like Germanic weebo trying to be like us. If not, we will ghost you. Atentamente Italian,Portugese and Spanish ... oh and Romanian too.
@@Cream12345Ice Slavic has pretty the same phoentic as european portugese and some spanish variants my dude. ETA / ESTA. Romanian is like an older form of Latin. French is speaking a Latin from like post 400AD with lots of high Germanic influence. But even then in 2010+ French , French has some west afri influence now, so its beggng to sound like a matumbo langauge now. .. But Romanian accent doesn't even sound that slavic to like the polish or ukranian it actually sounds like a mix between Italian and Portugese. I guess it comes from Dalmatian.
I remember using Duolingo to learn French on Duolingo when I was 12 and it was so slow that I actually thought I had become fluent because it would take 30 lessons just to teach me 2 words. I told everyone I knew that I was fluent in French and then I met someone who actually spoke it and it was very embarrassing.
Yeah its pretty frustrating to repeat everything all the time. I stopped using it for that reason. Also they teach useless words for Beginners, like turtle or lawyer
i can relate when i was probably around 13 or 15 I tried to learn spanish on Duolingo I grinded the app for like a month and then gave up Then one year later I tried again and gave up after a month again lol
@@SwagHyde @keist7 I, for example, started to be serious about using Duolingo in the beginning of last year, started way before but I wasn't consistent. But now i am doing an average of 6-12 lessons a day and i have completed Spanish(unit 8) though I have skipped all the first levels for unit 9 & 10, French (unit 4) and Hindi (unit 1).
I guess I don't get the joke. It seems he's trying to mock people for using Duolingo as a learning tool, but I don't see why that is funny, but maybe I'm missing something.
@@richardditty5318 The subject of the video is not that funny in itself, but the way he prounounces the words during the lesson, and his jokes in French + his French accent at the end are hilarious Maybe it's funnier to see as a French person though, since you can get all the jokes
When you say funniest there is no need for most, and more and most are used with adjectives that can not have suffix of (er) for comparative and (est) for superlative such as funny - funnier - funniest. However there's another word which is fun, more fun, most fun.... 😂
I love this channel so much. I am recording a video about how I learned Russian from my own method in just two weeks. Beforehand, I had no experience with the language if you exclude growing up with Russian as my first language from birth. But I had been outside of the country for several months so obviously had forgotten everything. My method is pretty cool and I'm willing to sell it to you.
i did 1 lesson in duolingo to learn brazillian portuguese and now eu falo português fluentemente, achei muito fácil e intuitivo o método de ensino usado pelo Duolingo. help me that owl made me write that.
I did one lesson in the English skill and quite literally can't switch back to my native tongue. I have to use Google Translate to talk with my family now. DL won't even return my emails anymore. We're nothing but numbers to them.
The pronunciations- I’m literally dying As someone who knows and learning French I swear I wanted to smack the screen. But the ending was actually good, great indeed!
I knew French had strange pronounciation but reading 'garçon' as 'jarchon' is toooo much for me. Sick language. I better switch to simlish which is very straightforward and intuitive.
I think Spanish, Italian, Portugese and Romanian(c'mon now bruv... don't be afraid) ... Can all say that France is not really related to us.. It dressses like us tries to talk like us but in the end.. that little poser is related to English and Hanz.
I just took 1 lesson of spanish in Duolingo y ahora puedo hablar como un nativo, es como si hubiera vivido toda mi vida en un país hispanohablante, realmente cambió mi vida! ahora sé cómo pedir comida en un restaurante chino
@@ReekieRoo2 Yes, como puedes ver, a mí también me ha pasado. Solo me he memorizado las 120.000 palabras en el diccionario de la RAE y ¡ahora hablo español como nunca lo he hecho! 100% recomendado ;)
At first I was like "dude's butchering my language" then I switched to "yooo his French is better than that of many French people". And the references are chief's kiss!
As a native French speaker i can tell u that he's quite fluent thanks to Duolingo. He's really clever, he has just been learning through Duolingo, I can see that, and I used Duolingo as he did in French it worked really good for my American, on Duolingo i didn't take the opportunity for to learn British, English or Australian, and thanks to this man I'm quite fluent in English, Australian, and British. Thank you so much, you're amazing !
man is a Frenchman it genuinely feels so fucking weird to see someone actually speak French so well, like it's not even the super formal academic French like you have on Duolingo and such, it's so damn accurate with the expressions and all, it's uncanney lol
I actually use duolingo only to maintain the daily habit. The actual learning happens much more with flashcards, rocket Spanish, and (this is the kicker) binging star wars the clone wars in Spanish with no subtitles despite hearing loss. That's made my confidence in engaging native speakers in written or spoken for much greater. I'm much less intimidated now. Flashcards for vocabulary expansion Formal, practically oriented, guided lessons (preferably audio) Listening practice (hundreds of hours of active listening worth. Pick your favorite series) Learned more In 3 months than I did in 3 years of high school Spanish
even better is watching with the audio description for the visually impaired. You get the characters talking and doing things but also the narrator saying what they are doing, what we see, etc.
I use Clone Wars to expand with my French learning! I don't like how I can't get French Subtitles though. I use English subs and put the audio in French. Very enjoyable!
duolingo is great if used as one of many tools you use to learn a language. ive found duolingo to be very useful in building consistency and also learning pronunciation, vocabulary through repetition. It helps build a little confidence aswell so you can start dipping your feet in other material without feeling too intimidated
I have been using Duolingo for a month now to learn French. Yes, the app helps one build a habit, learn pronunciation and vocab too. That said, i believe it would only get me to a proficiency level where i can confidently converse if I learn from other materials as well. Do u have any recommendation I can look into online, be it paid or free?
After doing Ancient Albanian Sign Language for five minutes a day on duolingo, I am now a confident E4 level speaker tasked with uncovering the code to the Medieval Bosnian Sign Language. Although both are similar, their is a slight difference in intonation on the downstrokes and the Bosnians tend to gesticulate a little more when they speak, kind of like an Italian doing his gestures and speaking sign language at the same time
Your channel is seriously underrated man. Your videos always catch me off guard and you make every second funny 😂I guess the niche of language comedy is why your channel hasn't grown tremendously but I feel that the algorithm will bless you soon
I took one course in Doulingo French, now I am simultaneously fluent in every language in the world! I am currently working in the FBA (federal baloney agency) and I’m their multilingual translator that they pay 4 trillion a day. Although they don’t disclose this fact to the public, I am still the world’s real richest person in the world.
"This doesn't have the apostrophe, but it's probably still the same" You can see the gears turning, thus app teaches you so much without you even realizing.
Duolingo worked exeptionally well for me in russian. Duolingo made the perfect intro by teaching melody, basic vocab, grammar, exceptions and even some noun cases in correct order without demoralizing. Then I added some grammar studying after realizing how terrifying russian was and still played duolingo daily, after all I was already in the middle of the pond thanks to duolingo so I swam harder a bit. After learning all grammar concepts I switched to lingq to get more vocab and talked to russians online.
Not really. He’s making fun of people who use duolingo. Most people don’t stick around to see the rest that duolingo has to offer. Near the end of the lessons, it will get more and more difficult. The sentences will get more and more complex and the learning will pick up the pace. Eventually you’d be learning several words per lesson. You can’t just use duolingo though. You have to use other tools as well. It is a good starting point, however.
I thought about using Duolingo to Learn Australian and next day i could speak Australian like a native. If you disregard that i was born in Australia and learned it from birth, i am 100% certain my one week in Singapore wipes the slate clean, and attribute my fluency to Duolingo. (Ok bird now back away i did as you asked.)
ok so this is my progress after learning French on Duolingo for 10 minutes: Je peux parler français comme un natif maintenant grâce à duolingo et merci à vous Language Simp de m'avoir appris à quel point Duolingo est bon
i personally think duolingo is just for practice and not learning because i have been learning french for 5, years and duolingo is nothing like the way i am learning, i am learning concepts like conjugation, how to frame sentences, how to write a letter, different tenses, exceptions , etc. its mind boggling lol theres like 2 million tenses, with one which is called imparfait, specifically for describing things in the past, thats my fav one because its ez
He aprendido español con Duolingo con tan solo descargar la aplicación. Sinceramente ya voy por mi vigésimo cuarto idioma y todo el mundo me dice que tengo tanto una pronunciación perfecta como un vocabulario y gramática excepcional. Poco a poco le demostraré al mundo el poder de hablar más de 30 idiomas y así me haré un onlyfans mostrando mis habilidades o “skills” para aquellos que no entienden el inglés jajajaja.
I know being good at languages is your thing and all, but jesus christ man your pronounciation is great! Although I'm not french I've been studying it for like three months now, and there are so many rules to the pronounciation, so speaking it that fast is really impressive.
I completed the Danish track on duolingo and all it really does is help provide basic understanding which you can bridge off of. It's useful but far from the only tool you should use.
as somebody who has the chrome extension that lets me see dislikes, this is the highest viewed/liked video i've ever seen without a a single dislike. literally, not even one.
I completed one skill in the Mandarin Chinese course and the United Nations called me up and asked me to do simultaneous interpretation for the Chinese delegation.
Did it look like this? th-cam.com/video/4pMDe8S9_mA/w-d-xo.html
Nice, good job 👍
No problem. You know exactly what they're gonna say.
I did one skill in Korean and the UN called me to see if I could do simultaneous translation for the Japanese delegation.
I said yes.
Those cats aren't just "chats"... They're "GIGA-chats". 🐈 🇫🇷
Alpha-mega-giga-tetra chats*
Time stamp ?
@@user2-lx1xl every time the cat's on the screen
I actually have problems with the ending d's and t's
I once did three lessons of Japanese on Duolingo, I'm now a professional voice actress indistinguishable from native speakers
He needs to do a French diss video that says French isn't a romance language but a Simp for Romance langauges.. It dresses like a romance langauge just like those weabos that dress in Japanese samurai attire but in reality its Englishes brother and its a Germanic kid ashamed of its Germanic roots.. some reason it thinks that its related to Spanish, Portugese and Italian.
@@chibiromano5631 what is Romanian then, under this logic
@@patax144 Romanian is romance no doubt, it has the classic roman pronunciatoin as its similar to Portugese. Pretty much Portugese and Romanian are the most closest to an accurate late Roman pronunication.
But yeah, Italian, Spanish, Portugese and Romanian all share the same consistencies.
French reads like its Romance but in rality when it's spoken it's beyond just a simple romance language its truly a hybrid or different family all together.
I would like to call it a Galeo-Gaermanic Romance language.
But I pulled a Latin Text from 300 AD
And I did a comparison of translation from modern Italian, Portugese,Romanina , Spanish and French..
and French was the most different from al.
#1 The first lesson you learn is thta Spanish and Italian were very similar.
#2. Portugese is similar to Spanish but just has a different accent .Romanian was similar
#3.French initially read similar but when pronounced it was totally different in fact there were similarities to English but even then the pronunciation was not Germanic nor Latin it was weird.
I can show you examples later.. but its such a strange langauge.
I started to do a French project, what if French was more Romance.. or what if Englisha nad Spanish became like French..
What I learned is that French is an anomoly.
@@patax144 Here is an excerpt.
Sed diu magnum inter mortalis certamen fuit vine corporis an virtute animi res militaris magis procederet.
Ma per molto tempo ci fu una grande lotta tra l'uomo mortale per il corpo e l'anima, se gli affari militari fossero più avanzati in virtù della sua mente.
Pero durante mucho tiempo hubo una gran lucha entre el hombre mortal sobre el cuerpo y el alma, si los asuntos militares eran más importantes que la virtud de su mente.
Mas por muito tempo houve uma grande luta entre o homem mortal sobre o corpo e a alma, se os assuntos militares eram mais importantes do que a virtude de sua mente.
*WRITTEN; does not sound like this actually*
Mais pendant longtemps il y eut une grande lutte entre l'homme mortel sur le corps et l'âme, si les affaires militaires étaient plus avancées en vertu de son esprit.
*HOW it actually sounds *
Me Pon longtom , l, e, u Ggggghran lou ahhhn le home mortel sue lecorp lam.
Sileh affair militair ete plu avainc e ver du su esperih
But pending a long time there was a grand tussle between human mortal in corpse and soul, if the military affairs ascertained more by virtue of his mind.
If English was Francopilled
Bu pen lon time th wa a grrrraan tuss beet uman mort in core and sou, (i give up; white flag).
If French was actually a romance langauge. it would sound like this.
Me Ponda muto temp huvo un gran
luteh entre el homeh mortel su'vre leh korp eh et la ment, si les ah fahri militareh estan pluh importan't en virtu de su espir't.
[Mais pendant longtemps il y eut une grande lutte entre l'homme mortel sur le corps et l'âme, si les affaires militaires étaient plus avancées en vertu de son esprit.]
[PORT - Mas por muito tempo houve uma grande luta entre o homem mortal sobre o corpo e a alma, se os assuntos militares eram mais importantes do que a virtude de sua mente.
Dar multă ori(horario) a existat o mare(grande) luptă (lucha) între omul(humano) muritor(mortal) despre trup și suflet, dacă treburile(tribunos) militare erau mai importante decât (de que a) virtutea minții (mente) sale ( endonde sale) .
jouzu desu yo!
Every time you say "jar-cone" I die inside a little.
i die of laughter
As a french i almost killed myself
@@tbrpower112 As an Algerian who speaks fluent French, I almost committed suicide
*j a r c o n e*
@@aymanhadji8915 as a Canadian Algerian person j’ai failli commis des meurtres sur toute ma ville
His comedic timing is just genius wow
what do you mean?
@@fntatn it's just a weird way to say he is funny
YESSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@jansojele289that’s not really what it means.
I wasn't convinced, but once he dropped the "baguette croissant" I knew he was fluent!!!
Simultaneously the funniest and most infuriating thing ever because his French is just so effing good lmao
Bro fr it’s so crazy 😭
The added Arabic makes it even more legit lol
@@bookaltd yeh mdr
What adds to the frustration is that I was born in Paris and he still knows more French than me 😫 🇱🇰🇫🇷
@@anneasmi aïe tkt c'est une bonne chose😭
The thing about Duolingo is that it gets you well beyond native level! Like, all the natives are so embarrassed when they hear you after this course, as they realise they are far far behind, even members of the Academie Francaise.
@@pendantairplane Hurensohn-
Man I don’t even know if you’re trolling rn 😂
As a white guy, I thought learning Japanese would be impossible. After a a year of duo lingo I am fluent and 100% Asian.
Con knee chi wah.
@@UnChannelDuVulpineX こにちわ i think im learning german not Japanese
@@xherqs you missed "ん"
@@aarushg4986 isn't "に" pronounced ni? or two ns?
@@xherqs heres two ns so it konnichiwa or こんにちは
I literally knew a guy who lied about speaking four languages in an interview. He proceeded to try and simultaneously learn all four languages in under a month before he had to help work this huge event for his position. The funniest part to me is that the position was unpaid volunteer work for a millionaire inspirational speaker jerkwad that the guy really looked up to. Guess he took the whole "if you can believe, you can achieve" advice to heart lol.
@@karkador most likely not. It takes around a month of condensed study to be able to hold a conversation in a single language (that is close to any language you already speak) , so he basically would have just learnt the very basics
@@karkador It's okay, fellow internet person
@@name-yn6vu sounds like something a bot would say
@@geckogeico2212 what if I am a bot
Bots have feelings too, you know?
Thank you I can now fluently speak French after watching
Ouais, moi aussi. Je peux le parle.
@@dgphi Parler*. Mais tu étais proche
@@Riot076 Oui merci, c'est une erreur que je fais tout le temps.
@@dgphi same I can also speak French I was born in French but I want to learn Mexican
@@dgphi bah non tu fais une erreur de grave frère
i love how he uses ‘ Masha’Allah ‘ as french😂🙏
because France is a Muslim country
Mais c'est pas Français ?
@@kal_bewe1837 je dirais que la phrase vient d’arabe
@@tgbplays658 bah oui, pourquoi il parle arabe dans une vidéo sur le Français ?
@@kal_bewe1837 prq y’a beaucoup de gens qui le parlent en France
i'm a french native and i can tell you're a genius
Dear Native French,
Please speak Romance correctly and not like Germanic weebo trying to be like us. If not, we will ghost you.
Atentamente Italian,Portugese and Spanish ... oh and Romanian too.
@@chibiromano5631 🤐
@@chibiromano5631 lol 😂
@@chibiromano5631 but romanians do the same just with slavic instead of germanic
@@Cream12345Ice Slavic has pretty the same phoentic as european portugese and some spanish variants my dude. ETA / ESTA. Romanian is like an older form of Latin. French is speaking a Latin from like post 400AD with lots of high Germanic influence.
But even then in 2010+ French , French has some west afri influence now, so its beggng to sound like a matumbo langauge now. ..
But Romanian accent doesn't even sound that slavic to like the polish or ukranian it actually sounds like a mix between Italian and Portugese. I guess it comes from Dalmatian.
I remember using Duolingo to learn French on Duolingo when I was 12 and it was so slow that I actually thought I had become fluent because it would take 30 lessons just to teach me 2 words. I told everyone I knew that I was fluent in French and then I met someone who actually spoke it and it was very embarrassing.
Yeah its pretty frustrating to repeat everything all the time. I stopped using it for that reason. Also they teach useless words for Beginners, like turtle or lawyer
i can relate
when i was probably around 13 or 15 I tried to learn spanish on Duolingo
I grinded the app for like a month and then gave up
Then one year later I tried again and gave up after a month again lol
@@SwagHyde @keist7
I, for example, started to be serious about using Duolingo in the beginning of last year, started way before but I wasn't consistent.
But now i am doing an average of 6-12 lessons a day and i have completed Spanish(unit 8) though I have skipped all the first levels for unit 9 & 10, French (unit 4) and Hindi (unit 1).
@@SwagHyde do it in a sustainable manner
I've just finished my first lesson of Latin and they invited me to be the next Roman Emperor. Thanks Duolingo!
You can't be fluent if you don't speak and practice it with native speakers.
So we should call you Augustus Barbosa B. now?
@ you're a genius
3:31 not only have you learned french but also Arabic, this app sure is amazing!
Arabic was complementary
France is Arab state.
Lol is there a way to learn French without learning Arabic?
I already know Arabic so I know what he’s saying
@@micayahritchie7158 no it comes with the immigrants
Idk man this guy is the most funniest guy I have met in my entire life.
I guess I don't get the joke. It seems he's trying to mock people for using Duolingo as a learning tool, but I don't see why that is funny, but maybe I'm missing something.
@@richardditty5318 The subject of the video is not that funny in itself, but the way he prounounces the words during the lesson, and his jokes in French + his French accent at the end are hilarious
Maybe it's funnier to see as a French person though, since you can get all the jokes
@@tournesol8923 the subject is pretty funny, it's always entertaining to make fun of fluent Duolingo retards
When you say funniest there is no need for most, and more and most are used with adjectives that can not have suffix of (er) for comparative and (est) for superlative such as funny - funnier - funniest. However there's another word which is fun, more fun, most fun.... 😂
I love this channel so much.
I am recording a video about how I learned Russian from my own method in just two weeks. Beforehand, I had no experience with the language if you exclude growing up with Russian as my first language from birth. But I had been outside of the country for several months so obviously had forgotten everything. My method is pretty cool and I'm willing to sell it to you.
how much?
2 тыщи рублей
И бутылка водки
Just hit me up when you're ready
@@aeolian951 damn getting so much cheaper by the second
This should be a Duolingo ad.
He is on another level. The designers of Duolingo never anticipated talent like this
Wow just one just one lesson and already speaking in fluent French now that’s impressive
@@CamilaAntelo2004 Its a lie. No single course, app, method, or book can help you reach all your language goals
i did 1 lesson in duolingo to learn brazillian portuguese and now eu falo português fluentemente, achei muito fácil e intuitivo o método de ensino usado pelo Duolingo.
help me that owl made me write that.
I did one lesson in the English skill and quite literally can't switch back to my native tongue. I have to use Google Translate to talk with my family now. DL won't even return my emails anymore. We're nothing but numbers to them.
@@joeldavis7577 my family doesn't even recognize me anymore, it was all Duo's fault. We need to ov-
er, I mean, Duolingo is good, please have mercy!
Lol that Last line kkkkkkkkkkkk
But do you still have your streak? Main thing
that owl is fucking scary
I finished the French tree once (which puts me slightly above native) and I can tell you, your pronunciation was great from the start!
Im tryna get like you big bro
You did the entire French Duolingo course? How long did that take? lol
He even pulled up the "masha allah" this is hillarious XD
The pronunciations- I’m literally dying
As someone who knows and learning French
I swear I wanted to smack the screen.
But the ending was actually good, great indeed!
Bawn jar
I knew French had strange pronounciation but reading 'garçon' as 'jarchon' is toooo much for me. Sick language. I better switch to simlish which is very straightforward and intuitive.
no hes joking went he says it ilike that it isnt supposed to be pronnounced like that llmao
@@yoshihasascended seriously?
@@radioeskaale15lattemu yes
@@yoshihasascended r/whoosh
I think Spanish, Italian, Portugese and Romanian(c'mon now bruv... don't be afraid) ... Can all say that France is not really related to us.. It dressses like us tries to talk like us but in the end.. that little poser is related to English and Hanz.
1:40 yes, Jar-Cone, very good pronunciation, approved by the entire french nation! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Never studied french before but I'm fluent after watching this video wow!
As a french native I can say his slang is the funniest thing I've heard today
mashallah jpp
Are you an el apostrophe home?
L apostrophe homie 💖
BTW completing intro with 3 crowns allow you to officially appeal for C1 cetrificate. Dwolango is amazing.
I just took 1 lesson of spanish in Duolingo y ahora puedo hablar como un nativo, es como si hubiera vivido toda mi vida en un país hispanohablante, realmente cambió mi vida! ahora sé cómo pedir comida en un restaurante chino
Name in Russian, speaking Spanish, and orders at Chinese restaurant. Amazing.
@@ReekieRoo2 Yes, como puedes ver, a mí también me ha pasado. Solo me he memorizado las 120.000 palabras en el diccionario de la RAE y ¡ahora hablo español como nunca lo he hecho! 100% recomendado ;)
estoy aprendiendo español a este momento y yo entiendo todo que tu escribió
@@michaelchareka1175 escribieras**
@@dontworry4945 Escribiste*
At first I was like "dude's butchering my language" then I switched to "yooo his French is better than that of many French people". And the references are chief's kiss!
And it sounded super fluent too
As a native French speaker i can tell u that he's quite fluent thanks to Duolingo.
He's really clever, he has just been learning through Duolingo, I can see that, and I used Duolingo as he did in French it worked really good for my American, on Duolingo i didn't take the opportunity for to learn British, English or Australian, and thanks to this man I'm quite fluent in English, Australian, and British.
Thank you so much, you're amazing !
man is a Frenchman it genuinely feels so fucking weird to see someone actually speak French so well, like it's not even the super formal academic French like you have on Duolingo and such, it's so damn accurate with the expressions and all, it's uncanney lol
2:57 "jarcon"💀😂
*NOTE: no baguettes were hurt in the process*
Top comment 😂
“Jar-cone”!!!! You positively slay me, sir!!! 🤣
As someone who actually learned french on Duolingo (for 54 days lol) and with podcasts, I feel you represented my progress very accurately.
I’m so glad I watched this vid, I always wanted to be fluent in French. Now I can add that to the resume 😎
@Akash Das same bro
Super taff, tu t'es bien imprégné de la langue française en une seule et unique leçon, chapeau bas monsieur!
Surtout vu la quantié d'arabe dedans
I actually use duolingo only to maintain the daily habit. The actual learning happens much more with flashcards, rocket Spanish, and (this is the kicker) binging star wars the clone wars in Spanish with no subtitles despite hearing loss.
That's made my confidence in engaging native speakers in written or spoken for much greater. I'm much less intimidated now.
Flashcards for vocabulary expansion
Formal, practically oriented, guided lessons (preferably audio)
Listening practice (hundreds of hours of active listening worth. Pick your favorite series)
Learned more In 3 months than I did in 3 years of high school Spanish
even better is watching with the audio description for the visually impaired. You get the characters talking and doing things but also the narrator saying what they are doing, what we see, etc.
@@lilpolyglot that's a killer idea!
Duolingo to begin, Tv shows to continue
same here. dragon ball Z in portuguese, stargate sg1 in french, anything in italian and peppa pig in the rest of...many... languages :)
I use Clone Wars to expand with my French learning! I don't like how I can't get French Subtitles though. I use English subs and put the audio in French. Very enjoyable!
I'm the first and only person who did Welsh on Duolingo and I became immediately fluent. Thanks to me, Wales is now an independent country.
Dude your sense of humor is perfect. Keep going
Wallah habibi c'est tres bien !
Habibi come to dubai
duolingo is great if used as one of many tools you use to learn a language. ive found duolingo to be very useful in building consistency and also learning pronunciation, vocabulary through repetition. It helps build a little confidence aswell so you can start dipping your feet in other material without feeling too intimidated
I have been using Duolingo for a month now to learn French. Yes, the app helps one build a habit, learn pronunciation and vocab too. That said, i believe it would only get me to a proficiency level where i can confidently converse if I learn from other materials as well. Do u have any recommendation I can look into online, be it paid or free?
I think it's waste of time. Go straight to lingq.
3:14 he magically learns french by only using words Homme, Garçon, Chat, Et, Un (Man, Boy, Cat, And, One)
After just those fluent French already
The french part of this video unironically helped me refresh my duolingo skills. I always mess up vache and chaise, somehow
UPDATE: I no longer mess up chaise and vache 🎉🎉
After doing Ancient Albanian Sign Language for five minutes a day on duolingo, I am now a confident E4 level speaker tasked with uncovering the code to the Medieval Bosnian Sign Language. Although both are similar, their is a slight difference in intonation on the downstrokes and the Bosnians tend to gesticulate a little more when they speak, kind of like an Italian doing his gestures and speaking sign language at the same time
im deadass learning german on duolingo wouldnt really call it learning tho
try anki for vocabulary
Try comprehensive input or cronpretz method, i think how it's spelled checked it out
@@graysontan507 sure thing will try
@@mortizmortiz ive heard about anki before will try tho i have a 90 day streak at duolingo i just open the open toh maintain my streak thats all
Digga was soll ich sagen?
Hab jetzt 10 Minuten auf Duolingo gechillt und hör mich an wie Mutti Merkel, es funktioniert👌🏼😏
bro he got me, how do you speak so welllllll, the pronunciation, slang, everythinggggg
Your channel is seriously underrated man. Your videos always catch me off guard and you make every second funny 😂I guess the niche of language comedy is why your channel hasn't grown tremendously but I feel that the algorithm will bless you soon
As a French speaker, "jarcaon" is the funniest mispronunciation I've ever heard. I love it.
I took one course in Doulingo French, now I am simultaneously fluent in every language in the world! I am currently working in the FBA (federal baloney agency) and I’m their multilingual translator that they pay 4 trillion a day. Although they don’t disclose this fact to the public, I am still the world’s real richest person in the world.
Didnt expect that ending. I was laughing my self an ass but You actually do speek French 😂
Hahaha le "mashallah" et le "Wejdene" je m'y attendais tellement pas x)
The amount of sarcasm in this video is on another level.
"i feel like my prononciation isnt that bad" homé, jarcon
"This doesn't have the apostrophe, but it's probably still the same"
You can see the gears turning, thus app teaches you so much without you even realizing.
Made my morning hahahaha. Tbf, Duolingo helped me memorize some animal vocabs like "le lapin" and "le cheval". Very helpful 👌😂
You are literally the only funny comedian on the TH-cam.
A wonderful demonstration as to how you can speedrun Duolingo without actually learning anything if you feel like it.
"L apostrophe hom-ay" (L'homme) - 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Duolingo worked exeptionally well for me in russian. Duolingo made the perfect intro by teaching melody, basic vocab, grammar, exceptions and even some noun cases in correct order without demoralizing. Then I added some grammar studying after realizing how terrifying russian was and still played duolingo daily, after all I was already in the middle of the pond thanks to duolingo so I swam harder a bit. After learning all grammar concepts I switched to lingq to get more vocab and talked to russians online.
i was learning italian last week on duolingo, and nowadays i have my own pizza busines in rome, thanks duol.
Why is this guy so humble???
Not really. He’s making fun of people who use duolingo. Most people don’t stick around to see the rest that duolingo has to offer. Near the end of the lessons, it will get more and more difficult. The sentences will get more and more complex and the learning will pick up the pace. Eventually you’d be learning several words per lesson.
You can’t just use duolingo though. You have to use other tools as well. It is a good starting point, however.
@@avaccian629 nah
I thought about using Duolingo to Learn Australian and next day i could speak Australian like a native. If you disregard that i was born in Australia and learned it from birth, i am 100% certain my one week in Singapore wipes the slate clean, and attribute my fluency to Duolingo. (Ok bird now back away i did as you asked.)
I’m doing French on duolingo, too! And I’m laughing so hard.
“Home-ae” 💀
“Jar-cone” 💀
Stop I’m dead rn, ✋
“I feel like my pronunciation isn’t that bad” 😭
ok so this is my progress after learning French on Duolingo for 10 minutes: Je peux parler français comme un natif maintenant grâce à duolingo et merci à vous Language Simp de m'avoir appris à quel point Duolingo est bon
i personally think duolingo is just for practice and not learning because i have been learning french for 5, years and duolingo is nothing like the way i am learning, i am learning concepts like conjugation, how to frame sentences, how to write a letter, different tenses, exceptions , etc. its mind boggling lol theres like 2 million tenses, with one which is called imparfait, specifically for describing things in the past, thats my fav one because its ez
c’est vraiment super je parle couramment maintenant après vers cinq minutes merci beaucoup
Animesh, ça s'appelle du sarcasme.
“jarcone” had me busting up laughing 😂 Thanks man.
Last week I was failing mandarin, after just one duolingo lesson I'm completely fluent! (Still failing tho)
Just laugh uncontrollably WTF I love your satire on languages, dude 😂🤣🤣 The way to pronounce words at the beginning tho. Just entirely funny!!! 🤣🤣
Is it normal i have a crush on this guy?
@Pichulatriste 🤣😂
we all do 🤷♂️
Don't everyone?
Nope, have fun in hell, sinner lol. Having bad thoughts about Vlady daddy.
He does like all men and women
What da hell😂 I think I learn more from you than the green bird as I just start to learn
as a french person this is hilarious
"Oh, I don't know how to read anymore, poutant," He said in a sexy voice.
everyone else: Duolingo stinks. you can’t learn anything with it.
me, after actually taking the Duolingo course: ...but I understood his French...
“I feel like my pronunciation isn’t that bad” 😂 I love this video
He aprendido español con Duolingo con tan solo descargar la aplicación. Sinceramente ya voy por mi vigésimo cuarto idioma y todo el mundo me dice que tengo tanto una pronunciación perfecta como un vocabulario y gramática excepcional. Poco a poco le demostraré al mundo el poder de hablar más de 30 idiomas y así me haré un onlyfans mostrando mis habilidades o “skills” para aquellos que no entienden el inglés jajajaja.
No comprendía ni una palabra de español hasta que vi la palabra Duolingo en tu post y de repente entendí todo. ¡Increíble!
Only Fans???
As a normal american monolingual your pronunciation of the french language, sounds very professional and im super impressed
I love how he pronounces "garçon" as "jarkon" 😂😂
'jarcone' absolutely hilarious
I took a Cantonese lesson on Duolingo and can do fluent gigachad Kung Fu thanks to it!
I know being good at languages is your thing and all, but jesus christ man your pronounciation is great! Although I'm not french I've been studying it for like three months now, and there are so many rules to the pronounciation, so speaking it that fast is really impressive.
I completed the Danish track on duolingo and all it really does is help provide basic understanding which you can bridge off of. It's useful but far from the only tool you should use.
I got a Duolingo ad immediately after watching this.
as somebody who has the chrome extension that lets me see dislikes, this is the highest viewed/liked video i've ever seen without a a single dislike. literally, not even one.
“Lay Jarcone” 💀😭
I'm french and your pronunciation is close to perfect
Especially "garçon", you sound like a native
@@jimmyjosseron1945 Oh yeah, the jarchon
I took on lesson in hebrew and i can now read any old people books with ease, thx duolingo!
2:05 UnE JAr CoNe
The moi j'mapelle Wejden caught me off guard 😭🤣
I used Duolingo to get me competent for my French citizenship. Fantastic method of learning 🤓
The power of the green owl never ceases to amaze.
"Mash'Allah", vive le Français !
This is Bart Simpson realizing he could speak French after his student exchange trip.
We need more french trolling on Omegle
I didnt realize this was a troll and just died a little bit every time you said “homie” and “jarckon”
Honestly I think duolingo helps. It helps. I wouldn’t totally rely on duolingo, but learning a language with duolingo is helpful.
Le “moi j’m’appelle Wejdene” c’était pour me tuer
Expectations of completing 1 Duolingo lesson: