Cable Face pull Exercise | Shoulder Rehabilitation | Osteopath Murat Gecmen

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Shoulder dyskinesia, or scapular dyskinesis, refers to abnormal movement of the shoulder blade (scapula) during shoulder motion. This condition can lead to shoulder pain and dysfunction. Exercises such as the cable face pull with external rotation can be particularly beneficial for addressing shoulder dyskinesia, as they target the muscles responsible for stabilizing and controlling the scapula.
    Here’s how to perform a cable face pull with external rotation for shoulder dyskinesia:
    Cable Face Pull with External Rotation
    Equipment: Cable machine with a rope attachment.
    Positioning: Set the pulley at about upper chest or eye level.
    Grasp the Rope:
    Hold the ends of the rope with a neutral grip (palms facing down/ could be changing in the area of muscle target area).
    Stand split stance facing the cable machine.
    Initial Position:
    Step back so there is tension on the cable.
    Feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
    Engage your core to maintain a stable position. (Do not lean back from Lower back)
    Pull Phase:
    Pull the rope towards your face, leading with your elbows.
    As you pull, your upper arms should move outward, and your forearms should rotate externally (palms face upward at the end of the movement).
    Scapular Movement:
    Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together (scapular retraction) as you pull.
    Maintain this squeeze throughout the motion to enhance scapular stability.
    End Position:
    Your elbows should be at shoulder level, and your hands should align with your ears.
    Hold the contraction momentarily, emphasizing the squeeze between your shoulder blades.
    Return Phase:
    Slowly reverse the motion, allowing your arms to extend back to the starting position.
    Control the movement to ensure constant tension on the muscles.
    Key Tips:
    Control the Movement: Focus on slow, controlled movements to maintain tension and proper form.
    Engage the Right Muscles: Emphasize the use of your mid-back and rear deltoids rather than letting your traps take over.
    Posture: Keep your head and neck in a neutral position. Avoid jutting your head forward during the exercise.
    Breathing: Exhale as you pull the rope towards you and inhale as you return to the starting position.
    Frequency and Reps:
    Sets and Reps: Aim for 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.
    Frequency: Perform this exercise 2-3 times per week, ensuring at least one day of rest between sessions.
    Benefits for Shoulder Dyskinesia:
    Strengthening: Targets the muscles that stabilize the scapula, such as the lower trapezius, rhomboids, and serratus anterior.
    Improved Scapular Control: Helps in correcting abnormal scapular movement patterns.
    Posture Enhancement: Promotes better posture by reinforcing proper scapular positioning and movement.
    Incorporating this exercise into a broader rehabilitation or strengthening program can aid in addressing shoulder dyskinesia and improving overall shoulder function. If you're experiencing significant pain or discomfort, consider consulting a healthcare or fitness professional for personalized guidance and assessment.
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