What are less known places to visit in Brazil? Support Wode Maya's travel fund: wodemaya.me/travel-fund/ Be sure to like this video & subscribe to the channel!
Sao Paulo is not just the largest city in Latin America, is the largest city on the all American Continent, from Alaska to Chile and is the largest city in the southern hemisphere. The São Paulo subway transports the equivalent of twice the population of Los Angeles per day, every day. It’s a huge city.
São Paulo City and surroundings towns has 20mi people living! São Paulo State which SP City is it's capital has about 50 mi people living. If SP State were a country we would be G20-30 with a higher rate GDP than Argentina, Uruguai and Paraguai!
Tem tradutor então vai em PT-BR mesmo Em termos de população São Paulo realmente é a maior cidade do Brasil mas em termos de extensão territorial São Paulo não chega nem perto São Paulo tem 1.521 km² Mas Altamira no estado do Pará tem 159.533 km² muito desse espaço não é populado por ser uma área protegida a Floresta Nacional de Altamira. Pequena surpresa a mais Portugal tem 92.152 km² isso quer dizer que Altamira (uma cidade) é 60.000 km² maior que Portugal (um país)
Moro na capital de SP, gosto desta cidade, mas o Brasil não é só Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Há muitas outras belas capitais: Fortaleza, Recife, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, João Pessoa, Maceió, Brasília (capital do país), Florianópolis, Curitiba, Porto Alegre e muitas outras. Além de cidades lindas que não são capitais.
@@ludwigvanschoonenborchhawk4060 im Brazilian, and I agree, That's music Is like part of culture of brazil too, but the guys allways use that's song alot, and we have so mutch more, so mutch
Brazil is a multidiverse country with its people super mixed with ethnicities from all over the world, but few communities has strong connections with its origins, thats why it is hard to find a japanese brazilian who speaks japanese and you will probably never see an afro brazilian speaking an african language and never will find an african surname because their origins were erased and they got portuguese surnames.
In the school where I study, there used to be a place where Europeans sold slaves in the basement of the school. There are still chains and whips. No one can enter there, but it's still the same as it was back then.
Ola my friends. O Brasil é um país lindo demais.Jovem, por ter 523 anos, com uma extensão territorial com tamanho de um continente. Com 215 milhoes de pessoas e 27 etnias diferentes. Por isso, o brasileiro é diversificado. Banhado por praias incríveis e com pessoas que, apesar de viverem as digiculdades do dia a dia, tem sempre um sorriso no rosto, adora conversar, ( Gosta também de abraçar e beijar o rosto de quem lhe é apresentado, e sempre que se encontram, se cumprimentam assim). Rsrsrsrs. A maioria das pessoas que visitam o país se surpreende positivamente, ao perceber que, a imagem do país mostrada lá fora, nunca foi positiva. Mas, isso é uma coisa muito antiga, como se, POLITICAMENTE, ISSO INTERESSASSE A "ALGUÉM", de dentro do próprio país.
Wonderful to see videos like this that show the other side of countries...whether good or bad. When it comes to Western 1st world countries the media doesn't show the bad side however when it comes to other countries which is considered 3rd world the media only shows the bad side and not the good
No Brasil os escravos fugiam e criavam comunidades sempre lutaram pela liberdade, essas comunidades eram chamadas de (quilombo) o mais conhecido foi o quilombo de palmares, por isso conseguimos conservar muitas tradições africanas como comida, música E religião, aqui é grande as religiões afro e muito adeptos❤ no Brasil hoje racismo e crime inafiançável!
Thanks so mutch guys to react about my Contry, is so important show for the people more about brazil, outside of Tvs and News , is Important to show the real Brazil, especially without the stereotypes embedded in us by the media, which limit us to so little Obrigado!
12:40 - About the tattoos. Even if São Paulo is not a particularly hot city for Brazilian standards people still show a lot of skin. It's very rare to see people with their arms covered, women using low cut shirts is not uncommon, so tattoos are almost always visible. But I don't think it's more common than in the US or Europe. Just easier to spot. 16:50 - Not even close. He's on Avenida 9 de Julho, it's a normal traffic avenue in the city, it can get so much worse you won't even imagine (also explains the helicopters) 33:30 - Brazilians are notoriously friendly. Even in the case of recent immigrations like the japanese, italians, lebanese... once you are in Brazil you adapt to the brazilian way. 38:10 - What's even sadder is that São Paulo was not a state that received that many slaves compared with the rest of Brazil. São Paulo until the 18th century was not particularly important to the Portuguese. When the state started to develop large plantations it was already after the slave trade ban by the English. So the slaves in São Paulo were from other states and had very little remaining of their african cultural roots - they were almost exclusively catholic and only spoke Portuguese. And yet there was lynchings. That being said, the Japanese didn't start to move to Liberdade until de 60s, so the lady that said that they took the neighborhood ignored the fact that it was more than 100 years between those events.
São coisas diferentes. Em São Paulo muitos bairros são arborizados, as ruas são arborizadas. O Rio de Janeiro é cercado de morros de um lado e mar do outro. Ninguem vai concretar o mar ou os morros, tirando as favelas onde não há arborização nenhuma em nenhum lugar do mundo que eu conheça. Se há natureza é porque não foi usada, dificilmente existe uma projeto ecologico dentro da favela.
@@trad428 Calma, não precisa se emocionar! Não estou criticando São Paulo! Ei, parem de achar que cariocas não gostam de São Paulo, o sonho de todo carioca é conhecer Sampa. E aqui tem projetos ecológicos na maioria das favelas, justamente para que ps morros não derretam com as chuvas e também temos áreas de preservação em periferias, muitos lugares intocados e tudo mais...
Here you can make a pass card, you make it and put money in as a credit card and pay for the bus, it is exclusively for buses, just top up and pay by contact
O que nínguem comenta talvez porque não saiba é que foi no estado do Ceará onde foi tomada a decisão de dizer enfim o primeiro não a navios com escravos , sendo conhecido assim como TERRA DA LUZ !!! a todos um grande abraço!!!!
Amazing! video I am from São Paulo and I love the diversity in this city. Probably, you will find people from all over the world. There are Middle east, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Nigerian communities... I can enumerate an immense list of countries and cultures. Yeah, it is worth visiting São Paulo city.
It's a cultural shock teenagers from the U.S drive cars legally, here in Brazil we can only drive when we are 18 years old, and even not all of us have car at that age.
Gringos descobrindo que o Brasil não é uma selva gigantesca com pessoas tocando tambores nas aldeias é sempre muito engraçado... melhor ainda quando são os americanos, negros ou brancos , eles são todos muito alienados
O mais imbecil disto, nao eh o fato desse povo ser alienado em relaçao ao que ocorre no mundo, pois eles so olham para o proprio umbigo e sim pessoas aqui no Brasil, importarem modismos e ideias deles. Americanos, principalmente se preocupam somente com os EUA e dane-se o mundo, mas tem gente nos paises de terceiro mundo que acham que tem que ser igual a eles e viverem as coisas que eles pregam!!!!
Brazilian here born and raised in São Paulo City but with native and african ancestors. To US I'm not black, we call it 'pardo' and 'criolo' (mixed) over here. We suffer the same racism than Black ppl suffer in US. We are something like Stephen Curry appareance you know what I mean? Half black/native - white!
The history about liberty neighborhood is not all true. I'm mixed japanese African white and native Brazilian, the japanese came to that part of the town bcz they were not accepted on the white neighborhoods as well as the blacks not bcz they wanted to replace the blacks
São Paulo is the biggest metropolitan city in all americas in size and population and the largest in the entire south hemisphere. But since it is huge it has its beautiful and ugly and super dirty and not devolped parts. A lot, a lot of homeless people in the streets and one of the biggest drug communities that live in the street called (Cracolândia - Crack land).
Nao eh tao dificil, dependendo da regiao ou bairro da cidade que voce frequenta! Na regiao dos Jardins, Vila Olimpia, Itaim Bibi, Berrini eh super facil ver e ouvir pessoas que falam ingles, ate porque a maioria dos empregos nestas regioes exigem o dominio do idioma!
Africans are being taught by African Americans 😂 that every Latino is just Mexican. It doesn't matter where you're from, in the US people just assume Mexican.
No! Don't stay at airbnb's. This makes rents impossible for the residents. The housing crises is Linked to airbnbs. Please, if u come, stay at a hotel, we have many great hotels from 1 to 5 stars
Gente não dá para explicar a voces o que é o brasileiro, se voces acharam os paulistas simpáticos, quando verem os cariocas voces vão enlouquecer risos.
A questão racial teve grande avanço no brasil nas ultimas décadas, apesar de termos tido um contra ataque dos racistas com o presidente que saiu o Bolsonaro, mas temos evoluído bastante nas questões raciais, ainda temos muito o que avançar.
i want point 2 things brazil has racism like everywhere in the globe i guess, but it works diferently for each country, so yes, even thought brazil its a realy mixed country, we have racism here too i want to point about the woman in the liberdade church, as far i know, what she said is mostly true( i guess at least 90%) , about liberdade becoming a japanese neighborhood , she said it like japanese expelled them, but wasnt exactly the japanese ppl who did it , but governament who wanted "clean" the central area of sao paulofrom black ppl, them expelled them and kind gave that liberdade to japanese ppl
Brazilian here. I am white skinned but one of my grand-grand aunts was a slave. I never did a DNA test but I am sure I would have some African ascendancy. As the great Chico Buarque once said all Brazilians are black, regardless of their skin colour. It is a shame that since the raise of Bolsonaro (the Brazilian Trump, just as much of a con man and a grifter) there is a lot of divisiveness and racism going on, and yes, I fully understand the plight of my Brazilian black brothers and sisters I am so proud of belonging to a nation which is black at its very heart and I fully embrace our African common heritage. From a son of Yemanjá, all the very best to you!
Esse papo vai causar cada vez mais muita divisao e isso uma hora vai desandar para uma coisa que ninguem deseja. Penso que confrontos a este nivel que estao querendo chegar, vai dar ruim, porque ja diz uma velha frase que sempre que ha uma açao, vira uma reaçao!
Oh man... in the good parts brazil is beautiful. But when you go to poor parts, the story changes a lot... The bus doesnt pass all the time. You dont have police and security... Brazil is a dangerous place. Just look up the numbers.
The security felling it's actually a illusion because of the great amount of police, but there's lots of police due the huge amount of crimes. In São Paulo you have to always be aware of your surroundings, if you don't you may expect to lose your wallet or phone to a kid on a bike or even running.
When I travel I spend a little extra and stay in a good hotel the security and comfort is better and gives me a peace of mind but remember when you’re in a different country you can’t never let your guard down
What are less known places to visit in Brazil?
Support Wode Maya's travel fund: wodemaya.me/travel-fund/
Be sure to like this video & subscribe to the channel!
Fernando de Noronha, canela, Jeriquara no ceará.campo do Jordão.
My man doing the translation sometimes gets it wrong and a lotta sh*t they say he makes it simple and shorter
Great reaction tho💯💯
Sao Paulo is not just the largest city in Latin America, is the largest city on the all American Continent, from Alaska to Chile and is the largest city in the southern hemisphere. The São Paulo subway transports the equivalent of twice the population of Los Angeles per day, every day. It’s a huge city.
São Paulo City and surroundings towns has 20mi people living! São Paulo State which SP City is it's capital has about 50 mi people living. If SP State were a country we would be G20-30 with a higher rate GDP than Argentina, Uruguai and Paraguai!
blz paulista
@@JPindanga not rlly, most of it GDP depends of the union help
@@Gary_The_Man76 , oh, que loucura eh essa??? Kkkk
Tem tradutor então vai em PT-BR mesmo
Em termos de população São Paulo realmente é a maior cidade do Brasil mas em termos de extensão territorial São Paulo não chega nem perto
São Paulo tem 1.521 km²
Mas Altamira no estado do Pará tem 159.533 km² muito desse espaço não é populado por ser uma área protegida a Floresta Nacional de Altamira.
Pequena surpresa a mais
Portugal tem 92.152 km² isso quer dizer que Altamira (uma cidade) é 60.000 km² maior que Portugal (um país)
O estilo musical utilizado como trilha sonora (salsa?) não existe no Brasil. Não há um único artista no Brasil que trabalhe com este tipo de música.
Parece música Cubana.. é de azedar o pé do frango.
@@agentedocaoss é de cair o cú da bunda, coloca um funk
@@agentedocaoss Realmente, de cair o cu da bunda.
Parece música mexicana
@@pauloadrianosikorski existe sim. No norte
Moro na capital de SP, gosto desta cidade, mas o Brasil não é só Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Há muitas outras belas capitais: Fortaleza, Recife, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, João Pessoa, Maceió, Brasília (capital do país), Florianópolis, Curitiba, Porto Alegre e muitas outras. Além de cidades lindas que não são capitais.
Why do foreigners play cucaracha songs in videos about Brazil?
Perhaps that song reminds of Brazil in their mind.
Are you from the Netherlands?
@@kleberdombroski I disagree, except I think so. I think it's a gringo imperialist thing.
Cuz most ppl believe countries under mexico are all the same
@@ludwigvanschoonenborchhawk4060 im Brazilian, and I agree, That's music Is like part of culture of brazil too, but the guys allways use that's song alot, and we have so mutch more, so mutch
@@DriftyTVBrazil em que planeta cucaracha é parte da cultura brasileira? Kkkkk
Brazil is a multidiverse country with its people super mixed with ethnicities from all over the world, but few communities has strong connections with its origins, thats why it is hard to find a japanese brazilian who speaks japanese and you will probably never see an afro brazilian speaking an african language and never will find an african surname because their origins were erased and they got portuguese surnames.
Simples assim são brasileiros!
Love Brazil my second home 💖💖💖😘
Best reaction channel, Brazil loves you ❤️🇧🇷
Wode maya should be in the states next year so hopefully you guys can collab🙌🏽
In the school where I study, there used to be a place where Europeans sold slaves in the basement of the school. There are still chains and whips. No one can enter there, but it's still the same as it was back then.
Ola my friends.
O Brasil é um país lindo demais.Jovem, por ter 523 anos, com uma extensão territorial com tamanho de um continente. Com 215 milhoes de pessoas e 27 etnias diferentes. Por isso, o brasileiro é diversificado. Banhado por praias incríveis e com pessoas que, apesar de viverem as digiculdades do dia a dia, tem sempre um sorriso no rosto, adora conversar, ( Gosta também de abraçar e beijar o rosto de quem lhe é apresentado, e sempre que se encontram, se cumprimentam assim). Rsrsrsrs.
A maioria das pessoas que visitam o país se surpreende positivamente, ao perceber que, a imagem do país mostrada lá fora, nunca foi positiva.
Mas, isso é uma coisa muito antiga, como se, POLITICAMENTE, ISSO INTERESSASSE A "ALGUÉM", de dentro do próprio país.
Vem aqui pra 🇧🇷 vc 2 gostei muito do seu vídeo 👏 parabéns
Um react com reflexão e educação. Ótimo conteudo.
Cant remember if u already reacted to the history of japanese immigration in Brazil but id love to watch it ❤
This guy is very lively, happy, very nice
Nice vídeo and react, greetings from Brasil, São Paulo!
Eu amo o Brasil e não troco por nenhum outro país ❤
Sao Paulo is not just the largest city in Latin America, is the largest city on the all American Continent FACT. 25 MILIONS PEOPLE!
Wonderful to see videos like this that show the other side of countries...whether good or bad.
When it comes to Western 1st world countries the media doesn't show the bad side however when it comes to other countries which is considered 3rd world the media only shows the bad side and not the good
5th biggest city in the world and the biggest city outside of Asia
Sao Paulo is a massive city! It has over 22 million people.
No Brasil os escravos fugiam e criavam comunidades sempre lutaram pela liberdade, essas comunidades eram chamadas de (quilombo) o mais conhecido foi o quilombo de palmares, por isso conseguimos conservar muitas tradições africanas como comida, música E religião, aqui é grande as religiões afro e muito adeptos❤ no Brasil hoje racismo e crime inafiançável!
Difícil é alguém ser preso e condenado por racismo kkkk
É racismo apenas se oferecer risco a vida, se for só ofensa verbal racista, é só pagar uma fiança e tá de boa, racista rico não é preso no Brasil
E graças a isso somos um dos países mais perigosos do mundo e temos favelas. Muito obrigado aos negros 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@@leolll4632 ????
Brazil is the most easy place to make a friend!
City to city in Brazil already changed so much, that seems you move to another country, is so so diverse!
O Brasil e lindo e o melhor do mundo...
Congratulatons, come to Brazil!! Thanks, obrigado and kisses, beijinhos.
Airbnb funciona muito bem no Brasil.
São Paulo is actually the biggest city in all of the Americas :)
Tem racismo em qualquer lugar do mundo, sempre vai ter um abobado!
Thanks so mutch guys to react about my Contry, is so important show for the people more about brazil, outside of Tvs and News , is Important to show the real Brazil, especially without the stereotypes embedded in us by the media, which limit us to so little
I love the accent of the african guy.
12:40 - About the tattoos. Even if São Paulo is not a particularly hot city for Brazilian standards people still show a lot of skin. It's very rare to see people with their arms covered, women using low cut shirts is not uncommon, so tattoos are almost always visible. But I don't think it's more common than in the US or Europe. Just easier to spot.
16:50 - Not even close. He's on Avenida 9 de Julho, it's a normal traffic avenue in the city, it can get so much worse you won't even imagine (also explains the helicopters)
33:30 - Brazilians are notoriously friendly. Even in the case of recent immigrations like the japanese, italians, lebanese... once you are in Brazil you adapt to the brazilian way.
38:10 - What's even sadder is that São Paulo was not a state that received that many slaves compared with the rest of Brazil. São Paulo until the 18th century was not particularly important to the Portuguese. When the state started to develop large plantations it was already after the slave trade ban by the English. So the slaves in São Paulo were from other states and had very little remaining of their african cultural roots - they were almost exclusively catholic and only spoke Portuguese. And yet there was lynchings. That being said, the Japanese didn't start to move to Liberdade until de 60s, so the lady that said that they took the neighborhood ignored the fact that it was more than 100 years between those events.
I love it. ❤❤❤❤❤
The musical style used as the soundtrack (salsa?) does not exist in Brazil. There is not a single artist in Brazil who works with this type of music.
São Paulo verde? Ele não viu o Rio de Janeiro
São coisas diferentes. Em São Paulo muitos bairros são arborizados, as ruas são arborizadas. O Rio de Janeiro é cercado de morros de um lado e mar do outro.
Ninguem vai concretar o mar ou os morros, tirando as favelas onde não há arborização nenhuma em nenhum lugar do mundo que eu conheça. Se há natureza é porque não foi usada, dificilmente existe uma projeto ecologico dentro da favela.
@@trad428 Calma, não precisa se emocionar! Não estou criticando São Paulo! Ei, parem de achar que cariocas não gostam de São Paulo, o sonho de todo carioca é conhecer Sampa. E aqui tem projetos ecológicos na maioria das favelas, justamente para que ps morros não derretam com as chuvas e também temos áreas de preservação em periferias, muitos lugares intocados e tudo mais...
Here you can make a pass card, you make it and put money in as a credit card and pay for the bus, it is exclusively for buses, just top up and pay by contact
I love u guys.. Keep it up.. Will comment tomoro
O que nínguem comenta talvez porque não saiba é que foi no estado do Ceará onde foi tomada a decisão de dizer enfim o primeiro não a navios com escravos , sendo conhecido assim como TERRA DA LUZ !!! a todos um grande abraço!!!!
Our past is very bloody, but we don't try to cover it up, we deal with it in a daily basis (most of us).
Brazil is the most differentiated place in the world. In race term. Also most Japanese outside Japan.
Those helicopters that are so frequent in Sao Paulo are actually how the rich move from one building to another, usually landing on the top.
Ótima escolha de vídeo irmãos
Thank you! 😃
São Paulo não é só a maior cidade da américa do sul, MAS DAS AMÉRICAS. Maior que Nova York.
Errado são Paolo é a maior cidade da América, não dá América latina, é sim ela é maior que nova York.
São Paulo is actually the largest city in the southern hemisphere, so you're not wrong
São Paulo is the largest metropolis in Latin America
I love São Paulo!
i love you são Paulo,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
? @@CarlaDanieliDosSantosLins
Amazing! video I am from São Paulo and I love the diversity in this city. Probably, you will find people from all over the world. There are Middle east, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Nigerian communities... I can enumerate an immense list of countries and cultures. Yeah, it is worth visiting São Paulo city.
Definitely agree
There says the cemetery went on till 1858. So were people still being buried there after the church was built?
It's a cultural shock teenagers from the U.S drive cars legally, here in Brazil we can only drive when we are 18 years old, and even not all of us have car at that age.
Gringos descobrindo que o Brasil não é uma selva gigantesca com pessoas tocando tambores nas aldeias é sempre muito engraçado... melhor ainda quando são os americanos, negros ou brancos , eles são todos muito alienados
O mais imbecil disto, nao eh o fato desse povo ser alienado em relaçao ao que ocorre no mundo, pois eles so olham para o proprio umbigo e sim pessoas aqui no Brasil, importarem modismos e ideias deles.
Americanos, principalmente se preocupam somente com os EUA e dane-se o mundo, mas tem gente nos paises de terceiro mundo que acham que tem que ser igual a eles e viverem as coisas que eles pregam!!!!
Brazilian here born and raised in São Paulo City but with native and african ancestors. To US I'm not black, we call it 'pardo' and 'criolo' (mixed) over here. We suffer the same racism than Black ppl suffer in US. We are something like Stephen Curry appareance you know what I mean? Half black/native - white!
React to gramado city in Brazil
The history about liberty neighborhood is not all true. I'm mixed japanese African white and native Brazilian, the japanese came to that part of the town bcz they were not accepted on the white neighborhoods as well as the blacks not bcz they wanted to replace the blacks
São Paulo is the biggest metropolitan city in all americas in size and population and the largest in the entire south hemisphere. But since it is huge it has its beautiful and ugly and super dirty and not devolped parts. A lot, a lot of homeless people in the streets and one of the biggest drug communities that live in the street called (Cracolândia - Crack land).
São Paulo is like New York, but bigger.
I'm Brazilian and I don't even like carnaval and I feel like a foreigner in these videos
Why they got Cuban music in a video about Brazil? Lmao
Entenderam errado, no Brasil tattoo é muito comum
Krl, tão fácil assim achar qm fala em inglês aq em sp, sabia ñ, apesar de tbm falar, a gente nem imagina.
Nao eh tao dificil, dependendo da regiao ou bairro da cidade que voce frequenta!
Na regiao dos Jardins, Vila Olimpia, Itaim Bibi, Berrini eh super facil ver e ouvir pessoas que falam ingles, ate porque a maioria dos empregos nestas regioes exigem o dominio do idioma!
Why do they use songs of Mexican origin when they talk about Brazil? It has nothing to do with Brazil
Africans are being taught by African Americans 😂 that every Latino is just Mexican. It doesn't matter where you're from, in the US people just assume Mexican.
No! Don't stay at airbnb's. This makes rents impossible for the residents. The housing crises is Linked to airbnbs. Please, if u come, stay at a hotel, we have many great hotels from 1 to 5 stars
Muitos so ouviram coisas negativa sobre o Brasil 😅as mídias burras.
SALSA ?!?!? kkkkkkkkkkk
Bom dia
São Paulo is the biggest city in whole America.
They wouldn’t make it cause many of them would get sick.. lices, smallpox… so there was no option to jump out of the boat since they were in chains☹️
Gente não dá para explicar a voces o que é o brasileiro, se voces acharam os paulistas simpáticos, quando verem os cariocas voces vão enlouquecer risos.
A questão racial teve grande avanço no brasil nas ultimas décadas, apesar de termos tido um contra ataque dos racistas com o presidente que saiu o Bolsonaro, mas temos evoluído bastante nas questões raciais, ainda temos muito o que avançar.
"Contra ataque dos racistas" meus cara olha a merda falada...
The number of European descendants is a higher percentage among the inhabitants of Brazil
16:00 That was a sexually offensive gesture, and not just we Brazilians don't like, but anyone in the world doesn't like it.
36:14 clear example of race on race hate
sao paulo is bigger than new york actualy
Nunca diga ola ou hola no Brasil.
Essas são expressões espanicas.
Brasíl não fa espanhol.
i want point 2 things
brazil has racism like everywhere in the globe i guess, but it works diferently for each country, so yes, even thought brazil its a realy mixed country, we have racism here too
i want to point about the woman in the liberdade church, as far i know, what she said is mostly true( i guess at least 90%) , about liberdade becoming a japanese neighborhood , she said it like japanese expelled them, but wasnt exactly the japanese ppl who did it , but governament who wanted "clean" the central area of sao paulofrom black ppl, them expelled them and kind gave that liberdade to japanese ppl
The state with the most black people in Brazil is Bahia
Brazilian here. I am white skinned but one of my grand-grand aunts was a slave. I never did a DNA test but I am sure I would have some African ascendancy. As the great Chico Buarque once said all Brazilians are black, regardless of their skin colour. It is a shame that since the raise of Bolsonaro (the Brazilian Trump, just as much of a con man and a grifter) there is a lot of divisiveness and racism going on, and yes, I fully understand the plight of my Brazilian black brothers and sisters I am so proud of belonging to a nation which is black at its very heart and I fully embrace our African common heritage. From a son of Yemanjá, all the very best to you!
Nao sei como nao roubaram a camera que ele estava filmando. foi muita sorte
Só perde pra New York em tamanho.
Perde nao!!!!
Food for tought... The budget of Sao Paulo is smaller only of NY and LA on the US.
Onde tirou essas informações
Cara ja taca uma musica caribenha no começo, nada a ver hahahah
Esse gringo é doido kkkkkkkk o centro financeiro não representa o estado, além de ser MUITO perigoso sim
Mais perigoso que NY com certeza não é
@@Yohoo329Look up how many people in NYC got pushed onto train tracks on the subway. I doubt Brazil is as crazy as New Yorkers.
Este papo racista não me agrada, não me interessa, ja estou cansado de ouvir tanta tolice....
Esse papo vai causar cada vez mais muita divisao e isso uma hora vai desandar para uma coisa que ninguem deseja.
Penso que confrontos a este nivel que estao querendo chegar, vai dar ruim, porque ja diz uma velha frase que sempre que ha uma açao, vira uma reaçao!
Oh man... in the good parts brazil is beautiful. But when you go to poor parts, the story changes a lot... The bus doesnt pass all the time. You dont have police and security... Brazil is a dangerous place. Just look up the numbers.
The security felling it's actually a illusion because of the great amount of police, but there's lots of police due the huge amount of crimes.
In São Paulo you have to always be aware of your surroundings, if you don't you may expect to lose your wallet or phone to a kid on a bike or even running.
When I travel I spend a little extra and stay in a good hotel the security and comfort is better and gives me a peace of mind but remember when you’re in a different country you can’t never let your guard down
Look up Thomas Sowell and the facts about slavery