Neat white vinegar works really well too. I place one section of effected hose directly into the bucket so I can see how well the calcium deposits have dissolved so i know when to stop for the rest of the engine that I cannot see.
wouldn't it have been easier, especially if your reverse engineering it from the heat exchanger raw water output , to have just taken the hose off the bottom of the aftercooler and not mess with the raw water pump at all? Seems like a whole lot of additional work to remove the impeller only to have the flush come out the bottom of the raw water pump that then goes to the sea strainer
Excellent, honest video! Curious if you have any filtration to keep from reindroducing contaminates into the engine. I will try this fun tin the forward direction.
Neat white vinegar works really well too. I place one section of effected hose directly into the bucket so I can see how well the calcium deposits have dissolved so i know when to stop for the rest of the engine that I cannot see.
OTC 4521 hose removal tool off Amazon. I have seen them at automotive supply shops too. Good luck.
Great video, thanks for sharing!
Do you know the ID size on both hose ends?
I notice you said you removed the zincs but they seemed to be still installed?
You leave the brass plugs in once you spin out the zincs. So yes they look like they are still in but they are not.
so remove impeller and put cap back on, run that hose to the bucket for complete loop? thanks for any info
wouldn't it have been easier, especially if your reverse engineering it from the heat exchanger raw water output , to have just taken the hose off the bottom of the aftercooler and not mess with the raw water pump at all? Seems like a whole lot of additional work to remove the impeller only to have the flush come out the bottom of the raw water pump that then goes to the sea strainer
Excellent, honest video! Curious if you have any filtration to keep from reindroducing contaminates into the engine. I will try this fun tin the forward direction.
Hi Shawn - what is the name of that hook tool that you used on the hose?