I’ve no words to express my my feelings about Miki and describe his talent, thoughts and his expressions. Never be comparable with other artists. Keep it up, my Hero 🦸♂️
It felt so natural. It doesn't even feel like an interview at all , no question notes nothing just an amazing conversation with two best friends. Great interviewer even though this is the first time I've ever seen him.
After I watched your conversation with Somic on Yelib Weg, I wished there was a platform dedicated to that kind of very simple and highly conversational, yet extremely insightful, chat. Dejaf seems to be exactly what I wished for. This first show was thirst-quenching on so many levels - very natural and equally unique! Keep up the great work! Eagerly waiting for the next show. Thanks!
Thanks, @@binyamasrat212! If and when I have something interesting and important to say, in the very distant future, I sure would love to appear on Dejaf.
I had a great time watching this. In fact I would love to watch it again when I get a chance. Miki is always amazing. Anything he touches turns into something beautiful. Nice humor as well. We would love to see him more.
Betam betam des yemil interview- very entertaining, the friendliness between you two... pls promote this on every social media! Im so glad Mickey was your first guest also. He is amazing when he does interviews. Arif program new
ለመጀመሪያ ግዜ አማርኛ ፖድ ካስት ስሰማና አብሬአችሁ ስስቅ : እምም ስል ....it is just perfection Davie! Love the sound clarity and calmness of your conversation can't wait for the next ones 🤗 Wonderfully done!
This is a great show, after watching the preview on Tik tok, I has taken me around 2 hours to find the channel... Just a comment put the name of your channel on the mic and even on the table.. this will make it easy for the audience to notice and see the full interview. Good JOB!!
You got one subscriber, Micky is the only Artist I love. Your friendly conversation is beautiful to hear. ሚኪ ያለውን ለመጀመርያ ግዜ ሴፍ ነኝ ኢትዮጱያ ውስጥ እየኖርኩ ያላትን እኔም ለመጀመርያ ግዜ እራሴን የጠየኩት ጥያቄ ነው::
Thanks so much brah, it's just simple, funny and entertaining . It's way better than from traditional shows we get used to watch. Bzw Liked z ጠላ style😃. Keep it up!!!
ዋው ይገርማል የdestiny ነገር Dave glad to see you. we use to be friend and went same school(Addis ketema) me and henok teka. nice discussion simple!! Keep it up.
Such at ease conversation what blissful take on performing of the arts. Your insight is amazing on yeLib Weg I yawned for more after hearing you, and I take on our movie’s.
Wow some things is different from all interview programs It’s so calming interview I felt so calm when I listened it 👏👏 I think it’s cuz their is no interruptions while Miki is talking, I was so exhausted by seifu fantahun 🤦♀️😀 Gobez 🙏🏾
እየጣፈጠኝ ያዳመጥኩት interview ነው!! Humor, experience, and deep observation ሁሉም ተካተው የቀረቡበት ጭውውት ነበር!! በጣም ይጣፍጣል!!
እንዲህ ያለ ግሩም ጨዋታን የምሰማበትን መድረክ ስለጀመርክ ምስጋና ይገባካል...ሚካኤል ታምሬ ደሞ ድንቅ ችሎታ ያለው ...ከትወና ችሎታው ባሻገር ያለው ህይወትም አስገራሚ ነው
I’m hearing for the third time Best talk ever!!!
በአካል ላአያቸው ከሚፈልጋቸው ምርጥ አርቲስቶቻአችን አንዱ ሚኪዬ አንተነህ አይዊሽ አገሬ ስመጣ ፈልጌ አይሀለሁ ጊታ ከአንተጋ ይሁን
በጣም ምርጥ! ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ሙሉውን ወድጄው የሰማኹት ቃለመጠይቅ (ጨዋታ)!
አበረ አያሌው
ከ1ሰአት በላይ መሆኑን ያወኩት መጨረሻ ላይ ነው ደስ የሚል ቀለል ያለ ጨዋታ
ጎበዝ ዳዊት። ምርጥ ፖድካስት ነው። ከብዙ ቁምነገሮች ጋር። ትምህርት መሆን የሚችሉ ሃሳቦች። በዛ ላይ ደሞ ሁሌ ራስ ምታት የሆነውን የድምጽ ችግር ገና ከጅምሩ የተረዳ እና ኩልል ባለ ሁኔታ የተቀዳ ለጆሮ የማይጎረብጥ ድምጽ! በርታ!
በጣም ምርጥ ጨዋታ አዘል ኢንተርቪው። ጨዋታችሁም ፈገግታችሁም ፌክ ያልሆነ። አጠገባችሁ የተቀመጥኩ ያህል ነው የተሰማኝ። 👍👍
ምርጥ የሸገር ልጆች! ምርጥ ቃለ ምልልስ!
ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ እዚህ ቤት ጎራ ያልኩት ዛሬ ነው : እውነት ለመናገር የተለመደው ጥያቄና መልስ ሳይሆን የገጠመኝ : ፈታ የሚያደርግ ቤተሰባዊነት ስሜትን የሚፈጥር ጨዋታ እንደውም ከሚነሱት ነጥቦች አንፃር እመሃላችሁ ያለሁ ያህል እንዲሰማኝ ያደረገ ነበር ቆይታችሁ 😊 : ለዚህ ደግሞ አዘጋጁ ሊመሰገን ይገባዋል የጠላው ጣሳ ነገርም ብዙ ትዝታን ቀሰቃሽ ነበር ( በተለይ ብጫዋ መርቲ የምትለዋ ብትኖር )😄 : ከጨዋታችሁ አንፃር ጠላውም ማለፊያ ነበር ማለት ይቻላል 😄 : የሆነው ሆኖ ቋሚ ቤተሰብ ለመሆን ተመዝግቤለሁ : በርታ!! 🙌
I’ve no words to express my my feelings about Miki and describe his talent, thoughts and his expressions. Never be comparable with other artists. Keep it up, my Hero 🦸♂️
በጣም ጣፋጭና ይዞ ጭልጥ የሚያደርግ ወግ ያለው ቆይታ ነበር እናመሠግናለን።
ኢሄን ድምፅ የት ነው ማቀው ብዬ ነበር። ከአመታት በፊት ታዲያስ አዲስ ላይ ከነሰይፉ እና ፀገነትጋ ሰማህ ነበር ካልተሳሳትኩ። አሪፍ ኮንተንት ይዘህ መጥተሃል። ደስ ይላል። ብዙ ጨዋታዎች እንጠብቃለን። ሚኪ ያው አንደኛ ነው! ሁለታችሁንም እናመሰግናለን ለቆይታው።ስለ እግር እሳት እና "ዋናው ስራ አስኪያጅ" ስለሚለው የቆየ ድራማ ትንሽ ብታወሩ ደስ ይለኝ ነበር።
ፀግሽ የኛ ድምፂ መረዋ አንተምኮ ትለያለህ🙏❤️
It felt so natural. It doesn't even feel like an interview at all , no question notes nothing just an amazing conversation with two best friends. Great interviewer even though this is the first time I've ever seen him.
ሚኪዬ ስወድህ ልክ የለኝም 🥰ቃለ መጠይቅ በጣም ነው የሚሰለቸኝ የአንተን ግን ደስ ብሎኝ ነው የጨረስኩት ለዛ ያለው ወግ ነው 🥰🥰🥰
በጣም ተመችቶኝ ነው ያዳመጥኩት። ሚኪ ባጣም በሳል ስው ነው። ይጨምርልህ ብያለው
After I watched your conversation with Somic on Yelib Weg, I wished there was a platform dedicated to that kind of very simple and highly conversational, yet extremely insightful, chat. Dejaf seems to be exactly what I wished for. This first show was thirst-quenching on so many levels - very natural and equally unique! Keep up the great work! Eagerly waiting for the next show. Thanks!
You should also be a guest, someday!
@@binyamasrat212 Bbbbbbb BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjjjjbbbbbbbbbbj
@@binyamasrat212 Bbbbbbb BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjjjjjbbbbbbbbbbj
Thanks, @@binyamasrat212! If and when I have something interesting and important to say, in the very distant future, I sure would love to appear on Dejaf.
You write very good ENG. I catch some words and expressions already.
I had a great time watching this. In fact I would love to watch it again when I get a chance. Miki is always amazing. Anything he touches turns into something beautiful. Nice humor as well. We would love to see him more.
ሚኪ ትልቅ ሰው ነህ በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል ስላአየሁህ በውነት ምርጥ ነህ በጣም ነው ምወድህ ረጅም እድሜ እና ጤና ተመኘሁ ግን አንድ ነገር ልበልህ በ Ethiopia 🇪🇹 ያለው ዘረኝነት ባለህ ተሰሚነት እና ተከታይ አንድ ነገር ማድረግ አለብህ አንዳንድ የ ፓለቲካ ሰዎች ሚያደርጉት የ መለያየት ነገር ማስቀር አለባቹሁ Thanks 🙏 From Eritrea 🇪🇷
አስቀባጭ ረሀብተኛ ሂድ አገርህ ነጻ አውጣት
ዳዊትዬ ምርጥ መሰናዶ ነበር ቀጣይ እንግዳህን በጉጉት እንጠብቃለን! በተለይ የጠላውና እቃዋ ድንቅ ነው!
ሚኪዬ ምርጥ ሰው ተወዳችሁ ኑሩልን እንላለን!
Betam betam des yemil interview- very entertaining, the friendliness between you two... pls promote this on every social media! Im so glad Mickey was your first guest also. He is amazing when he does interviews. Arif program new
ለመጀመሪያ ግዜ አማርኛ ፖድ ካስት ስሰማና አብሬአችሁ ስስቅ : እምም ስል ....it is just perfection Davie! Love the sound clarity and calmness of your conversation can't wait for the next ones 🤗 Wonderfully done!
በፊትም እወድሀለሁ በጣም የወደድኩት ብርር ስፈልግ በእውነት ነጻ ሰው ነህ
He is so honest, I loved it thoroughly
ደሰ ይላል ብዙ ትምህርት ይለዉ ቃለመጠይቅነወ::👌👌👌
I am really surprised how this amazing podcast won’t have million views yet
ትወናቸዉን በጣም ከምወደዉ ጥቂት ተዋንያን አንዱ የሚገርም ተዋኝ 👑
በጣም ደስ የሚል ቃለመጠየቅ ,ከአዘጋጅ እስከ ቀራቢ ,እናመሰግናለን
Perfect Show .... Miki we are waiting Min Litazez ...... Am watching the whole sitcom like 5 time and we want more !!!!
Michael very honest & open
Dr. Dawit, you are so charismatic guy and your guests as well! Thank you!
አርት ከእውቀት ጋር ሲሆን እንዴት ደስ ይላል
አድናቂህ ነኝ 💚💛❤️🙏🙏🙏
የእሁድ ጠዋት እረፍቴን በዚህ ጨዋታ በአሪፍ አጣጣምኩት::
ምን ልታዘዝን ይዘቱ ሳይቀየር ዳግም ይምጣልን!!
ሚኪየ እኛ ተጋሩ የሚንወዳህ በምክንያት ነዉ ሚኪየ በትግራይ ላይ በፍለምህ የአንተ ሲኖረ ያለም ሽጠን ነበር የሚንክታትለ ከሚወዳቸዉ አንደ ነህ ለኔ ልዩ ነህ
very enjoyable indeed.
mike is realy z OG, z interviewer is also professional.
ይህ ቻናል ይደግ ይደግ ብለናል
Very deep and professional interview which presented an interesting story of a talented actor. I like it!! Keep this up.
Great conversation.We love you Mike . Thank you 🙏
አንድ ሰዓት እንዲህ ትንሽ ነው እንዴ 😣😣 Wow ባላለቀ እያልኩ ነው ያየሁት ጋሽ አያልቄ ሊመለሱልን በመሆኑ ደስ ብሎኛል
I enjoyed this covo very much , Michael seems like a genuine guy ....Good and calm host as well !
ሚኪዬ ግልፅነቱ ደስ ይላል
ዴቭ እና ሚኩ በጣም ደስ የሚል ጨዋታ እርግት ያለ በስምአብ እንዴት እንደወደድኳችሁ
ዴቭ ❤ ዩትዩብህ ያብብ። ከደጃፍ አስከጓዳ ዘልቀህ እንደምትገባ አልጠራጠርም። ምርጥ አቀራረብ። ጆሮዬ ቆሞ ቀልቤ ተሰብስቦ ነው ያደመጥኩት። ሚኩ ግን ስለምንልታዘዝ ድራማ ብቻ ከ2 ሰዓት በላይ ቢያወራ ደስ የለኛል።
ዴቮ ምን እያሳየህን ነው ?
ምን እያሰማህን ነው ?
ይገርማል በጣም ደስ ይላል አሪፍ ነገር ነው የከተብከን
አደራ ሰገጤ ፋራ እንግዳ እንዳታደርግ
💯 % አሪፍ
ደስ የሚል ኢንተርቪው ተመችቶኝ እንዳያልቅ እየጣፈጠኝ ያዳመጥኩት ፕሮግራም ደግሞ ስለ መድረክ እና ማይከ ያወራኸው አገራችንን ገደል የከተተው ጉዳይ እሱ እኮነው ሚኪ ምን ልታዘዝ እንደገና በመመለሱ ፌሽታ ላይ ነኝ ግራ ቀኝ ደግሞ የቡና ቁርሴ
በጣም ደስ የሚል ቆይታ! ሚበረታታ ነው ይቀጥል! 👏👏👏
ደስ ሲል ቅልል ብሎ ምንም ሳያስመስል ራሱን ሆኖ ነው የሚያወራው❤
ደስ የሚል ወግ እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ
ሚኪ ምርጥ ሰው በጣም የማክብርህ አርቲስት ነህ ተባረክልኝ
I enjoyed the show 👍🏾 I hope your next guest will be Girum Zenebe.
❤በጣም እምወደው ተዋናይ ወገቹ እማይጠገብ ቀለል ያለ ተወዳጅ ሰው
This was a great interview; Micky is a great all around actor.
This is a great show, after watching the preview on Tik tok, I has taken me around 2 hours to find the channel... Just a comment put the name of your channel on the mic and even on the table.. this will make it easy for the audience to notice and see the full interview. Good JOB!!
Bro me too it take me lot to find it they need to do better on that
honest witness of Miki. Love your acting 🙏🙏
ለዛ ያለው ጨዋታ🙏
Dawit, I just discovered your podcast today. I watched several shows. What a show! Love it!! I like this guy a lot too.
You got one subscriber, Micky is the only Artist I love. Your friendly conversation is beautiful to hear. ሚኪ ያለውን ለመጀመርያ ግዜ ሴፍ ነኝ ኢትዮጱያ ውስጥ እየኖርኩ ያላትን እኔም ለመጀመርያ ግዜ እራሴን የጠየኩት ጥያቄ ነው::
Jest Wow በጣም ተመስጭዬ ነው የሰማሁዋቹ የሁለት ጋደኛማቾች ወግ ድራማ ነው የሚመስለው አዘጋጁን ልለው ምፈልገው በርታ ወድጀዋለሁ ፕሮግራምህን ሰብስክራይብ አርጌያለሁ ዩቱብ ቻናልህን አመሰግናለሁ አንድ ሰዓት በሀሳብ ብዙ ቦታ ስለወሰዳችሁኝ ።
Great interview great guest 👌
Sense of humor , Intelligent , The ability to understand things👈
I loved his honesty!
2nd time watching this moment of truth after a year 🤦🏽♂️😞
Wonderful program! CONGRATULATIONS!
Who is watching this for the 4th time like me ?😀 just astonishing
በጣም ውብ አቀራረብ ነው በጭዉዉት መልክ ለዛና ቁምነገር ያለው በርታልን ዴቨ
Miki, much Respect to u!
ሚኪ በጣም ነው የተመቸከኝ ደስ የሚል ጭዋታ ነበር
A very great show! Please keep it!
Thank you.
እጅግ በጣም ምርጥ ጨዋታ ነው!
እጅግ ደስ የሚል ጭውውት ነበር።
ይሄን ያህል ሰአት attention ይዞ የሚታይ ነገር ማግኘት ደስ ይላል።
ዴቮ ሚኪን ስለጋበዝክልን አመሰግናለሁ።
And press on ሞክሼ 👍
ሚኪ!❤️ One of a kind!🙏💚💛❤
ሚኪ እኮ ይችላል ከሚባሉት ውስጥ አንዱና ዋነኛው ነው😗😗😗🙌🏽🙌🏽
ጎበዝ ጠያቂ። authentic interviewee. Entertaining hour.
I like ቅባትዋ! I'm gonna use that term. 👍👍
ደጃፍ ላይ ጨዋታ እንዲህ ነው ፣ ጠላ እየተጎነጩ ፣ ማስታወሻ ገለመሌ ሳይኖር ግን ጥያቄና መልሱ ልብ የሚደርሱ ፣
ብዙ የደጃፍ ጨዋታዎች ያስፈልጉናል
በጣም የምወድህ ተዋናይ ነክ አከብርሀለሁ😍😍 ስራዎችህም ልዩና ድንቅ ናቸው ሁሌም👌👍
ሚኪ ምርጥ እና የእውነት ሰው
It really professional interviews. I relly relly enjoy it .BIG RESPECT
ይሄ ልጅ እንዲ በሳል አይመስለኝም ነበር ዋው
I really listened all your shows , discussions and keep it up especially your all guests are great
Interesting interview and program! Wow dejaf
Really love it Davo. So proud of what you managed to create. Blessings!
Thanks so much brah, it's just simple, funny and entertaining . It's way better than from traditional shows we get used to watch. Bzw Liked z ጠላ style😃. Keep it up!!!
ዋው ይገርማል የdestiny ነገር Dave glad to see you. we use to be friend and went same school(Addis ketema) me and henok teka. nice discussion simple!! Keep it up.
ሚኪ እ/ር ይባርክህ በጣም ነው የምወድህ
ዉይ ሚኪዬ ባላገባ ኖሮ ጠብ ነበር እማረግኸ አሁን ግን የ3 ጬጭ እናት ነኝ 😲👏👏🏃👏
How cool interview... just like friendly conversation 👏
genuinely the best podcast
I'm also enjoying and expected the show
Michael Tamre, my all time favorite.
ዴቮ ምርጥ ሠው ሲኒማ እና ቴያትር ላይ እንሰራለን ያልከውን በጉጉት ምጠብቅ ነኝ
ምን ልታዘዝ ሊመለስ መሆኑን መስማት በጣም ደስ ይላል፡፡
I am just listening for the 2nd time
ሃሃሃሃሃሃሃ ለመጀመርያ ግዜ ሽጉጥ ያስፈልገኛል ብዬ አሰብኩኝ:ተመቸኝ 👍👍 በዚህ ሰአት መቼም የማያስብ የለም። የ "27 አመት ጨለማ" ላይቭ እያየነው ነው አሁን።
Thank you, very great show and thoughtful.
This will go big ,,,,great show
Glad to see you Miko 😍 stay blessed 🙏🏽
ወንድሞቸ በጣም ደስ ይላል አቀራረባችሁ ቃለምልልስ አይመስልም በጣም ግን እኔም እንደናንተ ነው የሚሰማኝ አገራችን አገረ መንግስት እዳላት አላምንም አይሰማኝም
Such at ease conversation what blissful take on performing of the arts. Your insight is amazing on yeLib Weg I yawned for more after hearing you, and I take on our movie’s.
Wow some things is different from all interview programs It’s so calming interview I felt so calm when I listened it 👏👏 I think it’s cuz their is no interruptions while Miki is talking, I was so exhausted by seifu fantahun 🤦♀️😀 Gobez 🙏🏾
ሚኪይ እውነት ከማከብራቸው እና ከምታስደስተኚ አርቲስቶች አንዱ እና ዋንኛው ነህ ከምን ልታዘዝ የበለጠ ግን ግራቀኚ ልጆቼ ሳይቀሩ ነው እሚወዱት ግሩም ዘነበን የመሰለ አበበ ባልቻን የመሰለ ተዋናይ ሁነው መስራት ከሚችሎ ጓዶችህ ጋር መስራትህ አሳምሮታል ቀጥልበት
Wow Deve!!! It is so unique and really great! Keep it up!!! We need more of this type of platform.