the weakness that you mention in my opinion shouldn't be a deal breaker as the time management you mentioned. time management is very important to get the job done. What I will say in my upcoming interview if asked, is that my weakness is that offer my help to my colleagues when they asked, but sometimes I end up doing their task for them. So offering help is good but avoid doing tasks for them because your own schedule falls behind of time
the weakness that you mention in my opinion shouldn't be a deal breaker as the time management you mentioned. time management is very important to get the job done. What I will say in my upcoming interview if asked, is that my weakness is that offer my help to my colleagues when they asked, but sometimes I end up doing their task for them. So offering help is good but avoid doing tasks for them because your own schedule falls behind of time
Thanks. Great video.
Мне 30 и я тоже не знаю, кем я хочу стать когда выросту))
Спасибо за видео, очень полезно как отвечать на английском, ибо скоро буду рассылать св