Politics and religion are the catalysts that create division between nations. We aim to counter that with our videos. But if you feel the need to argue about politics or religion here, then go ahead, I am sure someone will reply and argue with you. For all of our subscribers in the Greater Toronto Area who are interested in being part of a future video, and for any suggestions, please reach us on Instagram and don't risk having your comments go unnoticed. Shahrzad (@shahrzad.pe): instagram.com/shahrzad.pe Bahador (@BahadorAlast): instagram.com/BahadorAlast
don't worry, the silent majority of your viewers likes these videos for showing there are good people everywhere and even the greatest "enemies" can be friends. keep up the good work!
Bahador Alast Bahador jan, you cand find most of the words mentioned in the video in the Romanian language, so maybe you can make a video or two comparing these languages to Romanian. You've been doing a good job in bringing people of different nations closer to one another since the beginning of this channel. دمتون گرم! ❤
You know what is bullshit, i am Serbian and i know lots of Serbs who would like to travel and see Albania, (seaside and cross country tourism) and i bet lots of Albanians would like to see Serbia explore Belgrade, nature resorts (canyons, mountains, lakes and spas) but every time we think about you cant do it without "Hey im Albanian/Serbian, we have history i dont want any uncomfortable situations on my vacation" thats very fucked up when you think about it.
I'm from Serbia and I have been on vacation in south Albania this year. Great country and very hospitable people. Such a shame that politicians and media are always ruining Balkan, it would be awesome place to live if we were all smarter.
Never been to Serbia, but is one of the countries I really want to visit. The truth is simple: we are neighbours, that's not going to change, and we *must* put the past beyond us and understand we are all humans. With Serbs and Albanians, even more than that! We have more than 1000 years of contact with each other: we are *literally* cousins! So, let's move on, shall we? It's the 3rd Millennia, it's time and past time Western Balcans finally *build* that peace we all want... and it has to be build, is not going to fall of the sky one day just because... Anyway, enough with the ranting, good vid, and Albanian raki is better... just saying...
cool videos you got there man, but you would be more popular and get more views with some more popular and mainline games like cod and bf for example, but if you love what you're doing more than the other stuff, it's ok!
The real truth is we fight each other for centries, But we fight for feudals for rich people and for politicans, im Albanian i dont hate my neighbor Serbian , but the great powers fight each other by using Serbian Gov and Albanian Gov, I know alot Serbian and thay are great people and respectful ,
Yeah and on internet people act like neanderthals. I wish people understood it's 21. century and we shouldn't live in the past where having wars was somewhat normal, how nice it would be if people didn't watch other by nationality and simply live in peace.
Nese harrohet Historia, ajo perseritet! @Nikola_Knezevic the past that you are speaking is exactly 20 years ago, if wars were normal than, who says that they can't be now!?
Illyrian I tottaly agree with you. I am serbian and I dont hate anyone. Why would I? Croat, albanian, bosnian... why we all cant get along. I see many people mention war crimes. Yes, but we have to be realistic and admit that all sides did war crimes against civilians, mostly criminals but why would I hate whole nation because of few who did crimes against my people. I hope I have enough brain to think for myself and not to be tricked by people who have benefits if our nations hate each others and always on the edge of war. If we countinue like this we cant prosper and rest of the world will think of us as savages who deserve all it hapens in this region.
So what, you fools? SO WHAT? You all stick to the past eras and claim to be from this or that ancient people or argue who was there first while COMPLETELY NOT GIVING A SHIT about the current situation of your countries and allowing corrupt politicians to keep the money which would be needed for making progress and improving the living standards of your people! This goes for both sides albanians and serbians and almost the whole balkan. There is not one video about a balkan country where you idiots don't argue while you contribute NOTHING to make anything better than before! I'm so tired of this!
we do that shit in front of the camera and when we see some type of monetary value in it, if those two factors aren’t there then we would kill each other.
I saw "Serbian" and "Albanian" in the same video title and clicked on it thinking "oh boy..." but was actually positively surprised to find such friendly people that are really hospitable towards each other
This is really amazing!! Absolutely remarkable! With your channel, you have created more peace, diplomacy and friendship than a thousand politicians ever could!
@@101poumi do you know why we wanted independence from Turks? For 500 years they were torturing us,we had no rights,they were raping our women,taking kids,turning them ito islam and putting them ito their military and lots more. Do you understand now?
Ma brate jesi ti puko ili sta? Ovo je bre snimljeno pod uslovom da se jedino radi ono sto voditelj ovog kanala kaze, znaci moze da bude da se mrzu a po sto su dosli na taj kanal oni se prave kao da su prijatelji, mislis da neko od nji sme da kaze to sto misli? Kao svi ljudi sve je dobro dok ne dodje do rasprave, dok se to desi onda izlazi pravo misljenje, tako smo i mi u SFRJ videli koliko vredi "bratstvo", svi su cutali jer su morali a kad je sve krenulo u k onda smo svi videli ono sto je svako mislio svo vreme i preko noci je pocela jebacina.
Hello im from Serbia.. I never hated Albanian people but when I heard about the fight i was so mad but now i dont hate them that much anymore cuz i know some of you Albanians out there dont hate Serbia and I hope this stops❤
hello gjak prishun i am shqiptar and until i die i will hate serbs with all my hart spo di qa me te than ma vec kisha dasht me pas afer me qi ropt me te djeg
@@arsenarseniii5469 ska nevoj me e urrejt krejt popullun, vetem urreji ata qe te urrejn ty po ska nevoj me i fut gjith me 1 thes se ka serb qe jan edhe njerez te mir mos u bon kshtu se stka hije se je shqiptar
North_Lenet A nuk të vjen marre si po flet. Me duket si ti spo dishe luftën dhe si ka qën 1999 ne Kosovë. Sa shum kemi vujt dhe në qfar varfëri kemi jetuar. Ti po flet kot, se spo dishe sen. Ishalla kur se sheh luftën.
@Nemanja Perlic postoji nešto što se zove srpska latinica (latinica prilagođena srpskom jeziku, zbog toga i imamo ć, č, đ, š, ž) i to je legitimno srpsko pismo isto koliko i ćirilica, tako da je tvoj komentar totalno besmislen
I am reading comments and i think i am dreaming. I would wish we never had to fight each other in the Balkans. I would wish we live in harmony side by side but politics ruins the whole show.
I am an Albanian from Kosovo who lives in the US. I have 2 Serbian coworkers who are also immigrants like me. We have the best time together, never really realized how similar we are as people. Back home the situation is a lot shittier as there we are all kind of programmed to hate eachother, here in US far away from home no one gives a shit about the war, it happened 2 decades ago, i really hope this new generation dont hate eachother.
Mos RREJ Bre BURR edhe Une jam KOSOVAR jetoj ne USA , ka shum Shkije ketu ku jetoj Une edhe Kurr sju FOLI i URREJ me Shpirt,,, Shkijet ne USA jan ma Nacionalista se ata qe Jetojn ne SERBI
sdi man, ktu nchicago une punoj berber. krejt myshterit serb mi lojn ka $10 tip minimum, shqiptart edhe $1 kusur ma lyp let alone tip. kqyre une spe arsyetoj qka kan bo, ama qe 20 vjet lufta do sene duhen mu harru. gjermania ja ka qi krejt botes nanen hala ma zi edhe ker kush sjau nxen per tmadhe. shits over man time to move on. a sa per shkije nacionalista motren jau qifsha. but im yet to meet one
Chicago esht Kryqyteti i Dyt Pas Beogradit per SHKIJET Qetnikt ma te Mdhajt Jetojn Aty Qysh nga LUFTA Pas Botrore, e di Shum Mir Chicagon kam qen 3,4 He esht e Vertett se Paske MYSHTERI Shum Serb Veq 1 Gja Dije se ATA Kurr MIQ Smund i Ban Mos HARRO Per Biznes Mbaj ishalla Krejt Qka kan ti JAPIN Tip's ama SHKAU esht SHKA e sa Per Gjermanin Ai ka ba Luftt Po Kurr Fmi Pleq e Gra Shtat Zana Ska Vra as Ska PRE Kurse Shkau Ne Croati Bosnje Hercegovin, edhe se Fundi ne Kosov, ka Pre si Kasapai ne Kasapnic Njerz te pa Fajshem Jo Ushtri as Officer te Armatosur Po Civil te pa Fajshem, per ATA ka Nderhy NATO per Shkakt te GJENOCIDIT te Shkaktuar ne KS
Illyrian Prince chicago edhe Milwaukee jon qytetet ku jetojn shkijet ma t’kqit ... normal qe ka edhe te mir po jo te rall .. Ose ma mir me thon shka t’mir edhe shkin t’keqe ski ... Une kom jetu ne Milwaukee ma paten thy gjomin e kerit se kom pas shqiponjen tani e kom vendos edhe ma t’madhe 😂😂 Kom rre shkije n’milwaukee ne vien edhe ne shkup ... edhe kom qi shkina shum shum thjesht e kom jetu ondren 😂😂 Rrnoft Shypnija e dekt serbija 🇦🇱
I also used to work in US, and my coworker was an Albanian guy from Prizren. There were 4 other Serbian guys beside me in the same restaurant, and we never had a single problem with him. I've been to Prizren this summer and it's a very beautiful, hospitable and friendly town! It's one of the few places in Kosovo where I didn't have to worry about speaking Serbian in public! Regardless of the current political situation, I believe normal people can get along even when they have different attitudes about certain political issues! P. S. Kusur is one word that I understood from your message to other Albanian person. 😁
@@FrankGhoriTV Guri in Albanian means rock Gori in Serbian means mountain both indoeuropean languages. But that doesn't mean that you are Serbian. Golemi, Gori are words albanian used to refer to there origin or strength bevause they were surrounded by Slavs
@@neilmccauley690 No they are not diffrent, they are pretty much the same, furthermore people from Kosova actually preserved some Albanian cultural traits that went lost during the communist dictatorship in Albania.
@Андреј Политика пријатељу, ја као Србин сам се свађао са тројцу Србина због Македоније иначе земља у којој живим и већински део мене сам Македонац али то ти је све политика њима тамо на Космету перу памети али они јесу људи ја сам сваког дана са њима тако да јбг помогао сам им 100 пута а и они мени. Матични лекар ми је Албанац и поштујем га и волим га.
Serbs and Albanias are the 2 biggest nations in this part of Balkan, and they will be 100 years more. We need to get along we are similar, and also neighbors, we dont need to fight and drag our children in wars. We can work together to create better and safe future for our countries our children and other countries that are smaller then us.
@@JordanDinRI stfu u know nothing about our relationship. They killed us in our houses and we leave it like that?? No they need to get punished and admit what they've done to us
@@eraldlekaj2265 Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I guess you missed the part saying I was Croatian. They killed a bunch of Croats too in the 90's, not sure you got the memo. So shut your shiqtar ass up, you clown. It's been 30+ years. We can't hate each other forever here.
Unfortunately i see that you don’t understand the geography of Kosova. FYI= for your information Kosova has 3 neighbors 1 Albanian/Shqiperia, Macedonia and last Serbia. And. We are in the Middle im from mitrovica ethe kjo Fqinj qe pe permend usht ni sen qe kosovari shiptar kurr nuk e permend ✌🏻🇦🇱
I live in a city in Australia where everyone here pretty is ethnic and from immigrant backgrounds (My suburb specifically has a lot of Balkan immigrants). My 2 high school classmates (Albanian girl and Serb guy) started dating in 11th or 12th grade. I remember clearly some “friends” from their own background and family members didn’t approve and did not take them seriously because of the obvious and it’s all just puppy love etc. But hey, love doesn’t discriminate - 8-10 years later they still together, had a mixed western, Orthodox and Muslim wedding and pretty sure they’re expecting their first child now.
I used to treat Albanians very badly, but now I realized that they are really good guys. Therefore, I apologize for my disrespect for them. Good luck to the Serbs and Albanians!))
The comments on this video restore my faith in humanity. It's amazing to see how many great people there are all over the world who see it the same way as Boris and myself. Thanks for the nice words and thanks for keeping it positive on my boy's page! ❤💯
Bro, im Serbian from Montenegro, big love for you and everyone you love. Serbians and Albanians even actually had common history before. When there were no wars, but peace. Nvm, politics sucks anyway. We have very similar music and mentality, and i have a lot of friends who are Albanian living in Germany/Switzerland. We all hang out together, and laugh, make jokes...And also, what EVERY man should know: "a man had never a problem with albanian, serbian or american, but with STUPID man." Respect and love ❤
@@Grrranit lmao what? I was born in Tirana to Albanian parents, I'm as Albanian as anyone can get. I'm also a smart human being who knows there are great people in every culture/country.
@@klajdkapllani8468 Thank you Klajd for being a part of this, one of my close friends is Serbian as well. I don't care what anyone says. As you know there are pathetic losers everywhere, just ignore them! Much love bro!!
@@bgamerbass3019 One of my best friends is actually from Montenegro but he says he is Montenegrin. Albanains and Serbians have more in common then we think
Wonderful video. I am Albanian🇦🇱 i understand Serbian🇷🇸 because i am from northern Macedonia🇲🇰 I do not hate anyone, im neutral as Swiss🇨🇭😁 Last night i met two guys from 🇬🇷Greece at the gas station. And my🚘 lights went, they helped me to fix it, we share a couple of cigarettes and some drinks, after all that we talk a lot many things, it was great for me😀 and for them, how two🤝 nations can be good with each other!✌ I am lucky where i live😃 because i have many different nice👌neighbors. In that gas station i can met all of them😂 🍻welcome.
Great video! Most of these similarities are also present in the rest of the Balkans, the languages in that region influenced each other very much, this is called "Balkan Sprachbund" in linguistics. Latin and Ottoman Turkish contributed to the sprachbund too.
Pele Gacinovic Sta je tebi??? Ocigledno si mnogo nervozan ili si nezadovoljan zivotom pa svoje frustracije ispoljavas na meni. Ocigledno ti smeta i dlaka u jajetu.
Wow! I never knew we have so many words in common! I'm Serbian and glad of so many positive comments. So sick of leaders using prejudice and hate to rule us.
Bro, i traveled a lot through Europe incl Balkans as my origin is from Kosovo, and i work with people from many different countries/cultures here in Sweden. When you learn people, you understand people have so much in common, behavior similarities specialy in Balkans
I was really hating serbs as albanian before i watched this video because history and political reasons, but after watched it and looked at the comment section NO MORE! All appreciations should go on Bahador! Thanks for spreading peace and love! Keep it up with the good work!
How you can hate people that you never met or never did anything wrong to you, I do hate bad people which they do have in Serbia but also we do have them among Albanians too. Politicians and religions made us hate each other for no reasons especially rulers they made us hate each other for their cause. In the wars only poor people fight, rich people move out and let poor people kill each other then they come back and rule us again
Im albanian from kosovo respect for the serbian guy he is very nice and polite he seems so kind such a nice person respect i love how they respect each other makes me feel happy
I think that travelling to ''rival'' countries should be mandatory for people of the Balkans,so as they could see the great similarities among us and stop the unecessary hatred and hostility
Будала без бламa Овај албанац је рођен у Канади, он сам каже да не подржава оно што шиптари раде и шта ради север Албаније, иначе он је из јужне Албаније и против тога је шта се ради између ове две земље... Али треба свима бити јасно да је Косово наше! СССС
@-T-X-M- That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Now I know both of our people despise each other but to make the claim that your people wouldn't do anything to an Albanian in Serbia...it's just absurd and silly. Not to mention that not long ago 2 Albanian boys were beaten mercilessly in novi sad just for speaking Albanian. Source :www.trtworld.com/europe/two-young-men-severely-beaten-for-speaking-albanian-in-serbia-20745
-T-X-M- I saw your comment on calling Kosovo Serbia. I don’t mind people from Serbia, Albania or Kosovo. I have a great friend from Kosovo. Don’t forget that Serbians massacred kosovars in Kosovo. Not the other way around.
if you want to prove that this video is fake. Just go in belgrade and say 'Kosovo is Albania' and wait for the results of what you've learned on this fake video
@@JR-zl1bm why would i challenge and disrespect someone in their own country? i'm not even european. everyone has the right to have an opinion about it and it's our obligation to respect it.
Gheorghiță Al Sunculiței its normal , nothing wrong with that ,albanians were illyrians romanians were dacians they had tha same language and culture and the came from old pelasgians ,thracs also were the same with illyrians and dacians
Rellun .a did you know that 20% of all albanians have slavic ancestors? Of course in the modern day albanian language are a lot of slavic words (in example pushk what is in serbian puska and also in other slavic languages like in russian)... Dont be fool or you really mean 7 millions albanians are older than more than 200 million slavs?! Of course the slavic tribes came till the south and build a lot of modern day albanian language and blood thats the reason why both languages (serbian and albanian) got some similarities ;)
Perhaps the time has come for Albanians and Serbs to live in peace, because war and hatred do not bring anything good! Love Albania and Serbia! Përshëndetje Zdravo from Chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
Its sad how people hate each other in their home countries, but when serbians, croatians, bosniaks, albanians meet each other in a foreign country they are always best and close friends.
I love how most of the comments here are warm and positive. The fact is that former Yugoslavian nations (that includes Albanians because of Kosovo) have been brainwashed into belief that the other side wants to get them and would exterminate them if it could, that they should be afraid of it. And when individuals realise the simple and pleasant truth, the truth that we are not so different...awesome things happen. You even make friends :) I am a Croat and my own visit to Belgrade last year was an amazing experience. It's not that no one treated me wrongly or said anything rude, but they didn't even look at me in the wrong way (you cannot hide your first reactions). I quickly learned that Serbs are very hospitable people, in my opinion more hospitable than Croats. And I learned that while we do have some cultural differences, we are almost the same. The greatest difference are religion and churches. Before I went to Orthodox churches that were open to tourists, I was convinced that since we are both Christians that there are no big differences. Boy, I was wrong! As someone who was raised as Roman Catholic (today I am not religious), I was very surprised when I saw women entering with covered heads, which I always associated with muslims. There are also that weird rituals with kissing pictures of saints which are absolutely everywhere, doing some hand movements that were alien to me....it would be hard to explain it to someone who is not familiar with rituals in the Catholic church. There are some similarities but the differences are huge. Like, totally different than anything I saw before. Oh...and I will be totally going back to Belgrade in a few years. We Croats and Serbs can learn a lot about one another. I learned that Serbs have a very rich and interesting modern history (from first uprisings against the Ottomans onwards). I learned that Belgrade is far more beautiful and interesting than Zagreb,....and some Balkanoid-CROmagnons (nationalists) would go crazy if said that in their presence, but I consider that a fact. The only negative thing for me was that many Belgrade streets (outside of tourists areas) were unusually dirty for Croatian standards. As I said before, I was always received warmly. I did not have to be careful about my dialect (we speak two versions of the same language), just like my friends from Belgrade informed me. At the beginning I was still concerned because there was always fear that I might stumble upon some idiot and was careful with my speech. You know what was hilarious? When I realised that I used Serbian version of "excuse me" (izvinite) correctly and pronounced words correctly, but ignorantly used Croatian version of "bye" (bok) which is not used in Serbia anywhere.....but I unaware of that before. And so I was thinking: "why give up where I am from immediately....like in every store, the moment I open my mouth? It would be like saying btw I am a croat", no? I will use few words and be careful with pronunciations." And then I shouted "bok" when I exited every store and immediately revealed myself because it's a Croatian thing only LOLOLOLOLOL that is so hilarious when I think about it now. Like, how was I supposed to now? It's like English person learning that "bye" is not used in Australia..... TL;DR Balkan nations could learn from one another instead of hating, we are all much more similar than we like to admit. I am a Croat and I visited Belgrade last year, I will be coming back because I fell in love in it. To hell with politics and nationalism.
Also, btw. it is nice to see this after seeing reactions to Hebrew and Arab video. That one made me sad :( Because there was so much, SO MUCH dislikes, like almost 50%. And too much of the comments were very hateful, not just some small minority. And I swear that every third comment is like "can't wait to exterminate evil Israel occupiers" and stuff like that....that crap is depressing
Our standard languages are actually two versions of the same languages. Two other Croatian main dialects (2 of 3) are way different than standard language. Standard dialect was once spoken by minority of eastern Croats and Serbs and what happened to change that is a very long story. I will try to keep it short as possible, but as I said it is a very long story. Once upon the time, in 1850, there was a meeting between Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian writers (Vienna Literary Agreement-google it). That's when the whole "we speak the same language, let's call it Serbo-Croatian" started. It all had to do with "Illyrian movement" (it was called that way while it was actually pan-South-SLavic). Our nations during that time wanted to unite and fight Austro-Hungarian influence (Germanization and Magyarization). So, Serbo-Croatian language is not just some communist invention like today ignorants claim, it was an agreed common language. Croatian and Serbian writers and linguists agreed to it and made it standard. There were some nationalists who were xenophobes or imperalists before WW1 but they were a small minority and not something that was seen as a problem. Even the famous Serbian linguist Vuk Karadžić....he was one of the first to claim that anything similar to Serbian traditions, custom, language etc. in the neighbouring countries is actually Serbian., history and common Slavic roots be damned. But Croats still made him an a honorary citizen of Zagreb. Karadžić was praised among Croats. Today, we still learn about Karadžić but modern-day propaganda tries to somewhat downplay his importance and that's really sad. It is funny what a century of politics, wars, propaganda, hate and fear do. Common, normal people among Croats and Serbs started to hate in 1914, after Austro-Hungarian propaganda and war started. A really tragic case. A century of hate and blood. Fast forward....on one hand, a lot of Serbian nationalists claim that everyone around them is Serbian, some even going as far as claiming that Romanians and Bulgarians are Serbs (like I said, history be damned). But I think that Croats are the easiest target because of shared history and the same language. On the other hand, you have these crazy yet disturbingly relevant nationalistic demagogues in Croatia that were in power since that corrupt madman Tuđman. In the 90ies they basically tried to rewrite the language and invent as much differences as possible. I mean, God forbid if we share too many similarities with Serbs, right? Most of the new inventions were laughed off and disregarded, very few were adopted but only because they were adopted from Western Slavs and sounded natural (like months on the calendar). Now, brainwashed Croatian nationalists who suffer from Serbophobia claim that Croatian is a totally separate language from Serbian and has nothing to do with it. They go to great lengths to point out every small difference and then proudly yell"SEEEEEEE!!! Totally different!!!" . I wouldn't find that worrying if people like that weren't in the government still. You could find more differences in British English and American English. It's basically like armour and armor or truck and lorry.....such small differences. Serbian imperalists shares the blame for that (i.e. everything Serbians love is Serbian, even burek and sarma), but most blame goes to Croatian lunatic politicians from the 90ies. It's pretty Orwelian if you think about it. Like double think. On one hand, they can admit that you could randomly place a small Croat child who never had contact with Serbs in the middle of Serbia and that it would understand 99,99% of words, converse with everyone normally. On the other hand, the brainwashing prevents them from admitting that Croats and Serbs share the same language. In fact, a small non-brainwashed child would see that it speaks the same language as the people around it. It might notice "funny" accent that doesn't prevent it from understanding the difference, much like British Londoner could perfectly understand Northeastern American accent. A small English child would have problem to understand Scottish accent, but not in this case. As I said, they differences are ridiculously small. Most Croats, even nationalists and right-wingers started to see Tudjman and his party for what they truly were, but many of them still refuse to admit that we speak the same language. I could write a lot more about it. It was way more complicated, what I gave here are the very basics.
@@puzzlingcentaur thanks for info ,, 😁 but I have a question are all Slavic languages similar , like Russian, polish, Serbian, Bulgaria can you understand all of them .etc.... and I have saw some videos talking about Serbian language as it" was "is " the mother of Slavic Languages ,,.. 😀
@@i0487 slavic languages are not fully similar but u can understand things.. As a Serb I can understand some words and sentences in other slavic languages but not full language! They have the same origins so that's why we can understand a little bit..
melisal 35 yeah theyve helped a lot and they need to continue after invading us for 500 years and we went through so much as a country and many died. Im not agreeing eith the one saying that we should fight turkey but its not like they helped us they have to or we’ll just be in war. I mean albania has been invaded by so many countries and omg now that i think about it Serbia, Greece, and Turkey are the countries were in like some kind of war with but idc and i dont want to hate im just saying that my country and people have been through a lot and ur comment pissed me off trying to defend urselves or turkey without knowing anything
My bf is serbian. The greatest person ever. It took a long time for me to accept him, I was kind of afraid but nobody loved me so much and treated me so well! Grateful to have him in my life, next to me!😍😘
@@eran9448 Woow your love story is the third one here. I'm happy for you two. And don't be afraid. If someone loves you there's nothing to be afraid of, doesn't matter if it's Serbian or Albanian.
The BEST video ever! Thanks for this!! 👏👏 My grandma is Albanian and I've been there several times. I sent her the video, and even though she doesn't speak English she got very emotional watching it. I can't tell you how happy this video made us. You guys are amazing!! I really mean it!! ❤❤ 👐👐
Nice video guys! This kind of videos must be much more frequent because many Albanians and Serbs believe that they are two completely different ethnic groups but in reality there are many similarities in every aspect, as is normal for two neighboring peoples. Let the ignorant nationalists insult each other behind a screen to vent their inferiority complex, the reality, fortunately, is quite different. Greetings from Albania 🇦🇱🇷🇸
Well done you guys. Great idea - We are way too simiar after all. It's just the politicians who are irresponsible and create divisions for personal gains.
7:50 omg that was really good I love albania i dont have problem with them we can be good friends !! btw watching in 2020 bless all albanian ppl form coronavirus and respect albania 🇷🇸❤🇦🇱 Form serbia :D
The *"qeleshe"* is in #Toskë dialect (southern albanian dialect). In northern albanian dialect #Gegë (which is spoken in northern Albania and by Kosovo-Albanians) is called *"Plis".*
Dora Këmba here are the sentences. I’m trying to get someone who can say them in my next video: Ai që përton sot, pendohet mot. Pula që këndon në mbrëmje nuk bën vezë në mëngjes. If you can help my email is CR@ChefRafi.com 😊
While watching this video, I was crying. I was happy also and I was laughing with them. So many crimes happened between these two countries, but they are still together even now. It is really great and I hate politics that made people so blind and revengeful. Don't be bad, people, kill that hatred inside of you.. please.. That anger and hatred will just kill you.
@@lanababy8977 bro can you read? He said I almost cried when I looked at this. My point was that those 2 particular men did not fight in the war, that you are talking about, or did they?
@@mysterymen8486 what the fuck? You ate crazy! He was talking about what has happened between our countried Serbia and Kosovo ( for me Kosovo is Albania), so yes our country Kosov was in war with Serbia.
Much greetings from serbia my mom coudnt belive that albanian and serbian guys are friends thats i like not wars and fights we need to love and we will have all luck of this world XD
Bahador amazing video as always Klajd is such a funny guy and Boris was nice!!Can you maybe do Greek-Turkish or Greek-Albanian this will be entertaining to watch!! Peace and Love to all balkans :P
I remember back in the 90s when in Albania 90% of people drenk RAKI, nowadays they drink beer, tequila, jack and other modern shit like shoots. But still RAKI is the best for me
I'm from Romania. It's nice to see that our bff, orthodox brothers and neighbors (Serbs) and our DNA brothers (Albanians) get along with eachoder sometimes.
@Brotha Box no. The original Italians were speaking and Italic dialect continuum wich eventually became a lot of separate langueges, one of wich beeing Latin. Other than the borrowings from Latin, the Albanian languege lacks any word that it could share with the languege spoken in Rome. From the few Dacian words we know it seems that their languege was pretty close to Proto-Albanian. The Albanians are clearly Balkanic.
@@andreipop5805 Albanian is unique language and check the difference between albanian and italic group or balto slavic... www.elinguistics.net/IE_language_tree.html www.stylist.co.uk/life/beautiful-illustration-of-linguistic-family-tree-shows-origins-of-the-worlds-most-popular-languages/58373
we can all learn from them Albanians Serbs Greeks Croats because we are the same DNA family where religion creates problems sometimes There are many Serbs that hate Albanians and Croats and vice versa but the new generation will treat each other better i hope
@@kosovaak4743 He pointed out totally something else..And yeah, believe it how are you somehow better than others just by being born on certain territory. My dog is more autochtounous on this land than you, he's 12 years old and you are no more than 10 so think about that for a minute.
Nikola Grubor dont be stupid boy. I am born in kosovo and i am not slavic. My dna is balkanic. My language have more similars with old greek and dacian romanian than your russian dialect. We are looking 100% balkanic so shut up and respect it or go back to west russia where the slavs come from
I like these videos that bring people closer to each other despite of all the negative things happening around us. People are no matter what have more similarities than differences. Thanks Bhador. 💖🙏🏻
I always hear Alabanians and Serbians hate each other but this You tube channel brought me light in the tunnel, keep up the good work fellas I’m subscribing !(:
Politics and religion are the catalysts that create division between nations. We aim to counter that with our videos. But if you feel the need to argue about politics or religion here, then go ahead, I am sure someone will reply and argue with you. For all of our subscribers in the Greater Toronto Area who are interested in being part of a future video, and for any suggestions, please reach us on Instagram and don't risk having your comments go unnoticed.
Shahrzad (@shahrzad.pe): instagram.com/shahrzad.pe
Bahador (@BahadorAlast): instagram.com/BahadorAlast
don't worry, the silent majority of your viewers likes these videos for showing there are good people everywhere and even the greatest "enemies" can be friends. keep up the good work!
Bahador Alast
Bahador jan, you cand find most of the words mentioned in the video in the Romanian language, so maybe you can make a video or two comparing these languages to Romanian.
You've been doing a good job in bringing people of different nations closer to one another since the beginning of this channel.
دمتون گرم! ❤
Vladan C
That's correct, my bad. 😁
Bahador Alast
You know what is bullshit, i am Serbian and i know lots of Serbs who would like to travel and see Albania, (seaside and cross country tourism) and i bet lots of Albanians would like to see Serbia explore Belgrade, nature resorts (canyons, mountains, lakes and spas) but every time we think about you cant do it without "Hey im Albanian/Serbian, we have history i dont want any uncomfortable situations on my vacation" thats very fucked up when you think about it.
Rakija conecting people
Rakija correcting people
Crni Srbi
Rakia for life
@КОСОВО ЈЕ АЛБАНИЈА лепо ти иде ћирилица
Samo mi Srbi to znamo
Why is this comment section so peacful...
I'm from Serbia and I have been on vacation in south Albania this year. Great country and very hospitable people. Such a shame that politicians and media are always ruining Balkan, it would be awesome place to live if we were all smarter.
Goran Arsic I’m Albanian and I was In Nic in Serbia this summer and it was Pretty good place❤️
Goran Arsic so you were basically in my city 😲 i miss it so much :(
Never been to Serbia, but is one of the countries I really want to visit.
The truth is simple: we are neighbours, that's not going to change, and we *must* put the past beyond us and understand we are all humans.
With Serbs and Albanians, even more than that! We have more than 1000 years of contact with each other: we are *literally* cousins!
So, let's move on, shall we? It's the 3rd Millennia, it's time and past time Western Balcans finally *build* that peace we all want... and it has to be build, is not going to fall of the sky one day just because...
Anyway, enough with the ranting, good vid, and Albanian raki is better... just saying...
Koj vam kurac ljudi u južnu albaniju žive Srbi i Grci raspitajte se bar malo.
Albanians and Serbians talking to each other......I think Jesus came to earth and did sum shii lol
cool videos you got there man, but you would be more popular and get more views with some more popular and mainline games like cod and bf for example, but if you love what you're doing more than the other stuff, it's ok!
@Josip Broz Tito ne seri
😄 na rrufsh topet
@@TaskForce-js1vy Thanks for the headsup bro!
Hahahah 😂😂
"Serbians and Albanians will never get along"
*Bahador:Hold my rakija*
I agree
@@nebojsarasic5106 For a moment I thought your surname was Rakic😂😂😂
Nebojsa Rasic not never with albanian from kosovo till u apologies for your crimes during the war
Te qifsha rakin e nanes
@@keyboard1186 hahahah
Albanian and Serbian sitting, drinking schnapps and calling each other brother?! This is the world I would love to live in !!!
@perakole actually no lol
Wat about musulman serbs?
Dude rlly albanians arent muslims tho!
@Arianna M explain
Me too
The real truth is we fight each other for centries,
But we fight for feudals for rich people and for politicans,
im Albanian i dont hate my neighbor Serbian ,
but the great powers fight each other by using Serbian Gov and Albanian Gov,
I know alot Serbian and thay are great people and respectful ,
Na hengsh karin
Yeah and on internet people act like neanderthals. I wish people understood it's 21. century and we shouldn't live in the past where having wars was somewhat normal, how nice it would be if people didn't watch other by nationality and simply live in peace.
smart man right here
Nese harrohet Historia, ajo perseritet!
@Nikola_Knezevic the past that you are speaking is exactly 20 years ago, if wars were normal than, who says that they can't be now!?
Illyrian I tottaly agree with you. I am serbian and I dont hate anyone. Why would I? Croat, albanian, bosnian... why we all cant get along. I see many people mention war crimes. Yes, but we have to be realistic and admit that all sides did war crimes against civilians, mostly criminals but why would I hate whole nation because of few who did crimes against my people. I hope I have enough brain to think for myself and not to be tricked by people who have benefits if our nations hate each others and always on the edge of war. If we countinue like this we cant prosper and rest of the world will think of us as savages who deserve all it hapens in this region.
a comment section where is talked about albanians and serbs and there’s no fighting?? i’d never thought i’d see that
No there is fighting dw
@@nigerianbrother277 LOL
That’s grossly specific, regardless of it being joke.
It's so nice to see a Serbian and an Albanian get along with each other. We're all human beings after all.
@@Elgernox They came from Caucasus in XI century to Balkan.
@@lelemudpalamudic7134 Vlachs are in Europe from the beginning. What are you talking about ?
Slavic people came in Balkan in VI centuary.
So what, you fools? SO WHAT? You all stick to the past eras and claim to be from this or that ancient people or argue who was there first while COMPLETELY NOT GIVING A SHIT about the current situation of your countries and allowing corrupt politicians to keep the money which would be needed for making progress and improving the living standards of your people! This goes for both sides albanians and serbians and almost the whole balkan. There is not one video about a balkan country where you idiots don't argue while you contribute NOTHING to make anything better than before! I'm so tired of this!
Nikola Kijanovic ko vas ne zna skupo bi vas platio.
Really thank you for this, we need much more of this between our cultures, I think if we set aside our differences we can get along flawlessly
I agree with u my friend love from Albania❤
I am from Albania and we can really be friends
I am from Albania!!! I am burn in Greece!!! I have met Serbian people in my job!!!! Serbians are really really very nice people!!! I love them!!!!❤❤❤❤
Love from Albanian
It's great to see that there's no hatred. Respect from Serbia.
robben AL Fans Respect Albania from Belgrade ❤
respekt from albania 👏 you are welcome in albania summer 2019 ✌
Cerciz Topulli Cerciz Topulli a je ti qerkez
Nqofshe se mos ha mut kta me i thirr ne trojet e tona
@@kosovaak4743 chill chill look positive 💯🍀
Serbs and Albanians in Balkan :
*Fighting* and *arguing*
Serbs and Albanians in other countries :
Work together ... Are good friends ...
The irony😅 if only our politicians were likethis
we do that shit in front of the camera and when we see some type of monetary value in it, if those two factors aren’t there then we would kill each other.
@@user-zv7yb4yp9g not true at all, my grandfathers a serb from Kosovo and his best friend was a Albanian muslim.
logic of Balkans.....
more of a harsh sibling rivalery where you end up siding with your brother especially if you're far from home.
I saw "Serbian" and "Albanian" in the same video title and clicked on it thinking "oh boy..." but was actually positively surprised to find such friendly people that are really hospitable towards each other
HAHA exact same reaction here.
ALI DA ALO JA SAM OČEKIVALA NEKI FAJT NEKU DRAMU kad ono jebeš mi sve normalni ljudi (izuzetak zaista).
Actually the amount of bullshit here is unbelievable
@@jibbyjibby2514 The fact that they're acting friendly is bullshit? come on man.
This is really amazing!! Absolutely remarkable! With your channel, you have created more peace, diplomacy and friendship than a thousand politicians ever could!
Exactly this man is so awesome and very nice I love him I want 10000 videos lol
Fuck politica were neighbours
YES!!!! 👏👏
Marko Miljković to je tačno
lets all be honest serbia is the first that started war and is a shit country
i am a serb and I was more than 20 times in Albania by motorcycle.Great country,Great people.Love you all.Best regards from Serbia.Politic sucks.
so you gave to customs MITE-MITO 20 times..bravo xaxa
Boban Nesic Great to hear. And you more than welcome in Albania. Greetings!
I am from albania and you are a pretty nice guy ta qiffsha nonen npidh edhe ja rasi spermen ngoj
@@nigerianbrother277 ik mer kar vrit veten
"We mixed Albanian raki with Serbian raki"
Yeah....i'm not sure that's legal.
They created Kosovo 😂
Михаило Јашаревић ww3 about to happen 😂
@@marcohuck3282 this is funny
@@marcohuck3282 kosovo is serbia.
@@pavle664 Kosovo is Albania.
Now this comment section is peaceful unlike other videos lol
Moatly because only intelectual watch these kinds of vids.
@@101poumi do you know why we wanted independence from Turks? For 500 years they were torturing us,we had no rights,they were raping our women,taking kids,turning them ito islam and putting them ito their military and lots more. Do you understand now?
Galaxy Imperator Putin not Albanian but I’m Croatian and I know what happened
Welcome to HeavenTube...:)
@@lazarskrbic That‘s why we Albanians mostly don‘t like Turks
I am Serb and this Albanian is good man, he called him brother
Screw the politics we are Brates
@@Killerassassin676 Gene test would prove that Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo have more in common than they think ❤️ Spread love
@@NM-ej3xw u right brate thats how it is
Albanias are like even we are crazy we have respect and love inf
Ma brate jesi ti puko ili sta? Ovo je bre snimljeno pod uslovom da se jedino radi ono sto voditelj ovog kanala kaze, znaci moze da bude da se mrzu a po sto su dosli na taj kanal oni se prave kao da su prijatelji, mislis da neko od nji sme da kaze to sto misli? Kao svi ljudi sve je dobro dok ne dodje do rasprave, dok se to desi onda izlazi pravo misljenje, tako smo i mi u SFRJ videli koliko vredi "bratstvo", svi su cutali jer su morali a kad je sve krenulo u k onda smo svi videli ono sto je svako mislio svo vreme i preko noci je pocela jebacina.
This comment section is too nice I’m not used to this... haha
@@sixstring4718 edhe un
Hello im from Serbia.. I never hated Albanian people but when I heard about the fight i was so mad but now i dont hate them that much anymore cuz i know some of you Albanians out there dont hate Serbia and I hope this stops❤
don't hate whole countries, just hate the people that SPREAD misinformation and hate. thats it. or even better try to educate them instead
People are good. Always.
Are the leaders that create hatred to mantain power
hello gjak prishun i am shqiptar and until i die i will hate serbs with all my hart spo di qa me te than ma vec kisha dasht me pas afer me qi ropt me te djeg
@@arsenarseniii5469 ska nevoj me e urrejt krejt popullun, vetem urreji ata qe te urrejn ty po ska nevoj me i fut gjith me 1 thes se ka serb qe jan edhe njerez te mir mos u bon kshtu se stka hije se je shqiptar
Great to see both sides coming together. 🇦🇱🇷🇸
a sada nam uzimaju kosovo
no no no together
Sen spo na vyn as syt me jau pa ik qinu
Leta B Do your research and watch some news kid.
This is a Channel
I‘m a Victim of the serbian Army. They took My grandfather and blamed the KLA for that.
Great video. Building bridges instead of digging trenches.
Sokol Berisha Thats because one crazy dictator who feared of invaders
@@user-vy2hv5pp7k No nit really we got enough 🤣😂
Mil I. I'Méraj ta qifsha serbin kosova edhe uçk ja pas ka hie, kosova usht shqipnia
A nuk të vjen marre si po flet. Me duket si ti spo dishe luftën dhe si ka qën 1999 ne Kosovë. Sa shum kemi vujt dhe në qfar varfëri kemi jetuar. Ti po flet kot, se spo dishe sen. Ishalla kur se sheh luftën.
... I don't agree with that beacause a lot of Serbian you tubers make bad videos like Serbia mapper and many more
After this video I am glad that we Croats dont have to choose anymore betwean two sides. We love you both guys.
Kanske D Yes Burek!! 👍🏼
Kanske D Wait. Are you perhaps from Sweden?
Da naravno,
pogotovo nas Srbe!
Kanske D Trevligt, trevligt ;)
Well if you love Serbs so much why don't you give back Vukovar and Knin to them?
I'm serbian and this is now my favorite video on youtube
Love u ❤
have insta honey
Hey, how you type in Serbian? (I use an app to type in Serbian, but i’m Indonesian and)
@@dawidsz56 we have latin letters too, we don't just use cyrillic
@Nemanja Perlic postoji nešto što se zove srpska latinica (latinica prilagođena srpskom jeziku, zbog toga i imamo ć, č, đ, š, ž) i to je legitimno srpsko pismo isto koliko i ćirilica, tako da je tvoj komentar totalno besmislen
... when I taste rakija
In my head anarhija
Back to original shape
Just cannot escape from Balkan...
Yaaas! 🤣😊
*Gëzuar! 🥂 Живели! (Živeli!)*
Rakia correcting people*
Rakia kill people ;)
rakija sidu leci
Well yea under the Turks you were connectec, so under the Turkish drink u guys also get connected i guess
I am reading comments and i think i am dreaming. I would wish we never had to fight each other in the Balkans. I would wish we live in harmony side by side but politics ruins the whole show.
Nooo, we are great at politics, it was our strength throuout history! I see our politicians versus people as a shit covering blue sea.
@@Alpine1996 jews already do get along with germans. There are plenty of Jews living in Germany and getting along with the germans just fine.
@@Alpine1996 Many Jews are friends with Germans.
Great video, i am from Serbia and i don't hate anyone.
Medak TV Normalno.
Yea... :D
Me too an I'm Albanian
Hello im from kosovo but i dont hate serbien we want only peac
It's nice to see Serbian and Albanian together! We are all Humans, we have to Respect each other!
i am Albanian and i used to work on a crusise and my best freiend was Serbian and i Love Milan best friend ever
🤗Love Albania from 🇷🇸
shkaut si nxinet besa shoqi
Marre duhet met ardh
I am an Albanian from Kosovo who lives in the US. I have 2 Serbian coworkers who are also immigrants like me. We have the best time together, never really realized how similar we are as people. Back home the situation is a lot shittier as there we are all kind of programmed to hate eachother, here in US far away from home no one gives a shit about the war, it happened 2 decades ago, i really hope this new generation dont hate eachother.
Mos RREJ Bre BURR edhe Une jam KOSOVAR jetoj ne USA , ka shum Shkije ketu ku jetoj Une edhe Kurr sju FOLI i URREJ me Shpirt,,, Shkijet ne USA jan ma Nacionalista se ata qe Jetojn ne SERBI
sdi man, ktu nchicago une punoj berber. krejt myshterit serb mi lojn ka $10 tip minimum, shqiptart edhe $1 kusur ma lyp let alone tip. kqyre une spe arsyetoj qka kan bo, ama qe 20 vjet lufta do sene duhen mu harru. gjermania ja ka qi krejt botes nanen hala ma zi edhe ker kush sjau nxen per tmadhe. shits over man time to move on. a sa per shkije nacionalista motren jau qifsha. but im yet to meet one
Chicago esht Kryqyteti i Dyt Pas Beogradit per SHKIJET Qetnikt ma te Mdhajt Jetojn Aty Qysh nga LUFTA Pas Botrore, e di Shum Mir Chicagon kam qen 3,4 He esht e Vertett se Paske MYSHTERI Shum Serb Veq 1 Gja Dije se ATA Kurr MIQ Smund i Ban Mos HARRO Per Biznes Mbaj ishalla Krejt Qka kan ti JAPIN Tip's ama SHKAU esht SHKA e sa Per Gjermanin Ai ka ba Luftt Po Kurr Fmi Pleq e Gra Shtat Zana Ska Vra as Ska PRE Kurse Shkau Ne Croati Bosnje Hercegovin, edhe se Fundi ne Kosov, ka Pre si Kasapai ne Kasapnic Njerz te pa Fajshem Jo Ushtri as Officer te Armatosur Po Civil te pa Fajshem, per ATA ka Nderhy NATO per Shkakt te GJENOCIDIT te Shkaktuar ne KS
Illyrian Prince chicago edhe Milwaukee jon qytetet ku jetojn shkijet ma t’kqit ... normal qe ka edhe te mir po jo te rall ..
Ose ma mir me thon shka t’mir edhe shkin t’keqe ski ...
Une kom jetu ne Milwaukee ma paten thy gjomin e kerit se kom pas shqiponjen tani e kom vendos edhe ma t’madhe 😂😂
Kom rre shkije n’milwaukee ne vien edhe ne shkup ... edhe kom qi shkina shum shum thjesht e kom jetu ondren 😂😂
Rrnoft Shypnija e dekt serbija 🇦🇱
I also used to work in US, and my coworker was an Albanian guy from Prizren. There were 4 other Serbian guys beside me in the same restaurant, and we never had a single problem with him. I've been to Prizren this summer and it's a very beautiful, hospitable and friendly town! It's one of the few places in Kosovo where I didn't have to worry about speaking Serbian in public! Regardless of the current political situation, I believe normal people can get along even when they have different attitudes about certain political issues!
P. S. Kusur is one word that I understood from your message to other Albanian person. 😁
I am from Tirana, Albania, and live in Sweden and one of my best friends is from Serbia :D For almost 11 years.
i mean your last name is gori you are as serb as your best friend
@@famos9902 i am on fire 😋
@@FrankGhoriTV Guri in Albanian means rock Gori in Serbian means mountain both indoeuropean languages. But that doesn't mean that you are Serbian. Golemi, Gori are words albanian used to refer to there origin or strength bevause they were surrounded by Slavs
Your best friend is from Serbia ?
This means that you are an idiot
Like Who is from 🇷🇸🇦🇱
@Csgo.exe that's Serbia
Magdalena its Dardania
I'm from albania🇦🇱
🇦🇱🇽🇰🇲🇰🇷🇸 Shengen ballkan ❤️😢🙏🏼
Love and respect to all good people in Albania,from Serbia❤🇷🇸🇦🇱
Iva Urosevic respect for u ❤️
Ppl from albania and ppl from kosovo are not the same ppl..Culture and way of life are all the way diferent
@@neilmccauley690 No they are not diffrent, they are pretty much the same, furthermore people from Kosova actually preserved some Albanian cultural traits that went lost during the communist dictatorship in Albania.
@Андреј postoje agresivni Albanci koji zele da uzmu Kosovo itd. Ali takodje tamo postoje divni ljudi
@Андреј Политика пријатељу, ја као Србин сам се свађао са тројцу Србина због Македоније иначе земља у којој живим и већински део мене сам Македонац али то ти је све политика њима тамо на Космету перу памети али они јесу људи ја сам сваког дана са њима тако да јбг помогао сам им 100 пута а и они мени. Матични лекар ми је Албанац и поштујем га и волим га.
Serbs and Albanias are the 2 biggest nations in this part of Balkan, and they will be 100 years more. We need to get along we are similar, and also neighbors, we dont need to fight and drag our children in wars. We can work together to create better and safe future for our countries our children and other countries that are smaller then us.
Couldn't agree more.
yes you are right
What about Greeks?
Rockyourassed what?
@@angelaslnc1776 Greeks not have nothing with Kosovo but Greeks and Serbs ortodoh brothers😊
We, the younger generation of albanians and serbs, need to build bridges.
No never
I'm a Croat and I approve that.
@@JordanDinRI stfu u know nothing about our relationship. They killed us in our houses and we leave it like that?? No they need to get punished and admit what they've done to us
@@eraldlekaj2265 Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I guess you missed the part saying I was Croatian. They killed a bunch of Croats too in the 90's, not sure you got the memo. So shut your shiqtar ass up, you clown. It's been 30+ years. We can't hate each other forever here.
I have a friend from Albania,and im proud.Hi from Serbia ❤🇷🇸 :D
@@palestinabaddie 🇦🇱❤🇵🇸
Ok but Kosovo is 💯% ALBANIA 🇦🇱🇽🇰🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
He’ll steal your kidney
Pro Albanian tip never sleep in the same appartement as an Albanian
Awesome!! I love these vids bringing ppl closer together. Really fantastic work. 👍 🇦🇱🇷🇸
Im Albanian and I accept this video show more love instead of hate to our neighbors ✌🏻🇦🇱 🇷🇸
@Metti Doroci ne sjemi fqinj me serbine sepse mes shqiperise dhe serbise eshte kosova dhe ajo eshte shtet me vete
Mjeshtri i Akinatorit I really don’t understand what you are trying to say?
Sjom ka te kuptoj se qka po don me then?
Nuk jemi shtet fqinj me serbine sepse midis Shqiperise dhe Serbise eshte Kosova we eshte shtet me vete
Unfortunately i see that you don’t understand the geography of Kosova. FYI= for your information Kosova has 3 neighbors 1 Albanian/Shqiperia, Macedonia and last Serbia. And. We are in the Middle im from mitrovica ethe kjo Fqinj qe pe permend usht ni sen qe kosovari shiptar kurr nuk e permend ✌🏻🇦🇱
And Albanians have rakija? Fuck yeah! Didn't know that before :D
Yes, they do...Their Cognac Skenderbeg is one of the best beverages ever.
@@AstekOst ahhahahah bro i dont no for the serbia but in albania is so strong alcol
@@genctoska1110 in every balkan country is kinda the same for me. Ive taste serbian romanian and greek and its pretty simmular
I live in a city in Australia where everyone here pretty is ethnic and from immigrant backgrounds (My suburb specifically has a lot of Balkan immigrants). My 2 high school classmates (Albanian girl and Serb guy) started dating in 11th or 12th grade. I remember clearly some “friends” from their own background and family members didn’t approve and did not take them seriously because of the obvious and it’s all just puppy love etc. But hey, love doesn’t discriminate - 8-10 years later they still together, had a mixed western, Orthodox and Muslim wedding and pretty sure they’re expecting their first child now.
Omg this is so amazing to hear❤I wish them all the happiness of the world.
Wooow I'm so happy to hear that. This is actually my first time hearing about any serbian-albanian relationship. Well God bless them :)
@@ardzzi_._1605 lol Nice! How's that going for you two?
@@ardzzi_._1605 😐 well... damnn
Well if people like those two were running things in Serbia and Albania,
there would be no war there.
The Albanian guy has a pretty good sense of language, he was able to "decipher" even a more non-trivial phonetical shifts.
Best comment section ever so peaceful 🇦🇱❤🇷🇸
@Pepi Os Lmao wtf
@Pepi Os no fuck you brainwashed nationalist
@@klotildapremtaj6255 pa sharje Klotilda
I used to treat Albanians very badly, but now I realized that they are really good guys. Therefore, I apologize for my disrespect for them. Good luck to the Serbs and Albanians!))
Same here I use to shout at serbs when I saw them but now after seeing this video I have changed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
here on you tube channel
Behind the tastiere. Explain yourself
Well respect from Albania 🇦🇱
@@esmashala6726 sa pjeshk qenke 😳🥺😍
We are all humans, don't let politicians to turn against you one and another because that's their western propaganda
The comments on this video restore my faith in humanity. It's amazing to see how many great people there are all over the world who see it the same way as Boris and myself. Thanks for the nice words and thanks for keeping it positive on my boy's page! ❤💯
Lets get ittttt !!! :D
Bro, im Serbian from Montenegro, big love for you and everyone you love. Serbians and Albanians even actually had common history before. When there were no wars, but peace. Nvm, politics sucks anyway. We have very similar music and mentality, and i have a lot of friends who are Albanian living in Germany/Switzerland. We all hang out together, and laugh, make jokes...And also, what EVERY man should know: "a man had never a problem with albanian, serbian or american, but with STUPID man."
Respect and love ❤
@@Grrranit lmao what? I was born in Tirana to Albanian parents, I'm as Albanian as anyone can get. I'm also a smart human being who knows there are great people in every culture/country.
@@klajdkapllani8468 Thank you Klajd for being a part of this, one of my close friends is Serbian as well. I don't care what anyone says. As you know there are pathetic losers everywhere, just ignore them! Much love bro!!
One of my best friends is actually from Montenegro but he says he is Montenegrin. Albanains and Serbians have more in common then we think
Wonderful video. I am Albanian🇦🇱 i understand Serbian🇷🇸 because i am from northern Macedonia🇲🇰
I do not hate anyone, im neutral as Swiss🇨🇭😁
Last night i met two guys from 🇬🇷Greece at the gas station. And my🚘 lights went, they helped me to fix it, we share a couple of cigarettes and some drinks, after all that we talk a lot many things, it was great for me😀 and for them, how two🤝 nations can be good with each other!✌ I am lucky where i live😃 because i have many different nice👌neighbors. In that gas station i can met all of them😂 🍻welcome.
It's Macedonia :)
Respect from Serbia ❤❤
The country is still called Macedonia
you mean ILIRIDA ;;)
its not macedonia nor north macedonia ,
Jo more po me ata kemi luftu prej miti dhe si uren.
Love and respect to Serbia and Albania from Armenia 🇦🇲🇷🇸🇦🇱!
Bahador Jan you are an awesome person bringing everyone together!
Fuck a*menia💩🇦🇲💩🇦🇲💩✝️💩✝️💩🇦🇲💩💩💩
From Belgrade, big respect to Albania !
I never see that
Respect for you and Serbia from albania bro
brildo lami Thanks a lot !
Nikad u svom zivotu nisam mislio da cu to da cujem
Ali se ne bunim
Biggest crossover in history! 😂 Great video
Top 10 anime crossovers.
Ban Tsar still a better love story than twilight XD....
@@cokolinda3089 hell yeah
in fact not, serbian and albanians are so extremly connected together, you can tell them "cousings"
As a Serb I loved seeing these two guys hang out
The Serbian guy looks so nice
M 61 looks ..... lol fuck jk jk jk, don’t wanna repeat 92-95 lol
Wtf u girl or u gay
Yo when they mixed their drinks I thought NATO was like:
"Ahhh shit, here we go again."
I'm albanian and I visited Belgrade last year. it was awesome, very friendly people, very helpful and very kind. Too bad politics seperate us....
EagleEye politics only separates if one believes in it. If you don’t believe in it, it doesn’t exist.
Даниел Прентов well said 100%
Bad politics and nationalism
❤️❤️❤️ from Serbia
Ye same
Respect from Albania , great video , peace & love 😊
bravo! Stop hate because our all children have right to live in peace and future! Greetings from Belgrade
"we mixed albanian raki with serbian raki"
*_D U D E_*
Serbia doesnt have raki.Thats rakiJA Rakija and raki have difference
RistaHD ツ we say rakija when we say bring the rakija
THE RAKIJA but when we want to say just ‘rakija’ we say ‘raki’
me: sees this comment has 68 likes
also me: im gonna do what is called a pro gamer move
Albanian raki .whith serbian rakija...
Third balkan war ..(clubs version)
Thank you for this, love from Albania🇦🇱🤝🇷🇸
Great video!
Most of these similarities are also present in the rest of the Balkans, the languages in that region influenced each other very much, this is called "Balkan Sprachbund" in linguistics.
Latin and Ottoman Turkish contributed to the sprachbund too.
@Fanatica Cristiana Yes
Fanatica Cristiana Many Christians are on Albania but Albanians noone of them worries about relegion of others
@Fanatica Cristiana You have nothing to do in this video, if you don't accept Muslim, Catholic and Orthodox Albanians together.
@Fanatica Cristiana you can wake up now
Hey you're on Quora right?
Your Albanian friend Klajd is so funny and cute, all the videos with him are so entertaining lol
Much love for you
Nice to see an Albanian and Serbian person being friends 👍
Isac Very nice. 👍
Pele Gacinovic Moram.
I sta sade?
Pele Gacinovic Pa sta ti smeta sto odgovaram.
To je moja stvar nemozes mi to zabraniti.
Ja nevidim problem.
Pele Gacinovic Ja ako ocu mogu na svaki komentar da odgovorim ali ima ih mnogo pa nemogu.
Pele Gacinovic Sta je tebi???
Ocigledno si mnogo nervozan ili si nezadovoljan zivotom pa svoje frustracije ispoljavas na meni.
Ocigledno ti smeta i dlaka u jajetu.
Wow! I never knew we have so many words in common! I'm Serbian and glad of so many positive comments. So sick of leaders using prejudice and hate to rule us.
Bro, i traveled a lot through Europe incl Balkans as my origin is from Kosovo, and i work with people from many different countries/cultures here in Sweden. When you learn people, you understand people have so much in common, behavior similarities specialy in Balkans
Read Radovan Damjanović pa ćeš čuti zašto imamo toliko istih reči, isto i s rumunskim i mađarskim
I was really hating serbs as albanian before i watched this video because history and political reasons, but after watched it and looked at the comment section NO MORE! All appreciations should go on Bahador! Thanks for spreading peace and love! Keep it up with the good work!
Arberoret Iliridas hajt hajt besoju shkive se ke me ju pa hajrin
shkau bes nuk ka
Kushtrim Ajeti mir e ki shkau ka shum ftyra
How you can hate people that you never met or never did anything wrong to you, I do hate bad people which they do have in Serbia but also we do have them among Albanians too. Politicians and religions made us hate each other for no reasons especially rulers they made us hate each other for their cause. In the wars only poor people fight, rich people move out and let poor people kill each other then they come back and rule us again
I am from Serbia and my father has a friend from Albania that was im his school and is a good man
X_Gaming_X I live in Sweden and my neighbor is Serbian and we’ve been knowing each other for 12 years now and we are more like family now
Cla Illyrian Long live 🇷🇸🇦🇱 we are the Same from Balkan
@@claillyrian1554 si familje? ski faj lirisht bane testin e DNA se ta paska sterrpik motren e namen.
Jetmir Ramaj bravo magjup 👏
@@sixstring4718 Shko nkar.
Im albanian from kosovo respect for the serbian guy he is very nice and polite he seems so kind such a nice person respect i love how they respect each other makes me feel happy
Jehona Dragusha 🇷🇸❤️🇦🇱
I think that travelling to ''rival'' countries should be mandatory for people of the Balkans,so as they could see the great similarities among us and stop the unecessary hatred and hostility
Будала без бламa Овај албанац је рођен у Канади, он сам каже да не подржава оно што шиптари раде и шта ради север Албаније, иначе он је из јужне Албаније и против тога је шта се ради између ове две земље... Али треба свима бити јасно да је Косово наше! СССС
@-T-X-M- That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard.
Now I know both of our people despise each other but to make the claim that your people wouldn't do anything to an Albanian in Serbia...it's just absurd and silly.
Not to mention that not long ago 2 Albanian boys were beaten mercilessly in novi sad just for speaking Albanian.
Source :www.trtworld.com/europe/two-young-men-severely-beaten-for-speaking-albanian-in-serbia-20745
-T-X-M- I saw your comment on calling Kosovo Serbia. I don’t mind people from Serbia, Albania or Kosovo. I have a great friend from Kosovo. Don’t forget that Serbians massacred kosovars in Kosovo. Not the other way around.
i'm brazilian and i LOVE both countries! belgrade and tirana i'll be visiting you soon!
if you want to prove that this video is fake. Just go in belgrade and say 'Kosovo is Albania' and wait for the results of what you've learned on this fake video
@@JR-zl1bm why would i challenge and disrespect someone in their own country? i'm not even european. everyone has the right to have an opinion about it and it's our obligation to respect it.
caio césar im Albanian the dude who said that is a disgrace
We welcome everyone with warm arms
@@caiocesarof Yeah sure "Provokacija" hahaha If you'd know more you'd understand it. 😂
@@sixstring4718 Priti me krah hapur edhe qoj nshpi... mas 9 mujve komplet qka tpshurrin ul kan me tpshurr zuzaka spreeeh si shurren
Most of these words are also in Romanian:
I hope I don't miss anyone
Gheorghiță Al Sunculiței its normal , nothing wrong with that ,albanians were illyrians romanians were dacians they had tha same language and culture and the came from old pelasgians ,thracs also were the same with illyrians and dacians
+Popikaify sorry to disappoint you but these are not slavic words but illyrian
@@Popikaify Ochi also means eyes in Romanian
cifac :)
Rellun .a did you know that 20% of all albanians have slavic ancestors?
Of course in the modern day albanian language are a lot of slavic words (in example pushk what is in serbian puska and also in other slavic languages like in russian)...
Dont be fool or you really mean 7 millions albanians are older than more than 200 million slavs?!
Of course the slavic tribes came till the south and build a lot of modern day albanian language and blood thats the reason why both languages (serbian and albanian) got some similarities ;)
Im from albania and i have 4 serbian friends we need peace to create a better future for our childs
oh now you guys want f*cking peace after telling us that its the best show ever to see serbia getting bombed by nato 😤 yeah that is not gonna happen.
@@puffcatco Well I'm Albanian and that's news to me, I suggest you don't believe everything you hear on the news, especially in Balkan countries.
@KASTRIOTI SKENDERBEU Albania did ask nato to do that.
@@puffcatco lol was not Albania in war was KLA Kosovo liberaton army.
Perhaps the time has come for Albanians and Serbs to live in peace, because war and hatred do not bring anything good! Love Albania and Serbia! Përshëndetje Zdravo from Chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
This comment section PASSED the vibe check so well even after 2 whole years....Im impressed ❤️ lots of love from 🇦🇱
Its sad how people hate each other in their home countries, but when serbians, croatians, bosniaks, albanians meet each other in a foreign country they are always best and close friends.
Very true, go to western Europe and Albanians and Serbians will always be in the same social group
Its true
nice to know we have many similarityes :3
greetings to all good albanians there :)
TheAncient Tribalia where are you from ?
@@kosovaak4743 Serbia why?
TheAncient Tribalia i thougt you live outside of serbia
Where in srb?
@@kosovaak4743 I am right now in Germany but i am half year in Serbia and half in Germany
my city in Serbia is Novi Sad
2nd largest in Serbia, you??
TheAncient Tribalia sprichst du deutsch?
I am.from.Gjilan Kosovo but i am living in switzerland und davor in deutschland
I am happy to see this! Greetings from Turkey 🇹🇷🤗
Love to albania
LOVE to serbia
From SYRIA 🇸🇾❤️
@Alpha Omega
Long live italy From syria 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾
@Bunjamin Baftijaj *from Kosovo, which is Serbia
@@kidamkolkoznam had to bring that irrational nationalism huh
Love you brother god syria and bashar Respect♥️♥️ Allahu Akbar🇦🇱🇽🇰
Love to Syria and Albania from Serbia ❤️❤️❤️
thank you guys ..we need more albanian and serbian frends .
@Alx Слажем се.
I love how most of the comments here are warm and positive.
The fact is that former Yugoslavian nations (that includes Albanians because of Kosovo) have been brainwashed into belief that the other side wants to get them and would exterminate them if it could, that they should be afraid of it. And when individuals realise the simple and pleasant truth, the truth that we are not so different...awesome things happen. You even make friends :)
I am a Croat and my own visit to Belgrade last year was an amazing experience. It's not that no one treated me wrongly or said anything rude, but they didn't even look at me in the wrong way (you cannot hide your first reactions). I quickly learned that Serbs are very hospitable people, in my opinion more hospitable than Croats. And I learned that while we do have some cultural differences, we are almost the same. The greatest difference are religion and churches. Before I went to Orthodox churches that were open to tourists, I was convinced that since we are both Christians that there are no big differences. Boy, I was wrong! As someone who was raised as Roman Catholic (today I am not religious), I was very surprised when I saw women entering with covered heads, which I always associated with muslims. There are also that weird rituals with kissing pictures of saints which are absolutely everywhere, doing some hand movements that were alien to me....it would be hard to explain it to someone who is not familiar with rituals in the Catholic church. There are some similarities but the differences are huge.
Like, totally different than anything I saw before.
Oh...and I will be totally going back to Belgrade in a few years. We Croats and Serbs can learn a lot about one another. I learned that Serbs have a very rich and interesting modern history (from first uprisings against the Ottomans onwards). I learned that Belgrade is far more beautiful and interesting than Zagreb,....and some Balkanoid-CROmagnons (nationalists) would go crazy if said that in their presence, but I consider that a fact. The only negative thing for me was that many Belgrade streets (outside of tourists areas) were unusually dirty for Croatian standards.
As I said before, I was always received warmly. I did not have to be careful about my dialect (we speak two versions of the same language), just like my friends from Belgrade informed me. At the beginning I was still concerned because there was always fear that I might stumble upon some idiot and was careful with my speech.
You know what was hilarious? When I realised that I used Serbian version of "excuse me" (izvinite) correctly and pronounced words correctly, but ignorantly used Croatian version of "bye" (bok) which is not used in Serbia anywhere.....but I unaware of that before.
And so I was thinking: "why give up where I am from immediately....like in every store, the moment I open my mouth? It would be like saying btw I am a croat", no? I will use few words and be careful with pronunciations." And then I shouted "bok" when I exited every store and immediately revealed myself because it's a Croatian thing only LOLOLOLOLOL that is so hilarious when I think about it now. Like, how was I supposed to now? It's like English person learning that "bye" is not used in Australia.....
TL;DR Balkan nations could learn from one another instead of hating, we are all much more similar than we like to admit. I am a Croat and I visited Belgrade last year, I will be coming back because I fell in love in it. To hell with politics and nationalism.
Also, btw. it is nice to see this after seeing reactions to Hebrew and Arab video. That one made me sad :(
Because there was so much, SO MUCH dislikes, like almost 50%. And too much of the comments were very hateful, not just some small minority.
And I swear that every third comment is like "can't wait to exterminate evil Israel occupiers" and stuff like that....that crap is depressing
Why Croatian language and Serbian is similar , I didn't know it ,, do you have some similar words Or what,,,
Our standard languages are actually two versions of the same languages. Two other Croatian main dialects (2 of 3) are way different than standard language. Standard dialect was once spoken by minority of eastern Croats and Serbs and what happened to change that is a very long story. I will try to keep it short as possible, but as I said it is a very long story.
Once upon the time, in 1850, there was a meeting between Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian writers (Vienna Literary Agreement-google it). That's when the whole "we speak the same language, let's call it Serbo-Croatian" started. It all had to do with "Illyrian movement" (it was called that way while it was actually pan-South-SLavic). Our nations during that time wanted to unite and fight Austro-Hungarian influence (Germanization and Magyarization).
So, Serbo-Croatian language is not just some communist invention like today ignorants claim, it was an agreed common language. Croatian and Serbian writers and linguists agreed to it and made it standard.
There were some nationalists who were xenophobes or imperalists before WW1 but they were a small minority and not something that was seen as a problem.
Even the famous Serbian linguist Vuk Karadžić....he was one of the first to claim that anything similar to Serbian traditions, custom, language etc. in the neighbouring countries is actually Serbian., history and common Slavic roots be damned. But Croats still made him an a honorary citizen of Zagreb. Karadžić was praised among Croats.
Today, we still learn about Karadžić but modern-day propaganda tries to somewhat downplay his importance and that's really sad.
It is funny what a century of politics, wars, propaganda, hate and fear do. Common, normal people among Croats and Serbs started to hate in 1914, after Austro-Hungarian propaganda and war started. A really tragic case. A century of hate and blood.
Fast forward....on one hand, a lot of Serbian nationalists claim that everyone around them is Serbian, some even going as far as claiming that Romanians and Bulgarians are Serbs (like I said, history be damned).
But I think that Croats are the easiest target because of shared history and the same language.
On the other hand, you have these crazy yet disturbingly relevant nationalistic demagogues in Croatia that were in power since that corrupt madman Tuđman. In the 90ies they basically tried to rewrite the language and invent as much differences as possible. I mean, God forbid if we share too many similarities with Serbs, right? Most of the new inventions were laughed off and disregarded, very few were adopted but only because they were adopted from Western Slavs and sounded natural (like months on the calendar).
Now, brainwashed Croatian nationalists who suffer from Serbophobia claim that Croatian is a totally separate language from Serbian and has nothing to do with it. They go to great lengths to point out every small difference and then proudly yell"SEEEEEEE!!! Totally different!!!" .
I wouldn't find that worrying if people like that weren't in the government still.
You could find more differences in British English and American English. It's basically like armour and armor or truck and lorry.....such small differences.
Serbian imperalists shares the blame for that (i.e. everything Serbians love is Serbian, even burek and sarma), but most blame goes to Croatian lunatic politicians from the 90ies.
It's pretty Orwelian if you think about it.
Like double think. On one hand, they can admit that you could randomly place a small Croat child who never had contact with Serbs in the middle of Serbia and that it would understand 99,99% of words, converse with everyone normally. On the other hand, the brainwashing prevents them from admitting that Croats and Serbs share the same language.
In fact, a small non-brainwashed child would see that it speaks the same language as the people around it.
It might notice "funny" accent that doesn't prevent it from understanding the difference, much like British Londoner could perfectly understand Northeastern American accent. A small English child would have problem to understand Scottish accent, but not in this case. As I said, they differences are ridiculously small.
Most Croats, even nationalists and right-wingers started to see Tudjman and his party for what they truly were, but many of them still refuse to admit that we speak the same language.
I could write a lot more about it. It was way more complicated, what I gave here are the very basics.
@@puzzlingcentaur thanks for info ,, 😁 but I have a question are all Slavic languages similar , like Russian, polish, Serbian, Bulgaria can you understand all of them .etc.... and I have saw some videos talking about Serbian language as it" was "is " the mother of Slavic Languages ,,.. 😀
@@i0487 slavic languages are not fully similar but u can understand things.. As a Serb I can understand some words and sentences in other slavic languages but not full language! They have the same origins so that's why we can understand a little bit..
stop the pointless fights ❤
@косово је албанија 1 true 🤣
@KASTRIOTI SKENDERBEU o mut qa na ka ba serbi neve more mut na ka masakru
melisal 35 yeah theyve helped a lot and they need to continue after invading us for 500 years and we went through so much as a country and many died. Im not agreeing eith the one saying that we should fight turkey but its not like they helped us they have to or we’ll just be in war. I mean albania has been invaded by so many countries and omg now that i think about it Serbia, Greece, and Turkey are the countries were in like some kind of war with but idc and i dont want to hate im just saying that my country and people have been through a lot and ur comment pissed me off trying to defend urselves or turkey without knowing anything
@KASTRIOTI SKENDERBEU Yeah is True fuck Turgay!
My bf is serbian. The greatest person ever. It took a long time for me to accept him, I was kind of afraid but nobody loved me so much and treated me so well! Grateful to have him in my life, next to me!😍😘
@Shadow L albanien
@Shadow L why are you curios??! It is not you 😊
@@eran9448 Woow your love story is the third one here. I'm happy for you two. And don't be afraid. If someone loves you there's nothing to be afraid of, doesn't matter if it's Serbian or Albanian.
The BEST video ever! Thanks for this!! 👏👏 My grandma is Albanian and I've been there several times. I sent her the video, and even though she doesn't speak English she got very emotional watching it. I can't tell you how happy this video made us. You guys are amazing!! I really mean it!! ❤❤ 👐👐
I think that this hate is just destroying us... 🇦🇱♥️🇷🇸
Love from Serbia,true slavs always say:,,Love yours,but respect other's"
Rember 1999
🖕🏻🇷🇸=🏳️🌈..... Kosova nuk harron
Nice video guys! This kind of videos must be much more frequent because many Albanians and Serbs believe that they are two completely different ethnic groups but in reality there are many similarities in every aspect, as is normal for two neighboring peoples. Let the ignorant nationalists insult each other behind a screen to vent their inferiority complex, the reality, fortunately, is quite different. Greetings from Albania 🇦🇱🇷🇸
Well done you guys. Great idea -
We are way too simiar after all. It's just the politicians who are irresponsible and create divisions for personal gains.
i am Serbian and did My heritage DNA test....conclusion.....serbs and albanians are related indeed...
@@christinakiki75 WTF !!! Albanians have illyrian blood and serbs have russian blood
@@elisonballa9296 hahahahhahaa
..noooot..Serbs do Not have Russian blood...thats a fairytale..only language as mentioned before
Serbs are Slav but not related to Russia otherwise
7:50 omg that was really good
I love albania i dont have problem with them we can be good friends !!
btw watching in 2020 bless all albanian ppl form coronavirus and respect albania 🇷🇸❤🇦🇱
Form serbia :D
Thankyou man i hope u serbians are doing well too
Love you❤️
Wana be friends? So we can share some rakija
Bro!! This is amazing! Big ups to both Klajd and Boris!
The *"qeleshe"* is in #Toskë dialect (southern albanian dialect). In northern albanian dialect #Gegë (which is spoken in northern Albania and by Kosovo-Albanians) is called *"Plis".*
qeleshja eshte sikur katrore nalte kurse plisi eshte sikur kupe besoj qe me kupton tasht dmth qeleshja dhe plisi dallojn pakez ne formen e tyre.
Dora Këmba can you help me with two Albanian sentences?
It's a fine line you walk, Johnny Cash. 😂🤣 Bye.
Yes, sure.
Dora Këmba here are the sentences. I’m trying to get someone who can say them in my next video: Ai që përton sot, pendohet mot.
Pula që këndon në mbrëmje nuk bën vezë në mëngjes. If you can help my email is CR@ChefRafi.com 😊
While watching this video, I was crying. I was happy also and I was laughing with them. So many crimes happened between these two countries, but they are still together even now. It is really great and I hate politics that made people so blind and revengeful. Don't be bad, people, kill that hatred inside of you.. please.. That anger and hatred will just kill you.
You talking like they fought in war
@@mysterymen8486 They was in war actually. Did you go to school darling?
@@lanababy8977 bro can you read? He said I almost cried when I looked at this.
My point was that those 2 particular men did not fight in the war, that you are talking about, or did they?
@@mysterymen8486 what the fuck? You ate crazy! He was talking about what has happened between our countried Serbia and Kosovo ( for me Kosovo is Albania), so yes our country Kosov was in war with Serbia.
@@mysterymen8486 And im not your bro im a woman
Much greetings from serbia my mom coudnt belive that albanian and serbian guys are friends thats i like not wars and fights we need to love and we will have all luck of this world XD
All we are same 😲! LOVE BOTH FROM GREECE 🇦🇱-🇬🇷-🇷🇸
oti theleis 1 greeks and albanians are the most close
Love to greece
@@kosovaak4743 thanks Alb friend 😉
@@kosovaak4743 close in what??
Atreos Nikiphoros genetic and language
@@kosovaak4743 where is the simmilarity in language? And where in Genetics?
Bahador amazing video as always Klajd is such a funny guy and Boris was nice!!Can you maybe do Greek-Turkish or Greek-Albanian this will be entertaining to watch!! Peace and Love to all balkans :P
Thank you!! Planning on it for sure :)
If you make Greek-Albanian don't ask them the word "Aferdite" because it's use by nationalits......for their reasons (Lol)
@@kledi6979 why?whats the meaning
Andreas Koron in albanian it means "day is near"
@@kosovaak4743 so what ?it doesnt make sense nor the name aphrodite is albanian so i dont see any problem
I have a Serbian friend more me talk more we understand that we are normal humans no matter ethnicity or religion
I remember back in the 90s when in Albania 90% of people drenk RAKI, nowadays they drink beer, tequila, jack and other modern shit like shoots. But still RAKI is the best for me
Respect for Serbians , Balkans , We are all same , we are all one :)
Pepi Os E vertete
Pepi Os te lumte respekte per ty
Ti qe je me.ta.vllezer.shko qiju kryq I karit
The Albanian guy is amazing! I want to meet him! I hope he reads this. He has a fan in Berlin, Germany!!
And me for now im your fan 😘
Much love for you too .
Greetings from an Albanian .
With Love ,
Good job both Albanian and Serbian . I'm a Albanian ✋
I em Serbian✋
FREZZY 01 me too👍🍀
Khm khm kosovo is serbia
@@lucid1600 get out of here
I am Romanian and i know recognized all the words :))) OMG i can speak both languages
I'm from Romania.
It's nice to see that our bff, orthodox brothers and neighbors (Serbs) and our DNA brothers (Albanians) get along with eachoder sometimes.
@Brotha Box www.thelosttruth.altervista.org/SitoItalian/CasoPelasgico.html
@@loritoska7980 the moment I read the words "Etruscans" and "Pelasgians" i clicked out.
@Brotha Box no.
The original Italians were speaking and Italic dialect continuum wich eventually became a lot of separate langueges, one of wich beeing Latin.
Other than the borrowings from Latin, the Albanian languege lacks any word that it could share with the languege spoken in Rome.
From the few Dacian words we know it seems that their languege was pretty close to Proto-Albanian.
The Albanians are clearly Balkanic.
@@andreipop5805 Albanian is unique language and check the difference between albanian and italic group or balto slavic... www.elinguistics.net/IE_language_tree.html
Y have slavic dna like Serbs I2 and R1a. Albanians have J2 like turks and south italians. North have serbian dna E1b1
Do more funny things together.
No Hate , Let the peace rule the Balkan . ♥️ 🇸🇮🇧🇦🇦🇱🇷🇸🇲🇰🇲🇪🇭🇷🇽🇰🇬🇷🇹🇷🇧🇬🇷🇴 ♥️
Greece isn't In Balkan?
@-T-X-M- bitch shut ur damn ass up. Kosovo is kosovo
Mãch. Saók it is actually
As a Serb I respect Albanians.
још једна
I don't hate albanians
Racist Serbs
Nenad Boskovic Respect from Albania!
This has restored my faith in humanity 😊😊😊😊😊🇦🇱🇷🇸
Peace from Bosnia🇧🇦❤️🇦🇱❤️🇷🇸
we can all learn from them Albanians Serbs Greeks Croats because we are the same DNA family where religion creates problems sometimes There are many Serbs that hate Albanians and Croats and vice versa but the new generation will treat each other better i hope
Serbia we are not the same dna with you wtf we are more with real romanians and greeks because we are autokton balkan peoples and not the slavs
now albanian & serbian going together in BE (EUROPIAN UNION)
Cerciz Topulli Cerciz Topulli a je Cerkez ti a?
@@kosovaak4743 He pointed out totally something else..And yeah, believe it how are you somehow better than others just by being born on certain territory. My dog is more autochtounous on this land than you, he's 12 years old and you are no more than 10 so think about that for a minute.
Nikola Grubor dont be stupid boy. I am born in kosovo and i am not slavic. My dna is balkanic. My language have more similars with old greek and dacian romanian than your russian dialect. We are looking 100% balkanic so shut up and respect it or go back to west russia where the slavs come from
I like these videos that bring people closer to each other despite of all the negative things happening around us. People are no matter what have more similarities than differences. Thanks Bhador. 💖🙏🏻
I always hear Alabanians and Serbians hate each other but this You tube channel brought me light in the tunnel, keep up the good work fellas I’m subscribing !(: