That is a great question, typically its camera in the transmitter and out to the monitor. But I think you could do it either way. Might risk some added latency in the transmission if you do in the monitor and out to the transmitter though!
@@BenGleasonMedia Thats what I though. So, the problem comes, if a cine camera has SDI out, and its connected to the transmitter, there's no way to get a signal back to the external monitor. Youd be forced to use the HDMI cable if the camera has an HDMI out, or need to get an SDI splitter, or get a receiver and mount it on the external monitor, even though its on the camera.
Fantastic timing, I’ve been looking into getting something like this. What does a situation look like where you want to use a monitor to a camera with an hdmi port? Would the monitor need hdmi in and out so it could connect to camera and transmitter?
Shoutout to that Good Nature vinyl behind you!
You have great taste! 👌
How many Mars 4k Transmitters (Tx) can you connect to a Mars M1??
Can I connect 2 or more?
Hi! I loved how you rigged the hollyland mars to your camera cage, do you have a link to that rig?
Do you plug in the camera to the monitor and then out to the transmitter, or do you do camera to transmitter and out to the monitor?
That is a great question, typically its camera in the transmitter and out to the monitor. But I think you could do it either way. Might risk some added latency in the transmission if you do in the monitor and out to the transmitter though!
@@BenGleasonMedia Thats what I though. So, the problem comes, if a cine camera has SDI out, and its connected to the transmitter, there's no way to get a signal back to the external monitor. Youd be forced to use the HDMI cable if the camera has an HDMI out, or need to get an SDI splitter, or get a receiver and mount it on the external monitor, even though its on the camera.
what happens if my camera hdmi output is set to 4k60, does the hollyland still get the feed and "adjust" it to 4k30?
00.30 in turkey and I'm watching some sort of transmitter thanks to youtube algorithm (I record 3-5 videos per month on my iphone). nice review anyway
Thanks for stopping by 😅
Would this be practical as a wireless HDMI connection to a home projector? Thanks
Probably not. Because of the delay, you would probably have a lot of audio issues
Hi, please do you have a link to the adapter so I can charge the Hollyland and feelworld monitor at the same time .. thank you
I’m not sure which adapter you’re referring to, the feelworld monitor has the charging port built in
Fantastic timing, I’ve been looking into getting something like this. What does a situation look like where you want to use a monitor to a camera with an hdmi port? Would the monitor need hdmi in and out so it could connect to camera and transmitter?
Yes! You would need a monitor that is capable of that. The Feelworld monitor I used in the video (link in description) does have the capability!
So great! How did you connect the hollyland to the monitor to get powered? I cant find that type of adapter anywhere.
I can't find it either
Confusing title
🤦 'promo sm'