Love the sibling-nation metaphor. Globalism would have all the children of this family have exactly the same haircut, profession, eating habits, etc. etc. Natural state sovereignty is when you actually let each child do what they're best at.
Some were created to be deviants from birth - to let them be is to invite chaos into the house - you grow old they take over the house - destruction of the house is unavoidable - now think of it on a global scale - this is the current state of the globe - destruction is inevitable
I am so glad that I’ve been following you but I believe I have to stop studying the Bible and spend some serious time studying a dictionary and a thesaurus. I’m with you for awhile and then I get left behind in a verbiage quagmire. Thanks for making my faith better and my brain stronger.
@@Isaiah--ln2md Totally agree. That's why I take the "news" or anything from the godless culture r government with a grain of salt. I'm personally partial to Psalm 109, that one packs a punch! When Jesus comes back with the armies of heaven, they'll get theirs. Don't get too discouraged.
@@Isaiah--ln2md I don't understand your comment. Learning lies from the Bible? Learning lies from a dictionary and a thesaurus? Learning lies from Doug Wilson? All three? Would you mind clarifying please. I looked up the verse that you have as your name; it has me pondering for sure.
The Westminster Larger Catechism poses it as an extension of the fifth commandment, loving father and mother. Q. 124. Who are meant by “father” and “mother,” in the fifth commandment? A. By father and mother, in the fifth commandment, are meant not only natural parents, but all superiors in age and gifts; especially such as, by God’s ordinance, are over us in place of authority, whether in family, Church, _or commonwealth._
Separation of church and state is solidly Biblical. Saul was fired as king because he took on the office of priest. As a prophet, Elijah slew the prophets of Baal, but did not slay King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, though they were evil. They were each in turn slain by a king, not a prophet or priest. Jesus repeatedly scolded the priests, but the Gospels do not record that he ever spoke against the emperor. Paul tells the Corinthians, “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.” 1Co 5:12-13 NIV
Samuel did kill Agag. And Elijah didn't kill the preists. God did. God doesn't share your boundaries. Combining government and religion is tricky territory exactly because human nature doesn't change. However, abandoning religion in government is exponentially worse.
@@YSLRDThen Elijah commanded them, "Seize the prophets of Baal. Don't let anyone get away!" They seized them, and Elijah had them brought down to the Kishon Valley and slaughtered there. 1Ki 18:40 NIV
One need only read the correspondence and writings of the men who coined the phrase 'separation of church and state' to realize they did not mean to create a public square free of Christian influence. Instead, they intended to keep the state from making any particular expression of Christianity (Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc) the officially authorized Christianity.
Doug, would it be possible for you to have a conversation with James Lindsay? Perhaps that conversation would be as productive as those you had with Hitchens. Would love to see his response to presuppositionalism in light of his understanding of Hegel and Marx.
So many have either forgotten or never learned where we came from…our nation was founded on Biblical values by a people who were a majority Christian. There are those who would argue that they were only Deistic and did not believe as we do now, but you can easily look to the founders own words to see the truth. Very few a willing to stand up and defend the fact that Yes, we were a Christian nation while also NOT a theocracy. The establishment clause of the First Amendment clearly states that matter and gives the people the ability to worship freely without subscribing to a particular sect or “official” religion.
The establishment clause simply means the Federal government can't "establish" a national religion and force it down on all the states and people. In the context of when it was written, it was referring to what a lot of people fled from in Europe, religious persecution, particularly religious persecution between different DENOMINATIONS of Christianity (not different religions) brought down by the rulers of those nations against denominations they disagreed with. The establishment clause does not pertain to the states. Furthermore, establishmentarianism is not a requirement of a "theocracy" (to use your own words) and is very largely repudiated by the way, since it is closer to an ecclesiocracy similar to what what Catholicism did in the middle ages, that being the incestuous relationship between the civil and ecclesiastical government, rather than the strict separation of the spheres of authority of the civil and ecclesiastical government, with both being under God's authority. Ecclesiocratic rule combined with establishmentarianism is literally what these people and their ancestors had experienced and fled from for hundreds of years.
Yes, as was shown in the letters between Thomas Jefferson and the Danbury Baptists, the states each retained their right to an established state church and their own blasphemy laws. There was never any suggestion that the first amendment prohibited the establishment of religion by individual states. The Catholic church was long established as the state church of Maryland, just as the Congregationalists were the established state church of Connecticut for over a century. It was only when the Mormons sought to establish their own state church and their own state that the Federal government finally turned against the idea of state churches, and the concept of states' rights. That's not to say that Mormons are Christians, but I find it supremely ironic that the modern conception of "separation of church and state" was first created to persecute heretics, before it was twisted to persecute Christians.
Okay smart guy. If we are a nation under the Blood God, which sect? Freedom of Religion means All faiths are accepted. If you think we should be a Christian Nation, then logically the Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Satanists, Elvis worshippers and Cthulhu worshippers should be exempt from All Taxes and duties if they are not allowed to vote. In addition, they should also be exempt from any Christian law
@@Aenarion28 When you said "logically", it's clear you were misspelling "under the influence of marijuana". To construct a logical syllogism, start with a major premise, add a minor premise, and reach a conclusion e.g. "A and B therefore C". Your argument is "A therefore not-A, because I hate A". Without presenting a logical argument, you leave us poor smart guys nothing intelligent to discuss. You brought us your belly-button lint, please troll harder.
@@FozzyBBear jokes on you jack ass. Never done loserjuana. Don't even see the difference between loserjuana addicts and worshippers of a false, weak God that enjoyed.getting sodomized by the lord of plagues. Btw, no big secret that when you get high on loserjuana, you believe burning bushes can talk and that humanity came from first two human beings, then 6 and that humans could live to 600 to 900 years.
I enjoy the "cut of your jib" Doug. We need strong voices like yours speaking out on behalf on Gospel values in this crazy age. I find myself wanting to make comments on other "dubious" youtube videos and make my small contribution to the various debates. I even write them out, but then hit delete before sending. My reasoning is, nobody will likely listen and I also don't want to deal with the inevitable "trolls." Your wisdom and courage inspires me to reconsider in at least some cases.
“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and PREFER CHRISTIANS for their rulers. National prosperity can neither be obtained nor preserved without the favor of Providence.” ~ John Jay 1816
Want to be a Christian nation? Live the example of Christ. Love your enemy, forgive one another, and turn the other cheek. And don't worry about the mote in your brother's eye.
And execute murders, defend the defenseless, smash into the homes of criminals, topple syndicates, lock up whoever needs to be, ya know……justice. When the plank is out your own eye it allows you to TAKE the speck out of your brother’s eye. Might want to reread that verse again.
@@tober0432 Christians who are in positions of authority are to execute justice as according to Romans 13 verses 4…… …..”For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.”……..Or does this only apply to unbelievers? This is not mob justice …..even the law says it is not wrong to kill a thief who breaks in your house at night. It is only a matter of time before Christ puts all enemies under his feet. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Blood high as a horses bridle. Robed dipped in blood. Winepress of Gods wrath. Do any of these verses ring a bell?
@@Travis.L Christians of authority? And I suppose that's you, right? This is what many people fear about "Christian nationalism." How does one become like Christ if you believe you have the authority and the duty to serve out violent punishment? How do you ever come to a place of forgiveness, love, humility? How do you square this mindset with the eight beautitudes? The sermon on the mount? The crucifixion was the greatest act of injustice. What worse sin could be done other than the murder of God? And God's response? Forgive them, they know not what they do. This is not the Christ you describe using verses that are clearly metaphorical, because the bloody image of a vengeful Christ simply doesn't jive with the example that Christ provides.
Jesus said to remove the mote in his eye when you examined and removed your own self-righteousness, not ignore it. Loving according to Jesus means confronting such things.
Thankfully all those Christians agreed to this statement in the constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." And this one is good too: The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is a clause within Article VI, Clause 3 "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
Well of course those are sound ideas. I would never accept Bible law and if people are denied the chance to run for public office based on religion, then any law made restricting a woman's autonomy over her body based on a religious reason is illegitimate
The United States is not a Christian nation because the United States is not a nation. It is a political system of laws and institutions located in Washington DC. The Greek New Testament word for nation is "ethnos", therefore America is a nation and a Christian nation.
@@virtualpilgrim8645 'America' is just a derivation of Amerigo Vespucci, the name of the Italian explorer who suggested the lands Columbus sailed to in 1492 were part of a separate continent. And it was inhabited long before he or you got there.
@@aallen5256 You don't know what a nation is. As I said before, a nation is an ethnos defined by a particular people. The Indian tribes such as, Apache, Comanche, Dakota, Sioux, Cherokee, Pueblo, are each individually considered nations. Not because of some official document but because of who they are defined by race, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, culture, manners and customs. The nation has nothing to do with who was here first. The 1828 Webster's Dictionary defined an American as, "A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the DESCENDENTS OF EUROPEANS born in America."
@@virtualpilgrim8645 I didn’t mention nations.. You said the Greek New Testament word 'ethnos' translates as nation. Now you're throwing in "race, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, culture, manners and customs" as though those are even distinct concepts! But fine, so all the native Americans exist in their nations (on reservations) and their colonisers live in a nation of their own on the rest of the land? P.S. You know dictionaries are updated every year right?
That predisposition to reject all "isms" is known as skepticism. Which, ironically, sceptics don't seems to view skeptically. Beliefs per se are non-negotiable. Everyone has beliefs. The question (thank you Rushdoony) is not whether we will have beliefs, but which beliefs are best.
@@hudjahulos Exatly. Try using ISTS instead. ISTS refers to real people in real places here on earth. "ISM" connotes a strange notion of ethereal "ideas" construed as disembodied "mental states." The Body of Christ is obviously not disembodied. I recommend 1 Corinthians 12 "The Body of Christ" for a refresher on this topic. Stay strong and focused.
I’m a Christian. And I’m a patriot. I’d love to see America embrace the gospel of Christ, and I generally agree with what is said in this video, although I would never be called a Christian nationalist based on how others, who claim that title, believe. But…serious question: when was America Christian? It’s great that some of the founding fathers could quote Paul and I’d be interested in hearing how they used Deuteronomy to see if it was taken out of context. But unbelievers can quote the Bible too. Many of those founding fathers were active free masons…And just because our founding fathers might have had faith in Christ, how does that make America Christian?
In reply to your serious question I'd say America was Christian as long as there was some semblance of a covenant commitment to a criminal justice system based on the laws of God, such as in the Massachusetts Body of Liberties. That covenant commitment was abolished by Roger Williams in the Rhode Island founding charter. It was then gradually eroded by the preaching of Jonathan Edwards, who substituted an emotional testimony for covenant commitment to a creedal statement of faith as evidence of conversion. Edwards also introduced the left-wing Enlightenment of John Locke and later John Witherspoon spoon-fed Madison and other founders the right-wing Enlightenment of Thomas Reid. Meantime, the Philosophe elites - Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, + Madison, etc - substituted their oathbound Masonic covenants for the Biblical covenant in the coup at Philadelphia.
Honest question from a Christian deeply opposed to CN: is there a good resource to review a list of unique CN policy prescriptions? Is it just a different philosophy justifying virtually identical positions as mainstream republicanism?
No, and I wouldn't think there could be one, given that it is about individual nations living according to Christ's commandments to the best of their ability in the local, cultural and historic context that makes each people unique and valuable. It isn't like globalism where European elites are trying to impose a fascist iron grip on the world and shape it to confirm to their godless morality while exploiting the 3rd world for their enrichment. Living as a God honoring Christian nation is going to look different for Japan or China or Ethiopia or El Salvador, or whatever other nation you want to bring up. I think the closest one will get is wanting to study and apply God's civil case law as a standard for justice in the nation.
Although Pastor Wilson is a proponent of Thomistic Natural Law in the civil sphere rather than Theonomy, there are many good books in the latter category. You should start with Institutes of Biblical Law by RJ Rushdooney, Tools of Dominion by Gary North, By This Standard by Greg Bahnsen, the Book of the Covenant by James Jordan.
I think a good answer/question to people trying to accuse us of being any kind of ist, ism, or phobe, is to say "Well maybe I am, what do you mean by that?" as your starting point. Let them throw their childish labels around all they want, doesn't mean a thing to me.
Or maybe conservative Christians could finally read their Bibles and recognize that there is nothing so patently obvious than the fact that we do not live in a world where the prophecies of the Messiah have been fulfilled.
Yes, the Torah does predict a time of peace and prosperity under the Messiah. But it also predicts the Messiah suffering - see תהילים Psalm 22; ישעיהו Isaiah 53. Christians do believe in a peaceful Messianic age to come, but that his suffering - as predicted by the prophets, came first.
@@jfkmuldermedia I'm glad you acknowledge Jesus obviously did not fulfill the prophecies of the Messiah. Thank you. Now, please go tell other Christians, because they seem surprised when I point it out to them.
I wish America had Christian values, but I won't hold my breath. Do you think America ever matched the nostalgic opinings we often hear. I don't. I believe America was always just a myth. Jesus never was just a myth and for me there lies the difference. Jesus and the Apostles never talked about working for national improvement. As a matter of fact they warned us to just "endure to the end." I'm convinced America and the world will sink even deeper into the cesspool and then my Lord Jesus will finally say enough and return. My feelings about America are like the boyfriend caught hiding in the closet when the wifes husband came home early from work. The husband asked the boyfriend what he was doing in the closet. The boyfriend responded with, "everybody has to be somewhere."
Did you know that there have been people put in jail for belonging to the wrong Christian denomination here in America during the pre revolutionary period?
"...let's go Brandon, in the original Greek..." I just spit ice cream on my tablet! It is in the redefining of nationalism equals fascism equals Christian right that is the problem. How can a fascist government, who's goal is centralized control with government ownership except in the ever present cronyism, be considered a conservative desire?
Yeah. I wonder if the let's fearmongering about 'nationalism' won't bite them when they try to actualize their fascist plans after telling everyone to watch out.
Founding principles of the Christian Nationalist party. 1.Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. your neighbor as you love yourself 3.Abortion and all other forms of murder are to result in death to the offender without exception 4.complete elimination of homosexual marriage and adoption rate, 5% of income goes to the federal government (the majority of which goes to the military) and 4% goes to the State which keeps your total tax rate 1% less than a Baptist tithe. 6. NO other taxes outside of the 9% income tax. 7... 8....
I’d love to hear your commentary on the papacy being the biblical antichrist as well as the mark of lent being the mark of the beast, according to the infallible Greek in Revelation 13, and why no “Christian commentators” are talking about it.
Favorite funny line: "... in the original Greek ..." Only the most intentionally blind and dumb (emphasis on "dumb") or the truly cognitively impaired cannot or will not comprehend the clearly Christian foundations of this country, its societal norms, and, particularly, its founding laws. Maranatha!
USA DESTROYED (Isaiah 47:1,3,6) Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin DAUGHTER OF BABYLON sit on the ground -: I will take "vengeance" and I will NOT meet thee as a MAN - I was wroth with "my people" I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them INTO THINE HAND thou didst shew them no mercy (Zechariah 2:7) Deliver thyself, O Zion, that DWELLEST with the DAUGHTER OF BABYLON (Psalm 137:7-9) Remember, O Lord, the children of "esaw" in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof - O DAUGHTER OF BABYLON, who art to be DESTROYED happy shall he be, that "REWARDETH" thee as thou hast served us - Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones (revelation 18:5-10) For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities - "REWARD" her even as she rewarded you, and DOUBLE unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her DOUBLE - Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with FIRE for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her - when they shall see the smoke of her BURNING - Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city "BABYLON" that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come
Just curious, how many of the 10 commandments are enshrined in the Constitution? As far as I can tell, it's 6, 8 & 9. Don't kill, steal, or lie. There is no such thing as a Christian nation. Christianity is made up of individuals across nations.
The First Amendment's Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. The United States entered into a Treaty with Tripoli in 1796. The Senate ratified the treaty and John Adams signed it the next year. Article 11 of the treaty stated: “As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religious or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” So yes as a Christian you do get to live in America and believe what you will...but you don't get to force your evil delusions upon everyone else. That is the line.
Our law itself betrays the fact that the language contained in the treaty is verifiably false. In Tripoli the punishment for stealing would have likely been the cutting off of the thief’s hand based on the Muslim understanding of justice. In America the punishment for stealing was restorative by nature based on the Christian understanding of justice. Your use of the word “evil” betrays your own inconsistency. Who defines evil? Yahweh? Allah? You? Society (which then makes the term completely meaningless)?
@@austinrothjr Yes...evil is meaningless...just as Christ...just as God...just as all your delusions. Everything is meaningless until the bullets of Civil War begins.
Being or becoming Christian comes from one's heart and soul. It happens between a person and Jesus. Writing laws, instituting authoritarians, judges, can not make a coalition of people, a nation Christian. That idea is backwards. If existing Christians witness to others, as Jesus commanded, belief will grow, and then the legal and political power structures will follow more Christian principles. Witness with a pure heart, and watch what happens!
Listening to this again. Like it, but with some questions. One is this: if neoconservative(ism) is the idolatry of one Christian family (national family representative of the quarrels between the twelve disciples over who was the greatest) over another, then our America 1.0 as a light on the hill created by postmillennialists in the 1700s (beginning with Jonathan Edwards, then Finney et al) was also idolatrous in this fashion. What makes Christian Nationalism America 2.0 not?
Prove that your god exists and that it’s the only god that exists before asking everyone to follow your rules for living. Then prove that the Bible isn’t an immoral book that doesn’t promote sexism, slavery, and genocides. You cannot.
I ask the same question to Darwinian evolutionists to prove that one species can be transformed into another. They can't. They can't prove that the theory of evolution isn't a racist ideology promoting that one race can't be superior to another.
Nice video; just some cordial corrections: Fascism is an ideology that holds honor and respect as fundamental tenets. For some reason you said a lack of honor and respect would lead to fascism, but that logic does not follow. However, weak systems such as democracy ultimately lead to a lack of honor and respect as evidenced by America's failed experiment. You also said 50 out of 55 members of the Constitutional Convention were Orthodox Christians. Is Dreisbach your source for this? Because it's well known that a lot of them were not Christian -- perhaps nominally, but not in actuality -- as they were deist Freemasons.
Are you an exponent of fascism? I guess honour and respect could be argued to be some of its fundamental tenets.. honour and respect for a dictatorial leader! Honour and respect for militarism, including forcible suppression of political rivals, individual rights and civil liberties!
@@aallen5256 Can you point to a doctrinal document on fascism that outlines all of the traits you've listed as fundamental? What you've listed is -- aside from Marxist propaganda -- characteristic of all forms of government, particularly democracies. Fascism seeks to unify a nation to rise above petty political squabbles. This in turn requires civil liberties to be protected from infringement by enemies, especially enemies masquerading as fellow countrymen within a nation's boundary. I recommend reading up on some fascist texts instead of regurgitating platitudes that illustrate your ignorance.
@@aallen5256 Criminal enemies do not have civil liberty protections as they are enemies of the nation. Therefore any member of the nation who becomes a criminal enemy -- or traitor, in a word -- forfeits their civil liberties. This is no different from how most governments operate, esp. democracies. My turn to ask a question: Why are you so keen on protecting those who would do your nation any harm?
@@andyjacks3762 I reckon some civil liberties would definitely be trampled in the pursuit of those “criminal enemies” among us - history suggests it anyway! Who do you think I’m protecting??
The beast will stand in their fleshly temple and declare that they are sinless, Holy, perfect; worthy to throw the first stone (execute enemies and sinners). And the Christians believed Jesus when He said not to call any man common or unclean. (All three times) And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He does not want any sinner to die. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which desire The Day of The LORD; for The Day of The LORD is darkness and not light." And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that every sin will be forgiven, not theirs only, but the sins of the whole world. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "For God so loved the world." And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Go into the highways and the hedges and invite to my wedding all kinds of people, both good and bad, and my wedding will be furnished." And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that they were evil and God alone is good. And the Christians considered everyone as better than themselves. And the Christians didn't consider anything that they owned as their own. And the Christians didn't sue anyone in court and the Christians who were sued in court gave more than asked for by the people who sued them. And the Christians took the wrong. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which have small children and infants in those days." And the Christians turned the other cheek then leapt for joy and rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for the Name of Christ Jesus their God and King. And the Christians prayed "Forgive them Father, they don't know what they are doing." And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the evil in the world was going to wax worse and worse; they knew that Donald Trump and their vote would not change what God promises was going to happen. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the people who return evil (a bullet to the face is evil) for evil, are not His disciples and have built their house on the sand and God promises that their house will greatly fall. And the Christians didn't idolize their children, parents, families, friends and neighbors because they feared God more than they feared men and death. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the new heaven was better than this life. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that life begins when our fleshly bodies die. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Go into the highways and the hedges and invite to my wedding all kinds of people, both good and bad, so my wedding will be furnished!" And the Christians believed Jesus and John and revelation, that only Jesus holds a sword to destroy evil. And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that if He wanted to kill someone, He would have His angels from heaven do the killing, not His humans from earth. The sermon on the mount (Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7) takes 15 minutes to listen to, acts takes 2 hours 19 minutes, romans takes 1 hour 1 minute, Corinthians takes 1 hour 40 minutes, galatians takes 19 and a half minutes, ephesians takes 19 minutes, philippians takes 14 and a half minutes, colossians takes 12 minutes 40 seconds, Thessalonians takes 17 minutes 47 seconds, Timothy takes 26 minutes 47 seconds, Titus takes 6 minutes 20 seconds, philemon takes 3 minutes, Hebrews takes 41 minutes 21 seconds, James takes 14 minutes 55 seconds, Peter takes 27 minutes, John takes 20 and a half minutes, revelation takes 1 hour 10 minutes and 28 seconds AND THEY ALL SAY THE SAME THING. To owe no one any thing but to love one another.
I luv this but with one point totally inaccurate use of America Exceptionalism which is not an arrogant American thing it was foreigners namely observing the are Christians values lived out make us exceptional in contrast to all the nations that dont live out that so we should still seek to be a light on a hill that isn't a arrogant thing
The fact that you think of America as “a light on a hill” to all the admiring foreigners is dictionary definition American exceptionalism. It’s a myth.
Is scattershot synonymous with scatterbrain? That's kind of harsh, but Pastor Wilson speaks of "A man who loves his American heritage in the proper way." How can Christians love in any way a document that rejects God by omission. He refuses to recognize it as a covenant-breaking departure from the oath to govern by God's law in most of the colonial charters. The Constitution outlaws any such covenant oath. As long as leaders like Pastor Wilson cling to this humanistic, social contract as a sterling example of Christian Nationalism, how can God bless us? Pastor Wilson claims that 50 of 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention were orthodox Christians. I suppose, if you want to claim unitarianism as orthodoxy. Orthodox men like Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and others refused to attend what they saw as a coup in the making. "I smelt a rat," said Henry. When did the ringleaders claim the Apostle Paul and Deuteronomy as Pastor Wilson would have you believe. Has he never read Madison's Convention Notes, The Federalist Papers, nor the Constitution itself. These primary source documents mention the Bible exactly ONE time -- Franklin's request for a local pastor to open each session with prayer, which was voted down. If they were using the "Bible as their great political textbook," isn't it strange they never mentioned the Bible? Witherspoon came over from Scotland, mid-career, steeped in Scottish Common Sense Rationalism, which substitutes human rights and reason, and a pluralistic, social contract, for Bible Covenant. Pastor Wilson has apparently never read Witherspoon's Senior class notes for the moral philosophy class he taught to Madison, and other "founders." For somebody who's been around as long as Pastor Wilson, he ought to know better. Time to dust off your copy of North's Political Polytheism.
The problem is you can't put Christian in front of "nationalism" and call it "not idolatry." It's a play on words and it's still idolatry. Do you really think the King will acquiese to such idolatry? He won't. This won't turn out like you think it will. Turn away from this delusion. You also can't force Christianity on people, Jesus never forced himself on anyone. He also moved away from political power and you know this if you are who you say you are. And as for the Jews, if it weren't for Jesus and them, you'd have no reason to be talking. I'm not convinced. I'll pray for you, sincerely.
The goal is not one Theocracy . . . it is a nation (and a world) of individual theocracies in response to, and in gratitude for, the grace and love of God that was demonstrated at Calvary.
A honest question for Christians... How long is a reasonable amount of time to wait until the return of Christ before humanity moves on to actual taking responsiblity for making the world better? Christians have been saying Christ's return is any day now for centuries. Please as reasonable people do you have to have an honest timeline? The answer can't be forever or until the earth dies!!
You obviously haven’t been around these parts long. Taking responsibility for improving the Earth (and actually believing that it will be improved) and waiting on Christ’s return without knowing exactly when are not mutually exclusive. #datpostmil
@@austinrothjr It's ironic then that Christian vote overwhelming for those that deny and do nothing about man made climate change. Oh don't believe in man made climate change so it must not be true? But let's force our beliefs upon the nation!! Oh wait it's meaningless.
@@austinrothjr I am just telling you the truth of were our nation is heading...Civil War. Do with it what you seem to think what I believe is meaningless so interaction is irrelevant...but I imagine the bullets will do the talking unless those are meaningless as well?
@@royhiggins7270 This is taking a rather unhinged turn. You’re bringing up things we haven’t discussed and making assumptions rather than arguments. I was happy to interact with you but you aren’t actually interacting. You’re shadowboxing your own concept of who I am and arguments you think I’d make. And that actually is a waste of my time.
"Christian Nationalism" is a valid term. The Bible speaks of every tribe, tongue, and nation praising God. God clearly intended for humans to live as part of nations, not "local areas" or "communities" as the Left is so fond of saying.
@@cosmictreason2242 Correct, but we have no choice but to try to forge a nation out of the ingredients we have on hand. It's not like we could move to a real nation. We have to try to create one in the US.
It is always fun to watch someone act in such an authoritative way while saying absurd things. I call it "pulling a Moscow Doug". Hmmn... could there be more choices other than Tribalism, Nationalism, or Globalism?
@@MetroplexAerials And who are Catholics and Protestants to decide who the "evildoers" are? Every last time those 2 groups took it upon themselves to decide who the "evildoers" were over the past 1600+ years, they never once got the results that they pretended to fight for.
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 so, the solution is to not try? Also, the Roman Catholics aren’t on the same team as the Protestants. Otherwise the Inquisition wouldn’t have happened, among other things, and the Jesuits would be out of business.
JUST AN OBSERVATION JUST MY 2c DOUG JUST A SUGGESTION I LIKE CAPS SO DONT LET THEM BUG YA 😉 “It is true intelligence for a man to take a subject that is mysterious and great in itself and to unfold and simplify it so that a child can understand it.”
One thing I disagree with you on Doug - It is my belief that Catholicism is indeed basically "Post Messianic Judaism" and Judaism is "Pre Messianic Catholicism." My Saviour was after all, as a man, a practicing Jew who generously offered Eternal Salvation to me, A Gentile.. Glory Be To God.
Remember that Jesus himself was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Isreal. Paul was sent by our Lord to the gentiles, and unfolded the mystery of the church and the mystery of the rapture of that church. For us believers then, we are to follow Paul, as he follows Christ. Blessings
Truly an articulate scholar. However, Daniel 2:44 clearly states, “ In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will NEVER be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to ALL these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.” And Jesus later stated, “My kingdom is NO part of this world.” (John 18:36). And no where in the Bible did it record any followers of Jesus voting for secular gov, running for office, support (as this video encourages) any kingdom of that era. True Christian = Do what Jesus did as outlined in the Bible AND avoid what he didn’t do. Period. Otherwise you’re likely just an articulate scholar.
If your misunderstanding of John 18.36 is normative then it is in utter contradiction to hundreds of Scriptures such as Matthew 28.18, Matthew 6.10, Rev.5..9, 10, Rev. 2.25 -27 and hundreds of others - Jesus' dominion as king - king-dom came from God - kingdom of GOD - it did not come from Pagan Rome or apostate Judaism before whom he stood in John 18.36 but it was over this earth ALL of it - you might want to consider in your arrogance that we are not all fatalistic futurists nor pathetic pietists with only an internal and personal religion -
i am sad if you guys start dispensing Albert Mohler work product. He has made SBTS one of the woke havens along with firing the profs that disagreed with it. unfortunately, i will not be able, in good conscience, to support your content any longer if it goes that direction.
@@YSLRD The church is also called the temple aka the body of Christ (COLOSSIANS 1:24) for "HIS BODY'S" sake which is the "CHURCH" (Acts 7:48) howbeit the most high dwelleth NOT in "TEMPLES" made with hands (it's not a building) (Ezekiel 36:22,27) Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of ISRAEL but for mine holy name's sake I will put MY SPIRIT within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them (only Israelites promised the Spirit) (1st Corinthians 3:16) know ye not that ye are the "TEMPLE" of God and that the SPIRIT of God dwelleth in YOU (those who promised the spirit Israel) (1st Corinthians 15:9) For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted THE CHURCH OF GOD (paul persecuted Israel not everybody) (Acts 7:37-38) This is that Moses, which said unto the children of ISRAEL This is he, that was in the" CHURCH" IN THE WILDERNESS (the church isn't a NT concept it's Israel) (Revelation 21:22) And I saw NO "TEMPLE" therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb ARE the TEMPLE of it (Revelation 11:1-2) And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the "TEMPLE " of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein But the court which is WITHOUT THE TEMPLE leave out, and measure it NOT for it is given unto the GENTILES (only Israelites can be "IN" the temple) (lamentations 1:10) for she hath seen that the heathen entered into her "SANCTUARY"(temple) whom thou didst command that they should NOT enter into thy congregation (only Israel "IN" the temple OT also) Who is the church according to scripture Joan??
The Victor's Crown has been awarded. And the evangelical age has ended. We are now entering the kingdom age. A time of justice for all including LGBTQ and others that evangelicals persecuted. Don't try to raise up the evangelical age. It is a futile endeavor.
I don't see Christian nationalism anywhere. Am I missing something? I'm the only Heavenian I know...but I've met plenty of American nationalist Christians, and unfortunately, they don't know that it's a contradiction. My native country is Heaven...not America. Though I have always lived here, I really don't like crime and death and sadness, in my country Jesus Christ rids His Father's kingdom of all that stuff so it's much better. You see what I've done there, right? I've started putting myself into a state of mind to the eternal salvation I suppose. If I'm serious about Jesus Christ and my claims, then it's only expected that I start to reflect my convictions. I mean, if I'm going to spend eternity in Heaven, it's best if I start acting like it now. Do I believe in America? No Do I believe in the ideals of America? Of course! Any place on earth that inspires toward Heaven is going to ease the journey home, which literary takes a lifetime. Unfortunately, I have to state that this is Not that America, but a spoiled grandchild of that country and those ideals. In retrospect, I love America as much as America loves Jesus Christ. But, that includes any other countries that love Jesus Christ more than themselves. Too bad for me, huh?
@@samdushukyan9595 Your biblical God given ethnicity is the point (Hebrews 12:16-17 kjv) Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as E S. A U when he would have inherited the blessing, he was REJECTED: for he found NO PLACE OF "REPENTANCE" (Malachi 1:2-4) yet I loved Jacob, And I hated E. S. A. U and they shall call THEM, The border of "WICKEDNESS" and, THE PEOPLE against whom the Lord hath indignation FOREVER (Psalm 11:5-6) The Lord trieth the righteous: but the "WICKED" and him that loveth violence his soul hateth Upon the WICKED he shall rain "FIRE" and "BRIMSTONE" this shall be the portion of their cup (Obadiah 1:18) And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of E. S. A. U for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall NOT BE ANY REMAINING of the house of E. S. A. U. for the LORD hath spoken it THUS SAYETH THE LORD
@@Isaiah--ln2md I dont respond instantly and you think there is nothing I have to respond? Wierd, but ok. What does esau have anything to do with the current condition. I said I dont remember what the comments I read were, but you kept at it. Ok. Doug thinks there is a political solution, not taking the bait, and it perpetuates a passive approach.
I don't think you can actually call America a Christian nation in the terms most people mean it (Christians running the country by Christian principles and Christian law). That has never happened, even Israel never pulled that off except in short, stumbling movements. But Christian principles and theology, and Christian men shaped and built the nation, and Judeo-Christian heritage was the foundational worldview of the nation and in that sense it was a "Christian nation." In those terms I can call myself a Christian nationalist, and patriot.
Doug should know that nations are defined by race and ethnicity. A multiracial, multi religious, multiethnic Nation is an oxymoron. America is an Anglo-Saxon patriarchal Protestant nation. Doug should know the Greek New Testament word for nation is Έθνος which means "ethnos" and race. Why also race? Because the Strong's Concordance says so.
Not only that, but Dennis Prager also said so in his TH-cam video titled, American Trinity. "All nations on earth are defined by race and ethnicity", he said. However unfortunately, he said that The United States is the one and only nation exception. He claims the United States is defined by values, and only values, which is ideology. Ben Shapiro also claims that America is just an ideology. In 2017, he Tweeted, "I don't give a damn about the Browning of America. Color doesn't matter. Ideology does."
Doug Wilson, Dennis Prager, and Ben Shapiro, and most conservative Christians, don't know what America is. They are deceived. They conflate America with the United States. The United States indeed is an ideology and is located in Washington DC, on the other hand, America is a nation defined by race and ethnicity. Therefore, America is a Christian nation and can be defended as such, but the United States it's not a Christian nation because it is not a nation. You can't use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to defend America as a Christian nation. Nations are defined by language, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, ancestry, kinship, manners, and customs. Nations are not defined by a set of propositions.
The American Indians, such as the Apache, Comanche, Cherokee, Sioux, Dakota, Pueblo tribes, are also known as nations. How so? Because they are defined by race, ethnicity, language, religion, kinship, borders, manners, customs. Why do we apply these standards to Indian tribes but not to America? Surprise, surprise! We did!
The 1790 Naturalization Act, under the watchful eye of George Washington and the same Congress that gave us the Constitution, defined citizens as, "White persons of good character." Ethnos.
The 1828 Webster's Dictionary was the first American dictionary, and defined Americans as, "Descendants of Europeans born in America." Ethnos.
John Jay is considered one of the most religious Christians of the Founders, and he defined this country with the following statement... "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people - a people descended from the SAME ancestors, speaking the SAME language, professing the SAME religion, attached to the SAME principles of government, very SIMILAR in their manners and customs..." ~ John Jay, First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, 1787. Ethnos. Did you notice he said, "same ancestors"? This hearkens back to the Strong's Concordance which used the word, "race".
These examples provide evidence that they understood America as an ethos. I could quote many of the early American statesman who understood that America was a White nation. They understood America as an ethnos. Doug Wilson knows this is true, but he is disingenuous in trying to frame modern patriots as White supremacists. Therefore, Doug Wilson needs to repent of lying. He needs to let go of his ideology and embrace the founding principles of America and agree with the Bible.
Does Doug should know that nations are defined by race and ethnicity. A multiracial, multi religious, multiethnic Nation is an oxymoron. America is an Anglo-Saxon patriarchal Protestant nation. Doug should know the Greek New Testament word for nation is Έθνος which means "ethnos" and race. Why also race? Because the Strong's Concordance says so. Not only that, but Dennis Prager also said so in his TH-cam video titled, American Trinity. "All nations on earth are defined by race and ethnicity", he said. However unfortunately, he said that The United States is the one and only nation exception. He claims the United States is defined by values, and only values, which is ideology. Ben Shapiro also claims that America is just an ideology. In 2017, he Tweeted, "I don't give a damn about the Browning of America. Color doesn't matter. Ideology does." Doug Wilson, Dennis Prager, and Ben Shapiro, and most conservative Christians, don't know what America is. They are deceived. They conflate America with the United States. The United States indeed is an ideology and is located in Washington DC, on the other hand, America is a nation defined by race and ethnicity. Therefore, America is a Christian nation and can be defended as such, but the United States it's not a Christian nation because it is not a nation. You can't use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to defend America as a Christian nation. Nations are defined by language, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, ancestry, kinship, manners, and customs. Nations are not defined by a set of propositions. The American Indians, such as the Apache, Comanche, Cherokee, Sioux, Dakota, Pueblo tribes, are also known as nations. How so? Because they are defined by race, ethnicity, language, religion, kinship, borders, manners, customs. Why do we apply these standards to Indian tribes but not to America? Surprise, surprise! We did! The 1790 Naturalization Act, under the watchful eye of George Washington and the same Congress that gave us the Constitution, defined citizens as, "White persons of good character." Ethnos. The 1828 Webster's Dictionary was the first American dictionary, and defined Americans as, "Descendants of Europeans born in America." Ethnos. John Jay is considered one of the most religious Christians of the Founders, and he defined this country with the following statement... "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people - a people descended from the SAME ancestors, speaking the SAME language, professing the SAME religion, attached to the SAME principles of government, very SIMILAR in their manners and customs..." ~ John Jay, First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, 1787. Ethnos. Did you notice he said, "same ancestors"? This hearkens back to the Strong's Concordance which used the word, "race". These examples provide evidence that they understood America as an ethos. I could quote many of the early American statesman who understood that America was a White nation. They understood America as an ethnos. Doug Wilson knows this is true, but he is disingenuous in trying to frame modern patriots as White supremacists. Therefore, Doug Wilson needs to repent of lying. He needs to let go of his ideology and embrace the founding principles of America and agree with the Bible.
The “Let's Go Brandon!” in the original Greek. XD
I almost spit milk and cereal over that.
Read ur comment before he said it so took me a sec. 🤣
Love the sibling-nation metaphor. Globalism would have all the children of this family have exactly the same haircut, profession, eating habits, etc. etc. Natural state sovereignty is when you actually let each child do what they're best at.
Some were created to be deviants from birth - to let them be is to invite chaos into the house - you grow old they take over the house - destruction of the house is unavoidable - now think of it on a global scale - this is the current state of the globe - destruction is inevitable
I am so glad that I’ve been following you but I believe I have to stop studying the Bible and spend some serious time studying a dictionary and a thesaurus. I’m with you for awhile and then I get left behind in a verbiage quagmire. Thanks for making my faith better and my brain stronger.
No benefits in learning lies anyways
@@Isaiah--ln2md Totally agree. That's why I take the "news" or anything from the godless culture r government with a grain of salt. I'm personally partial to Psalm 109, that one packs a punch! When Jesus comes back with the armies of heaven, they'll get theirs. Don't get too discouraged.
Yeah. That’s what pastors and preachers do. It’s all quantity over quality to give the allure and mirage of credibility.
I'm very familiar with it - what ethnicity of people is it speaking of ?
@@Isaiah--ln2md I don't understand your comment. Learning lies from the Bible? Learning lies from a dictionary and a thesaurus? Learning lies from Doug Wilson? All three? Would you mind clarifying please. I looked up the verse that you have as your name; it has me pondering for sure.
I would recommend an essay by cs Lewis called meditation on the third commandment. It is old but it still resonates today
Christian nationalism is the understanding that loving your nation is an extension of loving your neighbor.
That's unbiblical Oscar - ridiculous comment
@@Isaiah--ln2md How so?
The Westminster Larger Catechism poses it as an extension of the fifth commandment, loving father and mother.
Q. 124. Who are meant by “father” and “mother,” in the
fifth commandment?
A. By father and mother, in the fifth commandment, are meant not
only natural parents, but all superiors in age and gifts; especially such
as, by God’s ordinance, are over us in place of authority, whether in
family, Church, _or commonwealth._
@@hudjahulos All of whom would also be neighbors.
@@OscarSchneegans Sure, but be careful with your categories. All parents are neighbors, but not all neighbors are parents.
I want a MACA hat!
Solid video!
Wow absolutely amazing, keep it up
Christian nationalism is a contradiction in terms. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ Christ literally said he was not here to set up an earthly kingdom. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Separation of church and state is solidly Biblical.
Saul was fired as king because he took on the office of priest. As a prophet, Elijah slew the prophets of Baal, but did not slay King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, though they were evil. They were each in turn slain by a king, not a prophet or priest. Jesus repeatedly scolded the priests, but the Gospels do not record that he ever spoke against the emperor. Paul tells the Corinthians, “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.” 1Co 5:12-13 NIV
he did, however, refer to Herod as “That fox” in Luke 13:32”
Samuel did kill Agag. And Elijah didn't kill the preists. God did.
God doesn't share your boundaries. Combining government and religion is tricky territory exactly because human nature doesn't change.
However, abandoning religion in government is exponentially worse.
@@YSLRDThen Elijah commanded them, "Seize the prophets of Baal. Don't let anyone get away!" They seized them, and Elijah had them brought down to the Kishon Valley and slaughtered there. 1Ki 18:40 NIV
One need only read the correspondence and writings of the men who coined the phrase 'separation of church and state' to realize they did not mean to create a public square free of Christian influence. Instead, they intended to keep the state from making any particular expression of Christianity (Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc) the officially authorized Christianity.
You seem to have biblical knowledge - my question is about "Habakkuk 2:5" I think it's speaking of America - what are your thoughts??
thank you
Thank You Very Much Douglas Wilson for your
astute observation,acuity in handling this topic 🧠
- A delight to ears and intellect.
Doug, would it be possible for you to have a conversation with James Lindsay? Perhaps that conversation would be as productive as those you had with Hitchens. Would love to see his response to presuppositionalism in light of his understanding of Hegel and Marx.
Lindsey is very dishonest
Great thanks for the sturdy wisdom, as usual. I look forward to feeding you BBQ Saturday night!
Barbecue and Doug.
@@YourMom777-x3x I'm catering an event at which he's speaking.
So many have either forgotten or never learned where we came from…our nation was founded on Biblical values by a people who were a majority Christian. There are those who would argue that they were only Deistic and did not believe as we do now, but you can easily look to the founders own words to see the truth. Very few a willing to stand up and defend the fact that Yes, we were a Christian nation while also NOT a theocracy. The establishment clause of the First Amendment clearly states that matter and gives the people the ability to worship freely without subscribing to a particular sect or “official” religion.
The establishment clause simply means the Federal government can't "establish" a national religion and force it down on all the states and people. In the context of when it was written, it was referring to what a lot of people fled from in Europe, religious persecution, particularly religious persecution between different DENOMINATIONS of Christianity (not different religions) brought down by the rulers of those nations against denominations they disagreed with. The establishment clause does not pertain to the states.
Furthermore, establishmentarianism is not a requirement of a "theocracy" (to use your own words) and is very largely repudiated by the way, since it is closer to an ecclesiocracy similar to what what Catholicism did in the middle ages, that being the incestuous relationship between the civil and ecclesiastical government, rather than the strict separation of the spheres of authority of the civil and ecclesiastical government, with both being under God's authority. Ecclesiocratic rule combined with establishmentarianism is literally what these people and their ancestors had experienced and fled from for hundreds of years.
Yes, as was shown in the letters between Thomas Jefferson and the Danbury Baptists, the states each retained their right to an established state church and their own blasphemy laws. There was never any suggestion that the first amendment prohibited the establishment of religion by individual states.
The Catholic church was long established as the state church of Maryland, just as the Congregationalists were the established state church of Connecticut for over a century. It was only when the Mormons sought to establish their own state church and their own state that the Federal government finally turned against the idea of state churches, and the concept of states' rights. That's not to say that Mormons are Christians, but I find it supremely ironic that the modern conception of "separation of church and state" was first created to persecute heretics, before it was twisted to persecute Christians.
Okay smart guy. If we are a nation under the Blood God, which sect?
Freedom of Religion means All faiths are accepted.
If you think we should be a Christian Nation, then logically the Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Satanists, Elvis worshippers and Cthulhu worshippers should be exempt from All Taxes and duties if they are not allowed to vote. In addition, they should also be exempt from any Christian law
@@Aenarion28 When you said "logically", it's clear you were misspelling "under the influence of marijuana". To construct a logical syllogism, start with a major premise, add a minor premise, and reach a conclusion e.g. "A and B therefore C". Your argument is "A therefore not-A, because I hate A". Without presenting a logical argument, you leave us poor smart guys nothing intelligent to discuss. You brought us your belly-button lint, please troll harder.
@@FozzyBBear jokes on you jack ass. Never done loserjuana. Don't even see the difference between loserjuana addicts and worshippers of a false, weak God that enjoyed.getting sodomized by the lord of plagues.
Btw, no big secret that when you get high on loserjuana, you believe burning bushes can talk and that humanity came from first two human beings, then 6 and that humans could live to 600 to 900 years.
I enjoy the "cut of your jib" Doug. We need strong voices like yours speaking out on behalf on Gospel values in this crazy age. I find myself wanting to make comments on other "dubious" youtube videos and make my small contribution to the various debates. I even write them out, but then hit delete before sending. My reasoning is, nobody will likely listen and I also don't want to deal with the inevitable "trolls." Your wisdom and courage inspires me to reconsider in at least some cases.
thank you!
"It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will,
to be grateful for His benefits, and humble implore his protection and favor."
Pres. George Washington Thanksgiving proclamation. 1789
Is your original comment from a founding father or you urself - great quote
Fuck god.
He does not tell me what to do.
If I want to cut my hair or eat crab I'll do what I choose.
“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and PREFER CHRISTIANS for their rulers. National prosperity can neither be obtained nor preserved without the favor of Providence.” ~ John Jay 1816
Habakkuk 2:5
Want to be a Christian nation? Live the example of Christ. Love your enemy, forgive one another, and turn the other cheek. And don't worry about the mote in your brother's eye.
And execute murders, defend the defenseless, smash into the homes of criminals, topple syndicates, lock up whoever needs to be, ya know……justice. When the plank is out your own eye it allows you to TAKE the speck out of your brother’s eye. Might want to reread that verse again.
@@Travis.L restorative justice my friend, not retribution. This is what Christ teaches. He didn't murder or lock up anybody...
@@tober0432 Christians who are in positions of authority are to execute justice as according to Romans 13 verses 4…… …..”For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.”……..Or does this only apply to unbelievers? This is not mob justice …..even the law says it is not wrong to kill a thief who breaks in your house at night. It is only a matter of time before Christ puts all enemies under his feet. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Blood high as a horses bridle. Robed dipped in blood. Winepress of Gods wrath. Do any of these verses ring a bell?
@@Travis.L Christians of authority? And I suppose that's you, right? This is what many people fear about "Christian nationalism." How does one become like Christ if you believe you have the authority and the duty to serve out violent punishment? How do you ever come to a place of forgiveness, love, humility? How do you square this mindset with the eight beautitudes? The sermon on the mount? The crucifixion was the greatest act of injustice. What worse sin could be done other than the murder of God? And God's response? Forgive them, they know not what they do. This is not the Christ you describe using verses that are clearly metaphorical, because the bloody image of a vengeful Christ simply doesn't jive with the example that Christ provides.
Jesus said to remove the mote in his eye when you examined and removed your own self-righteousness, not ignore it. Loving according to Jesus means confronting such things.
Thankfully all those Christians agreed to this statement in the constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
And this one is good too: The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is a clause within Article VI, Clause 3 "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
Well of course those are sound ideas. I would never accept Bible law and if people are denied the chance to run for public office based on religion, then any law made restricting a woman's autonomy over her body based on a religious reason is illegitimate
The United States is not a Christian nation because the United States is not a nation. It is a political system of laws and institutions located in Washington DC. The Greek New Testament word for nation is "ethnos", therefore America is a nation and a Christian nation.
@@virtualpilgrim8645 'America' is just a derivation of Amerigo Vespucci, the name of the Italian explorer who suggested the lands Columbus sailed to in 1492 were part of a separate continent. And it was inhabited long before he or you got there.
@@aallen5256 You don't know what a nation is. As I said before, a nation is an ethnos defined by a particular people. The Indian tribes such as, Apache, Comanche, Dakota, Sioux, Cherokee, Pueblo, are each individually considered nations. Not because of some official document but because of who they are defined by race, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, culture, manners and customs. The nation has nothing to do with who was here first. The 1828 Webster's Dictionary defined an American as, "A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the DESCENDENTS OF EUROPEANS born in America."
@@virtualpilgrim8645 I didn’t mention nations.. You said the Greek New Testament word 'ethnos' translates as nation. Now you're throwing in "race, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, culture, manners and customs" as though those are even distinct concepts! But fine, so all the native Americans exist in their nations (on reservations) and their colonisers live in a nation of their own on the rest of the land?
P.S. You know dictionaries are updated every year right?
I'm guilty of claiming that "any word ending with -ism is usually a secular ideology to be rejected". But, thank you for the instruction.
That predisposition to reject all "isms" is known as skepticism. Which, ironically, sceptics don't seems to view skeptically.
Beliefs per se are non-negotiable. Everyone has beliefs. The question (thank you Rushdoony) is not whether we will have beliefs, but which beliefs are best.
@@hudjahulos Exatly. Try using ISTS instead. ISTS refers to real people in real places here on earth. "ISM" connotes a strange notion of ethereal "ideas" construed as disembodied "mental states." The Body of Christ is obviously not disembodied. I recommend 1 Corinthians 12 "The Body of Christ" for a refresher on this topic. Stay strong and focused.
I’m a Christian. And I’m a patriot. I’d love to see America embrace the gospel of Christ, and I generally agree with what is said in this video, although I would never be called a Christian nationalist based on how others, who claim that title, believe. But…serious question: when was America Christian?
It’s great that some of the founding fathers could quote Paul and I’d be interested in hearing how they used Deuteronomy to see if it was taken out of context. But unbelievers can quote the Bible too. Many of those founding fathers were active free masons…And just because our founding fathers might have had faith in Christ, how does that make America Christian?
In reply to your serious question I'd say America was Christian as long as there was some semblance of a covenant commitment to a criminal justice system based on the laws of God, such as in the Massachusetts Body of Liberties. That covenant commitment was abolished by Roger Williams in the Rhode Island founding charter. It was then gradually eroded by the preaching of Jonathan Edwards, who substituted an emotional testimony for covenant commitment to a creedal statement of faith as evidence of conversion.
Edwards also introduced the left-wing Enlightenment of John Locke and later John Witherspoon spoon-fed Madison and other founders the right-wing Enlightenment of Thomas Reid. Meantime, the Philosophe elites - Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, + Madison, etc - substituted their oathbound Masonic covenants for the Biblical covenant in the coup at Philadelphia.
Are you the minister I saw in a documentary wanting to make Moscow, Idaho a red city rather than a blue?
Will be great to put Doug Wilson and Dennis Prager in the same room to converse on these issues.
It would make for an excellent best liar competition
@@Charles.Wright it’s a troll
This thread was hilarious reading the comments...
Honest question from a Christian deeply opposed to CN: is there a good resource to review a list of unique CN policy prescriptions? Is it just a different philosophy justifying virtually identical positions as mainstream republicanism?
Good Q
No, and I wouldn't think there could be one, given that it is about individual nations living according to Christ's commandments to the best of their ability in the local, cultural and historic context that makes each people unique and valuable. It isn't like globalism where European elites are trying to impose a fascist iron grip on the world and shape it to confirm to their godless morality while exploiting the 3rd world for their enrichment. Living as a God honoring Christian nation is going to look different for Japan or China or Ethiopia or El Salvador, or whatever other nation you want to bring up. I think the closest one will get is wanting to study and apply God's civil case law as a standard for justice in the nation.
Although Pastor Wilson is a proponent of Thomistic Natural Law in the civil sphere rather than Theonomy, there are many good books in the latter category. You should start with Institutes of Biblical Law by RJ Rushdooney, Tools of Dominion by Gary North, By This Standard by Greg Bahnsen, the Book of the Covenant by James Jordan.
I think a good answer/question to people trying to accuse us of being any kind of ist, ism, or phobe, is to say
"Well maybe I am, what do you mean by that?" as your starting point. Let them throw their childish labels around all they want, doesn't mean a thing to me.
What do you make of Mystery Magical Church channel?
Or maybe conservative Christians could finally read their Bibles and recognize that there is nothing so patently obvious than the fact that we do not live in a world where the prophecies of the Messiah have been fulfilled.
Yes, the Torah does predict a time of peace and prosperity under the Messiah. But it also predicts the Messiah suffering - see תהילים Psalm 22; ישעיהו Isaiah 53. Christians do believe in a peaceful Messianic age to come, but that his suffering - as predicted by the prophets, came first.
@@jfkmuldermedia I'm glad you acknowledge Jesus obviously did not fulfill the prophecies of the Messiah. Thank you. Now, please go tell other Christians, because they seem surprised when I point it out to them.
Hi Faturechi. Do you accept what the Tanakh teaches about the suffering of the Messiah, or don't you accept it, my friend?
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ --Philippians 3:20
Based and Christ-pilled.
I didn't hear any scripture quoted to support Doug Wilson's views. It would be nice to know what verses he is using to support his position.
I couldn't say why, but what you say here sounds different than what NBC says you're saying. Real mystery.
The political right in the US today really doesn’t like the idea of Christian nationalism. I was surprised.
Hear! Hear!
"Let's go Brandon (in the original greek)." 😭😭😭
I wish America had Christian values, but I won't hold my breath. Do you think America ever matched the nostalgic opinings we often hear. I don't. I believe America was always just a myth. Jesus never was just a myth and for me there lies the difference. Jesus and the Apostles never talked about working for national improvement. As a matter of fact they warned us to just "endure to the end." I'm convinced America and the world will sink even deeper into the cesspool and then my Lord Jesus will finally say enough and return. My feelings about America are like the boyfriend caught hiding in the closet when the wifes husband came home early from work. The husband asked the boyfriend what he was doing in the closet. The boyfriend responded with, "everybody has to be somewhere."
Let's go Brandon in the original Greek! Haha
Needs to he said.
A lot of gravy in this one.
Did you know that there have been people put in jail for belonging to the wrong Christian denomination here in America during the pre revolutionary period?
4:20 you go off the deep end
"...let's go Brandon, in the original Greek..." I just spit ice cream on my tablet!
It is in the redefining of nationalism equals fascism equals Christian right that is the problem.
How can a fascist government, who's goal is centralized control with government ownership except in the ever present cronyism, be considered a conservative desire?
Yeah. I wonder if the let's fearmongering about 'nationalism' won't bite them when they try to actualize their fascist plans after telling everyone to watch out.
I'm a Christian Internationalist
Founding principles of the Christian Nationalist party.
1.Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. your neighbor as you love yourself
3.Abortion and all other forms of murder are to result in death to the offender without exception
4.complete elimination of homosexual marriage and adoption rate, 5% of income goes to the federal government (the majority of which goes to the military) and 4% goes to the State which keeps your total tax rate 1% less than a Baptist tithe.
6. NO other taxes outside of the 9% income tax.
I admit that my pride and sin gets in the way of truly loving these leftists... and probably everyone else. Sigh...
And a Dutch loves his! 😉😄
I’d love to hear your commentary on the papacy being the biblical antichrist as well as the mark of lent being the mark of the beast, according to the infallible Greek in Revelation 13, and why no “Christian commentators” are talking about it.
@IG Farben you’re saying that the Roman Catholic Church is the synagogue of Satan? I agree bcuz that’s what the Bible teaches, good point .
Church spreads the gospel in a dark world, but it will take the reign of Jesus Himself ruling w a rod of iron to usher in the golden age you wish for.
Favorite funny line: "... in the original Greek ..."
Only the most intentionally blind and dumb (emphasis on "dumb") or the truly cognitively impaired cannot or will not comprehend the clearly Christian foundations of this country, its societal norms, and, particularly, its founding laws. Maranatha!
(Isaiah 47:1,3,6) Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin DAUGHTER OF BABYLON sit on the ground -: I will take "vengeance" and I will NOT meet thee as a MAN - I was wroth with "my people" I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them INTO THINE HAND thou didst shew them no mercy
(Zechariah 2:7) Deliver thyself, O Zion, that DWELLEST with the DAUGHTER OF BABYLON
(Psalm 137:7-9) Remember, O Lord, the children of "esaw" in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof - O DAUGHTER OF BABYLON, who art to be DESTROYED happy shall he be, that "REWARDETH" thee as thou hast served us - Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones
(revelation 18:5-10) For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities - "REWARD" her even as she rewarded you, and DOUBLE unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her DOUBLE - Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with FIRE for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her - when they shall see the smoke of her BURNING - Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city "BABYLON" that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come
Just curious, how many of the 10 commandments are enshrined in the Constitution? As far as I can tell, it's 6, 8 & 9. Don't kill, steal, or lie. There is no such thing as a Christian nation. Christianity is made up of individuals across nations.
The First Amendment's Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. The United States entered into a Treaty with Tripoli in 1796. The Senate ratified the treaty and John Adams signed it the next year.
Article 11 of the treaty stated: “As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religious or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” So yes as a Christian you do get to live in America and believe what you will...but you don't get to force your evil delusions upon everyone else. That is the line.
Our law itself betrays the fact that the language contained in the treaty is verifiably false. In Tripoli the punishment for stealing would have likely been the cutting off of the thief’s hand based on the Muslim understanding of justice. In America the punishment for stealing was restorative by nature based on the Christian understanding of justice. Your use of the word “evil” betrays your own inconsistency. Who defines evil? Yahweh? Allah? You? Society (which then makes the term completely meaningless)?
@@austinrothjr Yes...evil is meaningless...just as Christ...just as God...just as all your delusions. Everything is meaningless until the bullets of Civil War begins.
Being or becoming Christian comes from one's heart and soul. It happens between a person and Jesus. Writing laws, instituting authoritarians, judges, can not make a coalition of people, a nation Christian. That idea is backwards. If existing Christians witness to others, as Jesus commanded, belief will grow, and then the legal and political power structures will follow more Christian principles.
Witness with a pure heart, and watch what happens!
Listening to this again. Like it, but with some questions. One is this: if neoconservative(ism) is the idolatry of one Christian family (national family representative of the quarrels between the twelve disciples over who was the greatest) over another, then our America 1.0 as a light on the hill created by postmillennialists in the 1700s (beginning with Jonathan Edwards, then Finney et al) was also idolatrous in this fashion. What makes Christian Nationalism America 2.0 not?
Prove that your god exists and that it’s the only god that exists before asking everyone to follow your rules for living.
Then prove that the Bible isn’t an immoral book that doesn’t promote sexism, slavery, and genocides.
You cannot.
I ask the same question to Darwinian evolutionists to prove that one species can be transformed into another. They can't. They can't prove that the theory of evolution isn't a racist ideology promoting that one race can't be superior to another.
If one needed to proof that one's ideology is true, no one could ever govern.
Nice video; just some cordial corrections: Fascism is an ideology that holds honor and respect as fundamental tenets. For some reason you said a lack of honor and respect would lead to fascism, but that logic does not follow. However, weak systems such as democracy ultimately lead to a lack of honor and respect as evidenced by America's failed experiment. You also said 50 out of 55 members of the Constitutional Convention were Orthodox Christians. Is Dreisbach your source for this? Because it's well known that a lot of them were not Christian -- perhaps nominally, but not in actuality -- as they were deist Freemasons.
Are you an exponent of fascism? I guess honour and respect could be argued to be some of its fundamental tenets.. honour and respect for a dictatorial leader! Honour and respect for militarism, including forcible suppression of political rivals, individual rights and civil liberties!
@@aallen5256 Can you point to a doctrinal document on fascism that outlines all of the traits you've listed as fundamental? What you've listed is -- aside from Marxist propaganda -- characteristic of all forms of government, particularly democracies. Fascism seeks to unify a nation to rise above petty political squabbles. This in turn requires civil liberties to be protected from infringement by enemies, especially enemies masquerading as fellow countrymen within a nation's boundary. I recommend reading up on some fascist texts instead of regurgitating platitudes that illustrate your ignorance.
@@andyjacks3762 Do you think any civil liberties might get infringed upon in the rooting out of enemies from within your own countrymen??
@@aallen5256 Criminal enemies do not have civil liberty protections as they are enemies of the nation. Therefore any member of the nation who becomes a criminal enemy -- or traitor, in a word -- forfeits their civil liberties. This is no different from how most governments operate, esp. democracies.
My turn to ask a question: Why are you so keen on protecting those who would do your nation any harm?
@@andyjacks3762 I reckon some civil liberties would definitely be trampled in the pursuit of those “criminal enemies” among us - history suggests it anyway!
Who do you think I’m protecting??
Those who fly their Trump flag must find some satisfaction in it. You say they are not helping. What must they be helping?
He was talking about the let’s go Brandon flag! Not helping
I love me some Dennis Prager but I never really understood the whole judeo Christian thing.
The beast will stand in their fleshly temple and declare that they are sinless, Holy, perfect; worthy to throw the first stone (execute enemies and sinners).
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said not to call any man common or unclean. (All three times)
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He does not want any sinner to die.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which desire The Day of The LORD; for The Day of The LORD is darkness and not light."
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that every sin will be forgiven, not theirs only, but the sins of the whole world.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "For God so loved the world."
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Go into the highways and the hedges and invite to my wedding all kinds of people, both good and bad, and my wedding will be furnished."
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that they were evil and God alone is good.
And the Christians considered everyone as better than themselves.
And the Christians didn't consider anything that they owned as their own.
And the Christians didn't sue anyone in court and the Christians who were sued in court gave more than asked for by the people who sued them.
And the Christians took the wrong.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which have small children and infants in those days."
And the Christians turned the other cheek then leapt for joy and rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for the Name of Christ Jesus their God and King.
And the Christians prayed "Forgive them Father, they don't know what they are doing."
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the evil in the world was going to wax worse and worse; they knew that Donald Trump and their vote would not change what God promises was going to happen.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the people who return evil (a bullet to the face is evil) for evil, are not His disciples and have built their house on the sand and God promises that their house will greatly fall.
And the Christians didn't idolize their children, parents, families, friends and neighbors because they feared God more than they feared men and death.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the new heaven was better than this life.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that life begins when our fleshly bodies die.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Go into the highways and the hedges and invite to my wedding all kinds of people, both good and bad, so my wedding will be furnished!"
And the Christians believed Jesus and John and revelation, that only Jesus holds a sword to destroy evil.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that if He wanted to kill someone, He would have His angels from heaven do the killing, not His humans from earth.
The sermon on the mount (Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7) takes 15 minutes to listen to, acts takes 2 hours 19 minutes, romans takes 1 hour 1 minute, Corinthians takes 1 hour 40 minutes, galatians takes 19 and a half minutes, ephesians takes 19 minutes, philippians takes 14 and a half minutes, colossians takes 12 minutes 40 seconds, Thessalonians takes 17 minutes 47 seconds, Timothy takes 26 minutes 47 seconds, Titus takes 6 minutes 20 seconds, philemon takes 3 minutes, Hebrews takes 41 minutes 21 seconds, James takes 14 minutes 55 seconds, Peter takes 27 minutes, John takes 20 and a half minutes, revelation takes 1 hour 10 minutes and 28 seconds AND THEY ALL SAY THE SAME THING. To owe no one any thing but to love one another.
Πάμε Μπράντον - Let's Go Brandon in Greek... Yep, it helped!
Best evidence for a god, and… GO!
Mah hooly book!
I luv this but with one point totally inaccurate use of America Exceptionalism which is not an arrogant American thing it was foreigners namely observing the are Christians values lived out make us exceptional in contrast to all the nations that dont live out that so we should still seek to be a light on a hill that isn't a arrogant thing
The fact that you think of America as “a light on a hill” to all the admiring foreigners is dictionary definition American exceptionalism. It’s a myth.
Is scattershot synonymous with scatterbrain? That's kind of harsh, but Pastor Wilson speaks of "A man who loves his American heritage in the proper way." How can Christians love in any way a document that rejects God by omission. He refuses to recognize it as a covenant-breaking departure from the oath to govern by God's law in most of the colonial charters. The Constitution outlaws any such covenant oath. As long as leaders like Pastor Wilson cling to this humanistic, social contract as a sterling example of Christian Nationalism, how can God bless us?
Pastor Wilson claims that 50 of 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention were orthodox Christians. I suppose, if you want to claim unitarianism as orthodoxy. Orthodox men like Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and others refused to attend what they saw as a coup in the making. "I smelt a rat," said Henry.
When did the ringleaders claim the Apostle Paul and Deuteronomy as Pastor Wilson would have you believe. Has he never read Madison's Convention Notes, The Federalist Papers, nor the Constitution itself. These primary source documents mention the Bible exactly ONE time -- Franklin's request for a local pastor to open each session with prayer, which was voted down. If they were using the "Bible as their great political textbook," isn't it strange they never mentioned the Bible?
Witherspoon came over from Scotland, mid-career, steeped in Scottish Common Sense Rationalism, which substitutes human rights and reason, and a pluralistic, social contract, for Bible Covenant. Pastor Wilson has apparently never read Witherspoon's Senior class notes for the moral philosophy class he taught to Madison, and other "founders." For somebody who's been around as long as Pastor Wilson, he ought to know better. Time to dust off your copy of North's Political Polytheism.
The problem is you can't put Christian in front of "nationalism" and call it "not idolatry." It's a play on words and it's still idolatry. Do you really think the King will acquiese to such idolatry? He won't. This won't turn out like you think it will. Turn away from this delusion. You also can't force Christianity on people, Jesus never forced himself on anyone. He also moved away from political power and you know this if you are who you say you are. And as for the Jews, if it weren't for Jesus and them, you'd have no reason to be talking. I'm not convinced. I'll pray for you, sincerely.
That phrase by itself is always bad news for African Americans and Jews.
The goal is not one Theocracy . . . it is a nation (and a world) of individual theocracies in response to, and in gratitude for, the grace and love of God that was demonstrated at Calvary.
A honest question for Christians... How long is a reasonable amount of time to wait until the return of Christ before humanity moves on to actual taking responsiblity for making the world better? Christians have been saying Christ's return is any day now for centuries. Please as reasonable people do you have to have an honest timeline? The answer can't be forever or until the earth dies!!
You obviously haven’t been around these parts long. Taking responsibility for improving the Earth (and actually believing that it will be improved) and waiting on Christ’s return without knowing exactly when are not mutually exclusive. #datpostmil
@@austinrothjr It's ironic then that Christian vote overwhelming for those that deny and do nothing about man made climate change. Oh don't believe in man made climate change so it must not be true? But let's force our beliefs upon the nation!! Oh wait it's meaningless.
@@royhiggins7270 Way to interact with the arguments I made. You really put me in my place I guess. 🤷♂️
@@austinrothjr I am just telling you the truth of were our nation is heading...Civil War. Do with it what you seem to think what I believe is meaningless so interaction is irrelevant...but I imagine the bullets will do the talking unless those are meaningless as well?
@@royhiggins7270 This is taking a rather unhinged turn. You’re bringing up things we haven’t discussed and making assumptions rather than arguments. I was happy to interact with you but you aren’t actually interacting. You’re shadowboxing your own concept of who I am and arguments you think I’d make. And that actually is a waste of my time.
I’m in favor of calling ourselves Christian localists
Not even a remotely comical comment have a seat
"Christian Nationalism" is a valid term. The Bible speaks of every tribe, tongue, and nation praising God. God clearly intended for humans to live as part of nations, not "local areas" or "communities" as the Left is so fond of saying.
@@Isaiah--ln2md wasn’t meant to be a joke at all. They can’t call us nationalists if we are trying to promote localism contra nationalism
@@selohcin problem with that is, America is not a nation by Biblical terminology
@@cosmictreason2242 Correct, but we have no choice but to try to forge a nation out of the ingredients we have on hand. It's not like we could move to a real nation. We have to try to create one in the US.
It is always fun to watch someone act in such an authoritative way while saying absurd things. I call it "pulling a Moscow Doug". Hmmn... could there be more choices other than Tribalism, Nationalism, or Globalism?
I'm just thankful that you use the KJV !
A Christian nation is just a dream at this point. There would be a whole lot of blood before something like that
Blood will happen regardless. The question is: will it be the blood of evildoers, or will it be the blood of Christian martyrs?
@@MetroplexAerials And who are Catholics and Protestants to decide who the "evildoers" are? Every last time those 2 groups took it upon themselves to decide who the "evildoers" were over the past 1600+ years, they never once got the results that they pretended to fight for.
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 so, the solution is to not try? Also, the Roman Catholics aren’t on the same team as the Protestants. Otherwise the Inquisition wouldn’t have happened, among other things, and the Jesuits would be out of business.
“It is true intelligence for a man to take a subject that is mysterious and great in itself and to unfold and simplify it so that a child can understand it.”
What is a Christian nation?
One thing I disagree with you on Doug - It is my belief that Catholicism is indeed basically "Post Messianic Judaism" and Judaism is "Pre Messianic Catholicism." My Saviour was after all, as a man, a practicing Jew who generously offered Eternal Salvation to me, A Gentile.. Glory Be To God.
Fueling the alligator rhythm
Transcendental is like getting teeth cleaned far away after plan demic prevented the last appoint ( if you know what I mean).
Don't confuse transcendent with transcendentalism.
I’ll stick to being called “a follower of Jesus!” No confusion, you either do or don’t! Simple really
Remember that Jesus himself was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Isreal. Paul was sent by our Lord to the gentiles, and unfolded the mystery of the church and the mystery of the rapture of that church. For us believers then, we are to follow Paul, as he follows Christ. Blessings
Truly an articulate scholar. However, Daniel 2:44 clearly states, “ In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will NEVER be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to ALL these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.” And Jesus later stated, “My kingdom is NO part of this world.” (John 18:36). And no where in the Bible did it record any followers of Jesus voting for secular gov, running for office, support (as this video encourages) any kingdom of that era. True Christian = Do what Jesus did as outlined in the Bible AND avoid what he didn’t do. Period. Otherwise you’re likely just an articulate scholar.
If your misunderstanding of John 18.36 is normative then it is in utter contradiction to hundreds of Scriptures such as Matthew 28.18, Matthew 6.10, Rev.5..9, 10, Rev. 2.25 -27 and hundreds of others - Jesus' dominion as king - king-dom came from God - kingdom of GOD - it did not come from Pagan Rome or apostate Judaism before whom he stood in John 18.36 but it was over this earth ALL of it - you might want to consider in your arrogance that we are not all fatalistic futurists nor pathetic pietists with only an internal and personal religion -
i am sad if you guys start dispensing Albert Mohler work product.
He has made SBTS one of the woke havens along with firing the profs that disagreed with it.
unfortunately, i will not be able, in good conscience, to support your content any longer if it goes that direction.
Conversion expands rhe kingdom, not politics.
Cant force Gods law upon people but you can spread the gospel
You can't imagine a world in which nationalism is excised that doesn't descend into fascism or anarchy. That is a limitation of your imagination.
No, that's the limit of YOURS 😂😂😂
See, this is why China is winning...... 😊
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Apropos of nothing.
No FEDERAL law. Each the states had a favorite church.
The church is also called the temple aka the body of Christ
(COLOSSIANS 1:24) for "HIS BODY'S" sake which is the "CHURCH"
(Acts 7:48) howbeit the most high dwelleth NOT in "TEMPLES" made with hands
(it's not a building)
(Ezekiel 36:22,27) Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of ISRAEL but for mine holy name's sake I will put MY SPIRIT within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them
(only Israelites promised the Spirit)
(1st Corinthians 3:16) know ye not that ye are the "TEMPLE" of God and that the SPIRIT of God dwelleth in YOU
(those who promised the spirit Israel)
(1st Corinthians 15:9) For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted THE CHURCH OF GOD
(paul persecuted Israel not everybody)
(Acts 7:37-38) This is that Moses, which said unto the children of ISRAEL This is he, that was in the" CHURCH" IN THE WILDERNESS
(the church isn't a NT concept it's Israel)
(Revelation 21:22) And I saw NO "TEMPLE" therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb ARE the TEMPLE of it
(Revelation 11:1-2) And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the "TEMPLE " of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein But the court which is WITHOUT THE TEMPLE leave out, and measure it NOT for it is given unto the GENTILES
(only Israelites can be "IN" the temple)
(lamentations 1:10) for she hath seen that the heathen entered into her "SANCTUARY"(temple) whom thou didst command that they should NOT enter into thy congregation
(only Israel "IN" the temple OT also)
Who is the church according to scripture Joan??
@@YSLRD 10/13 anyway.
The Victor's Crown has been awarded. And the evangelical age has ended. We are now entering the kingdom age. A time of justice for all including LGBTQ and others that evangelicals persecuted. Don't try to raise up the evangelical age. It is a futile endeavor.
Hahaha invisible sky wizards don't exist bro :)
I like Christo-fascist. Or wanna be theocrats. or Taliban. or primitive fundamentalists. or psycho religious fanatics.
I don't see Christian nationalism anywhere. Am I missing something? I'm the only Heavenian I know...but I've met plenty of American nationalist Christians, and unfortunately, they don't know that it's a contradiction. My native country is Heaven...not America. Though I have always lived here, I really don't like crime and death and sadness, in my country Jesus Christ rids His Father's kingdom of all that stuff so it's much better.
You see what I've done there, right? I've started putting myself into a state of mind to the eternal salvation I suppose. If I'm serious about Jesus Christ and my claims, then it's only expected that I start to reflect my convictions. I mean, if I'm going to spend eternity in Heaven, it's best if I start acting like it now.
Do I believe in America? No
Do I believe in the ideals of America? Of course!
Any place on earth that inspires toward Heaven is going to ease the journey home, which literary takes a lifetime. Unfortunately, I have to state that this is Not that America, but a spoiled grandchild of that country and those ideals. In retrospect, I love America as much as America loves Jesus Christ. But, that includes any other countries that love Jesus Christ more than themselves.
Too bad for me, huh?
You are a clever Jew, 'eh?
@@virtualpilgrim8645 that's brilliant lol
Slow your speech
Pure bafflegab. I remember when integrity was a virtue.
Reading the comments is sad...
Everyone just mssed the point
What was the point?? you think we missed
To be honest, I dont remember what comments I read back when I watched this.
Your biblical God given ethnicity is the point
(Hebrews 12:16-17 kjv) Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as
E S. A U when he would have inherited the blessing, he was REJECTED: for he found NO PLACE OF "REPENTANCE"
(Malachi 1:2-4) yet I loved Jacob, And I hated E. S. A. U and they shall call THEM, The border of "WICKEDNESS" and, THE PEOPLE against whom the Lord hath indignation FOREVER
(Psalm 11:5-6) The Lord trieth the righteous: but the "WICKED" and him that loveth violence his soul hateth Upon the WICKED he shall rain "FIRE" and "BRIMSTONE" this shall be the portion of their cup
(Obadiah 1:18) And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of E. S. A. U for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall NOT BE ANY REMAINING of the house of
E. S. A. U. for the LORD hath spoken it
I dont respond instantly and you think there is nothing I have to respond?
Wierd, but ok.
What does esau have anything to do with the current condition.
I said I dont remember what the comments I read were, but you kept at it. Ok.
Doug thinks there is a political solution, not taking the bait, and it perpetuates a passive approach.
I don't think you can actually call America a Christian nation in the terms most people mean it (Christians running the country by Christian principles and Christian law). That has never happened, even Israel never pulled that off except in short, stumbling movements.
But Christian principles and theology, and Christian men shaped and built the nation, and Judeo-Christian heritage was the foundational worldview of the nation and in that sense it was a "Christian nation." In those terms I can call myself a Christian nationalist, and patriot.
Doug should know that nations are defined by race and ethnicity. A multiracial, multi religious, multiethnic Nation is an oxymoron. America is an Anglo-Saxon patriarchal Protestant nation. Doug should know the Greek New Testament word for nation is Έθνος which means "ethnos" and race. Why also race? Because the Strong's Concordance says so.
Not only that, but Dennis Prager also said so in his TH-cam video titled, American Trinity. "All nations on earth are defined by race and ethnicity", he said. However unfortunately, he said that The United States is the one and only nation exception. He claims the United States is defined by values, and only values, which is ideology. Ben Shapiro also claims that America is just an ideology. In 2017, he Tweeted, "I don't give a damn about the Browning of America. Color doesn't matter. Ideology does."
Doug Wilson, Dennis Prager, and Ben Shapiro, and most conservative Christians, don't know what America is. They are deceived. They conflate America with the United States. The United States indeed is an ideology and is located in Washington DC, on the other hand, America is a nation defined by race and ethnicity. Therefore, America is a Christian nation and can be defended as such, but the United States it's not a Christian nation because it is not a nation. You can't use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to defend America as a Christian nation. Nations are defined by language, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, ancestry, kinship, manners, and customs. Nations are not defined by a set of propositions.
The American Indians, such as the Apache, Comanche, Cherokee, Sioux, Dakota, Pueblo tribes, are also known as nations. How so? Because they are defined by race, ethnicity, language, religion, kinship, borders, manners, customs. Why do we apply these standards to Indian tribes but not to America? Surprise, surprise! We did!
The 1790 Naturalization Act, under the watchful eye of George Washington and the same Congress that gave us the Constitution, defined citizens as, "White persons of good character." Ethnos.
The 1828 Webster's Dictionary was the first American dictionary, and defined Americans as, "Descendants of Europeans born in America." Ethnos.
John Jay is considered one of the most religious Christians of the Founders, and he defined this country with the following statement... "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people - a people descended from the SAME ancestors, speaking the SAME language, professing the SAME religion, attached to the SAME principles of government, very SIMILAR in their manners and customs..." ~ John Jay, First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, 1787. Ethnos. Did you notice he said, "same ancestors"? This hearkens back to the Strong's Concordance which used the word, "race".
These examples provide evidence that they understood America as an ethos. I could quote many of the early American statesman who understood that America was a White nation. They understood America as an ethnos. Doug Wilson knows this is true, but he is disingenuous in trying to frame modern patriots as White supremacists. Therefore, Doug Wilson needs to repent of lying. He needs to let go of his ideology and embrace the founding principles of America and agree with the Bible.
America is not in the Bible
@@toolegittoquit_001 What is America? Define it.
Does Doug should know that nations are defined by race and ethnicity. A multiracial, multi religious, multiethnic Nation is an oxymoron. America is an Anglo-Saxon patriarchal Protestant nation. Doug should know the Greek New Testament word for nation is Έθνος which means "ethnos" and race. Why also race? Because the Strong's Concordance says so.
Not only that, but Dennis Prager also said so in his TH-cam video titled, American Trinity. "All nations on earth are defined by race and ethnicity", he said. However unfortunately, he said that The United States is the one and only nation exception. He claims the United States is defined by values, and only values, which is ideology. Ben Shapiro also claims that America is just an ideology. In 2017, he Tweeted, "I don't give a damn about the Browning of America. Color doesn't matter. Ideology does."
Doug Wilson, Dennis Prager, and Ben Shapiro, and most conservative Christians, don't know what America is. They are deceived. They conflate America with the United States. The United States indeed is an ideology and is located in Washington DC, on the other hand, America is a nation defined by race and ethnicity. Therefore, America is a Christian nation and can be defended as such, but the United States it's not a Christian nation because it is not a nation. You can't use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to defend America as a Christian nation. Nations are defined by language, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, ancestry, kinship, manners, and customs. Nations are not defined by a set of propositions.
The American Indians, such as the Apache, Comanche, Cherokee, Sioux, Dakota, Pueblo tribes, are also known as nations. How so? Because they are defined by race, ethnicity, language, religion, kinship, borders, manners, customs. Why do we apply these standards to Indian tribes but not to America? Surprise, surprise! We did!
The 1790 Naturalization Act, under the watchful eye of George Washington and the same Congress that gave us the Constitution, defined citizens as, "White persons of good character." Ethnos.
The 1828 Webster's Dictionary was the first American dictionary, and defined Americans as, "Descendants of Europeans born in America." Ethnos.
John Jay is considered one of the most religious Christians of the Founders, and he defined this country with the following statement... "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people - a people descended from the SAME ancestors, speaking the SAME language, professing the SAME religion, attached to the SAME principles of government, very SIMILAR in their manners and customs..." ~ John Jay, First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, 1787. Ethnos. Did you notice he said, "same ancestors"? This hearkens back to the Strong's Concordance which used the word, "race".
These examples provide evidence that they understood America as an ethos. I could quote many of the early American statesman who understood that America was a White nation. They understood America as an ethnos. Doug Wilson knows this is true, but he is disingenuous in trying to frame modern patriots as White supremacists. Therefore, Doug Wilson needs to repent of lying. He needs to let go of his ideology and embrace the founding principles of America and agree with the Bible.
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