Israeli soldiers commandeer Palestinian car for protection, Hebron, 16 Feb. 2018

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 มี.ค. 2018
  • On Friday, 16 February 2018, settlers held their annual march in Hebron to commemorate the massacre at the Tomb of the Patriarchs (al-Haram al-Ibrahimi). Hani al-Ja'bri, a resident of Hebron, was driving home from Friday prayers with his four sons, who are between the ages of four and thirteen. Soldiers forced al-Ja'bri to drive into a-Shalala St., where Palestinian youths were clashing with soldiers, and park the car in the middle of the street to shield the soldiers. They then demanded his car keys. When al-Ja'bri refused to hand over the keys, they took them forcefully. The soldiers ordered the passengers out of the car. Al-Ja'bri took his children to a nearby grocery store and returned to the car. He stood by it until the stone-throwing ceased. The incident was captured on video by Hebron resident Jamal Abu S’eaifan.
    'Issam al-Ja'bri (13) recounted in a testimony he gave B'Tselem field researcher Musa Abu Hashhash: "The soldiers shouted at my father to drive the car onto a-Shalala Street. My youngest brother, Suheib, who is four, started crying. He was so scared. I was scared, too, that the stones would hit the car. I was also afraid the soldiers would hurt my dad, who was really stressed and nervous. My dad took us into a grocery store on a-Shalala Street and asked the owner to keep an eye on us until he got back. We stayed in the store for about half an hour. I was worried sick that something would happen to my dad."

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