Embracing Aging in Your 30s: Overcoming the Fear of Aging with Confidence and Self-Love

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 พ.ค. 2023
  • #aging #turning30 #selfconfidence #bodyneutrality
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    Are you in your 30s and struggling with the fear of aging? Don't worry; I understand exactly how you feel. In this empowering and insightful video, we'll dive deep into the complexities of this fear and discover together how to overcome it.
    Join me as we explore the pressures of societal expectations and the impact they have on our self-worth and external validation. Together, we'll uncover the true value of self-love and the importance of embracing our personal values.
    In a world that often caters to the male gaze and enforces rigid standards, it's crucial to be kind to ourselves and cultivate a positive mindset towards aging. I'll address common anxieties about getting older and share valuable tips for healthy aging. We'll also discuss self-care in your 30s and the power of body positivity and body neutrality. Together, we'll debunk the myths and misconceptions surrounding aging, including worries about wrinkles and skincare.
    It's time for us to let go of the fear of growing old and embrace aging gracefully with confidence. Together, we'll discover the path to self-acceptance, regain our self-confidence, and overcome the feeling of invisibility that sometimes creeps in. Trust me when I say, aging is not as scary as they say, and I'm here to show you how to embrace it with open arms.
    Join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth as we explore the fear of aging and empower ourselves to age well, inside and out. Together, we'll learn how to navigate this beautiful chapter of our lives and find true joy and fulfillment along the way

ความคิดเห็น • 68

  • @desoterica7453
    @desoterica7453 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I’m 64. I don’t do anything to look younger. I’ve been through a lot. And can honestly say my 50s and 60s (so far) are the best. I seldom wear makeup. I don’t care what others think. I’m 64 and sag and have wrinkles etc. So what? I don’t matter to society? So what? My family loves me. My friends love me. I love me (did not for first 50 years). Men stopped looking at me in my 40s. So what? Actually I was happy about that. Leave me alone. Yeah the male gaze drove me crazy. I knew from my teens on all they wanted was sex. And I don’t crave sex anymore - and that’s freedom. So liberating. I know society says sex is good and you need it. Not true. I am freer without it. I’m more ‘me’ without it. So look forward to aging! Enjoy your life while young of course. Enjoy sex when feeling the need. But know old age has freedoms youth can’t understand. And those grumpy old people we all know are just too selfish to see life didn’t owe them everything they thought it did! Happy old people are happy cause they allow aging to teach them all about being free. And it’s not about money. I’m on a pension so have to watch my money each money. So what? Money doesn’t define who you are. I’m not saying it’s bad. I’ve had money. I was just surprised to see it was not what defined me or life itself in the end. Hope this helps you young millennials ❤

  • @melanieadamski8738
    @melanieadamski8738 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    At 62 I must say that aging beats the alternative!😂

  • @ceebee7192
    @ceebee7192 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I found that relationships with younger people who don’t value someone older has a negative impact on the psyche. I’m almost 31 and I know that I’m very accomplished by my definition. A younger group, 10+ years does not appreciate our value.

  • @carmenhunter4380

    Tysm for this! I was praised for my looks from birth until around 30. I got ppl telling me to model, i got lots of attention from men and women. Now im almost 40, im almost invisible, i hate it but at the same time the attention i used to get made me super uncomfortable! Its a bizarre paradox. What helps me is a refusal to only be "good" or "valuable" for a third of my life! Should i live till 90 that is. Society really is sick for ingraining this 30 yr old "deadline" in women.

  • @Goodnews99457

    I never realized that I need to hear about aging from a 32 yo😂😂😂

  • @pennyjane9906

    Hello :) I think you are misunderstanding the french lady, maybe she had troubles expressing herself in english. I remember being in Italy with a friend of mine in our early 20s. And seeing the women there has struck me. Women of all ages had beautiful dresses on, and they were sitting outside a bar chatting with friends, enjoying the sun, food and life. They all looked so beautiful to me, and I thought, this is what I was going to be that age. So this is what I'm getting from the french woman, that says, look at the women, how they dress, and eat well, enjoy france... a happy, joyful, kind face, somebody that brings joy to others and is grateful for life, and able to appreciate life is so beautiful. And I think that a lot of men would agree, that such a woman who is confident with herself and know how to enjoy life is sexy and desirable.

  • @dmn4747
    @dmn4747 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    For me (I just turned 40) is that the internet is dominated by 19 year olds. We are DROWNING in 19 year old face filtered women. The only thing that has helped me is to only follow women over 50 online. Now I am inundated with accounts of 60 year old lady boxers and 70 year old lifestyle vlogs, and 50 year old makeup artists. We need to SEE older women living. Because when we do we see there's a LOT that's amazing about getting older.

  • @yammilashka
    @yammilashka 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you so much for the video💚 I'd add a couple of moments here. I think it's pretty dangerous to state any decade as the best because when it comes to an end, there's a risk of going through an even tougher crisis. Like "My best decade is over. What am I going to do now?" All the rest pieces of advice are just great. I'm turning 42 soon and yes, I can see that men get more excited when they see younger women, even when they are themselves over 40-50 etc. First, when I got a lot of male's attention in 20s-30s, I wasn't happy. Their attention can be so annoying and destructive sometimes. Second, as kids we don't care about men's attention and simply enjoy our life. So why not to remember that feeling now. Next, we ourselves should really see the beauty of older women and men thus we'll be able to accept ourselves. If you can't truly see and believe that a 50-year-old woman can be beautiful, how can you believe in that about yourself?) And a very important point is about confidence and energy. Women who love life exude energy that men find very attractive and looks become a second point. My grandma had admirers when she was 75 and she is a confident energetic woman. And yes, how the world will continue treating women after 30s depends on us, women, a lot. Sounds almost like a mission:) Hugs and love to all the women🌷🌷🌷

  • @viralprimenetwork
    @viralprimenetwork ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Embracing aging in your 30s? That's such an empowering and important topic to explore! This video description promises to delve into the journey of overcoming the fear of aging with confidence and self-love💕.. We were so inspired by this video that we took the initiative to email you, expressing our appreciation for your empowering message and expressing our interest in potential collaboration opportunities.

  • @BethVonBlack

    I think the French lady was simply saying - go to somewhere like France where women aren't 'thrown away' as soon as they hit a certain age - mature women in France are deemed beautiful because they take care of themselves, dress impeccably and enjoy life (in moderation). It's about perspective - seeing mature women have fun with fashion and dressing elegantly shows you can be beautiful and worthy at all ages. She wasn't being snarky, she was being French lol. Us Europeans are more frank, but it doesn't mean we don't care. And, getting off TikTok is perfectly good advice, imo. lol

  • @Juststudiothings
    @Juststudiothings ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I hear this all the time. It feels reassuring to be told I look in my 20's, Im also 32, and its shocking to me. But its REALLY not very old. Its closer to 1/3 of our lives assuming we live to our estimated agespans. These days people commonly live into their 80's and 90's (general statement yes).

  • @sunrise8752

    Girl literally everything you are saying EXACTLY what I’m thinking. I just turned 30 and I’m freaking out. I think what I’m really freaking out about is not that I’m older but that I haven’t accomplished what I wanted. Like a good career, marriage, kids and I feel not only behind everyone but also that time is slipping away…

  • @ms.shortcake9204

    I’m going to be 37 next month and I have been struggling with this so much! Thank you for being vulnerable and honest because it really helps some of us not feel so alone in these feelings. Much love to you❤

  • @leahwilliams3618

    I'm 46 and these feelings that you're describing hit me in my 40s and it has been really hard. I've grieved "my looks" and felt a huge loss. In this journey over the last few years, I have realized that I had objectified myself physically. I made myself an object to be looked at! I didn't love me for the person that I am outside of my sexuality/looks. Life happens and the last couple years health problems have caused me to gain weight. This still hurts but I haven't been able to control that and have had to learn to accept life and myself as I am. I don't do it perfectly, but I try each day. Celebrating myself helps also. I've taken my eyes off of others and put them on myself and now I take care of myself and focus on enjoying each day.

  • @sultanalsaid4396

    I'm a guy here...thank you so much for being honest I know you might think its not relatable to me as a guy but trust me it is! Specially when it comes to the aging not the beauty part of it but the aging and the purpose in life part of it...thank you so much for this beautiful video...Good luck❤

  • @pennyjane9906

    I'm in my 30s too, and I had been struggling with this too. What has really helped me and changed things for me, is that I stopped looking at aging as if I am 'loosing' something.. beautiful things get replaced by other beautiful things. and my whole life, its all me, in all stages. I never fade. That a line I didn't have before is now a part of me, and also beautiful in its own way.. I sincerely think, that lines and new structures are beautiful as they are human. I used to have more fat in my face.. I don't have this as much as I used to, but my eyes look bigger.. so thats a plus. I love the eyes of a mother that is concerned for her child and cares for somebody. People that care for other people will have lines of worry. And it looks beautiful. People that laugh will have laugh lines, why are they so scrutinized.. its beautiful. And I am there somewhere being 20, flawless. And I am there somewhere being an 80 year old grandmother baking pie for her grandchildren, full of lifes wrinkels and old strong hands. And I am there somewhere 40s, caring for my family. I am there somewhere an 8 year girl. It's all me. I think if we don't appreciate the time we are in, we are missing out on it. You are beautiful now, the way you are no less than you were 7 years ago. Just different.

  • @noeenicole5966

    I’m so glad to have come across this video. I recently turned 30 and just finished up a masters program. I should be on top of the world right now but I sometimes look in the mirror and don’t recognize my face anymore. I also lost about 20 lbs so that has changed my face a lot too and I just look so much older than I remember. It’s like before the pandemic I was 26 and had just started to really like myself and my looks and now I look in the mirror to see a much more mature person but I can’t wrap my brain around it. It’s also starting to depress me to know that it will change again at 36, and 40, and 55 and so on. I’m doing all the anti aging things I can now but it’s still so scary.

  • @scc8728

    Im 47 and honestly i still struggle with this at time and it started in my mid 20s. Its very hard not to become a male hater. Surely they created the world in a way that only values youth and beauty, yet for a male age is an asset. Even younger men look up to older men. As females we need to change this!

  • @NancyVS32024

    Everything your saying is straight facts I’m 44 and I struggle so much with my looks because of external validation from man. I love this video this is what I was searching for tonight and I found it in this video o appreciate you!

  • @trtlduv07

    Thanks SO MUCH for posting this love! I'm 33 and starting to see aging signs too and it's hard. I take excellent care of myself, but even so I knew that eventually I, like everyone would start to age, but it's hard. Thanksagain for helping me feel less alone in this process! 💚Also I SO RELATE to looking at other aging women in a different light than I view myself and I'm trying to practice radical acceptance about my aging process. I also have OCD though and a common theme has always been perfectionism so it's been hard for me with these recent changes but I'm doing my best to accept them and focus on my graitute that I'm alive! 💚