To be honest. I had this replica. It was left in the car for 1 month. After the month of sun the stiches and glue went bad and the leather started to going off. There might be some better replicas I guess. I switched to original one.
So far it's been fine. I've had it on for about 3 months now. Always in the sun when I drive the car and it's been very hot this year. Maybe this is one of the better replicas? There were days in the sun where it was very hot to touch. I'm trying to see how long it'll last till I have to change back to my authentic Momo. So far this replica feels very nice to the touch and hasn't gone bad yet.
I've had it on for about 3 months now and it's still fine. Always in the sun when I drive the car and it's been very hot this year.There were days where it got very hot to the touch while in the sun. As soon as it starts to go bad, I'll change back to my authentic Momo.
That’s very interesting 👍.
I'm curious to see the center spokes more closely.
1. compare the brushed finish
2. the older fakes didn't have filleted edges to match the genuine
steering wheel link ?
What size? 350mm
Yes. 350mm.
To be honest. I had this replica. It was left in the car for 1 month. After the month of sun the stiches and glue went bad and the leather started to going off. There might be some better replicas I guess. I switched to original one.
So far it's been fine. I've had it on for about 3 months now. Always in the sun when I drive the car and it's been very hot this year. Maybe this is one of the better replicas? There were days in the sun where it was very hot to touch. I'm trying to see how long it'll last till I have to change back to my authentic Momo. So far this replica feels very nice to the touch and hasn't gone bad yet.
@@BudgetGears Yes there might be different replicas I guess. Its always lottery with them I guess
Reported this dangerous to even put this video out death by wheel
it wont last. its going to unwrap in a hot day.
I've had it on for about 3 months now and it's still fine. Always in the sun when I drive the car and it's been very hot this year.There were days where it got very hot to the touch while in the sun. As soon as it starts to go bad, I'll change back to my authentic Momo.