Best thing would be to email our centre just now I have a waitlist but we can advise you on the length and other people in our team from there. All the best
If you look at some of the videos on this channel for Dropping Anchor for Overwhelm and acceptance they give some of the tools I use to work with this. Certainly let go of focusing on breathing, try to accept any tightness/suffocation feeling and engage in actions in the present moment (get more of your focus out into the world and less on your anxious response). Always good to work with an evidence based therapist to help you learn to handle this better
I want to take sessions from you johnny, what is the process to it.
Best thing would be to email our centre just now I have a waitlist but we can advise you on the length and other people in our team from there. All the best
Jonny when I try to deep breath I also sometimes get my self suffocated is there anything else I can try at high time of anxiety
If you look at some of the videos on this channel for Dropping Anchor for Overwhelm and acceptance they give some of the tools I use to work with this. Certainly let go of focusing on breathing, try to accept any tightness/suffocation feeling and engage in actions in the present moment (get more of your focus out into the world and less on your anxious response). Always good to work with an evidence based therapist to help you learn to handle this better