Been catching up through the first Campaign via the podcast, SO glad I happened to tune into the TH-cam vid to find this one glorious moment. Thank you
Im more wondering why she didnt use the dragonslaying arrow on the Sky Sentinel attack, since they had already established that it multiplies the arrow that is used (she multiplied a Lightning Arrow on a previous episode)
@@simongrimaux7700 Using that effect doesn't copy the Dragon-Slaying part of the arrow, it's just 2 more arrows that deal lightning damage. It would be 1 Arrow of Dragon-Slaying damage and 2 regular arrows with lightning damage. The ability is called "Storm Arrow".
Grog: "Oh it's like... seven feet." People who don't know Grog: "That's barely even a dragon. Did it just hatch?" People who know Grog: "OH DEAR GODS IT'S GIGANTIC"
7 is exponentially larger than 6 I'm grogs mind. When they were ranking about his heard of 6 strong way back then they found out it was 50 grog said if we do this all 50 will attack us and I so wished he said all 6
@@Zalied I think you hit on it. Grog is super smart about scale, he just thinks in exponents. The Grog Scale of Scale where 2 is one hundred times bigger than 1
Apparently, these captions are done by fan viewers, much like a charity sort of thing. People go in during their own time and add captions. The greatness of the critter community
I love how Taliesin actually comes up with a basic idea and understanding of each of his machinations, instead of just saying, "I want to make a trap." He really gets into the headspace of his character.
He's still stuck in a post industrial mindset though, creating 4 feet long springs in a setting that is at the most late renaissance? And comparing it to making ringmail.
I think that's how matt rules how absurd the concepts of his designs are. If taliesin can describe exactly what he wants to an extent and how it would be possible, matt will let him build it
@@DaDunge I believe you are thinking of a coiled steel spring, which is true wasn't invented until far after medieval times, but spring itself is a broad category. Non-coiled springs have existed for a very long time. All a spring is is something you can put force onto and it will return that force. A bow and arrow, specifically the bow, is a non-coiled spring, for instance. If tal is trying to make coiled steel springs from modern day then that technology is definitely far out of reach, but some rudimentary forms have existed for a very long time and would be feasible in this environment.
@@DaDunge Added note for reference, in the 1400's Leonardo Da Vinci created the first ever gun you could fire with one hand which included a non-coiled spring to reset the hammer on each trigger pull. Since Percy is using a pistol which seems to have this feature, and that he built himself, I think we can safely say he knows a little something about springs, at least.
Laura is DEFINITELY one of those people playing video games who saves all her powerful items until the end "because there might be a more important time to use it!" and then the game ends and she's never used them
Vax: (talks to Scanlan about the dimension door plan) Me: (looks at the episode title) Me: (looks at Vax) Me: (looks back at the episode title) Me: (looks back at Vax) Vax: I'm an idiot Me: yeah I know
The plan had merit. had they given Vax the rod it would have saved time and they could have popped in and out in 2 rounds. Assuming Vax wasn't muscle tissue small and rolls went well.
@@smokeylovinlife7509 Scanlan can dimension door at least twice. All he had to do was pop in, click the rod, then he can pop out. Bringing someone else along just complicates the plan without providing ANY benefits. Vax did NOTHING to this plan but ruin it.
@@haku8135 also true, but no matter how much i comment on the vids mainly for the YT, admittedly the stupidity that comes with playing in roles can be good good fun. I catch myself sometimes being mad a little like that could have been easier,Upon further thought though i realize most times it was good RP. Almost slapped myself for mentaly encouraging meta gaming as opposed to violence. lol
@@smokeylovinlife7509 That's not really meta gaming, IN CHARACTER what does Vax add to this situation? It's more like they just stopped thinking. I do agree with you though, this is a large part of the reason I keep coming back episode after episode. I'm making my way through campaign one, i've finished 2, and I'm just ITCHING to find out what crazy shit Matt gets up to as a PLAYER in Exandria Unlimited. It's gonna be good.
If you think you can plan clearly for battle, and that battle is for A MASSIVE, ANCIENT, ACID-SPEWING, BLACK DRAGON, then clearly you’ve never planned for a fight before. Especially not while being a bunch of chuckle-fucks, like Vox Machina.
And really awesome lair actions. Remember the beholder with the ethereal eye stalks coming out and firing extra rays? I would have loved to see them try and fight the dragon in its lair!
@@johncameron1935 Here is what you would have seen: Pools of water that the dragon can see within 120 feet of it surge outward in a grasping tide. Any creature on the ground within 20 feet of such a pool must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 20 feet into the water and knocked prone. A cloud of swarming insects fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the dragon chooses within 120 feet of it. The cloud spreads around corners and remains until the dragon dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action again, or dies. The cloud is lightly obscured. Any creature in the cloud when it appears must make on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud takes 10 (3d6) piercing damage. Magical darkness spreads from a point the dragon chooses within 60 feet of it, filling a 15-foot-radius sphere until the dragon dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action again, or dies. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. If any of the effect’s area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.
Pike casts "Mom Look", it's super effective! Also Liam purposefully offering all his stuff to his team mates so they can be more effective knowing he's not going to be able to do much is team member goals
Charlie Joe Javier I'm so tired chum. I've been Bing watching this for three weeka straight. Downside of no cliffhangers is staying up seeing everything play out
not to mention it's Very interesting to be watching c1 after having caught up on c2. it's pretty hilarious whenever vax says he doesn't know shit about magic lmao
Oh, the banter though! Matt: "It would be the eagles' turn, but they got *disooolved*!" Laura: "Thanks Matt, thank you for pointing that back out." Matt: "Oh, I like to. I also want to point out that you guys held my dragon to the ground for two rounds and hit it like a darn pincushion!" Marisha: "Which was awesome, by the way." Liam: "You'll feel better once Scanlan and I have dissolved..." Matt: "I will." :) Hahaha, I love it :)
It's times like this I remember... as much as Matt is hosting a game, he's still playing the game too. And it shows in the rare moments when he gets to play with an ancient dragon, say :)
"Hey, oi! You're ugly! You're so ugly that you entered an ugly contest and they said no professionals!." ~Scanlan Shorthalt/Sam Riegel, professional comedian
@@whiteamericanmale7392 Weird that a Murican can recognize the difference between "a bit overweight" and fatass, is truly baffling, by your county standards she should be considered an anorexic XD
Absolutely losing it laughing about Grog's whole prison scene. Him faking reading the ledger book was gold, but him starting to say "I love books-- no, I can't even say it." to the guy in prison is hilarious. Travis has such a killer quick wit.
I love so much about this episode, but this comment is about the actual battle. The idea of setting a giant mousetrap, that 100+ hp damage turn, teleporting two party members INSIDE the dragon... This is Vox Machina at their finest, pulling crazy shit and making one hell of a story, while still dealing damage to the big bad. I love this show.
Although teleporting TWO members in probably wasn't the greatest idea. Please stop talking about killing your character Liam!!! D: Also they really should have given the Dragonslayer longsword to Grog...
I appreciate how matt allowed the shenanigans, I guess RAW the Immovable Rod only holds ~8,000lb, and differing sources say that dragons should be well over 50,000lb. Not saying it couldn’t be uncomfortable, but not terribly restraining.
@@lukepoplawski3230 It would certainly take less than 8000lb applied over the cross section of the rod to rip a hole into the hide, which would do a bunch of damage as it tore through his insides.
Justin Bennett oh for sure! It’s not the damage I question but Matt was a good DM and rewarded his players massively for what seems like near shenanigans to restrain a 50,000lb beast. I still can’t quit picture on my head what Percy was describing as a dragon mouse trap, much less one that didn’t rip itself apart upon springing at that size. But like I said, Matt did a good job here.
The fact that they actually went “the intro isn’t playing? Oh let’s act it out!” and then they DID and it was GLORIOUS and made me fall over laughing before the game had even started, and THEN the intro actually plays and I laughed even more
@@slippymclach1233 My bad on mixing up the saves, but I still think it deserved an auto success or at least a dis. on the save. Scanlan is within his stomach sending out a sonic shockwave in every direction. I forget if this is before or after the immovable rod perforated his stomach but even if this is before Scanlan fired a 6th level spell inside a fragile internal organ. I'm not saying that should have been so devastating that the dragon died; though in reality such a massive attack from that location should have pulverized the majority of his internal organs. I do believe though, and this has been very much in line with how matt deals with most situations like these, that for his creativity and ingenuity in creating such an interesting scene that scanlan should have been rewarded with at least not letting the dragon roll for the save; or creating an interesting scenario on the dm's part to reward the behavior. His expression when sam declared what he was doing showed his surprise and interest in the scenario and I feel it was one of the very rare slip ups on matt's part not to make the consequence more interesting.
@@caosisaac I disagree. I am a DM myself and having to deal with many player creative scenarios it is just sometimes better to put rules first for the sake of a challenge. Everybody can teleport into dragons stomach and stab his heart to kill him instantly, but than literally every monster would be a joke. Hit points are an outdated and limiting mechanic yes, but they also prevent one hit KO scenarios that are just plain out boring and derail whole campaign plots. Creative player decisions and tactics? Definitely, but to the extent of the rules.
@@Jay-bz5qk I'm coming from the place of DM as well. I'm not speaking of my dm experiences but I have seen Matt use those scenarios in fun ways before. Just look at this very session with dimension dooring inside the dragon's stomach when the raw states "If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or a creature, you and any creature traveling with you each take 4d6 force damage, and the spell fails to Teleport you.". Then there is how he decided to calculate damage for the immovable rod. Had matt been using raw here he either could have stated the dragon exerted a force of more than 4 tons while moving and caused it to deactivate or had it make the DC 30 str check to move it 10 feet at a time. With how wacky the scenario already was the more believable thing would have been thunderwave doing more to the dragon than it did. With everything he already did for the situation it would not have been a stretch at all to say have the dragon auto fail the save, increase the damage to represent internal hemorrhaging, or possibly something as silly as the spell causing the dragon to throw scanlan up in a sonic belch. I'm not suggesting scanlan should have 1 shot the dragon with the spell as i said already. I agree that would be boring. I merely stated if the physics were more aligned with the real world destructive blast like that would have killed the dragon. I just felt that with matt having the scenario go the way it did something should have come from scanlan's creativity there moreso that just "dragon makes save from inside its ruptured stomach and takes 1/2 damage"
After all the discussion and planning and setup they did I was SO waiting for Matt to say "The sun rises slowly crawls to it's zenith.. and then passes, and sets. Nothing happens. The dragon doesn't show up".
@@u.s.s.chucklefucker1657 Why do some people feel he is being petty? He isn't, heck, he even let a spell do something that it shouldn't be able to do just for coolness because the players wanted it to happen (Dimension door inside the dragon technically should not work per the description of the spell).
Shadowscall775 that’s debatable, it’s possible Matt isn’t 100% fully aware of the limitations of every spell ever, but in raw you can go anywhere that isn’t occupied a gnome can easily port into many gargantuan beast.
@Andrew He's not being petty...lmao what?... This guy is a genius of improvising based on wild party plans. He's been allowing a lot of stuff to happen. And he's in control of a dragon. Part of his goal is to provide a means of REAL danger and kill the party if the dice make it happen. You don't make that your primary goal as a DM because that's no fun. But if you think this, being a tough fight, is him being petty; instead of presenting real DANGER and risk then... That's pretty funny.
Funny thing is I believe she could either use a spell or shoot it through the sky sentinel bow and it would have multiplied or something, as she did something similar some time ago
@@her0br1ner if she would have used conjure barrage it would have been a brrage of anti-dragon arrows. She did that with Holy Arrows during the Briarwood Arc.
Matt's favorite thing is screwing with them whenever possible and I love it. the music switches to horror and he starts making faces to panic them. priceless.
16:51: Matt's facial expression journey as Liam explains the immovable rod plan is what I live for. First there is confusion, then his inner player shows pure joy, followed by his DM realization of the implications.. *chef's kiss* ❤
I so wish that when they found the potion of diminution, they had given it to Scanlan to open in Umbrasil's belly before dimension dooring away. Surely it would have worked on the dragon? Made more sense to me than bringing a tiny Vax along.
I’m considerably more partial the the drawing back and gaze of utter HORROR on Matt’s face when Sam told him that he wanted to cast Thunderwave INSIDE the dragon’s stomach.
The fact that the crew eventually got the intro video ready to play, but let the cast finish their goofy re-enactment of it before playing it is GREAT.
I’m loving this Chroma Conclave Ark I’m so hyped that there’s no waiting between episodes either showing up this late to the game has been the most pleasurable viewing experience in a long time.
@@lilataylor7825 Hmm... Vex and Hayley are a pretty good parallel, Scanlan and Elan would do well too. Durkon and Pike? Mmmm... maybe, it's a bit of a stretch. V... not sure there's any good match for V. Grog and Belkar would get along great together. Not sure who would go well with Roy. Percy is a Fighter, but he'd probably prefer to go an be introverts with V.
The entire time during the preparation phase, I was screaming at my screen "Give Grog the Dragon Slayer sword!" Oh, well. If Umbrasyl had died too soon, we wouldn't have gotten the full course of Vox Machina's signature blend of sheer absurdity and insurmountable lethality. Also, Pike intimidating Grog was amazing. Let it never be forgotten that Trickfoot is the mightiest among them.
I feel you hard. I gave my party of five (who are insanely lucky, so that's another thing I deal with) a behir to fight, they rolled way to high on their stealth and the rogue dealt 50 of 170 hit points in a surprise round. The monk and fighter with four attacks each did the rest.
@@nathanbally Agreed. Matt is ever the gracious DM, because this group is absolutely legendary at making terrible plans that should not work. But he is a merciful (Mercerful?) god and they pull it off while he appears to be trying to make it difficult. lol He is a fantastic DM, because fun is the point of any game and CR is nothing if not fun.
This reminds me of the time I GM'd an intro to Mutant Chronicles 3E. Everybody picked a pre-made character that came with the intro, and one of them had a sniper rifle and some perks to make him more flexible in a firefight. He apparently read and understood them really well and ended up using creative combos of perks to successfully blow the head off the Big Bad of the intro in one shot at the start of combat. To make it really frustrating, this was in a quite enclosed space but one of the things he could was reduce distance penalties and also had some lucky rolls.
I like how during the battle when the dragon broke free, it's shadow of the dragon miniature is just covering the battle field giving this feeling of hopelessness, also it looks fucking awesome
*"In Hawaii, the longsword is a finesse weapon."* Fun fact, of basically ANY weapon in the medieval period, the longsword is quite possibly _the best example_ of a finesse weapon. With it being only a little heavier than an arming sword or rapier while still mostly requiring two hands to use, it requires MUCH less strength to wield than other types of swords. Contrary to popular depiction, rapiers typically used the same amount of material to make as arming swords and were just as heavy. You're still swinging around a big bar of steel in only one hand.
Rapiers are bloody exhausting. I can fence a heavy twohander MUCH longer than I can weild a rapier. It's truly amazing how badly a rapier taxes the forearms.
Aye. Rapiers are tiring because you tend to rely more on smaller wrist actions, and your forearms are fighting much more leverage at the tip. That's why hilt-end balance was so heavily prized with them. It made a huge difference in the level of fatigue in a duel.
On this topic, i normally recommend people to look up the Musketeer Rapier episode of _Forged in Fire._ They show exactly how robust a rapier actually is by cutting a pig in half in 3 swings. I've used that clip as proof that a rapier can decapitate a human once when i had a dm say "rapiers cant cut through a neck".
Players first, story second, and rules a distant third. Yes DD should have auto-failed according to the strict rules of the spell, but Matt talks a lot in his DM Tips series about letting players go off the rails, letting them try their crazy ideas...even if it's totally bonkers and honestly shouldn't work. He finds a way to let them try because he just wants to play a fun game with his friends.
this is just a tiny moment but somebody pointed this out to me and at 3:05:08 sam starts playing a slide whistle quietly and liam looses it and it was super cute liam: he's playing a slide whistle laura!! what am i supposed to do??
Matt electing to play 'The Dragon Thrashed and Wailed' from the Pillars of Eternity OST immediately as the trap is sprung and initiative is being rolled is so perfect.
"The Armor Class of the interior of a creature that swallows whole is normally 10 + ½ its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity." Never knew I'd need this
@@ZeroxTheNewt i"ll talk about whatever i like, thanks. and the great wheel is an absurd and archaic construct full of needless symmetry and the dawn wars cosmology from 4e is way better.
I just wanted to put this out into the world: In the game I DM my players are fighting their first dragon, and I swear with no prior knowledge of this episode, our Bard grabbed the Paladin and dimension-doored inside the thing. I'm rewatching this as study material so I can figure out how to run the rest of the encounter. Why are Bards like this.
The Bard spell list is almost entirely utility spells and no combat spells... and yet they have one of the largest "spells known" allowed in any character... that forces the Bard to be crafty with his spells
@@BigggusDikkkus Besides, their fourth-level spell list consists of Dimension Door, Polymorph, and a few shit spells, and since those two are pretty much the best spells in the mid-levels they see a lot of use whenever there are bards or wizards involved
Greater Invisibility is a powerful spell no doubt, but Polymorph and Dimension Door get you far more mileage for far more situations throughout your career. Polymorph in particular lasts for 60 times as long as G.I., and has unparalleled flexibility, offering combat forms (including high-constitution creatures to offset concentration issues), all movement modes including faster flight than a Fly spell, and more besides. If one has to choose between Greater Invisibility and Polymorph, the latter is the better option pretty much every time.
@@alexv3357 It really depends on the rest of your party's composition. Greater invisibility is one of the best spells a bard can use to buff an ally. If Scanlan used it on Percival, he would have advantage on EVERY attack he made for ten rounds. ~30 attacks made at advantage is huge, especially if they are dealing that level of damage. If combo'd with the haste from Vax's boots, that man would be dealing even more ungodly amounts of damage.
Sam & Liam: "Take chances. Make mistakes. That's the fun of D&D." Also Sam & Liam: "What if we save a dragon the trouble, and just... let him digest us... for free?"
I just feel like the entire planning process is just Matt going “...Are you guys positive you want to do it this?... are you sure you’re sure?? Oh c’mon guys”
4:50 the live intro they've made is amazing. But OH! THE PERSON THAT MADE THE CAPTIONS DESERVES HEAVEN! The caption person deserves every single praise they get for the amazing work❤❤
I really enjoy watching Critical Roll. I enjoy the DM and players sharing their game. Thumbs up to everyone involved. They are doing it right, a group of friends role playing and having shared experiences (and huge amounts of fun).
i know this episode is 5 years old but i’m watching through for the first time and it’s really fun to imagine them stress eating dice instead of jelly bellies
Matt trying so hard to warn them that attacking the dragon in the lair is what he thinks is best and possibly prepared for, but the party ain't having it! Be interesting to see how it works out!
@@amberblackwell7687 You can avoid them flying away and you can also find their loot. Killing a dragon in the open field is worthless if you don't know where their lair is.
+Troy Mine is based off my own D&D character. I havent been able to play D&D yet, my bf needs to have the same days off as our friend the DM so we can finally play lmao but with the help of my bf I already have my character sheet done and character drawn.
And in contrast keyleth tried to cast a horrible spell and then DID cast an even worse spell as her opener against it. All things balanced I guess. Least she didn't go into a weak beast form this time.
@@KitKatHD Any good spell she would've tried at that point would have just been reduced because of the dragon's 3 legendary resistances. She was waiting for it to waste them first.
3:05:15 and beyond had me in tears with the damn unexpected slide whistle antics. Then Liam straight up lost it, and I had to pause the vid and regain my composure around the time he goes, "He's playing a slide whistle, Laura! What am I supposed to do?!" Nice to know that goofy cartoonish random sound effects aren't just a blind guy's Kryptonite sometimes.
3:02:30 That's an awesome voice. I wasn't looking at the screen at the time, so I had no idea who said it. I stopped everything and watched that part again. So hilariously good. Mini Vax is so adorable.
Reposting timestamps from my tumblr 5:00 - Cast acts out the intro 10:12 - Game starts, Percy makes a dragon trap 14:55 - Vax and Scanlan talk about going into the dragon’s stomach together 17:30 - Vax to Scanlan "Nothing is better, everything is terrible" 21:45 - Vex and Scanlan trade armor (Vax asks Percy to borrow his sword, Vex and Keyleth talk to Zanror) 32:55 - Vex "We have a wonderful tinkerer" 36:50 - Pillow fight 41:05 - Keyleth talks to Worra 48:20 - Grog goes to the prison and lets out some prisoners 52:40 - Grog knows one of the prisoners from pre-stream days, Abjurist Noja 1:00:45 - Grog finds Amelia, Reginald's daughter 1:02:50 - Grog meets Old Davin (Grog frees them all & meets up with Scanlan, they return to Noja's shop but it's been looted) 1:20:30 - Scanlan totally remembers Noja 1:22:55 - Grog has gross black feet 1:28:50 - Vax and Keyleth conversation 1:33:40 - Keyleth, Vex, and Pike talk about Vax 1:38:40 - Break starts 1:50:30 - Break ends, more preparations 2:04:50 - Scanlan Inspires Vex ♪ (Changes) 2:06:48 - Vex asks Grog for Kevdak's head 2:08:28 - Pike makes Grog give it up with just a look (They do more planning & trade items. Pike and Keyleth both do a hero's feast so 24 people can eat) 2:25:22 Vax kisses Keyleth, for a while 2:32:12 - Pike casts deathward on Scanlan & of course he protests 2:39:12 - Umbrasyl arrives and the trap goes off (Roll initiative and Vex does over a 100 points of damage) 2:47:10 - Can Scanlan see Vax and Keyleth making out? Definitely not 2:54:48 - Scanlan's cutting words so dragon doesn’t hit Grog, Sam's whistle 3:02:35 - Tiny Vax 3:07:50 - Scanlan And Vax dimension door inside Umbasyl 3:08:20 - Scanlan inspires Keyleth ♪ 3:25:20 - Umbrasyl sprays acid and kills many 3:26:45 - Umbrasyl The Hope Devourer 3:38:15 - Scanlan uses the immovable rod inside Umbrasyl 4:13:43 - Zanror tells Worra to run and save their child 4:21:05 - Umbrasyl flies away and the immovable rod rips out of his body (Vax and Scanlan still inside dragon, Grog is dangling off of it as it flies away) 4:22:48 - Game ends
"[actual intro plays]" I know I'm way late to this party, but shout out to the wonderful Critters who did the captions back in the day. You're doing the lord Bahamut's work!
4:55 Crtiical Role Intro Live!! 7:26 Matt Mercer Giving The Status Of The Story Line So Far 10:12 Vox Machina Start With There Plan Of Action 14:58 Vax And Scanlan Discuss there Part 18:34 Scanlan Ask Advise From Vex 20:25 Scanlan Ask For Vex's Armor In A Very Scanlan Way!! 25:09 Vax Talks To Persy 27:04 Vex And Kayleth Talks To Zanror 36:49 Pillow Fight!!! 37:18 Kayleth See Zanror As Kevdak 41:07 Kayleth Talks To Werewa (Zanror's Wife Sorry In Advance If I Got The Name Wrong.) 45:10 Grog Goes To The Prison's Cells 49:18 Grog Talks To Orn Blackfoot 52:04 Grog Discovers Abris Nosesha 1:00:47 Grog Finds Reginal's Daughter Amelia 1:02:52 Grog Talks To Old Davon 1:08:40 The Skype Dance 1:09:34 Grog Talks To Orn In Trying To Be Convince Why He Should Be Set Free. Also Grog Has Very Small Range In Numbers Guessing. 1:12:10 Grog Needs To Work Better On The Guessing Game 1:28:28 Vax Talks To Kayleth And Kayleth Express Her Views On Religion. 1:33:30 Kayleth Rejoins With Vex And Pike 1:38:40 Break Begins 1:50:24 Break Ends 1:50:43 The Team Start To Set Up Fastbender 2:00:34 Keyleth Gives a Mustash To Fastbender 2:01:40 Scanlan ask Kayleth For The Rod Of The Movable Rodness 2:02:54 The Creepy Music!!! 2:04:50 Scalan Inspires Vex 2:06:48 Vex Starts To Ask Grog For Kevdak's Head And Grog Clearly Doesn't Want To Give It Up. 2:08:43 Pike Has Complete Control Over Grog 2:15:11 Sam Riegal The Spokemen For LootCrate (Promo 1) 2:16:12 Marisha Staying In Character 2:25:23 Vax Express His Feelings To Kayleth The Night Before The Fight Against The Dragon. Also Vex Sees Everything. 2:35:11 Scanlethhh And Kaylethhh 2:38:37 Umbrasyl The Black Dragon, One Of The Ancient Dragons Of The Chroma Conclave 2:40:07 The Trap Triggers And The Fight Begins!!! 2:42:50 Liam And Marisha And There Wishful Turns 2:43:21 Surprise Round 2:45:52 Vex Was Unsure On Using One Of The Dragon's Arrows But Scanlan Step In And Convince Her In Using It The Only Way He Knows How!!! 3:01:16 Vax Unleashes Fastbender And Trys To Cast Slow!!! 3:02:35 Introducing Mini Vax 3:07:51 Scanlan And Vax Travels In Side Umbasyl's Body 3:08:01 Before Going In To Umbrasyl's Body Scanlan Inspires Kayleth 3:19:02 Travis Showing His Singing Props 3:21:31 Umbrasyl Sets Him Self Free Of The Chains/Trap That Had Bind Him. 3:25:19 Umbrasyl Unleashes His Fury!!! 3:26:46 Umbrasyl "THE HOPE DEVOURER" 3:38:16 Scanlan Unleashes The Rod Of The Movable Rodness Inside Umbrasyl's Body 3:40:45 Vex Trys To Cast Grasping Vine On Umbrasyl 3:44:04 Waving Hair 3:47:36 Grog Uses The Magical Javlins / And The Javlin Of Lighting 3:52:54 Thank Goodness That Grog Was Acid Resistent. Not So For Kayleth Though. 3:59:56 Kayleth Jumps To Umbrasyl Foot To Hold It Down 4:03:16 Scanlan Cast Thunder Wave Inside Umbrasyl!!! 4:11:02 Vex Shoot Around The Spot Where Vax Is Underneath The Dragon's Skin With Pike Help But Ends Failing. 4:13:05 Poor Laura Bailey Just Wishing She Could End The Fight Already. 4:13:45 Zenror Tells His Wife To Run For Her Life With There Child While He Stays And Fight!!! 4:14:56 Grog Uses The Titan Stone Knuckles 4:17:42 The Eagles From Vex Attacks The Umbrasyl's Eyes 4:20:55 Umbrasyl Start To Escapes 4:22:49 Episode Ends (Cliff Hanger) 4:24:46 Sam Riegal The Spokemen For LootCrate (Promo 2)
3:30:16 is some of my favorite banter "Held my dragon to the ground and hit it like a pin cushion" Is my new favorite Mercer reply since his argument about potions
Watching a few bits of this again because I'm excited for the next round of episodes for the animated show, and I 100% had thought that the "belly of the beast" idea was Sam's, kind of hilarious that it was Liam's idea, AND that they did it, AND it kind of worked? So curious to see it animated!
Grog: "Yeah, I wanna be live bait!"
*Pike straightens up and gives him a Look*
Grog: "No I don't-" Pike, simultaneously: "No, you Don't"
Such a cute moment
Mom mode activate!
Pike rolling intimidation with advantage against Grog
Grog: Yeah I wanna be live bait
Pike: *big sister mode has been activated*
"There must be some way out of here"
Said the joker to the thief.
The best use of this reference in over 40 years.
I don't know why this doesn't have more likes! 🤣
Thats really good!
No words
This is the perfect comment.
"let's dive into the game!"
"no intro!"
"no intro? dang.... everybody, act it out!"
classic Vox Machina lol
followed by intro
Nighthawk yeah I need that animated
I watch this with subtitles on and when the intro starts the subtitles say [actual intro plays]
Been catching up through the first Campaign via the podcast, SO glad I happened to tune into the TH-cam vid to find this one glorious moment. Thank you
It was pretty good though! fun to watch
“Should i waste my dragon arrow on him?”
Sam: “no, what? Of cour- he’s a dragon! This is it!” Had me laughing
I think she was wondering him or the big red dragon but obviously the way this played out was peak comedy
Im more wondering why she didnt use the dragonslaying arrow on the Sky Sentinel attack, since they had already established that it multiplies the arrow that is used (she multiplied a Lightning Arrow on a previous episode)
@@simongrimaux7700 Using that effect doesn't copy the Dragon-Slaying part of the arrow, it's just 2 more arrows that deal lightning damage. It would be 1 Arrow of Dragon-Slaying damage and 2 regular arrows with lightning damage. The ability is called "Storm Arrow".
Grog: "Oh it's like... seven feet."
People who don't know Grog: "That's barely even a dragon. Did it just hatch?"
People who know Grog: "OH DEAR GODS IT'S GIGANTIC"
7 is exponentially larger than 6 I'm grogs mind.
When they were ranking about his heard of 6 strong way back then they found out it was 50 grog said if we do this all 50 will attack us and I so wished he said all 6
@@Zalied I think you hit on it. Grog is super smart about scale, he just thinks in exponents. The Grog Scale of Scale where 2 is one hundred times bigger than 1
[actual intro plays]
Bless the people that do these captions.
I'm actually so curious who it is! There have been a lot of clever/witty descriptions in the transcript.
Exhibit A: [uncanny crow noises]
@@lnoths [unnervingly realistic crow noises]
Apparently, these captions are done by fan viewers, much like a charity sort of thing. People go in during their own time and add captions.
The greatness of the critter community
I love how Taliesin actually comes up with a basic idea and understanding of each of his machinations, instead of just saying, "I want to make a trap." He really gets into the headspace of his character.
Trained actors playing, it's amazing to see.
He's still stuck in a post industrial mindset though, creating 4 feet long springs in a setting that is at the most late renaissance? And comparing it to making ringmail.
I think that's how matt rules how absurd the concepts of his designs are. If taliesin can describe exactly what he wants to an extent and how it would be possible, matt will let him build it
@@DaDunge I believe you are thinking of a coiled steel spring, which is true wasn't invented until far after medieval times, but spring itself is a broad category. Non-coiled springs have existed for a very long time. All a spring is is something you can put force onto and it will return that force. A bow and arrow, specifically the bow, is a non-coiled spring, for instance. If tal is trying to make coiled steel springs from modern day then that technology is definitely far out of reach, but some rudimentary forms have existed for a very long time and would be feasible in this environment.
@@DaDunge Added note for reference, in the 1400's Leonardo Da Vinci created the first ever gun you could fire with one hand which included a non-coiled spring to reset the hammer on each trigger pull. Since Percy is using a pistol which seems to have this feature, and that he built himself, I think we can safely say he knows a little something about springs, at least.
Laura is DEFINITELY one of those people playing video games who saves all her powerful items until the end "because there might be a more important time to use it!" and then the game ends and she's never used them
As an avid Final Fantasy player…. Same 😅
Isn't everyone? 😂
i am also that kind of player
Me 😂
I feel personally attacked by this comment.... but yeah same
Grog: Your fate is in excellent hands.
*Rolls a 17*
Oh shit you're not dead XD
That was priceless haha!
Yup. 17 total
The genuine surprise in Travis' voice was priceless.
all while Pretty much everyone was thnking:
"Grog you have a strength of 24 ... YOU ARE THE KEY"
@@TalesStahl He can punch through stone but bending Iron is beyond him apparently lol
Vax: (talks to Scanlan about the dimension door plan)
Me: (looks at the episode title)
Me: (looks at Vax)
Me: (looks back at the episode title)
Me: (looks back at Vax)
Vax: I'm an idiot
Me: yeah I know
The plan had merit. had they given Vax the rod it would have saved time and they could have popped in and out in 2 rounds. Assuming Vax wasn't muscle tissue small and rolls went well.
@@smokeylovinlife7509 Scanlan can dimension door at least twice.
All he had to do was pop in, click the rod, then he can pop out. Bringing someone else along just complicates the plan without providing ANY benefits.
Vax did NOTHING to this plan but ruin it.
@@haku8135 also true, but no matter how much i comment on the vids mainly for the YT, admittedly the stupidity that comes with playing in roles can be good good fun. I catch myself sometimes being mad a little like that could have been easier,Upon further thought though i realize most times it was good RP. Almost slapped myself for mentaly encouraging meta gaming as opposed to violence. lol
@@smokeylovinlife7509 That's not really meta gaming, IN CHARACTER what does Vax add to this situation? It's more like they just stopped thinking.
I do agree with you though, this is a large part of the reason I keep coming back episode after episode. I'm making my way through campaign one, i've finished 2, and I'm just ITCHING to find out what crazy shit Matt gets up to as a PLAYER in Exandria Unlimited. It's gonna be good.
If you think you can plan clearly for battle, and that battle is for A MASSIVE, ANCIENT, ACID-SPEWING, BLACK DRAGON, then clearly you’ve never planned for a fight before.
Especially not while being a bunch of chuckle-fucks, like Vox Machina.
I have a sneaking suspicion that poor Matt had a cool battlemap prepared for the Dragon Lair.
And really awesome lair actions. Remember the beholder with the ethereal eye stalks coming out and firing extra rays? I would have loved to see them try and fight the dragon in its lair!
@@johncameron1935 Here is what you would have seen:
Pools of water that the dragon can see within 120 feet of it surge outward in a grasping tide. Any creature on the ground within 20 feet of such a pool must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 20 feet into the water and knocked prone.
A cloud of swarming insects fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the dragon chooses within 120 feet of it. The cloud spreads around corners and remains until the dragon dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action again, or dies. The cloud is lightly obscured. Any creature in the cloud when it appears must make on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud takes 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
Magical darkness spreads from a point the dragon chooses within 60 feet of it, filling a 15-foot-radius sphere until the dragon dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action again, or dies. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. If any of the effect’s area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.
he did eventually get to use it. the dragon flees at a certain point and they pursue him into his lair.
Pike casts "Mom Look", it's super effective!
Also Liam purposefully offering all his stuff to his team mates so they can be more effective knowing he's not going to be able to do much is team member goals
Casting "Mom Look" needs to be a thing. 😄
oh hello there ;)
Best part of being a new watcher, I'm immune to cliffhangers >:)
lol, me too! its great!
*stares with heavily sunken eyes and ghastly pallor* Thumbs up! Same thing having all of the entire adventure at my disposal.
Charlie Joe Javier I'm so tired chum. I've been Bing watching this for three weeka straight. Downside of no cliffhangers is staying up seeing everything play out
Yeah but we have to deal with a shit ton of spoilers... like a lot... I know so much I don't want to...
not to mention it's Very interesting to be watching c1 after having caught up on c2. it's pretty hilarious whenever vax says he doesn't know shit about magic lmao
Is anyone gonna mention how PERFECT this moment was
Tiny Vax: this is so fu-
***No camera signal***
When you go to cast dimension door but catch the camera with it too.
i just saw it and came checking for a comment about this, was not disappointed.
Yes!!! I was like 😳
@@SloppyMcFloppy1029 same😂
@@kidgenius8170 3:09:00
Oh, the banter though!
Matt: "It would be the eagles' turn, but they got *disooolved*!"
Laura: "Thanks Matt, thank you for pointing that back out."
Matt: "Oh, I like to. I also want to point out that you guys held my dragon to the ground for two rounds and hit it like a darn pincushion!"
Marisha: "Which was awesome, by the way."
Liam: "You'll feel better once Scanlan and I have dissolved..."
Matt: "I will." :)
Hahaha, I love it :)
Can someone put a time stamp on that pls
@@sevenpath-k8z 3:30:18
It's times like this I remember... as much as Matt is hosting a game, he's still playing the game too. And it shows in the rare moments when he gets to play with an ancient dragon, say :)
@@thegaspatthegateway its so fun seeing matt playing a legendary monster, he seems to have so much nerdy fun
Matt: "Picking up in two weeks from now..."
Me, five years late to the party: "YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!"
@@zeffer9366 This is great to watch after the sorta cliffhanger, 2 week break after C3x35.
@@zeffer9366 I also just started watching a month ago so, I figure I have about 6 months of footage!😁 Man, feels like time travel!
@@paulvamos7319 I just started too and I love seeing hairstyles change 😂
@@av7xnum1fan I love seeing them play different characters and watching their play styles! Travis plays a fighter class best!
"Hey, oi! You're ugly! You're so ugly that you entered an ugly contest and they said no professionals!."
~Scanlan Shorthalt/Sam Riegel, professional comedian
Burt Reynolds*
@@sloesty would have been hillarious if they responded in some way calling Scanlan "Burt".
The reputation of Burt Reynolds grows.
It's kinda weird seeing Ashley present and Taliesin on a screen.
Must be one of those "realm shifts" on Travis Willingham's Yee-Haw Game Ranch.
@@whiteamericanmale7392 That's rude.
@@DrLipkin I'd rather be rude than a fatass
@@whiteamericanmale7392 she looks fine, and probably doesn't care about someone saying it on the internet
Weird that a Murican can recognize the difference between "a bit overweight" and fatass, is truly baffling, by your county standards she should be considered an anorexic XD
With Liam wearing that beanie and Laura's new hairstyle and their similar glasses, they look even more like real life siblings than usual. xD
Absolutely losing it laughing about Grog's whole prison scene. Him faking reading the ledger book was gold, but him starting to say "I love books-- no, I can't even say it." to the guy in prison is hilarious.
Travis has such a killer quick wit.
I love so much about this episode, but this comment is about the actual battle. The idea of setting a giant mousetrap, that 100+ hp damage turn, teleporting two party members INSIDE the dragon... This is Vox Machina at their finest, pulling crazy shit and making one hell of a story, while still dealing damage to the big bad. I love this show.
Although teleporting TWO members in probably wasn't the greatest idea. Please stop talking about killing your character Liam!!! D:
Also they really should have given the Dragonslayer longsword to Grog...
I appreciate how matt allowed the shenanigans, I guess RAW the Immovable Rod only holds ~8,000lb, and differing sources say that dragons should be well over 50,000lb. Not saying it couldn’t be uncomfortable, but not terribly restraining.
@@lukepoplawski3230 the dragon had just lost some weight working on it's summer bod
@@lukepoplawski3230 It would certainly take less than 8000lb applied over the cross section of the rod to rip a hole into the hide, which would do a bunch of damage as it tore through his insides.
Justin Bennett oh for sure! It’s not the damage I question but Matt was a good DM and rewarded his players massively for what seems like near shenanigans to restrain a 50,000lb beast. I still can’t quit picture on my head what Percy was describing as a dragon mouse trap, much less one that didn’t rip itself apart upon springing at that size. But like I said, Matt did a good job here.
Matt: "we'll carry this one in two weeks. Sorry guys"
Me binging them all years later: "heh"
Big mood
No waiting yay!
The privilege of the future. 8D
Right? Now I’m kinda glad I’m bingeing them.. like 6 years later.. 😂
6 years later 🫡
Matt Mercer really shines when he plays old crotchety dudes like Old Davin or Victor, the black powder supplier
Or Wilhand.
@@Spectralyzed Wilhand might be my favourite NPC now. (Don't tell Gilmore please)
Yes! when he started in as pop pop my heart swelled lol
Victor is my favorite old npc. Matt is just hilarious being Victor.
Victor is awesomely done, a little creepy but awesome. Pray to the ancient gods of d&d I never become Victor.
The Skype disconnects really make you appreciate how far the online communication tech has improved in just a few short years.
It was more the hotel wifi being shitty than a technology issue, I'd say.
@@AnxietyRat and that's not a technology issue...?
@@theanyktos I think it means it's less communication tech and more that he's in a hotel an ocean away
It's also the US where internet infrastructure has been shit for decades.
It's mostly fine now
The fact that they actually went “the intro isn’t playing? Oh let’s act it out!” and then they DID and it was GLORIOUS and made me fall over laughing before the game had even started, and THEN the intro actually plays and I laughed even more
The best part is if you have captions on, it says "actual intro plays" once the real intro starts. In case you weren't sure lol
And it was perfectly after they were finished, too! Like it was patiently waiting for its turn!
@@shelbykutil9743 Except Matt didn't get to act it out! I really wanted to see him tear his own face off lol.
Every 50 episodes, they should act out the intro again.
Start at 4:50 for anyone who might otherwise skip past the intro
"I cast Thunderwave at 6th level into his stomach"
Matt- what have i done...
I do not understand why matt allowed a saving throw there. A 6th level sonic blast from inside it's stomach. How does it evade that???
Novekye it’s not a dexterity save to dodge it, it’s a constitution save to try and resist the damage entirely
@@slippymclach1233 My bad on mixing up the saves, but I still think it deserved an auto success or at least a dis. on the save. Scanlan is within his stomach sending out a sonic shockwave in every direction. I forget if this is before or after the immovable rod perforated his stomach but even if this is before Scanlan fired a 6th level spell inside a fragile internal organ.
I'm not saying that should have been so devastating that the dragon died; though in reality such a massive attack from that location should have pulverized the majority of his internal organs.
I do believe though, and this has been very much in line with how matt deals with most situations like these, that for his creativity and ingenuity in creating such an interesting scene that scanlan should have been rewarded with at least not letting the dragon roll for the save; or creating an interesting scenario on the dm's part to reward the behavior.
His expression when sam declared what he was doing showed his surprise and interest in the scenario and I feel it was one of the very rare slip ups on matt's part not to make the consequence more interesting.
@@caosisaac I disagree. I am a DM myself and having to deal with many player creative scenarios it is just sometimes better to put rules first for the sake of a challenge. Everybody can teleport into dragons stomach and stab his heart to kill him instantly, but than literally every monster would be a joke. Hit points are an outdated and limiting mechanic yes, but they also prevent one hit KO scenarios that are just plain out boring and derail whole campaign plots. Creative player decisions and tactics? Definitely, but to the extent of the rules.
@@Jay-bz5qk I'm coming from the place of DM as well. I'm not speaking of my dm experiences but I have seen Matt use those scenarios in fun ways before. Just look at this very session with dimension dooring inside the dragon's stomach when the raw states "If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or a creature, you and any creature traveling with you each take 4d6 force damage, and the spell fails to Teleport you.".
Then there is how he decided to calculate damage for the immovable rod. Had matt been using raw here he either could have stated the dragon exerted a force of more than 4 tons while moving and caused it to deactivate or had it make the DC 30 str check to move it 10 feet at a time.
With how wacky the scenario already was the more believable thing would have been thunderwave doing more to the dragon than it did. With everything he already did for the situation it would not have been a stretch at all to say have the dragon auto fail the save, increase the damage to represent internal hemorrhaging, or possibly something as silly as the spell causing the dragon to throw scanlan up in a sonic belch.
I'm not suggesting scanlan should have 1 shot the dragon with the spell as i said already. I agree that would be boring. I merely stated if the physics were more aligned with the real world destructive blast like that would have killed the dragon. I just felt that with matt having the scenario go the way it did something should have come from scanlan's creativity there moreso that just "dragon makes save from inside its ruptured stomach and takes 1/2 damage"
After all the discussion and planning and setup they did I was SO waiting for Matt to say "The sun rises slowly crawls to it's zenith.. and then passes, and sets. Nothing happens. The dragon doesn't show up".
I mean, it would let him hide how petty he feels the need to be when the party outsmarted his plans.
@@u.s.s.chucklefucker1657 Why do some people feel he is being petty? He isn't, heck, he even let a spell do something that it shouldn't be able to do just for coolness because the players wanted it to happen (Dimension door inside the dragon technically should not work per the description of the spell).
I wouldn't call it petty, sure he's rather salty about how things went but not petty.
Shadowscall775 that’s debatable, it’s possible Matt isn’t 100% fully aware of the limitations of every spell ever, but in raw you can go anywhere that isn’t occupied a gnome can easily port into many gargantuan beast.
@Andrew He's not being petty...lmao what?... This guy is a genius of improvising based on wild party plans. He's been allowing a lot of stuff to happen. And he's in control of a dragon. Part of his goal is to provide a means of REAL danger and kill the party if the dice make it happen. You don't make that your primary goal as a DM because that's no fun. But if you think this, being a tough fight, is him being petty; instead of presenting real DANGER and risk then... That's pretty funny.
Vex: I'm going to use my dragon arrow...wait. Do I waste it on him?
Scanlan: HE'S A DRAGON!
Funny thing is I believe she could either use a spell or shoot it through the sky sentinel bow and it would have multiplied or something, as she did something similar some time ago
Episodes I mean, I'm watching consecutively
Too good to use syndrom, right there
@@her0br1ner if she would have used conjure barrage it would have been a brrage of anti-dragon arrows. She did that with Holy Arrows during the Briarwood Arc.
@@bashelhunter4021 true as well
Vex: "Are you SURE you want to be here..?" Grog: "YEH I do!" *Pike glares* Grog: "No, I don't..."
Matt's favorite thing is screwing with them whenever possible and I love it. the music switches to horror and he starts making faces to panic them. priceless.
Grog in the prison is just about my favorite thing ever. 😂
Oh my gawd and that was before Old Davin! 😆😆😆
2:08:15 was gold too
"Pick a number between 1 and 10"
"I don't actually know any numbers"
It really balances out Vax talking nonstop and Keyleth not knowing what ther spells do 🤣
Thanks gods for S G and P
@@true_plays_games agreed! their my faves as well
16:51: Matt's facial expression journey as Liam explains the immovable rod plan is what I live for. First there is confusion, then his inner player shows pure joy, followed by his DM realization of the implications.. *chef's kiss* ❤
I so wish that when they found the potion of diminution, they had given it to Scanlan to open in Umbrasil's belly before dimension dooring away. Surely it would have worked on the dragon? Made more sense to me than bringing a tiny Vax along.
I’m considerably more partial the the drawing back and gaze of utter HORROR on Matt’s face when Sam told him that he wanted to cast Thunderwave INSIDE the dragon’s stomach.
Matt: "Unable to move, that is the end of Umbrasyl's turn... That's messed up."
He says after dissolving most of the Goliath herd.
The fact that the crew eventually got the intro video ready to play, but let the cast finish their goofy re-enactment of it before playing it is GREAT.
Every time Vax and Key have a moment, and Vex gags, I have to pause and cackle for a while. "She's a witch, did you see the broom?" chef's kiss
*Half way thru episode the battle starts*
Me: “Man this plan is going pretty well”
*Sees next episode is named “Umbrasyl”*
Me: “...Oh boy...”
When Percy puts on the boots of haste he turns into a machine gun
“We clone our boots of haste so everyone has some during our short rest”
We Require Moar Dakka
Gatling-Percy - this isn't even my final form!
your bad news is evolving in to a maxim machine gun
You know what I just realized? Tiny Vax's voice is just his "cuttlefish" voice. I love it.
I’m loving this Chroma Conclave Ark I’m so hyped that there’s no waiting between episodes either showing up this late to the game has been the most pleasurable viewing experience in a long time.
Tyrant Crocodiles feels dude I’m only just up to this one and I’m so glad I don’t have to wait on cliff hangers
I love the sneaky look you can see on Sam's face when he suddenly thinks of a great joke and is waiting for the opportunity to use it
Laura only has two modes in combat, "We are SOO bad ass, nothing can defeat us."
"OMG WE ARE GOING TO DIE!!!" *Sobbing Voice*
You lift up the tarp. It has some runes written underneath it.
"What does it say?"
It says, 'I prepared explosive runes today.'
Timstamp ?
@@Dramoklos It's a refrence to the OOTS
This is the...first OOTS joke I've ever seen related to CR, I think. You'd figure there'd be more overlap.
@@vishaansingh1019 I expected more references as well! But nope. Maybe they aren't fans.
@@lilataylor7825 Hmm... Vex and Hayley are a pretty good parallel, Scanlan and Elan would do well too. Durkon and Pike? Mmmm... maybe, it's a bit of a stretch. V... not sure there's any good match for V. Grog and Belkar would get along great together. Not sure who would go well with Roy. Percy is a Fighter, but he'd probably prefer to go an be introverts with V.
The entire time during the preparation phase, I was screaming at my screen "Give Grog the Dragon Slayer sword!" Oh, well. If Umbrasyl had died too soon, we wouldn't have gotten the full course of Vox Machina's signature blend of sheer absurdity and insurmountable lethality.
Also, Pike intimidating Grog was amazing. Let it never be forgotten that Trickfoot is the mightiest among them.
"HOW DO I WANT TO DO THIS?" *Mock crying*
Feels laura feels
percy hadn't spoken in a while and when he did, i thought i was about to hear an important announcement from the national weather service.
i'm ten minutes into the fight and, as a DM i can tell Matt is REALLY frustrated at how WELL everyone planned the attack.
I feel you hard. I gave my party of five (who are insanely lucky, so that's another thing I deal with) a behir to fight, they rolled way to high on their stealth and the rogue dealt 50 of 170 hit points in a surprise round. The monk and fighter with four attacks each did the rest.
Wich is kinda weird, i get very hyped when my players plan well, that's the whole point
Planned well? I wouldnt say that. I'd say "planned haphazardly and lucked out regardless of RAW rules and poor decisions" lmao
@@nathanbally Agreed. Matt is ever the gracious DM, because this group is absolutely legendary at making terrible plans that should not work. But he is a merciful (Mercerful?) god and they pull it off while he appears to be trying to make it difficult. lol He is a fantastic DM, because fun is the point of any game and CR is nothing if not fun.
This reminds me of the time I GM'd an intro to Mutant Chronicles 3E. Everybody picked a pre-made character that came with the intro, and one of them had a sniper rifle and some perks to make him more flexible in a firefight. He apparently read and understood them really well and ended up using creative combos of perks to successfully blow the head off the Big Bad of the intro in one shot at the start of combat. To make it really frustrating, this was in a quite enclosed space but one of the things he could was reduce distance penalties and also had some lucky rolls.
Matt: "The next episode will be in two weeks from now."
Me: "ok" *clicks next episode*
I like how during the battle when the dragon broke free, it's shadow of the dragon miniature is just covering the battle field giving this feeling of hopelessness, also it looks fucking awesome
Owen Newman
I wasn’t the only one who noticed that!!!
I love how at the start of the battle, Matt plays 'The Dragon Thrashed and Wailed' from the Pillars of Eternity OST
For the trap, I gotta wonder how many schematics Taliesin actually drew up and worked through just on his own time thinking it through.
From the admittedly little I know of him, probably a few.
From how he kept describing it, I'm assuming Google did the bulk share of the work. Search bird trap/snare and scale up to dragon size.
Haha, hopefully Liam continues to talk in that high pitched voice until the potion wears off, that was fucking hilarious and unexpected xD
Umbrasyl's whole thought process in this fight has to be something along the lines of 'WHAT THE HELL DID I EAT?!?!'
2:39:12 I love the idea of a grown man legit terrifying his 7 friends with a quiet woosh sound effect. 🤣
welcome to dnd LMAO
the horrified look on Matt's face when Sam said he was gonna do a thunder wave inside the dragon was priceless
It's the most gorgeous moment I've seen yet!
"This is so fuuu--" [NO SIGNAL]
The timing is top notch.
*"In Hawaii, the longsword is a finesse weapon."*
Fun fact, of basically ANY weapon in the medieval period, the longsword is quite possibly _the best example_ of a finesse weapon. With it being only a little heavier than an arming sword or rapier while still mostly requiring two hands to use, it requires MUCH less strength to wield than other types of swords.
Contrary to popular depiction, rapiers typically used the same amount of material to make as arming swords and were just as heavy. You're still swinging around a big bar of steel in only one hand.
Rapiers are bloody exhausting. I can fence a heavy twohander MUCH longer than I can weild a rapier. It's truly amazing how badly a rapier taxes the forearms.
Aye. Rapiers are tiring because you tend to rely more on smaller wrist actions, and your forearms are fighting much more leverage at the tip. That's why hilt-end balance was so heavily prized with them. It made a huge difference in the level of fatigue in a duel.
@@joshuakruger9455 exactly!
I think the biggest problem with rapiers in today's use is that most people actually think of fencing foils and not actual rapiers.
On this topic, i normally recommend people to look up the Musketeer Rapier episode of _Forged in Fire._
They show exactly how robust a rapier actually is by cutting a pig in half in 3 swings.
I've used that clip as proof that a rapier can decapitate a human once when i had a dm say "rapiers cant cut through a neck".
Players first, story second, and rules a distant third. Yes DD should have auto-failed according to the strict rules of the spell, but Matt talks a lot in his DM Tips series about letting players go off the rails, letting them try their crazy ideas...even if it's totally bonkers and honestly shouldn't work. He finds a way to let them try because he just wants to play a fun game with his friends.
The rule of cool should win out. The rules are there to facilitate fun not replace it.
Amen. If its cool its legal
@@jasonandrews1770 Conjure water in the dragons lungs :P
@@devinwhite5064 evil genius
@@devinwhite5064 might turn it into a dragon turtle lol
Sam: This is the worst cliff hanger ever!
2020: Hold my dice.
First time watching? It's mine! Funny to see a comment so recent haha.
@@Regonza93 Mine as well! We're here, the first time watchers!
Redbeast13 This is good.
First timers?! How sweet.. Hang onto your butts :D
@@nuru666 Have you watched Jocat's, Race, video.
*He raps, "Hold onto your ass, it's about to get crass. Cuz race, parta the role you can play..."
this is just a tiny moment but somebody pointed this out to me and at 3:05:08 sam starts playing a slide whistle quietly and liam looses it and it was super cute
liam: he's playing a slide whistle laura!! what am i supposed to do??
Just ah... “siren” whistle, it’s a siren whistle
Daww true husbands
Matt electing to play 'The Dragon Thrashed and Wailed' from the Pillars of Eternity OST immediately as the trap is sprung and initiative is being rolled is so perfect.
"The Armor Class of the interior of a creature that swallows whole is normally 10 + ½ its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity." Never knew I'd need this
says what?
3.5 if I'm not mistaken.
@@OverkillDM so.....2 editions ago?
@@zippomage We don't talk about 4e in this household.
@@ZeroxTheNewt i"ll talk about whatever i like, thanks. and the great wheel is an absurd and archaic construct full of needless symmetry and the dawn wars cosmology from 4e is way better.
I just wanted to put this out into the world: In the game I DM my players are fighting their first dragon, and I swear with no prior knowledge of this episode, our Bard grabbed the Paladin and dimension-doored inside the thing. I'm rewatching this as study material so I can figure out how to run the rest of the encounter. Why are Bards like this.
The Bard spell list is almost entirely utility spells and no combat spells... and yet they have one of the largest "spells known" allowed in any character... that forces the Bard to be crafty with his spells
@@BigggusDikkkus Besides, their fourth-level spell list consists of Dimension Door, Polymorph, and a few shit spells, and since those two are pretty much the best spells in the mid-levels they see a lot of use whenever there are bards or wizards involved
@@alexv3357 What about Greater Invisibility? (・⌓・)
Confusion can also be fun.
Greater Invisibility is a powerful spell no doubt, but Polymorph and Dimension Door get you far more mileage for far more situations throughout your career. Polymorph in particular lasts for 60 times as long as G.I., and has unparalleled flexibility, offering combat forms (including high-constitution creatures to offset concentration issues), all movement modes including faster flight than a Fly spell, and more besides. If one has to choose between Greater Invisibility and Polymorph, the latter is the better option pretty much every time.
@@alexv3357 It really depends on the rest of your party's composition. Greater invisibility is one of the best spells a bard can use to buff an ally. If Scanlan used it on Percival, he would have advantage on EVERY attack he made for ten rounds. ~30 attacks made at advantage is huge, especially if they are dealing that level of damage. If combo'd with the haste from Vax's boots, that man would be dealing even more ungodly amounts of damage.
I love Grog’s trauma reaction manifesting in his suspicion of any new weapon he picks up. And it makes even more sense with the blood axe.
Sam & Liam:
"Take chances. Make mistakes. That's the fun of D&D."
Also Sam & Liam:
"What if we save a dragon the trouble, and just... let him digest us... for free?"
You have to hand it to Mercer here. I have struggled to DM 6 characters in a battle. Here he has so many different parties.
I just feel like the entire planning process is just Matt going “...Are you guys positive you want to do it this?... are you sure you’re sure?? Oh c’mon guys”
Dear lord I love the opening. Sam's bit kills me every time. Every damn time.
It's the "AHHHHHHHH" in the background that gets me.
It's the AAAAHHHH that gets me too. I shit my pants laughing every fucking time
I agree and have my laugh before I roll my eyes with Pike as she walks away.
For me it's when Pike rolls her eyes at him that sends me
4:50 the live intro they've made is amazing.
The caption person deserves every single praise they get for the amazing work❤❤
3:34:19 Matt says "it's too tight in there" - Laura doesn't bat an eye... that's how you know it's serious...
It’s too tight in here.. “that’s what he said!” 😈
Vax - "You'll feel better when Scanlan and I are dissolved."
Matt - "Ya."
I really enjoy watching Critical Roll. I enjoy the DM and players sharing their game. Thumbs up to everyone involved. They are doing it right, a group of friends role playing and having shared experiences (and huge amounts of fun).
i know this episode is 5 years old but i’m watching through for the first time and it’s really fun to imagine them stress eating dice instead of jelly bellies
just finished the raishan episode now i’m stress eating jelly bellies
I’m watching more than 6 years later and I’m on pins and needles watching
"Party possibly prepares to plot and plan" Nice alliteration. It unsettled them all and they couldn't put their fingers on why.
VM: pretending to do the intro
Intro: plays
Captions: [actual intro plays]
Thank you to the Captioning Critters ❤️
It amazes me how Travis can make actual progress while acting like Grog is Jar Jar Binx-ing his way to victory
Matt trying so hard to warn them that attacking the dragon in the lair is what he thinks is best and possibly prepared for, but the party ain't having it! Be interesting to see how it works out!
In 5thE Dragons have lair actions. Its not a great idea to fight them in their home.
@@Bibitybopitybacon I agree, I'd avoid going into a dragon's actual lair at pretty much any cost. Their lair is where dragons are at their strongest.
Amber Blackwell I mean yeah but your less likely to get a Dragon flying away when you fight it in its lair
@@amberblackwell7687 You can avoid them flying away and you can also find their loot. Killing a dragon in the open field is worthless if you don't know where their lair is.
Yeah, the guy running the dragon is really the best person to take advice from about where the dragon will be weakest...
Zanror : "That wouldn't make a dragon shaking in his claws."
Mushu from Mulan: " Did you see those Huns? They popped out of the snow, like daisies!"
This made me giggle ^_^
I feel like my video games are slowly turning into "collect the cast of critical role - the game"
my inquisitor in Dragon age is Vax. one of the dps' in the game is the assassin. #DaggerDaggerDagger
Seriously, once you get into this show to the point where you can spot their voices, they are EVERYWHERE :)
+Troy Mine is based off my own D&D character. I havent been able to play D&D yet, my bf needs to have the same days off as our friend the DM so we can finally play lmao but with the help of my bf I already have my character sheet done and character drawn.
+Jeff And so true. Knew Serana sounded so familiar to be from Skyrim lmao forgot Laura played her
Leslie Hurte holy shit i never knew that!
matt: "we'll pick up in two weeks from now"
me in 2022: "you mean 2 seconds, NEXT!"
I love Grogs solo adventures.
I LOVE Grog and Pike’s relationship and how well Travis and Ashley play it. Same with Laura and Liam as the Twins.
Pike, Grog and Scanlan are easily the best!
Travis need to remember his saving throw advantage to dexsterity due to danger sense and his strength advantage due to rage.
Yeah you should let him know, I'm sure it would be very useful now🥴
You say 4 years later.
@@ruralmetalheadTBF he’s not wrong
I'm always impressed with how much range liam has, hes a very good va
😂 I read that as rage
"I gave you food, so like, can you do anything special?"
I was expecting Orn to lie and say he was an amazing mage or something of the like.
I was expecting him to pull a grog too. "I'm a great and POWERFUL wizard"
Vex dealt 108 damage on her first turn and one of the attacks didn't even hit
And in contrast keyleth tried to cast a horrible spell and then DID cast an even worse spell as her opener against it. All things balanced I guess. Least she didn't go into a weak beast form this time.
Yeah I couldn't believe she actually summoned eagles twice instead of just continuing to murder the dragon D:
These replies really turned into a Hate Keyleth session. Yall have better things to do, go home.
Leo is Rude there’s literally one comment in here talking about Keyleth dude
@@KitKatHD Any good spell she would've tried at that point would have just been reduced because of the dragon's 3 legendary resistances. She was waiting for it to waste them first.
The dragon is probably thinking
"This is the most unique fight of my life!"
3:05:15 and beyond had me in tears with the damn unexpected slide whistle antics. Then Liam straight up lost it, and I had to pause the vid and regain my composure around the time he goes, "He's playing a slide whistle, Laura! What am I supposed to do?!" Nice to know that goofy cartoonish random sound effects aren't just a blind guy's Kryptonite sometimes.
3:02:30 That's an awesome voice. I wasn't looking at the screen at the time, so I had no idea who said it. I stopped everything and watched that part again. So hilariously good. Mini Vax is so adorable.
Them recreating the intro at the beginning. Haha, that's hilarious!
when grog gets a moment to just do grog things by himself its like got the funniest tone to it every time lmao
Reposting timestamps from my tumblr
5:00 - Cast acts out the intro
10:12 - Game starts, Percy makes a dragon trap
14:55 - Vax and Scanlan talk about going into the dragon’s stomach together
17:30 - Vax to Scanlan "Nothing is better, everything is terrible"
21:45 - Vex and Scanlan trade armor
(Vax asks Percy to borrow his sword, Vex and Keyleth talk to Zanror)
32:55 - Vex "We have a wonderful tinkerer"
36:50 - Pillow fight
41:05 - Keyleth talks to Worra
48:20 - Grog goes to the prison and lets out some prisoners
52:40 - Grog knows one of the prisoners from pre-stream days, Abjurist Noja
1:00:45 - Grog finds Amelia, Reginald's daughter
1:02:50 - Grog meets Old Davin
(Grog frees them all & meets up with Scanlan, they return to Noja's shop but it's been looted)
1:20:30 - Scanlan totally remembers Noja
1:22:55 - Grog has gross black feet
1:28:50 - Vax and Keyleth conversation
1:33:40 - Keyleth, Vex, and Pike talk about Vax
1:38:40 - Break starts
1:50:30 - Break ends, more preparations
2:04:50 - Scanlan Inspires Vex ♪ (Changes)
2:06:48 - Vex asks Grog for Kevdak's head
2:08:28 - Pike makes Grog give it up with just a look
(They do more planning & trade items. Pike and Keyleth both do a hero's feast so 24 people can eat)
2:25:22 Vax kisses Keyleth, for a while
2:32:12 - Pike casts deathward on Scanlan & of course he protests
2:39:12 - Umbrasyl arrives and the trap goes off
(Roll initiative and Vex does over a 100 points of damage)
2:47:10 - Can Scanlan see Vax and Keyleth making out? Definitely not
2:54:48 - Scanlan's cutting words so dragon doesn’t hit Grog, Sam's whistle
3:02:35 - Tiny Vax
3:07:50 - Scanlan And Vax dimension door inside Umbasyl
3:08:20 - Scanlan inspires Keyleth ♪
3:25:20 - Umbrasyl sprays acid and kills many
3:26:45 - Umbrasyl The Hope Devourer
3:38:15 - Scanlan uses the immovable rod inside Umbrasyl
4:13:43 - Zanror tells Worra to run and save their child
4:21:05 - Umbrasyl flies away and the immovable rod rips out of his body
(Vax and Scanlan still inside dragon, Grog is dangling off of it as it flies away)
4:22:48 - Game ends
"[actual intro plays]" I know I'm way late to this party, but shout out to the wonderful Critters who did the captions back in the day. You're doing the lord Bahamut's work!
im HoH and reading the subtitles of "actual intro playing" was THE BEST. whoever does the subtitles is a SAINT
It was a group of volunteers! They, in current day, have hired a company to do them. But yeah, at this point, it was volunteer Critters doing it.
The subtitles whenever Percy makes his Crow noises are also amazing.
4:55 Crtiical Role Intro Live!!
7:26 Matt Mercer Giving The Status Of The Story Line So Far
10:12 Vox Machina Start With There Plan Of Action
14:58 Vax And Scanlan Discuss there Part
18:34 Scanlan Ask Advise From Vex
20:25 Scanlan Ask For Vex's Armor In A Very Scanlan Way!!
25:09 Vax Talks To Persy
27:04 Vex And Kayleth Talks To Zanror
36:49 Pillow Fight!!!
37:18 Kayleth See Zanror As Kevdak
41:07 Kayleth Talks To Werewa (Zanror's Wife Sorry In Advance If I Got The Name Wrong.)
45:10 Grog Goes To The Prison's Cells
49:18 Grog Talks To Orn Blackfoot
52:04 Grog Discovers Abris Nosesha
1:00:47 Grog Finds Reginal's Daughter Amelia
1:02:52 Grog Talks To Old Davon
1:08:40 The Skype Dance
1:09:34 Grog Talks To Orn In Trying To Be Convince Why He Should Be Set Free. Also Grog Has Very Small Range In Numbers Guessing.
1:12:10 Grog Needs To Work Better On The Guessing Game
1:28:28 Vax Talks To Kayleth And Kayleth Express Her Views On Religion.
1:33:30 Kayleth Rejoins With Vex And Pike
1:38:40 Break Begins
1:50:24 Break Ends
1:50:43 The Team Start To Set Up Fastbender
2:00:34 Keyleth Gives a Mustash To Fastbender
2:01:40 Scanlan ask Kayleth For The Rod Of The Movable Rodness
2:02:54 The Creepy Music!!!
2:04:50 Scalan Inspires Vex
2:06:48 Vex Starts To Ask Grog For Kevdak's Head And Grog Clearly Doesn't Want To Give It Up.
2:08:43 Pike Has Complete Control Over Grog
2:15:11 Sam Riegal The Spokemen For LootCrate (Promo 1)
2:16:12 Marisha Staying In Character
2:25:23 Vax Express His Feelings To Kayleth The Night Before The Fight Against The Dragon. Also Vex Sees Everything.
2:35:11 Scanlethhh And Kaylethhh
2:38:37 Umbrasyl The Black Dragon, One Of The Ancient Dragons Of The Chroma Conclave
2:40:07 The Trap Triggers And The Fight Begins!!!
2:42:50 Liam And Marisha And There Wishful Turns
2:43:21 Surprise Round
2:45:52 Vex Was Unsure On Using One Of The Dragon's Arrows But Scanlan Step In And Convince Her In Using It The Only Way He Knows How!!!
3:01:16 Vax Unleashes Fastbender And Trys To Cast Slow!!!
3:02:35 Introducing Mini Vax
3:07:51 Scanlan And Vax Travels In Side Umbasyl's Body
3:08:01 Before Going In To Umbrasyl's Body Scanlan Inspires Kayleth
3:19:02 Travis Showing His Singing Props
3:21:31 Umbrasyl Sets Him Self Free Of The Chains/Trap That Had Bind Him.
3:25:19 Umbrasyl Unleashes His Fury!!!
3:26:46 Umbrasyl "THE HOPE DEVOURER"
3:38:16 Scanlan Unleashes The Rod Of The Movable Rodness Inside Umbrasyl's Body
3:40:45 Vex Trys To Cast Grasping Vine On Umbrasyl
3:44:04 Waving Hair
3:47:36 Grog Uses The Magical Javlins / And The Javlin Of Lighting
3:52:54 Thank Goodness That Grog Was Acid Resistent. Not So For Kayleth Though.
3:59:56 Kayleth Jumps To Umbrasyl Foot To Hold It Down
4:03:16 Scanlan Cast Thunder Wave Inside Umbrasyl!!!
4:11:02 Vex Shoot Around The Spot Where Vax Is Underneath The Dragon's Skin With Pike Help But Ends Failing.
4:13:05 Poor Laura Bailey Just Wishing She Could End The Fight Already.
4:13:45 Zenror Tells His Wife To Run For Her Life With There Child While He Stays And Fight!!!
4:14:56 Grog Uses The Titan Stone Knuckles
4:17:42 The Eagles From Vex Attacks The Umbrasyl's Eyes
4:20:55 Umbrasyl Start To Escapes
4:22:49 Episode Ends (Cliff Hanger)
4:24:46 Sam Riegal The Spokemen For LootCrate (Promo 2)
Baxter Cowhig zanror's wife is "worra" :)
need to get the view all replies thing to show up for mobile
I order to do that I need to spam comments
@@darcyandrews8430 You didn't spam
@@darcyandrews8430 I'm dissapointed
That "no signal" from the upper camera was just too perfect of timing
3:30:16 is some of my favorite banter
"Held my dragon to the ground and hit it like a pin cushion" Is my new favorite Mercer reply since his argument about potions
Quarantine has really let me grind out campaign 1. How am I already nearly 1/2 way through
I am in The same boat.
While writing my research paper
We out here.
"We need to talk real quick."
*10 minutes later*
"I'm still confused."
Watching a few bits of this again because I'm excited for the next round of episodes for the animated show, and I 100% had thought that the "belly of the beast" idea was Sam's, kind of hilarious that it was Liam's idea, AND that they did it, AND it kind of worked? So curious to see it animated!
It's 2019 and I am so hungover, but Liam's tiny Vax voice gives me so much joy
Sam and Travis passing notes and miming to each other to not disturb the conversation held in story was so funny and cute