CORRECTIONS: Sorry forgot Cato Sicarius' reactive move is once per TURN not once PER GAME. That does make him better than I said. Still rarely/never seen in most optimised lists though.
Hey Auspex, great content. Any chance one day you could a review on all the legends stuff? Granted, no one will use them in tournaments probably, but I was just curious. I have a Kratos and Leviathan Dread I was curious about
@@roryokane5907 in fairness they fire twice as standard instead of only firing twice at half range, don’t give geedubs any ideas that would nerf them further
the outriders index is so frustrating to me, space marine bikers used to be so strong and their replacements are just such a bad kit. No weapon options, no real threat, cant even take melta bombs. Plus their base size is cumbersome as hell. Plus the new land speeder is anemic
if you take any SM datasheet, you can find other "similar" datasheet from different army that is like better in EVERY way , but chaper in points, like we have tanks, but many other armies have the same tanks but better and cheaper, jump packs, "termies equivalent", titanic, cavalry , infantry, etc etc etc , like GW didnt even bother with comparing that one army can have everything better AND it is cheaper in points , but SM still get like the worse equivalent comparing to other armies , like you have some units, but other armies have literally the same, but better and cheaper ...
@@thekrokooYou just described the entire point of SM. That’s their whole thing. They’re the jack of all trades master of none army. Would be a little dumb if we had the best model(s) for any of the important roles of the game, because that model would be abused and overused
@@cadettrev762 Jack of all trades, sure, but also meant to be an *elite* army. They should be objectively better than their counterparts but cost more. Right now they just functionally...cost more. Vehicle profiles are too similar to matter, and a 3+ save hasn't been worth a damn since 7th ed.
@@basteala525 There’s just too much bloat. GW is probably scared that making anything stand out and be strong will result in there 100+ kits for SM being invalidated by 1 or 2, so SM must stay in a dry, simplistic state. I’d say remove more Firstborn, but also give Phobos more movement and less SV to make them stand out more as the “lightweight fast guys”. Make Gravis feel tankier as well. I know Firstborn players will cry extremely loud about removal of firstborn, but SM is actively suffering by having to keep the repetitive datasheets.
I think that would be fine if they only allowed battleline units to be transported in said transport. Even Chaos Marines don't get to put their really heavy hitters in a cheap rhino. Impulsors are priced the way they are because they carry really dangerous cargo. Imagine if I could put eightbound or termanators in a rhino. That would be way too powerful. I think battleline only is they only way to make cheap transports not busted.
I kinda hate playing Space Marines this edition. Codex compliant chapters feel terrible. I know it’s too late to expect any of these things to happen, but some of the most iconic units NEED rewritten abilities. Terminators and Sternguard, I’m looking at you. You can’t just fix bad rules with points drops, now they’re just cheaper garbage.
I think the Heavy and Assault Intercessors could become more important in the upcoming Pariah Nexus mission pack if battleline gets buffed and can generate VP while on an objective
My desolation marine proxies have been really fun in my games, if not super impactful. D6+1 damage and S10 does make a meaningful difference, and the indirect has been hilarious at pinning move-shoot-move units like drukhari scourges. Each marine having 2 guns helps justify taking them as they effectively do the role of multiple squads. I also pair suppressors with a predator destructor, storm speeder thunderstrike, and plunging fire, which is a very silly way of stacking loads of saves on tough targets at a distance. I've come to accept that my choices aren't optimal, but by god are they fun
I will always advocate Terminators + Chaplain in Sons of Sanguinius, hitting on 2s re-rolling against your Oath target with S10 power fists and +1 to wound. They go absolutely bananas.
@@timhorsburgh2193They’re slowly thinning out SM. Only issue is firstborn marine fans like to cry every single time a firstborn is replaced. I personally say it’s time to let the Tactical Marines and Devastator Squad go, but I know that wouldn’t end well
@@cadettrev762I’m down with Devastators leaving if they add a Primaris version of them. I love having a squad of marines with big guns. I don’t want that option gone entirely
Thank you for making these videos so often to keep up with the rules changes. I love these and I feel like it really helps me choose what to focus on!!
Imagine if you could bring a drop pod in slightly out of bounds, dumping out the maxed bladeguard unit and then have it immediately self-destruct to not give your opponent a thing they can charge for free
I’ve discovered a use for the Ancient in Firestorm. Have him lead 10 Infernus marines, essentially turning them into battleline with S6 flamers. I also give him Forged in Battle which means I can flip one dice into six attacks with torrent.
This isn't competitive, but a combo I like for thematics is the standard Librarian with 10 Sternguard riding about in a Repulsor. 4+ invuln, if charged they retreat to the tank, and you double down on Dev Wounds with Smite, especially since the Librarian gets the reroll wound rolls of 1 from his Sternguard compatriots.
1-2 Maxed out Outriders Squads with an ATV with Melta and twin linked Bolter Rifles lead by a Chaplain on Bike who can fight pretty well in Combat and provides a +1 to Wound in combat and gives Devasting Wounds to the units ranged attacks when targetting a unit within 12" which combos well with twinlinked Bolters which are equipped with all models in the unit. They excel in the Stormlance or Company of hunters depending on if you want to lean them more into combat or lean them into advance/fallback and shoot (detachment rule applies to all Dark Angel units, e.i. Intercessors with Jump Packs, Eradicators) plus gaining Battleline when taking them in the Ravenwing Detachment.
Eliminators are top notch for nuking heros, I take 3x3 of them and a vindicare assassin. I do find Outriders to be pretty useless. They need a better rule or a SGT with power fist or something
I ran a 6 man outrider squad with a chaplain a few weeks ago vs those tough old orks. Did better then i was expecting, they would have sucked if the chaplain wasnt there, chaplains rock this edition. Won the game.
Its funny, cause Im planning on using reivers. I think the ONLY possible way they have a useful place is in the vanguard detachment. Having deep strike and being phobos (can pick 2 phobos units up with guerilla tactics strat) i think they have play. it drives me insane that the phobos Lt has deep strike but the reiver Lt does not lol. But, the reiver Lt is one of the best models GW has ever made, so, Im just using it as a proxy for the combi weapon Lt
Not so sure about the firestrike, personally i love taking one with the twin las-talon option as i run an anti-armour focused army. Its great for making opponents think more about where they move, rather than risk a hit from it, because it'll damage that tank. Where it falls down is melee, because if a squad charges it, its basically toast.
For Firestorm the Stormraven and Assault Centurions are amazing. Assault Centurions taket a massive beating and and dish out crazy damage with everything being "Twin linked". Stormraven is expensive but the flexibility it brings is pure gold. Twin linked weapons are super efficient when hitting on 2s or oath of moment. Also air dropping 6x eradicators on an important vehicle or monster feels amazing every time😁 Stormraven might work for cheesy moves in Ironstorm for divergent chapters, but for codex compliant chapters its a lot of fun in Firestorm. Divergent chapters should be banned from codex compliant detachments and then they can drop the Stormraven to 240 again..
This! I am a black Templar player who plays only the Templar detachment. At the start of tenth I saw the stormraven and finally got my hands on one and finished it right around the nerfs. I still take it as it is such a cool model!
Coming back into the hobby since 4th edition, I'm enthused by the extra choice in units. I just wish my old Dreadnaughts were not so meh... 135 pts per unit they were ok in 4th edition plus you could deep strike them in Drop Pods. Please give the option to drop pod the basic dreads GW, give them a niche vs the newer shinier Dreads. Tac squads were never great but you needed them back in the day since you needed minimum 2 troop choices to meet Army Composition requirements. Since Army comp is no longer a thing, why take Tac squads when other options are better.
Ive been using some interesting combos with my Blood Angels and firestorm detachment. Librarian Dread can deep strike my aggressors. Sternguard because 30 shots with dev wounds is kind of nasty. Storm Raven with 10 Infernus (using dev wounds strat) and a Death Company Dread with the magna grapples. Stand out for sure though is the Libby Dread, yeeting your units around the board is really clutch.
The only thing i dont agree with is the placement for regular Intercessors and the Stormspeeder Thunderstrike. Intercessors are easily one of the worst units in the entire codex imho, they do legit nothing in any detachment. They are not even worth the sticky obj and i've never seen them be worth it in 10th at any table, even the argument of taking a single unit is flat-out just bad when you compare them to how amazing scouts are. (and so many other options) Thunderstrikes are easily tier 1, they scale so hard with so many good detachments and buff the entire army while also being insanely fast and at a very fair cost for sure tier 1.
I once got a win cause of my drop pod once haha, was able to use it to do a ritual and make another objective that was swarmed with my Marines, I swear the VP were that close omg
Thanks the Emperor that Tactical squad and Devastator squad qre still have forseeable future, but with How GW treat their golden child Stormcast Eternals we will see some primaris get squatted in late 10th and early 11th edition
Question: Just bought a 10th edition (yes I made sure it was 10th edition) codex and has different point values for squads. I go the the Warhammer 40k app and they match up with your point values...? Why is the 10th edition of the book wrong at this point?
It’s a sad tier. Feel like it hasn’t changed much all edition and I’m just running the same stuff. Kinda bored now, just waiting for some codexes to break the relentless monotony which is being a space marine player.
Remember early in the edition when people were losing their minds about Space Marines being too OP and being sour grapes about the poster boys getting special treatment blah blah blah...Yet here we are again, like clockwork as the edition drags on the worse they get being dwindled to 1 or 2 viable lists if that with many datasheets languishing. Some even since before the previous edition but whose counting?
I have a question specifically about the judiciar, your notes said itd be better if bladeguard were better but what about leading a proteus killteam kitted for melee? 4 dwth 2 shields and lvmw and 4 termies with thss?
57:30 is this right? The Datasheet says "enemy units from strategic reserves". I mind that Deepstrikers are not effected by the Omniscrambler, because they are technicly no part of strategic reserves.
"Enemy units that are set up on the battlefield from Reserves" is the exact wording. Units that are using an ability such as Deep Strike are held in Reserves as per core rules. Omni-scramblers block Deep Strike.
Great video! Thanks! I have 6k of Black Templars, and that collection is done. I'm seriously considering doing one more 40k collection and it will probably be Blood Angels, so this video has helped me figure out which regular space marine units I'd get to build the collection on.
I will always die on the hill that Heavy Intercessors are an absolutely awesome unit to throw in a list. 30 T6 Wounds with +3 Save, a massive blob of anti-infantry weaponry whose sole job it is to get on a point and *stay* on it.
Hammerfall bunker: can deep strike in lore but can't deep strike on tabletop. :< Back in 8th Ed, I really did perceive that Reivers will be what Assault Intercessors are now, such a shame that GW decided to make them Elites with a weak upgrade. Honestly, GW could have made Reivers into a Killteam with an upgrade kit that could have hopefully fixed the unit instead of giving the KT treatment to the Infiltrators. Again, with the tactical marines, I think it would have been worthwhile for GW to have made a Killteam upgrade kit for these marines. They're classic and the long standing image of 40k. Even though Intercessors have taken over that role, the old kit deserves one last ride.
@@danieledwards4821 could turn into a meat grinder for you in turn 2 and 3 unless you’ve got a few dreads out front to fight for objectives. Hopefully you can force him to deploy poorly and go first. Try to slow down his nobz and mega nobz with units you don’t care to lose. If he’s running Ghaz, target Makari with precision weapons if you can and kill him asap. Ghaz and Makari are 2 characters in a unit. Be mindful of the deep striking Warboss in Mega Armor on turn 2, that’s his fastest way to get mega nobz in engagement range. As an Orks player, that’s the best advice I can give.
It's getting hard to choose at this point since both are now 30pts a model. The SB are a bit more lethal. You can take a thunderhammer and a guy with lightning claws for each 5 man, and you get +1 damage if you go with that option. If you go with the chainsword, you get 5 attacks (since Black Templar), to which you can give 2 damage. Everything is +1 strength if you add Helbrecht. Helbrecht and Grimaldus can't lead BV, so there's that. The Helbvrecht + SB combo is very strong. Also, you can take a 10 man of SB if you just want more bodies. However, the BV are more durable and if you give them the bladeguard veteran, they get extra OC. In fact, just 3 BV on an objective, takes some effort to remove. Add 5 heavy intercessors and that's really tough to shift. Take both!
I feel like you are undervaluing the iron father. Put him on the mid board in a giant 10 Man heavy intercessor blob and you are going to see some frankly hilarious durability. It literally tanks Knights for multiple turns.
It's a little hilarious how many of these were in the exact same place many years ago. Really the distinction seems to be that instead of having wargear for X we now have 1 model that does X and 1 model that does Y. So everyone just uses X and never Y.
Looking at space marine rules while putting together my second army , Flesh Tearer, makes me appreciate my Death Guard. Yeah SM are faster and have more units but that hurts them imo. Units are weaker and need a leader and their battle line is weaker than most other armies. But rule of cool soooo a army of death company Flesh Tearers lol
Is this tier list in comparison with other factions units or comparison with other sm units within the codex. Like a terminator might be B tier within Space marine units, but D tier when compared with units in other factions.
Not quite sure about the Incursors and Outriders. Outriders deal not enough damage and the mounted keyword is not ideal for their purpose. Their special ability is just bad in my opinion. They are fast enough anyway, the autoadvance is just too much. On the other hand they don't have assault weapons which is extra dumb. Adding a chaplain on bike does not really help them enough. Also they have some tough rivals: jump assault intercessors or assault Intercessors are just way better in my experience. I think outriders could be fixed, if the sergeant could use a special weapon and if the get the same ability as the assault intercessors. That would make them a tier 2 unit at least. But with the current rules, they are Tier 4 in my opinion. Incursors on the other hand have a similar problem as reivers. They lack some AP with their weapons. Their abilities are quite bad. The hit roll isn't the problem with space marines. Buffing it is nice but in most cases not really meaningful. The mine is okay but can be used only one time in the game so it is just not enough for my taste. They can't even infiltrate or deep strike. I don't see why anybody would take Incursors if he could take Scouts or Infiltrators instead. Incursors are tier 3 or 4 in my opinion.
Terminator's Storm Bolter should have it's Rapid Fire removed and instead should have anti-infantry 4+ devastating wounds - to make them actually CHAPTER'S ELITE unit, that strikes fear to enemy. Plus more special weapons - Melta Destroyer and Plasma Cannon, Heavy flamer could remain as is but with 2d6 hits.
I m always surprised top hear SM doing bad. Even more surprising, i never encounter a SM player in the wild to see/ask him. I live in a big city(EU), and i can´t find any in my local GW strore, nor in my tabletop club. I guess everyone is just a meta chaser and that´s why i dont see them. And looking at their datasheets, many of their units or detachement abilities from SM seem pretty awesome to me. Like the "Gladiator Lancer" alone! 160pts for that thing looks to me as a Nids player. like an absolute steal. I just don´t get it, how the poster child faction, with an unmatched variety of units could struggle so much. I wish somebody would explaine it to me better than just saying phases like, "jack of all trades, master of non". They got, speed, firepower, OC holding, like what is it? Points seem fine. Are they dying too fast?
The main problem ive noticed as a SM player is every other army basically has the same things as us but better and/or cheaper. We are also suffering from codex power creep making us a bit glass cannon at the moment. To top it off we don't have very good special rules like a lot of other armies.
Hi everyone. I'm a new player of the hobby and i'm not sure yet if torrent weapons automaticly hit on overwatch strat, because the rule says that the weapon in overwatch only hit on 6 what so ever be its ballistic stat. Can anyone tell me ?
Since torrent weapons auto hit amd don't roll for hits, they bypass that stipulation on the Fire Overwatch stratagem. Because of this, they make for great overwatch weapons, just roll for attacks then roll for wounds.
@@captaincoolbreeze9429 Thank you. If I may, I have another question. I saw a battle report where agressors shot with both their gauntlets and their fragstorm grenade launchers, I though only vehicules could shoot with all their weapons at once ?
@@balefar5572 Just checked the core rules. If a model, any model, has more than one range weapon, it can use all of them at the same target or split fire provided the model is in range of the intended target and has visibility on the intended target, except for indirect fire weapons. I think you confuse the rule of Big Guns Never Tire in which a vehicle or monster can still fire all ranged weapons even when locked in combat at a -1 to hit for those weapons except for pistols.
@@balefar5572 If your meaning something like an Intercessor with a bolt rifle and bolt pistol or even using the earlier example of an Aggressor with boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launchers, in either case if target is an eligible target, is within range of all ranged weapons, and is visible to the shooting model then yes, all ranged weapons can be used.
SM needs a solid rework, almost everything here is a crap, all these units were designed during INDEX making, with rerolls to wound, and they worked then, but then GW deleted rerolls to wound on aoth, and suddenly 80% of these things stop killing at all, but still are expensive in points and die very fast, so -> it is useless... GW should add additional AP to this army, or change some datasheets so they stop wound on 5+ , also Terminators for like 37 points per model that have like 3 attacks on 4+ is a joke who design it? it is all bullsh***
So even if I accept your number and say 80% is no good (I’m not sure I do), that still leaves space marine players in their 20% viable unit selection with more choices than most armies have in their entirety. I do not understand the internet rage towards this game. The downside of the space marine faction is it supports the game company which means they have to have so many options, and in any game with list building that means there’s going to be a “better” option to take over another especially in a bloated range
Yeah, Tier 1 should be reserved for unit that shine on its own without any leader attached or support from detachment enhancement but with Hammer of Wrath's mortal wounds damage, Cheap at 80 points hand have high mobility is enough to put in on tier 1
To be honest I would rank the Tactical Squad and Firstborn Dreadnought in _Tier 1_ purely based on the fact that they're auto-include for me. I've taken mine to every tournament I've ever been to, and they've always performed well. Actually, I'm surprised more people don't run them. Not only are they formidable, but there are _thousands_ of secondhand Firstborn armies online. By far the cheapest and most effective way to get 2,000 points together, and Space Marines as an army aren't going anywhere ever. The more that Firstborn appear on lists, the more people will understand how good they are. Definitely grab yourself some!
I thought about making a spacemarine list out of literal cardboxes. all I love about marines are the tanks and dreads, and since they are just squares, I could just get boxes that are exactly their size, paint them black with a white fist on them and be good to go to play them!
Even in OPR the Reivers are completely garbage, being a sort of scout unit that hits on 4+ instead of 3+ like almost all other marines. They're pretty good at forcing fatigue though, with their ambush/DS and they're comparatively much cheaper. OPR alsomade Desolators kind of weak, with a very pathetic indirect and not that great direct fire for either profile. The reason I bring these up is because OPR actually does better profile balancing than GW does: For most armies your special units (non-troops) almost always come in 3's, so dark reapers, devastators, lootas and the like, but desolators come in a unit of 5 and are relatively cheap. So even if each model is kind of weak, you get more shots. For Reivers they just made them a cheap and easy deep-striking unit with a 4+ instead of a 3+ (the ranged profile is a shared phobos profile with Rending, a scout move and a sniper option, which is clever). The more I play it, the better I think it is.
Repulsor Executioner is FAR too cheap for what it does. It can one-shot most vehicles in the game, clear an infantry squad, absorb damage from most units, and safely transport a small squad, all in one turn. All for only 240 points.
I'll have to disagree with on the "absorb damage from most units", the repulsor statline, for a 220 points heavy tank, is absolute trash when it comes to defence, all because of that god forsaken 3+ save, every single gun that wants to shoot at a repulsor will have it save on either 6s or nothing most if not all of the times, and the laser destroyer isn't that incredible either, being vastly outperformed by the lancer. If they gave the repulsor a 2+ save i would accept a price increase up to 240, but as of now 220 is fine enough for a glass cannon that sometimes just doesn't work and is still beaten by gladiator tanks doing more specialized tasks
I find I don't want to use it purely because of all the gun profiles it has. Such a pain to actually use! If those were consolidated into maybe four profiles, I'd like it a lot more.
@@paragonavataroftheirontenth I don't see how you consider a T12 / 16W vehicle a "glass cannon". 3+ save aside, Its a hefty vehicle that only dedicated anti-tank can BARELY deal with. Lascannons only wound it on 4s. Plus, when running Ironstorm, it pairs incredibly well with both the stratagems and enhancements. A TechMarine can reduce a failed save to zero damage, and it can shoot back when taken below half strength. With the damage output it has, and how it NEVER FAILS to take out at least one expensive unit each round of shooting, and its defensive profile (T12 come on). 220 is STUPID cheap for what you get. No wonder SM players always bring 1 at a minimum and often spam 2 or 3. This thing will easily remove 500 points of enemy units a game. Its undercosted.
@@GalacticBrew 16 wounds and T12 doesn’t mean much when you eat 4 dark lances hitting on 3 wounding on 4s rerolling both making me save on 6 IF i have cover and D6+2 damage each, that or an absolute shitload of incubi/sword bretheren/any melee unit brick ever. The only thing it’s tanky against is chip damage as chipping of 16 whole wounds is almost impossible, but i had a single enemy unit costing 50 to 75 percent of the repulsor exec one shot it in whatever phase they did their big attack only to press foward and table me, this happend multiple times and i’m tired of seeing my coolest looking tank be blown up turn 2 by 5 winged edgelords with elf cannons deepstriking behind me, giving me no counterplay other than wishing overwatch doing it’s job.
@@GalacticBrew You don't balance something for the one scenario of 7 it can possibly be in (ironstorm in your ex). This thing is a bloated mess compared to the more proficent lancer. It's not hard to remove at all with dedicated AT which incase you've been under a rock most 40k games of 10th are nothing but dedicated at and elite infantry. I haven never seen this thing actually outside of Ironstorm list and EVEN THEN in ironstorm it gets outshined by other options and Walkers.
CORRECTIONS: Sorry forgot Cato Sicarius' reactive move is once per TURN not once PER GAME. That does make him better than I said. Still rarely/never seen in most optimised lists though.
Hey Auspex, great content. Any chance one day you could a review on all the legends stuff? Granted, no one will use them in tournaments probably, but I was just curious. I have a Kratos and Leviathan Dread I was curious about
did i miss something or which tier are the Brutalis and Balistus Dread placed?
If you haven't already could you do a video on the best strategems for each race?
Adrax Agaton probably deserved a mention with Bladeguard.
Psssst, Guilliman is 350, not 360
Sorry to bother
Just run bikes. Nothing but bikes. All bikes. All the gas guzzling time. And maybe land speeders
But what if you encounter a kroot player?
@@emilianomorales9810 maybe being a dreadnought
I thought you were supposed to be in the webway my lord?
Get out of the Webway, Jaghatai!
Don't forget the go carts!
Tacticals going up in the world, being “not the worst” is the best they could’ve hoped for
I’m still very irked that their boltguns don’t have rapid fire after being the archetypal rapid fire weapon for like… 6 editions!
@@roryokane5907 in fairness they fire twice as standard instead of only firing twice at half range, don’t give geedubs any ideas that would nerf them further
Plus they are cheaper than Tau strike teams for better defence and damage
the outriders index is so frustrating to me, space marine bikers used to be so strong and their replacements are just such a bad kit. No weapon options, no real threat, cant even take melta bombs. Plus their base size is cumbersome as hell. Plus the new land speeder is anemic
Funniest thing about reivers is realizing they're the same points and nearly identical to raptors now except... Worse. In essentially every way?
if you take any SM datasheet, you can find other "similar" datasheet from different army that is like better in EVERY way , but chaper in points, like we have tanks, but many other armies have the same tanks but better and cheaper, jump packs, "termies equivalent", titanic, cavalry , infantry, etc etc etc , like GW didnt even bother with comparing that one army can have everything better AND it is cheaper in points , but SM still get like the worse equivalent comparing to other armies , like you have some units, but other armies have literally the same, but better and cheaper ...
@@thekrokooYou just described the entire point of SM. That’s their whole thing. They’re the jack of all trades master of none army. Would be a little dumb if we had the best model(s) for any of the important roles of the game, because that model would be abused and overused
@@cadettrev762 Jack of all trades, sure, but also meant to be an *elite* army. They should be objectively better than their counterparts but cost more. Right now they just functionally...cost more. Vehicle profiles are too similar to matter, and a 3+ save hasn't been worth a damn since 7th ed.
@@basteala525 There’s just too much bloat. GW is probably scared that making anything stand out and be strong will result in there 100+ kits for SM being invalidated by 1 or 2, so SM must stay in a dry, simplistic state.
I’d say remove more Firstborn, but also give Phobos more movement and less SV to make them stand out more as the “lightweight fast guys”. Make Gravis feel tankier as well. I know Firstborn players will cry extremely loud about removal of firstborn, but SM is actively suffering by having to keep the repetitive datasheets.
At this point, either Reiver’s rules need to be changed, or Battleshock needs to get buffed
Space Marines really need Rhino tier unit capacity, either letting primaris use rhinos or just make a new one
@@Khobai oh I see
I swear, the impulsor with its Top options is a razerback if anything
I think that would be fine if they only allowed battleline units to be transported in said transport. Even Chaos Marines don't get to put their really heavy hitters in a cheap rhino. Impulsors are priced the way they are because they carry really dangerous cargo.
Imagine if I could put eightbound or termanators in a rhino. That would be way too powerful. I think battleline only is they only way to make cheap transports not busted.
@@delilahfox3427 I don't think hellblasters would be that busted. Tacticus only would probably work.
I kinda hate playing Space Marines this edition. Codex compliant chapters feel terrible. I know it’s too late to expect any of these things to happen, but some of the most iconic units NEED rewritten abilities. Terminators and Sternguard, I’m looking at you. You can’t just fix bad rules with points drops, now they’re just cheaper garbage.
Yeah, they're not great.
I think the Heavy and Assault Intercessors could become more important in the upcoming Pariah Nexus mission pack if battleline gets buffed and can generate VP while on an objective
My desolation marine proxies have been really fun in my games, if not super impactful. D6+1 damage and S10 does make a meaningful difference, and the indirect has been hilarious at pinning move-shoot-move units like drukhari scourges. Each marine having 2 guns helps justify taking them as they effectively do the role of multiple squads.
I also pair suppressors with a predator destructor, storm speeder thunderstrike, and plunging fire, which is a very silly way of stacking loads of saves on tough targets at a distance. I've come to accept that my choices aren't optimal, but by god are they fun
I will always advocate Terminators + Chaplain in Sons of Sanguinius, hitting on 2s re-rolling against your Oath target with S10 power fists and +1 to wound. They go absolutely bananas.
Every time I see a space marine tier list I have the same conclusion... Too many god darn space marine units...
Another reason GW should have just upscaled space marines and called it a day.
@@timhorsburgh2193They’re slowly thinning out SM. Only issue is firstborn marine fans like to cry every single time a firstborn is replaced. I personally say it’s time to let the Tactical Marines and Devastator Squad go, but I know that wouldn’t end well
@@cadettrev762I’m down with Devastators leaving if they add a Primaris version of them. I love having a squad of marines with big guns. I don’t want that option gone entirely
GW should have directly replaced "Firstborn" with new properly-proportioned models and forget the Primaris thing.
Thank you for making these videos so often to keep up with the rules changes. I love these and I feel like it really helps me choose what to focus on!!
I do love your commitment to the channel
I would love one of these for Adepta Sororitas when their codex comes out
6x Bladeguard Veterans + Ragnar + Shield & Sword Leutenant + Drop Pod is a good addition to your army when you capped out on TWC.
I have been running this exact thing
Drop pods are nothing but penalties for you and bonuses for your opponent.
Imagine if you could bring a drop pod in slightly out of bounds, dumping out the maxed bladeguard unit and then have it immediately self-destruct to not give your opponent a thing they can charge for free
@@Rexir2 probable if you are not using it with Rapid Ingress.
405 points just to run something so bad....might as well deepstrike 10 terminators instead LOL
72 minute video. Auspex, you truly are a hero!
Infernus is also pretty good in Gladius since they just miss AP to be more dangerous. Gladius can give them that.
@@Khobai Make sense, and it is a reasonable suggestion. OC 2 would not make them OP. Just a good option.
@@Tostaky777 i use an ancient and Adrax with my Infernus makes a great Primary flipper having enemies oc while making mine effectively OC2
I’ve discovered a use for the Ancient in Firestorm. Have him lead 10 Infernus marines, essentially turning them into battleline with S6 flamers. I also give him Forged in Battle which means I can flip one dice into six attacks with torrent.
I'm thinking of getting those melta-gun eradicators, most of my matches have been against heavy armor
You’re gonna love them. 3 are reliable at tanking off some wounds but 6 are reliable at melting any tank in their path
Just run all Gravis. All the Gravis units are tier 1 or tier 2 and they don't to a stiff breeze the way SM seem to do in 10th Edition. :D
@@Khobai It feels like regular Marines now are glass cannons at best.
This isn't competitive, but a combo I like for thematics is the standard Librarian with 10 Sternguard riding about in a Repulsor. 4+ invuln, if charged they retreat to the tank, and you double down on Dev Wounds with Smite, especially since the Librarian gets the reroll wound rolls of 1 from his Sternguard compatriots.
The apothecary can join into inner circle companions now 👀
1-2 Maxed out Outriders Squads with an ATV with Melta and twin linked Bolter Rifles lead by a Chaplain on Bike who can fight pretty well in Combat and provides a +1 to Wound in combat and gives Devasting Wounds to the units ranged attacks when targetting a unit within 12" which combos well with twinlinked Bolters which are equipped with all models in the unit.
They excel in the Stormlance or Company of hunters depending on if you want to lean them more into combat or lean them into advance/fallback and shoot (detachment rule applies to all Dark Angel units, e.i. Intercessors with Jump Packs, Eradicators) plus gaining Battleline when taking them in the Ravenwing Detachment.
Two of my favorite units are Azrael + Apothecary + 10 Hellblasters and Jump Chaplain + 5 Jump Intersessors
Eliminators are top notch for nuking heros, I take 3x3 of them and a vindicare assassin.
I do find Outriders to be pretty useless. They need a better rule or a SGT with power fist or something
@@Khobainot many units that can charge and shoot on advance
@@Khobai yeah as in, i would never take outriders, which is a shame, cause they look sick :( jump boys doing mortals is far better
I ran a 6 man outrider squad with a chaplain a few weeks ago vs those tough old orks. Did better then i was expecting, they would have sucked if the chaplain wasnt there, chaplains rock this edition. Won the game.
Its funny, cause Im planning on using reivers. I think the ONLY possible way they have a useful place is in the vanguard detachment. Having deep strike and being phobos (can pick 2 phobos units up with guerilla tactics strat) i think they have play. it drives me insane that the phobos Lt has deep strike but the reiver Lt does not lol. But, the reiver Lt is one of the best models GW has ever made, so, Im just using it as a proxy for the combi weapon Lt
Not so sure about the firestrike, personally i love taking one with the twin las-talon option as i run an anti-armour focused army. Its great for making opponents think more about where they move, rather than risk a hit from it, because it'll damage that tank. Where it falls down is melee, because if a squad charges it, its basically toast.
Amazimg video! Love watching your stuff to help give me ideas!!! Would we be able to get an updated Aeldari tier list next?
the apothecary might be a suboptimal unit for most chapters, but the deathwatch can use him in a proteus killteam to revive terminators
Comprehensive and awesome video, great to paint to.
Hellblasters with Azrael has gotten even better with the new Deathwing detachment.
For Firestorm the Stormraven and Assault Centurions are amazing. Assault Centurions taket a massive beating and and dish out crazy damage with everything being "Twin linked". Stormraven is expensive but the flexibility it brings is pure gold. Twin linked weapons are super efficient when hitting on 2s or oath of moment. Also air dropping 6x eradicators on an important vehicle or monster feels amazing every time😁 Stormraven might work for cheesy moves in Ironstorm for divergent chapters, but for codex compliant chapters its a lot of fun in Firestorm.
Divergent chapters should be banned from codex compliant detachments and then they can drop the Stormraven to 240 again..
This! I am a black Templar player who plays only the Templar detachment. At the start of tenth I saw the stormraven and finally got my hands on one and finished it right around the nerfs. I still take it as it is such a cool model!
Coming back into the hobby since 4th edition, I'm enthused by the extra choice in units. I just wish my old Dreadnaughts were not so meh... 135 pts per unit they were ok in 4th edition plus you could deep strike them in Drop Pods. Please give the option to drop pod the basic dreads GW, give them a niche vs the newer shinier Dreads. Tac squads were never great but you needed them back in the day since you needed minimum 2 troop choices to meet Army Composition requirements. Since Army comp is no longer a thing, why take Tac squads when other options are better.
Now I kinda of want to try playing a purely Terminator Salamanders army... Mixing the Assault and regular Terminator squads.
My favorite kind of Auspecs vid!
Oh, one hour of enjoyment and useful info. Thank you, Auspex :)
Ive been using some interesting combos with my Blood Angels and firestorm detachment. Librarian Dread can deep strike my aggressors. Sternguard because 30 shots with dev wounds is kind of nasty. Storm Raven with 10 Infernus (using dev wounds strat) and a Death Company Dread with the magna grapples. Stand out for sure though is the Libby Dread, yeeting your units around the board is really clutch.
It's a shame the army is Dog. I can't get it to work
The only thing i dont agree with is the placement for regular Intercessors and the Stormspeeder Thunderstrike. Intercessors are easily one of the worst units in the entire codex imho, they do legit nothing in any detachment. They are not even worth the sticky obj and i've never seen them be worth it in 10th at any table, even the argument of taking a single unit is flat-out just bad when you compare them to how amazing scouts are. (and so many other options) Thunderstrikes are easily tier 1, they scale so hard with so many good detachments and buff the entire army while also being insanely fast and at a very fair cost for sure tier 1.
I once got a win cause of my drop pod once haha, was able to use it to do a ritual and make another objective that was swarmed with my Marines, I swear the VP were that close omg
The apothecary is great when teamed up with Azrael and a 10man hellblaster squad
Sternguard in tier 3 is a touch disrespectful. They’re actually decent imo with dev wounds and 4 attacks each
Yep. Due to all the mediocre reviewes I only added them recently and 5 or 10 with Tiggy rock.
@@jakubmizerski5685 yes! That’s how I run them. With tiggy and 2 heavy flamers
New to 40k what shall i get first imperial fists, lots oh heavy units i assume 😅
Gravis, gravis, gravis.
@@MookelDookel5623 yeah i pretty much bought everything in gravis 😀
@@mrpoketokyo love it. Also, jump intercessors, and scouts. I run Salamanders but they’re inexplicably excellent.
Judicar giving fight first to blade guard is so good …
Thanks the Emperor that Tactical squad and Devastator squad qre still have forseeable future, but with How GW treat their golden child Stormcast Eternals we will see some primaris get squatted in late 10th and early 11th edition
Question: Just bought a 10th edition (yes I made sure it was 10th edition) codex and has different point values for squads. I go the the Warhammer 40k app and they match up with your point values...? Why is the 10th edition of the book wrong at this point?
It’s a sad tier. Feel like it hasn’t changed much all edition and I’m just running the same stuff. Kinda bored now, just waiting for some codexes to break the relentless monotony which is being a space marine player.
Man... maybe its just new army syndrome but I just cannot find it in me to care about space marines right now.
Remember early in the edition when people were losing their minds about Space Marines being too OP and being sour grapes about the poster boys getting special treatment blah blah blah...Yet here we are again, like clockwork as the edition drags on the worse they get being dwindled to 1 or 2 viable lists if that with many datasheets languishing. Some even since before the previous edition but whose counting?
The Cato Sicarius reactive move is once per turn, not once per game. Only used him once so far, but I'd rate high tier 3 minimum.
I have a question specifically about the judiciar, your notes said itd be better if bladeguard were better but what about leading a proteus killteam kitted for melee? 4 dwth 2 shields and lvmw and 4 termies with thss?
Where does my man Gabrirl Seth exist on this list? He's the only BA character with straight 3 damage on his weapon
On the Dreadnought is the Plasma Canon or the Aussalt Canon not legal anymore? It came with my Venerable kit.
57:30 is this right? The Datasheet says "enemy units from strategic reserves". I mind that Deepstrikers are not effected by the Omniscrambler, because they are technicly no part of strategic reserves.
"Enemy units that are set up on the battlefield from Reserves" is the exact wording. Units that are using an ability such as Deep Strike are held in Reserves as per core rules. Omni-scramblers block Deep Strike.
Am I missing somthing ? Which tier was Repulsor executioner ?
Great video! Thanks! I have 6k of Black Templars, and that collection is done. I'm seriously considering doing one more 40k collection and it will probably be Blood Angels, so this video has helped me figure out which regular space marine units I'd get to build the collection on.
why would you do TWO space marine armies...
@@UPter0n Because I like loyalist space marines in the hobby. And those are two of my favorite chapters?
Currently putting together a list of tier 4 units for fluff's sake 😊
I will always die on the hill that Heavy Intercessors are an absolutely awesome unit to throw in a list.
30 T6 Wounds with +3 Save, a massive blob of anti-infantry weaponry whose sole job it is to get on a point and *stay* on it.
Throw them in Vanguard Spearhead with a Captain or Apothecary Biologis with the Infiltrator Enhancement and watch heads roll!
Found a copy of the imperial fist box for the 15 of them. Tend to play salamanders and we like our gravis boys.
@@stotgunvsface5092 CHUNKY GRAVIS BOIS MAKE 🧠 GO BRRR
They’re ridiculous in Ironstorm, with Iron Dad leading them, they also get a 5+ FNP
Hammerfall bunker: can deep strike in lore but can't deep strike on tabletop. :<
Back in 8th Ed, I really did perceive that Reivers will be what Assault Intercessors are now, such a shame that GW decided to make them Elites with a weak upgrade. Honestly, GW could have made Reivers into a Killteam with an upgrade kit that could have hopefully fixed the unit instead of giving the KT treatment to the Infiltrators.
Again, with the tactical marines, I think it would have been worthwhile for GW to have made a Killteam upgrade kit for these marines. They're classic and the long standing image of 40k. Even though Intercessors have taken over that role, the old kit deserves one last ride.
Trying out my space marines for the first time against my friends orks next week
What detachment are you each running?
@@buttemountain Gladius task force, bully boyz
@@danieledwards4821 could turn into a meat grinder for you in turn 2 and 3 unless you’ve got a few dreads out front to fight for objectives. Hopefully you can force him to deploy poorly and go first. Try to slow down his nobz and mega nobz with units you don’t care to lose. If he’s running Ghaz, target Makari with precision weapons if you can and kill him asap. Ghaz and Makari are 2 characters in a unit. Be mindful of the deep striking Warboss in Mega Armor on turn 2, that’s his fastest way to get mega nobz in engagement range. As an Orks player, that’s the best advice I can give.
Hi Auspex, could you discuss Primaris Sword Brethren vs Bladeguard Veterans for the Black Templars?
It's getting hard to choose at this point since both are now 30pts a model. The SB are a bit more lethal. You can take a thunderhammer and a guy with lightning claws for each 5 man, and you get +1 damage if you go with that option. If you go with the chainsword, you get 5 attacks (since Black Templar), to which you can give 2 damage. Everything is +1 strength if you add Helbrecht. Helbrecht and Grimaldus can't lead BV, so there's that. The Helbvrecht + SB combo is very strong. Also, you can take a 10 man of SB if you just want more bodies. However, the BV are more durable and if you give them the bladeguard veteran, they get extra OC. In fact, just 3 BV on an objective, takes some effort to remove. Add 5 heavy intercessors and that's really tough to shift. Take both!
much appreciated sir
your channel has been very helpful with my collection of expensive plastic toys :)
I feel like you are undervaluing the iron father. Put him on the mid board in a giant 10 Man heavy intercessor blob and you are going to see some frankly hilarious durability. It literally tanks Knights for multiple turns.
I ran him with six aggresors in not-too-serious match, the durability boost he gives is awesome, not to mention a weighty melee participation.
Thanks for this. It will be interesting
Apothecaries auto include with hell blasters. Im sorry its not overshaddowed in my eyes if anything - tactical squad should definatly go down a peg
Isn't Valiant S 10 on sponsons already ? In Firestorm it should be 11.
did I miss the Terminator Ancient?
It's a little hilarious how many of these were in the exact same place many years ago.
Really the distinction seems to be that instead of having wargear for X we now have 1 model that does X and 1 model that does Y. So everyone just uses X and never Y.
Was that a stifled yawn at 13:48 @auspextactics? Bless you man, get some rest.
Isnt sicarius rule per turn not per game?
Desolation squad in tier 4 is crazy. If we mean it being in its best detachment it’s tier 2. Anvil Siege Force helps with this weapon greatly.
They really did dirty to the desolation squad 😢
Looking at space marine rules while putting together my second army , Flesh Tearer, makes me appreciate my Death Guard. Yeah SM are faster and have more units but that hurts them imo. Units are weaker and need a leader and their battle line is weaker than most other armies.
But rule of cool soooo a army of death company Flesh Tearers lol
Judicator is great for BT sword brethren.
Is this tier list in comparison with other factions units or comparison with other sm units within the codex. Like a terminator might be B tier within Space marine units, but D tier when compared with units in other factions.
It's internal
Did i miss all the blood angel characters or were they not in there?
Codex Marines units. Blood Angels are a Codex Divergent chapter with their own Supplement.
It's sad that the best units in SM--from a game standpoint--are almost all beautifully mid.
Not quite sure about the Incursors and Outriders.
Outriders deal not enough damage and the mounted keyword is not ideal for their purpose. Their special ability is just bad in my opinion. They are fast enough anyway, the autoadvance is just too much. On the other hand they don't have assault weapons which is extra dumb. Adding a chaplain on bike does not really help them enough. Also they have some tough rivals: jump assault intercessors or assault Intercessors are just way better in my experience. I think outriders could be fixed, if the sergeant could use a special weapon and if the get the same ability as the assault intercessors. That would make them a tier 2 unit at least. But with the current rules, they are Tier 4 in my opinion.
Incursors on the other hand have a similar problem as reivers. They lack some AP with their weapons. Their abilities are quite bad. The hit roll isn't the problem with space marines. Buffing it is nice but in most cases not really meaningful. The mine is okay but can be used only one time in the game so it is just not enough for my taste. They can't even infiltrate or deep strike. I don't see why anybody would take Incursors if he could take Scouts or Infiltrators instead. Incursors are tier 3 or 4 in my opinion.
Will there be one for other chapter s
Terminator's Storm Bolter should have it's Rapid Fire removed and instead should have anti-infantry 4+ devastating wounds - to make them actually CHAPTER'S ELITE unit, that strikes fear to enemy. Plus more special weapons - Melta Destroyer and Plasma Cannon, Heavy flamer could remain as is but with 2d6 hits.
I m always surprised top hear SM doing bad. Even more surprising, i never encounter a SM player in the wild to see/ask him. I live in a big city(EU), and i can´t find any in my local GW strore, nor in my tabletop club. I guess everyone is just a meta chaser and that´s why i dont see them.
And looking at their datasheets, many of their units or detachement abilities from SM seem pretty awesome to me. Like the "Gladiator Lancer" alone! 160pts for that thing looks to me as a Nids player. like an absolute steal. I just don´t get it, how the poster child faction, with an unmatched variety of units could struggle so much. I wish somebody would explaine it to me better than just saying phases like, "jack of all trades, master of non". They got, speed, firepower, OC holding, like what is it? Points seem fine. Are they dying too fast?
The main problem ive noticed as a SM player is every other army basically has the same things as us but better and/or cheaper. We are also suffering from codex power creep making us a bit glass cannon at the moment. To top it off we don't have very good special rules like a lot of other armies.
Auspecs you again forget Cato Sicarius gives you reactive move once per TURN, not per game. It's not a game changer, but it makes him bit better.
Sorry, I do keep forgetting that one - think I just learned it that way and seem to be struggling to un-learn it :P Will post a correction above!
Hello What about assassins ?
Hi everyone. I'm a new player of the hobby and i'm not sure yet if torrent weapons automaticly hit on overwatch strat, because the rule says that the weapon in overwatch only hit on 6 what so ever be its ballistic stat. Can anyone tell me ?
Since torrent weapons auto hit amd don't roll for hits, they bypass that stipulation on the Fire Overwatch stratagem. Because of this, they make for great overwatch weapons, just roll for attacks then roll for wounds.
@@captaincoolbreeze9429 Thank you. If I may, I have another question. I saw a battle report where agressors shot with both their gauntlets and their fragstorm grenade launchers, I though only vehicules could shoot with all their weapons at once ?
@@balefar5572 Just checked the core rules. If a model, any model, has more than one range weapon, it can use all of them at the same target or split fire provided the model is in range of the intended target and has visibility on the intended target, except for indirect fire weapons. I think you confuse the rule of Big Guns Never Tire in which a vehicle or monster can still fire all ranged weapons even when locked in combat at a -1 to hit for those weapons except for pistols.
@@captaincoolbreeze9429 Ok so if a model has a bolter rifle and a bolter gun, it can shoot them both during the shooting phase ?
@@balefar5572 If your meaning something like an Intercessor with a bolt rifle and bolt pistol or even using the earlier example of an Aggressor with boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launchers, in either case if target is an eligible target, is within range of all ranged weapons, and is visible to the shooting model then yes, all ranged weapons can be used.
Can you make one of these but for admech
I, Cato Sicarius will not stand at being ranked at tier 4. I, Cato Sicarius should and always be at the top. - Cato Sicarius
SM needs a solid rework, almost everything here is a crap, all these units were designed during INDEX making, with rerolls to wound, and they worked then, but then GW deleted rerolls to wound on aoth, and suddenly 80% of these things stop killing at all, but still are expensive in points and die very fast, so -> it is useless... GW should add additional AP to this army, or change some datasheets so they stop wound on 5+ , also Terminators for like 37 points per model that have like 3 attacks on 4+ is a joke who design it? it is all bullsh***
10 ed need full rework
That's OK, they can get a second codex in tenth edition, and then be invalidated for eleventh three months later in order to get another new one. :/
So even if I accept your number and say 80% is no good (I’m not sure I do), that still leaves space marine players in their 20% viable unit selection with more choices than most armies have in their entirety.
I do not understand the internet rage towards this game. The downside of the space marine faction is it supports the game company which means they have to have so many options, and in any game with list building that means there’s going to be a “better” option to take over another especially in a bloated range
I think more AP or giving us back index oath would go a long way
Are you taking battleline/non-battleline into account for this? With Jump Intercessors not being battleline I have doubts they should be in Tier 1.
Yeah, Tier 1 should be reserved for unit that shine on its own without any leader attached or support from detachment enhancement but with Hammer of Wrath's mortal wounds damage, Cheap at 80 points hand have high mobility is enough to put in on tier 1
Did you mention the Stormfang Gunship at all?
Anvil player: scouts and eliminators are the cheapest heavy weapons. Infiltrators are also heavy, so those three carry some good weight.
To be honest I would rank the Tactical Squad and Firstborn Dreadnought in _Tier 1_ purely based on the fact that they're auto-include for me. I've taken mine to every tournament I've ever been to, and they've always performed well.
Actually, I'm surprised more people don't run them. Not only are they formidable, but there are _thousands_ of secondhand Firstborn armies online. By far the cheapest and most effective way to get 2,000 points together, and Space Marines as an army aren't going anywhere ever. The more that Firstborn appear on lists, the more people will understand how good they are. Definitely grab yourself some!
What tier Aggressor Squad would be ?
I read chaos space marines... Sad traiter noise 😢
As I’m painting my infiltrators
I thought about making a spacemarine list out of literal cardboxes. all I love about marines are the tanks and dreads, and since they are just squares, I could just get boxes that are exactly their size, paint them black with a white fist on them and be good to go to play them!
Thank you.
Also guys i have a chaplin from the old da combat patrol dont know what to do with it
put it in a unit of Assault Intercessors
@LordCrate-du8zm thanks I would do bladeguard but I don't want to spend 90 quid also nice yo see you alpharius/omegon
@@Gallery1743 Yes, I am Alpharius, definitely. Maybe. Also, if you don't want to spend so much, maybe pick something like the Assault Intercessors.
Even in OPR the Reivers are completely garbage, being a sort of scout unit that hits on 4+ instead of 3+ like almost all other marines. They're pretty good at forcing fatigue though, with their ambush/DS and they're comparatively much cheaper. OPR alsomade Desolators kind of weak, with a very pathetic indirect and not that great direct fire for either profile.
The reason I bring these up is because OPR actually does better profile balancing than GW does: For most armies your special units (non-troops) almost always come in 3's, so dark reapers, devastators, lootas and the like, but desolators come in a unit of 5 and are relatively cheap. So even if each model is kind of weak, you get more shots. For Reivers they just made them a cheap and easy deep-striking unit with a 4+ instead of a 3+ (the ranged profile is a shared phobos profile with Rending, a scout move and a sniper option, which is clever).
The more I play it, the better I think it is.
Repulsor Executioner is FAR too cheap for what it does. It can one-shot most vehicles in the game, clear an infantry squad, absorb damage from most units, and safely transport a small squad, all in one turn. All for only 240 points.
I'll have to disagree with on the "absorb damage from most units", the repulsor statline, for a 220 points heavy tank, is absolute trash when it comes to defence, all because of that god forsaken 3+ save, every single gun that wants to shoot at a repulsor will have it save on either 6s or nothing most if not all of the times, and the laser destroyer isn't that incredible either, being vastly outperformed by the lancer.
If they gave the repulsor a 2+ save i would accept a price increase up to 240, but as of now 220 is fine enough for a glass cannon that sometimes just doesn't work and is still beaten by gladiator tanks doing more specialized tasks
I find I don't want to use it purely because of all the gun profiles it has. Such a pain to actually use! If those were consolidated into maybe four profiles, I'd like it a lot more.
@@paragonavataroftheirontenth I don't see how you consider a T12 / 16W vehicle a "glass cannon". 3+ save aside, Its a hefty vehicle that only dedicated anti-tank can BARELY deal with. Lascannons only wound it on 4s. Plus, when running Ironstorm, it pairs incredibly well with both the stratagems and enhancements. A TechMarine can reduce a failed save to zero damage, and it can shoot back when taken below half strength.
With the damage output it has, and how it NEVER FAILS to take out at least one expensive unit each round of shooting, and its defensive profile (T12 come on). 220 is STUPID cheap for what you get. No wonder SM players always bring 1 at a minimum and often spam 2 or 3. This thing will easily remove 500 points of enemy units a game. Its undercosted.
@@GalacticBrew 16 wounds and T12 doesn’t mean much when you eat 4 dark lances hitting on 3 wounding on 4s rerolling both making me save on 6 IF i have cover and D6+2 damage each, that or an absolute shitload of incubi/sword bretheren/any melee unit brick ever. The only thing it’s tanky against is chip damage as chipping of 16 whole wounds is almost impossible, but i had a single enemy unit costing 50 to 75 percent of the repulsor exec one shot it in whatever phase they did their big attack only to press foward and table me, this happend multiple times and i’m tired of seeing my coolest looking tank be blown up turn 2 by 5 winged edgelords with elf cannons deepstriking behind me, giving me no counterplay other than wishing overwatch doing it’s job.
@@GalacticBrew You don't balance something for the one scenario of 7 it can possibly be in (ironstorm in your ex). This thing is a bloated mess compared to the more proficent lancer. It's not hard to remove at all with dedicated AT which incase you've been under a rock most 40k games of 10th are nothing but dedicated at and elite infantry. I haven never seen this thing actually outside of Ironstorm list and EVEN THEN in ironstorm it gets outshined by other options and Walkers.
Always be charging