A tiny spill of water fell on my left joystick, it now has constant input after drying it and booting for an hour, will a simple overnight rice endeavor solve this or should I do a teardown or take it to a professional?
Rice isn't really effective and I worry about rice particles getting in there and making it worse. My friend is dealing with the same issue and can't decide if we're going to open it up or find a pro.
A tiny spill of water fell on my left joystick, it now has constant input after drying it and booting for an hour, will a simple overnight rice endeavor solve this or should I do a teardown or take it to a professional?
Rice isn't really effective and I worry about rice particles getting in there and making it worse. My friend is dealing with the same issue and can't decide if we're going to open it up or find a pro.
It's better to open it and clean it, if that doesn't help, then replace the necessary component, you just need good screwdrivers