All types of asbestos are dangerous but blue asbestos is the type that is considered most dangerous. I wouldn't mess with any types though. There is no safe level of asbestos exposure but it typically takes many years of compound exposure to lead to measurable lung impairment and disease.
I was looking through my dads rock collection with him and found a powdery rock and decided to go and smell it. To which my dad yelled at me and told me it was chrysotile which is asbestos
Does white asbestos cause mesothelioma. And how much
All types of asbestos are dangerous but blue asbestos is the type that is considered most dangerous. I wouldn't mess with any types though. There is no safe level of asbestos exposure but it typically takes many years of compound exposure to lead to measurable lung impairment and disease.
I was looking through my dads rock collection with him and found a powdery rock and decided to go and smell it. To which my dad yelled at me and told me it was chrysotile which is asbestos
Shout down the high king for me in Sovengarde
So what makes this different to talc?
Not all talc is dangerous. It's only talc that contains asbestos that gives cancer. If talc doesn't have asbestos then it doesn't give cancer.