Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT- Part 59

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • [PLEASE NOTE: It appears this file is corrupt towards the end. As I didn't post this and am not able to access the internet... I can't do anything about it till next week. Sorry about this, you'll find it on other channels.]
    I didn't think I'd get this posted until next week as we had a family emergency and I have no internet so thanks goes to my best friend Jayne for this! She's an absolute star!
    Well, this entire episode had literally every single reason I adore and am completely fascinated by Reid!
    First of all and most importantly... Seriously, where are the Scrubs?! I can feel the withdrawl symptoms setting in, although Luke's new suit made up for it? Anyone else swoon at Van? I did... More than once!
    Anyway, I was in my element watching this! Yes it was short and the writers are trying to kill us fans BUT I did love today :)
    We get Reid in FULL blown social ineptitude and I LOVED every second!!
    Love the way he speaks about Noah's punch- he's not angry or bitter etc, it's almost amusing to him! He UNDERSTANDS what he's like and is fully aware of himself. THIS is what I adore about him. He is softer in this episode whilst still being spikey and sarcastic. Best thing about him!
    LOVE when Luke turns up... Oh god it astounds me every episode at how
    much he FEELS. Plus Luke's little giddy grin when Reid is talking the hospital up and planning their route. It's full of 'look how clever he is'. Awww!
    "Its rude to stare, even at genius"...from this moment on its their bubble of understanding again. Luke gets him. Plain and simple. I adored how he knew, even through the snarkiness, that something was up.
    The LINES today...oh man he's brilliant- was back to old school snappy Reid! YEY.
    "I'm right here"... Just so typical. Reid doesn't deal with soppy emotional stuff with feelings.
    I just about spat my tea out at the exaggerated eye-roll- haha! :D
    Oh the scene in the hospital room was BRILLIANT. He goes all squishy (for Reid) around Luke. Their dynamic is just precious! Luke just trusts him and gives it back. Self depricating Reid is just amazing as you really get to see his self awareness and that he actually does try!
    They can say anything to eachother and there's that special something they both understand about eachother that, to me, is always the marking of a special pairing. Me being a ridiculous fan of classic romance... I get all mushy at stuff like that! Feisty couples who challenge eachother!
    When Luke said 'good golly almighty' I wanted to hug him so much. It's what I always want for Reid- someone who doesn't care about his bite and takes it on the chin and finds it funny and who sees HIM underneath. Awwwww Luke! :) followed by the cutest 'god I love you' smile from Reid. Swoooooon!
    The subtext did me in. With Noah and Luke it was all words and things were spoken about. These two... They don't need words. That tiny exchange said it ALL!
    The scenes with Bob and Kim...me thinks Luke and Reid seem more the gay Bob and Kim here! ;)
    Awww Kim I always knew I loved you.
    Luke was oblivious- and gorgeous- in the scene with Bob! Awwww! I mean you can see where Bob's coming from but he's been far too heavyhanded- no comprimise- too black and white. He seems to have forgotten his quest to teach Reid about life outside of work. He's a bit confused himself, poor Bob.
    I can't say how much I LOVED LOVED LOVED..."Can you handle more than one order at the same time?" "Congratulations" ...genius!
    Well, we can safely say that Rooftop Luke is out in force and is a teeny bit presumptuous! I know he is giving Reid a chance... I like how Luke said those things, its about time. He's taken a chance. Slightly confused as to where this almost choice has come from...not complaining.
    Loved how it felt very couple-like. I am still not too sure if Luke has the right to complain but it IS Luke. As Reid said...dramatic! It seems Luke has taken a chance and feels like he's gone through all of the stuff with Reid for nothing but he's LUKE, I'd expect nothing less!
    Reid Reid Reid... I love you, you know this but you still have a lot to learn! He's so mechanical and black and white...don't think he quite gets how he's behaving! Clearly not used to acting with his heart instead of head.
    This scene was amazing- sets up everything for next week! :) oh the drama!
    Luke wanted a chance sings
    Plus, Luke's all feisty and in Reid's face. Amazing. He might be over dramatic and misguided at times but he calls Reid out. It's not an easy decision for Reid and I expected him to choose his job but Luke is so far under his skin...
    Was bittersweet seeing the old Reid at the end... Awww :( I wanted to climb into my laptop again and give him a hug. This is all SO interesting for Reid's character! :D
    Oh next week is exciting!
    Thanks for your patience everyone and enjoy! Please leave thoughts below :)
    I'll be back with you all next week :D

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