Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 78

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • THIS episode made me misty eyed. It's one of my ALL time favourite Reid episodes. I can hardly believe that half of the stuff happened. It's funny with a bit of slapstick, it's adorable and domestic, it's flirty and full of Reid and Luke gorgeousness and it's got a boat load of angst... PLUS it's more of Reid's development.
    Think back, if you will be so kind, to the scene where Reid storms into Memorial and is all round rude and pretty damned cold and abrupt and watch this with THAT in mind. The wonder of this character is (in small part) down to the writing (but I am very wary about giving them TOO much credit because well, I have a particular and very raging hatred for the writers at present) ... the differences and the BRILLIANCE of the development is in Eric's portrayal. It's Eric I give full credit for how SPECIAL Reid is.
    As this is one of the very LAST of the bunch of Katie and Reid scenes, I cherish this ridiculously.
    "Hey Goldilocks did you use my toothbrush?" followed by the CUTEST Reid admission. Of course he's rigid and methodical. Would we have him any other way? LOVE Eric's delivery. I swear I am so giddy at this scene! When he says "it comforts me" I am fully aware of him being a fictional character but I've never wanted to squeeze the LIFE of out of anyone quite as much ;)
    The toothbrush throw. OH MAN. HAHAHAHA! Eric I love you for that once scene.
    Luke Snyder. He's INCAPABLE of backing off, INCAPABLE of sitting back and INCAPABLE of NOT meddling. 3 reasons I love him! Also, it's another "oh my good lord Van Hansis is beautiful" episode. (Which is every single one RIGHT?!)
    CHRIS "idiot" HUGHES. For the love of GOD. I refuse to waste my space on HIM.
    I love Reid's protectiveness. It's kind suffocating for her but he's trying so hard. AW man it's so lovely. You can SEE his struggle to care and he doesn't quite know what he's doing. It's so hard seeing him struggle and TRY. This is why I love Reid and Katie so much. They're such good friends and she's been a sister/friend/family member Reid never had. That, in itself, makes me all warm inside.
    OH ERIC'S eyes. The intense stare of Reid Oliver. I'm sure it could bore through skin! :D I swear I got all misty eyed when he shouts "how dare you make her fall for you and do this to her?".... it HURTS. Again, more evidence that is Reid Oliver cares, he'd fight to the death for you.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the "you need a reality check pal". So Reid and SO DAMN TRUE.
    I love those moments when it's Reid and Luke as a team. Luke will stand by ANYONE and it's precious. The four of them in a room is kinda cool, I have to admit. It's sad as it's one of the last ensemble scenes : (
    ...AND queue one of THE most incredible heart wrenchingly cute Reid scenes ever. The acting with both of them is, as always, impeccable. You can SEE the hurt and struggle on Reid's face. Luke just standing there doing his typical hands in his pockets thing... with his cute faces. I swear I will be so sad when Luke Snyder is no longer on my screen : (
    It's so Reid to want EVERYTHING and no less. It's desperate and forceful and passionate and REID. Obviously the writers missed a trick and glossed over the Luke kidney thing... that could have been an incredible scene. THEY MISS SO MANY TRICKS IT'S QUITE RIDICULOUS.
    Yes girls and boys, Reid Oliver said "fall in love with you". When you've picked yourselves OFF the floor we'll continue ;)
    "You plannin' on fallin' in love with me?" ... I'll give you a while to pick yourself back up again!\
    THIS scene is SO Reid and Luke. Luke's all giddy and cute, Reid's all masterful and intense. Wow. Then we get Reid's realisation that he's kinda unhinged. It's BEAUTIFUL and touching and wonderful. I'm gushing but I don't care one bit. When Reid reaches out and pulls Luke's chin toward him, I swear I teared up. Luke even smiles INTO the kiss. They're so caught up in their swirling feelings for each other and neither really knows WHAT they are. It's that unspoken passion, the indescribable feelings they have that makes them truly unique and completely MAGICAL.
    Reid is so soft here. I'd even go so far to say he's completely opened up. He's still a snarky bugger but he's not guarded at all. Luke's "a bed and some privacy"... too bad the writers, producers and collection of epic ASSHATS that create this show denied you that. They're nearly as idiotic as Chris... nearly. Baby rattle...jesus christ, grow a pair writers....
    Not even going to talk about the Chris scenes. Hurting Katie is a FELONY in my book. I LOVE the tiny Reid and Luke flirtiness. A second long scene has more chemistry than the whole show put together. I love Van and Terri together, it's NICE to see them alongside each other. They're fantastic actors.
    Finally- OH YES! Reid called JOHN DIXON! There is something inherently AWESOME about that!

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