Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 65

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • Hey Everyone! First of all I wanted to apoligise for my massive haitus. In the space of a few short months I've had just about every major life change happen plus a lousy laptop. Now, nearly re-settled into a new year of challenges and with a new shiney laptop, I can return to the crazy world of Reid Oliver! Thank you for all sticking with me and for the lovely messages. I have met so many lovely, wonderful and fabulous people (seriously) through this whole thing and I am happy to spend the next few months with you all :D
    Secondly, spoilers. Yes, I've read them all, including the ones about the end. I don't want to spoil people as I respect the fact some don't read ANY. All I have to say on it is this (crypitcally!): It's not what I'd have chosen and it took a lot of getting used to. Once aspect I always predicted, one thing...well, I hoped the writers had more of a brain. Either way, I adore the character of Reid Oliver and Eric's incredibly acting too much to let it stop me from enjoying the ride. I wish the end was different. We don't know what's happening for sure BUT I guess we shall have fun finding out and whatever ending Reid gets and I mean WHATEVER... he'll kick ASS doing it. We'll cry regardless (I will cos I'm soft!) but I uploaded his story for a reason... he's unique, hilarious, loveable and so infuriating. I shall love him this way till the end :D
    Anyway, to the show. This one shall be shorter because I've ranted like a mad woman above.
    THE CHESS made an appearance. Aw man he's such a geek. I love the domesticity they have and it's quite a shock because Reid is a natural at domestic stuff... in an odd way. WEIRDLY ENOUGH I always wanted Reid to wear black and it took a few deep breaths when he appeared in one to stop me from being a bit ridiculous!
    Reid Oliver the softie at heart. He's so squishy in this. It's gorgeous. Yet his spikiness comes out and cuts through the sweetness. Incredible and still totally endearing. His ballsy 'I need to speak to you and I'm ignoring you Mona and shatching the file' entrance. Jeez he's unashamed. Cue Luke, voice of reason. Plus dimples. What a team, eh?
    THE NUDGE and SMILES and LUKE BEING DORKY, not to mention smug Bob...just plain cute. It's so nice to see Reid supported and loved! :D
    Reid walking in black jumper with his hands in his pockets. Seriously damned gorgeous. OK....who's with me? Followed by a trademark smirk. How does one stop oneself from swooning?! N'awwww Luke's his exception. We coulda told you that a while ago Reid sweetie!
    DAMN. The proposition. Again, Luke you're a robot :P
    One of my favourite scenes. Reid and Bob. It's so touching. So so touching. THIS is what I always wanted for Reid. He is so sincere. LOVED the banter and so does Bob. Reid's so self depricating and Bob's so supportive. sigh His "oh alright". I WANT TO HUG HIM.
    Luke is so smiley and sparkling at the end. "Become a person?" Awww it's so obvious he's feeling wanted and appreciated. He's asking for help. It's so fulfilling! Cue Reid's education...

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