I can't stop eating, feel awful and am close to 300 lbs

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ธ.ค. 2022
  • I'm struggling. Since having Covid all I seem to do is eat huge amounts of highly processed foods. I eat 3 good meals a day BUT I am most days eating quite a lot of shi**y foods that make me feel like poop afterwards and that are adding weight to my body. For anyone who has been morbidly obese and suffers with disordered eating, you will know it really isn't as simple as just eating less (although ultimately that will be what will reduce your body weight)...its trying to understand why eating food for comfort or to alleviate anxiety or as a coping mechanism, is more important than your life.
    I'm going through a stage of feeling out of control right now which worries me. Yet I have been here many times over the last 30 years. I needed to talk.
    C xxxx

ความคิดเห็น • 16

  • @kawaiikowai08
    @kawaiikowai08 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Hugs! I have struggled for well over 15 years (34) and I still struggle. I’ve reigned my eating in a lot, I’ve gone vegetarian/vegan. But I still struggle with the processed stuff. It’s so hard to understand why we keep sabotaging ourselves, knowing we will feel like crap after. Try not to buy the unhealthy stuff, keep it away as much as possible. Drink lots of water.
    Take it one day at a time. ❤

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว

      yes it definitely helps if I do not have any junk in the house. like you I am vegan, eat three healthy and nutritious meals a day but currently just additionally eat lots of processed rubbish inbetween right now and can't seem to grab control of it. Thank you for your support xxx

  • @ImChrisAnderson
    @ImChrisAnderson 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sending my support! You're a great person, thank you for sharing! XO XO XO

  • @CPcomments
    @CPcomments ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are brave. You are loved. ♥

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you so much xxxx C

  • @Texasmommaof5
    @Texasmommaof5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are supported. ♥️
    I’m inching my way up there too and am trying to work on bringing it down, but this time of year makes it so hard.

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว

      I think this time of year while wonderful and joyous can also be a huge struggle for people who are challenged with controlling the amounts of high fat/high sugar/ processed foods that typically we bring into our homes. Hugs xxxx

  • @tanyaframe3201
    @tanyaframe3201 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Give yourself a break , food addiction is an addiction like any other and is usually emotionally linked. There are groups and help out there that could be useful to you. Sad as it is your honesty about your eating habits will help others address over eating and unbalanced relationships with food. Take care

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you Tanya, I figure the people that know most about what I am experiencing are people who have been through it themselves so I will definitely be looking to find some online groups to see how others get through these times xxxxx Thank you C xxxx

  • @zzydny
    @zzydny ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When I had Covid (twice!) I only managed to survive on massive amounts of junky food: popcorn, popsicles, and cream of mushroom soup. Somehow I couldn't manage anything else, and I craved that stuff. Weird, right? My legs hurt so bad when I had Covid that I could barely move without screaming, and I fell face flat on the ground more times than I care to count. What do I understand from that? It's this: Try not to criticize yourself. You're doing your best. Whatever you've done is done; important thing is what comes next.

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว

      OMG I have never met someone who had the leg and joint pains also!! Mine was particularly bad in bed at night, not as bad as yours but nevertheless was one of the worst symptoms. My cough was the mildest symptom!! Hope you are feeling ok now xxxx C

  • @AnnaDob
    @AnnaDob ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Can your daughter or anyone else not help you with grocery shopping until your back is better? You seem to be struggling all alone. :(

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi, most of the shopping is home deliveries so all ok xxxx The struggle is mostly walking too and from work right now but I get there, it will lessen quite quickly as soon as I get drop some lbs xxxx hugs

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry I also meant to add that there are private reasons my daughter doesn't leave the house so I know she'd want to help in that respect but can't. Despite the pain it made me feel brighter getting out, I think I need toi feel the pain to get my bum into gear and deal with the pain if that makes sense? xxxxxx

    • @AnnaDob
      @AnnaDob ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@halfofc I'm glad to hear you are managing with the shopping after all and wish you and your daughter the very best.
      I empathise with your disordered eating as I suffer from the same and also don't completely understand why I do it. I start eating something naughty, even when not hungry and then can't stop until I've devoured it all. However, it's great that you do eat healthily most of the time (which is more than I have managed) and, even though you have put on weight, at least you know you are putting good healthy stuff into your body as well which can only be good for you and will counteract the less healthy stuff.
      Anyway, thank you for taking the time to share your healthy eating on Instagram which is an inspiration. I've decided that I will not buy any more of those foods that I tend to binge on...as much as I will miss the crisps, cake....I think it's the only way.
      Wishing you and your daughter a very happy and cosy Christmas! :) Hugs and love XXXXXXXXX

    • @halfofc
      @halfofc  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AnnaDob Awww thank you so much xxxx