This was another wonderful and beautiful trip I didn't want to see end. Glad their is a second part. Thank you Tim for sharing. You do a great job filming. And, you had a beautiful day. The train was awesome and beautiful too.
Hello, East Germany surprised me, I didn't think I'd see so many wonderful narrow gauge railways, mostly operating scheduled services, many with a steam locomotive up front. I look forward to sharing the rest of this series with you over the coming months🙂.
Travelled on this line many times, including in heavy snow where i was the only passenger and it was -17C. When it's frozen the locals skate on the lakes, even seen baby prams on skates! The 2-10-2T are kept in good nick though when it's cold driver keeps having to hammer the air pump as they jam! Great video.
Hi Geoffrey, I'd love to have seen the scenes you described, especially the driver tapping the air pumps with a hammer to keep them from seizing at that temperature. Cheers. Tim.
Dziękuję Szanownemu Panu za miły film. I to kiedy skład ciągnie parowóz- ta prawdziwa perełka kolejnictwa. Słyszymy jego odgłosy pracy! Naprawdę jest to wielka frajda. Pozdrawiam wszystkich, którzy przyczynili się do powstania tego w swoim rodzaju wyjątkowego filmu. Życzę powodzenia i samych miłych chwil. Dziękuję. Henryk. 🚂🚂🚂🚂🚦🥇
Witaj Henryk, była to jedna z siedmiu podobnych linii kolejowych, które odwiedziłem w Niemczech Wschodnich w styczniu. Nie wiedziałem, że koleje parowe kursujące przez cały rok nadal istnieją. Dziwnie było widzieć osoby dojeżdżające do pracy, kupujących i ludzi odwiedzających wieś za pomocą tych pociągów. Świetnie się bawiłem i nie mogę się doczekać, aby opublikować więcej takich filmów w nadchodzących miesiącach 😉.
Hi, I've riding this train too, it was wonderful, one of the best narrow gauge railwas I've visiting. You should take this ride in the summer too for watch all vineyards near Dresden.
Witam, pociąg, tory i stacje wyglądają na dobrze utrzymane. Wieś nie jest spektakularna, ale jest ładna i delikatna, bardzo podobna do obszaru Anglii, w którym mieszkam. Najlepsze życzenia. Tim.
Hello Hans, Dresden has a lot to offer people who are interested in railways, we visited three steam railways, all of which operated regular timetabled trains throughout the year, plus two Funicular railways and an excellent transport museum. It was January, so a lot of attractions weren't available such as the Dresden Park Railway, the Railway Museum and several other heritage railway centres. I'd love to return and spend a week or so visiting all the rail and transport centres in Dresden.
Great video Tim, the lighting's lovely with the shadow of the loco. Watch it in 4K and the quality is fab! Interested by the tightness of the curves that the gauge and wheelbase of the loco are able to tolerate.
I was lucky on the day with both the lighting and the help I received from the train crew. The wheels are tiny compared with main line locomotives allowing 10 driving wheels to be acomodated in a much shorter locomotive. The advantage is fast acceleration and the ability to negotiate tight curves with relative ease, the only down side is a lower top speed.
All the steam locomotives I saw on this trip to East Germany looked as though they'd just been through the workshops and when I spoke to the workshop staff, it was clear that looking after these engines wasn't just a job, they were passionate about their locomotives.
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis auf meinen Fehler. Ich habe den TH-cam Editor verwendet, um Deutschbaselitz zu verwischen. Es wird mehrere Stunden dauern, bis TH-cam die Änderung vorgenommen hat. Wir werden sehen, ob ich es am Morgen richtig gemacht habe.
@@Timsvideochannel1 Oho! Vidim, da obvladate kripto jezik, ki ga zmore le okoli 2 in pol milijona nenavadnih ljudi na Zemlji, ki imajo ob tem preko 40 narečij. Jaz sem doma iz Celja, kjer mejijo kar 4 lokalne narečne skupine in to le streljaj od mojega doma iz otroštva ob Savinji in je menda pri Starem Gradu. Vsa 4 narečja prepoznam, razumem, a jih ne znam ne govoriti, ne ločiti med seboj, kaj šele poimenovati. Za to je potreben doktorat iz ustrezne smeri jezikoslovja. Če ne bi gledal posnetkov oddaje RTV SLO, kjer sta o tem govorili kar 2 doktorici te znanosti, tega nikoli ne bi vedel. Tako kot skrivnosti egipčanskih piramid, ki so bile in ostajajo skrivnosti tudi za same Egipčane... Sicer pa izvidujem po YT, katere posnetke bom gledal, ko bo tipično aprilsko vreme z oblaki in dežjem, kar se je že začelo. Danes je bilo ob 7:30 0 stopinj celzija in led v samokolnici. Vreme pa je lepo in športam z razmeščanjem gnoja na majhni njivi na Primorskem, od koder je žena. Normo sem presegel že po 1 uri in 45 min, pa mi je ostalo vsaj še 20%. Moral sem si napolniti svojo športno uro in se spočiti. Zdaj pa nazaj. Jutri je spet napovedan dež. Lep pozdrav vsem. Me prav zanima, kaj bo Google prevedel tistim, ki ne znajo kripto jezika Slovenščine. Sem pa doslej že dobil odgovore na komentarje v slovenščini s Škotske (v angleščini) pa tudi iz Brazilije (celo v slovenščini, čeprav sta bila par, ki se vozi po Južni Ameriki z avtobusom, predelanim v avtodom, prava Brazilca, večino komentarjev pa v južnoameriški španščini in brazilski portugalščini)....
Another lovely train ride through some beautiful countryside. Thanks, Tim. I'm wondering... that's a tank engine, isn't it? Which means that the noise for a minute whenever it stopped was probably a pump, forcing water from the tanks into the boiler to keep it topped up, yes?
Hi, the camera picks up noises not normally heard from a seat in a carriage. The noise is probably the Westinghouse brake pump, although there is also a steam driven electricity generator fitted to these locomotives. Other sounds can also be heard, I know there is a water glass in the cab and it is the crews job to keep sufficient water in the glass, I'm guessing that requires a pump too.
That's the Minibahnclub Dresden. They use 5" gauge. You can check the full layout on Maps searching for "An der Jägermühle 8, 01445 Radebeul". They have a nice little homepage, too.
I enjoy your train cab rides, Tim, except that the camera has to re-focus every few seconds, which makes it harder to watch. Wish the ride wasn't blurry. Thank you anyway!
Hello Jill, I'm sorry you are having trouble with this video. The original upload was in focus, but sometimes if the video is a recent upload it doesn't always play well on the TH-cam viewer with the leaves and branches appearing to drift in and out of focus. Sometimes it corrects itself after a few days. Thank you for letting me know.
Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed seeing your husband's home country, I really enjoyed my visit, it is a surprising and beautiful country, especially if you get out to the smaller towns and the countryside. Public transport is good and reasonably priced, if you do visit I think you will find it a rewarding experience.
Hello Robert, I'm glad you enjoyed the ride. There are a lot of reasons for visiting these railways at less popular times of the year, the most obvious being that the trains aren't crowded, but there is also the added advantage of being able to see more because there are no leaves on the trees. In an ideal world it would be nice to show the railway in all seasons.
Since these German narrow-gauge steam lines still run a frequent year-round schedule with low fares, I wonder how many ordinary travellers they carry who aren't rail enthusiasts.
Apart from the group I was travelling with, most passengers were locals using the train to get out into the countryside for a walk, or grandparents taking their grandchildren for a ride on the train. It was good to see everyone smiling and enjoying the experience.
The line is also used by school kids because Radebeul has some secondary schools the more rural area to the north is missing. As far as I know there's a special ticket for them. The normal fares have increased over the past years to keep the line active. Currently adults are charged nine Euros for the full one-way trip - rather medium than low but still attractive for the ordinary fellow.
Vielen Dank für die perfekte Fahrt mit unserem Lößnitzdackel und den Originalgeräuschen... Bin in Radebeul aufgewachsen und kenne die Gegend gut: 👀
Hallo, ich freue mich, dass Ihnen das Video gefallen hat und ich habe mir das Video angesehen, zu dem Sie einen Link gesendet haben. Mir gefiel die einfallsreiche Kameraführung. Du bist an einem schönen Ort aufgewachsen.
This was another wonderful and beautiful trip I didn't want to see end. Glad their is a second part. Thank you Tim for sharing. You do a great job filming. And, you had a beautiful day. The train was awesome and beautiful too.
Hello, East Germany surprised me, I didn't think I'd see so many wonderful narrow gauge railways, mostly operating scheduled services, many with a steam locomotive up front. I look forward to sharing the rest of this series with you over the coming months🙂.
I love the steam sounds when the loco is idling in the station.
Yet another great video.
Hi, there is something special about the sound of a steam locomotive simmering in a station, it's a restful sound. I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
Travelled on this line many times, including in heavy snow where i was the only passenger and it was -17C. When it's frozen the locals skate on the lakes, even seen baby prams on skates! The 2-10-2T are kept in good nick though when it's cold driver keeps having to hammer the air pump as they jam! Great video.
Hi Geoffrey, I'd love to have seen the scenes you described, especially the driver tapping the air pumps with a hammer to keep them from seizing at that temperature. Cheers. Tim.
С меня подписка за уникальные,знакомые места,за уникальную возможность посмотреть на такую технику!!!!!!!
Привет и добро пожаловать на мой канал, я надеюсь, что вы найдете больше интересных видео для просмотра
Oha . Die letzte Fahrt mit dem Dackel war am 04.03.2020 zu unserem 20. Jahrestag . Bis Moritzburg . Schöne Tour mal wieder 👏🚂🚃
Diese Eisenbahn ist so gut, dass ich sie an einem der besonderen Tage, an denen die älteren Lokomotiven fahren, unbedingt wieder besuchen muss.
Lovely drive Tim, very interesting. Thank you for sharing a video that brightens my day. 🤩👍🏻🫠
Thank you, I'm pleased you enjoyed it 🙂.
That loco was a real beauty and nice trip too ! cheers .🥸
The loco was in lovely condition and it was nice to see it at the head of a scheduled train that runs all year round for locals and tourists alike 🙂.
beautiful crisp morning for a train ride
Nice description, I couldn't put it better myself 😊.
Dziękuję Szanownemu Panu za miły film. I to kiedy skład ciągnie parowóz- ta prawdziwa perełka kolejnictwa. Słyszymy jego odgłosy pracy! Naprawdę jest to wielka frajda. Pozdrawiam wszystkich, którzy przyczynili się do powstania tego w swoim rodzaju wyjątkowego filmu. Życzę powodzenia i samych miłych chwil. Dziękuję. Henryk. 🚂🚂🚂🚂🚦🥇
Witaj Henryk, była to jedna z siedmiu podobnych linii kolejowych, które odwiedziłem w Niemczech Wschodnich w styczniu. Nie wiedziałem, że koleje parowe kursujące przez cały rok nadal istnieją. Dziwnie było widzieć osoby dojeżdżające do pracy, kupujących i ludzi odwiedzających wieś za pomocą tych pociągów. Świetnie się bawiłem i nie mogę się doczekać, aby opublikować więcej takich filmów w nadchodzących miesiącach 😉.
@@Timsvideochannel1 Dziękuję i czekam na następny film. Pozdrawiam. Henryk. 🚂🚂🚂🌝🌝🌝
Hi, I've riding this train too, it was wonderful, one of the best narrow gauge railwas I've visiting. You should take this ride in the summer too for watch all vineyards near Dresden.
Hi, it is a fascinating train ride, I'm glad you enjoyed visiting the railway, I'd love to return in the summer.
Pociąg dzielny, tory i stacyjki utrzymane dobrze . Zainteresowanie minimalne. Witaj Tim, dziękuję i pozdrawiam.
Witam, pociąg, tory i stacje wyglądają na dobrze utrzymane. Wieś nie jest spektakularna, ale jest ładna i delikatna, bardzo podobna do obszaru Anglii, w którym mieszkam. Najlepsze życzenia. Tim.
Hi Tim! Another good video from the narrow gauge railway 👍. The 99er have a beautiful sound, I enjoyed it. Best regards from Hans and Cheers 🍻🇦🇹.
Hello Hans, Dresden has a lot to offer people who are interested in railways, we visited three steam railways, all of which operated regular timetabled trains throughout the year, plus two Funicular railways and an excellent transport museum. It was January, so a lot of attractions weren't available such as the Dresden Park Railway, the Railway Museum and several other heritage railway centres. I'd love to return and spend a week or so visiting all the rail and transport centres in Dresden.
Great video Tim, the lighting's lovely with the shadow of the loco. Watch it in 4K and the quality is fab! Interested by the tightness of the curves that the gauge and wheelbase of the loco are able to tolerate.
I was lucky on the day with both the lighting and the help I received from the train crew. The wheels are tiny compared with main line locomotives allowing 10 driving wheels to be acomodated in a much shorter locomotive. The advantage is fast acceleration and the ability to negotiate tight curves with relative ease, the only down side is a lower top speed.
@@dieterkind Thank you 👍.
Ah, Radebeul-Ost, my hometown. Nice video, thanks.
You live in a nice part of the world. I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
Guten Morgen…. Nachbar (;
That locomotive is in a fantastic condition....looks like it just came out the factory...👍👍
All the steam locomotives I saw on this trip to East Germany looked as though they'd just been through the workshops and when I spoke to the workshop staff, it was clear that looking after these engines wasn't just a job, they were passionate about their locomotives.
The loco is from 1929.
Bei 33:12, das ist zwar der Großteich, aber nicht der von Deutschbaselitz. der ist in der Nähe von Kamenz, eben in Deutschbaselitz.
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis auf meinen Fehler. Ich habe den TH-cam Editor verwendet, um Deutschbaselitz zu verwischen. Es wird mehrere Stunden dauern, bis TH-cam die Änderung vorgenommen hat. Wir werden sehen, ob ich es am Morgen richtig gemacht habe.
Great rail view video !
Thank you, I'm pleased you enjoyed the ride.
Прекрасное видео,Я как раз служил в этих местах в 80х годах.А дыхание паровоза,как живого организма жизнь✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️⚒️⚒️⚒️⚒️⚒️⚒️🛠️🛠️🛠️🛠️
Привет, я рад, что вам понравилось видео, много ли изменилось с 80-х, или все было так, как мы видим сегодня?
what a beautiful rail view n sceneries.
Hello, I agree with you, the countryside through which the railway passes is beautiful in a gentle and pretty way.
Navdušen sem nad prelepo pokrajino, kot tudi urbanim okoljem in lepim vremenom na posnetku.
Hvala vam. Pozdrav iz Slovenije.
Hvala, vesel sem, da ste uživali v videu in sončno vreme je bil pravi bonus, vse izgleda bolje na sončen dan
@@Timsvideochannel1 Oho! Vidim, da obvladate kripto jezik, ki ga zmore le okoli 2 in pol milijona nenavadnih ljudi na Zemlji, ki imajo ob tem preko 40 narečij. Jaz sem doma iz Celja, kjer mejijo kar 4 lokalne narečne skupine in to le streljaj od mojega doma iz otroštva ob Savinji in je menda pri Starem Gradu. Vsa 4 narečja prepoznam, razumem, a jih ne znam ne govoriti, ne ločiti med seboj, kaj šele poimenovati. Za to je potreben doktorat iz ustrezne smeri jezikoslovja. Če ne bi gledal posnetkov oddaje RTV SLO, kjer sta o tem govorili kar 2 doktorici te znanosti, tega nikoli ne bi vedel.
Tako kot skrivnosti egipčanskih piramid, ki so bile in ostajajo skrivnosti tudi za same Egipčane...
Sicer pa izvidujem po YT, katere posnetke bom gledal, ko bo tipično aprilsko vreme z oblaki in dežjem, kar se je že začelo. Danes je bilo ob 7:30 0 stopinj celzija in led v samokolnici. Vreme pa je lepo in športam z razmeščanjem gnoja na majhni njivi na Primorskem, od koder je žena. Normo sem presegel že po 1 uri in 45 min, pa mi je ostalo vsaj še 20%. Moral sem si napolniti svojo športno uro in se spočiti. Zdaj pa nazaj.
Jutri je spet napovedan dež. Lep pozdrav vsem. Me prav zanima, kaj bo Google prevedel tistim, ki ne znajo kripto jezika Slovenščine.
Sem pa doslej že dobil odgovore na komentarje v slovenščini s Škotske (v angleščini) pa tudi iz Brazilije (celo v slovenščini, čeprav sta bila par, ki se vozi po Južni Ameriki z avtobusom, predelanim v avtodom, prava Brazilca, večino komentarjev pa v južnoameriški španščini in brazilski portugalščini)....
Qué hermoso viaje! Y esa locomotora con su sonido, me remonta a mi niñez. Muchas gracias ❤
Hola, me alegro de que este video te haya recordado tus recuerdos de la infancia de los trenes de vapor 🚂😉.
Mega Erlebnis Danke
Vielen Dank, ich freue mich, dass Ihnen die Fahrt gefallen hat
Another lovely train ride through some beautiful countryside. Thanks, Tim.
I'm wondering... that's a tank engine, isn't it? Which means that the noise for a minute whenever it stopped was probably a pump, forcing water from the tanks into the boiler to keep it topped up, yes?
Hi, the camera picks up noises not normally heard from a seat in a carriage. The noise is probably the Westinghouse brake pump, although there is also a steam driven electricity generator fitted to these locomotives. Other sounds can also be heard, I know there is a water glass in the cab and it is the crews job to keep sufficient water in the glass, I'm guessing that requires a pump too.
Gracias amigo desde España,me gustan muchos tus videos,un saludo
Gracias, me alegra que disfrutes viendo mis videos. Los mejores deseos de Tim en Inglaterra.
Great Video, Thanks for upload
Thank you, I'm pleased you enjoyed the ride.
Wonderful, as always.
Thank you! Cheers!
eagerly awaiting part 2
Hi, Part 2 will be available next weekend 😊.
At 08:13 to 08:16 there is a model railway in the garden! O gauge?
It's hard to say, it looks a bit bigger than O Gauge.
That's the Minibahnclub Dresden. They use 5" gauge. You can check the full layout on Maps searching for "An der Jägermühle 8, 01445 Radebeul". They have a nice little homepage, too.
Amazing footage!!
Glad you enjoyed it 🙂.
Great video , super
Thank you! Cheers!
I enjoy your train cab rides, Tim, except that the camera has to re-focus every few seconds, which makes it harder to watch. Wish the ride wasn't blurry. Thank you anyway!
Hello Jill, I'm sorry you are having trouble with this video. The original upload was in focus, but sometimes if the video is a recent upload it doesn't always play well on the TH-cam viewer with the leaves and branches appearing to drift in and out of focus. Sometimes it corrects itself after a few days. Thank you for letting me know.
Amazing, 👏👏👏👍😊
I'm pleased you enjoyed the ride 😊.
It was lovely to see the country of my husbands. Maybe I will travel to Germany .
Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed seeing your husband's home country, I really enjoyed my visit, it is a surprising and beautiful country, especially if you get out to the smaller towns and the countryside. Public transport is good and reasonably priced, if you do visit I think you will find it a rewarding experience.
Hey, when was this recorded? There is some possibility that I know the person or driving myself the ICE train in the beginning ;)
Hi, it was a novel experience to be riding a steam train with a modern ICE train speading past. This video was recorded on 14th jan 2023.
Good video !!! like.
Thank you, I'm pleased you enjoyed it.
Nice trip through the German countryside! Sehr schoen!
Hello Neil and yes, it was a "very nice" 😊.
@neilforbes416 and sehr schöne szenerie
@@top40researcher31 The word to use here is "Blick".
@@neilforbes416 The view is the experience had by viewers. The scenery is what the viewer is viewing
@@neilforbes416 if you were having a conversation with a german he or she would correct you on a few words
Another wonderful journey thanks Tim, It would really look a a lot different in the summer cheers bob.🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🛤
Hello Robert, I'm glad you enjoyed the ride. There are a lot of reasons for visiting these railways at less popular times of the year, the most obvious being that the trains aren't crowded, but there is also the added advantage of being able to see more because there are no leaves on the trees. In an ideal world it would be nice to show the railway in all seasons.
Very nice 🙂
I'm pleased you liked it Abi 😊.
that ostrich on 8:45 made me laugh
I missed that when I edited the video, it made me smile too, thanks for pointing it out 😊.
A kamera za skrajnie nie wychodzi ?.
👍👍👍 Thanks
Thank you too 🙂.
@@Timsvideochannel1 😊
A jaka jest szybkość podróżna i maksymalnie.
Prędkość robocza wynosi 30 km/h
I'm pleased you enjoyed it 🙂.
Since these German narrow-gauge steam lines still run a frequent year-round schedule with low fares, I wonder how many ordinary travellers they carry who aren't rail enthusiasts.
Apart from the group I was travelling with, most passengers were locals using the train to get out into the countryside for a walk, or grandparents taking their grandchildren for a ride on the train. It was good to see everyone smiling and enjoying the experience.
The line is also used by school kids because Radebeul has some secondary schools the more rural area to the north is missing. As far as I know there's a special ticket for them.
The normal fares have increased over the past years to keep the line active. Currently adults are charged nine Euros for the full one-way trip - rather medium than low but still attractive for the ordinary fellow.
To jest tor 1000mm , czy normalny .
Cześć, ta kolej ma rozstaw torów 750 mm.
Ein gleis von 1m
@@karlkleck4827 Spurweite - 750 mm
Vielen Dank für die perfekte Fahrt mit unserem Lößnitzdackel und den Originalgeräuschen...
Bin in Radebeul aufgewachsen und kenne die Gegend gut: 👀
Hallo, ich freue mich, dass Ihnen das Video gefallen hat und ich habe mir das Video angesehen, zu dem Sie einen Link gesendet haben. Mir gefiel die einfallsreiche Kameraführung. Du bist an einem schönen Ort aufgewachsen.
Gutan day
Goede reis aub
Het was een zeer mooie treinrit 😉.
Nice chemtrails
My father went to Dresden a lot , he was a Lancaster pilot
Was he visiting to see the trains or just paying a flying visit?
@@Timsvideochannel1 see what you did there
@@grahamjordan1040 😊.