Nice review, always great to see Dishonored getting more exposure and appreciation! Regarding one of your comments on the story/worldbuilding - the run down state of Karnaca, this is pretty well covered in the game itself but you might not pick it up if you were skipping on reading lore books and the like. The biggest reason for the current state of Karnaca is that the Duke is an awful leader, particularly in comparison to his father who was compassionate toward the people of Serkonos. Duke Luca is only interested in his own power and wealth and so allows the nation to fall into hard times rapidly. He effectively destroyed the working class areas like the mining district for example. He was more interested in plotting with Deliilah, Ashworth and Jindosh to seize greater power from Emily - hence the campaign of undermining her both politically and through the actions of the Crown Killer who he controlled. Additionally you have to bear in mind that Emily was 10 when she came to the throne in Dunwall and the city was coming out of the events of the rat plague from the first game, there would have been a lot to deal with locally which would have allowed Serkonos and Karnaca to drop off the radar some what
In response to the question at 15:00: Yes, Emily did leave Karnaka in the hands of Duke Abele, who ran the island like his own personal fiefdom. This dereliction of duty was addressed in the storyline, where you can assassinate the Duke or replace him with his double.
Great review! But i have to contest your statement that bonecharms are "superfluous". Base bonecharms in DH2 are indeed quite week, and the only ones with huge impact are the black bonecharms. But with Bonecharm Crafting fully upgraded to make rank 4 bonecharms, they can become absolutly crazy. 4xStrong arms makes your choke almost instant. add to that 4x Undertaker and 4x Swift shadow, You can become an absoulute stealth demon with insta chokes, that sneaks away faster than with normal sprint. I also really enjoy 4x Spirit water as it makes any faucet in the game into a Mana potion. In my more recent playthroughs i find that more of my adaptability comes from the charms than my actual powers. Once again, loved the video. Feels like your put alot of work and polish into it :)
I started playing this a few days ago and I don't understand why no one was really talking about it when it came out, or why there aren't more extensive videos about the level design (the clocktower mansion and the Aramis Stilton level with the time piece), the art design and the ridiculous amount of options the game gives you. Although the gameplaying aspect of this series is extremely important, and the powers and stealth mechanics are great, what truly amazed me even from the first installment was the beauty of the games. Often I find myself just looking at stuff while playing: the clothing, the book covers, the machines, the artwork on the flyers and street adds, and mostly at those breathtaking paintings scattered around the homes we break into. If you stand opposite a sailor in the game and study the character design it's just mesmerising the detail on his body and how it says so much about an NPC that barely says anything. And the songs people sing... Absolutely beautiful games, they need more love. Edit - gotta disagree on the tedious lore part. For those of us who love lore, this is a large basket of nuggets. As for Emily letting the empire reach this state, there's a convo with Megan about that, as she points out that the young empress' secluded existence blinded her to the problems of everyday people. Emily replies that she used to walk around the streets of Dunwall among the people, with her face covered, but that Karnaca gave her new perspective. So it's not like it's lost on the writers that you need a proper justification for the overall miserable state of the empire.
Re your comments at 15:00 or so about not understanding why the place was so run-down. It was the Duke of Serkonos, Luca Abele. He stole from the citizenry to enrich himself and, along with the mine owners who replaced Aramas Stilton (from A Crack in the Slab) worked the miners to the bone. This is told through writings and conversations throughout the game. Emily may be Empress, but she doesn’t have direct day-to-day control over the other isles. The Duke of Serkonos can still rule much in his own way. One can infer that Tyvia and Morley also have a similar Duke who runs their islands, despite being under the Empress. If you chose the low-chaos path in A Crack in the Slab and save Stilton, take a stroll through the Dust District afterwards. Conditions for the working class will have improved significantly. Additionally, if you are overall low chaos and take the low chaos solution to eliminating the Duke, you get to replace him with a much more honorable man. In the epilogue, you learn that he turns things around and starts looking after the people of Serkonos much better.
Thanks for shining a light on one of my favourite games. You did an excellent job highlighting all of the many aspects that make Dishonerd 2 so good. Very well done
I've played Dishonored series more than every other game, got the platinums, spend hours and days and still love the games. But I had never connected the fruit stealers lore! Nice one!
I got the plat for the 1st 2 weeks before. There is no new plus in PlayStation for the 1st, so it wasn't so easy like in 2. Now the most difficult part, to finish DLC without anyone notice Daud! Those whalers man..
The art in this game is astonishing. TH-cam clips do not do it justice. IMO this game has aged like a fine wine. Having just completed it, I enjoyed it much more than I did in 2017. And, don’t get me wrong, I loved it back then, but it was too different to Dishonored 1 for my taste(at the time) and this subtracted from my enjoyment. My love of DS1’s gloomy atmosphere blinded me to the one of a kind atmosphere of DS2. Since there is nothing else like it, I didn’t know how to react. It is, for lack of a better term, of mature taste artistically, and with time and added perspective I have come to appreciate it for what it is. Whatever it is, I can’t put it in to words, but there’s a complexity, or richness, to its atmosphere and world that I’ve never experienced before. I actually prefer it to the first game now.
A full non lethal zero stealth play through is very doable. This is because you can knock out opponents in combat in a variety of ways. Whether it be using your gadgets, slide takedowns, aerial takedowns, kicking knocked down opponents, throwing items, choking out opponents after putting them off balance etc..
Interesting. The fact that I didn’t play this way once, even after spending so much time with the game, makes my point about how many different ways there are to play Dishonored 2. That said, I would hazard a guess that this is one of the least common ways the game is played.
@@QuestMode Yeah I really enjoy trying out interesting play styles. Dishonerd provides such a nice sandbox with so much replayabilty options. I still find myself discovering new routes through levels and cool details to this day. But yes I agree, a full combat non lethal playthrough probably isn't the most conventional way to play haha
for me the story was weak but the gameplay was way better than the 1st game. I absolutely LOVED exploring the missions and finding out so many ways to get through situations. dishonored 1 and 2 are truly fantastic stealth games. it's even more impressive that it's in first person. most first person stealth games kinda suck, but I truly enjoyed these 2 games. also this was made 5 years ago and it plays better than most games made today. Arkane studio truly know how to develop fun and responsive gameplay.
When you unlock Bonecharm crafting, they actually become really OP and can completely change the way you play. Bonecharms are also what allow you to create different character builds.
Replaying the series in high chaos for the first time. It’s like a completely different game to my normal ghost play throughs. After playing Deathloop, Dishonored feels more like an improved later game in the same franchise. It’s impressive how deep these games are from a replayability perspective
Simple answer : F yeah it is Dishonored 2, Wolfenstein 2, Deadspace 2 and RDR2 are the examples of sequels done right. Expanding on combat, level design, story, world building etc....with staying faithful and respectful to what the first ones espablished/created. Even tho the original Dishonored will always have a special place in my heart (in a terms of story), i think Dishonored 2 is better in every other aspect and definitely the best stealth game i've ever played - Arkane are just such a fantastic and unique studio, because pretty much no one does what they are doing, at their scale...i could brag hours about why they are so awesome but i'll leave it with this. FREEDOM - which is the pillar and probably the most important thing to all of their games❤️ - keep up the fantastic quality Josh👏
I found royal conservatory to be better than clockwork, don't get me wrong clockwork was amazing with all those moving shi and all but i felt like the ways to stealth there were quite hard and if your a low chaos player then it's almost impossible, maybe I'm just bad (which probably is the case lol) but royal conservatory had many vantage points i could hide on and plan out my ways of taking out the witches, also the witches were amazing as it brought back memories of dishonored 1 and it's dlc, brigmore witches, now that i think about it the whole mission felt like a dishonored 1 mission as it was a lot more darker than the usual levels in dishonored 2
As to your complain around the 15 minute mark where you wonder why karnacka is in the state that it is given Emily’s presumed wise rule. Isn’t this question like, directly and explicitly answered by the game, saying that the duke was the one that drove the city into the ground, and that there is great regional autonomy + the fact that Emily was isolated in her upper class life from the hardships of the people.
addressing your complaint about the dilapidated state of karnaca, emily’s rule although not helpful to the general quality of life in karnaca was not the main problem. the duke was a poor ruler who sucked the wealth from the greater population so he could live more lavishly (i.e. throwing large parties for the rich and powerful, and demolishing the old royal palace then building a completely new one)
If memory serves, the lore in-game explains that Karnaca is in such a dire state due to the Duke essentially treating it as his own personal fiefdom and piggy bank in the years since Jessamine Kaldwin's murder. Whereas it was a rich, vibrant, and thriving cosmopolitan city while she was still alive and keeping her eye on it. It's explained that Emily and Corvo had their hands so full with Dunwall's problems after the events of the first game that they kind of left Karnaca to its fate, which both express regret for when they find out just how bad things have gotten.
Got the platinum Trophy today after i picked it up for 3 bucks and i must say it was a blast! 60 hours of immersive sim perfection. About the Upgrade System: if you invest in your Bonecharm Ability you can collect the Buffs they inherit (and take it over into new game+), then you can pick the "choke faster" Buff 4 times and knock out enemys in a matter of 1,5 sec. Just one example how valuable, yet complicated it is😅
Amazing review! This game is one of my favorit games of all time it really is. And i hope you have time to play and review the dlc " Dishonered Death of the Outsider" Take care
It's now also one of my favorite games of all time, and yeah...Death of the Outsider is in my library, so I plan to play it at some point for sure. Thanks for watching!
I really, really loved the first game and all of it's dlc. I'm in the midst of an Emily playthrough. I'm enjoying the game so far. I hope beyond hope that we are graced with an awesome next gen third entry. Unlikely, but, stranger things have happened.
Love the video! My only critique is the comment on bonecharms! As much as I do agree with you on it (my first play through I didn’t even equip bonecharms till the last level), bonecharms really do make you a lot more powerful. There are some that better than others like abilities cost less mana, or there’s a chance abilities consume none at all, over something like you can hold your breathe longer underwater. But Bonecharms that suit your play style really do make a difference. I instantly found myself gravitate towards a leveled up version of strong arms which allowed me to choke enemies unconscious almost instantaneously. There are even some that reduced fall damage, increase chances of enemy grenades dropping at their own feet, there’s a plethora of extra bonuses that you can get that are underrated!
Just started playing D2 last week, the game is still decent to this day. Also I was told by some other reviewers that the gun can be used to make non-lethal takedown simply by shooting at their legs. Overall, it is such an amazing mechanic.
I really enjoyed this. I'm a little sad you didn't explore how extensive the charm making can get. It even becomes a little op when using multiple of the same ability stacked together in one charm.
Playing the game for the first time, just started the Clockwork Mansion mission, making my way there as we speak, love the characters, world building, choices, combat, it's absolutely brilliant! 🙌😃
The current state is the product of Imperial neglect and Ducal mismanagement. Not the result of Delilah’s coup, but instead reflects one reason WHY it was easy for many citizens to believe in Emily’s corruption. Corvo’s primary job was Imperial security, but Emily’s job was management of her Empire, a task she seemingly left to officials who were too easily corrupted. The citizens assumed she was responsible more than simply neglectful. A not unreasonable assumption, honestly, without any evidence to the contrary. These are not a particularly optimistic folk. Not sure if the Duke’s mismanagement was part of their long term plans or just a symptom of his selfish nature, but in the end it served their agenda and allowed for a quick, if not bloodless, coup. Just look at the difference between the city and the Duke’s estate. Pretty easy to see where the resources are going. Huh. Almost enough to make me want to drag it out and load it back up. Be a while though, as I’ll be a bit busy with a virtual Caribbean revolution soon enough.
i wish the non lethal elimination options were better. in the first dishonored, the non lethal elims often felt crueler than killing them outright (ESP lady boyle), but nonetheless they felt very influential. in dh2 i really really wish the non lethal elims felt more satisfying. i really love jindosh as a character and his elim felt like wasted potential given that the clockwork mansion and the detail put into the level is staggering. idk maybe i'm biased lol
On a recent playthrough, I was going for the achievement for eliminating Jindosh without him knowing you were in the mansion and I was blown away at how much of a meticulously crafted maze the mansion is even without you activating any levers and moving rooms around. The level of detail in short cuts, guard patrols, and level design all for a scenario most players miss out on just blew me away. It's like the level designers set out to make ever single possible approach feel like it's the intended way to play through the content.
It's been a while since I beat this game (About a year or two now) but if I'm remembering right, the reason some places are destitute under Emily's "rule" has to do with political opponents being in places of power that Emily couldn't outright remove for some reason or another. They extracted wealth and power from these places, and by the end of the game you get to sort of choose (Through how you've played the game and who you've let live or die) where the Kingdom goes from here on out.
A small correction (to an otherwise spectacular review) but if “Far Reach” is used within a vision cone, it will break line of sight - unless you’re wielding the Bonecharm that makes her invisible from A to B 😎 Blink is the only ability to ignore vision cones 😁 Loved every second of the video, cheers man
The city of Karnaca, which, if you read the lore and listen or talk to citizens, is being sucked dry by the Duke, a true evel arsehole. Of course the Duke is Delilah's bf, they suit each other lol. Great review of one of my favorite game series.
Jeepers creepers, that's a polished feeling video. Personally I loved both dishonored games, though the first one does take the win for me. The second one has better gameplay, and was more fun to just explore levels in, but the more focused feeling story of the first one, with more effective twists, sells it for me. Plus having a home base to return to was pretty big. That said, all of my favourite individual levels are in dishonored 2 (the jindosh house and time mechanics...OH YEAH), and it was nice having two distinct feeling characters. I've always been a fan of most of arkanes major games though, especially prey. Really looking forward to deathloop
Actually you can do a low chaos play through without being super stealth, you just can’t kill anybody. Luckily this is possible through one of the best new mechanics they added to the game. Drop knockouts, sliding into an enemy to knock them out, or even choking them out mid sword fight just gave the player so many more options! To anyone interested just look up dishonored 2 Batman style. It’s awesome:)
Big fan of D2 and liked the video, and think it's still a great title to this day, but I do have to add something I disagree with for anyone curious, since I'm a bit of an avid dishonored player. Bonecharms are EXTREMELY useful. If you truly understand the bonecharm sacrifice & crafting system, you can stack a bonecharm effect up to 4 times! Stacking some bone charms 4 times can create some truly overpowered combinations. For example, for any stealth fans, there's a bone charm which increases how fast you choke enemies. Stacked 4 times, will make you choke enemies in but 1 second, compared to the normal 4 seconds; combine this with a 4-stacked charm making you move faster in stealth mode, as well as a 4-stacked rune making you move faster CARRYING a body...truly a nasty combo for stealth playthroughs. Bone charms if used properly can greatly support your playstyle. And these are just 3 random stealth bonecharms I mentioned. There are charms for practically anything in the game. Even more flexibility there
on your comment about not being able to do a non-lethal action run, thats not really true. you CAN do a low chaos non-stealth run, its just difficult. the conventional non-lethal takedown, the choke-out, becomes basically worthless. the slide knock out is effective, but it requires a running start and isnt fun to use constantly. really the only reason such a run is possible is because an enemy laying on the ground can be quickly knocked out with a single animation. the most reliable way to do this is to knock an enemy off balance, get them in a chokehold, throw them, then sprint up to them and knock them out. you can bypass most of this by shooting them in the leg with a crossbow or pistol, which knocks them down instantly, or by grabbing them with far reach. this also counteracts your main gripe with combat, that you dont have to be creative if you go full-action. in a low chaos high action run you HAVE to get creative to take out enemies since conventional means dont really work. its one of the funnest ways to play the game in my opinion.
Nice review! The story in this game did not seem to be as good as the first game’s to me, but the gameplay gave so many more options to the player. One think I though could have been better in the first game, was more options for nonlethal combat, and the second game provided that in an amazing way. In the first game, all you had to deal with guards in combat was either sleep darts, or going back into stealth (not counting the stun mines in the DLC missions). But in this game, they give you so many new options for a nonlethal combat play through. They gave you the option to choke out guards after a parry, slide into someone and chain it into a knockout, jump on top of someone and knock them unconscious, throw bottles at people’s heads to knock them out, giving the option to kick knocked over enemies unconscious, and so much more. It is insanely fun running around like Batman, fighting and knocking out all the guards. If combat starts in a nonlethal play through, it is not like the first game where you either have to waste all your sleep darts or run away. Now you can fight and still get that clean hands achievement. The quick save system in this game is extremely useful as well, especially for full stealth runs. In the first, all you could do was create a save file or rely on autosaves. You could also not check the stats mid game which tell how many people you have killed. It was extremely annoying in the first game to have a no kills playthrough, to find that in the completion screen for the level, there is one random person dead with no clue as to how it happened. In the second, the auto save system is extremely convenient and you can check how many people you have killed at any time. There were some other areas that I thought were not very good in this game, mainly the bone charms. The first game did a great job with then, but I wished there were more customization options for them. The second provided this, but the way that it did so was not as effective as it could have been. The benefits of the charms were great, but there were far too many of them, and in order to get ones that suit your play style, you would have to constantly redo missions just so the right one would spawn in. It would be much better if the ones that you found were somehow more tailored to the playstyle you were going for. Overall, this game might not have as consistent or compelling of a story as the first in my opinion, but it’s variety and numerous gameplay improvements on the first game make it one of my favorite games to this day. But they really need to fix that terrible accelerated aiming thing on console, whose idea was that?
Good review but Idk about his bone charms opinion I found the one that gives u the white hound ability and the one that turns long range attacks into blood flies that attack ur enemy were pretty useful among others
Bonecharms superflous? :( some of my favourite strategies only worked/came to mind with the right bonecharms. Late game crafting is also super powerful as bonuses stack.
Can't help myself but comment again cause I love this game so much, but I would also point out that there are actually a lot of non-lethal options for combat! Still its true what you say, you probably can't do a totally non-stealth low-chaos playthrough, but you certainly can do a hybrid. I often get caught and if I'm up against 1-2 enemies, I can take them down in combat non-lethally no problem. You can do this by knocking an enemy out with sleep darts, stunning them with a parry or attack and then choke them out, throw/knock them down and do a quick kick-knockout, and more.
20:30 are you talking about the "Thief" games? Because Dishonored (1&2) both subscribe to the "crouch to stealth" school of streamlined stealth game design. Basically, as long as you're crouched, ennemies won't hear you, no matter what surface you're walking on. As for shade, I never noticed it making any difference. You're either in their line of sight, or you're not. The only wiggle room is their detection speed.
The reason Karnaka is vaguely in ruin is in the lore and actually in the game conversations. The current Duke ruined his own fiefdom by working them too hard and spending all the money of vanity projects like his house rather than infrastructure and helping the people. Yes he did a lot of this under Emily’s rule. However the empire is a feudal society so it is complicated for a King/Empress to meddle in their aristocracies ‘affairs’.
I disagree with the Action Focused playthroughs lead to high chaos, while a valid complaint for the first, the tools to fix that issue are given in the second. Sure you could parry and just choke someone out, but with a bit of creativity you can turn a chase sequence into a sleepover. Rather than blasting someone center mass, shoot the area around their head, and they’ll be blinded. If you have no sleep darts leftover, kneecap someone and it’ll leave them stunned. Along with the various extra tools like stun mines and such, and action focused non-lethal playthrough is possible, but I do agree that sticking to the shadows is much easier
I like the video. Absolutely confounded how anyone could play through the game, however, without hearing any of the many monologues Corvo, Emily or the Outsider have over Emily's complacency with letting Luca Abele ruin things. "You didn't care as long as the metal kept flowing" is a recurring comment made towards them throughout the entire game. I guess maybe you could've skipped notes/books as said, but you didn't watch a single one of those cutscenes? I feel like there's a lot to criticize in the game, but the moral of "just because it's not happening in your backyard doesn't mean injustice isn't your concern" feels like an unrealistically huge recurring theme to miss while playing the game to me.
You're definitely sleeping on the bone charms. -- Upgrading the bone charm crafting lets you stack 4 charms with 1 trait with wild effects like choking guards out in literally 1/4th the time or being able to fill almost your entire mana bar up just by summoning some rats with corvo and consuming one or two of the white ones in the pack giving you more mana back than you spent on the rat summoning essentially giving you infinite mana. Super great especially in new game+ to give you that feeling of unstoppable OP power.
i really loved death of the outsider got also the plat today and then i saw dishonored 2 trailer and i was like damn i need to buy this right i did
If I'm doing a clean hands playthrough, I like to knock out as many people as possible. Sends a message that I'm there, but I don't want to kill you even though I easily could. Helps clear my name
Great review, but I'm pretty sure that on the second game, the amount of NPC's you kill doesn't affect chaos, chaos is actually affected by how you dispose of the main characters. In the first game, the chaos system is exactly as you describe, however.
Not quite, all deaths do increase chaos but it expands on the first game's system. Using the heart on enemies tells you their secrets, there are good and bad people. Killing the bad people in the world generates less chaos than killing good people.
Great review.. This game is timeless.. Im replaying it now after finishing D1 in 2024 and... its amazing, but one thing i disagree with you on... Yes, its essential to play Dishonored before D2.. It enhances your playthrough in every way . Understanding the world, the history, the lore, the characters and why everything is the way it is in Dunwall and Carrnaka and the outsider.. D2 is the second of two part story.. Not just another game in the series.. So play D1 first.. read every book and explore every level.. then youll understand D2.. Keep up the good work man 👍
About how Karnaca has ended up in the terrible state it's in: I do believe you have missed some things (which is inevitable, you'd have to play the game like 10 times to catch and remember everything in it). In my playthrough the dialogue made the 2 reasons fairly clear: 1. The Duke of Serkonos. Emily was empress, but each isle runs itself mostly autonomously. The current Duke, unlike his father, he doesn't care about the people and his corruption, mismanagement, and need to fund his war effort by squeezing his people for everything they have has lead to the current state. 2. Emily was actually not a good empress, in my playthrough the dialogue makes this clear, and it's something she has a lot of regret about. Not because she was corrupt, just because she was young and disinterested in politics. Corvo may be an honorable man (subjective, depends how you played him in the first one), but that does not make him a good administrator or politician.
One more note: how destroyed and bleak the world is, is affected by your chaos level. So if you were doing high chaos, it was probably a lot bleaker than my low chaos run where it felt like troubled times, but hardly apocalyptic.
Amazing review but yh it is mentioned many times dat Emily was spoiled for an empress and she didn't care for her ppl or country as much her freedom and nostalgia at least at the beginning of the game
I have installed this game half a dozen times and uninstalled it again after barely going through the first few missions. It looks good and even plays better than the first one...but for some reason it never clicks for me like the first one did.
This game is underrated just like this video. But I didnt agree on your argument about the action oriented gameplay. It is actually more fun than stealth if you are creative. Please watch some videos of dishonored 2 of the stealthgamesbr and see how this game is supposed to be played
I'm beginning to think that 2016 was the golden age of games, and we've gone downhill since then. The Fortnights and cheap multiplayer shooters are destroying the industry. Dishonored and Dishonored 2 are fantastic games. The artwork is breathtaking. A shame we don't see more single-player works of art like these anymore.
I never got into Dishonored, it was on my watch list when the first one was announced but I never got to playing it, same for Dishonored 2 Recently I played Dishonored 2 and absolutely devoured it, then went on to play the first one as well. I prefer the characters and the loyalist pub to grouchy sokolov and Billy on a rusty boat... But otherwise it kinda aged so I prefer Dishonored 2 and it's still better than anything else on the market in 2023
*i played the demo of Dishonored 2 and liked it but i couldn't help but compare it to the HITMAN series and that's pretty much when all other stealth games become Undesirable in my world lol.*
Stealth mechanics are no good in this game they see through walls, see you on roofs they always see you they see you from a long long distance away hiding in the shadows it’s ridiculous it takes the fun out of it. The first game was an amazing game this one I don’t even want to play it haven’t finished it because of that.
Regarding the bleakness of the city, when you wonder if it's due to Delilah or Emily's rule. It is all explained in one of the missions (the one in the past). You just have to play the entire game, before, you know, making a review. But I appreciate that you liked it, I did too.
Nice review, always great to see Dishonored getting more exposure and appreciation!
Regarding one of your comments on the story/worldbuilding - the run down state of Karnaca, this is pretty well covered in the game itself but you might not pick it up if you were skipping on reading lore books and the like. The biggest reason for the current state of Karnaca is that the Duke is an awful leader, particularly in comparison to his father who was compassionate toward the people of Serkonos. Duke Luca is only interested in his own power and wealth and so allows the nation to fall into hard times rapidly. He effectively destroyed the working class areas like the mining district for example. He was more interested in plotting with Deliilah, Ashworth and Jindosh to seize greater power from Emily - hence the campaign of undermining her both politically and through the actions of the Crown Killer who he controlled.
Additionally you have to bear in mind that Emily was 10 when she came to the throne in Dunwall and the city was coming out of the events of the rat plague from the first game, there would have been a lot to deal with locally which would have allowed Serkonos and Karnaca to drop off the radar some what
Great review, I like the concept of reviewing older games and see if they are still good.
Thanks! I didn’t expect to like Dishonored 2 as much as I did, so the review kind of got a little long. Such a good game.
Currently revisiting this after 2 years. Forgot how good it was.
@@QuestMode I think the length was fine. Nothing sounded extraneous to me. I was even hoping to hear more from you about it.
In response to the question at 15:00: Yes, Emily did leave Karnaka in the hands of Duke Abele, who ran the island like his own personal fiefdom. This dereliction of duty was addressed in the storyline, where you can assassinate the Duke or replace him with his double.
Yeah, I'm not sure how he missed this. Emily's entire arc (during a low chaos run) is based in her learning to become a more responsible ruler.
Great review! But i have to contest your statement that bonecharms are "superfluous". Base bonecharms in DH2 are indeed quite week, and the only ones with huge impact are the black bonecharms. But with Bonecharm Crafting fully upgraded to make rank 4 bonecharms, they can become absolutly crazy. 4xStrong arms makes your choke almost instant. add to that 4x Undertaker and 4x Swift shadow, You can become an absoulute stealth demon with insta chokes, that sneaks away faster than with normal sprint. I also really enjoy 4x Spirit water as it makes any faucet in the game into a Mana potion. In my more recent playthroughs i find that more of my adaptability comes from the charms than my actual powers.
Once again, loved the video. Feels like your put alot of work and polish into it :)
This. I, too, underestimated bone charms until I unlocked crafting. They give a kind of RNG bonus to the playthrough.
I recently got the game again after not playing in forever and first thing I'm doing is a playthrough to collect bone charms and max out my crafting.
I started playing this a few days ago and I don't understand why no one was really talking about it when it came out, or why there aren't more extensive videos about the level design (the clocktower mansion and the Aramis Stilton level with the time piece), the art design and the ridiculous amount of options the game gives you.
Although the gameplaying aspect of this series is extremely important, and the powers and stealth mechanics are great, what truly amazed me even from the first installment was the beauty of the games. Often I find myself just looking at stuff while playing: the clothing, the book covers, the machines, the artwork on the flyers and street adds, and mostly at those breathtaking paintings scattered around the homes we break into. If you stand opposite a sailor in the game and study the character design it's just mesmerising the detail on his body and how it says so much about an NPC that barely says anything. And the songs people sing...
Absolutely beautiful games, they need more love.
Edit - gotta disagree on the tedious lore part. For those of us who love lore, this is a large basket of nuggets. As for Emily letting the empire reach this state, there's a convo with Megan about that, as she points out that the young empress' secluded existence blinded her to the problems of everyday people. Emily replies that she used to walk around the streets of Dunwall among the people, with her face covered, but that Karnaca gave her new perspective. So it's not like it's lost on the writers that you need a proper justification for the overall miserable state of the empire.
Re your comments at 15:00 or so about not understanding why the place was so run-down. It was the Duke of Serkonos, Luca Abele. He stole from the citizenry to enrich himself and, along with the mine owners who replaced Aramas Stilton (from A Crack in the Slab) worked the miners to the bone. This is told through writings and conversations throughout the game.
Emily may be Empress, but she doesn’t have direct day-to-day control over the other isles. The Duke of Serkonos can still rule much in his own way. One can infer that Tyvia and Morley also have a similar Duke who runs their islands, despite being under the Empress.
If you chose the low-chaos path in A Crack in the Slab and save Stilton, take a stroll through the Dust District afterwards. Conditions for the working class will have improved significantly.
Additionally, if you are overall low chaos and take the low chaos solution to eliminating the Duke, you get to replace him with a much more honorable man. In the epilogue, you learn that he turns things around and starts looking after the people of Serkonos much better.
Thanks for shining a light on one of my favourite games. You did an excellent job highlighting all of the many aspects that make Dishonerd 2 so good. Very well done
Thank you! 🙏
I've played Dishonored series more than every other game, got the platinums, spend hours and days and still love the games.
But I had never connected the fruit stealers lore!
Nice one!
Yeah, that little side story sort fo blew my mind. I got the platinum in 2, but not in Dishonored 1. Such a rewarding trophy to earn!
I got the plat for the 1st 2 weeks before.
There is no new plus in PlayStation for the 1st, so it wasn't so easy like in 2.
Now the most difficult part, to finish DLC without anyone notice Daud!
Those whalers man..
The art in this game is astonishing. TH-cam clips do not do it justice. IMO this game has aged like a fine wine. Having just completed it, I enjoyed it much more than I did in 2017. And, don’t get me wrong, I loved it back then, but it was too different to Dishonored 1 for my taste(at the time) and this subtracted from my enjoyment. My love of DS1’s gloomy atmosphere blinded me to the one of a kind atmosphere of DS2. Since there is nothing else like it, I didn’t know how to react. It is, for lack of a better term, of mature taste artistically, and with time and added perspective I have come to appreciate it for what it is. Whatever it is, I can’t put it in to words, but there’s a complexity, or richness, to its atmosphere and world that I’ve never experienced before. I actually prefer it to the first game now.
A full non lethal zero stealth play through is very doable. This is because you can knock out opponents in combat in a variety of ways. Whether it be using your gadgets, slide takedowns, aerial takedowns, kicking knocked down opponents, throwing items, choking out opponents after putting them off balance etc..
Interesting. The fact that I didn’t play this way once, even after spending so much time with the game, makes my point about how many different ways there are to play Dishonored 2. That said, I would hazard a guess that this is one of the least common ways the game is played.
@@QuestMode Yeah I really enjoy trying out interesting play styles. Dishonerd provides such a nice sandbox with so much replayabilty options. I still find myself discovering new routes through levels and cool details to this day. But yes I agree, a full combat non lethal playthrough probably isn't the most conventional way to play haha
for me the story was weak but the gameplay was way better than the 1st game. I absolutely LOVED exploring the missions and finding out so many ways to get through situations. dishonored 1 and 2 are truly fantastic stealth games. it's even more impressive that it's in first person. most first person stealth games kinda suck, but I truly enjoyed these 2 games. also this was made 5 years ago and it plays better than most games made today. Arkane studio truly know how to develop fun and responsive gameplay.
Completely agree. Can’t wait to play Deathloop in a week!
When you unlock Bonecharm crafting, they actually become really OP and can completely change the way you play. Bonecharms are also what allow you to create different character builds.
As long as you get lucky with the corruption it essentially allows you to use damn near every enchantment in the game at once
Replaying the series in high chaos for the first time. It’s like a completely different game to my normal ghost play throughs.
After playing Deathloop, Dishonored feels more like an improved later game in the same franchise. It’s impressive how deep these games are from a replayability perspective
Simple answer : F yeah it is
Dishonored 2, Wolfenstein 2, Deadspace 2 and RDR2 are the examples of sequels done right.
Expanding on combat, level design, story, world building etc....with staying faithful and respectful to what the first ones espablished/created.
Even tho the original Dishonored will always have a special place in my heart (in a terms of story), i think Dishonored 2 is better in every other aspect and definitely the best stealth game i've ever played - Arkane are just such a fantastic and unique studio, because pretty much no one does what they are doing, at their scale...i could brag hours about why they are so awesome but i'll leave it with this. FREEDOM - which is the pillar and probably the most important thing to all of their games❤️ - keep up the fantastic quality Josh👏
the story is kinda bogus though
@@luminosity01 Well that's why i said, i like the first one's story more...but i know alot of people who love the story in the sequel.
The clockwork mansion is incredible, but the timepiece level is mind blowing.
These 2 missions are worth the full price of the game at launch. Magnificent.
I found royal conservatory to be better than clockwork, don't get me wrong clockwork was amazing with all those moving shi and all but i felt like the ways to stealth there were quite hard and if your a low chaos player then it's almost impossible, maybe I'm just bad (which probably is the case lol) but royal conservatory had many vantage points i could hide on and plan out my ways of taking out the witches, also the witches were amazing as it brought back memories of dishonored 1 and it's dlc, brigmore witches, now that i think about it the whole mission felt like a dishonored 1 mission as it was a lot more darker than the usual levels in dishonored 2
@@CITYZEN50 I don’t remember playing that level low chaos. I had too much fun murdering everyone.
@@mrmaat yh lol, high chaos is like 100x better than low.
As to your complain around the 15 minute mark where you wonder why karnacka is in the state that it is given Emily’s presumed wise rule.
Isn’t this question like, directly and explicitly answered by the game, saying that the duke was the one that drove the city into the ground, and that there is great regional autonomy + the fact that Emily was isolated in her upper class life from the hardships of the people.
addressing your complaint about the dilapidated state of karnaca, emily’s rule although not helpful to the general quality of life in karnaca was not the main problem. the duke was a poor ruler who sucked the wealth from the greater population so he could live more lavishly (i.e. throwing large parties for the rich and powerful, and demolishing the old royal palace then building a completely new one)
Great insight. Thanks for clearing that up!
Yeah, you could hear similar statement from Megan Foster on your way to Great palace
If memory serves, the lore in-game explains that Karnaca is in such a dire state due to the Duke essentially treating it as his own personal fiefdom and piggy bank in the years since Jessamine Kaldwin's murder. Whereas it was a rich, vibrant, and thriving cosmopolitan city while she was still alive and keeping her eye on it. It's explained that Emily and Corvo had their hands so full with Dunwall's problems after the events of the first game that they kind of left Karnaca to its fate, which both express regret for when they find out just how bad things have gotten.
Got the platinum Trophy today after i picked it up for 3 bucks and i must say it was a blast! 60 hours of immersive sim perfection. About the Upgrade System: if you invest in your Bonecharm Ability you can collect the Buffs they inherit (and take it over into new game+), then you can pick the "choke faster" Buff 4 times and knock out enemys in a matter of 1,5 sec. Just one example how valuable, yet complicated it is😅
You can save with F5 and load last save with F9. Dont even need to go to pause menu.
One of my favorite games all of time. I've loved pretty much everything Arkane has had their hands on
Amazing review! This game is one of my favorit games of all time it really is. And i hope you have time to play and review the dlc " Dishonered Death of the Outsider"
Take care
It's now also one of my favorite games of all time, and yeah...Death of the Outsider is in my library, so I plan to play it at some point for sure. Thanks for watching!
I really, really loved the first game and all of it's dlc. I'm in the midst of an Emily playthrough. I'm enjoying the game so far. I hope beyond hope that we are graced with an awesome next gen third entry. Unlikely, but, stranger things have happened.
Love the video! My only critique is the comment on bonecharms! As much as I do agree with you on it (my first play through I didn’t even equip bonecharms till the last level), bonecharms really do make you a lot more powerful. There are some that better than others like abilities cost less mana, or there’s a chance abilities consume none at all, over something like you can hold your breathe longer underwater. But Bonecharms that suit your play style really do make a difference. I instantly found myself gravitate towards a leveled up version of strong arms which allowed me to choke enemies unconscious almost instantaneously. There are even some that reduced fall damage, increase chances of enemy grenades dropping at their own feet, there’s a plethora of extra bonuses that you can get that are underrated!
Just started playing D2 last week, the game is still decent to this day. Also I was told by some other reviewers that the gun can be used to make non-lethal takedown simply by shooting at their legs. Overall, it is such an amazing mechanic.
I really enjoyed this. I'm a little sad you didn't explore how extensive the charm making can get. It even becomes a little op when using multiple of the same ability stacked together in one charm.
Playing the game for the first time, just started the Clockwork Mansion mission, making my way there as we speak, love the characters, world building, choices, combat, it's absolutely brilliant! 🙌😃
The current state is the product of Imperial neglect and Ducal mismanagement. Not the result of Delilah’s coup, but instead reflects one reason WHY it was easy for many citizens to believe in Emily’s corruption. Corvo’s primary job was Imperial security, but Emily’s job was management of her Empire, a task she seemingly left to officials who were too easily corrupted. The citizens assumed she was responsible more than simply neglectful. A not unreasonable assumption, honestly, without any evidence to the contrary. These are not a particularly optimistic folk.
Not sure if the Duke’s mismanagement was part of their long term plans or just a symptom of his selfish nature, but in the end it served their agenda and allowed for a quick, if not bloodless, coup.
Just look at the difference between the city and the Duke’s estate. Pretty easy to see where the resources are going.
Huh. Almost enough to make me want to drag it out and load it back up. Be a while though, as I’ll be a bit busy with a virtual Caribbean revolution soon enough.
i wish the non lethal elimination options were better. in the first dishonored, the non lethal elims often felt crueler than killing them outright (ESP lady boyle), but nonetheless they felt very influential. in dh2 i really really wish the non lethal elims felt more satisfying. i really love jindosh as a character and his elim felt like wasted potential given that the clockwork mansion and the detail put into the level is staggering. idk maybe i'm biased lol
Even though Jindosh was an evil son of a bitch I still felt kinda sick frying his brain.
Concise yet comprehensive..very, very detailed but immersive review. Thank you
Great review man, good luck on continuing to grow your channel❤️❤️
Thank you!
On a recent playthrough, I was going for the achievement for eliminating Jindosh without him knowing you were in the mansion and I was blown away at how much of a meticulously crafted maze the mansion is even without you activating any levers and moving rooms around. The level of detail in short cuts, guard patrols, and level design all for a scenario most players miss out on just blew me away. It's like the level designers set out to make ever single possible approach feel like it's the intended way to play through the content.
Really good video!!! Loved it and keep up the great work
It's been a while since I beat this game (About a year or two now) but if I'm remembering right, the reason some places are destitute under Emily's "rule" has to do with political opponents being in places of power that Emily couldn't outright remove for some reason or another. They extracted wealth and power from these places, and by the end of the game you get to sort of choose (Through how you've played the game and who you've let live or die) where the Kingdom goes from here on out.
Thanks for the insight. This was really one of my only questions about the game.
I love Arkane's work. Great review.
Prey and Dishonored are absolute masterpieces.
If they focused emily only and didnt shoe horn corvo they could've done so much more
The duke of serkonos ruled karnaca and made all the mess there.
A small correction (to an otherwise spectacular review) but if “Far Reach” is used within a vision cone, it will break line of sight - unless you’re wielding the Bonecharm that makes her invisible from A to B 😎 Blink is the only ability to ignore vision cones 😁
Loved every second of the video, cheers man
Great job on this review! Thanks.
Excellent review! Thank you. Subbed.
you can still do action focused non lethal, theres lots of tools like shock and pull traps, blunt takedowns
The city of Karnaca, which, if you read the lore and listen or talk to citizens, is being sucked dry by the Duke, a true evel arsehole. Of course the Duke is Delilah's bf, they suit each other lol. Great review of one of my favorite game series.
Great Video! You're making freat content man!
Jeepers creepers, that's a polished feeling video.
Personally I loved both dishonored games, though the first one does take the win for me.
The second one has better gameplay, and was more fun to just explore levels in, but the more focused feeling story of the first one, with more effective twists, sells it for me.
Plus having a home base to return to was pretty big.
That said, all of my favourite individual levels are in dishonored 2 (the jindosh house and time mechanics...OH YEAH), and it was nice having two distinct feeling characters.
I've always been a fan of most of arkanes major games though, especially prey. Really looking forward to deathloop
Yeah, totally agree about the story of the first game. I almost forgot about that big twist in the story!
Thank you for talking about my favorite game 😊
Playing for the first time in 2024, amazing game. Holy crap. Great review!
Well, Dishonored 2 is among the top 5 games of my entire life. And I've played a LOT of games.
Dishonored 2 sucks. Did you play Dishonored 1? It's way better.
@@nicknickson3650 Yes. I Play, love it, but 2 is my favorite. Dishonored 2 sucks? Hahahahha
Nice review man, never heard of you before but will be checking out your other shit next
Actually you can do a low chaos play through without being super stealth, you just can’t kill anybody. Luckily this is possible through one of the best new mechanics they added to the game. Drop knockouts, sliding into an enemy to knock them out, or even choking them out mid sword fight just gave the player so many more options! To anyone interested just look up dishonored 2 Batman style. It’s awesome:)
Big fan of D2 and liked the video, and think it's still a great title to this day, but I do have to add something I disagree with for anyone curious, since I'm a bit of an avid dishonored player.
Bonecharms are EXTREMELY useful. If you truly understand the bonecharm sacrifice & crafting system, you can stack a bonecharm effect up to 4 times! Stacking some bone charms 4 times can create some truly overpowered combinations. For example, for any stealth fans, there's a bone charm which increases how fast you choke enemies. Stacked 4 times, will make you choke enemies in but 1 second, compared to the normal 4 seconds; combine this with a 4-stacked charm making you move faster in stealth mode, as well as a 4-stacked rune making you move faster CARRYING a body...truly a nasty combo for stealth playthroughs. Bone charms if used properly can greatly support your playstyle. And these are just 3 random stealth bonecharms I mentioned. There are charms for practically anything in the game. Even more flexibility there
on your comment about not being able to do a non-lethal action run, thats not really true. you CAN do a low chaos non-stealth run, its just difficult. the conventional non-lethal takedown, the choke-out, becomes basically worthless. the slide knock out is effective, but it requires a running start and isnt fun to use constantly. really the only reason such a run is possible is because an enemy laying on the ground can be quickly knocked out with a single animation. the most reliable way to do this is to knock an enemy off balance, get them in a chokehold, throw them, then sprint up to them and knock them out. you can bypass most of this by shooting them in the leg with a crossbow or pistol, which knocks them down instantly, or by grabbing them with far reach.
this also counteracts your main gripe with combat, that you dont have to be creative if you go full-action. in a low chaos high action run you HAVE to get creative to take out enemies since conventional means dont really work. its one of the funnest ways to play the game in my opinion.
Of all the games I own this is the game I am still going back to and spent the most hours playing.
Nice review! The story in this game did not seem to be as good as the first game’s to me, but the gameplay gave so many more options to the player. One think I though could have been better in the first game, was more options for nonlethal combat, and the second game provided that in an amazing way. In the first game, all you had to deal with guards in combat was either sleep darts, or going back into stealth (not counting the stun mines in the DLC missions). But in this game, they give you so many new options for a nonlethal combat play through. They gave you the option to choke out guards after a parry, slide into someone and chain it into a knockout, jump on top of someone and knock them unconscious, throw bottles at people’s heads to knock them out, giving the option to kick knocked over enemies unconscious, and so much more. It is insanely fun running around like Batman, fighting and knocking out all the guards. If combat starts in a nonlethal play through, it is not like the first game where you either have to waste all your sleep darts or run away. Now you can fight and still get that clean hands achievement. The quick save system in this game is extremely useful as well, especially for full stealth runs. In the first, all you could do was create a save file or rely on autosaves. You could also not check the stats mid game which tell how many people you have killed. It was extremely annoying in the first game to have a no kills playthrough, to find that in the completion screen for the level, there is one random person dead with no clue as to how it happened. In the second, the auto save system is extremely convenient and you can check how many people you have killed at any time. There were some other areas that I thought were not very good in this game, mainly the bone charms. The first game did a great job with then, but I wished there were more customization options for them. The second provided this, but the way that it did so was not as effective as it could have been. The benefits of the charms were great, but there were far too many of them, and in order to get ones that suit your play style, you would have to constantly redo missions just so the right one would spawn in. It would be much better if the ones that you found were somehow more tailored to the playstyle you were going for. Overall, this game might not have as consistent or compelling of a story as the first in my opinion, but it’s variety and numerous gameplay improvements on the first game make it one of my favorite games to this day. But they really need to fix that terrible accelerated aiming thing on console, whose idea was that?
Good review but Idk about his bone charms opinion I found the one that gives u the white hound ability and the one that turns long range attacks into blood flies that attack ur enemy were pretty useful among others
Watched, loved, subscribed (04/05/22) good stuff!
Top noch review. Can somebody explain to me why Billy Lurk has both arms at the start of "death of the outsider" . Iam kinda don't get the timeline.
Bonecharms superflous? :( some of my favourite strategies only worked/came to mind with the right bonecharms. Late game crafting is also super powerful as bonuses stack.
Can't help myself but comment again cause I love this game so much, but I would also point out that there are actually a lot of non-lethal options for combat! Still its true what you say, you probably can't do a totally non-stealth low-chaos playthrough, but you certainly can do a hybrid. I often get caught and if I'm up against 1-2 enemies, I can take them down in combat non-lethally no problem. You can do this by knocking an enemy out with sleep darts, stunning them with a parry or attack and then choke them out, throw/knock them down and do a quick kick-knockout, and more.
Masterpiece for sure! One of the best game series I´ve ever played in my 30 year gaming life. Arkane studios are gold!
it was explained that the duke was running the city into the ground especially the mines
20:30 are you talking about the "Thief" games? Because Dishonored (1&2) both subscribe to the "crouch to stealth"
school of streamlined stealth game design. Basically, as long as you're crouched, ennemies won't hear you, no matter what surface you're walking on.
As for shade, I never noticed it making any difference. You're either in their line of sight, or you're not. The only wiggle room is their detection speed.
The reason Karnaka is vaguely in ruin is in the lore and actually in the game conversations. The current Duke ruined his own fiefdom by working them too hard and spending all the money of vanity projects like his house rather than infrastructure and helping the people. Yes he did a lot of this under Emily’s rule. However the empire is a feudal society so it is complicated for a King/Empress to meddle in their aristocracies ‘affairs’.
I disagree with the Action Focused playthroughs lead to high chaos, while a valid complaint for the first, the tools to fix that issue are given in the second. Sure you could parry and just choke someone out, but with a bit of creativity you can turn a chase sequence into a sleepover. Rather than blasting someone center mass, shoot the area around their head, and they’ll be blinded. If you have no sleep darts leftover, kneecap someone and it’ll leave them stunned. Along with the various extra tools like stun mines and such, and action focused non-lethal playthrough is possible, but I do agree that sticking to the shadows is much easier
I like the video. Absolutely confounded how anyone could play through the game, however, without hearing any of the many monologues Corvo, Emily or the Outsider have over Emily's complacency with letting Luca Abele ruin things. "You didn't care as long as the metal kept flowing" is a recurring comment made towards them throughout the entire game. I guess maybe you could've skipped notes/books as said, but you didn't watch a single one of those cutscenes?
I feel like there's a lot to criticize in the game, but the moral of "just because it's not happening in your backyard doesn't mean injustice isn't your concern" feels like an unrealistically huge recurring theme to miss while playing the game to me.
You're definitely sleeping on the bone charms. -- Upgrading the bone charm crafting lets you stack 4 charms with 1 trait with wild effects like choking guards out in literally 1/4th the time or being able to fill almost your entire mana bar up just by summoning some rats with corvo and consuming one or two of the white ones in the pack giving you more mana back than you spent on the rat summoning essentially giving you infinite mana. Super great especially in new game+ to give you that feeling of unstoppable OP power.
I loved the new game plus with this game! Playing Emily, you keep all of your runes from the first game run and you get Emily and Corvo's powers.
This game is underrated asf it’s pretty good ngl
Dishonored 1 still is the best game ever made idc
i really loved death of the outsider got also the plat today and then i saw dishonored 2 trailer and i was like damn i need to buy this right i did
If I'm doing a clean hands playthrough, I like to knock out as many people as possible. Sends a message that I'm there, but I don't want to kill you even though I easily could. Helps clear my name
Great review, but I'm pretty sure that on the second game, the amount of NPC's you kill doesn't affect chaos, chaos is actually affected by how you dispose of the main characters. In the first game, the chaos system is exactly as you describe, however.
Not quite, all deaths do increase chaos but it expands on the first game's system. Using the heart on enemies tells you their secrets, there are good and bad people. Killing the bad people in the world generates less chaos than killing good people.
Great review.. This game is timeless.. Im replaying it now after finishing D1 in 2024 and... its amazing, but one thing i disagree with you on... Yes, its essential to play Dishonored before D2.. It enhances your playthrough in every way . Understanding the world, the history, the lore, the characters and why everything is the way it is in Dunwall and Carrnaka and the outsider.. D2 is the second of two part story.. Not just another game in the series.. So play D1 first.. read every book and explore every level.. then youll understand D2.. Keep up the good work man 👍
About how Karnaca has ended up in the terrible state it's in: I do believe you have missed some things (which is inevitable, you'd have to play the game like 10 times to catch and remember everything in it).
In my playthrough the dialogue made the 2 reasons fairly clear:
1. The Duke of Serkonos. Emily was empress, but each isle runs itself mostly autonomously. The current Duke, unlike his father, he doesn't care about the people and his corruption, mismanagement, and need to fund his war effort by squeezing his people for everything they have has lead to the current state.
2. Emily was actually not a good empress, in my playthrough the dialogue makes this clear, and it's something she has a lot of regret about. Not because she was corrupt, just because she was young and disinterested in politics. Corvo may be an honorable man (subjective, depends how you played him in the first one), but that does not make him a good administrator or politician.
One more note: how destroyed and bleak the world is, is affected by your chaos level. So if you were doing high chaos, it was probably a lot bleaker than my low chaos run where it felt like troubled times, but hardly apocalyptic.
good job man
Masterclass Review.
The gun feels more like a shotgun with incredible range
Wise words About fantastic and my personal favourite game :-)
played it through 12 times.. Its pretty good
In new game+ I hadn't the will to sneak through the first mission so I just shot everybody to get to the boat
Clockwork Mansion is one of the best levels in a game EVER.
Thinking about buying this game
They should on the sequel have steam punk New York. Taller cleaner but darker in shades
Amazing review but yh it is mentioned many times dat Emily was spoiled for an empress and she didn't care for her ppl or country as much her freedom and nostalgia at least at the beginning of the game
Emily is a Typhon!
I have installed this game half a dozen times and uninstalled it again after barely going through the first few missions. It looks good and even plays better than the first one...but for some reason it never clicks for me like the first one did.
So underrated.
This game is underrated just like this video. But I didnt agree on your argument about the action oriented gameplay. It is actually more fun than stealth if you are creative. Please watch some videos of dishonored 2 of the stealthgamesbr and see how this game is supposed to be played
Dishonored 1+Daud DLC: Classic
Dishonored 2: Soulless cash grab
I'm beginning to think that 2016 was the golden age of games, and we've gone downhill since then. The Fortnights and cheap multiplayer shooters are destroying the industry. Dishonored and Dishonored 2 are fantastic games. The artwork is breathtaking. A shame we don't see more single-player works of art like these anymore.
Prey 2017 exists.
No lol. Around 2007 to 2013 was peek.
Too bad it's not 60fps or i'd reply on my ps5.
I never got into Dishonored, it was on my watch list when the first one was announced but I never got to playing it, same for Dishonored 2
Recently I played Dishonored 2 and absolutely devoured it, then went on to play the first one as well. I prefer the characters and the loyalist pub to grouchy sokolov and Billy on a rusty boat... But otherwise it kinda aged so I prefer Dishonored 2 and it's still better than anything else on the market in 2023
This game is ridiculously good
Commenting for youtube algorithms5
*i played the demo of Dishonored 2 and liked it but i couldn't help but compare it to the HITMAN series and that's pretty much when all other stealth games become Undesirable in my world lol.*
To bad that games like dishonored and deux ex are dying , i Guess i had become old but i dont like the trend that the game industry is taking
Обесчещенные 2 - это шедевр.
Stealth mechanics are no good in this game they see through walls, see you on roofs they always see you they see you from a long long distance away hiding in the shadows it’s ridiculous it takes the fun out of it. The first game was an amazing game this one I don’t even want to play it haven’t finished it because of that.
after hour mine initial playstyle was alt f4 uninstall XD
Regarding the bleakness of the city, when you wonder if it's due to Delilah or Emily's rule. It is all explained in one of the missions (the one in the past). You just have to play the entire game, before, you know, making a review. But I appreciate that you liked it, I did too.