If the heroes had better decks than the villains, what kind of an underdog story would it be? They have to face overwhelming odds and come out on top, otherwise there's no drama!
Kripp doesn't evaluate based on metagame predictions (rather rating the cards in a pseudo vacuum) and also considers the cards arena strength. A lot of cards are much stronger in arena
I respect trump for even trying to predict the quality of new cards And sometimes he is wrong sometimes he is right which means its fun to look back on these videos :D
When he implemented this rating system he got shits by alot of comments, but they seem to have disappeared and people now think trumps system makes the most sense
@@gabrielyamatoy.matodraw5570 I hope you realise that the comment is completely well intentioned and you are starting an argument that makes people angry by getting offended off of it
@@gabrielyamatoy.matodraw5570 I think this time he's like 50% or less right. XD We currently allready have a slow meta, so there is room for wasting time on quests. Take giant cyclone mage. It often does nothing the first 5 turns.... Or control warrior does not do anything the entire game. XD
I'm surprised Sandstorm Elemental got only 2 stars. With the Lackey meta just around the corner, this little guy will be the prime minion to fight for the board.
@Jay It depends entirely on the meta. Seems like Lackeys and Token might be very common. Which makes the Sandstrom have high value if it kills lots of minions often. This would also make it a viable tech card making it unlikely to be a 1 star card. It should at least be a 2 star card.
Patrik Novák I believe that both Splitting Axe and Totemic Surge are theoretically good cards if Totem Shaman became a good deck. I don’t think this will happen this expansion, but I believe enough people will experiment with this idea to put these cards in the 2 Star category.
People always say "I can't wait to see how wrong Trump is" but I do have to say, Trump probably makes the most accurate ratings out of all HS youtubers. For example, he rated priest very low, even though priest cards seem really good. Yes, he could be wrong, but he has good arguments suggesting that priest will actually be bad, and I love that about his reviews.
Err... Sandstorm Elemental 2 star? It's a good early game card with good mid game benefits and it synergises with everything. I'm not seeing how it could possibly be 2 star.
right after the quest its 2 mana concenrate (with body and overload, but still). Considering the amount of 1 health reborn threats it is destined to be 5 star. Trump should've put more thought into it
@@timurashurov1569 I really hope you are not comparing this card to arcane explosion, that would be "delusional". Totally agree, this card is quite strong, especially if you can leverage the overload.
I think given the right amount of possible cards for a deck adding Zephyrus which if I understand correctly will always give lethal if it can is worth it. The amount of cross-class lethal possibilities makes it crazy
I’m not crying or a noob. It’s just poor design to have one card that by itself makes any attempt at a value deck futile because it generates so much value.
The one thing I see Earthquake being good for is removing all the Stickier boards (like Soul of the Murloc and Forest) which is why I feel it might be a strong pick to two strong decks. Granted, this is rather dependent on if these decks remain strong (and I do think they will be).
Ok, warlock deck idea: 1 Supreme Archeology Quest 2 Expired Merchant (2 or 1) Soulwarden (2 or 1) Siphon Soul 1 Diretroll 2 Mirage (4 mana 10 health taunt that shuffles on death Gameplan: Phase 1 Draw through an incredibly draw aggresive cheap zoo deck with lackey package (max value, min cost). Use expired merchant to discard one siphon soul, and one soulwarden exactly, then diretroll to discard a low cost card of your choosing (hopefully a lackey) Complete quest and go to fatigue. Phase 2 Every turn (now on 10 mana and in fatigue) play a 6 mana 6/6, that refills your hand with siphon soul (removal/sustain), another 6/6 (body), and a lackey (low cost flexible card). Then play a mirage taunt for 4 mana, or for 2 mana if its in your deck. Phase 3 Repeat while constantly filling your hand, and shuffling mirages to your deck so you won't fatigue Win condition: Any deck that is unable to kill you before they reach fatigue, loses by default. Weak to: OTK decks that deal more than 30 damge to face, since in all that time they probably got all their combo pieces together Any other value deck that can overcome constant 6/6 bodies protected by a big taunt, and can keep up with the siphon soul removal I literally just though of it, and its most definitely not refined but, could it work? (More importantly, can it outavalue battlecry shaman or boom mad genius? :/)
(Should have add this above but) Its not a current archetype, (not that I know of). It's an infinite resource generation only possible thanks to expired merchant and the 4 mana mirage taunt Even though it has the quest, its NOT plot twist warlock. The only reason it has the quest, is because youre gling to draw all your deck anyway, your interested on reaching fatigue, and once you get the infinite cycle going, getting the taunt for only 2 mana, means you can squeeze in 1 or 2 lackeys every turn (from diretroll discard) for even stronger turns, and avoid milling Do not assume its a normal zoo deck, its not built to not run out of fuel, its built to burn it as quick as possible, so its faster than normal, but also weaker, so i dont know if it will lose to tempo or not, simply because the lackey package alone seems super strong, but it may fail
@@Mouse_Librarian i disagree, malygos combos and leeroy are fine to me, leeroy got its burst potential in rogue and in other aggro decks its just a fireball for non mages, for malygos combos there Is Just so much combo distruption in standard its absurd
@Alessandro Lombardo I think the worst experiences I have with card games is losing while my opponent has no board. I think Malygos is the worst card Blizzard has ever designed and every loss to it made me stop playing for the day.
I think Tekhan and EVIL Recruiter actually do have good synergy together. Presuming you play Tekhan first actually, you can potentially have your 4/4 Lackey trade into another minion and then "resurrect" it into a new 5/5 Demon. That sounds pretty solid to me
I love how everybody kept saying that Evil Totem will suck and it's basically the new Mana Tide that has less health, costs less and generates 1-cost cards instead of drawing. It's almost the same, maybe even stronger than Mana Tide thanks to the synergies, and Mana Tide has always been "have-to-kill" unless trying to mill the opponent.
Don’t really understand the argument that tekahn is anti synergy to evil recruiter if tekahn was already played, at worst your giving a lacky +1/1 with a 3/3 body next to it, and at best you’re trading the 4/4 into something and resummoning it as a 5/5 a 3/3 body attached I don’t see the problem with running both
butthole parkinsons RIGHT!! Evil recruiter is great if ya cant get tekahn out. Tekahn is pure value. And once you do play tekahn Recruiter becomes basically a lacky healer.
So the dream warlock opening is the 3/2 imp then sinister dealings and lackey turn 2 turn 3 evil genius or neferset thrasher and turn 4 diseased vulture
Honestly, the success of taunt warrior HUGELY depends on drawing AT LEAST 1 out of 3 cards in a 30 card deck. That is why it will have consistency issues. When you do pull it off, it will be extremely strong. However, since it is inconsistent, I suspect it won't be a stable and strong meta deck.
You have to remember that Frightened Flunky will fetch Armagedillo fairly often. I doubt it will be tier 1, but I can't see it being lower than tier 3.
Coin, Jepetto, and Farsight are ways you could try to get it. However I do not think it would be that strong due to the hard limit they placed on Shudderwock giving you only 20 battlecries.
There are various cards from the TGT expansion that reduce the cost of your hero power, including Fencing Coach, which would make your hero power cost 0 every time you played Shudderwock.
Discard lackey control warlock? I tried out a discard zoo which would try to generate infinite lackeys by discarding one and then one soul warden and started going infinite but it sucked
Plague of flames will fit in suicide lock! Leper gnomes, kobold sandtroopers, whirligliders, explodinators, hellfires etc... board flooding face damage!
Trump can you please present cards not in the order of their mana cost but in the order you intend to discuss them? It is very confusing when you jump all over the place.
@@HighLanderPonyYT U just think that it limits the amount of decks that are viable without using a certain core set of really powerful cards. Take hearthstone grandmasters for example. Really only 4-5 decks see play there. Bomb/Control warrior, cyclone mage, tempo rouge, and mid-range Hunter. I would've preferred a set that didn't introduce so many new powerful decks, or *seemingly* must run cards like siamat.
Trump seriously?! Earthquake is 2 stars just because you don't think it will fit in a POSSIBLY meta deck? It counters tons of meta decks and possible meta decks. How many decks have been using snip snap? What about all the new "reborn" minions and how this will be a full clear off reborns? Volcano was a widely used control spell and personally I think earthquake is far better as it has less of a random element and is capable of more damage overall. Who knows if control shaman will be a thing and if it is this will most certainly be used in the deck. Just look at how many players tested it with success during the early release trials. Sorry but I think you're really under rating earthquake simply because you don't think it'll be used in battlecry shaman (despite many players using it in their battlecry decks in case they lose board initiative). At the very least it's a 3 star card but honestly it should be rated at 4 stars considering it's many uses and counters to the old and more than likely new meta.
That's a turn 8 combo. Which requires you to not play evil totem early, when it's at its best. By turn 8 4 0/2s is nothing so you're just paying 8 mana and 3 cards to draw 4 lackeys.
@@orangesilver8 Do you think you'll have your entire deck pulled out at Turn 8? I certainly don't. It was a thought for a mid/late game turn where you don't have played both Totems at Turn 2 and 3 (which btw would be stupid to do).
i.imgur.com/PBbpLlL.png "I don't have the imagination or capability to see how this card would be good, or basic understanding of how to rate cards as such." -Trump, every card.
The Magic Carpet Zoo has been proven to kind of suck in this meta. You don't want to give your minions rush because you want to be sacrificing them with EVIL Recruiter. Just lackey generators and the AMAZING thrasher combos with Nethersoul Buster and Vulture are enough to carry you through the game, and some solid sticky early minions too.
@@sleshstamp I was about to say that gameplan seems very dependant on the thrasher, but the same could be said for carpet XD We'll see what works best!
Yup, instead of magic carpet package theyll be better off with small self-damage package (flame imp, crystallizer, thrasher, vulture and duskbat) and lackey package (Deal, Genius, rat, recruiter, Tekhan)
Its so sad to have to think about control warrior in the back of your head as every card gets rated. For example, he says that the meta might need to shift around some early game removal for evil totem (which I totally agree with). If/When this happens, the archetype best situated to handle this threat will be control warrior: A) because control warrior already runs tons of early game removal, and thus wont have to throw in any new cards which would otherwise be situational, and B) because any early game threat removal that other classes sideboard in for that meta change will be useless against control warrior. Control warrior really goes to show how linear match ups in this game are compared to something like Magic the Gathering, where there are a bunch of different aggro decks, midrange decks, and control decks, each with their own win conditions and disruption techniques and weaknesses. In the context of a game with no other late game win conditions, Dr Boom is a mistake.
I don't know what were they thinking while creating that shit quest it is not even playable without plot twist also after all those 20 card drawing to complete quest you still have to pay 2 mana to draw a card lol.
Trumps rating system is base on how much play it will see and if the decks are considered tier 1. He is prediciting the meta when the expansion settles down, rather than critiquing cards individually. 5 stars for a card means that it will be regularly used in a tier 1 decks, 4 stars is sometimes used in a tier 1 deck or regular use in a tier 2 deck and so on. Trump is predicting that taunt warrior wont a strong enough deck to beat the other types of warrior (control and bomb), so armegadillo wont see any play.
@@Smilinturd Ive watched enough of his reviews to grasp his criteria. My point is Taunt War is a 3 card package above what is already automatically played in Warrior (2x Flunky, Armegadillo) not hard to fit for board value, which control warrior lacks mid-game.
He is just disregarding his own rules for rating, there are two star cards which may be good in niche decks like the warrior beast taunt which can just see play in a few decks but gets one star, the card is one of your only pay-offs in taunt warrior and can fit into big warrior as well as even just control warrior since it is just a strong card but it gets one star.
MoDRun trump rates on what he thinks the play rate of the card is going to be in the next meta not on the power level of the card. This is why he gets things wildly wrong because he is trying to predict the meta (an absolute impossible task) not talk about the power of the cards in of themselves.
Supreme archeology without plot twist is basically
"He's just standing there... *MENACINGLY* "
holy shit this is actually a JoJo reference
@@StefanoFierros Spongebob :3
@@AquaLantern oh that too
Stand Tom Kenney
Time stamps
Shamman: start of the video
Warlock: 05:00
Warrior: 10:25
Trump: 1 star on archaeology
Kibler: Am I a joke to you?
Kibler is a joke to everyone
Kibler is insane for rating anything above at most 2 stars.
Kibler rates everything 5 stars, literally for every card he reviews he goes "This has potential"
And then destroys ladder with whatever he picks. I mostly craft my decks based on Kibler reviews and I’m never disappointed.
@@CabbageYe All decks are five stars when Kibler is piloting them.
If the heroes had better decks than the villains, what kind of an underdog story would it be? They have to face overwhelming odds and come out on top, otherwise there's no drama!
paladin OP next expac let's go!
Hunter and Druid are tier 1 classes
Arrakiz666 So THIS is what Blizzard was thinking when they printed the Paladin set of SoU... explains why it’s so awful.
kripp: THIS card is ridiculous!!!
Trump: 1 star...
Kripp doesn't evaluate based on metagame predictions (rather rating the cards in a pseudo vacuum) and also considers the cards arena strength. A lot of cards are much stronger in arena
i just think trump is a "glass half empty" kinda person while kripp is a "glass half full" kinda person
@@mewtwotwo2222 r u on drugs, ur stating that the case is 50/50 but the OP comment is stating kripp rates 100/100 while trump rates 0/100
@@kingbling7571 What are you on? Their expressions to show a person mindset, their not to be taken literally.
Trump predicts the ammount of play a card is going to see, Kripparian rates how strong the card is individually. Very different things.
Class identity weakness:
Card generation.
Ikr, and wht trash cards paladin received, im kinda dissapointed
Weakness is drawing cards from your deck, not necessarily hand size.
I literally cant think of class (maybe mage?) That even rivals shamans ability to generate card. How did they get the class identity so wrong?
@@Moredakkamus they put both card draw and card generation as its weaknesses. Its ONLY weaknesses.
Well, they also wont/cant play as many big bois if you go for hand size. Maybe Mountain Giant, but no synergy w quest.
I respect trump for even trying to predict the quality of new cards
And sometimes he is wrong sometimes he is right which means its fun to look back on these videos :D
90% of the time hes right tho...
Gabriel Santana 20%*
When he implemented this rating system he got shits by alot of comments, but they seem to have disappeared and people now think trumps system makes the most sense
@@gabrielyamatoy.matodraw5570 I hope you realise that the comment is completely well intentioned and you are starting an argument that makes people angry by getting offended off of it
@@gabrielyamatoy.matodraw5570 I think this time he's like 50% or less right. XD We currently allready have a slow meta, so there is room for wasting time on quests. Take giant cyclone mage. It often does nothing the first 5 turns.... Or control warrior does not do anything the entire game. XD
I unironically really like how blizzard supports the evil 2 expansions in a row
I'm calling it, the next expansion will be about two leagues getting together to unfuck up things that happended during their conflict.
@@Salabar_ The old gods will return
@@Clever_man5 I hope not because the next year of expansions will suck by comparison
Of course a man of such *EVIL* and _h a n d s o m e_ visage would say so. 🐸
Doublechindoge 7 hehe man of culture
I'm surprised Sandstorm Elemental got only 2 stars. With the Lackey meta just around the corner, this little guy will be the prime minion to fight for the board.
Dont forget reborn minions coming back at 1 health.
@@mohabahmed2587 you're right, that rating seems like a miss to me
@Jay It depends entirely on the meta. Seems like Lackeys and Token might be very common. Which makes the Sandstrom have high value if it kills lots of minions often. This would also make it a viable tech card making it unlikely to be a 1 star card. It should at least be a 2 star card.
Just for fun, I’m gonna score all the cards using Trump’s rating system!
This is a continuation from the previous video.
Corrupt the Waters: 5 Stars
Sandstorm Elemental: 5 Stars
EVIL Totem: 4 Stars
Weaponized Wasp: 5 Stars
Earthquake: 2 Stars
Plague of Murlocs: 4 Stars
Splitting Axe: 2 Stars
Totemic Surge: 2 Stars
Mogu Fleshshaper: 2 Stars
Vessina: 4 Stars
Supreme Archaeology: 1 Star
Plague of Flames: 5 Stars
Impbalming: 1 Star
Expired Merchant: 2 Stars
Sinister Deal: 3 Stars
EVIL Recruiter: 5 Stars
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn: 2 Stars
Neferset Thrasher: 4 Stars
Diseased Vulture: 3 Stars
Riftcleaver: 2 Stars
Hack the System: 1 Star
Livewire Lance: 2 Stars
Armored Goon: 1 Star
Into the Fray: 2 Stars
Frightened Flunky: 4 Stars
Armagedillo: 3 Stars
Tomb Warden: 3 Stars
Restless Mummy: 4 Stars
Plague of Wrath: 2 Stars
Bloodsworn Mercenary: 4 Stars
If anyone has any questions about my ratings, feel free to ask!
Splitting axe 2 stars?
Patrik Novák
I believe that both Splitting Axe and Totemic Surge are theoretically good cards if Totem Shaman became a good deck. I don’t think this will happen this expansion, but I believe enough people will experiment with this idea to put these cards in the 2 Star category.
@@connorm9156 thank you
Gotta love this mad men! We‘ll See if he is right and if Not so that Makes the Trump Reviews Trump Reviews even more entertaining :D
People always say "I can't wait to see how wrong Trump is" but I do have to say, Trump probably makes the most accurate ratings out of all HS youtubers. For example, he rated priest very low, even though priest cards seem really good. Yes, he could be wrong, but he has good arguments suggesting that priest will actually be bad, and I love that about his reviews.
The Uldum metagame: I'm about to end this man's whole career
Err... Sandstorm Elemental 2 star? It's a good early game card with good mid game benefits and it synergises with everything. I'm not seeing how it could possibly be 2 star.
right after the quest its 2 mana concenrate (with body and overload, but still). Considering the amount of 1 health reborn threats it is destined to be 5 star. Trump should've put more thought into it
Gotta agree with you there, seems like a missed rating
@@timurashurov1569 yeah 1 dmg not doing anything against giant mage or control warrior.
@@timurashurov1569 Lackeys are still strong
@@timurashurov1569 I really hope you are not comparing this card to arcane explosion, that would be "delusional".
Totally agree, this card is quite strong, especially if you can leverage the overload.
Trump on Bloodsworn Mercenary: The effect is worth, *5 mana*
Sudden Genesis: *Cries in 1 star*
I think given the right amount of possible cards for a deck adding Zephyrus which if I understand correctly will always give lethal if it can is worth it. The amount of cross-class lethal possibilities makes it crazy
Hey Trump, I used your affiliate link for both the pre-orders. How much moneys do you get?
Dr. Boom mad genius is so limiting to what will see play. It’s really aggravating
Still cant believe that card hasn't been nerfed, could be 10 mana even and still see lots of play.
I’m not crying or a noob. It’s just poor design to have one card that by itself makes any attempt at a value deck futile because it generates so much value.
The one thing I see Earthquake being good for is removing all the Stickier boards (like Soul of the Murloc and Forest) which is why I feel it might be a strong pick to two strong decks. Granted, this is rather dependent on if these decks remain strong (and I do think they will be).
Ok, warlock deck idea:
1 Supreme Archeology Quest
2 Expired Merchant
(2 or 1) Soulwarden
(2 or 1) Siphon Soul
1 Diretroll
2 Mirage (4 mana 10 health taunt that shuffles on death
Phase 1
Draw through an incredibly draw aggresive cheap zoo deck with lackey package (max value, min cost). Use expired merchant to discard one siphon soul, and one soulwarden exactly, then diretroll to discard a low cost card of your choosing (hopefully a lackey)
Complete quest and go to fatigue.
Phase 2
Every turn (now on 10 mana and in fatigue) play a 6 mana 6/6, that refills your hand with siphon soul (removal/sustain), another 6/6 (body), and a lackey (low cost flexible card). Then play a mirage taunt for 4 mana, or for 2 mana if its in your deck.
Phase 3
Repeat while constantly filling your hand, and shuffling mirages to your deck so you won't fatigue
Win condition:
Any deck that is unable to kill you before they reach fatigue, loses by default.
Weak to:
OTK decks that deal more than 30 damge to face, since in all that time they probably got all their combo pieces together
Any other value deck that can overcome constant 6/6 bodies protected by a big taunt, and can keep up with the siphon soul removal
I literally just though of it, and its most definitely not refined but, could it work?
(More importantly, can it outavalue battlecry shaman or boom mad genius? :/)
(Should have add this above but)
Its not a current archetype, (not that I know of). It's an infinite resource generation only possible thanks to expired merchant and the 4 mana mirage taunt
Even though it has the quest, its NOT plot twist warlock. The only reason it has the quest, is because youre gling to draw all your deck anyway, your interested on reaching fatigue, and once you get the infinite cycle going, getting the taunt for only 2 mana, means you can squeeze in 1 or 2 lackeys every turn (from diretroll discard) for even stronger turns, and avoid milling
Do not assume its a normal zoo deck, its not built to not run out of fuel, its built to burn it as quick as possible, so its faster than normal, but also weaker, so i dont know if it will lose to tempo or not, simply because the lackey package alone seems super strong, but it may fail
Bloodsworn mercenary will be the reason they nerf leeroy again 🔮🔮🔮
11 mana gromh + double inner rage + bloodsworn thingy
28 DMG
The only important question Is if Warrior can reduce 1 mana of a card
I genuinely think the game would be twice as enjoyable if Leeroy and Malygos were hall-of-famed.
@@Mouse_Librarian i disagree, malygos combos and leeroy are fine to me, leeroy got its burst potential in rogue and in other aggro decks its just a fireball for non mages, for malygos combos there Is Just so much combo distruption in standard its absurd
@Alessandro Lombardo I think the worst experiences I have with card games is losing while my opponent has no board. I think Malygos is the worst card Blizzard has ever designed and every loss to it made me stop playing for the day.
I think Tekhan and EVIL Recruiter actually do have good synergy together. Presuming you play Tekhan first actually, you can potentially have your 4/4 Lackey trade into another minion and then "resurrect" it into a new 5/5 Demon. That sounds pretty solid to me
I love how everybody kept saying that Evil Totem will suck and it's basically the new Mana Tide that has less health, costs less and generates 1-cost cards instead of drawing. It's almost the same, maybe even stronger than Mana Tide thanks to the synergies, and Mana Tide has always been "have-to-kill" unless trying to mill the opponent.
Don’t really understand the argument that tekahn is anti synergy to evil recruiter
if tekahn was already played, at worst your giving a lacky +1/1 with a 3/3 body next to it, and at best you’re trading the 4/4 into something and resummoning it as a 5/5 a 3/3 body attached
I don’t see the problem with running both
butthole parkinsons RIGHT!! Evil recruiter is great if ya cant get tekahn out. Tekahn is pure value. And once you do play tekahn Recruiter becomes basically a lacky healer.
What happened to the neutral video
it was meant to be released tomorrow...
but i already watched it ;)
@@PotatoLord94 I was midway through
I came here as soon as the last review finished lol
Just bought the packs with your link trump keep up the great work! :D
Sorry trump, im too poor to spend $ on hearthstone.
But i can like your videos!
So the dream warlock opening is the 3/2 imp then sinister dealings and lackey turn 2 turn 3 evil genius or neferset thrasher and turn 4 diseased vulture
Trump:"Warrior also getting strong cards". Almost every warrior cards: 1 STAR
TIL "almost" = "exactly the half".
Grats, you completely missed the point of the rating system.
I love how trump assumes i didnt buy the full 130 the day it came out
Mark my words: Trump putting the Taunt package for Warrior at 1 star is going to be this year's Corridor Creeper
I wouldn't say that but I think he did underrate it. I think Taunt Warrior will be a tier 3 deck so the 1 star cards instead are 3 stars.
Don't forget that he thinks that it's a strong deck but too weak compared to other decks what makes it a weak deck.
Honestly, the success of taunt warrior HUGELY depends on drawing AT LEAST 1 out of 3 cards in a 30 card deck. That is why it will have consistency issues. When you do pull it off, it will be extremely strong. However, since it is inconsistent, I suspect it won't be a stable and strong meta deck.
You have to remember that Frightened Flunky will fetch Armagedillo fairly often. I doubt it will be tier 1, but I can't see it being lower than tier 3.
@@arcticwolf6402 also that control warrior just might still be better so why bother run the new stuff ya know.
LOOOOL i have in mind the BEST meca t´hun deck ever made
i bet this video will age really well
Hold up, question; Reborn Mummy is also a tempo warrior card. 6 damage to minions on t4 is great, and plays a similar role to the 4 Mana charge minion
What 4 mana Charge minion ?
4 mana 4/3 Charge for warrior
Where's the question?
Too bad Shudderwock doesn’t work with the quest except when you have the coin.
@@Vince-Iaboni hero power coin shudder
You can jepetto the shudderwock aswell
Omg hero power Jepetto in a big shaman
Coin, Jepetto, and Farsight are ways you could try to get it. However I do not think it would be that strong due to the hard limit they placed on Shudderwock giving you only 20 battlecries.
There are various cards from the TGT expansion that reduce the cost of your hero power, including Fencing Coach, which would make your hero power cost 0 every time you played Shudderwock.
Bloodsworn effect is worth 5 mana? It was a 3 mana spell that hit multiple targets and it was trash.
Wild meta more interesting than standard at this point. Wish trump would do ratings with wild in mind
Wild is crapp and is for noobs
warlock quest and plot twist fits into any warlock deck
Discard lackey control warlock? I tried out a discard zoo which would try to generate infinite lackeys by discarding one and then one soul warden and started going infinite but it sucked
Is it possible silence lackeys effected by tekham?
3 Trump videos within 5 hours? oh hell yeah!
Restless Mummy is the best control warrior card my lord
Its a fire ball
But more flexible
Plague of flames will fit in suicide lock! Leper gnomes, kobold sandtroopers, whirligliders, explodinators, hellfires etc... board flooding face damage!
Wasn't Sandstorm Elemental a 3/2 when it was initially revealed? Or am I crazy?
Andy Spendlove you’re thinking quicksand elemental which is a 3/2 that reduces all enemy minions attack by 2 for your turn.
Amazing, he actually got kinda right one class out of the nine, the shaman ratings were the only accurate. Well, that's something.
Would corrupt the waters be able to deal with zoo?
All I can see is the dream of landing Bloodsworn Mercenary on Grommash Hellscream. If it could just survive one turn.
Are you sure you're allowed to promote your affiliate link? I've heard that you're not meant to advertise it for some reason.
It's fine, he'll manage.
Pavel: sand screnshot with Trump: Coreedor creeper - 1 star
i’m really hoping we get mid season buffs bc these hero’s don’t seem to have much of a chance
Earthquake is very good at killing reborn minions, just let you know🤩
did you saw a good deck running Reborn minions in the pre phase. I dont saw. So it doesnt matters.
Control warlock is gonna be amazing, calling it!
No way is tomb warden 1 star. I will enchant a golden octosari if it is.
Last time i was this early youtube acually paid youtubers
Trump Quest Ratings
Druid: Untapped Potential 4/5 Stars
Hunter: Unseal the Vault 1/5 Stars
Mage: Raid the Sky Temple 1/5 Stars
Paladin: Making Mummies 1/5 Stars
Priest: Activate the Obelisk 2/5 Stars
Rogue: Bazaar Burglary 4/5 Stars
Shaman: Corrupt the Waters 5/5 Stars
Warlock: Supreme Archaeology 1/5 Stars
Warrior: Hack the System 1/5 (Trump's card)
I got downvoted to oblivion on the HS forums for saying Tekhan wouldn't see play since it has negative synergy with Recruiter, which Trump agrees with
after watching all of these and esp the last one
future trump is dissapointed
Disappointed in the sense that he'll turn out to be wrong? I don' know if that would disappoint him, especially with Priest's cards.
@@Arrakiz666 i suppose
i just tried to get alot of likes with a funne joke
How tf did he give earthquake 2 stars?! Its pretty much a direct upgrade to flamestrike!
Trump can you please present cards not in the order of their mana cost but in the order you intend to discuss them? It is very confusing when you jump all over the place.
6:40 will be funny in the future.
I think this set in general is too strong. I'm not really a fan of how powerful some of these cards are.
Mfw people hate strong cards smh
@@HighLanderPonyYT U just think that it limits the amount of decks that are viable without using a certain core set of really powerful cards. Take hearthstone grandmasters for example. Really only 4-5 decks see play there. Bomb/Control warrior, cyclone mage, tempo rouge, and mid-range Hunter. I would've preferred a set that didn't introduce so many new powerful decks, or *seemingly* must run cards like siamat.
Trump seriously?! Earthquake is 2 stars just because you don't think it will fit in a POSSIBLY meta deck? It counters tons of meta decks and possible meta decks. How many decks have been using snip snap? What about all the new "reborn" minions and how this will be a full clear off reborns? Volcano was a widely used control spell and personally I think earthquake is far better as it has less of a random element and is capable of more damage overall. Who knows if control shaman will be a thing and if it is this will most certainly be used in the deck. Just look at how many players tested it with success during the early release trials.
Sorry but I think you're really under rating earthquake simply because you don't think it'll be used in battlecry shaman (despite many players using it in their battlecry decks in case they lose board initiative).
At the very least it's a 3 star card but honestly it should be rated at 4 stars considering it's many uses and counters to the old and more than likely new meta.
Shaman is an absolute Chad 👏
Trump doesn't see that Splitting Axe will summon 4 EVIL Totems with just 8 Mana... Shame.
That's a turn 8 combo. Which requires you to not play evil totem early, when it's at its best. By turn 8 4 0/2s is nothing so you're just paying 8 mana and 3 cards to draw 4 lackeys.
@@orangesilver8 I'm just going to pretend you're explaining why his post is purposefully amusing. Rather than just missing the humour altogether.
@@orangesilver8 Do you think you'll have your entire deck pulled out at Turn 8? I certainly don't.
It was a thought for a mid/late game turn where you don't have played both Totems at Turn 2 and 3 (which btw would be stupid to do).
@@Skaless He wasn't joking, no need to save his face. Lol
Madman, Earthquake 2 stars
Totemic Surge: 1 star
Even shaman: Are you sure about that
The only way to do that in standard is to play a singleton deck and get sir finley of underbelly angler.
"I don't have the imagination or capability to see how this card would be good, or basic understanding of how to rate cards as such." -Trump, every card.
Powercreeping Bolderfist Oger? Impossible.
Iunno about standard or care about it at all, but in wild Expired merchant is 5 stars easy.
People are still uploading Zoo decks with Magic Carpet but I think it should be abandoned to go for lackey package + self-damage package refinement.
Lackeys work well with magic carpet though. I honestly think a combination of the 2 will be best.
??? you are supposed to play lackey with magic carpet
The Magic Carpet Zoo has been proven to kind of suck in this meta. You don't want to give your minions rush because you want to be sacrificing them with EVIL Recruiter. Just lackey generators and the AMAZING thrasher combos with Nethersoul Buster and Vulture are enough to carry you through the game, and some solid sticky early minions too.
@@sleshstamp I was about to say that gameplan seems very dependant on the thrasher, but the same could be said for carpet XD We'll see what works best!
Yup, instead of magic carpet package theyll be better off with small self-damage package (flame imp, crystallizer, thrasher, vulture and duskbat) and lackey package (Deal, Genius, rat, recruiter, Tekhan)
Earthquake is NOT a 2 star card. It completely destroys token matchups and reborn synergy. This will be like defile where trump thought defile was bad
sandstorm elemental could fit in battlecry shaman tho
Its so sad to have to think about control warrior in the back of your head as every card gets rated. For example, he says that the meta might need to shift around some early game removal for evil totem (which I totally agree with). If/When this happens, the archetype best situated to handle this threat will be control warrior: A) because control warrior already runs tons of early game removal, and thus wont have to throw in any new cards which would otherwise be situational, and B) because any early game threat removal that other classes sideboard in for that meta change will be useless against control warrior. Control warrior really goes to show how linear match ups in this game are compared to something like Magic the Gathering, where there are a bunch of different aggro decks, midrange decks, and control decks, each with their own win conditions and disruption techniques and weaknesses. In the context of a game with no other late game win conditions, Dr Boom is a mistake.
Plot twist warlock will get better, so you can play it more often if you wish to have fun deck.
15:50 you are welcome
2:05 Thrall approves
He loves his 1-3 drops
I’m watching on my phone and the cards are really hard to see, I wish thy were just a bit bigger when they were being talked about.
It seems like you rate the cards based on their potential archetype and not their actual power.
He rates them based on how likely they are to be seen and relevant in the meta.
Zephyrus giving bloodlust to a zoo singleton warlock... Pogg
I told you that warlock quest is garbage. Drawing 20 cards lul and it doenst even gift my minions 4/4 for finish the quest.
I don't know what were they thinking while creating that shit quest it is not even playable without plot twist also after all those 20 card drawing to complete quest you still have to pay 2 mana to draw a card lol.
Actually plague of wrath is 10 stars because of its animation
The feelsGoodMan Trio
Shaman it is then.
I saw the neutral ratings in my recommended, where is it youtube?
Cant read anything! Love your stuff still!
I think Armegadillo is 3 star, only 6 mana, solid buff, big distraction play and can be pulled from Flunky.
Trumps rating system is base on how much play it will see and if the decks are considered tier 1. He is prediciting the meta when the expansion settles down, rather than critiquing cards individually. 5 stars for a card means that it will be regularly used in a tier 1 decks, 4 stars is sometimes used in a tier 1 deck or regular use in a tier 2 deck and so on. Trump is predicting that taunt warrior wont a strong enough deck to beat the other types of warrior (control and bomb), so armegadillo wont see any play.
@@Smilinturd Ive watched enough of his reviews to grasp his criteria. My point is Taunt War is a 3 card package above what is already automatically played in Warrior (2x Flunky, Armegadillo) not hard to fit for board value, which control warrior lacks mid-game.
Please work on your audio quality! Something needs adjusted.
sounds fine to me?
It's still sad to me how flaccid Supreme Archeology is. Rafaam deserves better.
Anything that counters that fucking murloc shaman is my pick
Too small can't see on mobile.
Really, earthquake 2 stars?
3 worthless imps isn't downside if you have Rafaam. Extra legenderies!!
Where da 1 star meme squad at?
expired merchant might see play in some deck that wants to copy a low cost card like lackey generator i feel like
0:15 Profit ??? Not even value?
He is just disregarding his own rules for rating, there are two star cards which may be good in niche decks like the warrior beast taunt which can just see play in a few decks but gets one star, the card is one of your only pay-offs in taunt warrior and can fit into big warrior as well as even just control warrior since it is just a strong card but it gets one star.
Love you you mad man
........ in the card reveal u say totemic surge is REALLY good then u rate it 1 star..........
MoDRun trump rates on what he thinks the play rate of the card is going to be in the next meta not on the power level of the card. This is why he gets things wildly wrong because he is trying to predict the meta (an absolute impossible task) not talk about the power of the cards in of themselves.
@Jay Card is crazy good, now and forever.