@@jozefspodniak1871 Kofola je česká, to že se vyrábí také na Slovensku neznamená, že je slovenská. Zjisti si informace.. Kofola Krnov, Czech republic, odkdy je Krnov na Slovensku. Kofolu vlastní potomomek řeckých emigrantů, JAnis Samaras z Krnova. Mimochodem firma Kofola vlastní další fabriky, nejen na Slovensku. Je to všude na Netu, stačí se podívat a neplácat nesmysly. Slovenská byla Vinea, kterou právě Kofola koupila, stejně tak i další firmu na minerlní vody...na Slovesku má pobočku, stejně tak jako v Polsku, Slovinsku, Maďarsku...ZA chcíli budeš tvrdit , že Škodovka je Slovenská, ani by mě to nepřekvapilo.
Look, this is a thing about this man, a foreign-looking man explaining, showing Czechia from a different angle. He makes videos from the countryside, in English showing all the nature and beauty Czechia has outside of gigantic cities. Respect for this man deserves more subs and credit for his content.
Vždyť on to ale není celé. Jen si kousne. Já tu u videa řvu: ''Tak to alespoň dojez celé, když je to tak VERY NICE! '' Hrozne toto, já bych si nemohl jen kousnout a jít dál :D
I just genuinely like how simple is the video, no annoying music, no unnecessary talks, just a one camera, table, some snacks, and you enjoying yourself....good video
I am Czech and im impressed about how you say the czech names of the snacks and the start when you said : "dobrý den." i literally gave a like right the time you said it good job. (edit: I never had so many likes Thank you all)
I'm from the Czech Republic and it's cute to see someone is eating Czech sweets for the first time. I hope you like it in the Czech Republic. Lots of love!!
I'm so proud that i see someone who is Rating it fairly and honestly, It's very nice to see someone like you from other countries that enjoy our sweet and Kofola is the best drink we're making here! 🙌🏻
Studentska pecat je este vacsi odpad nez Orion. Cokolada co nema ani gram kakakaoveho masla a vsetko je nahradene palmovim olejom ani cokolada nie je....... Legislativne je to len kakaova pochutka. Orion ma na obale uvadzane len - Orion mlecna, bohata cokoladova chut, ale nikde zmienku o cokolade..... Studentska pecat ta samozrejme tiez nikde nema zmienku o tom, ze to je cokolada. 😂 Ale ludia su blbi...... a necitaju zlozenie..... Este aj totalne lacne cokolady z Kauflandu a Lidlu, co stoja desatinu ceny studentskej pecate, maju len kakaove maslo bez jedineho gramu palmoveho oleja.......
Tzn vyvinuta v česku (ano v československu ale na uzemi čech) a vyráběna v česku. (Pobočky má i v jiných zemích ale prvně byly čechy.) Tak doufam že jsme si to ujasnili a jsi zase o kousek chytřejší =)
I love how you pronounce names of these companies. I mean you pronounce it right in most cases, but with the accent it hits different. Also i love how translator translates hořčice as horseshit :D
Wow, it's amazing that you can speak such nice Czech, Czech is very difficult, I have many problems with the problem, and I was born in the Czech Republic. Congratulations 🦋
exactly, I couldn't agree more with your final choice, I love those things too :) also, since we're talking about Czechia, it could be cool to make a video about foods that are great when drinking beer and after drinking beer, you know: utopenec, nakládaný hermelín, tvarůžky, zavináče, nakládané okurky... you get the idea :D
Tatranky was the first Czech sweet I tried when I moved to Prague and now that I'm not living there anymore, I miss it so much haha I think the most Czech chocolate you should try is Orion Studentska. I personally don't like it very much because it has raisins, but some people go mad about it. Good video!
Haha yes i also do not like raisins but the original Orion chocolate is the best.. And i like and koko are my two favourite chocolate here in Czech. Thanks for watching!
I wish that you described each item you were eating. The first item was strawberry but was it a gummy? Or dries strawberries? What does Kofola taste like? Much more detail was needed.
Kofola is cola drink with herbs inside. It´s not that sweet like Coca Cola or Pepsi. Fot me it´s best for refreshing in really hot day. Really cold Kofola with ice... I love it. And we have different flavour. Citrus Kofola, watermelon, raspberry, blackberry Kofola. Some of them are only in a half liter bottle.
I thought you would like the basic cola, sprite etc. mainstream soda more. But hearing that Kofola is your most favorite fizzy drink, makes me really proud. BTW I drink Kofola instead of water, It's all I drink, Don't get too hooked like me xD
@@AndreTraveler Have you been in Ostrava yet? Btw you have really good taste in sweets, I actually like the same things (except of Koko, I don't like sweets with coconut flavor) and I also don't like Tatranky and Horalky (I eat it only when I REALLY need to eat something sweet and doesn't have any other sweets).
Thank you for the positive tasting of our sweets and saltiness, kofola is also my favorite lemonade and I don't need much horalky so thank you very much
Hi im very happy that you tryed our snacks its very kind to see someone from diferent country come in diferent countries and yes i dont care that this was a year ago ill still comment :)
Respektuji že náký pán z zahraničí ocení něco z českých a slovenských sladkostí náhodou řekl správně "brumík" což je hustý. I respect you, Mann good luck
Anoo, miluju tyhle tipy videii, jsem mega rád že jsem narazil na tenhle kanál. Jo menší tip, jak jste říkal že kofola je nejlepší šumivý nápoj, zajděte si někam do české hospody nebo restaurace a zkuste čepovanou kofolu, to je teprv něco Translate: Yes, I love these video tips, I'm so glad I came across this channel. Yeah, a little tip, as you said that kofola is the best fizzy drink, go somewhere to a Czech pub or restaurant and try tapped kofola, that's just something
Amazing video from the very beginning .. I was very surprised that such a video has existed for a year and I have not seen it ... I give a subscribe bro and I'm looking forward to more videos, whether you like it in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, greetings from Slovakia 👋 🇸🇰
Hi André, nice video. And "Tatranky - energy packet to travel" :-) Is no extra delicious but is good when you walking somewhere and you will be hungry then Tatranky are first help :-D . Sorry for my english
@@AndreTraveler I can give you some recommendations about non mainstream breweries if you want. Pilsner beer is good, but we have lot of great beers :)
@@AndreTraveler I find Pilsner quite overrated. It's the most famous beer outside of Czech Republic but in my opinion Radegast, Kozel, Braník or Holba are much better.
I love the fact he even made this video but foreigners need to bloody learn we are not Czechoslovakia anymore. All the stuff in the video is predominantly Czech!!!
I know it is Czech but also most of stuff was invented back then when it was CzechoSlovakia and Czech and Slovakian people were having a dispute in my comment section so I just thought I will try to make everyone happy. Thank you for watching
Its awesome seeing this, really did my day. Thanks. Im from Slovakia and Horalka is my childhood and yes kofola is great, better than other id say. You should try our national food xd. Spoiled Milk with... Idk whats it called it english, thats maybe because it isnt translated.
ano to mají ale já si pamatuju pálení českých vlajek ( tenkrád samozřejmě československých ) :D :D :D víš když češí došli na slovensko tak tam bylo jen velmy málo učitelů a byla to velmy zaostalá země vynechám meziobdobí a slovensko se prostě chtělo osamostatnit .... ale stále mě uniká to čím jsme mi češi byli tak strašně špatní že jste se prostě chtěli trhnout .... zřejmě jsme vám udělali něco velmy zlého :D :D
@@zecmikoko1172 pravda le my máme hrozno vládu i teť sere co može ... a mimochodem nechcete toho zloděje Bureše z5??? jako premiér rozkrádá jen stát .. byt po mém tak by to pro ně skončilo hodně špatně .... nehledě na to že agrofert ukradl vám slovákům
Hi! It´s really nice to see someone, who tried our sweets. I really like Tatranky/Horalky/other-same-type to traveling, cause it´s good small snack, easy to put it in the pocket and go out, but it must be nuts flavour. =D About Kofola... It´s the best cola drink for me. I really love it. =D
Je skvělý koukat na seriózního dospělého, který mluví o brumíkovi.
Snad si to nepřloží xD
It's really nice to see you enjoy our sweets.
Aby jsi se neposral
@@johnybrawo5850 Nesnáším lidi jako ty, toxic kidi....
@@ElDorito69 neasi, debílek má prázdniny, sedí celý den na prdeli a nudí se doma
@@johnybrawo5850 *ses
it's really great to look at someone who eats Czech sweets when I'm Czech
Kofola is my favourite soft drink ever 😍
Mine too 🙂
@jozef spodniak What are u talking about? Kofola was
invented in Czech Republic.
@@jozefspodniak1871 Kofola je česká, to že se vyrábí také na Slovensku neznamená, že je slovenská. Zjisti si informace.. Kofola Krnov, Czech republic, odkdy je Krnov na Slovensku. Kofolu vlastní potomomek řeckých emigrantů, JAnis Samaras z Krnova. Mimochodem firma Kofola vlastní další fabriky, nejen na Slovensku. Je to všude na Netu, stačí se podívat a neplácat nesmysly. Slovenská byla Vinea, kterou právě Kofola koupila, stejně tak i další firmu na minerlní vody...na Slovesku má pobočku, stejně tak jako v Polsku, Slovinsku, Maďarsku...ZA chcíli budeš tvrdit , že Škodovka je Slovenská, ani by mě to nepřekvapilo.
@@thischannelisrecordingmyli3975 Kofola je sýtený nealkoholický nápoj vyrábaný na Slovensku a v Česku.
@@heberoid Kofola je sýtený nealkoholický nápoj vyrábaný na Slovensku a v Česku.
Respect that you said "Brumík", it's hard for most people to say any Czech words
Yea, everybody say that. And for us - from czech - Is so So So so easy say that.😆😆😆 And really funny how you say that (don't want be rude XD).
I know its not easy but i know how to say řeřicha now (:
Bcs i enjoy classes of "Český jazyk" in my school
@@0neAndOnly_Veve well,now you know a language that almost nobody knows, congrats :)
@@0neAndOnly_Veve where Are you live ? When you don't mind 😁😅
@@m1kk183 right :)
Look, this is a thing about this man, a foreign-looking man explaining, showing Czechia from a different angle. He makes videos from the countryside, in English showing all the nature and beauty Czechia has outside of gigantic cities. Respect for this man deserves more subs and credit for his content.
Super, člověče ty musíš mít dobrý trávení. Já to takhle namixovat , tak po videu letím na záchod!🤣
Taky no
Vždyť on to ale není celé. Jen si kousne. Já tu u videa řvu: ''Tak to alespoň dojez celé, když je to tak VERY NICE! '' Hrozne toto, já bych si nemohl jen kousnout a jít dál :D
@@Ondra.....96 víš jak se po tom tloustne
@@Ondra.....96 hej presne :-DDDDD
@@Ondra.....96 tak keby vsetko zozral v kazdom videu tak ma zachvilu asi 130 kg :D
lovely to see you enjoying our sweets and snacks :)
Thank you 😊
Me slovakia
@@lukaszubricky2345 me czech
Me to 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿
@@Tedysek_ nice kluci
I just genuinely like how simple is the video, no annoying music, no unnecessary talks, just a one camera, table, some snacks, and you enjoying yourself....good video
Čau jsem rád že aspoň nějací lidé natáčí českou republiku jako cizinci :D
Edit : ty likes :c XD
to je pravda
Českou ale i slovenskou republiku ale osobně já jsem čech
Se koukni na od kud fizi kopiruje videa
Ale tak zas poznať Česko je dosť common, bcs Praha. Do Prahy sa sťahujú aj napr. z Paríža
I am Czech and im impressed about how you say the czech names of the snacks and the start when you said : "dobrý den." i literally gave a like right the time you said it good job.
(edit: I never had so many likes Thank you all)
I saw his other videos, where he speaks with Czech people, he does an amazing job picking up the Czech accent and pronunciation.
who cares
@@sweedy7937 who cares about your opinion
@@lucietopinkova7383 nobody. Enjoy your day u ego lady ;)
I am from cz and had all these things and I could feel the taste inside my mouth. very ice review
Very happy that you added "Slovakian" to the name of the video. Ďakujem, ako Slováka ma to teší :)
Já tam teda neviděl ani jednu slovenskou věc, takže to moc nechápu. :-D
@@dobryden.6241 taky xD
@@dobryden.6241 horalky
@@dobryden.6241 šak kofola je slovenský nápoj 🤦♂️ a nie český
Kde jste na to přišel? Recept vznikl v Praze, jen část výroby byla na Slovensku...😉
Osobne tatranky tiež nemusím. Horalky sú lepšie. A Mila je top.
Mě osobně chutnají Tatranky.
@Rastislav Lukačko nie je. Je tam rozdiel v tej oplátke. Tatranky sú tvrdšie.
presne mila je topovka :-D
@@jozoslovac pozor aby si sa nestratil
I am watching this in lockdown 2020 and I am so sad that I can’t go to Slovakia this year to go have a nice time with my family
Hopefully soon everything will be over then we can all travel 😊
I m from czech republic and this is my sweets my childhood 😵
@@petravasmerova673 česi sou naši bratia (slovak)
So glad to hear that you like Kofola! It’s my favourite drink :D
I'm from the Czech Republic and it's cute to see someone is eating Czech sweets for the first time. I hope you like it in the Czech Republic. Lots of love!!
Jasně srry i když se mi zdálo že to byly jenom České
@@Bee_-dp4qr nie všetky :D
@@qUranium_ jj já vím
Skoro všetko tam bolo slovenske
you can see that you like things from us in the Czech Republic and we definitely appreciate that someone from abroad is trying our food👍
I'm so proud that i see someone who is Rating it fairly and honestly, It's very nice to see someone like you from other countries that enjoy our sweet and Kofola is the best drink we're making here! 🙌🏻
You should try chocolate named ''Studentská pečeť'' it's really good too. And good video it's nice to see someone being interested in our country 👍
Studentska pecat je este vacsi odpad nez Orion. Cokolada co nema ani gram kakakaoveho masla a vsetko je nahradene palmovim olejom ani cokolada nie je....... Legislativne je to len kakaova pochutka. Orion ma na obale uvadzane len - Orion mlecna, bohata cokoladova chut, ale nikde zmienku o cokolade..... Studentska pecat ta samozrejme tiez nikde nema zmienku o tom, ze to je cokolada. 😂 Ale ludia su blbi...... a necitaju zlozenie..... Este aj totalne lacne cokolady z Kauflandu a Lidlu, co stoja desatinu ceny studentskej pecate, maju len kakaove maslo bez jedineho gramu palmoveho oleja.......
Kofola je náš národní klenot =D
@@m.midaron ...kofola je česká =)
Tzn vyvinuta v česku (ano v československu ale na uzemi čech) a vyráběna v česku. (Pobočky má i v jiných zemích ale prvně byly čechy.) Tak doufam že jsme si to ujasnili a jsi zase o kousek chytřejší =)
@@anet2356 Opava je Morava. To si len vy Pepici este aj Moravu privlastnujete...... Vyvinuta bola v Galene Opava. Respektive sirup Kofo.
@@dzonymemonic3653 hej ja jsem z moravy ._. A jinak čechy morava a slezsko dnes tvoří čr
It’s nice to see people from diffrend countries are enjoying our snacks :D
I love how you pronounce names of these companies. I mean you pronounce it right in most cases, but with the accent it hits different. Also i love how translator translates hořčice as horseshit :D
Wow, it's amazing that you can speak such nice Czech, Czech is very difficult, I have many problems with the problem, and I was born in the Czech Republic. Congratulations 🦋
Parádní ochutnávka!🇨🇿
Bless ya man from Slovakia 🥰🇸🇰
My God, there isnt exist a person that dislikes you! Youre Amazing Dude! Every single video you made is Great! Love it! Keep it up!
True i have the same opinion.
exactly, I couldn't agree more with your final choice, I love those things too :) also, since we're talking about Czechia, it could be cool to make a video about foods that are great when drinking beer and after drinking beer, you know: utopenec, nakládaný hermelín, tvarůžky, zavináče, nakládané okurky... you get the idea :D
Yes great ideal we can give that a try sometime
@@AndreTraveler hi Brumík je fór me best
I come from the Czech Republic great video :)
Já pocházím z České Republiky skvělé video :)
Yay, he likes Kofola, I've never seen a foreigner liking it. So awesome
I'm English and I like it. Been drinking it for 14 years in Bratislava :)
@@cashcrop70 You can call yourself an OG now
I've got a friend in China who demands every time I visit him I should bring a bag full of Kofolas. :)
I love how u love our snacks!! Im Also czech republic! :D
Thank you
čau from Czech republic :) Really good video and I fully agree with your opinion. Really nice to see enjoying our sweets :) Thank you
André: "hořčice crisps"
Subtitles: "Whole shits of crisps"
A fakt
Thanks for rating our sweets👍
I hope you enjoyed these🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿
Tatranky was the first Czech sweet I tried when I moved to Prague and now that I'm not living there anymore, I miss it so much haha
I think the most Czech chocolate you should try is Orion Studentska. I personally don't like it very much because it has raisins, but some people go mad about it.
Good video!
Haha yes i also do not like raisins but the original Orion chocolate is the best.. And i like and koko are my two favourite chocolate here in Czech. Thanks for watching!
@@AndreTraveler tatranky and horalky are NOT Czech !!!!!
They are not Czech!
@@Ignisan_66 they are not Czech, they are Slovak (duh! Tatras), but they are common and sold in every Czech store.
@@jozefspodniak1871 they are not Czech, they are Slovak (duh! Tatras), but they are common and sold in every Czech store.
Omg.. your czech is so good.... Also im glad you like our sweets!
I wish that you described each item you were eating. The first item was strawberry but was it a gummy? Or dries strawberries? What does Kofola taste like? Much more detail was needed.
Thanks for watching and for suggestion i will give more detail next time.
I think he gaves us a lot of details, I am satisfied. :)
@@Neji783 Thank you
kofola is cola with werbs and it tastes nice and the Jojo is gummy. idk but this was recommended to me in '21
Kofola is cola drink with herbs inside. It´s not that sweet like Coca Cola or Pepsi. Fot me it´s best for refreshing in really hot day. Really cold Kofola with ice... I love it. And we have different flavour. Citrus Kofola, watermelon, raspberry, blackberry Kofola. Some of them are only in a half liter bottle.
You are underrated youtuber. Very good video❤️❤️❤️
I thought you would like the basic cola, sprite etc. mainstream soda more. But hearing that Kofola is your most favorite fizzy drink, makes me really proud. BTW I drink Kofola instead of water, It's all I drink, Don't get too hooked like me xD
Love Kofola myself but I do prefer the kofola from tap with all that lovely sweet foam
I am from Czech and its lovely to see someone eating our sweets and snacks.
Yesss kofola is the best drink hahah I’m from Czech too I’m gypsy I’m so happy to see that you love my home country 😊🙏 did you ever go to Czech Zabava
Awesome.. I haven’t been to Zabava yet but I will be traveling around discovering more places in Czech soon 🙂
@@AndreTraveler Have you been in Ostrava yet? Btw you have really good taste in sweets, I actually like the same things (except of Koko, I don't like sweets with coconut flavor) and I also don't like Tatranky and Horalky (I eat it only when I REALLY need to eat something sweet and doesn't have any other sweets).
Kofola je czsk nieee iba česká
@@natybielikova5426 presne to je diskriminacia 😂
🇸🇰Hello I'm from Slovakia. Kofola is very very good 🇸🇰
Thank you for the positive tasting of our sweets and saltiness, kofola is also my favorite lemonade and I don't need much horalky so thank you very much
Since I'm Czech, I'm completely dying from those Czech subtitles🤣
Hi im very happy that you tryed our snacks its very kind to see someone from diferent country come in diferent countries and yes i dont care that this was a year ago ill still comment :)
Hezké videjko další prosím jen tak dál ❤️👍🤩
Respektuji že náký pán z zahraničí ocení něco z českých a slovenských sladkostí náhodou řekl správně "brumík" což je hustý.
I respect you, Mann good luck
For my opinion Kofola would beat Coca-Cola and Pepsi, btw how I see you love our snacks and i appreciate it :D
nice video I from the Czech Republic
(opravdu dobré video doufam že se ti bude dařit takhle dál a dál )
I like most of that stuff. I have been in Slovakia loads of times
Lots of times* btw i like this really much too but i most like Vinea
@@retsigerr1363 vinea is banging
It's nice to see you having ur Czech snacks
im crying right now because I dont really see somebody reviewing our stuff from Slovakia and it felt nice that we have something good in our country
Ikr .me being slovakian and can't speak slovakian but only speak Roma: mannn I need to learn Slovakian
Those are Czech products actually
Wow its great that you are trying our snacks and sweets :D
Hospodské brambůrky jsou u nás všeobecně oblíbené👌
I like to watch it, someone from a foreign country enjoys our sweets. Finally!! No Czech can hate this video.
a kde maš Margotku ?? :D :D
ive never seen someone trying some czech sweets and i like to see u like them :)
Jojo :D brumík je super
Very nice video . I'am from Slovakia 🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰
Welcome to CzechoSlovakia!
@@patrickvrubl2774 Hi
I'm really happy to see you taste our sweets and enjoy them.
Skús keks Mila, to je TOP !
Ale to je oplatka s čokoládou, říkal, že tuto kombinaci moc nemusí…
Anoo, miluju tyhle tipy videii, jsem mega rád že jsem narazil na tenhle kanál. Jo menší tip, jak jste říkal že kofola je nejlepší šumivý nápoj, zajděte si někam do české hospody nebo restaurace a zkuste čepovanou kofolu, to je teprv něco
Yes, I love these video tips, I'm so glad I came across this channel. Yeah, a little tip, as you said that kofola is the best fizzy drink, go somewhere to a Czech pub or restaurant and try tapped kofola, that's just something
Brumik is the best snack ever xD
Amazing video from the very beginning .. I was very surprised that such a video has existed for a year and I have not seen it ... I give a subscribe bro and I'm looking forward to more videos, whether you like it in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, greetings from Slovakia 👋 🇸🇰
Brumík POWER💪💪💪💪
Hi André, nice video. And "Tatranky - energy packet to travel" :-) Is no extra delicious but is good when you walking somewhere and you will be hungry then Tatranky are first help :-D . Sorry for my english
Tatranky and Horalky are from Slovakia mate
Really and truly is from CzechoSlovakia, because the company was founded 1953, and they split apart at 1993. Thanks for watching
Tatranky are not from Slovakia.This biscuits was produced by Opavia and it is Czech company.
Tatranky have been produced since 1945,but it was in the shape of a triangle. In 1957 Vilém Škvarlo invented better way to apply chocolate
@@AndreTraveler so you should really and truly write that you are "Trying czechoslovakian snacks and sweets".
@@miloslauko8911 You are very right. Thank you for your suggestion . It makes more sense..I am going to Re name title.
@andré traveler its so nice to looking on u eating things that i eat allday…btw where u record this video?
dobrý video likee ale kofola už neni tak dobra drív byla lepší a to bylo piti jsem rok nepil nic jinýho :D
Really nice to find a person which doesn't hate Czech republic♥️♥️
CZ: Kofola je nejlepší miluji jí.
EN: Kofola is best i love it!
Hi, From Praha the Main city of Czech Republic!!!
Prague* english
Praha* czech
Čau já jsem čech
Andrééé, super páčia sa mi tieto videá
Když na to tak koukám tak mi češi máme asi hodně rádi čokoládu, když většina z toho tam je čokoláda 😂
Řekl sem si to samé
Many people from another countries don't like Kofola and it is a pity. So it warmed my heart that you like it so much. ❤️
Try our beers ;)
Sounds good :) Thanks for your suggestion.
I can give you some recommendations about non mainstream breweries if you want. Pilsner beer is good, but we have lot of great beers :)
@@MrKendysek Yes Pilsner is good and i am looking forward to trying others and sharing my opinion.. Thanks very much
@@AndreTraveler I find Pilsner quite overrated. It's the most famous beer outside of Czech Republic but in my opinion Radegast, Kozel, Braník or Holba are much better.
@@Mutt1996 Yes it is but in Czech there are so many different beverages to chose a favorite.. I like Budvar Staropramen and Radagast :)
I love this video.
1:21 Brumík 😂
Iam from Czech Republic. And I love Czech sweets. And yeah, Kofola is my favorite drink.I love Horalky xD. I like your video.👌 Nice work bro.
Já sem cz
Hello I'm from czech and i am happy about that you are trying them!!
I love the fact he even made this video but foreigners need to bloody learn we are not Czechoslovakia anymore. All the stuff in the video is predominantly Czech!!!
I know it is Czech but also most of stuff was invented back then when it was CzechoSlovakia and Czech and Slovakian people were having a dispute in my comment section so I just thought I will try to make everyone happy. Thank you for watching
Horalky and Tatranky are Slovak Candy
He did not say that we are Czechoslovakia, he is just trying Czech and Slovakian food 😁
Kofola je Československa!
@@jankakolcunova3661 they are both bc of czechoslovakia.
Its awesome seeing this, really did my day. Thanks. Im from Slovakia and Horalka is my childhood and yes kofola is great, better than other id say. You should try our national food xd. Spoiled Milk with... Idk whats it called it english, thats maybe because it isnt translated.
Jedneho dna by som chcel aby sa Česko a Slovensko dali zase dohromadi pretože si myslim že Češi a Slováci majú vela spoločného
ano to mají ale já si pamatuju pálení českých vlajek ( tenkrád samozřejmě československých ) :D :D :D víš když češí došli na slovensko tak tam bylo jen velmy málo učitelů a byla to velmy zaostalá země vynechám meziobdobí a slovensko se prostě chtělo osamostatnit .... ale stále mě uniká to čím jsme mi češi byli tak strašně špatní že jste se prostě chtěli trhnout .... zřejmě jsme vám udělali něco velmy zlého :D :D
@@pecakk1 To skôr boli časy kedy sme mali aj Česi aj Slováci hroznú vládu a stalo sa...☹️
@@zecmikoko1172 pravda le my máme hrozno vládu i teť sere co može ... a mimochodem nechcete toho zloděje Bureše z5??? jako premiér rozkrádá jen stát .. byt po mém tak by to pro ně skončilo hodně špatně .... nehledě na to že agrofert ukradl vám slovákům
Není potřeba mít společný stát. Stačí když budeme mít výborné vzájemné vztahy.
Wow its nice to see you enjoy our sweets I hope you do part 2🥰
When you said "Brumik" you got me a little cry. I remember eating that as child. This sweet was my childhood.
Hi! It´s really nice to see someone, who tried our sweets.
I really like Tatranky/Horalky/other-same-type to traveling, cause it´s good small snack, easy to put it in the pocket and go out, but it must be nuts flavour. =D
About Kofola... It´s the best cola drink for me. I really love it. =D
Děkujeme že vám chutnají České a Slovenské sladkosti.🥰
Omg its awesome to see your enjoying our products 😊😊
Nice video man loved it.
Its really lovely to see someone taste our sweets😁😁
Děkujeme za tyto dobrá jídla co máme u nás a děkujeme že i vám cizincům to chutná
Great video, im glad u like our sweets, crisps and kofola :D, subbed 💪
I just find you on my recommended I really enjoyed the video 👍
The potatoes you talked about were the best with kofola, so I can say in general that they are the best with beer
I like that you enjoy our sweets and very nice language
As a video maker I have all kinds of suggestions like editing it down but overall, your gentle demeanor is quietly funny. Carry on!
Thank you very much.. I am new to editing but i would like to get better so i can produce quality content..
thanks for the nice review! Where are you from?
I love the chockolate biscuits for me they are the best. Greetings from Hungary.
:D zajímavé. Ještě jsem neviděl cizince zkoušet kofolu a jak vidím chutná. Co z tvého vyberu sušenek a bonbónů nemám rád tam tu sušenku koko.
Taky jsem neviděl cizince zkoušet kofolu a taky nemám rád tu sušenku koko
@@jakubderda296 :D