What makes him even better, is one of the stories he told was not quite accurate, and another youtuber got a hold of the actual person in question to verify, and he said that MrBallen was wrong; They contacted Ballen asking if it was ok to bring it up and clarify - and his response was to the note of "If I got something wrong, PLEASE set the story right." You can't buy character. This guy is the best.
Yeah im subbed to dive talk and i dodged their mr.ballen reaction videos for awhile because i assumed they would talk some shit for views lol. To my surprise they mentioned that John went off the available info and did his best to get the facts. Not to my surprise at all John was in the comments giving them praise for getting the right story out. They also confirmed that he was very supportive before the video came out and couldn't wait to see them clear the record.
the YT that brought it up was the channel Dive Talk. for anyone reading this that loves/is interested by Ballens cave diving stories needs to look them up. these guys are pros. ALSO in the description of MR Ballen's videos, sometimes when he changes little facts he says at the very bottom "this content is intended for entertainment purposes only. he tells the true story and sometimes changes insignificant facts a little.
@@justaone4128 Eh I wouldn’t call it evil considering who this bastard was. It likely felt akin to having the head of a creature that harmed a loved one as a trophy. It’s very fucked up, but not evil imo.
Whilst none of us are surprised about radium making your bones completely disintegrate, I'm surprised that his oesophagus & stomach didn't rot a long time previous to that.
🇫🇷 I'm French and I understood all you said. You articulate well, and you speak with so many facial expressions and emotions that you captivate. 👏🏼 Well done.
I remember the radiation story, and it's truly depressing how there were so many victims to radiation poisoning, especially for those who had to handle radium as part of their jobs, not knowing that it would kill them.
Ever see one of the shoe store X-ray machines which were common for a time? It’s kind of amazing that radiation was once thought to be “healthy”. Even radioactive toothpaste… make them pearly whites glow - in the dark.
@@REChronic54 it probably did make him feel energetic and happy. There are lots of dangerous things that have what appear to be positive effects if you don't know better. Arsenic makes nails and hair glossy and healthy looking, also makes them grow faster, belladonna makes your eyes appear larger and brighter, smoking cures IBS, opium will stop coughing, insomnia and diarrhea, cocaine numbs toothache, botox is the same thing as what causes floppy baby syndrome, hell even freezing to death is supposed be quite pleasant once your body stops fighting.
Fun fact: The actor Christopher Lee, who played Saruman in The Lord of the Rings and Count Dooku in Star Wars was actually present at the last public execution in France.
The most interesting fact about Christopher Lee is that he has killed people as he was a freedom fighter for Finland in their war against the communists in the late 1930's, had Finland held out another year instead of surrendering England would have had to go to war against Russia, history would have played out much differently .
The second story was really sad but imagine how much longer radium would've continued if it wasn't for his passing. Like a sacrifice that he didn't consent to.
I am a trainee driver and we get specific training for situations like the man on the track. We are taught once we have applied the emergency break to constantly sound the horn until after impact. The reason why is to stop us train drivers from hearing the sound of the person hitting the train. We also taught not to look at the person. Apparently the sound of the train hitting the body and the look on their face just before impact can haunt you for years. PTSD is huge problem for train drivers world wide due to rail assisted suicide or person under train incidents. I can’t describe the type of trauma a train bogie causes to the human body. It certainly not the way I wish to exit this world. Please be safe around trains. We can’t stop these machines quickly and I don’t want to wake up in cold sweats remembering your face.
Oh when a train car hits someone or something it disentigrates. That is not a joke. And the bogies will probably shred whatever was left and went under the train itself. It will not be a pretty sight since a train would be equivalent to say a single stick of dynamite was stuck to your body and you know the rest.
When I was a child we had stopped in our car at a train crossing. We were one of the front cars, closest to the track and as the train was about to go past my mother frowned and said something about someone on the track. I turned to look in time to see the train run this person down. To this day I vividly remember a dark green jumper and floral skirt, just visible under the train. The woman didn't die immediately, we heard afterwards she died in hospital from her injuries. Turns out the train driver had seen her and hit the emergency breaks but the train couldn't stop in time. As a child I was more excited by the event than scared, I was a bit to young to really understand or even care about someone elses death, but my sister a bit over a year older was very freaked out by it. I only really remember that one scene and feeling a little uneasy about the situation but to this day I still wonder about the poor driver that had to deal with being used as a means of suicide. I understand mental illness, peoples minds can do horrible things to them and make them not care about anyone or anything but dying, but even when I myself was suicidal I couldn't imagine involving other people in my death so traumatically. I actually had a real problem trying to figure out how I could kill myself with the least amount of impact on others. I contemplated going into the forest and doing the deed there but the idea of my family never knowing what happened to me or finding my dead body was enough for me to decide to try other less lethal options. I ended up voluntarily being hospitalised instead of causing such trauma and pain to those that may had to deal with the aftermath of my death. I don't know for sure but I think seeing that woman be run down when I was so young taught me that anyone involved in dealing with the suicide of someone, from the police to the hapless bystanders, was in a way a victim who could be permanently traumatised by my actions. Mental illness isn't exactly prone to rational decisions so I can never truly condemn someone who takes that route but personally I struggled a lot with the idea of other people cleaning up the mess that my death may cause. I wasn't going to be the person that traumatised a van full of young children and everyone else in between.
That second story has me shook... What an incredibly scary and painful way to die... It's crazy it took years for his body to start falling apart! Our bodies are pretty tough!
The thing that really scares me is how small things can end up with your death, imagine if the victim in story 3 had a few drinks less, or if the guy in story 2 had just slept in the bed under him
Thoughts like this is what keeps me up at night I imagine how many times we've avoided death or even just serious injury in general. And what one little choice we make will lead to our end. I shouldn't be watching stuff like this, I worry too much, but I can't help it! It's all so fascinating as much as it is horrifying
Well analyze what you’re doing. Everything and anything can bring death and you could be able to prevent but living life is better than always being paranoid.
As a New Yorker, I am obligated to inform you. There is a large space underneath the edge of the platform that people can fit in. There is also a series of cut outs in the walls that fit most people. Finally there is the worst of them all the space below the train in between the tracks will also fit smaller sized people with a gracious amount of room underneath the train just for this reason. Not that I suggest anyone try and see if they fit
The one story really makes you realize how far we’ve come with medicine. Also makes you realize that it hasn’t been that long since we did some seriously crazy stuff in Medicine.
@@mjoyg5445, you clearly don’t know that a SARS vaccine had been in development for 20 years already and that the Corona virus is a type of SARS virus. The COVID-19 vaccine is not new, the strain of that virus was newly identified in 2019, hence its moniker. Stop spreading false information. (And no, my information doesn’t solely come from the “lame stream media”, it comes from my sister-in-law who is a PhD-ed virologist.)
@@mjoyg5445 People willingly let themselves be used as guinea pigs... Then they point fingers at the ones who don't want the vaccine, claiming its their fault the virus keeps spreading and mutating. Meanwhile the flu keeps mutating anew every year. But noone cares about the flu or its vaccine anymore. Even after getting the COVID-vaccine, you can still get sick and when the virus infects a vaccinated person, of course it's going to mutate into something stronger, because it meets a stronger resistance in the vaccinated body... weird how it goes both ways, but everyone just wants to point fingers at the sceptics.
The Radithor story was really shocking at first but then I realized when this product came out, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had not yet happened. People had no clue what radiation really was. I wonder what future generations will say about us and what we are consuming now that we think is safe.
@@asteroth1986 it used to be believed tomatoes were poisonous because the rest of the plant is. People who knew they were safe had to take to eating them in a public spectacle in order to convince people they were safe. A few other foods throughout history were treated like that as well! Sometimes just at the whim of a silly king. I don't don't remember specifics as when I heard I brushed it off as 'just like tomatoes' XD; and then didn't commit them to memory...
That's exactly what happened to the "Radium Girls" During World War I. Women were hired to paint the hands of Aviation watches with a glowing paint that made it possible to read the time in low light conditions. To make a better point on the paint brush, the girls would lick the tip of the bristles to make a cleaner, sharper paint line. So the watches looked better. The Radium paint was so radioactive, The woman's jaws, and teeth just rotted away and fell off. The biggest tragedy of all, was the company blamed the woman for being "sickly and weak". And denied the paint was responsible for the horrific cancer the woman were exposed too... Many of these workers died a horrible, painful death as a result of this unbelievable negligence...
Worst part is most of the women were told to lick the bristles to make a sharper point iirc Also many of the women didn't even know what they were exposed to until the day of the trial
Yes and when they became ill they suffered tremendously ! The worst part is how the powers that be tried to cover it up and deny what happened to those girls - smh
My dad had radiation poisoning from the military. His teeth rotted so bad he could just push them out. He destroyed his health for so long. So thankfully he survived and eventually got back to healthy (except his teeth) and runs a business but it was bad
I love Mr Ballin, he’s honest, he does his research and he’s not embarrassed to admit when one of the facts he finds is wrong and he corrects himself immediately
My grandmother told me that when she was a young nurse (around 1918-1920), the hospital where she worked was losing staff to illness. Turns out it was the X-ray machine (she called it a ‘fluoroscope’) and the techs and nurses would basically stand right next to the patient being xray’d (no shielding of any kind). Not a ton of radiation for one Xray, but if youre doing 50 a day, it adds up. She also said they used special methods to handle radium-affected patients because handling them too often was dangerous. Didn’t seem to affect her though as she died in 1997 at the age of 102.
Fun fact: The guillotine was invented to try to make executions more humane since its creator hated the brutality of executions. In fact he hated executions so much, he did not want his name attached to his own invention. However, unfortunately for him, we still call it a guillotine.
it is more humane than some execution devices we use today. the electric chair is definitely a bit inhumane because you’re pretty much being electrocuted to death which i bet is painful.
Sidenote to that, the inventor was executed by his own invention as the revolutionaries thought he was pro bourgeoisie and pro monarchist. Iirc the Guillotine made executions so easy that during the height of the french revolution there were several hundred if not thousands of executions a day in France.
Funny how he thought it'd be more "humane", when in actuality is probably just as bad because a severed head has the ability to remain conscious for about 25 - 30 seconds. Here's a quick excerpt from a guillotine observation made by a doctor back in 1905. "In 1905, a French physician attended an execution and stood close to the guillotine. He approached as soon as the severed head tumbled into the basket below and called out the man’s name. He claimed the eyelids lifted and the man looked briefly at him before lowering his gaze. The physician called his name again and received a similar response. The man did not respond to a third prompt. The physician concluded based on his observations that a severed head could retain consciousness for 25 to 30 seconds." THAT is truly terrifying! And there are other similar observations that have been made. Yikes 😬
@@elizabethserrano5136 Yeah but it beat a blunt axe that would take, I can't remember how many blows but like between 2 to 11. I mean, if you were rich, you could request a sword but still, that wasn't much better.
@@ryuwarrior89 i just think that idea of being consciously aware that your head is no longer attached to your body is truly terrifying, knowing that in a matter of mere seconds, you're going to die
being beheaded must be a very terrible last moments in a person's life. Losing your body and all you are left with is a few seconds of pain, confusion and then suffocation/bloodloss.
This man is legit one of the best story tellers I've heard. The pace, music/atmosphere, and how he paints a picture is simply beautiful, yet horrifying.
I felt really bad for the guy with the jaw fallen off. He had such a great life up until he made one fatal mistake by drinking more of that radium water. But what is worst is that there are many other people especially doctors that didn't know Radium was technically bad. Hell never forget there was an actual story about girls using the radium paint they use for watches as make-up
yea but like if he kept on drinking the same amount of radium water that he was supposed to have, the same thing would have happened just later on in his life
Makes me wonder what the real side effects of modern drugs and technology would turn out to be. Remember - everyone was considering radioactive water to be completely harmless back in these days...
That story about radithor makes is just crazy. It makes you feel bad for the people back then, since they didn’t have any access to the information we do now about the dangers of radiation. Makes you grateful we were born in a time period where we don’t have to go through stuff like that.
Also in today's times, there are threats we simply don't know the effect on. Just take e-cigarettes and the liquids that are heated and inhaled. Actually people have already died from certain liquids, cause although the contents may be fine when coming in contact with, they aren't when burnt and inhaled. Still e-cigarettes are marketed as less harmful and a 'safer' alternative than regular cigarettes. Give it 50 years and people will know better. With regular cigarettes it also took some time until people realized the danger. And like e-cigs, there are dozens of other things we today think are fine, but will turn out not to be.
We have those things to we joust don’t know what they are yet just like they didn’t back then. It’s not radiation now but there’s gonna be documented ya of the effects of something we have nowadays
When you think about it, it’s kinda miraculous that humanity even survived the atomic age. They were drinking radioactive water, using radium paint on everything, peoples jaws flyin off left and right, women glowing in the dark, it was crazy! It’s pretty amazing that we figured out “Radiation = Bad” before we all died.
Your comment doesnt really make any sence because back then fatalaties caused by radio activity were very very rare. Different things killed much much more people, mainly deceases and wars. And we still havent been able to learn anything because till today there are wars going on.
65 years old and I still absolutely love having someone tell me stories. When I had reached the age of 9 or 10 my parents found me reading a copy of Frank Edwards book, Stranger Than Science and felt I was becoming way too fond of stories that were strange, dark and mysterious. I had to wait so very, very long for Mr Ballen to arrive and make my life complete by telling me wonderful stories of my favorite kind. Thank you Sir, for your service to our country and for being an amazing storyteller.
I read an article that said that supposedly Eben Byers didn't feel too much pain because by the time his jaw was removed, the tonic had already disintegrated most of his nerves. I've no idea if it's true, but it would be a small kindness if at least he didn't feel anything.
Makes you think about these vaccines the healthcare world is making us all take…I wonder how long until we see negative results from these ‘health remedies’ 🤔
“You should try Radithor” Ever since I played Fallout, I’ve avoided anything that involves “Rad” under the immediate assumption that it involves radiation
I love how Mr.Ballen just joined on TH-cam and became everyone’s favorite TH-camr. Edit: I mean join as in he started to upload since last year to two years ago.
I am very easily intrigued by the strange, dark and mysterious, and I remember when I first found this channel. The ability to so wonderfully highlight the most devastating parts of these stories while also including the history and things that many other sources may leave out or even get (kinda) wrong is one of the biggest reasons I love these videos and this channel. You always keep it interesting and all of us waiting for the next upload. I know these sorts of things are commented a lot, but I just wanted to say.
Radium is similar to calcium and will replace the calcium in the bone. Since radium is radioactive and now inside the bone structure it will kill everything around it. Destroy the bone and blood vessels. Causing strong bones to just crumble and fall apart.
One of the most disturbing first real gore videos I ever saw was a young Syrian boy who had his entire lower jaw blown off by an Assad missile and looked just like this guy and you can Google Syrian boy or just boy with jaw blown off by Assad missile and it'll come up. He is awake and fully aware and even kicking his legs while sitting on the side of the hospital exam table like he is just having a totally normal day, surely from shock. But it looks just like this, only real footage and relatively new and clear. I warn you now, it's disturbing af!
Eben's skeleton is probably still glowing inside his coffin. I heard that the radium girls who died from making glow-in-the dark watch faces are still glowing. The cemeteries put up warning signs by each grave saying not to dig there. Almost a century later and their bodies are still lethal to anyone who gets near them. So tragic that consuming radium and using it in cosmetics was once thought beneficial.
The story about the guy that drank radium reminded me of the" radium girls" in World War II. They painted dials for airplanes with radium so they were glow-in-the-dark. They used to lick the tip of the brush to make it pointy. Eventually their teeth would fall out and I think a few of them lost their jaws before dying.
Radium was already understood to be dangerous by ww2 , Manhattan project scientists credited the radium girls for increasing safety standards dealing with radioactive materials.
There are also the Radium Girls from about 1917 to 1926, roughly, who painted radium numbers on watch dials. Some of them would be walking home at night and they would be glowing in the dark. I've also read that in dance clubs in cities throughout Europe people would cover themselves in radium and the lights would be turned off and everybody would be glowing in the dark. Radium was also added to drinks so they wold glow as well.
@@scrappydoo7887 Yes! I think he may already have...? That was in WWII when they were told to lick the tip of the paintbrushes while using radioactive self luminous paint. I think that was even more f***ed up, because they KNEW what radioactive materials would do to people. It's as if they didn't care or they were never inspected for safety. The whole country was in a financial crunch, so it wouldn't surprise me.
I immediately just went "Oh no" when that dude was prescribed that radium, cause I just KNEW there was something bad. Also the last photo.. that's chilling asf..
Ironically I was like „damn, Radithor, can I google that? What was in it?“ and I went to the Wikipedia page and literally read the story he told and was just like „Oh no“
Hi ballen i am a huge fan of spooky stories and stuff and i like how you presented the video and got straight in to the point and also you got be glued to the screen . If you are wondering how good are you then hear this 'i didnot skip a single second of this video' keep up the good work.
Interestingly, Eugene Weidmann's execution was also witnessed by a then 17 year old Christopher Lee who later became one of film's most celebrated actors and known for many his darker roles and fascination with the occult. He later went on to play headsman Charles-Henri Sanson in a 1989 French TV drama about the French Revolution.
Christopher Lee's resume is just.. unparalleled. He was related to both Emperor Charlemagne, General Robert E. Lee, Ian Fleming (creator of James Bond). He met the assassins of Rasputin. He was an Intelligence agent in the British SAS in WWII, then promoted to the SOE whose missions are *still* classified - they were unofficially called "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare." He saw more death than normal people can comprehend. He climbed Mt Vesuvius 3 days before it erupted. He spoke six languages. After all that he decided to start acting. AT AGE 25. He has played Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein’s monster, Saruman (the only cast member to meet Tolkien), Count Dooku, Fu Manchu, Rasputin, Rochefort, Lord Summerisle, Scaramanga, Mephistopheles, and Death himself - *and those are just some of the villans* In 2007 he was in Guinness for most screen credits at 244, and has since mad well more than a dozen more - in 2008 he was "the most connected actor" connecting to virtually any actor in 2.59 steps or "degrees". The king of fucking Sweden gave him his blessing to marry Henriette von Rosen, daughter of Count Fritz von Rosen, in the 50s. He released his *own metal album* in 2010 titled Titled Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross He was made a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2009, a Commander of the Venerable Order of Saint John in 1997, made a Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French government in 2011 - and a *list* of other awards, medals, and titles. Just... Mind-blowing.
@@Luke-op3to the most mind blowing fact is that the French made an Englishman a commander of anything, lol. He certainly led a fullfilled life and was an amazing human being. Though one day seeing those SOE files unclassified might be interesting.
I swear I've watched this guy transition from sweaters, short hair and mild backgrounds to flannels, pony tail, and exquisite scenery making his story come to life as he describes events. This man is truly the best
I'm glad that you discussed the EBEN BYERS case. I studied the RADIUM GIRLS and dial painters some years ago, which was very horrific. Your body ingests RADIUM as a calcium mineral, meaning it deposits directly into the bones but as it collects in the bones, it actually eats the calcium in the surrounding area that the deposit touches.
@@jessyjones833 you're welcome. I also studied Lead and Mercury poisoning. The MAD HATTER was based on the Mercury poisoned workers who worked in the early hat industry. Marimata's disease and Kuru are also horrific studies as well.
I read about that too, seems it replaced the bone and hollows them out , and so if you know anything about injesting anything out mouths have a few bones around . The lower jaw ( mandible) isn’t really held on by much … I have TMJ and that sucks 🤣 fascinating what people injest for health / jobs
@@peterf.229 it was completely heinous what they did to the RADIUM girls and should be addressed more. The health and women's rights violations are just a start not to mention the cover up and blow back. I've never been more horrorfied. The boss of the main facility knew it was toxic and told the RADIUM girls that it wasn't, with no health risk. Told them how to apply the brush with a finer point by sucking on the tip. Back then dental hygiene was horrible so the RADIUM would leech through their teeth and gums for starters, hence most of them having jaw issues. When it became apparent that their job was toxic from the radium and more women showed symptoms, the boss told rumors that the conditions were brought on bu syphilis from cheating on their husband's. I can go on forever but it's one of the most horrible and disturbing things I've ever learned, considering everything.
Man, I wasn't even aware of Eben Byers or the Radium Girls or of Radithor, for that matter! The first time I the picture of Eben Byers, my jaw dropped, no pun intended! I can't imagine the pain these people went through and hope I never do!
The radium story reminds me of the radium girls. Even after the effects of radium were beginning to be discovered, these business owners tried to hush the concerns and keep the girls working in their factories against what was best for their health. Many of their jaws also fell apart due to their high exposure.
One of the best books I have ever read is The Radium Girls by Kate Moore. Dozens of young girls were excited to have jobs in a well-paying factory, painting numbers on dials for wristwatches and navigation instruments. They were taught to dip their paintbrushes in radium and then make the brush into a point with their mouths. They loved the way the radium glowed- they would even wear their best dresses to work on Fridays so they would glow that night when they went out on the town. They painted each other’s faces with it and stood in dark rooms, dancing around, having a great time. Only one time did someone warn them. A scientist-developer of radium once saw the girls putting the brushes in their mouths and said, “don’t do that!” Otherwise, they were told it was completely safe. The book is so detailed, it is heartbreaking to read of these girls’ horrible, painful deaths and their fight for justice. I couldn’t recommend it any more highly. It was a fascinating tale of greed and innocence lost.
th-cam.com/video/4CIuqKqFNdE/w-d-xo.html 20/10 recommend this video from Bailey Sarian!!💕💕💕 loved learning about the Radium Girls, and so much more!!!!!💕
@LeftismIsAntiWhite As a leftist I find it odd that you are bringing politics into everything, you are definitely conservative. He obviously didn't deserve to die and you obviously lack a life just like that other guy if you think this has anything to do with politics
@@corpseisking5392 Its the Leftists who have deliberately inserted politics (or rather, politicized bigotry) into everything through neo-Marxist Critical Theory, which is precisely what it was designed to accomplish. As for this case, his being rich and (actually) privileged, economic class resentment (i.e. classical Marxism) seems a likely explanation.
Mr. Ballen- I am a 44 year old man who never thought I'd be hooked on a youtube channel where another grown ass man tells me stories, but here I am! hah. Keep doing what you're doing my dude. I love it! Cheers.
56 y o English lady teacher, HARD SAME. I want to let the Wide World know that I especially appreciate your coverage of Sasquatches, cryptids, aliens, & sk'kers as well as the run of the mill human shenanigans. People can get up to some crazy things but these *nonhuman* beings seem truly off the chain.
"It was all going great... until his jaw fell off." That sentence almost took me out of this world. I laughed so hard only because I just.. wasn't expecting him to say that.
@@AnAdorableWombat1walk away from the guy, don't push him on the tracks and kill him. Humanity today is shameless. Blacks are always pushing Asians onto train tracks in NYC. Dozens of victims just this year and more last year.
I agree. It chills you to your very soul. It brings awareness to the fragility of your own existence and makes you question your own mortality. Very existential.
Mr Ballern, I totally love love love ur channel here... I evn listen to u on spotify with the medical mysteries and the other too.. keep up the good work!! Greetings from southern Sweden
I like that the storyteller, in this video, doesn't give the impression of being obsessed with convincing the listeners that the story is definitely true. He simply tells the stories, with an admirable, articulate, non-bias demeanor. Usually, with these abnormal/paranormal type videos, you have a host that comes off as just another extreme fanatic, (of whatever the topic is), that ends up overselling what they consider "facts", in what seems to be, a kind of desperate attempt to convince people to share their belief/opinion, hoping they agree. I don't like it when hosts do that because it kind of makes me question whether I'm making my own decision to believe, (whatever story is topic) , or am I definitely NOT believing( something possibly true) just because I don't want to be on the side that of the overexcited host, who has turned it into something absurd. So, kudos to this guy who literally keeps it real. It's nice, for a change. Keep it up man. I like your style and I will stay tuned because of it.
Hi John, I had an idea that I wanna run by you to see if you’d be interested, I thought maybe you could upload your stories to Spotify for those who are on the road and love your videos and wanna listen to them without worrying about looking away from the road. Or you could just have a podcast where you talk about stories from the military or stories that didn’t make it to videos. Just an idea I had Edit: Thank you guys so much for the support, I’ve had this idea for a while and I am so happy so many of you like it too
I enjoy your presentations. You are animated, knowledgeable and always well prepared. (Sometimes I check!) I love trivia and history. I always learn something new from you.
Fun guillotine fact: Numerous executions were occasionally performed back-to-back, so if you were unlucky enough to be one of the last to have your turn it may take several tries before you were decapitated due to the blade being dull and bloody. If you WERE lucky, it fatally broke your neck on the 1st (or 2nd) try. 😃
@@MrBallen as someone with ADHD who has a really hard time focusing, you are one of the only people who can tell a story and i fully listen to it. So if you aren't you are pretty close
Dont be so modest Mr B...You fully deserve all the credits..I personally think its quite a skill to maintain peoples interest and hold it...espcially in todays culture..Surely the next thing for you is Netflix?..Youd be Great.☺
I was just binging all of the ‘pictures with disturbing backstories’ and I am hooked! Me and my brother watch your videos all the time and they never get old :)
I would like to hire this guy to come camping with me and my family and tell spooky camp fire stories. Seems trustworthy and like he would also be handy in a wilderness situation. Honorary uncle material.
That applies with everything because if your taking hundreds of times your prescribed amount of litteraly anything it's going to kill you pretty quickly. Not saying it's not harmful at all but don't pretend like this idiots death wasn't the result of his own utter stupidity. He would have died way earlier had that been vitamin à he was litteraly gulping down
I remember seeing that picture of the guy with his jaw removed a few years ago and just thought someone had made it up. Now that I know it's real, I'm horrified. That poor guy.
Kara, please go to your local library and get a copy of the book THE RADIUM GIRLS. It is a non-fiction book that chronicled what happened to the women who were hired to apply radium paint to watches, clocks, and other items. At the turn of the 20th century radium was considered a 'wonder substance' and was utilized in all sorts of ways that actually turned out to extremely harmful, as Mr. Ballen's story about Eben Byers illustrates.
@@rfpnc well now they don't need to go get a book bc you basically just told everyone the whole story so ......... Then why tell her to go get the book or whatever ...why not just tell her to Google the story bc most likely Google will be able to find her this information and them squish it all together in a 5 min story instead of all the unnecessary ready.
There's actually more to the Eben Byers story. If I remember correctly, the famous photo of him is during his reconstructive surgery after his surgeon did his best to remove all of the rotten tissue from his face. He then did his best to reconstruct a new jaw for Eben, and, for the time period, did a pretty good job with what he had to work with. There's a photo of him after the surgery and, while he still looked disfigured, it wasn't nearly as bad as the famous photo.
Indeed, it did not save him though... The poor fellow died around a year later due to the lingering radiation in his body eating away at his organs and his skull, dreadful way to go.
@@sentimentalmariner590 I read in an article that, near the end of Eben's life, he was forced to wrap his entire head in bandages cuz his skull was literally falling apart. Horrifying.
I always listened to this mans videos when doing schoolwork and always made my days at school more better now at 18 years old i listen to his videos when i go to sleep lol Love this channel
The way he described the Subway platform in the last video was so well done. Even if I had never seen a subway platform in my life I would know what it looked like. Really amazing narrator
As someone from New York City, it is 100% accurate, if you come to nyc, never ever stand near the edge of the tracks, and always check your surroundings
I read about the radium guy in a book about the elements. Radium is extremely toxic and people who love collecting antiques are warned to avoid the old glass bottles of this product as they're highly irradiated despite being nearly 100 years old
What Eben more than likely suffered from is phosphorus necrosis of the jaw or phossy jaw, basically heavy exposure to radium causes the rapid cell death of the jaw (thus necrosis) and if you've ever heard of the plight of the radium girls, this is the same horrific thing that occurred to them.
It’s because the bones are beginning to disintegrate from lack of calcium. They called it phossy jaw because it was the first part to go. The connection between the bottom jaw and the rest of your face is made of very little bone that’s constantly under pressure and so it would break first. Once you have phossy jaw, you’re in the late stages of radium poisoning and all of your bones are disintegrating.
@@meghancomo96 you should read about the quaker oats and how people litterally fed children radioactive chemicals there a litteral abandoned building that housed kids who ate the stuff i think quaker oat company had a lawsuit because of how they fed little kids the stuff
As a New Yorker, that last story really hit me. I've always had a fear of being on the train and feeling "something" cracking or bumpy under the train.
I am on the A every day, and I have never had that feeling. That is odd to me. But, you may have a reason for it, and I am not judging you at all. I have at times been very vigilant at late hours on one of the lines, and watch my ass. But as a New Yorker you know we are a very different breed than anyone else. We are always checking our surrounding. The streetwise of us I mean. There are many who have their earbuds in and are in a trance, and at times that is very foolish to do as I am sure you well know. Cheers my fellow N.Y.er!
@@dangercat9188 LOL, At work, guys used to shoot the shit during coffee, and lunch, if we were not going to the bar, now it is total silence cuz everyone has their face in their damn phones. And walking down the street there are always a few with their attention on the phone and bumping into you, and they just keep on strolling along. No " sorry sir" or " excuse me". Idiots ,smh.
ปีที่แล้ว +3
It's usually rats. Remember the rats in NY are the size of toddlers
@@dangercat9188 kicked one of those huge cat sized rats once. It was during across and got stunned by almost tripping me in between my legs? So i panicked and kicked it, making it fly several feet. Can you believe that shit was fine and had the audacity to glare at me like it was my fault? 😂 I think its fault of restaurant food thrown in garbages, on why theyre so big. Food waste here is so common
New word learnt today : “Craniectomy” is neurosurgical procedure that involves removing a portion of the skull in order to relieve pressure on the underlying brain. Thank you Mr Ballen 🖤
Story Three - Doomed - a lot of these issues with people falling onto tracks could be alleviated with permanent barriers on the platforms, with doors that open only when the train is at the platform -- after all we don't have elevator shafts without doors.
My dad is not a huge fan of TH-cam and won’t watch anything on here with me until I started watching this Chanel my dad loves history and has found a liking to this Chanel. I even Found him watching video without me 🙄. He loves the history to this Chanel and figuring out cool facts and this Chanel give he everything!
The beginning of the story, and the period of time in which it took place, gave it away before he even mentioned Radithor. I'd read about this a long time ago.
@@TheEmeraldMenOfficial Yeah. I remember the details of it. I'd seen the picture of his head as well. Radium is vicious stuff. History is full of similar things. Wallpaper in England in the Victorian era was poison as well, because the dyes were arsenic. Lead was used in lots of products - in fact, once upon a time, water pipes were made of lead. It was also found in paint, gasoline, and the manufacture of toys. Chemistry sets used to contain real uranium. Of course you know that asbestos was used all kinds of things. It wasn't all that long ago that it was used for brake linings and clutches in automobile. It was used for thermal insulation in houses, in ovens, for electrical insulation in wires and appliances, and so on. DDT was used for pest control. That shit will f__k a person up with a quickness. It's tempting to believe that the manufacturers of these products just 'didn't know'. In almost every case, the manufacturers, once WARNED of the hazards, actively ignored those warning and even worked to SUPPRESS the research so they could keep making their products despite the hazards.
It's not just Radium that'll do it, either. My Dad (born 1947) said he knew another man (whose name I do not know, I think he was a co-worker at PPG in the 1970s) who ended up that way from chewing tobacco; he got jaw cancer, IIRC. Oh, and (since it's relevant to chewing tobacco,) my Paternal Grandfather also got pancreatic cancer just short of the age of 70 from chewing tobacco. The sad part here is, he died before I was a year old, so I never really got to know him. Tobacco is well known to be unhealthy by now, but just in case anyone at all here wasn't aware (the world is a wide place, after all,) there you go.
@@101Volts Be cool if there was a drug that would cure you from addiction, but even if there was I imagine the tobacco and alcohol people wouldn't want it getting out
@@101Volts My best friend growing up's dad got lip cancer from chewing. He had alot of his lip and part of his tongue removed. It didn't stop him,he just started chewing on the other side and you guessed it had the same thing happen. Did he learn then ? Nope,he started keeping his chew in his top lip and you guessed it he got cancer there too. After that and barely any lips,jaws and tongue left but he finally stopped but he has had so many other types of cancer since then. I'm now 50 years old and he is still alive. Nobody ever thought that would happen, especially him.
It's a common known study that the more people around the less likely each individual is to help you. People feel less directly responsible when there are people around them. It's also been nicknamed "the poison of apathy", turning a blind eye towards those around you because "someone else will help"
As a child I have always been afraid of the photo of the jawless man. But now I feel sorry of this man not knowing he was drinking poison for years. But without him, a lot of more people could have been killed by radium poisoning.
The radithor story is the perfect example of mind over matter. Dude is literally microwaving his own body to crumbs yet his mind tells him he feels better and better each day on this wonder drug. The human mind is one hell of a drug
That last story was nuts. Just imagine getting into a fight with a drunk in the subway and then you push him into the ground and he dies, and then you go to jail for 5 years only to be found innocent. Damn.
I had a little incident some years ago in London. Obviously loads less dramatic, but I was doing filming graffiti with my Canon, and there was this fight between 2 blokes, they were probably having issues over "dealing" money. And they thought I was filming them, spying or something. And they came running... I usually don't get scared, but darn, I ran away and hid since they they were after.
@Alejo Gameplay Well, when you live in NYC these things happen on a daily basis, and yes, unfortunately, you do tend to become numb to these situations. Also, it's because you can run the risk of getting stabbed, beat-up, or like in this case, pushed onto the tracks yourself for intervening. It's a whole another world down there, with all kinds of messed-up, bad people. But with all that said, there are stories in the news of people falling in the tracks and good Samaritans running to their aide. There has even been stories of police officers being pushed into the tracks and people jump the perp and help rescue the officer that fell. There's still some good people out there, don't lose hope, yet. Stay safe out there peeps.
@Lamia In a situation like that, you have seconds to re-act. There was no way for the train to stop in time. If he was further down the track there might have been a better chance. Look at the photo. That train was already on top of him in a matter of seconds
@@annataymond9529 I'm going to take a guess that you've never been on a NYC train. I live in NY and remember this story. The subway can be a very dangerous place. In just seconds your life can be taken just from a single mis-step
15:47 Like button makes a brief appearance over the 'Track 1' sign!
Impressive eye
nice find
Woah.. that’s impossible to see on my phone😂 good job
I saw about ten different things - none of which were the blinking 👍🏼. 😂
What makes him even better, is one of the stories he told was not quite accurate, and another youtuber got a hold of the actual person in question to verify, and he said that MrBallen was wrong; They contacted Ballen asking if it was ok to bring it up and clarify - and his response was to the note of "If I got something wrong, PLEASE set the story right." You can't buy character. This guy is the best.
He really is. A mark of good character is being able to accept it when someone tells you you're wrong about something. A lot of people can't do that.
Which story did he get wrong
Yeah im subbed to dive talk and i dodged their mr.ballen reaction videos for awhile because i assumed they would talk some shit for views lol. To my surprise they mentioned that John went off the available info and did his best to get the facts. Not to my surprise at all John was in the comments giving them praise for getting the right story out. They also confirmed that he was very supportive before the video came out and couldn't wait to see them clear the record.
What do you expect? He’s going to deny that he didn’t get all the facts right? How does this show character at all hahai
the YT that brought it up was the channel Dive Talk.
for anyone reading this that loves/is interested by Ballens cave diving stories needs to look them up.
these guys are pros.
in the description of MR Ballen's videos, sometimes when he changes little facts he says at the very bottom "this content is intended for entertainment purposes only.
he tells the true story and sometimes changes insignificant facts a little.
"Things were going pretty well until his jaw fell off."
Hate when that happens.
Gosh I know right, I have to fix it every month 😒
Yeah ikr? It just fell off when i was reading this! now i have to go to the E.R :/
Now i cant stop laughing
Breh stop tryna make me laugh pls🥲
"The crowds rushed forward to dip their scarfs into the blood as souvenirs " people from the past were WILD
Evil 🤦🏾♀️ we never say yt people were evil
we all cry the same tears, if the circumstances are right, ud be doing the same thing without thinking twice
@@justaone4128 Eh I wouldn’t call it evil considering who this bastard was. It likely felt akin to having the head of a creature that harmed a loved one as a trophy. It’s very fucked up, but not evil imo.
People from the past? I can see the same thing happening today if another guillotine execution happened publicly.
@@Calabresa022 These days I could see people lining up to dip their scarf in the blood of someone who refused to wear a mask 🙁
Whilst none of us are surprised about radium making your bones completely disintegrate, I'm surprised that his oesophagus & stomach didn't rot a long time previous to that.
Radium lets the body think it's calcium, so the bones are the first to store the stuff and henceforth the first to go.
Idk hmmmmmmmmmmm
Sam here man
"Things were going good until his jaw fell off."
Holy shit that's jaw dropping
I see what you did there 😏
The papa john
I love how Mr ballen literally doesn't clickbait the actual photo on the screen was part of the actual story unlike other TH-camrs videos
It's so refreshing to see.
It's like a horror version of Daily Dose of Internet
I know right
I WISH that photo was clickbait and fake.
That story was horrifying as hell 😬😬😬.
This guy is the best tbh
The look on the guy's face with his jaw gone is so haunting. You can see the defeat and sadness from that.
And he was just calm like WHAT?!?!
@@bruhsqu4d224 I think he had accepted his fate, plus the radiation poisoning must have made him too weak to seem panicky.
Plus that's not a picture of him
@@MegaInTheSky wdym
@@erichfletcher732 no, no I don't honestly. It's not a good haunting, it's like the send chills down the spine one.
🇫🇷 I'm French and I understood all you said.
You articulate well, and you speak with so many facial expressions and emotions that you captivate. 👏🏼 Well done.
Well said 👏🏽👏🏽
I remember the radiation story, and it's truly depressing how there were so many victims to radiation poisoning, especially for those who had to handle radium as part of their jobs, not knowing that it would kill them.
Ever see one of the shoe store X-ray machines which were common for a time? It’s kind of amazing that radiation was once thought to be “healthy”.
Even radioactive toothpaste… make them pearly whites glow - in the dark.
I'm curious why some people, including Eben, claimed that it works. Probably a placebo effect.
Anyone against radiation at the time was probably seen as a conspiracy theorist.
@@REChronic54 it probably did make him feel energetic and happy. There are lots of dangerous things that have what appear to be positive effects if you don't know better. Arsenic makes nails and hair glossy and healthy looking, also makes them grow faster, belladonna makes your eyes appear larger and brighter, smoking cures IBS, opium will stop coughing, insomnia and diarrhea, cocaine numbs toothache, botox is the same thing as what causes floppy baby syndrome, hell even freezing to death is supposed be quite pleasant once your body stops fighting.
Isnt this how John Wayne died
Fun fact: The actor Christopher Lee, who played Saruman in The Lord of the Rings and Count Dooku in Star Wars was actually present at the last public execution in France.
And don’t forget his Dracula, it’s a staple of his career.
The most interesting fact about Christopher Lee is that he has killed people as he was a freedom fighter for Finland in their war against the communists in the late 1930's, had Finland held out another year instead of surrendering England would have had to go to war against Russia, history would have played out much differently .
Also a satanist
He was also the dentist in Willy Wonka
The character James Bond is based on him
The second story was really sad but imagine how much longer radium would've continued if it wasn't for his passing. Like a sacrifice that he didn't consent to.
true tho
Weird way to say dying, “his passing like a sacrifice that he didn’t consent to”
You should look into the radium girls.
It’s sad but atleast he got to live a life of luxury before going out. He probably didn’t have many regrets and was pretty chill while dying.
Sucks, man. A few more years if prolonged exposure and he would have had superpowers.
“Everything was going well, until his jaw fell off”
That took a dark turn quick
Everything was going well, until his jaw fell off.
Normal everyday Tuesday. Hate when my jaw just falls off.
I am a trainee driver and we get specific training for situations like the man on the track. We are taught once we have applied the emergency break to constantly sound the horn until after impact. The reason why is to stop us train drivers from hearing the sound of the person hitting the train. We also taught not to look at the person. Apparently the sound of the train hitting the body and the look on their face just before impact can haunt you for years. PTSD is huge problem for train drivers world wide due to rail assisted suicide or person under train incidents. I can’t describe the type of trauma a train bogie causes to the human body. It certainly not the way I wish to exit this world.
Please be safe around trains. We can’t stop these machines quickly and I don’t want to wake up in cold sweats remembering your face.
That is really interesting. I can’t imagine the constant horror those drivers experience after running over a person on accident
I have heard of stories of people abandoning animals on train tracks.
@@timothygilliam3924 While that is still horrible, hitting a person is way worse than hitting an animal
Oh when a train car hits someone or something it disentigrates. That is not a joke. And the bogies will probably shred whatever was left and went under the train itself. It will not be a pretty sight since a train would be equivalent to say a single stick of dynamite was stuck to your body and you know the rest.
When I was a child we had stopped in our car at a train crossing. We were one of the front cars, closest to the track and as the train was about to go past my mother frowned and said something about someone on the track. I turned to look in time to see the train run this person down. To this day I vividly remember a dark green jumper and floral skirt, just visible under the train. The woman didn't die immediately, we heard afterwards she died in hospital from her injuries. Turns out the train driver had seen her and hit the emergency breaks but the train couldn't stop in time. As a child I was more excited by the event than scared, I was a bit to young to really understand or even care about someone elses death, but my sister a bit over a year older was very freaked out by it. I only really remember that one scene and feeling a little uneasy about the situation but to this day I still wonder about the poor driver that had to deal with being used as a means of suicide.
I understand mental illness, peoples minds can do horrible things to them and make them not care about anyone or anything but dying, but even when I myself was suicidal I couldn't imagine involving other people in my death so traumatically. I actually had a real problem trying to figure out how I could kill myself with the least amount of impact on others. I contemplated going into the forest and doing the deed there but the idea of my family never knowing what happened to me or finding my dead body was enough for me to decide to try other less lethal options. I ended up voluntarily being hospitalised instead of causing such trauma and pain to those that may had to deal with the aftermath of my death.
I don't know for sure but I think seeing that woman be run down when I was so young taught me that anyone involved in dealing with the suicide of someone, from the police to the hapless bystanders, was in a way a victim who could be permanently traumatised by my actions. Mental illness isn't exactly prone to rational decisions so I can never truly condemn someone who takes that route but personally I struggled a lot with the idea of other people cleaning up the mess that my death may cause. I wasn't going to be the person that traumatised a van full of young children and everyone else in between.
That second story has me shook... What an incredibly scary and painful way to die... It's crazy it took years for his body to start falling apart! Our bodies are pretty tough!
@@konimaeda yeah double OH GOD
ye that picture looks insane , cant believe he was still alive while it was taken
Either our bodies are really tough or the thing that was killing him was just working very slow 🤔
Gradually, and then all at once.....sadly, its how things like this usually work.
Abra AWE-bruh ~ I agree, it's horrible and scary
The thing that really scares me is how small things can end up with your death, imagine if the victim in story 3 had a few drinks less, or if the guy in story 2 had just slept in the bed under him
Thoughts like this is what keeps me up at night
I imagine how many times we've avoided death or even just serious injury in general.
And what one little choice we make will lead to our end.
I shouldn't be watching stuff like this, I worry too much, but I can't help it! It's all so fascinating as much as it is horrifying
Life is too uncertain to have regrets. Accept reality as it is, "what if" thoughts are just a burden in life.
Well analyze what you’re doing. Everything and anything can bring death and you could be able to prevent but living life is better than always being paranoid.
yasu shun agreed. this is a wise statement, we have no control over our fates and therefore we just have to accept what life throws at us
Ya imagine if that guy in the first story killed 6 less people...He would have had a better head on his shoulders and made it into his elder years...
As a New Yorker, I am obligated to inform you. There is a large space underneath the edge of the platform that people can fit in. There is also a series of cut outs in the walls that fit most people. Finally there is the worst of them all the space below the train in between the tracks will also fit smaller sized people with a gracious amount of room underneath the train just for this reason. Not that I suggest anyone try and see if they fit
I'm going to try all these methods, I'll come back to you
Did you try? Are you alive?@@VantaBay
@@justcrazy7447 Hmm RIP
@@justcrazy7447 concerningly silent... :|
@@VantaBayoh no…
That “energy” that he felt was literally the cells exploding and releasing their energy. My professor was telling me about this
thank you. I was wondering why it made him feel energized.
What the fuck
thanks, very interesting
I was wondering how that could be possible.
Thank you.
The one story really makes you realize how far we’ve come with medicine. Also makes you realize that it hasn’t been that long since we did some seriously crazy stuff in Medicine.
Not long at all...
Reminds me of corona vaccine. God knows what’s gonna happen
@@mjoyg5445, you clearly don’t know that a SARS vaccine had been in development for 20 years already and that the Corona virus is a type of SARS virus. The COVID-19 vaccine is not new, the strain of that virus was newly identified in 2019, hence its moniker. Stop spreading false information. (And no, my information doesn’t solely come from the “lame stream media”, it comes from my sister-in-law who is a PhD-ed virologist.)
@@mjoyg5445 People willingly let themselves be used as guinea pigs... Then they point fingers at the ones who don't want the vaccine, claiming its their fault the virus keeps spreading and mutating. Meanwhile the flu keeps mutating anew every year. But noone cares about the flu or its vaccine anymore. Even after getting the COVID-vaccine, you can still get sick and when the virus infects a vaccinated person, of course it's going to mutate into something stronger, because it meets a stronger resistance in the vaccinated body... weird how it goes both ways, but everyone just wants to point fingers at the sceptics.
We haven't come far in medicine. Doctors are still just a bunch of morons with God complexes, making things up.
The Radithor story was really shocking at first but then I realized when this product came out, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had not yet happened. People had no clue what radiation really was. I wonder what future generations will say about us and what we are consuming now that we think is safe.
Exactly what i was thinking
It also makes me wonder what we are avoiding because we think it's poison when it's actually not...like tomatoes!
Like plastics?
@@trashcatlinol ehhh? Tomatoes? I never heard anything bad about em. Do explain?
@@asteroth1986 it used to be believed tomatoes were poisonous because the rest of the plant is. People who knew they were safe had to take to eating them in a public spectacle in order to convince people they were safe.
A few other foods throughout history were treated like that as well! Sometimes just at the whim of a silly king. I don't don't remember specifics as when I heard I brushed it off as 'just like tomatoes' XD; and then didn't commit them to memory...
That thumbnail was jaw dropping. Never seen anything like that
Was that a pun intended?
I've seen that photo somewhere but idk where 😶🌫️
was “jaw dropping” on purpose lmao
Civil War post injury photos look a lot like this.
Super omega edgy funny xdxdxd!!111
I want a bumper sticker that says “I’m a fan of the strange dark and mysterious”
Yes...I would buy those stickers! Lol
So do I
T shirt please XL. Tote bag. Coffee mug.
Yes!! That would be awesome!!
@@raymondbenbow8641 agreed! I would love that
That's exactly what happened to the "Radium Girls" During World War I. Women were hired to paint the hands of Aviation watches with a glowing paint that made it possible to read the time in low light conditions. To make a better point on the paint brush, the girls would lick the tip of the bristles to make a cleaner, sharper paint line. So the watches looked better. The Radium paint was so radioactive, The woman's jaws, and teeth just rotted away and fell off. The biggest tragedy of all, was the company blamed the woman for being "sickly and weak". And denied the paint was responsible for the horrific cancer the woman were exposed too... Many of these workers died a horrible, painful death as a result of this unbelievable negligence...
Worst part is most of the women were told to lick the bristles to make a sharper point iirc Also many of the women didn't even know what they were exposed to until the day of the trial
Yes and when they became ill they suffered tremendously ! The worst part is how the powers that be tried to cover it up and deny what happened to those girls - smh
Hope they resued 😭 science way more up to date now
@@Zorro9129 I fixed my post. Thanks for the correction....
The second story… radiation poisoning is like this: typically you die then you rot. But with radiation poisoning you rot then you die.
It's like reverse zombie, lol
Isn't radiation what they claim you get from 5g antennas?
@@yadiraquiles6841 no
I wonder why radium felt so good.
My dad had radiation poisoning from the military. His teeth rotted so bad he could just push them out. He destroyed his health for so long. So thankfully he survived and eventually got back to healthy (except his teeth) and runs a business but it was bad
I love Mr Ballin, he’s honest, he does his research and he’s not embarrassed to admit when one of the facts he finds is wrong and he corrects himself immediately
My grandmother told me that when she was a young nurse (around 1918-1920), the hospital where she worked was losing staff to illness. Turns out it was the X-ray machine (she called it a ‘fluoroscope’) and the techs and nurses would basically stand right next to the patient being xray’d (no shielding of any kind). Not a ton of radiation for one Xray, but if youre doing 50 a day, it adds up. She also said they used special methods to handle radium-affected patients because handling them too often was dangerous. Didn’t seem to affect her though as she died in 1997 at the age of 102.
She got radiated to the point where she lived past expectancy
@@bossaurayt3567 xD-
@@indicus9075 take a joke fam
@@indicus9075 woooosh
1920 - 1970 Shoe stores would use fluoroscopes to see how well a customer's foot fit into the shoe they were trying on.
As soon as you said “France” and “wooden structure” I was like “someone’s getting beheaded lol”
For me it was “wooden structure” and “basket”
When he said basket I knew things were going to get dark
Me too
Shanna's mom found guilty sentenced to undo and help me now true
@@auriellepearson1047 r/Ihadastroke
Fun fact: The guillotine was invented to try to make executions more humane since its creator hated the brutality of executions. In fact he hated executions so much, he did not want his name attached to his own invention. However, unfortunately for him, we still call it a guillotine.
it is more humane than some execution devices we use today. the electric chair is definitely a bit inhumane because you’re pretty much being electrocuted to death which i bet is painful.
Sidenote to that, the inventor was executed by his own invention as the revolutionaries thought he was pro bourgeoisie and pro monarchist. Iirc the Guillotine made executions so easy that during the height of the french revolution there were several hundred if not thousands of executions a day in France.
Funny how he thought it'd be more "humane", when in actuality is probably just as bad because a severed head has the ability to remain conscious for about 25 - 30 seconds.
Here's a quick excerpt from a guillotine observation made by a doctor back in 1905.
"In 1905, a French physician attended an execution and stood close to the guillotine. He approached as soon as the severed head tumbled into the basket below and called out the man’s name. He claimed the eyelids lifted and the man looked briefly at him before lowering his gaze. The physician called his name again and received a similar response. The man did not respond to a third prompt. The physician concluded based on his observations that a severed head could retain consciousness for 25 to 30 seconds."
THAT is truly terrifying! And there are other similar observations that have been made. Yikes 😬
@@elizabethserrano5136 Yeah but it beat a blunt axe that would take, I can't remember how many blows but like between 2 to 11. I mean, if you were rich, you could request a sword but still, that wasn't much better.
@@ryuwarrior89 i just think that idea of being consciously aware that your head is no longer attached to your body is truly terrifying, knowing that in a matter of mere seconds, you're going to die
being beheaded must be a very terrible last moments in a person's life.
Losing your body and all you are left with is a few seconds of pain, confusion and then suffocation/bloodloss.
Yea it must have been horrible
Radithor is so effective the results are jaw-dropping!
Was about to make this same comment.
Such underrated comment!!!
That's awful yet funny!
This man is legit one of the best story tellers I've heard. The pace, music/atmosphere, and how he paints a picture is simply beautiful, yet horrifying.
Yes I agree
he can’t beat sapphire though.
@@thazinluvz from snarled?
@@yunishinoya305 yes
@@thazinluvz yess I miss watching her
Scary to think that Eben died in the 1930's, yet his bones will still be radioactive well past the year 3500
Lol.. yeah but even longer.
Half life times 5.5 should be a safe timeline.
So 1600 years times 5.5.
8800 years.
Hey there smooth skin
@@fife8332 What?
@@fife8332 ahh... Nice reference
That's assuming that there will be no means discovered to remove radiation, which then will be used on whatever bones are left.
I felt really bad for the guy with the jaw fallen off.
He had such a great life up until he made one fatal mistake by drinking more of that radium water. But what is worst is that there are many other people especially doctors that didn't know Radium was technically bad. Hell never forget there was an actual story about girls using the radium paint they use for watches as make-up
Yeah dude. That story was jaw-dropping. 🙃
His greed is what caused his death
yea but like if he kept on drinking the same amount of radium water that he was supposed to have, the same thing would have happened just later on in his life
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 oo ni😊😊😊😊😊 oo😊😊0😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 oo😊😊😊0 oo😊😊😊😊😊 oo oo😊😊😊😊😊😊 oo oo😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 oo😊0😊😊😊 oo😊
@@tarabean1892 It's more like Addiction than Greed
But mostly the radium because anyone with any amount of that could kill someone
"Radithor gives you energy"
yes, radioactive energy
He became a real life Fallout Boy
Radithor gives you wInGs... angel wings.
Makes me wonder what the real side effects of modern drugs and technology would turn out to be.
Remember - everyone was considering radioactive water to be completely harmless back in these days...
Radithor gave me Chernobyl energy 😤😤
“Things were going pretty well until his jaw fell off”
Damn, he’s having one of those days.
UGH i hate those days >:/
@@mozzymozzameepmorp7818 yep they’re the worst D:
I hate puberty.
@@randommandude5450 LMAO
I hate it when my jaw falls off
I've seen a lot of Mr Ballen disturbing backstories, but none as jaw dropping as this one
Not sure if you meant it or not, but that was a great play on words.
@@kygal like
I saw what you did there. lol
Imagine just chilling and out of no where your jaw falls off
That would be horrifying
That story about radithor makes is just crazy. It makes you feel bad for the people back then, since they didn’t have any access to the information we do now about the dangers of radiation. Makes you grateful we were born in a time period where we don’t have to go through stuff like that.
Fr that story was jaw dropping. Also are we gonna talk about the fact that this is probably this mans most least liked comment?
@@bigdaddydal7763 f u n n y o r i g i n a l j o k e i s e e
Also in today's times, there are threats we simply don't know the effect on.
Just take e-cigarettes and the liquids that are heated and inhaled. Actually people have already died from certain liquids, cause although the contents may be fine when coming in contact with, they aren't when burnt and inhaled.
Still e-cigarettes are marketed as less harmful and a 'safer' alternative than regular cigarettes.
Give it 50 years and people will know better. With regular cigarettes it also took some time until people realized the danger.
And like e-cigs, there are dozens of other things we today think are fine, but will turn out not to be.
We have those things to we joust don’t know what they are yet just like they didn’t back then. It’s not radiation now but there’s gonna be documented ya of the effects of something we have nowadays
I feel sorry for people taking the regulated doses. Don’t feel sorry for a guy addicted to it.
When you think about it, it’s kinda miraculous that humanity even survived the atomic age. They were drinking radioactive water, using radium paint on everything, peoples jaws flyin off left and right, women glowing in the dark, it was crazy!
It’s pretty amazing that we figured out “Radiation = Bad” before we all died.
Well yeah almost... 😄
There's still time
Your comment doesnt really make any sence because back then fatalaties caused by radio activity were very very rare. Different things killed much much more people, mainly deceases and wars. And we still havent been able to learn anything because till today there are wars going on.
'Women glowing in the dark' lol
@@juliasanne6805 Those "deceases" will kill you every time lol
65 years old and I still absolutely love having someone tell me stories. When I had reached the age of 9 or 10 my parents found me reading a copy of Frank Edwards book, Stranger Than Science and felt I was becoming way too fond of stories that were strange, dark and mysterious. I had to wait so very, very long for Mr Ballen to arrive and make my life complete by telling me wonderful stories of my favorite kind. Thank you Sir, for your service to our country and for being an amazing storyteller.
I am 61 and cannot go to sleep without someone reading me a story....audiobooks cured my insomnia
I can't seem to get enough of him.
@@impalamama7302 You're gonna have nightmares if you listen to these stories 😂😂
@@prod_revo Oh no...I don't listen to Mr. Ballen to go to sleep by! I like to watch him when awake cuz he is so easy on the eyes....
The fact you find different quotes for the like button is amazingly unterribly flawlessly fascinating
I read an article that said that supposedly Eben Byers didn't feel too much pain because by the time his jaw was removed, the tonic had already disintegrated most of his nerves. I've no idea if it's true, but it would be a small kindness if at least he didn't feel anything.
Sounds like it could be true but that would just mean that he felt the pain prior to his jaw actually falling off
@@mr.radical802 ouch. The man himself.
@Mr.Radical Ayo it's the guy, come up here and give us an introduction
Makes you think about these vaccines the healthcare world is making us all take…I wonder how long until we see negative results from these ‘health remedies’ 🤔
“You should try Radithor”
Ever since I played Fallout, I’ve avoided anything that involves “Rad” under the immediate assumption that it involves radiation
What? I hear Fallout is totally rad! 🤙
@President Richardson Illuminati has GTA 6 but they won't allow it to be released.
It is the word root meaning “radio”
Unless it's Radaway
Just pop a few radaways and you'll be fine.
I love how Mr.Ballen just joined on TH-cam and became everyone’s favorite TH-camr.
Edit: I mean join as in he started to upload since last year to two years ago.
So much love for Mr. Ballen ❤️
Yea, I remember when he had just 35k subscribers, now he has 100x that.
@@Yezpahr great tuber. only thing that annoys me is that like button thing. Other than that GREAT!
Yes I've watched him kill it from the start
Easily one of the best content creators from the beginning of his career. Keep it up Ballen 🏀 💨 🔥
I am very easily intrigued by the strange, dark and mysterious, and I remember when I first found this channel. The ability to so wonderfully highlight the most devastating parts of these stories while also including the history and things that many other sources may leave out or even get (kinda) wrong is one of the biggest reasons I love these videos and this channel. You always keep it interesting and all of us waiting for the next upload. I know these sorts of things are commented a lot, but I just wanted to say.
Just casually “it was going well, until his jaw fell off”
like oh yeah thats like so normal
Looks like Raziel from Soul Reaver.
Radium is similar to calcium and will replace the calcium in the bone. Since radium is radioactive and now inside the bone structure it will kill everything around it. Destroy the bone and blood vessels. Causing strong bones to just crumble and fall apart.
@@sd906238 shit man, thanks :) cool info!
@@sd906238 mah man!! Thanks!
It’s a strange but cool feeling to finally know the story behind the jawless man photo
I know, I’ve seen it for years but never knew what it was about.
@@bbennyj RIGHT?! I’m glad to finally get the story.
Yeah, at first I thought it's a picture of a 19th somewhere seaman where their ship encounter a pirate's and his jaw got cannoned off
yeah that photo actually traumatized me
One of the most disturbing first real gore videos I ever saw was a young Syrian boy who had his entire lower jaw blown off by an Assad missile and looked just like this guy and you can Google Syrian boy or just boy with jaw blown off by Assad missile and it'll come up. He is awake and fully aware and even kicking his legs while sitting on the side of the hospital exam table like he is just having a totally normal day, surely from shock. But it looks just like this, only real footage and relatively new and clear. I warn you now, it's disturbing af!
Eben's skeleton is probably still glowing inside his coffin. I heard that the radium girls who died from making glow-in-the dark watch faces are still glowing. The cemeteries put up warning signs by each grave saying not to dig there. Almost a century later and their bodies are still lethal to anyone who gets near them. So tragic that consuming radium and using it in cosmetics was once thought beneficial.
fascinating horror actually just released a video about the radium girls and it’s super interesting and def worth a watch
@@harlequinn2526You Typed Definitely Worth A Watch ⌚🤷🏾♂️Some Coincidence Seeing Radium Watches Sealed Her Fate 🙏🏾
@@joshscottify 😂 i def didn’t mean to make a pun but i’ll take it lol. props to u man that’s really funny
My question is , how did radium cure the guy’s pain? Is it something that radium just does?
A year later and I still can’t get enough of these videos. Awesome!
The story about the guy that drank radium reminded me of the" radium girls" in World War II. They painted dials for airplanes with radium so they were glow-in-the-dark. They used to lick the tip of the brush to make it pointy. Eventually their teeth would fall out and I think a few of them lost their jaws before dying.
Oh man thats awful!
Fuuuuuck, horrible
That was ww1 friend
Radium was already understood to be dangerous by ww2 , Manhattan project scientists credited the radium girls for increasing safety standards dealing with radioactive materials.
There are also the Radium Girls from about 1917 to 1926, roughly, who painted radium numbers on watch dials. Some of them would be walking home at night and they would be glowing in the dark. I've also read that in dance clubs in cities throughout Europe people would cover themselves in radium and the lights would be turned off and everybody would be glowing in the dark. Radium was also added to drinks so they wold glow as well.
The "jaw dropping" radium story is one of the most shocking things I've ever heard. What a HORRIBLE way to die😖
Poor bastard. Doctors don't screw up often, but when they do, they REALLY screw up.
@@Silentbob1494 Especially back in the days of radioactive cocaine and heroin "Elixers"💯😂
@@Silentbob1494 From what I've read, the guy he's been seeing wasn't even a real doctor, but a dropout who faked to be a doctor, but I might be wrong.
You should have a look into the"Radium girls"....many died in almost exactly the same way.
@@scrappydoo7887 Yes! I think he may already have...? That was in WWII when they were told to lick the tip of the paintbrushes while using radioactive self luminous paint. I think that was even more f***ed up, because they KNEW what radioactive materials would do to people. It's as if they didn't care or they were never inspected for safety. The whole country was in a financial crunch, so it wouldn't surprise me.
I immediately just went "Oh no" when that dude was prescribed that radium, cause I just KNEW there was something bad. Also the last photo.. that's chilling asf..
Amazing profile picture
Wait what is this ?
Who am I ?
Why am I typing?
Ironically I was like „damn, Radithor, can I google that? What was in it?“ and I went to the Wikipedia page and literally read the story he told and was just like „Oh no“
I just thought he'd get addicted or smth
not that his body would disintegrate
Literally sounds like a radioactive material
@@scootyboy0822bro just had an existential crisis. 💀
Hi ballen i am a huge fan of spooky stories and stuff and i like how you presented the video and got straight in to the point and also you got be glued to the screen . If you are wondering how good are you then hear this 'i didnot skip a single second of this video' keep up the good work.
Interestingly, Eugene Weidmann's execution was also witnessed by a then 17 year old Christopher Lee who later became one of film's most celebrated actors and known for many his darker roles and fascination with the occult. He later went on to play headsman Charles-Henri Sanson in a 1989 French TV drama about the French Revolution.
Christopher Lee's resume is just.. unparalleled.
He was related to both Emperor Charlemagne, General Robert E. Lee, Ian Fleming (creator of James Bond).
He met the assassins of Rasputin.
He was an Intelligence agent in the British SAS in WWII, then promoted to the SOE whose missions are *still* classified - they were unofficially called "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare." He saw more death than normal people can comprehend.
He climbed Mt Vesuvius 3 days before it erupted.
He spoke six languages.
After all that he decided to start acting. AT AGE 25.
He has played Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein’s monster, Saruman (the only cast member to meet Tolkien), Count Dooku, Fu Manchu, Rasputin, Rochefort, Lord Summerisle, Scaramanga, Mephistopheles, and Death himself - *and those are just some of the villans*
In 2007 he was in Guinness for most screen credits at 244, and has since mad well more than a dozen more - in 2008 he was "the most connected actor" connecting to virtually any actor in 2.59 steps or "degrees".
The king of fucking Sweden gave him his blessing to marry Henriette von Rosen, daughter of Count Fritz von Rosen, in the 50s.
He released his *own metal album* in 2010 titled Titled Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross
He was made a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2009, a Commander of the Venerable Order of Saint John in 1997, made a Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French government in 2011 - and a *list* of other awards, medals, and titles.
Just... Mind-blowing.
@@Luke-op3to the most mind blowing fact is that the French made an Englishman a commander of anything, lol. He certainly led a fullfilled life and was an amazing human being. Though one day seeing those SOE files unclassified might be interesting.
@@Luke-op3to "Climbed Mt. Vesuvius 3 sah before it erupted", ha ha that's funny. 😆
@@ChocolateHabanero22 the last time Mt. Vesuvius erupted was in March of 1944.
The same time he was doing black ops in the war.
Did you not know that?
@@Luke-op3to Geez dude that’s nuts
I swear I've watched this guy transition from sweaters, short hair and mild backgrounds to flannels, pony tail, and exquisite scenery making his story come to life as he describes events. This man is truly the best
The girl who introduced me to him said she was taking a break because he's too sexy and it's distracting.
Oui! Jajajaj
I'm glad that you discussed the EBEN BYERS case. I studied the RADIUM GIRLS and dial painters some years ago, which was very horrific. Your body ingests RADIUM as a calcium mineral, meaning it deposits directly into the bones but as it collects in the bones, it actually eats the calcium in the surrounding area that the deposit touches.
Thank you for sharing this. I did not know your body intakes radium like it does with calcium.
@@jessyjones833 you're welcome. I also studied Lead and Mercury poisoning. The MAD HATTER was based on the Mercury poisoned workers who worked in the early hat industry. Marimata's disease and Kuru are also horrific studies as well.
I read about that too, seems it replaced the bone and hollows them out , and so if you know anything about injesting anything out mouths have a few bones around . The lower jaw ( mandible) isn’t really held on by much … I have TMJ and that sucks 🤣 fascinating what people injest for health / jobs
@@peterf.229 it was completely heinous what they did to the RADIUM girls and should be addressed more. The health and women's rights violations are just a start not to mention the cover up and blow back. I've never been more horrorfied. The boss of the main facility knew it was toxic and told the RADIUM girls that it wasn't, with no health risk. Told them how to apply the brush with a finer point by sucking on the tip. Back then dental hygiene was horrible so the RADIUM would leech through their teeth and gums for starters, hence most of them having jaw issues. When it became apparent that their job was toxic from the radium and more women showed symptoms, the boss told rumors that the conditions were brought on bu syphilis from cheating on their husband's. I can go on forever but it's one of the most horrible and disturbing things I've ever learned, considering everything.
Man, I wasn't even aware of Eben Byers or the Radium Girls or of Radithor, for that matter! The first time I the picture of Eben Byers, my jaw dropped, no pun intended! I can't imagine the pain these people went through and hope I never do!
The radium story reminds me of the radium girls. Even after the effects of radium were beginning to be discovered, these business owners tried to hush the concerns and keep the girls working in their factories against what was best for their health. Many of their jaws also fell apart due to their high exposure.
“Eugene kept his head down…” yep. He sure did. Even until it reached the bucket.
Best comment ever lo
@@tess3652 😂😂 I do what I can
But brilliant 😅
@@katieohara9476 *curtsy*
One of the best books I have ever read is The Radium Girls by Kate Moore. Dozens of young girls were excited to have jobs in a well-paying factory, painting numbers on dials for wristwatches and navigation instruments. They were taught to dip their paintbrushes in radium and then make the brush into a point with their mouths. They loved the way the radium glowed- they would even wear their best dresses to work on Fridays so they would glow that night when they went out on the town. They painted each other’s faces with it and stood in dark rooms, dancing around, having a great time. Only one time did someone warn them. A scientist-developer of radium once saw the girls putting the brushes in their mouths and said, “don’t do that!” Otherwise, they were told it was completely safe. The book is so detailed, it is heartbreaking to read of these girls’ horrible, painful deaths and their fight for justice. I couldn’t recommend it any more highly. It was a fascinating tale of greed and innocence lost.
Do you have this books bame?? I'm intrested.
@@ischa6682 The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women - Kate moore
th-cam.com/video/4CIuqKqFNdE/w-d-xo.html 20/10 recommend this video from Bailey Sarian!!💕💕💕 loved learning about the Radium Girls, and so much more!!!!!💕
Great but extremely sad book...
This story is so yesterday. Literally saw a story about it 10 years ago
I couldn't imagine how aweful and painful it was for him having his body fall apart. OMG!
A rare case where suicide it preferable.
He got what he deserved
@@donvito5647 How did he deserve such death?
@LeftismIsAntiWhite As a leftist I find it odd that you are bringing politics into everything, you are definitely conservative. He obviously didn't deserve to die and you obviously lack a life just like that other guy if you think this has anything to do with politics
@@corpseisking5392 Its the Leftists who have deliberately inserted politics (or rather, politicized bigotry) into everything through neo-Marxist Critical Theory, which is precisely what it was designed to accomplish. As for this case, his being rich and (actually) privileged, economic class resentment (i.e. classical Marxism) seems a likely explanation.
I listen while I'm working and it keeps me from losing my mind because all these stories are engrossing and well narrated
Mr. Ballen- I am a 44 year old man who never thought I'd be hooked on a youtube channel where another grown ass man tells me stories, but here I am! hah. Keep doing what you're doing my dude. I love it! Cheers.
Lol ur not the only fully grown adult man who enjoys these. My husband loves them, especially at bed time. Hes just too good.
I was thinking the same lol
This is so wholesome!!
56 y o English lady teacher, HARD SAME.
I want to let the Wide World know that I especially appreciate your coverage of Sasquatches, cryptids, aliens, & sk'kers as well as the run of the mill human shenanigans. People can get up to some crazy things but these *nonhuman* beings seem truly off the chain.
"It was all going great... until his jaw fell off." That sentence almost took me out of this world. I laughed so hard only because I just.. wasn't expecting him to say that.
Yeah I was like “ oh if it’s going great then why is it on- oh of course his jaw fell off”
Ahahahaha same
Jaw-dropping moment
@@fifopcmainchannel LMAOOOO!
Man. The picture of a man coming to terms with his own death is haunting. It gave me chills both times I looked.
He shouldn't have been harassing random people
@@AnAdorableWombat1walk away from the guy, don't push him on the tracks and kill him. Humanity today is shameless. Blacks are always pushing Asians onto train tracks in NYC. Dozens of victims just this year and more last year.
@@AnAdorableWombat1 doesnt mean he deserves to die
I agree. It chills you to your very soul. It brings awareness to the fragility of your own existence and makes you question your own mortality.
Very existential.
He could lie down between the tracks and probably survive
Mr Ballern, I totally love love love ur channel here... I evn listen to u on spotify with the medical mysteries and the other too.. keep up the good work!! Greetings from southern Sweden
This guy talks like he was live witnessing every event he's describing lol. Enthralling
Plot twist : he actually REALLY was live witnessing every event he described
That’s just how good his story telling skill is
He's a time traveler. You didn't know?
@🌿Latte-Roblox-Friends🌿 BYE🚶🏽♀️
@🌿Latte-Roblox-Friends🌿 LMAO
I like that the storyteller, in this video, doesn't give the impression of being obsessed with convincing the listeners that the story is definitely true. He simply tells the stories, with an admirable, articulate, non-bias demeanor. Usually, with these abnormal/paranormal type videos, you have a host that comes off as just another extreme fanatic, (of whatever the topic is), that ends up overselling what they consider "facts", in what seems to be, a kind of desperate attempt to convince people to share their belief/opinion, hoping they agree. I don't like it when hosts do that because it kind of makes me question whether I'm making my own decision to believe, (whatever story is topic) , or am I definitely NOT believing( something possibly true) just because I don't want to be on the side that of the overexcited host, who has turned it into something absurd. So, kudos to this guy who literally keeps it real. It's nice, for a change. Keep it up man. I like your style and I will stay tuned because of it.
Butt chug some magic elixer. ;3
@@garygood6804 what?!
Write a story about it. Ohhh u did
@@henryandkate butt chug some magic elixir ;3
He is the absolute best!!! The second i heard i could get his face on a shirt, i ordered it... and a bumper sticker..... and a mug lol.
Hi John, I had an idea that I wanna run by you to see if you’d be interested, I thought maybe you could upload your stories to Spotify for those who are on the road and love your videos and wanna listen to them without worrying about looking away from the road. Or you could just have a podcast where you talk about stories from the military or stories that didn’t make it to videos. Just an idea I had
Edit: Thank you guys so much for the support, I’ve had this idea for a while and I am so happy so many of you like it too
This is a great idea actually because I’ve never watched one of his episodes but I’ve listened to every single one while I work.
You could still stream through Bluetooth on your vehicle. Just leave TH-cam open on your phone
I spent the better part of an hour searching for a MrBallen podcast or a Missing411 podcast.
@@remingtongray7448 yo frrr
I enjoy your presentations. You are animated, knowledgeable and always well prepared. (Sometimes I check!) I love trivia and history. I always learn something new from you.
Fun guillotine fact: Numerous executions were occasionally performed back-to-back, so if you were unlucky enough to be one of the last to have your turn it may take several tries before you were decapitated due to the blade being dull and bloody.
If you WERE lucky, it fatally broke your neck on the 1st (or 2nd) try. 😃
Hey, thanks! Love a good fun fact about death machines. 😌
Really? It was suppose to stop that from happening...
Makes sense. But movies would have you think otherwise
Wow, that’s enough to make someone not murder other people, you would think.
@@cuppycakey5013 I have a theory that most murderers (serial killers, especially) suffer from OCD.
This guy's is the best storyteller in a generation.
I don’t know about that, but thank you!!
@@MrBallen as someone with ADHD who has a really hard time focusing, you are one of the only people who can tell a story and i fully listen to it. So if you aren't you are pretty close
Dont be so modest Mr B...You fully deserve all the credits..I personally think its quite a skill to maintain peoples interest and hold it...espcially in todays culture..Surely the next thing for you is Netflix?..Youd be Great.☺
It’s true, I’m so engaged I never catch the secret 😂
I was just binging all of the ‘pictures with disturbing backstories’ and I am hooked! Me and my brother watch your videos all the time and they never get old :)
same me and my brother also like his videos
Welcome to the best channel on TH-cam Have you seen the No face woman yet?
@@memo5230 NO! PLEASE LINK 10/10 must see
@@memo5230 oh. Wait, if it the woman who was attacked by the chimp a dozen or so years ago?
*my brother and i
I would like to hire this guy to come camping with me and my family and tell spooky camp fire stories. Seems trustworthy and like he would also be handy in a wilderness situation. Honorary uncle material.
Radithor may include side affects like: drowsiness, fever, and jaw falling off. Please do not take if you are or planning on living.
That applies with everything because if your taking hundreds of times your prescribed amount of litteraly anything it's going to kill you pretty quickly. Not saying it's not harmful at all but don't pretend like this idiots death wasn't the result of his own utter stupidity. He would have died way earlier had that been vitamin à he was litteraly gulping down
@@lawrencemorris2261 bro, he was making a fucking joke. "Calm down, Jamal. Dont pull out the nine."
@@lawrencemorris2261 The side effects of this drug is much more extreme than most other drugs.
😆😆😆 damn....
Give that or your soul 🙂
I remember seeing that picture of the guy with his jaw removed a few years ago and just thought someone had made it up. Now that I know it's real, I'm horrified. That poor guy.
I thought it was fake too
Bro I thought it was a war photo
The part that gets me is that it just fell off. Wasn't even a accident or injury.
Kara, please go to your local library and get a copy of the book THE RADIUM GIRLS. It is a non-fiction book that chronicled what happened to the women who were hired to apply radium paint to watches, clocks, and other items. At the turn of the 20th century radium was considered a 'wonder substance' and was utilized in all sorts of ways that actually turned out to extremely harmful, as Mr. Ballen's story about Eben Byers illustrates.
@@rfpnc well now they don't need to go get a book bc you basically just told everyone the whole story so .........
Then why tell her to go get the book or whatever ...why not just tell her to Google the story bc most likely Google will be able to find her this information and them squish it all together in a 5 min story instead of all the unnecessary ready.
There's actually more to the Eben Byers story. If I remember correctly, the famous photo of him is during his reconstructive surgery after his surgeon did his best to remove all of the rotten tissue from his face. He then did his best to reconstruct a new jaw for Eben, and, for the time period, did a pretty good job with what he had to work with. There's a photo of him after the surgery and, while he still looked disfigured, it wasn't nearly as bad as the famous photo.
Indeed, it did not save him though... The poor fellow died around a year later due to the lingering radiation in his body eating away at his organs and his skull, dreadful way to go.
Props to the surgeon that did his best to help
@@sentimentalmariner590 awe, may he rest in peace
@@sentimentalmariner590 I read in an article that, near the end of Eben's life, he was forced to wrap his entire head in bandages cuz his skull was literally falling apart. Horrifying.
I don’t know why a doctor or family member didn’t give him a fatal dose of morphine when the man was clearly suffering.
I always listened to this mans videos when doing schoolwork and always made my days at school more better now at 18 years old i listen to his videos when i go to sleep lol
Love this channel
The way he described the Subway platform in the last video was so well done. Even if I had never seen a subway platform in my life I would know what it looked like. Really amazing narrator
I'm actually 100% blind and I now know what a subway platform looks like
As someone from New York City, it is 100% accurate, if you come to nyc, never ever stand near the edge of the tracks, and always check your surroundings
@@lijingliangssuit8012 So how do you read and post comments?
@@fukkitful sorry I can't read what you said, can you sign language it me?
@@lijingliangssuit8012 👍
I read about the radium guy in a book about the elements. Radium is extremely toxic and people who love collecting antiques are warned to avoid the old glass bottles of this product as they're highly irradiated despite being nearly 100 years old
They irradiate stones too. And there's no harm in wearing them.
What's wrong with the bottles being irradiated? It's just extra clean glass.
@@Prof.Tarfeather I wouldn't wear one.
@@callumkristofer7793 Yeah. Clean glass that causes cancer. No thanks.
@@raven4090 it's literally just irradiated, nothing will happen, even if you put it constantly, to your chest.
The crowd was unruly and antagonistic yet despite that, Eugen kept his head.
Ba Dum Tiss
Not literally but yeah
what? why is everyone laughing i dont get it?
They took “take my WORD for it literally”
Starting the day off right with the strange, dark and mysterious!
Delivered in story format
evening here raining 😀
Only way to start the day!
My favorite breakfast
Its wonderful is it not
What Eben more than likely suffered from is phosphorus necrosis of the jaw or phossy jaw, basically heavy exposure to radium causes the rapid cell death of the jaw (thus necrosis) and if you've ever heard of the plight of the radium girls, this is the same horrific thing that occurred to them.
What the hell
It’s because the bones are beginning to disintegrate from lack of calcium. They called it phossy jaw because it was the first part to go. The connection between the bottom jaw and the rest of your face is made of very little bone that’s constantly under pressure and so it would break first.
Once you have phossy jaw, you’re in the late stages of radium poisoning and all of your bones are disintegrating.
That’s diabolical 😟
@@meghancomo96 you should read about the quaker oats and how people litterally fed children radioactive chemicals there a litteral abandoned building that housed kids who ate the stuff i think quaker oat company had a lawsuit because of how they fed little kids the stuff
@@arcticwolflover263 omg that’s insane, I’ll definitely check it out!
"Hey dawg, can I get some Radithor?"
"Only a spoonful"
*Pulls out comically large spoon*
Oh yeah, it's radiation poisoning time
💀 literally
They didn't know 😬. Its so terrifying how we put fatal trust in our doctors and government
@@moxiemaxie3543 lol this goes for the new vaccine
i’ve been addicted to these kinds of videos recently and idk why but i love them
As a New Yorker, that last story really hit me. I've always had a fear of being on the train and feeling "something" cracking or bumpy under the train.
I am on the A every day, and I have never had that feeling. That is odd to me. But, you may have a reason for it, and I am not judging you at all. I have at times been very vigilant at late hours on one of the lines, and watch my ass. But as a New Yorker you know we are a very different breed than anyone else. We are always checking our surrounding. The streetwise of us I mean. There are many who have their earbuds in and are in a trance, and at times that is very foolish to do as I am sure you well know. Cheers my fellow N.Y.er!
@@dangercat9188 LOL, At work, guys used to shoot the shit during coffee, and lunch, if we were not going to the bar, now it is total silence cuz everyone has their face in their damn phones. And walking down the street there are always a few with their attention on the phone and bumping into you, and they just keep on strolling along. No " sorry sir" or " excuse me". Idiots ,smh.
It's usually rats. Remember the rats in NY are the size of toddlers
@@dangercat9188 kicked one of those huge cat sized rats once. It was during across and got stunned by almost tripping me in between my legs? So i panicked and kicked it, making it fly several feet. Can you believe that shit was fine and had the audacity to glare at me like it was my fault? 😂
I think its fault of restaurant food thrown in garbages, on why theyre so big. Food waste here is so common
Really that’s all you got from it
New word learnt today : “Craniectomy” is neurosurgical procedure that involves removing a portion of the skull in order to relieve pressure on the underlying brain.
Thank you Mr Ballen 🖤
You didn’t know that word?
@@fifteen_march no shit, she just mentioned learning about it
@@SonekR lol
So same as a Lobotomy basically
Imagine how large your brain could get without the limitations of the skull. Maybe become the smartest person alive.
Story Three - Doomed - a lot of these issues with people falling onto tracks could be alleviated with permanent barriers on the platforms, with doors that open only when the train is at the platform -- after all we don't have elevator shafts without doors.
I don’t understand why barriers aren’t in place. So many accidents that could’ve been prevented.
The MTA is finally going to install barriers
We have that in some places of France :) They are made of glass.
This is a really good idea
That surprises me too
My dad is not a huge fan of TH-cam and won’t watch anything on here with me until I started watching this Chanel my dad loves history and has found a liking to this Chanel. I even Found him watching video without me 🙄. He loves the history to this Chanel and figuring out cool facts and this Chanel give he everything!
As soon as he said Radithor I didn’t even need to know the rest. Radium has a very fucking dark chapter in history.
it does acutally kill insanly fast
The beginning of the story, and the period of time in which it took place, gave it away before he even mentioned Radithor. I'd read about this a long time ago.
@@xaenon I knew as soon as I heard Eben’s name. But I didn’t know he literally fell apart before dying.
@@TheEmeraldMenOfficial Yeah. I remember the details of it. I'd seen the picture of his head as well. Radium is vicious stuff.
History is full of similar things. Wallpaper in England in the Victorian era was poison as well, because the dyes were arsenic.
Lead was used in lots of products - in fact, once upon a time, water pipes were made of lead. It was also found in paint, gasoline, and the manufacture of toys.
Chemistry sets used to contain real uranium.
Of course you know that asbestos was used all kinds of things. It wasn't all that long ago that it was used for brake linings and clutches in automobile. It was used for thermal insulation in houses, in ovens, for electrical insulation in wires and appliances, and so on.
DDT was used for pest control. That shit will f__k a person up with a quickness.
It's tempting to believe that the manufacturers of these products just 'didn't know'. In almost every case, the manufacturers, once WARNED of the hazards, actively ignored those warning and even worked to SUPPRESS the research so they could keep making their products despite the hazards.
As soon as I heard the name of it I knew it must've been something radioactive or dangerous
It’s crazy how well he paints pictures in your head to fully grasp what he is explaining
He makes you feel like as if you were there as it happens.
He makes you feel like as if you were there as it happens.
Yes!! Came here to say the same
@@KNM17_91 really?
@@CatxCxCat wth are you questioning?
When Mr. Ballen said “ and then his jaw fell off.” Sent chills up my spine
It's not just Radium that'll do it, either. My Dad (born 1947) said he knew another man (whose name I do not know, I think he was a co-worker at PPG in the 1970s) who ended up that way from chewing tobacco; he got jaw cancer, IIRC.
Oh, and (since it's relevant to chewing tobacco,) my Paternal Grandfather also got pancreatic cancer just short of the age of 70 from chewing tobacco. The sad part here is, he died before I was a year old, so I never really got to know him.
Tobacco is well known to be unhealthy by now, but just in case anyone at all here wasn't aware (the world is a wide place, after all,) there you go.
@@101Volts Be cool if there was a drug that would cure you from addiction, but even if there was I imagine the tobacco and alcohol people wouldn't want it getting out
@@101Volts yep, I just read the Wikipedia article on Byers, and it’s believed he died of cancers related to ingesting radium
@@101Volts My best friend growing up's dad got lip cancer from chewing. He had alot of his lip and part of his tongue removed. It didn't stop him,he just started chewing on the other side and you guessed it had the same thing happen. Did he learn then ? Nope,he started keeping his chew in his top lip and you guessed it he got cancer there too. After that and barely any lips,jaws and tongue left but he finally stopped but he has had so many other types of cancer since then. I'm now 50 years old and he is still alive. Nobody ever thought that would happen, especially him.
Yep it made my jaw drop!
This is my first video watching you I’m already subscribing
The fact that the subway platform was apparently busy but nobody else ran to try and pull him up is disturbing!
There is a Japanese anime called Gantz , that has a similar message.
People in New York are ignorant as fuck
It's a common known study that the more people around the less likely each individual is to help you. People feel less directly responsible when there are people around them. It's also been nicknamed "the poison of apathy", turning a blind eye towards those around you because "someone else will help"
Don’t have anyone around. For me that photographer pay to this happen so he can take the right photo.
@@SkullCreep No.
Christopher Lee (guy who played Count Dooku, Sarumon, Dracula, etc) was actually witnessed the execution. He was visiting his sister at the time.
Ironic how Dooku died the same way.
@@technicallyinformativestem3032 ...
Lee was an English spy during WWII.
@@friedrice9535 not a spy, a commando. Genuine badass and actually stabbed people o.o
Lee was a master fencer as well
As a child I have always been afraid of the photo of the jawless man. But now I feel sorry of this man not knowing he was drinking poison for years. But without him, a lot of more people could have been killed by radium poisoning.
These are a really jaw dropping stories Mr.ballen,Thank you for a years of sharing stories on us.❤
The radithor story is the perfect example of mind over matter. Dude is literally microwaving his own body to crumbs yet his mind tells him he feels better and better each day on this wonder drug. The human mind is one hell of a drug
Well generally speaking thats a good example of the placebo effect, a not too rare psychological phenomenon
@@imethdup5050 half of the meds used today are placebo. Generally most meds for not serious illnesses are placebo and ALL supplicants are placebo.
@@wykydytron Can you give an example of the meds you're talking about
Ritalin is basically meth
"he prescribed him Radithore"
Me: why do I have a sinking feeling I know exactly what's in that tonic?
On God
Fallout fan? Haha I wasn't paying attention to the name and just assumed it was either cocaine or heroin
@@joefawcett2191 Is Radithore a thing in fallout?
Yes Its Remi from ratatouille 😌👍 What did you think? 🤨
@@wizardcat3848 There's "dirty water" which is basically radiated water except it doesn't heal you, it kills you slowly with rads.
That last story was nuts. Just imagine getting into a fight with a drunk in the subway and then you push him into the ground and he dies, and then you go to jail for 5 years only to be found innocent. Damn.
I had a little incident some years ago in London. Obviously loads less dramatic, but I was doing filming graffiti with my Canon, and there was this fight between 2 blokes, they were probably having issues over "dealing" money. And they thought I was filming them, spying or something. And they came running... I usually don't get scared, but darn, I ran away and hid since they they were after.
@Alejo Gameplay Well, when you live in NYC these things happen on a daily basis, and yes, unfortunately, you do tend to become numb to these situations. Also, it's because you can run the risk of getting stabbed, beat-up, or like in this case, pushed onto the tracks yourself for intervening. It's a whole another world down there, with all kinds of messed-up, bad people. But with all that said, there are stories in the news of people falling in the tracks and good Samaritans running to their aide. There has even been stories of police officers being pushed into the tracks and people jump the perp and help rescue the officer that fell. There's still some good people out there, don't lose hope, yet. Stay safe out there peeps.
@Lamia In a situation like that, you have seconds to re-act. There was no way for the train to stop in time. If he was further down the track there might have been a better chance. Look at the photo. That train was already on top of him in a matter of seconds
@@EddieEd148 well that was the last picture, it might have been further away initially
@@annataymond9529 I'm going to take a guess that you've never been on a NYC train. I live in NY and remember this story. The subway can be a very dangerous place. In just seconds your life can be taken just from a single mis-step
Love u man. The way u details these stories is easily understandable and thrilling. Thanks for the video