Part 5: Weapon Keywords here - Full How to Play 40K Playlist here - Part 3: Movement Phase here -
I have a question for modifiers, if i get a plus one by any rule from my Miniatures, but a minus one by the enemys, does that cancel itself out? And if i get 3x a +1 and 2x a -1, does that lead to a plus 1 in total?
@@dkerr200 eh, he is doing more than enough with all those detailed explanations. Let him have some free time. Making a play-list, so those parts can be easily found, would be enough.
Thank you for explaining about wounding. Rolling to hit is relatively easy to understand, but I always seem to lose track of where-ever rolling to wound is written down.
Yeah its pretty confusing at first. Roll to wound, then they roll to save, then you deal wounds, which causes them to lose wounds. I feel like one other word would help. Like roll to hit, roll for impact, they roll to save, then you deal wounds, causing them to lose vitality.
@@superdoombro I agree as a new player the wording is very confusing, I don't understand why call it that way, wounds should be hit points or vitality as you said, then melee or shoot, then hit or miss, then save or armor mitigation and then damage to health pool / hit points
G'day, I have a query for an upcoming match vs a Tyranids player. Last time we played, I wanted to shoot his unit, (Hive tyrant & 3 tyrant guard) while it was in combat. We could not figure out / agree if I could do so. The tyrant guard does not have the monster keyword & the hive tyrant does I've been trawling the rules commentary for a ray of light. How I read the priority of rules, I believe that I should be able to shoot the aforementioned unit locked in combat. As the monster keyword applies & my rules (as I would be the attacker) would take priority...
When you have a leader attached to a unit their keywords get transferred to the bodyguard unit, though they don't gain the benefit of the keyword transfer. For instance if a leader has fly (like the Technomancer), and the bodyguard unit does not (Necron Warriors), the warriors have the fly keywords as long as they are the bodyguard unit of the Technomancer, and they don't gain the ability to fly. This would allow a unit that has anti-fly to use it against the Necron warriors.
Thank you for the videos. I'm trying to learn the rules and unfortunately I am quite dyslexic so videos are much more helpful to me. That said, it's all been quite easy to understand until this video where I might as well be watching a CERN presentation lol. Not necessarily your fault as I understand the rules are complex, but as a bit of constructive crit - it might be easier to grasp the various stages if you stick to the same units for the entire 'turn'. Jumping between units with different stats is making it a bit harder to follow. I am a total idiot though so maybe it's just me. I'm really struggling with the rolls on wounds etc though. Feels very complicated. I do appreciate your videos though, thank you.
Does wounds spill over? Example. 2 terminaters remaining with a lord accompanied the unit. Opponent does 9 wounds, the terminaters are dead. Does the remaining wounds to the lord with other toughness etc?
Idk if anyone will see this but I have an important question : Can a model shoot all of it's range weapons in a single turn ? Like Balistus or The Silent King, I think it would be broken but idk if it is played like this or not
they can! with the exception of "pistol" type weapons which can only be fired alongside other pistols which if you fire that model can't shoot any non-pistol weapons. btw! you can even have one weapon shoot at one unit and another shoot a different one but you gotta have all the shots from each shoot one unit. In melee is where you must choose one weapon to strike with per model, unless you have a weapon with "extra attacks" in which it can be used alongside another melee weapon but these are usually found on single model units anyways.
They absolutely can use all of their guns together except pistols, while on the flip side in the fight phase they have to select a single weapon to use, unless their weapon has the extra attacks keyword.
Hi all! I have a question related to hit rolls in general: Scenario is, chaos with dark pacts - tzeentch, critical on 5+ Shooting at Lychguard with ability that does -1 to the hit roll. Core rules say: 6 is critical, and always successful. Are 5s on chaos' hit roll affected by the -1 modifier? The conflict here is, does that 5 gain the same consideration as 6s as described in the core rules? Or can it become a 4 therefore losing its critical consideration? The rules say 6s are always successful, doesn't say anything about 5s. That's the necron player's point of view. My take is that what gives this "always successful" characteristic is the fact that the roll constitutes a critical hit, not that it is necessarily a 6. Could be a 5 if the particular army rules applicable to the hit roll say so. Am I in the wrong? Thanks guys!
late response but it is not affected. critical hits are always unmodified hit roll, so if you have a dark pact that says you crit on 5+ that is before any plus or minus to hit is applied
Question if anyone has any answers please. If I have a repulsor & 3 enemy sqauds have charged it and within engagement range. Can I fire on those 3 sqauds during my shooting phase, and are there any Nerfs? Also, I understand you can either shoot all your ranged or all your pistols. What about psychic attacks. If I have a psychic attack & a pistol. Can I shoot both or just one or the other? Thanks.
Question 1: How does it work when you have different saves in the target unit ? If you take the Imperial Navy Breacher, you will notice that one model out of the ten has an Endurant Shield that grant it a 4++. When the Opponent gets to the Saving Throw step does he or she get decides which model takes which save and in which order ? For example if the said Breacher unit is hit by one Dark Lance shot and two Splinter riffle shot, can the Imperial player decide to tank first the Dark Lance shot with the Endurant shield and, if succesfull, tank the first Splinter riffle shot and then eventually the second ? Question 2: If the Imperial player set up his Navy Breacher model equipped with an Endurant Shield hidden from the shooting unit while some other models are visible and within range from it, can he utilises the Endurant Shield model to tank the hits even if it is not itself visible from the firing unit ?
Answer 1. works as you think, you can use any saves in a unit until that model dies then you use whatever save is left. Answer 2. If it is part of the unit getting shot, you can use their equipment even if its not being looked at directly. The shielded model would be the first to take wounds if the unit is hit. Let me know if I missed something. Hope this helps!
The player making the save rolls chooses a model (any model, in the target unit) and begins making save rolls, that model must continue rolling saves until it is removed from play (as a casualty) or there're no more saves to take, you must roll all saves for a weapon type, before moving on to another. The part that sometimes gets overlooked is that it's for the rest of the phase, it's not important to your specific question, but it would apply if any other enemy units fired at the breacher squad, over the rest of the shooting phase. In your example, you could choose him, you could choose to start with the dark lance, if he passes, you HAVE to roll the splinter rifle save on him (no choice), if it passes, you HAVE to roll the the second splinter rifle save on him (no choice), if he passes all 3, it ends (no more saves to make), but there're many enemy units running around in a game of 40k. If any more enemy units were to fire on the breachers, you must begin making saves (for the unit) on that same shield model (till the end of that shooting phase), once that shooting phase ends (all enemy units have shot), it is possible to pick a different model (in that unit) to begin rolling saves for (like in the combat phase), as long as it's a different phase. I don't have the book, this is just based on what I've seen and how it was played in the past, I haven't seen anything to make me think it'll work differently, but I could be wrong.
@@therustbeltblacksmith I did not know that once you pick a model for saves in a given phase, you need to keep using it for the rest of the phase. Thank you
@@julientabulazero103 Anytime bud, it's more of a corner case rule, for most, it's unlikely to come up (units commonly all have the same saves and are armed similarly), so if we're talking a lasgun guardsmen from one side of a cloud that should've been removed from the other side, it likely doesn't matter, but I play tri-wing Dark Angels and my Deathwing unit has mixed (invulnerable) saves and weapons, so it always comes up in my games, otherwise, I doubt I would've known about it either. Savvy players will sometimes throw a loose heavy (or special) weapon their way early in the phase, with hopes that I'll try and tank it on my thunder hammer/storm shield/cyclone launcher terminator, if I take the bait (and make the save) they'll follow it up with a bucket of small arms fire (that likely would've went somewhere else) hoping to drag down that termy with weight of numbers (always a good anti-terminator tactic). Spacewolves devastator squads can be tricked into this as well, it won't come up a lot, sometimes they won't take the bait, but it can be useful, in the right circumstances.
@@therustbeltblacksmith wait as far as I was aware, the player being fired upon’s unit isn’t locked into tanking all shots in a phase to a single model unless said model was already wounded? Is this a new 10th change or have I just misunderstood it?
In 10 Ed. can you direct me to a video that talks about fast rolling with say how attaking a leader like Calligar with his boys or and unit like the primaris crusader squad works with haveing different toughness. Im confused whose stats you use and when and how to allocate the wounds. Do I need to roll every attack alone so no wounds are accidentally allocated on the higher T model that might not have taken them due to the toughness change? Im new to the game and I have learned a lot from your videos. TY
Seems to be different psychic abilities printed on each unit card, if it is a psychic weapon, you would shoot that, and the other weapons, unless it is a pistol. only pistols or other weapons can shoot.
A knight castellan has ap-6 on his shield breaker, wouldn't that take a save to 0? I understand that un modified 6 still saves but whats the point then in having ap-6?
can someone clarify this models attack with aLL their ranged weapons? i got the ultimate starter set my infernus squad has pyreblaster and pistol both 12" in the shooting phase I can shoot both into a unit of termagaunts?
If you can target multiple units; could I fire one weapon at a unit and then, if I kill that unit, fire another weapon at a second unit? Or, if attacks all resolve simultaneously, would I have to declare which units I was targeting with both weapons before I see the outcome of the first weapon?
I know this might be nitpicky, (or maybe wrong as I do not deem myself a rule expert, nor is English my native language) but I believe there is a slight error in the video. You frame it as if the unit's save characteristic is used for the saving throw and afterwards you inflict the damage of each non saved wound on the models of the unit sequentially. But if I read the rules correctly, you chose the model that is wounded after the wound-roll is a success. You then use the save characteristic of this specific model (there might be different such values in the same unit) and then, if the save is failed, inflict the damage on that model. I know nitpicky, but I am currently having an argument with a friend on some technicalities where the "allocate attack" step (step 3 in the attack sequence) are important, and you did not mention it here at all, and from your video, it looks like the attacks are allocated after the save, not after the wound roll.
huh ok so they simplified shooting and combat hitting and wounding. no more to hit chart or to wound chart. just says the dice roll on the weapon itself. idk how i feel about it but i still need to play a game using it to see if it speeds gameplay up.
That 3+ that can never improve against AP0 even if in cover- thats nicely balanced, otherwise it would be a real pain in the ceramite for the lighter armoured models
My question is if I have a S 6 weapon wounding a toughness 3 unit, and I get a +1 to my wound roll does that mean I cannot fail? Since I will need a 2 up to wound and even if I roll a 1 I add a +1 to the roll, making it a 2, or does a 1 automatically fail regardless of abilities is where I am confused on the rules.
Am I right that this seems to be aimed more at WYSIWYG? I can see this getting more complicated when you can't kit your models out with the same weapons in a squad - e.g. Harlequins limited to 2 neurodisruptors, and 2 plasma pistols. - And Line of sight, and range now being on model. you need to have more of a bearing on where the models are, and what they are carrying.
LOS and range has always been a per model basis. not much has changed. just gotta know what u have and roll accordingly. as an ex guard player of a long time, youve always had to roll for each weapon. (8 sets of lasgun. another roll for plasma. and another roll for flamer.) so 3 rolls for 1 squad. i believe this is what you were asking. correct me if im wrong. tedious but you get used to it
@@baylorlopez4495 thank you - that explains it - it seems that our group let that fly! Just need to be more with it now that I’m picking it back up with a different group!
so multi-model units can have some models out of range, but does that also count for line of sight, so if some models have line of sight and some dont, can the entire unit shoot or only the ones that have los?
@@ChristianVonCarmian40kVtuber oh thanks, so you cant hide half your unit behind a wall and still shoot with everything anymore? that sucks but makes way more sense lol
If in doubt, I go by this simple mantra: the game is supposed to be slow rolled. Eg. if a shooting MODEL's attacks killed the only visible MODEL of an enemy UNIT, then the shooting UNIT can make no more attacks, as if slow rolled, then the UNIT would no longer be visible. That said though, if for eg. a MODEL succeeds on 3 attacks with 1 weapon, but 2 kill the only visible MODEL, the remaining 1 attack is still required to be assigned to the target UNIT. After which no further attacks can be made...well, all that assuming defending player assigned wounds to, and removed, the visible model...simple 😅?
Models with multiple weapon options will have the restrictions to what they may equip on their datasheets. Any ranged weapon equipped on a model can attack.
20:02 so I have a rule: I will speed roll until my opponent tries to get tricky and force attacks to be wasted. Eg. 2 successful attacks with d6 dam, one does 2 other does 4, opponent assigns 4 dam attack to wounded model (causing 2 dam which would have killed second model to be wasted) and 2 dam attack to fresh model. After playing like that, you lose my respect and I will slow roll everything!
Critical hits should be limited to weapons that are 1/2 toughness or more. Some weapons STR should be ineffective against high-toughness targets or be required to roll again and get a 4+ to show the lack of power.
I would house rule to ignore things like banners but I wouldn't glue models together on tall scenic bases anymore if it means the modles head pokes above terrain.
@@AbraGaming It's not like you have a limit to the number of epic heroes in your list. Yeah, you can't double up on any assassins, but that's about it. Custodes could use the killing power it wold seem.
Part 5: Weapon Keywords here -
Full How to Play 40K Playlist here -
Part 3: Movement Phase here -
I have a question for modifiers, if i get a plus one by any rule from my Miniatures, but a minus one by the enemys, does that cancel itself out? And if i get 3x a +1 and 2x a -1, does that lead to a plus 1 in total?
Will you merge all these into one huge guide once you have all parts done? Or make a play-list with all parts, that will be easier :D
Would be nice if you cut them all together with a small battle with say a few models to show how it goes.
@@dkerr200 eh, he is doing more than enough with all those detailed explanations. Let him have some free time. Making a play-list, so those parts can be easily found, would be enough.
@@vojtadrasner2440 no he should be chained to a large rock until he does what people on TH-cam ask.
P sure there already is a playlist of the ones he's done so far :) Auspex is fucking ONTO it 👌
Yeah, there's already a playlist that I'll be adding these to bit by bit -
Again thanks again for always keeping us updated!!! Always look forward to your videos!
Thank you for explaining about wounding. Rolling to hit is relatively easy to understand, but I always seem to lose track of where-ever rolling to wound is written down.
If it helps: Core Rules > The Battle Round > Making Attacks > 2. Wound Roll
Yeah its pretty confusing at first.
Roll to wound, then they roll to save, then you deal wounds, which causes them to lose wounds.
I feel like one other word would help.
Like roll to hit, roll for impact, they roll to save, then you deal wounds, causing them to lose vitality.
@@superdoombro I agree as a new player the wording is very confusing, I don't understand why call it that way, wounds should be hit points or vitality as you said, then melee or shoot, then hit or miss, then save or armor mitigation and then damage to health pool / hit points
Great video, one of the most detailed tutorials in 10th so far
Thanks again for the work 💪🏼 Auspex
9:43 why would you fall back to use the pistol?
Emperor spare my eyes....every time I see the exocrine gun I remember the red rocket bit from south park
I know how to play 40k like the back of my hand. Still gonna watch this full series lol
Yeah, I'm still learning. But even if I was familiar, I'd still at least listen because his voice is therapeutic to me .
Another awesome video as always!
Legend as usual
Would an enemy Land Raider block line of sight for small models hiding behind it?
yes. i dont think this rule was changed. as long as the model isnt taller than the vehicle, they can be hidden
True line of sight my friend. If you can/cannot see it from the model's perspective, then it is/isn't within line of sight. Ruins the only exception.
What time zone do you live in man. Because right now it’s 3:00 an let alone the time you posted it
So every model has to be in range? Or can one model in the unit be in range and have the whole unit shoot?
G'day, I have a query for an upcoming match vs a Tyranids player. Last time we played, I wanted to shoot his unit, (Hive tyrant & 3 tyrant guard) while it was in combat.
We could not figure out / agree if I could do so. The tyrant guard does not have the monster keyword & the hive tyrant does
I've been trawling the rules commentary for a ray of light. How I read the priority of rules, I believe that I should be able to shoot the aforementioned unit locked in combat. As the monster keyword applies & my rules (as I would be the attacker) would take priority...
When you have a leader attached to a unit their keywords get transferred to the bodyguard unit, though they don't gain the benefit of the keyword transfer. For instance if a leader has fly (like the Technomancer), and the bodyguard unit does not (Necron Warriors), the warriors have the fly keywords as long as they are the bodyguard unit of the Technomancer, and they don't gain the ability to fly.
This would allow a unit that has anti-fly to use it against the Necron warriors.
Thank you for the videos. I'm trying to learn the rules and unfortunately I am quite dyslexic so videos are much more helpful to me. That said, it's all been quite easy to understand until this video where I might as well be watching a CERN presentation lol. Not necessarily your fault as I understand the rules are complex, but as a bit of constructive crit - it might be easier to grasp the various stages if you stick to the same units for the entire 'turn'. Jumping between units with different stats is making it a bit harder to follow. I am a total idiot though so maybe it's just me. I'm really struggling with the rolls on wounds etc though. Feels very complicated. I do appreciate your videos though, thank you.
Does wounds spill over? Example. 2 terminaters remaining with a lord accompanied the unit. Opponent does 9 wounds, the terminaters are dead.
Does the remaining wounds to the lord with other toughness etc?
No. Simply overkill
Idk if anyone will see this but I have an important question : Can a model shoot all of it's range weapons in a single turn ? Like Balistus or The Silent King, I think it would be broken but idk if it is played like this or not
they can! with the exception of "pistol" type weapons which can only be fired alongside other pistols which if you fire that model can't shoot any non-pistol weapons.
btw! you can even have one weapon shoot at one unit and another shoot a different one but you gotta have all the shots from each shoot one unit.
In melee is where you must choose one weapon to strike with per model, unless you have a weapon with "extra attacks" in which it can be used alongside another melee weapon but these are usually found on single model units anyways.
They absolutely can use all of their guns together except pistols, while on the flip side in the fight phase they have to select a single weapon to use, unless their weapon has the extra attacks keyword.
Q: if there is a tank and a unit of lets say guardsmen in front of it, do I have to shoot guardsmen first??or can I shoot the tank anyways?
You can shoot any unit within LOS and Range. you are not forced to shoot the unit in front. The unit in front does not block LOS.
Hi all! I have a question related to hit rolls in general:
Scenario is, chaos with dark pacts - tzeentch, critical on 5+
Shooting at Lychguard with ability that does -1 to the hit roll.
Core rules say: 6 is critical, and always successful. Are 5s on chaos' hit roll affected by the -1 modifier? The conflict here is, does that 5 gain the same consideration as 6s as described in the core rules? Or can it become a 4 therefore losing its critical consideration? The rules say 6s are always successful, doesn't say anything about 5s. That's the necron player's point of view. My take is that what gives this "always successful" characteristic is the fact that the roll constitutes a critical hit, not that it is necessarily a 6. Could be a 5 if the particular army rules applicable to the hit roll say so. Am I in the wrong?
Thanks guys!
late response but it is not affected. critical hits are always unmodified hit roll, so if you have a dark pact that says you crit on 5+ that is before any plus or minus to hit is applied
Who controls which units are taken off? The player shooting or the person whose units are being shot
The owner of the unit decides which models to remove.
@@ghackotpony Unless a rule says otherwise. - There was a rule for the death jester when they could pick which model the wounds go to.
Question, if you can only see one unit of say 10, can you only shoot that one model? Or are you able to shoot the squad as a whole?
Question if anyone has any answers please.
If I have a repulsor & 3 enemy sqauds have charged it and within engagement range.
Can I fire on those 3 sqauds during my shooting phase, and are there any Nerfs?
Also, I understand you can either shoot all your ranged or all your pistols.
What about psychic attacks.
If I have a psychic attack & a pistol. Can I shoot both or just one or the other?
Question 1: How does it work when you have different saves in the target unit ? If you take the Imperial Navy Breacher, you will notice that one model out of the ten has an Endurant Shield that grant it a 4++.
When the Opponent gets to the Saving Throw step does he or she get decides which model takes which save and in which order ? For example if the said Breacher unit is hit by one Dark Lance shot and two Splinter riffle shot, can the Imperial player decide to tank first the Dark Lance shot with the Endurant shield and, if succesfull, tank the first Splinter riffle shot and then eventually the second ?
Question 2: If the Imperial player set up his Navy Breacher model equipped with an Endurant Shield hidden from the shooting unit while some other models are visible and within range from it, can he utilises the Endurant Shield model to tank the hits even if it is not itself visible from the firing unit ?
Answer 1. works as you think, you can use any saves in a unit until that model dies then you use whatever save is left.
Answer 2. If it is part of the unit getting shot, you can use their equipment even if its not being looked at directly. The shielded model would be the first to take wounds if the unit is hit. Let me know if I missed something. Hope this helps!
The player making the save rolls chooses a model (any model, in the target unit) and begins making save rolls, that model must continue rolling saves until it is removed from play (as a casualty) or there're no more saves to take, you must roll all saves for a weapon type, before moving on to another. The part that sometimes gets overlooked is that it's for the rest of the phase, it's not important to your specific question, but it would apply if any other enemy units fired at the breacher squad, over the rest of the shooting phase.
In your example, you could choose him, you could choose to start with the dark lance, if he passes, you HAVE to roll the splinter rifle save on him (no choice), if it passes, you HAVE to roll the the second splinter rifle save on him (no choice), if he passes all 3, it ends (no more saves to make), but there're many enemy units running around in a game of 40k.
If any more enemy units were to fire on the breachers, you must begin making saves (for the unit) on that same shield model (till the end of that shooting phase), once that shooting phase ends (all enemy units have shot), it is possible to pick a different model (in that unit) to begin rolling saves for (like in the combat phase), as long as it's a different phase.
I don't have the book, this is just based on what I've seen and how it was played in the past, I haven't seen anything to make me think it'll work differently, but I could be wrong.
@@therustbeltblacksmith I did not know that once you pick a model for saves in a given phase, you need to keep using it for the rest of the phase. Thank you
@@julientabulazero103 Anytime bud, it's more of a corner case rule, for most, it's unlikely to come up (units commonly all have the same saves and are armed similarly), so if we're talking a lasgun guardsmen from one side of a cloud that should've been removed from the other side, it likely doesn't matter, but I play tri-wing Dark Angels and my Deathwing unit has mixed (invulnerable) saves and weapons, so it always comes up in my games, otherwise, I doubt I would've known about it either.
Savvy players will sometimes throw a loose heavy (or special) weapon their way early in the phase, with hopes that I'll try and tank it on my thunder hammer/storm shield/cyclone launcher terminator, if I take the bait (and make the save) they'll follow it up with a bucket of small arms fire (that likely would've went somewhere else) hoping to drag down that termy with weight of numbers (always a good anti-terminator tactic). Spacewolves devastator squads can be tricked into this as well, it won't come up a lot, sometimes they won't take the bait, but it can be useful, in the right circumstances.
@@therustbeltblacksmith wait as far as I was aware, the player being fired upon’s unit isn’t locked into tanking all shots in a phase to a single model unless said model was already wounded? Is this a new 10th change or have I just misunderstood it?
In 10 Ed. can you direct me to a video that talks about fast rolling with say how attaking a leader like Calligar with his boys or and unit like the primaris crusader squad works with haveing different toughness. Im confused whose stats you use and when and how to allocate the wounds. Do I need to roll every attack alone so no wounds are accidentally allocated on the higher T model that might not have taken them due to the toughness change? Im new to the game and I have learned a lot from your videos. TY
Question: Are engaged units allowed to shoot pistols at their engaged enemy during the shooting phase?
Does anyone know if we can use psychic and shoot? Psychic in engagement range?
Seems to be different psychic abilities printed on each unit card, if it is a psychic weapon, you would shoot that, and the other weapons, unless it is a pistol. only pistols or other weapons can shoot.
Does cover benefit apply to entire unit, or is it on a model by model basis?
Now I get saves vs. invul vs. feel no pain. Thanks!
Hey can somebody confirm for me that the 10th edition update did not change the rule on cover not improving 3+ saves to 2+ Vs AP 0?
Seems silly that they still use the minus in front of AP. You're not subtracting anything.
lol, yeah should really be a +, as you add it to the save value.
A knight castellan has ap-6 on his shield breaker, wouldn't that take a save to 0? I understand that un modified 6 still saves but whats the point then in having ap-6?
Counters modifiers. So 2+ with a +1 modifier is still totally defeated and rolls a 6+.
can someone clarify this models attack with aLL their ranged weapons?
i got the ultimate starter set
my infernus squad has pyreblaster and pistol
both 12"
in the shooting phase I can shoot both into a unit of termagaunts?
Yes, you will attack with all weapons that are in range.
@melonchilisauce4219 oh wow, even pistols?
If you can target multiple units; could I fire one weapon at a unit and then, if I kill that unit, fire another weapon at a second unit?
Or, if attacks all resolve simultaneously, would I have to declare which units I was targeting with both weapons before I see the outcome of the first weapon?
You gotta declare all the targets of one of your units when they get to shoot.
If both You and Your oponent are playing heavy shooting armies, remember to forfeit the game and respectfully leave when you start second
I know this might be nitpicky, (or maybe wrong as I do not deem myself a rule expert, nor is English my native language) but I believe there is a slight error in the video.
You frame it as if the unit's save characteristic is used for the saving throw and afterwards you inflict the damage of each non saved wound on the models of the unit sequentially.
But if I read the rules correctly, you chose the model that is wounded after the wound-roll is a success. You then use the save characteristic of this specific model (there might be different such values in the same unit) and then, if the save is failed, inflict the damage on that model.
I know nitpicky, but I am currently having an argument with a friend on some technicalities where the "allocate attack" step (step 3 in the attack sequence) are important, and you did not mention it here at all, and from your video, it looks like the attacks are allocated after the save, not after the wound roll.
You are correct. Attacks proceed in the order: 1.Hit Roll; 2. Wound Roll; 3. Allocate Attack; 4. Save Roll; 5. Inflict Damage.
huh ok so they simplified shooting and combat hitting and wounding. no more to hit chart or to wound chart. just says the dice roll on the weapon itself. idk how i feel about it but i still need to play a game using it to see if it speeds gameplay up.
That 3+ that can never improve against AP0 even if in cover- thats nicely balanced, otherwise it would be a real pain in the ceramite for the lighter armoured models
Can one model with 8 attacks, kill a unit of 4 with two wounds each if he theoretically made every hit wound and opponent made no SV throws ?
My question is if I have a S 6 weapon wounding a toughness 3 unit, and I get a +1 to my wound roll does that mean I cannot fail? Since I will need a 2 up to wound and even if I roll a 1 I add a +1 to the roll, making it a 2, or does a 1 automatically fail regardless of abilities is where I am confused on the rules.
roll of 1 = always fail for hit rolls, wound rolls, and saving throws.
1s always fail so you'd wound on 2+ and ignore -1 to wound if the opponent had it.
So that's why reroll 1s is such a big deal. Makes sense.
why are some of the weapon profiles grey?
nice video ,can you shoot a monster or vehicle behind a screening unit ?
Monsters and vehicles can always be targeted unless a special rule says otherwise.
so when my squad is with another one in melee combat, and i have shooting phase i can use my pistols against them?
Yeah mate, pistols can be shot even if engagement range.
Am I right that this seems to be aimed more at WYSIWYG? I can see this getting more complicated when you can't kit your models out with the same weapons in a squad - e.g. Harlequins limited to 2 neurodisruptors, and 2 plasma pistols. - And Line of sight, and range now being on model. you need to have more of a bearing on where the models are, and what they are carrying.
LOS and range has always been a per model basis. not much has changed. just gotta know what u have and roll accordingly. as an ex guard player of a long time, youve always had to roll for each weapon. (8 sets of lasgun. another roll for plasma. and another roll for flamer.) so 3 rolls for 1 squad. i believe this is what you were asking. correct me if im wrong. tedious but you get used to it
@@baylorlopez4495 thank you - that explains it - it seems that our group let that fly! Just need to be more with it now that I’m picking it back up with a different group!
so multi-model units can have some models out of range, but does that also count for line of sight, so if some models have line of sight and some dont, can the entire unit shoot or only the ones that have los?
line of sight is model by model for which models can shoot
@@ChristianVonCarmian40kVtuber oh thanks, so you cant hide half your unit behind a wall and still shoot with everything anymore? that sucks but makes way more sense lol
@@A_Davinus not unless it is a chest high wall from all the videogames
You couldn't do that in ninth
If in doubt, I go by this simple mantra: the game is supposed to be slow rolled.
Eg. if a shooting MODEL's attacks killed the only visible MODEL of an enemy UNIT, then the shooting UNIT can make no more attacks, as if slow rolled, then the UNIT would no longer be visible. That said though, if for eg. a MODEL succeeds on 3 attacks with 1 weapon, but 2 kill the only visible MODEL, the remaining 1 attack is still required to be assigned to the target UNIT. After which no further attacks can be made...well, all that assuming defending player assigned wounds to, and removed, the visible model...simple 😅?
Im confused, how many weapons can per model use per shooting phase??
Models with multiple weapon options will have the restrictions to what they may equip on their datasheets. Any ranged weapon equipped on a model can attack.
20:02 so I have a rule: I will speed roll until my opponent tries to get tricky and force attacks to be wasted. Eg. 2 successful attacks with d6 dam, one does 2 other does 4, opponent assigns 4 dam attack to wounded model (causing 2 dam which would have killed second model to be wasted) and 2 dam attack to fresh model.
After playing like that, you lose my respect and I will slow roll everything!
Critical hits should be limited to weapons that are 1/2 toughness or more. Some weapons STR should be ineffective against high-toughness targets or be required to roll again and get a 4+ to show the lack of power.
Basically, if you need a 6 to wound, you shouldn't crit on the same number. Many games have this limitation.
So if I move In the movement phase I can’t shoot?
You can do normal movement and still shoot, however if you advance or fall back you cannot. Similarly if you DO shoot, you cannot charge.
Can a unit shoot at a enemy unit that is behind a enemy unit.
I don't believe so unless they have the "titanic" keyword. so basically just the biggest boys they you could easily shoot at from anywhere anyways
So no point having tall models again or banners.
I would house rule to ignore things like banners but I wouldn't glue models together on tall scenic bases anymore if it means the modles head pokes above terrain.
Being small is a big advantage it seems 😁
Pew pew
GW is Brittish, right?
Good call measuring in IMPERIAL inches.
Nice touch.
this is pretty much unchanged from 9th
How to play warhammer 40k: Play custodes
Lol, gonna have 12 models in 2k this edition I reckon
And they can bring their assassin buddy.
@@Lumovanis no one's gonna use assassins cause they're epic heroes
@@AbraGaming It's not like you have a limit to the number of epic heroes in your list. Yeah, you can't double up on any assassins, but that's about it. Custodes could use the killing power it wold seem.
@@Lumovanis you can literally only have 1 epic hero xd
Awesome video! Just missing morale
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