Hi guys, nice plants. One thing that Ryan mentioned is that his mom liked native plants, well sarracenia is actually native to North America, so they are also native plants. All of your temperate carnivorous plants require some type of dormancy in the winter in order to maintain a healthy plant. Yes, these plants can be grown indoors under LED lights, they will grow on windows, (south facing is the best) but chances are they will be light starved and not show their true colors. Most will just stay a greenish color indicating that they are light starved. Sarracenias are sun lovers, the more sun they get the more vibrant their colors will be and the healthier the plants will be. They should get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day and actually would love more.
I love carnivorous plants. Sundews are truly beautiful. And their flowers are adorable. I have a Nepenthes that lives in my vegetable garden. 🪴Totally a tough plant. I have a heat lamp in my raised bed so that when the temps dip below 32 F I switch it on. I grow Romaine through the Fall and Winter so I always stop and chat with her. I have about a dozen VFTs indoors. I will be replenishing my collection again with pitchers and more Nepenthes. I have different bog Mosses that are happy, happy in my office. I use a couple daylight lights and they grow so well. I live in AZ so humidity is a test.
Oh Wow this is really a cool video. Will watch many time. Thanks for what you do Ryan and Jimmy.
Wow ! Those pitchers are huge !
Hi guys, nice plants. One thing that Ryan mentioned is that his mom liked native plants, well sarracenia is actually native to North America, so they are also native plants. All of your temperate carnivorous plants require some type of dormancy in the winter in order to maintain a healthy plant. Yes, these plants can be grown indoors under LED lights, they will grow on windows, (south facing is the best) but chances are they will be light starved and not show their true colors. Most will just stay a greenish color indicating that they are light starved. Sarracenias are sun lovers, the more sun they get the more vibrant their colors will be and the healthier the plants will be. They should get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day and actually would love more.
I love carnivorous plants. Sundews are truly beautiful. And their flowers are adorable. I have a Nepenthes that lives in my vegetable garden. 🪴Totally a tough plant. I have a heat lamp in my raised bed so that when the temps dip below 32 F I switch it on. I grow Romaine through the Fall and Winter so I always stop and chat with her. I have about a dozen VFTs indoors. I will be replenishing my collection again with pitchers and more Nepenthes. I have different bog Mosses that are happy, happy in my office. I use a couple daylight lights and they grow so well. I live in AZ so humidity is a test.