With Vorazun I'd advise not sending out your single unit at the start (or place your turrets). You potentially sacrifice a few minerals, but Vorazun of all commanders benefits from surprise. Regardless of your opening gambit, it'll probably be cloaked, leaving your opponent scrambling to deal with it, having probably blown their minerals on completely ineffective units. If you reveal you're Vorazun on wave 1, your opponent (if he has a brain) will immediately tech up. Exceptions are Alarak, Dehaka, and Tychus, who all have t1 detection. As a recommendation with Vorazun, go into the air regardless of whether your opponent does or not. For starters detectors are almost invariably air units, few things are more satisfying than watching your stealthed wave destroy the enemy detector, and your opponent doesn't notice. Secondly, few abilities are quite as overpowered late game as disruption web, it doesn't matter what the enemy unit is, it won't be able to attack for a couple of seconds, while your DTs are still slicing away at them. In general you seem to horribly underestimate Vorazun's air units, she probably has the single strongest air presence of any commander (matched only perhaps by Abathur). Mass cloaked oracle is an excellent opener, they do huge damage to light units and are detectors. Corsairs inflict splash damage, making them stack incredibly well as the armies get larger. But the best thing is that both oracles and corsairs have shorter range than void rays, meaning they tend to tank for them. A large stack of void rays chews through enemies disgustingly fast. I've won a great many games with Vorazun building nothing but air units. Regarding a mid-late game force multiplier for your ground units, dark archons are your best friend. They have quite a lot of hp, and both their abilities are excellent crowd control. One makes enemy units in an aoe target one another instead of you for a couple of seconds, the other will outright steal an enemy unit for a short time. A Vorazun who hits critical mass of DTs, dark archons, and corsairs is virtually impossible to beat, as the opponent's units spend so long doing nothing, fighting among theselves, or fighting for you. Specifically against Dehaka, you'd want oracles. Lots of them, they absolutely shred hydralisks and Dehaka doesn't have a particularly good early-mid answer to them. It's best to try and make Dehaka 'eat' something on the ground at the front of your box though, as eating an air unit gives him a (powerful) ranged attack. Late game his creeper hosts would be a big problem, but creeper hosts are horribly overpowered and destroy basically everything. Oh and as a side note, you were right about stalkers, they're generally a pretty useless unit. Their offensive effectiveness is limited to very few enemies, but defensively they can be used as a means to deliberately stack your wave with your next teammate's. If you're playing in a party and can coordinate with the next guy, delaying can be a perfectly valid tactic, since if you're tanking for him, he can go for some pretty risky strategies involving high dps siege units.
Incorrect. As I mentioned, only Alarak, Dehaka, and Tychus can get detection at tier 1. Everyone else needs to spend 250 minerals on a long tier upgrade before they can scan or build detectors. And saying Tychus gets t1 detection is a bit generous. Unless he's opened with a support type unit, he's going to have to spend 700 minerals on one plus 100 minerals on the relevant upgrade.
"Oh... well the Dark Templar just kind of killed the front line of the, uh, the Protoss. Oh, well that was nice, and then we Mind Controlled their Immortals and we killed their backline with it. Okay, well... that's one way to get erect." Definitely 100% accurate quote of what he said from 35:30. xD
Good and cheesy aircraft options = Incursus: no good aircraft options... DT's are good but DA's are better. A line of Centorions and right after a tile a line of DT's are better than 2 lines of DT's.... DA's can feedback which means pure energy and health damage to any specalist or shielded units. Corsair's distruption web can be a life saver when casted on enemies ranged units (cheese), also means corsair, voidray and oracle combo can be OP AF...
The aircraft options aren't horrible, but they are easily countered. It makes them difficult to utilize. In general, Vorazun units have poor stats, but make up for it with exceptional abilities. I don't know what combo of abilities would have helped here. Dark Archons don't have Feedback, which is saddening. Though I probably should have used more centurions...
@@Incursus Dark Archons specifically do have splash damage though, as well as mind control and confusion. Confusion is an AoE spell that causes all enemy units in the spell's zone to attack each other for two seconds. Corsairs also have a disruption web that can prevent enemy units from attacking in an area for two seconds. Definitely need more centurions though, tank is better than stealth against dehaka.
I feel like the person you were matched against playing Dehaka figured out you were making a weird choice to just spam your air units... So he super massed his roaches to where they just ignore your air and walk passed it. You realistically didn't have nearly enough ground units to actually HOLD the line. Your ground units had a less than paper thin wall that would be washed away instantly. Side Note: each time you would say you needed more AOE, then continue Void Ray spamming... And then that last lil comment at the end for your units to AOE them down while you finally used your Black Hole... YOU DON'T HAVE AOE. You super spammed single target Void Rays dude. Learning experience at least.
Indeed I did not have enough ground to contest his ground, which is why I tried to go for the air. Unless I'm horribly mistaken, Vorazun doesn't have the ground presence to meaningfully contest that. There is no AOE in her kit, so I didn't have the option of splashing down his wave. The Tankiest ground unit is the Dark Archon, but it hits like a wet noodle and has no splash. The best thing I could have done to contest the ground would be a massive line of dark archons and charge-lots, hoping that the dark archon confusion and mind control would deal enough damage to destroy the wave. But I expected that to fail hard, as It just isn't tanky enough to survive that much. That's why i went air, so I could at least deal more damage. At the end, when I used the black hole, I used it in range of the base tower. The base tower deals massive amounts of damage and has a huge splash radius. That's what I was banking on using to wipe out the wave. It's an extremely effective combo, but wasn't enough for use to start stacking.
That's the thing though, Dark Templars might be single target but they can initiate by teleporting around rapidly attacking multiple troops in seconds. That is a form of AOE. When they started having 5 roaches to your 1 Dark Templar, and you started spamming single target Void Rays, you were pretty much signing defeat. And yes, Dark Archon lines would have probably helped change the tide, because then you would have had the enemy troops tearing themselves apart. Instead, you got 3 Dark Archons that were maybe lucky to mind control one target out of their hundred. So of course it will seem like it isn't doing much. Don't get me wrong, the Void Ray spam CAN BE a good choice. But not when they take so long to kill single targets that just walk right on by, which then hold their aggro as things coming up from behind the enemy ground units just destroy them, like the next wave of Cyclones did multiple times. As is, you actually did semi alright early on with how few Dark Templars you had until Dehaka had the ability to reveal them. That is when you should have just started to try and overwhelm with numbers, because their ability to teleport around and attack rapidly for the first burst was actually doing good against the roaches until he started getting 2 roaches to your 1 DT, then 3, then higher and higher while they ignored your sudden air spam. Entirely random side note, hope everything is going well. You seem to be a bit out of it in more recent videos, albeit I have only started binge watching your content recently, so that might be why it seems odd the way you have been recently. (last bit: sorry for the massive wall of text that probably won't get read lol)
Vorazuns corsairs get the ability to make all enemies incapable of attacking. So, even though they don't do a lot in the air, they make enemy units useless so you and your allies can go ham.
Voravun doesn't get units at t3, but gets upgrades at t3, stasis for dt's, range on voids, confusion on Archon, she's pretty solid but a bit weak imo Also as a general tip, mass units until your wave spawns, then get the research for them (time it so you get the researches as your wave meets the enemy's wave)
Your team mate had aoe covered. Just more void or blink stalkers would be my idea. Stalkers may not be strong but getting shields back after blink adds survivability to last long enough till collosus comes out
Really enjoying these videos, gives me a lot of nostalgia of my SC1/2 days. Maybe i should look into play thing again.... On the more technical side, I think your microphone is a little high on the gain. Your voice is getting somewhat distorted when you get louder.
I think if you had massed some oracles it could have helped against the roaches. Their stasis would help prevent damage and their ground only attack is very high dps. Normally in game it would be a waste of their energy, but if the wave spawns with energy anyway might as well.
You said you couldn't contest ground AND didn't have air units. You made tons of contradictory and kinda nonsensical statements in this one, which is fairly rare for you! Must have been stressed ^.^ Been there!
The templar were just getting wrecked. Dehaka was tearing them a new one and once he got detection on him they were just a lost cause. Dark Templar are really only cost effective if they go unseen.
From my point of view, the second match looked like this: "Dehaka + big army = My voidray spam doesn't work. LET'S DOUBLE DOWN ON THE SPAM THAT DOESN'T WORK!". As strong as your rays are, their single-target damage does nothing to hold back a mass ground attack. I can almost guarantee orange did not love you. Without him, you would have lost much faster had he not been carrying the ground offense/defense for your team.
@@Incursus Don't confuse my observation as meaning I know what I'm doing in Starcraft 2. I play the game not because I know what I'm doing, but because I enjoy the rampant explosions, gore and mass carnage (I know that makes me sound like a psychopath). That said, here's a suggestion based on basic logic: The Dehaka player massed roaches to accompany a high hp hero who seemed to have high resistance. You massed a unit which uses a sustained, high damage, single target attack, which is ideal for whittling down particular enemies quickly. The problem with this is that you needed to murder the hero unit, but the mass roaches were killing your ground units at a much faster attack rate than your rays possess. I'm also assuming roaches cost less than rays. So now you have a mass of units that cost less, attack faster, and there are more of them than your own units. If you kept insisting on rays, you would need 2 or 3 of them to every roach, which wouldn't work due to the cost difference. It's a war of attrition using costs that you will not win. You had melee units, but since you had no AOE, once they were melted by the roaches, said roaches had no obligation to stick around to continue being pestered by your rays, who attack one unit at a time, which is a moot point against a larger force. Orange was countering that number advantage with multi-target damage, killing more units at once, lowering the overall incoming damage. In short, you needed an AOE unit, which you say Vorazun does not have. The next best thing would be a cost effective, high attack rate unit that can whittle down the number of roaches so that your rays can more effectively kill them. Then again, what do I know. I only came back to SC2 yesterday, after a year hiatus, and tried out Direct because of your videos. Didn't do well, and was immediately insulted by the abnormally toxic kind of player that DS attracts. So I don't have much knowledge on the mode. Take my input with the tiniest grain of salt known to man.
Yeah, he should have completely bailed on the dark templar much sooner. His teammates had to carry him for the entire first half of the game because he kept doubling down on that losing strategy. Dark Templar need to get in without being detected or they are basically just overpriced zealots. They never really recovered from that although he did finally really start turning things around with the corsair/void and the few dark archon he had did do work. He would have done much better putting down more archons or air units much earlier in the game.
im not sure if you aware but certain units do extra damage to specific armor types, so unless they changed what stalkers do extra damage to, spam stalkers would have been the better option over voids due to stalkers also having a high survival chance for your allies wave to show up and take the damage(only if you have the blink ability), primarily for countering the mass roaches
Indeed I am aware! And yes, the stalkers did deal extra damage to the roaches. Unfortunately, the stalkers can't deal with that many units. They blink backwards when they lose their shields, but without something to tank for them, the stalkers still die in a couple hits. Considering the extremely low DPS from the stalkers, they really aren't an option in this case. The roaches would just keep walking forward and clear everything out. Stalkers work well as a damage amplification role, where they can just add more damage while the bulk of my wave does everything else. In a match where I can't contest the ground, stalkers do almost nothing.
you go to the direct strike mode, and there's a choice... normal 3v3. 2v2. 1v1, comander 3v3 2v2 1v1, heroic comander 3v3 2v2 1v1.... :O ya can find it
I'm late to the video, but I suggest you go back and try to win with cheese strategies as well on other commanders, Ex. Mass swarm/creeper host on Dhaka or Mass wraith plus carrier gallions on han and horner. Cheese games are very fun to watch! Maybe play that mass mirage strategy.
I think you should have staggered your DTs when Dehaka started using his skill that prevented the DTs from blinking. Also isn’t your voidrays a bit too far back, your frontline dashes forward so I think moving them a bit forward so they can engage earlier (while your front line still exist) would have been slightly better.
I think the Dark archons worked the same way as regular archons except with abilities on DS. Not sure. As for Dehaka... if I see mass roach, I would counter with mass stalkers. However stalkers won't be doing blink retreats like a pro, you'll need a buffer so I mix stalkers and zealots. If you had a truck load of zealots, you could hold back the roach wave yourself. With stalkers and DAs doing what the can. Answering with mass Void rays wasn't viable at all. Mass roach and VR only targeting one by one.... not to mention it targeting the tank that is dehaka many times.... you should've switched up your strategy. You one line of zealots isn't even enough to buffer. It's comparable to shielding yourself with a piece of paper. Its enough to soak couple of attacks before it gets to your main units. Don't underestimate your low tier units like zealots. Think of them as your cheap targe shield units in a medieval setting. Spam those fuckers. Keep playing man. (But I'm looking forward to your Forts video more) ;)
The dark archons do not work in the same way as regular archons. They have the same HP/shield values, but they have a water balloon style non-AOE attack like high Templar. It's nice to have them for their tankiness and abilities, but I would still need something to actually deal damage. Stalkers are a poor choice for damage, on grounds of them just not having good stats. Zealots are better suited for soaking damage and stunning units than actually dealing damage, though they do hit decently hard. Dark Templar are glass cannons, but are also melee so they die real quick. Would it have worked better if I attempted to contest the ground? Maybe. Void Rays clearly didn't work. The one thing to keep in mind, is that I didn't start with void rays. I started by attempting to contest the ground with as many zealots and dark templars that I could afford, which didn't work AT ALL. He was always going to have more units than me and the surround on me, the question is whether I could burn down his units first. Given hind sight, I would like to have tried moving all my units to one side of the field, and go full ground. Try to only hit one section of his army first, making a formation that takes into account being surrounded. Lots more DTs, a healthy amount of archons, a massive number of zealots. I highly doubt it would work, but I think It's the best I could have done on the ground. Or just sell off my ground forces Entirely and force him to contest my aircraft.
@@Incursus yea... i tried vorazun myself earlier today... DA isn't the best choice. And I did face against a vorazun player that destroyed my dehaka forces. All he did was mass stalkers. Stalkers do blink back and blinking back cloaks them giving them even more damage buff from the commander's passive. NUTS! But yea.. more ground forces to combat the mass roaches would be the ideal choice. I still believe stalkers would be the best, just not stack a bunch in the front so dehaka's flame breath doesn't destroy a bunch of them on engagement. But if u knew u were facing against him using that kind of strategy... vorazun would be a poorer choices compared to other commanders with aoes.. like han&horner ... burn everything \o/ Thanks for replying!
u could of EASILY won this with corsair oracle, only problem for them are those tempest and he didn't even mass them. corsair shred science FAST and oracle will kill haka ground in the blink of an eye. swann had no thors so he cant do shit against u. just lol u went stalkers after u found voids weren't working. u need like 6 rows of voids to kill haka ground.
what can i say except get void rays the tempest's aa has 6 range what can i say except get void rays especially with their prismatic range get void rays, get void rays, (ok i'm done that did not work)
placing your archons further in the front you CC the enemy wave faster.... Your army placement at the end of that match was horrific. You want your WHOLE army to crash at the same time, not in parts.
Keeps complaining about swarming roaches. Does nothing about it. Tells us that this game mode is all about countering your opponent. If I was in this game I would have ragequit when I saw him build the 30th void Ray instead of helping to deal with the ground war.
"we dont have ground splash damage" dark archon: "am i a joke to you?"
Exactly. Fuck. He needs to do a video dedicated to just them. (and void rays) lol
With Vorazun I'd advise not sending out your single unit at the start (or place your turrets). You potentially sacrifice a few minerals, but Vorazun of all commanders benefits from surprise. Regardless of your opening gambit, it'll probably be cloaked, leaving your opponent scrambling to deal with it, having probably blown their minerals on completely ineffective units. If you reveal you're Vorazun on wave 1, your opponent (if he has a brain) will immediately tech up. Exceptions are Alarak, Dehaka, and Tychus, who all have t1 detection.
As a recommendation with Vorazun, go into the air regardless of whether your opponent does or not. For starters detectors are almost invariably air units, few things are more satisfying than watching your stealthed wave destroy the enemy detector, and your opponent doesn't notice. Secondly, few abilities are quite as overpowered late game as disruption web, it doesn't matter what the enemy unit is, it won't be able to attack for a couple of seconds, while your DTs are still slicing away at them.
In general you seem to horribly underestimate Vorazun's air units, she probably has the single strongest air presence of any commander (matched only perhaps by Abathur). Mass cloaked oracle is an excellent opener, they do huge damage to light units and are detectors. Corsairs inflict splash damage, making them stack incredibly well as the armies get larger. But the best thing is that both oracles and corsairs have shorter range than void rays, meaning they tend to tank for them. A large stack of void rays chews through enemies disgustingly fast. I've won a great many games with Vorazun building nothing but air units.
Regarding a mid-late game force multiplier for your ground units, dark archons are your best friend. They have quite a lot of hp, and both their abilities are excellent crowd control. One makes enemy units in an aoe target one another instead of you for a couple of seconds, the other will outright steal an enemy unit for a short time. A Vorazun who hits critical mass of DTs, dark archons, and corsairs is virtually impossible to beat, as the opponent's units spend so long doing nothing, fighting among theselves, or fighting for you.
Specifically against Dehaka, you'd want oracles. Lots of them, they absolutely shred hydralisks and Dehaka doesn't have a particularly good early-mid answer to them. It's best to try and make Dehaka 'eat' something on the ground at the front of your box though, as eating an air unit gives him a (powerful) ranged attack. Late game his creeper hosts would be a big problem, but creeper hosts are horribly overpowered and destroy basically everything.
Oh and as a side note, you were right about stalkers, they're generally a pretty useless unit. Their offensive effectiveness is limited to very few enemies, but defensively they can be used as a means to deliberately stack your wave with your next teammate's. If you're playing in a party and can coordinate with the next guy, delaying can be a perfectly valid tactic, since if you're tanking for him, he can go for some pretty risky strategies involving high dps siege units.
Keep 'em coming.
Doing us proud on every video
wow... just wow
all have detection allmost at the start of the game
Incorrect. As I mentioned, only Alarak, Dehaka, and Tychus can get detection at tier 1. Everyone else needs to spend 250 minerals on a long tier upgrade before they can scan or build detectors.
And saying Tychus gets t1 detection is a bit generous. Unless he's opened with a support type unit, he's going to have to spend 700 minerals on one plus 100 minerals on the relevant upgrade.
*Dark templar teleport behind roaches*
Dark Templar:
„Nothing person-“
*roaches teleport behind dark templar*
*„Omae wa mou shindeiru“*
TBH Dehaka dealt with the DT's most of the time before they even got to the roach line.
His AOE was just op in the matchup.
Another dark templar teleports behind the roach: (i don't know a meme to put here)
@@TheE_G_G Yare Yare Daze.
"Oh... well the Dark Templar just kind of killed the front line of the, uh, the Protoss. Oh, well that was nice, and then we Mind Controlled their Immortals and we killed their backline with it. Okay, well... that's one way to get erect."
Definitely 100% accurate quote of what he said from 35:30. xD
"Let's AOE it all down and watch it all go away"
Has no AOE. Does not all go away.
I would love to see you playing Planetary Annihilation.
Rock - Mauraders.
Paper - Dark templar.
Scissors - Mirages.
No matter what the enemy fielded, one wave would full counter them.
ImmA CoUNtEr YouR MiraGEas WiTH MY MauRaDeRs MotHEdR FuQeur
I love your calming voice and rts content.
Just realized I played with you in the second game! (as the fenix player) Keep up the good work, I love your direct strike and forts videos :D
When the ground starts speaking protoss
Clearly more dark archons to mind control all the roaches was the answer
Good and cheesy aircraft options = Incursus: no good aircraft options...
DT's are good but DA's are better. A line of Centorions and right after a tile a line of DT's are better than 2 lines of DT's.... DA's can feedback which means pure energy and health damage to any specalist or shielded units.
Corsair's distruption web can be a life saver when casted on enemies ranged units (cheese), also means corsair, voidray and oracle combo can be OP AF...
The aircraft options aren't horrible, but they are easily countered. It makes them difficult to utilize. In general, Vorazun units have poor stats, but make up for it with exceptional abilities. I don't know what combo of abilities would have helped here.
Dark Archons don't have Feedback, which is saddening. Though I probably should have used more centurions...
@@Incursus Dark Archons specifically do have splash damage though, as well as mind control and confusion. Confusion is an AoE spell that causes all enemy units in the spell's zone to attack each other for two seconds. Corsairs also have a disruption web that can prevent enemy units from attacking in an area for two seconds. Definitely need more centurions though, tank is better than stealth against dehaka.
Nice ! Really like you playing sc2 direct strike
After watching these for awhile it seems like the more units your side has the better and they can pretty much overwhelm more powerful units.
That first game with the mass Marauders, DTs, and Mirages combo is one of the most disgusting thing i have seen.
I feel like the person you were matched against playing Dehaka figured out you were making a weird choice to just spam your air units... So he super massed his roaches to where they just ignore your air and walk passed it.
You realistically didn't have nearly enough ground units to actually HOLD the line. Your ground units had a less than paper thin wall that would be washed away instantly.
Side Note: each time you would say you needed more AOE, then continue Void Ray spamming... And then that last lil comment at the end for your units to AOE them down while you finally used your Black Hole... YOU DON'T HAVE AOE. You super spammed single target Void Rays dude.
Learning experience at least.
Indeed I did not have enough ground to contest his ground, which is why I tried to go for the air. Unless I'm horribly mistaken, Vorazun doesn't have the ground presence to meaningfully contest that. There is no AOE in her kit, so I didn't have the option of splashing down his wave. The Tankiest ground unit is the Dark Archon, but it hits like a wet noodle and has no splash. The best thing I could have done to contest the ground would be a massive line of dark archons and charge-lots, hoping that the dark archon confusion and mind control would deal enough damage to destroy the wave. But I expected that to fail hard, as It just isn't tanky enough to survive that much. That's why i went air, so I could at least deal more damage.
At the end, when I used the black hole, I used it in range of the base tower. The base tower deals massive amounts of damage and has a huge splash radius. That's what I was banking on using to wipe out the wave. It's an extremely effective combo, but wasn't enough for use to start stacking.
That's the thing though, Dark Templars might be single target but they can initiate by teleporting around rapidly attacking multiple troops in seconds. That is a form of AOE.
When they started having 5 roaches to your 1 Dark Templar, and you started spamming single target Void Rays, you were pretty much signing defeat.
And yes, Dark Archon lines would have probably helped change the tide, because then you would have had the enemy troops tearing themselves apart. Instead, you got 3 Dark Archons that were maybe lucky to mind control one target out of their hundred. So of course it will seem like it isn't doing much.
Don't get me wrong, the Void Ray spam CAN BE a good choice. But not when they take so long to kill single targets that just walk right on by, which then hold their aggro as things coming up from behind the enemy ground units just destroy them, like the next wave of Cyclones did multiple times. As is, you actually did semi alright early on with how few Dark Templars you had until Dehaka had the ability to reveal them. That is when you should have just started to try and overwhelm with numbers, because their ability to teleport around and attack rapidly for the first burst was actually doing good against the roaches until he started getting 2 roaches to your 1 DT, then 3, then higher and higher while they ignored your sudden air spam.
Entirely random side note, hope everything is going well. You seem to be a bit out of it in more recent videos, albeit I have only started binge watching your content recently, so that might be why it seems odd the way you have been recently. (last bit: sorry for the massive wall of text that probably won't get read lol)
dark archon does aoe damage and aoe debuff. just sayin
When your teammates deal with your problems before you ever even give them a reason to.
Vorazuns corsairs get the ability to make all enemies incapable of attacking. So, even though they don't do a lot in the air, they make enemy units useless so you and your allies can go ham.
the answer to that is giving Dark Templar some Stealth Collosi :D
Voravun doesn't get units at t3, but gets upgrades at t3, stasis for dt's, range on voids, confusion on Archon, she's pretty solid but a bit weak imo
Also as a general tip, mass units until your wave spawns, then get the research for them (time it so you get the researches as your wave meets the enemy's wave)
Dehaka is a beast.
Your team mate had aoe covered. Just more void or blink stalkers would be my idea. Stalkers may not be strong but getting shields back after blink adds survivability to last long enough till collosus comes out
Teleports behind you
Mass stalkers with tier 2 ability = early game won. Add wall of mind control DArk Archons = gg. Or mass oracles + corsairs.
Really enjoying these videos, gives me a lot of nostalgia of my SC1/2 days. Maybe i should look into play thing again.... On the more technical side, I think your microphone is a little high on the gain. Your voice is getting somewhat distorted when you get louder.
archon is your best bet. once you get three or four rows of them the roaches just slam into a wall. Then web then void rays/stalkers
ok i am confused what was the red beam shooting from the enemy side that hit all the way across the field? it was doing alot of dmg to your side.
That was one of the defensive structures for a terran commander. We'll cover that one soon ;)
I think if you had massed some oracles it could have helped against the roaches. Their stasis would help prevent damage and their ground only attack is very high dps. Normally in game it would be a waste of their energy, but if the wave spawns with energy anyway might as well.
5:15 you can hear the commentator die inside
Need to use blackhole against roaches when the collosus are at full strenght so you get massive aoe.
You said you couldn't contest ground AND didn't have air units. You made tons of contradictory and kinda nonsensical statements in this one, which is fairly rare for you! Must have been stressed ^.^ Been there!
why did u kept spamming voidrays despite beeing completly in effiecient against dehaka wave. u should have build lots of dark templar
Maybe because the dehaka big shout prevents them to use energy
The templar were just getting wrecked. Dehaka was tearing them a new one and once he got detection on him they were just a lost cause. Dark Templar are really only cost effective if they go unseen.
From my point of view, the second match looked like this: "Dehaka + big army = My voidray spam doesn't work. LET'S DOUBLE DOWN ON THE SPAM THAT DOESN'T WORK!". As strong as your rays are, their single-target damage does nothing to hold back a mass ground attack. I can almost guarantee orange did not love you. Without him, you would have lost much faster had he not been carrying the ground offense/defense for your team.
What solution would you suggest?
@@Incursus Don't confuse my observation as meaning I know what I'm doing in Starcraft 2. I play the game not because I know what I'm doing, but because I enjoy the rampant explosions, gore and mass carnage (I know that makes me sound like a psychopath).
That said, here's a suggestion based on basic logic: The Dehaka player massed roaches to accompany a high hp hero who seemed to have high resistance. You massed a unit which uses a sustained, high damage, single target attack, which is ideal for whittling down particular enemies quickly.
The problem with this is that you needed to murder the hero unit, but the mass roaches were killing your ground units at a much faster attack rate than your rays possess. I'm also assuming roaches cost less than rays. So now you have a mass of units that cost less, attack faster, and there are more of them than your own units. If you kept insisting on rays, you would need 2 or 3 of them to every roach, which wouldn't work due to the cost difference. It's a war of attrition using costs that you will not win. You had melee units, but since you had no AOE, once they were melted by the roaches, said roaches had no obligation to stick around to continue being pestered by your rays, who attack one unit at a time, which is a moot point against a larger force. Orange was countering that number advantage with multi-target damage, killing more units at once, lowering the overall incoming damage.
In short, you needed an AOE unit, which you say Vorazun does not have. The next best thing would be a cost effective, high attack rate unit that can whittle down the number of roaches so that your rays can more effectively kill them.
Then again, what do I know. I only came back to SC2 yesterday, after a year hiatus, and tried out Direct because of your videos. Didn't do well, and was immediately insulted by the abnormally toxic kind of player that DS attracts. So I don't have much knowledge on the mode.
Take my input with the tiniest grain of salt known to man.
*sees the Marauder horde* I miss the Marauders! campaign...
I have an idea! Mix forts and direct strike! Unlimited upgrades for obscenely powerful weapons against adamantium units! MWAHAHAHA
Dunno about that map, but DA generally has splash just like standard A
Yeah, he should have completely bailed on the dark templar much sooner. His teammates had to carry him for the entire first half of the game because he kept doubling down on that losing strategy. Dark Templar need to get in without being detected or they are basically just overpriced zealots. They never really recovered from that although he did finally really start turning things around with the corsair/void and the few dark archon he had did do work. He would have done much better putting down more archons or air units much earlier in the game.
Why didn't you DARK ARCHON?
*earlier on
im not sure if you aware but certain units do extra damage to specific armor types, so unless they changed what stalkers do extra damage to, spam stalkers would have been the better option over voids due to stalkers also having a high survival chance for your allies wave to show up and take the damage(only if you have the blink ability), primarily for countering the mass roaches
Indeed I am aware! And yes, the stalkers did deal extra damage to the roaches. Unfortunately, the stalkers can't deal with that many units. They blink backwards when they lose their shields, but without something to tank for them, the stalkers still die in a couple hits. Considering the extremely low DPS from the stalkers, they really aren't an option in this case. The roaches would just keep walking forward and clear everything out.
Stalkers work well as a damage amplification role, where they can just add more damage while the bulk of my wave does everything else. In a match where I can't contest the ground, stalkers do almost nothing.
i find the Direct strike mode, but it didn't have co-op hero to choose?
is that the premium ?
And in my region seems no people play this mode>
you go to the direct strike mode, and there's a choice... normal 3v3. 2v2. 1v1, comander 3v3 2v2 1v1, heroic comander 3v3 2v2 1v1.... :O ya can find it
I'm late to the video, but I suggest you go back and try to win with cheese strategies as well on other commanders, Ex. Mass swarm/creeper host on Dhaka or Mass wraith plus carrier gallions on han and horner. Cheese games are very fun to watch! Maybe play that mass mirage strategy.
I think you should have staggered your DTs when Dehaka started using his skill that prevented the DTs from blinking. Also isn’t your voidrays a bit too far back, your frontline dashes forward so I think moving them a bit forward so they can engage earlier (while your front line still exist) would have been slightly better.
Where the forts at?
*had best zealot in game with fast burst aoe ability with stun*
match 1 = triple 1-trick armies... Marauders, Mirages, DT lol
We need ground splash... dark temp would be the closest... lets get void rays
could've go for oracles, would be great against the hidras, even somewhat against dehaka, at least better than crappy void rays.
Early squad reporting in!!
Get more Dark Templar next time Incursus, and mass stalkers is VERY effective
thought more DTs and Corsairs would be a good option towards the end there but good game none the less :)
u sound a little dead in side but youre content is great!! ( : and cool more SC 2!!!
You should have make more Dark Archons and disable Dehakas big Army with the confusion wave. But you have to manual activate this ability i think
Confusion wave works automatically
*Looks at the thumbnail
Don't forget that mutas are very weak air units. They aren't the best for securing air superiority.
Corsairs can silence enemies (stop them from attacking)
More Zerg?...
I think the Dark archons worked the same way as regular archons except with abilities on DS. Not sure. As for Dehaka... if I see mass roach, I would counter with mass stalkers. However stalkers won't be doing blink retreats like a pro, you'll need a buffer so I mix stalkers and zealots. If you had a truck load of zealots, you could hold back the roach wave yourself. With stalkers and DAs doing what the can. Answering with mass Void rays wasn't viable at all. Mass roach and VR only targeting one by one.... not to mention it targeting the tank that is dehaka many times.... you should've switched up your strategy. You one line of zealots isn't even enough to buffer. It's comparable to shielding yourself with a piece of paper. Its enough to soak couple of attacks before it gets to your main units.
Don't underestimate your low tier units like zealots. Think of them as your cheap targe shield units in a medieval setting. Spam those fuckers.
Keep playing man. (But I'm looking forward to your Forts video more) ;)
The dark archons do not work in the same way as regular archons. They have the same HP/shield values, but they have a water balloon style non-AOE attack like high Templar. It's nice to have them for their tankiness and abilities, but I would still need something to actually deal damage. Stalkers are a poor choice for damage, on grounds of them just not having good stats. Zealots are better suited for soaking damage and stunning units than actually dealing damage, though they do hit decently hard. Dark Templar are glass cannons, but are also melee so they die real quick.
Would it have worked better if I attempted to contest the ground? Maybe. Void Rays clearly didn't work. The one thing to keep in mind, is that I didn't start with void rays. I started by attempting to contest the ground with as many zealots and dark templars that I could afford, which didn't work AT ALL. He was always going to have more units than me and the surround on me, the question is whether I could burn down his units first.
Given hind sight, I would like to have tried moving all my units to one side of the field, and go full ground. Try to only hit one section of his army first, making a formation that takes into account being surrounded. Lots more DTs, a healthy amount of archons, a massive number of zealots. I highly doubt it would work, but I think It's the best I could have done on the ground.
Or just sell off my ground forces Entirely and force him to contest my aircraft.
@@Incursus yea... i tried vorazun myself earlier today... DA isn't the best choice.
And I did face against a vorazun player that destroyed my dehaka forces. All he did was mass stalkers. Stalkers do blink back and blinking back cloaks them giving them even more damage buff from the commander's passive. NUTS! But yea.. more ground forces to combat the mass roaches would be the ideal choice. I still believe stalkers would be the best, just not stack a bunch in the front so dehaka's flame breath doesn't destroy a bunch of them on engagement. But if u knew u were facing against him using that kind of strategy... vorazun would be a poorer choices compared to other commanders with aoes.. like han&horner ... burn everything \o/
Thanks for replying!
I'm clearly very new to this game, but from what i see this Dahaka seems to be really strong over time. It seriously does not look balanced at all.
Do you even lift bro?! XD
This dude never use SCAN, never.
First keep up the good work
need a counter on how many times you say very nice :P
Good morrow.
u could of EASILY won this with corsair oracle, only problem for them are those tempest and he didn't even mass them. corsair shred science FAST and oracle will kill haka ground in the blink of an eye. swann had no thors so he cant do shit against u. just lol u went stalkers after u found voids weren't working. u need like 6 rows of voids to kill haka ground.
You played that so terrible honestly... that Fenix had the carrypants on like crazy
what can i say except get void rays
the tempest's aa has 6 range
what can i say except get void rays
especially with their prismatic range
get void rays, get void rays, (ok i'm done that did not work)
placing your archons further in the front you CC the enemy wave faster.... Your army placement at the end of that match was horrific. You want your WHOLE army to crash at the same time, not in parts.
single-target aoe XD
Keeps complaining about swarming roaches. Does nothing about it. Tells us that this game mode is all about countering your opponent. If I was in this game I would have ragequit when I saw him build the 30th void Ray instead of helping to deal with the ground war.
Vorazun has no units has no units that deal aoe Dmg + All your units focus dehaka = 100% loss .
That's why vorazun is only viable when she can spam stalkers
Nop, that black hole is not the same than the motherships once in WOL
I NEED AOE => builds stalkers. *facepalm*
wHeRe iS fOrTS