Yes have met a ashihara teacher back in 2013 he taught few things that was the i time i got introduced to hideyuki ashihara nd his style although i am from shotokan but ashihara teachings help me alot to develop as a martial artist
Not at all, and this is something very very important, thank you so much sharing this, who ever pay attention closely can really take something out of it. Thank you so much.
I train Ashihara Karate and enjoy it. Osu from Warsaw, Poland! It helped me to beat type 2 diabetes. Sensei squeezes from us sweat, blood and tears! I love it! From hobby it became my medicine and way of life!
Osu! Sosai Oyama was not afraid of Hideyuki Ashihara Kancho, they were master and student and such was their relationship. A relationship of respect and support! Hideyuki Ashihara Kancho got into a street fight with various opponents and defeated them. Apparently one of the guys was a member of the yakuza so Oyama temporarily suspended Hideyuki and later sent him yawatahama. Where Kancho Hideyuki Established and taught kyokushin while at the same time he was adding stuff of his own making, into the teaching, specially the use of Sabaki instead of a head on clash. Since he was a very good teacher and his techniques were very practical and efficient he had tremendous success and a lot of Dojo’s were opened by his students, this success brought certain problems along the way and some members of the organization got jealous of Ashihara’s success and so it happened that Hideyuki Ashihara left the Kyokushin organization. Some say the departure was in friendly terms, other say he was expelled. Who knows? The reality is Hideyuki Ashihara was a Karate genius and thanks to him we have one of the most effective karate styles in Ashihara Karate. Osu!
I study his style back in the 80's. And trained at his dojo for a summer. I have his books, and I am in the background of his video. I'm the tall white guy running . Your TH-cam brings back great memories, thank you
Hi I have watched a few videos by you. Good work. I practice Ashihara Karate and I'm a black belt since 2017. As a student and a teacher of this form of Karate I should say that every Kata is practical and logical . Been benefiting from this art for years. And my wishes for your work and health.
Great video! I practice Seido Juku which is also an offshoot of Kyokushin. Our founder T. Nakamura, a complete badass however, voluntarily withdrew from the organization in late 70s. It's great to see how Oyama's strong students all went in their own directions hence Kyokushin elements can be found in so many forms of Karate.
Oyama, Ashihara, Ninomiya (founder of Enshin, I believe an offshoot of Ashihara), and Soeno (the real inspiration for Ryu from Street Fighter, just compare his younger pics from the 80s to Ryu in World Warrior) are the real full contact karate OGs.
I began as an eleven year old with Shotokan. In my late teens I moved onto Aikido. I am now 61. I have introduced elements of Tai Chi and Wing Chin for my CQC in a street setting. I have been like water throughout all of my studies.
Having trained under both, the context and overall narrative of this video is bogus. As others have mentioned, Oyama had many disagreements, fall-out and clash of ideas, this in turn created issues. Ashihara along with Nakamura and others went their own way due to a difference in philosophy, technical thoughts and ego. To say that Oyama was frightened or scared of Ashihara is both misleading nonsense and erroneous flights of fanciful gossip. Those of us who went onto the K1 circuit and others know that this video is utter rubbish. The image of Oyama fighting the bull is not a bear as stated within the video. Rather than use a falsehood, a bogus claim based on the lack of truth and is just heresay gosip, please do some real research and base such on facts... Osu.
Dojo Waku さん、sorry but this is incorrect on SO MANY levels. His nickname ケンカ十段 was just from the manga 空手バカ一代。Until the manga, no one knew of him outside of Shikoku. To say Oyama was afraid of him is not even close. In fact it is so far from the truth that it is kind of funny. Please speak to any of the fighters from those days and they will tell you. There were MANY fighters in the Oyama dojo who had Ashihara's measure, including many of the gaijin fighters you never hear about. He fought in early tournaments but could never beat his main dojo rivals and instructors. I met Ashihara Sensei for the first time in 1976 and interpreted for him then. Already he was wanting to expand his own karate. He had no sense of loyal humility towards his teacher and was really only staying until his student Ninomiya Joko won the All Japan. He came second that year which really disappointed Ashihara Sensei. He finally won in 1978, so Ashihara Sensei was ready to leave. The fighter at 1:24 in your video was not Ashihara Sensei, that is Sonny Chiba, 千葉真一, the actor. The Ashihara approach was to use Kyokushin with aikido. Sabaki, as you know, was very common in Kyokushin already. Even at the early All Japans (I went to many of them starting in 1976), you would hear the cornermen calling out, 「捌いて、捌いて!捌いて送り返して!」and that sort of thing. I heard this and learned from that and used it in my own dojo for my own students (including Garry O'Neill and Walter Schnaubelt who were my first long-term 寮生). I researched it and found more about it from the 1963 book 「合気道」by 植芝吉祥丸先生. In that he even has a section titles "Sabaki". So this sabaki was always fundamental to Kyokushin, and to all traditional arts. It was nothing new. 長野先生は日本人ですからそれほど絶対理解してると思います。It is simply that Ashihara Sensei made the WORD "sabaki" widely known, not the movements of sabaki, which were already there. Your explanation at 2:30 is nice. It also shows how Ashihara Sensei used 入りみ、転間、捌きdirectly from aikido. This idea of sabaki is a fairly basic beginner's level footwork principle. It is also fundamental to Kyokushin. Although some people say Kyokushin is a hard style, that is a very superficial understanding. Kyokushin is hard training but very "soft", very circular. Oyama Masutatsu's teachings in his books going back to the 1950's made this very clear with MOSTLY circular movements. Ashihara Sensei teaching 柔らかくis simply him teaching what he learned from his own teacher, Mas Oyama, but adding a new vocabulary to it. That is what most people do when they start their own dojo.
Thank you Shihan Cameron ... this is very insightful !... correct me if I am wrong, but the sabaki shown here remind me of mouvements 2, 3, 7.& 8 of the Happo No Kuzushi that were frequently taught by Shihan Bobby Lowe.
@@marcroberge5636 Yes, exactly. Much of Sosai's Goshin-jutsu system taught to Shihan Bobby was based on sabaki movement. I mean, what else could it be? realistically speaking.
Pasay has kyokushin school but sadly its too far away. I live in makati city. Some karate schools are closed, temporarily or went out of business due to a complicated issues or fractured in the community.
@@euromotorsports No, I am not an Enshin-ka. The reason Ashihara and Enshin Karate look so similar is because Ashihara sensei was Ninomiya’s first and only Karate teacher!
For further development of Sabaki seek out Makoto Hirohara Sensei in Hiroshima. He was Ashihara Tokyo main instructor and founded Shintaiikudo. Was also instructor of Ashihara dojo in Los Angeles.
Very interesting video! I'm a new karateka and I practice Kyokushin in Canada. I'm looking forward to your visit at the dojo and learn more in the next video. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! 🤜🤛
All cap. We all know Terutomo Yamazaki was the star pupil and standout of the 1st class. Ashihara was no doubt a high level fighter though. That old generation was a special breed, as technical as they were brutal in combat.
Excellent! I had heard of Ashihara and his street toughness previously but never knew the details. This is very interesting and I am looking forward to your next video to the Ashihara dojo. Thank you.
It's like you took the interceptions of Jeet Kune Do, the angles of Kali Silat and the blending and redirection of Aikido and Bagua and grafted them on to a hardcore bareknuckle old school Karate method. Impressive.
@@boxing.ascetic No way. Aikido doesn't have those high middle and low kicks, the grabbing and throwing, the punching in bunches, the knee and elbow smashes that immediately turn into takedowns. Aikdo doesn't have the attacking pressure and the full contact training.
He won’t Jon bluming basically disproves this video in an old interview. Ashihara was a student of Jon bluming (during his time at honbu) and they had a falling out also he was never expelled from the organization he left on his own accord.
Oss, hace algunos años una alumna me pidió que la ayudara con sus técnicas de Aikido, gracias a ella aprendí los principios de luxaciones y los incorpore a mis bunkai Shotokan, gracias a su explicación, usted me dio el mismo regalo que mi alumna. Gracias. Oss. Perdón por escribir en español.
@@tshepokotelo3162 unfortunately most newer dojo may not be teaching so or was not taught, as many of the dojo started to focus more on tournament fighting techniques for their representation. I believe some old school Kyokushin dojo may still be teaching as part of their wholesome journey in karate. At least my senior members are taught. Osu.
Another great video! This one hits close. I practiced kyokushin in my teenage years. Training was very demanding. The Contact sparring felt like full combat each time.
That's because it was . Remember back as the mid 90s you HAD to do the 100 man Kumite to gain 3rd Dan. In the UK, Master Arniel was in charge, and he was the second person EVER to complete the 100, after Sosai himself, before any of the Japanese Shihan. The standard was fierce in Kyukushin those days.
@@vinvass2674 Try mid-60s rather then mid 90s. By the mid 90s only about a dozen people had completed the 100-man kumite and yet there were grades higher than 3rd dan everywhere.
There are a couple kyokushin guys that got booted out for being too wild back in the day, including the master of my kyokushin organization. Those guys were rough back then!
@@MaharlikaAWA Look up Jan Kallenbach, he's another example! He was so strong at the Honbu all but one of the masters could go toe to toe with him regularly.
@@MaharlikaAWA Well he ended up starting a fight with one of the instructors which ended in an instructor being banned and Jan going to a different style.
thanks sensei! The video was very enlightening, but I thought you went through the pieces of information very fast... and it gets difficult for me to hold all the information, mostly with many japanese names. The history is very interesting, so I guess you could speak slower and with more pauses, we won't get bored at all. Thank you again.
i don’t get why Shotokan ppl love to shit talk about Kyokushin ?! and especially mas Oyama !? Sosai Oyama did an amazing work by establishing kyokushin Karate, the reason he expelled ashihara is because Oyama send him to Brazil to spread Kyokushin, but Ashihara got involved in some street fighting with the locals and thus failed to spread kyokushin, not because Oyama was afraid of him ! Osu
There was a 15 years old teen in Kazakhstan, who took over 4 adult men, attacked him at the same time in the street. He was yellow belt ashihara-karateka. Now he is black belt ashihara - karate. His name Alexandr Balandin.
Hello there, thank you for enlightening so well the key principals of Ashihara Karate. Arigatoo gozaimasu 🙏. As long time karate practioner I fully agree the effectiveness of Tai Sabaki in defense and counter attacks. Many karate styles emphasize power over movement. It works when the attacker is very skillful, fast and powerfull with good reach. But its always that the defender, Uke, if too skillful and fast, can control better the situation, and use counter attack through the 'window' that any attack opens, go defeat the opponent. Matches taken prove it. Osu 🥋.
Hello! I like your info videos about Karate. Sometimes are very useful! On the other hand, affirmation about Karate Masters (like Motobu wipes the floor with Funakoshi, or Oyama was afraid of Ashihara...), should be made VERY carefully! We were not there, we don't know the circumstances under they happened and we can we cannot assume or tell other people's stories. If you guys are telling these things, you are influencing (maybe in a wrong way) others that are beginning a path in Martial Arts. Also, you can be disrespectful or judgy and that is not what a real Martial Artist would be like! Thank You! Good luck.
When I was growing up, the folklore was Mas Oyama punching out a bull. At that age, about 14, we didn't question it. 14 year olds love that kind of stuff.
@@KarateDojowaKu no from what I understand reading sabaki by ninomiyo... there was a dispute on being suspended for defending himself in the street (it was a case where it was not really clear if he could have avoided the fight) later there was a dispute over another kyokushin school opening too close to his school (if I remember correctly...)
@@rickthatch3556 your opinion is similar to what I've heard. Ashihara who was a branch chief of Ehime prefecture, he sent his student (Iishi , the founder of k1) to open branch dojos in Osaka prefecture without any notices to honbu or the Osaka branch chief. At that moment Kyokushin branch chief is similar to a governor of a prefecture.
@@guererodelluz it's also his great skills. Hong Man Choi had was 2 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier and it didn't make him champion. But the size helped with the skills.
Pardon me, but if I'm not mistaken, Ashihara Karate under NIKO has a max level of 4th Dan, so I suppose that he's likely from an offshoot Ashihara Karate organisation like AKI right?
Not sure if anyone has commented on this but at 1:24 the person who is pictured with Mas Oyama is the Japanese film star Sonny Chiba not Ashihara, but love the content keep it coming
I trained under Master Don Buck for 18 months while stationed at the Alameda Naval Air Station in Alameda Calf. He was a skilled Kyokushin teacher, studied with him and a female Japanese named Alice was my primary Kata instructor. Even had the honor of going full bore sparring kumite with Mike Dayton one of Master Bucks top students this was over 30 years ago and I can still remember fighting Dayton was like fighting a tank guy was invulnerable to hits and kicks
100% they must have had a very similar thought process. Attacking during the attack aka interception, was the initial foundation for Jeet June Do, a concept borrowed from Wing Chun. Also the philosophy of being like water!
@@kakuto435 what makes jkd bullshit? Ive trained in it for 30 has served me very well in the security/bouncing as well as a couple of streetfights.Jkd has always been, progressive this is why most of us3 also crosstrain in bjj,muay thai,kalu,boxing,ect.Bruce always encouraged people to research other systems and make the jkd philosophy work for you.weights,cardio,lots of sparring,calisthenics,more sparring,conditioning and more sparring,this is how we trained,no different than mma or boxing gyms
An excellent Short documentary but the kyokushin founder wasn't afraid he's too skilled and way too tough he's one of my inspirations originally this guy isn't a joke tough as they come he got outed because 5 guys were stupid enough to try to attack he won of course because he was prepared knew the difference between competition and street fighting and because he subbed the attacks by fighting always and all sides .even though this should have brought students it didn't as at the time they were claiming it could damage the reputation of kyokushin that's why he was expelled knew he was his skill fought all ways all sides had weapon knowledge and was always ready he has my respect true martial artist excellent material though
I live in Cape Town (South Africa) where Ashihara and Enshin regularly train and compete together. Very similar to each other. Sabaki has proven to be very effective.
Es wird gesagt, dass der Umgang Karate von Hideyuki Ashihara erstellt ist eine Kampfkunst, die Körperhandhabung, Wurftechniken und zerbröckelnde Techniken ursprünglich in Aikido und Serolin Tempel Kenpo in Goyuji Stil Karate verbindet. Daher hört der Lehrer eines bestimmten Karate, dass es einen Schwachpunkt gibt, der den Angriff der anderen Partei im Zustand des engen Kontakts nicht gut bewältigen kann, und es ist notwendig, nicht von dieser Person in der Mitte oder einer fernen Zeit gewaltsam anzugreifen, und es ist möglich, den Angriff der anderen Partei zu kontrollieren.
Thank you for your videos, always very interesting and rich in teaching :) Kancho Hideyuki ASHIHARA had 2 illustrious students who popularized full contact karate. Kancho Joko NINOMIYA the master of ENSHIN KARATE with is famous "Sabaki Challenge" and Kancho Kazuyoshi ISHII the master of SEIDOKAIKAN KARATE and créator of K1.
I heard from someone around the youtube karate that Uechi-Ryū was the most dangerous and best karate school for street fighting :D. with the live extreme conditioning they do for sparring. ashi to kota kitae , or ancient Okinawan proverb for '' plunging hands and legs into baskets full of rocks.'' thanks for uploading the jutusu versus video, was fun to watch.
Not the kind of sparring with karate pads like you see the young guys in this video are doing. Their punches wouldn't disturb the curls on a wig. The Sabaki and Kyokushin sparring are much more brutal and definitely better for self defense.
The author which is mentioned in the video Koshima Ichishi is a popular writer of Kyokushin related books in Japan, however most his works are lack of reliability and validity. Therefore most Kyokushin major peoples keep a distance from him. sources from a kyokushin unoffical bbs "aoban" stated that Ashihara had started to show lesser respect to Oyama since the mid 70. Such as not mention Oyama in his kyokushin printed materials or mocked the honbu has no ablilty to produce great fighters (such as Ninomiya Joko) as he could. He even sent his student (Iishi , the founder of k1) to open branch dojos in Osaka prefecture. It was not allow at that moment since Kyokushin allows 1 branch chief to take in charge of their own prefecture only in that era, meanwhile Ashihara was only in charge of Ehime prefecture only.
@@KarateDojowaKu Waku san, I am wondering if it is possible could you make an interview video of your college mate Gotou Yuutai後藤優太 who is also a karate competitor of Keiko University please? お願いしいますた。
There, thank you for the great video, I train and teach Ashihara karate. I was wondering if you ended up visiting the Ashihara karate dojo?, if so did you do a video, I would love to see it.
As of this time, now living in Japan I am studying and practicing Shorinji Kempo and the techniques are very realistic and useful in most hand-to-hand combat situations, the usage of body armor for brown belts and below allows for maximum force to be used on the randori mats.
I don't think Oyama was afraid of him, as i heard he did fight a lot on the streets as he claimed to be 10th Dan in Street Fighting so Oyama kicked him out for damaging Kyokushin's reputation
Very effective philosophy. I noticed however that Karate in Japan seems more tailored towards an opponent that is likely to be a judoka. I think that's why the focus on very hard one strike before the judoka gets a hold on you & not combinations. And getting distance immediately after striking before they grab you. In America your attacker is likely to be a Mike Tyson type who if you fail to stop with 1 strike will KO you with a counter hook, or wrestler who will shoot for a double leg takedown. Also probably bigger than you & much bigger than average Japanese. And a higher likelihood to be multiple guys. Which is why I'd like to see you review the Kajukenbo episode of fightquest.
@@KarateDojowaKu You based such a claim on just one book? Wow! You take a position and make such a sensational claim with this video without doing any research or checking sources. Very disappointing. Anyone who wrote that Mas. Oyama was afraid of his student obviously had an agenda in telling such a lie. There are plenty of Kyokushin people who were around in those days. It would have been very easy to ask questions.
Hideyuki Ashihara was expelled because he got involved in a street fight wherein he beat up some yakuza protesters. Some of this protestors were personal relatives of Mas Oyama resulting in his expulsion. He was undefeated in his Dojo ever and none could fight with him. His style is most practical street style of karate.
I think the title of this video is unfortunate. It’s (to me) disrespectful to the memory and accomplishments of Mas Oyama. If we look at the history of all these modern Karate founders (like Ashihara) their point in common is Sosai Oyama. If they didn’t learn from him they would not have developed to become great in karate. Kyokushin is the foundation for all these other offshoots. Oyama “afraid” of Ashihara?, I hardly think that to be the case. If Ashihara had any sense of propriety he would have treated Sosai Oyama with respect and courtesy as his teacher and senior in age and experience. As such I highly doubt Oyama would have feared him nor would Ashihara intentionally disrespect the man who gave him the training to become great. Just my humble 2 cents. Happy holidays to all. Spirit of OSU!
Very interesting, as I learned several of these concepts while studying Chinese martial arts. I feel like the concept of stances was a bit unclear though. Looking at 4:25, the two karate-ka are definitely relaxed, but they are missing the stances and the "hardness" required on impact. One of them even overshoots the target and jumps on one foot in an attempt to regain balance. That's actually a problem I see in most sparring (not specific to any school or martial arts style) where practitioners are afraid to commit to a strike, a kick, or even a throw. It usually results in an ungrounded attack that will fail unless the opponent is caught way off guard. I feel like the most important part of that point is the combination of hard and soft at the right moments (usually represented by the Taiji symbol or Yin and Yang)
At the beginning of the video, during the kumite, the fighter knocked out the opponent and executed a movement similar to Gedan Barai. What's the name of the move and what it means?
Did you guys know about this karateka?
Yes have met a ashihara teacher back in 2013 he taught few things that was the i time i got introduced to hideyuki ashihara nd his style although i am from shotokan but ashihara teachings help me alot to develop as a martial artist
@@tanmaysharma8077 I see!
Not at all, and this is something very very important, thank you so much sharing this, who ever pay attention closely can really take something out of it.
Thank you so much.
I think his organization fractured into Enshin and other groups.
I train Ashihara Karate and enjoy it. Osu from Warsaw, Poland! It helped me to beat type 2 diabetes. Sensei squeezes from us sweat, blood and tears! I love it! From hobby it became my medicine and way of life!
Osu! Sosai Oyama was not afraid of Hideyuki Ashihara Kancho, they were master and student and such was their relationship. A relationship of respect and support! Hideyuki Ashihara Kancho got into a street fight with various opponents and defeated them. Apparently one of the guys was a member of the yakuza so Oyama temporarily suspended Hideyuki and later sent him yawatahama. Where Kancho Hideyuki Established and taught kyokushin while at the same time he was adding stuff of his own making, into the teaching, specially the use of Sabaki instead of a head on clash.
Since he was a very good teacher and his techniques were very practical and efficient he had tremendous success and a lot of Dojo’s were opened by his students, this success brought certain problems along the way and some members of the organization got jealous of Ashihara’s success and so it happened that Hideyuki Ashihara left the Kyokushin organization. Some say the departure was in friendly terms, other say he was expelled. Who knows? The reality is Hideyuki Ashihara was a Karate genius and thanks to him we have one of the most effective karate styles in Ashihara Karate. Osu!
Typical "nails that stick out the most will be hammered down". Such a thing is very common in Japan unfortunately.
@@dandruff3414 Not only in Japan.
As much as I know oyama wasn't scared and kicked him out. But ashihara had his own philosophy and style. So, he left and made his own karate style.
That's one possible context!
Come on bro. My boy needs his clicks. Let him be dramatic. This channels gonna be a telenovela next week.
@@Tamales21 a lot of traditionalist just don't like oyama...
Come on, I am a Kyokushin member. Mas Oyama wasn’t scared of him. Please do not spread rumors like this. That’s not proper at all.
@@Ordinary-Hendrik Yeah this youtuber and Jesse Enkamp got that vibe they are not particularly fond of Kyokushin.
I study his style back in the 80's. And trained at his dojo for a summer.
I have his books, and I am in the background of his video. I'm the tall white guy running . Your TH-cam brings back great memories, thank you
Thank you so much for watching!
Hi I have watched a few videos by you. Good work. I practice Ashihara Karate and I'm a black belt since 2017. As a student and a teacher of this form of Karate I should say that every Kata is practical and logical . Been benefiting from this art for years. And my wishes for your work and health.
Sabaki, Maai, and relaxation - these are core concepts which any Karateka, regardless of style, should internalize well.
Great video! I practice Seido Juku which is also an offshoot of Kyokushin. Our founder T. Nakamura, a complete badass however, voluntarily withdrew from the organization in late 70s. It's great to see how Oyama's strong students all went in their own directions hence Kyokushin elements can be found in so many forms of Karate.
Nakamura was also one of the 3 kyokushin fighters who were sent to Thailand to fight Nak Muays in Muay Thai matches.
Oyama, Ashihara, Ninomiya (founder of Enshin, I believe an offshoot of Ashihara), and Soeno (the real inspiration for Ryu from Street Fighter, just compare his younger pics from the 80s to Ryu in World Warrior) are the real full contact karate OGs.
osu! Ashihara practitioner here, thanks for the vid!
Yes I practice ASHIHARA KARATE SINCE MY CHILD HOOD!! Thanks fort your great video!! Osu!! Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
Wow nice!
Waiting for your visit on Ashihara Dojo, Interview with Kancho Hidenori Ashihara Son of Hideyuki Ashihara!! Osu!!
I began as an eleven year old with Shotokan. In my late teens I moved onto Aikido. I am now 61. I have introduced elements of Tai Chi and Wing Chin for my CQC in a street setting. I have been like water throughout all of my studies.
Having trained under both, the context and overall narrative of this video is bogus. As others have mentioned, Oyama had many disagreements, fall-out and clash of ideas, this in turn created issues. Ashihara along with Nakamura and others went their own way due to a difference in philosophy, technical thoughts and ego. To say that Oyama was frightened or scared of Ashihara is both misleading nonsense and erroneous flights of fanciful gossip. Those of us who went onto the K1 circuit and others know that this video is utter rubbish. The image of Oyama fighting the bull is not a bear as stated within the video. Rather than use a falsehood, a bogus claim based on the lack of truth and is just heresay gosip, please do some real research and base such on facts... Osu.
Oyama fighing a bull is also bogus, everybody knows it nowdays.
Dojo Waku さん、sorry but this is incorrect on SO MANY levels. His nickname ケンカ十段 was just from the manga 空手バカ一代。Until the manga, no one knew of him outside of Shikoku. To say Oyama was afraid of him is not even close. In fact it is so far from the truth that it is kind of funny. Please speak to any of the fighters from those days and they will tell you. There were MANY fighters in the Oyama dojo who had Ashihara's measure, including many of the gaijin fighters you never hear about. He fought in early tournaments but could never beat his main dojo rivals and instructors. I met Ashihara Sensei for the first time in 1976 and interpreted for him then. Already he was wanting to expand his own karate. He had no sense of loyal humility towards his teacher and was really only staying until his student Ninomiya Joko won the All Japan. He came second that year which really disappointed Ashihara Sensei. He finally won in 1978, so Ashihara Sensei was ready to leave.
The fighter at 1:24 in your video was not Ashihara Sensei, that is Sonny Chiba, 千葉真一, the actor.
The Ashihara approach was to use Kyokushin with aikido. Sabaki, as you know, was very common in Kyokushin already. Even at the early All Japans (I went to many of them starting in 1976), you would hear the cornermen calling out, 「捌いて、捌いて!捌いて送り返して!」and that sort of thing. I heard this and learned from that and used it in my own dojo for my own students (including Garry O'Neill and Walter Schnaubelt who were my first long-term 寮生).
I researched it and found more about it from the 1963 book 「合気道」by 植芝吉祥丸先生. In that he even has a section titles "Sabaki". So this sabaki was always fundamental to Kyokushin, and to all traditional arts. It was nothing new. 長野先生は日本人ですからそれほど絶対理解してると思います。It is simply that Ashihara Sensei made the WORD "sabaki" widely known, not the movements of sabaki, which were already there.
Your explanation at 2:30 is nice. It also shows how Ashihara Sensei used 入りみ、転間、捌きdirectly from aikido. This idea of sabaki is a fairly basic beginner's level footwork principle. It is also fundamental to Kyokushin. Although some people say Kyokushin is a hard style, that is a very superficial understanding. Kyokushin is hard training but very "soft", very circular. Oyama Masutatsu's teachings in his books going back to the 1950's made this very clear with MOSTLY circular movements. Ashihara Sensei teaching 柔らかくis simply him teaching what he learned from his own teacher, Mas Oyama, but adding a new vocabulary to it. That is what most people do when they start their own dojo.
is the aikido book you mean is published in 1963 or later? will you show the cover of the book? thank you.
@@kisemar5455 Yes, published in 1963. I have a photo of the cover but am not sure how to post it here.
Great to see Shihan Cameron actually showing the facts. What a completely misleading title to a video...
Thank you Shihan Cameron ... this is very insightful !... correct me if I am wrong, but the sabaki shown here remind me of mouvements 2, 3, 7.& 8 of the Happo No Kuzushi that were frequently taught by Shihan Bobby Lowe.
@@marcroberge5636 Yes, exactly. Much of Sosai's Goshin-jutsu system taught to Shihan Bobby was based on sabaki movement. I mean, what else could it be? realistically speaking.
Kyokushin karate is popular too in the Philippines🇵🇭
I got 2nd below when 2018 Kyokushinkan goodwill tournament~!
In Brazil too!
Osu! 🇧🇷
Oh you mean our Dojo
Sadly it's very rare and expensive
Pasay has kyokushin school but sadly its too far away. I live in makati city. Some karate schools are closed, temporarily or went out of business due to a complicated issues or fractured in the community.
I read about him in his student Ninomiya Joko’s autobiography. He sounded like such a kind man but also a great fighter! Great to see a video on him!
Are you an Enshin Karate Student? I'm from Enshin Karate in San Francisco and a lot of Enshin looks soo similar to Ashihara Karate
@@euromotorsports No, I am not an Enshin-ka. The reason Ashihara and Enshin Karate look so similar is because Ashihara sensei was Ninomiya’s first and only Karate teacher!
For further development of Sabaki seek out Makoto Hirohara Sensei in Hiroshima. He was Ashihara Tokyo main instructor and founded Shintaiikudo. Was also instructor of Ashihara dojo in Los Angeles.
Thanks ! Yusuke , this video is very informative and wonderful . God bless You 🙏.
Very interesting video! I'm a new karateka and I practice Kyokushin in Canada. I'm looking forward to your visit at the dojo and learn more in the next video. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! 🤜🤛
All cap. We all know Terutomo Yamazaki was the star pupil and standout of the 1st class. Ashihara was no doubt a high level fighter though. That old generation was a special breed, as technical as they were brutal in combat.
It look like Ashihara adapted his style. Took what he like from kyokushin and added what he like from other karate.
I see!
Excellent! I had heard of Ashihara and his street toughness previously but never knew the details. This is very interesting and I am looking forward to your next video to the Ashihara dojo. Thank you.
Mas Oyama was not afraid of him its a misleading info he just kicked him out of the gym because he caused trouble for the Kyokushin
It's like you took the interceptions of Jeet Kune Do, the angles of Kali Silat and the blending and redirection of Aikido and Bagua and grafted them on to a hardcore bareknuckle old school Karate method. Impressive.
I like your interpretation
agreed! Thats how I thought of ashihara. They represent modern martial art perception
@@boxing.ascetic No way. Aikido doesn't have those high middle and low kicks, the grabbing and throwing, the punching in bunches, the knee and elbow smashes that immediately turn into takedowns. Aikdo doesn't have the attacking pressure and the full contact training.
Thanks for making a very great, informative video. Very cool.
No problem !
Great film - like always - and a beautiful dojo in the background. What an inspiring place!
Awesome video. I have never heard of this style before. Thank you for educating me!
Great! I would love to learn more about that!!
Please look forward to it!
@@KarateDojowaKu i will! 👌
Do a video on John Bluming! One of the pioneers of Kudo I think
He won’t Jon bluming basically disproves this video in an old interview. Ashihara was a student of Jon bluming (during his time at honbu) and they had a falling out also he was never expelled from the organization he left on his own accord.
Oss, hace algunos años una alumna me pidió que la ayudara con sus técnicas de Aikido, gracias a ella aprendí los principios de luxaciones y los incorpore a mis bunkai Shotokan, gracias a su explicación, usted me dio el mismo regalo que mi alumna. Gracias. Oss. Perdón por escribir en español.
Great channel, I enjoy your videos a lot.
Keep up the hard work and keep getting better in your martial path and your videos.
Awesome! Thanks for the video brother!
Thank you very much for this upload it was very informational I really appreciate it!
Awesome video! Thank you
The athletic preparation and body conditioning to become able to fight in that way must be top level
Ashihara was pure dread man! His style has less than 10 kata, all real fighting kata. I practice only 1 kata whenever I train and believe me it works.
Just to share that Kyokushin Karate taught Sabaki before Shihan Ashihara left. We were learning this as part of senior belt form in 70's.
Is it still in Kyokushin today?
@@tshepokotelo3162 unfortunately most newer dojo may not be teaching so or was not taught, as many of the dojo started to focus more on tournament fighting techniques for their representation. I believe some old school Kyokushin dojo may still be teaching as part of their wholesome journey in karate. At least my senior members are taught. Osu.
Mahalo. I never knew about this man.
I had 2 of Ninomiya Joko’s books. “My journey in Karate” and
“The Sabaki Method”
Another great video! This one hits close. I practiced kyokushin in my teenage years. Training was very demanding. The Contact sparring felt like full combat each time.
That's because it was .
Remember back as the mid 90s you HAD to do the 100 man Kumite to gain 3rd Dan.
In the UK, Master Arniel was in charge, and he was the second person EVER to complete the 100, after Sosai himself, before any of the Japanese Shihan.
The standard was fierce in Kyukushin those days.
@@vinvass2674 Try mid-60s rather then mid 90s. By the mid 90s only about a dozen people had completed the 100-man kumite and yet there were grades higher than 3rd dan everywhere.
There are a couple kyokushin guys that got booted out for being too wild back in the day, including the master of my kyokushin organization. Those guys were rough back then!
Thanks for your insight!
Too wild in what way?
@@MaharlikaAWA Look up Jan Kallenbach, he's another example! He was so strong at the Honbu all but one of the masters could go toe to toe with him regularly.
@@BigSlanko yes but did they do bad things?
@@MaharlikaAWA Well he ended up starting a fight with one of the instructors which ended in an instructor being banned and Jan going to a different style.
thanks sensei! The video was very enlightening, but I thought you went through the pieces of information very fast... and it gets difficult for me to hold all the information, mostly with many japanese names. The history is very interesting, so I guess you could speak slower and with more pauses, we won't get bored at all. Thank you again.
Sorry about that! Please play at 0.75x just for this time!
Nice video👏🏼👏🏼🥋😄
Nice 👌 information and good channel 👍 go ahead your number one
Tbh I never heard of this guy, but I know now. Thanks sensei
No problem!
They should includes stuff like this in training so students get inspired
i don’t get why Shotokan ppl love to shit talk about Kyokushin ?! and especially mas Oyama !? Sosai Oyama did an amazing work by establishing kyokushin Karate, the reason he expelled ashihara is because Oyama send him to Brazil to spread Kyokushin, but Ashihara got involved in some street fighting with the locals and thus failed to spread kyokushin, not because Oyama was afraid of him ! Osu
There was a 15 years old teen in Kazakhstan, who took over 4 adult men, attacked him at the same time in the street. He was yellow belt ashihara-karateka. Now he is black belt ashihara - karate. His name Alexandr Balandin.
Awesome video sir ..
Hello there, thank you for enlightening so well the key principals of Ashihara Karate. Arigatoo gozaimasu 🙏.
As long time karate practioner I fully agree the effectiveness of Tai Sabaki in defense and counter attacks.
Many karate styles emphasize power over movement. It works when the attacker is very skillful, fast and powerfull with good reach.
But its always that the defender, Uke, if too skillful and fast, can control better the situation, and use counter attack through the 'window' that any attack opens, go defeat the opponent.
Matches taken prove it. Osu 🥋.
Nice to meet you!!
Haha please to meet you too!
Thank you for this! I read Master Ashihara’s book Fighting Karate in 1987 and always desired to train with him! Osu
Tks alot.
I've heard of Ashihara, and his fame being a very hard Fighter.
I like your info videos about Karate. Sometimes are very useful!
On the other hand, affirmation about Karate Masters (like Motobu wipes the floor with Funakoshi, or Oyama was afraid of Ashihara...), should be made VERY carefully! We were not there, we don't know the circumstances under they happened and we can we cannot assume or tell other people's stories. If you guys are telling these things, you are influencing (maybe in a wrong way) others that are beginning a path in Martial Arts. Also, you can be disrespectful or judgy and that is not what a real Martial Artist would be like!
Thank You!
Good luck.
Thanks for the comment! I will make sure to keep those in mind :)
-Sandan Ashihara Karate
I am from India 💚
And I am ashihara karateka.......
When I was growing up, the folklore was Mas Oyama punching out a bull. At that age, about 14, we didn't question it. 14 year olds love that kind of stuff.
He probably left kyukushin on his own cuz he started to disagreeing with 大山倍達 on a fundamental level
I agree!
@@KarateDojowaKu no from what I understand reading sabaki by ninomiyo... there was a dispute on being suspended for defending himself in the street (it was a case where it was not really clear if he could have avoided the fight) later there was a dispute over another kyokushin school opening too close to his school (if I remember correctly...)
@@rickthatch3556 your opinion is similar to what I've heard. Ashihara who was a branch chief of Ehime prefecture, he sent his student (Iishi , the founder of k1) to open branch dojos in Osaka prefecture without any notices to honbu or the Osaka branch chief. At that moment Kyokushin branch chief is similar to a governor of a prefecture.
@@KarateDojowaKu you agree yet you make this dumbass video
what is the name of the background music you used in this video ? plz reply 🥺🙏🏻
Sorry I forgot the url...
Ashihara guys are real good kickboxers sparred with some of then. Yes, i think they are very smart with angles.
Semmy Schilt has 6th Dan in ashihara karate . That made him 4 time Grand Prix K1 champion. He also has 9th Dan in kyokoushin budokai.
Thanks for your knowledge!
It's actually his abnormal size that made him champion
@@guererodelluz it's also his great skills. Hong Man Choi had was 2 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier and it didn't make him champion. But the size helped with the skills.
Pardon me, but if I'm not mistaken, Ashihara Karate under NIKO has a max level of 4th Dan, so I suppose that he's likely from an offshoot Ashihara Karate organisation like AKI right?
@@Randi-h5q that is true.
NIKO Ashihara Karate now has one fifth Dan Shihan outside Japan.
No. He wasn't.
Ishihara was awesome, all respect due.
But Sosai Oyama feared no man.
Bravo, very interesting, thank you
No problem!
Not sure if anyone has commented on this but at 1:24 the person who is pictured with Mas Oyama is the Japanese film star Sonny Chiba not Ashihara, but love the content keep it coming
Great video 👍
I trained under Master Don Buck for 18 months while stationed at the Alameda Naval Air Station in Alameda Calf. He was a skilled Kyokushin teacher, studied with him and a female Japanese named Alice was my primary Kata instructor. Even had the honor of going full bore sparring kumite with Mike Dayton one of Master Bucks top students this was over 30 years ago and I can still remember fighting Dayton was like fighting a tank guy was invulnerable to hits and kicks
Good video ....
Sensei, can you tell us about your thoughts on Kudo karate?
good info. thanks
At 1:17. that's Sonny Chiba, not Ashihara. This is a pretty big mistake. Chiba was an Oyama student and went on to play him in three films
Ashihara’s philosophy is very similar to Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do.
I didn't know that! Thanks!
100% they must have had a very similar thought process.
Attacking during the attack aka interception, was the initial foundation for Jeet June Do, a concept borrowed from Wing Chun.
Also the philosophy of being like water!
@@kakuto435 yeah, keep embarrassing yourself mate.
Ashihara stepped out from Kyokushin fighting style only, and Bruce Lee went to no styles and cross training.
@@kakuto435 what makes jkd bullshit? Ive trained in it for 30 has served me very well in the security/bouncing as well as a couple of streetfights.Jkd has always been, progressive this is why most of us3 also crosstrain in bjj,muay thai,kalu,boxing,ect.Bruce always encouraged people to research other systems and make the jkd philosophy work for you.weights,cardio,lots of sparring,calisthenics,more sparring,conditioning and more sparring,this is how we trained,no different than mma or boxing gyms
An excellent Short documentary but the kyokushin founder wasn't afraid he's too skilled and way too tough he's one of my inspirations originally this guy isn't a joke tough as they come he got outed because 5 guys were stupid enough to try to attack he won of course because he was prepared knew the difference between competition and street fighting and because he subbed the attacks by fighting always and all sides .even though this should have brought students it didn't as at the time they were claiming it could damage the reputation of kyokushin that's why he was expelled knew he was his skill fought all ways all sides had weapon knowledge and was always ready he has my respect true martial artist excellent material though
No necessarily.. ashihara was viscious and unbeatable .. and very violent .. you should read his book
@@barryellis5167What is his book Good Sir?
I live in Cape Town (South Africa) where Ashihara and Enshin regularly train and compete together. Very similar to each other. Sabaki has proven to be very effective.
“He even talks about you becoming water”
Sounds like Bruce Lee.
And bruce lee gotbit from miyamoto musashi
Oyama vs Bruce Lee = tiger vs Wild cat
@@hattorihaso2579 a lot of what Bruce lee said was taken from other karate and Kung fu masters. But he never gave them credit for it.
@@nusashy that’s the fight to make. I go with Mas
Es wird gesagt, dass der Umgang Karate von Hideyuki Ashihara erstellt ist eine Kampfkunst, die Körperhandhabung, Wurftechniken und zerbröckelnde Techniken ursprünglich in Aikido und Serolin Tempel Kenpo in Goyuji Stil Karate verbindet.
Daher hört der Lehrer eines bestimmten Karate, dass es einen Schwachpunkt gibt, der den Angriff der anderen Partei im Zustand des engen Kontakts nicht gut bewältigen kann, und es ist notwendig, nicht von dieser Person in der Mitte oder einer fernen Zeit gewaltsam anzugreifen, und es ist möglich, den Angriff der anderen Partei zu kontrollieren.
Thank you for your videos, always very interesting and rich in teaching :)
Kancho Hideyuki ASHIHARA had 2 illustrious students who popularized full contact karate. Kancho Joko NINOMIYA the master of ENSHIN KARATE with is famous "Sabaki Challenge" and Kancho Kazuyoshi ISHII the master of SEIDOKAIKAN KARATE and créator of K1.
I heard from someone around the youtube karate that Uechi-Ryū was the most dangerous and best karate school for street fighting :D. with the live extreme conditioning they do for sparring. ashi to kota kitae , or ancient Okinawan proverb for '' plunging hands and legs into baskets full of rocks.'' thanks for uploading the jutusu versus video, was fun to watch.
Thank you. My Aikido sensei who was Japanese always mentioned techniques as sababaki. Never used te-waza or naything pertaining to technique.
I think there's a fair amount of things you can level at Oyama, but fear/cowardice is not one of them.
I train in enshin karate and we do emphasize in tai sabaki. Ninomiya was probably one of Ashihara’s best pupil
To me sparring is the best way. It get you ready for the streets. I'm in my late 30s I do meditation and flexibility.
That goes without saying; I'd seriously doubt that this Ashihara wouldn't have done it, especially coming from Kyokushinkai.
Not the kind of sparring with karate pads like you see the young guys in this video are doing. Their punches wouldn't disturb the curls on a wig. The Sabaki and Kyokushin sparring are much more brutal and definitely better for self defense.
The author which is mentioned in the video Koshima Ichishi is a popular writer of Kyokushin related books in Japan, however most his works are lack of reliability and validity. Therefore most Kyokushin major peoples keep a distance from him.
sources from a kyokushin unoffical bbs "aoban" stated that Ashihara had started to show lesser respect to Oyama since the mid 70. Such as not mention Oyama in his kyokushin printed materials or mocked the honbu has no ablilty to produce great fighters (such as Ninomiya Joko) as he could. He even sent his student (Iishi , the founder of k1) to open branch dojos in Osaka prefecture. It was not allow at that moment since Kyokushin allows 1 branch chief to take in charge of their own prefecture only in that era, meanwhile Ashihara was only in charge of Ehime prefecture only.
I see! Thanks for your great insight!!!
@@KarateDojowaKu Waku san, I am wondering if it is possible could you make an interview video of your college mate Gotou Yuutai後藤優太 who is also a karate competitor of Keiko University please? お願いしいますた。
The picture shown in 1.24 is Sonny Shiba not Ashihara. Please check the picture. You are mistaken.
There, thank you for the great video, I train and teach Ashihara karate.
I was wondering if you ended up visiting the Ashihara karate dojo?, if so did you do a video, I would love to see it.
As of this time, now living in Japan I am studying and practicing Shorinji Kempo and the techniques are very realistic and useful in most hand-to-hand combat situations, the usage of body armor for brown belts and below allows for maximum force to be used on the randori mats.
very good !!
Sensi ,
I really believe that you need to explore a style called Kudo karate . I hope you can talk about it in the future.
remaining soft sometimes also referred to as Staying Loose or relaxed
Plz make more videos on Ashihara karate
sorry but isn't the guy at 1:20 the actor Sonny Chiba? He doesn't look like Ashihara kancho
I don't think Oyama was afraid of him, as i heard he did fight a lot on the streets as he claimed to be 10th Dan in Street Fighting so Oyama kicked him out for damaging Kyokushin's reputation
Ashihara's karate is very much how wing chun is supposed to be like.
Very effective philosophy. I noticed however that Karate in Japan seems more tailored towards an opponent that is likely to be a judoka. I think that's why the focus on very hard one strike before the judoka gets a hold on you & not combinations. And getting distance immediately after striking before they grab you. In America your attacker is likely to be a Mike Tyson type who if you fail to stop with 1 strike will KO you with a counter hook, or wrestler who will shoot for a double leg takedown. Also probably bigger than you & much bigger than average Japanese. And a higher likelihood to be multiple guys. Which is why I'd like to see you review the Kajukenbo episode of fightquest.
Interesting insight!
The one strike thing I believe is cultural and probably came from kendos one strike rule. Which makes sense because they have swords.
Ashihara is the greatest and practical Karateka ever.
Is he is a 10th dan red belt fighter? Or a black belt only
@@reyjoeyquilloy5411 well 10 dan is higher then red belt
I totally agree with everything you said and most of that seems to be lost nowadays circular motion fuse to be taught in kyokushinkarate
Hmm.... Never knew a hardened Karate master such as Oyama had fear from his former student. Great insight.
just one possibility of the book I've read!
@@KarateDojowaKu hey, what's the title of the book
@@KarateDojowaKu You based such a claim on just one book? Wow! You take a position and make such a sensational claim with this video without doing any research or checking sources. Very disappointing. Anyone who wrote that Mas. Oyama was afraid of his student obviously had an agenda in telling such a lie. There are plenty of Kyokushin people who were around in those days. It would have been very easy to ask questions.
Hideyuki Ashihara was expelled because he got involved in a street fight wherein he beat up some yakuza protesters. Some of this protestors were personal relatives of Mas Oyama resulting in his expulsion. He was undefeated in his Dojo ever and none could fight with him.
His style is most practical street style of karate.
I think the title of this video is unfortunate. It’s (to me) disrespectful to the memory and accomplishments of Mas Oyama. If we look at the history of all these modern Karate founders (like Ashihara) their point in common is Sosai Oyama. If they didn’t learn from him they would not have developed to become great in karate. Kyokushin is the foundation for all these other offshoots. Oyama “afraid” of Ashihara?, I hardly think that to be the case. If Ashihara had any sense of propriety he would have treated Sosai Oyama with respect and courtesy as his teacher and senior in age and experience. As such I highly doubt Oyama would have feared him nor would Ashihara intentionally disrespect the man who gave him the training to become great. Just my humble 2 cents. Happy holidays to all. Spirit of OSU!
Very interesting, as I learned several of these concepts while studying Chinese martial arts. I feel like the concept of stances was a bit unclear though. Looking at 4:25, the two karate-ka are definitely relaxed, but they are missing the stances and the "hardness" required on impact. One of them even overshoots the target and jumps on one foot in an attempt to regain balance. That's actually a problem I see in most sparring (not specific to any school or martial arts style) where practitioners are afraid to commit to a strike, a kick, or even a throw. It usually results in an ungrounded attack that will fail unless the opponent is caught way off guard. I feel like the most important part of that point is the combination of hard and soft at the right moments (usually represented by the Taiji symbol or Yin and Yang)
At the beginning of the video, during the kumite, the fighter knocked out the opponent and executed a movement similar to Gedan Barai. What's the name of the move and what it means?