Bro.... This just saved my fish!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN!! You made it simple and understandable. 2.5 tbsp/gallon SCARES the bejesus outta me so I did half that but it worked!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Midnight the CT Betta says he owes you a beer when you are in Toronto.
Never had it definitely don’t want it! Doing everything I can to keep it out. Quarantine tank that was my second tank I bought. I’m not the brightest but when you and Cory kept bringing it up I was smart enough to pay attention. Ten gallon tanks are cheap and most med dosages are based on ten gallons.
Keeping 1 teaspoon of pure salt per gallon in the tank at all times will keep the columnaris causing bacteria at bay before it has a chance to attack the fish.
Sounds much more doable as a treatment than struggling to find antibiotics. I've also heard that increasing the calcium in the tank can help with treating columnaris. I've heard of people using Wonder Shells or liquid supplements. This is whybi quarantine EVERYTHING new to my fish room. Been lucky so far and haven't had to deal with columnaris. All new arrivals get quarantined with salt and then I add meds if needed. They all get a course of anti-parasite flake foods too.
Currently struggling with back-to-back infections of camallanus worms and then columnaris in my guppies - i will definitely be doing this exact treatment going forward.
@@metametameta69 Best I've heard for camallamus worms is to use both fenbendazole and levamisole, rather than 1 or the other. But either or both can kill invertebrates like snails and shrimp, just fyi.
thank you for the pictures of the infected fish. I personally have not had an issue with columnaris. But I am very aware of it. You have done an awesome job on the subject. I have seen videos of affected fish but it's really hard to see (for me anyway) on a moving fish. So the pic are excellent.
I just added 3 guppies, and of course dont have a quarantine tank, sooo now I have Columnaris. I decided to try this method, and just added the aquarium salt, meth blue, and stopped my bio filter, and am dropping the temp to around 70-72.....will repost my results !!
So glad I found your video...I got Fritz Maracyn for my columnaris infected tank. Two rounds and it didnt go away but the fish are still alive yet still sick. I will try aquarium salt as I just got it...crossing my fingers!
OHHHH DUDEEEEEEEE, I lost an entire 30g tank in February, 2 year old blood parrot, and beautiful Angel. 🤦🏻. I think when I caught it was too late and treated too late. I believe what I read prior said to raise temps to 86⁰ to speed the bacteria cycle up. I will keep this video in mind for future reference, thank you!!
Raising the temp will cause the bacteria to spread much faster. Lowering the temp will greatly slow the spread and gives a larger window of time to treat the infection. Ich or white spot is what you want to raise the temp to treat.
@@PhillipsFish when I read it, I didn't make sense, I think the theory behind higher temp was speed it up, runs it course quicker 🤷🏻. Nonetheless it didn't work.
At First it seemed to work, but I notice that it came back. No effects from the salt, except for the plants. I'm trying a Nitrofurazone and Kanaplex combo. Every other day for a total of 3 doses each with a water change before each Nitro dose. This seems to be working. @@cherylmockotr
Due to lack of meds and baned meds in some areas along with cost of meds is a big part of why I did the research to come up with this treatment that can generally be done by anyone.
Well, I just added 9 1/3 cups of kosher salt, and 6 1/2 teaspoons of methylene blue to my 65. I used the same brands as you too. The snails might be a sacrifice, and the plants too. We're gonna find out.
Mike, my Blood Parrot Cichlid is hiding in the corners of my 55 gallon community tank. She is eating her Cichlid pellets and fresh frozen food but isnt swimming around rearranging the gravel like normal. Shes a real sweetheart and loves all her fellow fish (tetras) she isnt a fighter or fin nipper. Her gills arent red, her scales are dark orange and I don't see any sign of disease. Maybe shes lonely for male company? Shes about 7 inches long.
Currently doing this too, I need to ask, what happens after the observation period and everything is good? Do you do water changes to slowly remove the salt and methylene blue?
In Australia we can get tri-sulfa tablets, they're a little pricey ($20 for 15 tablets) but in my experience, it hasn't worked with some of the diseases I've had. I have a Betta fish currently with a bacterial infection on his face, on first site we used a 10-day treatment of Tri-sulfa when the infection was minor, it did nothing for the type of bacteria I'm dealing with. By 10-days treatment the bacteria had only gotten out of control. So don't feel bad you can't get it, we can't get some US brands either. The local aquarium recommended the same treatment as your video, salt and Methene Blue (a product called Bactonex in Australia). Its been 5-days and I believe we've slowed the bacteria, possibly not completely yet but its doing more than tri-sulfa did. I want to ask a question about lowering the tank temperature. For a betta or tropical fish, lowering the temp affects their immune system and healing properties. Or is just much more beneficial to lower the temp due to slowing down the bad bacteria? Thanks,
Removal of visibly infected fish will not help with columnaris as the bacteria would have already spread to the other fish before signs appear. Most fish can live without the bacteria ever being able to attack the fish due to high immune systems and good slime coats.
@@MichaelsFishRoom Thank you, I’ll definitely watch it. You’re the only one who responds! I can’t wait to get this taken care of so I can buy some of your gorgeous fish.
Not sure if it's what I'm battling. My false juliis are tje only fish that seem affected. They are loosing all their black & turning white. Once far enough I've lost 2 now. My one also look like some kind of mouth rot. Aquarium salt has seemed to soothe it. Gills are a little red on the juliis as well. I also have glass catfish - endlers -otos - & pgymys. Everyone seems good. Possibly the pygmys paling now. . Heavily planted tank. Tomorrow is a deep clean of tje tank. I plan on dipping my plants & changing their soil. They're all potted. I have several medications on hand.. melafix seemed to do nothing. Methylene blue & aquarium salt baths separately I think is what's kept them alive. I also have kanaplex, paraguard, api fin & body cure (doxy) & jungle fungus clear (nitrofurazone) I'm just not sure which to use. I really want to save these juvenile fish I adore 😢
Oh! Ok, I think I understand now, lol. If I am putting the methylene blue + salt in the tank itself, that is eradicating the columnaris from everything in that tank + the tank itself (decor, filter, heater, etc) so the tank and all those items don't all need to be taken apart and bleached. Just items like hoses, buckets, cups, nets, etc- anything that had anything to do with that water needs to be bleached and then fully totally dried before using again. But then it's also killing the good bacteria, so I'll need to re-seed the tank and start the good bacteria cycle going again.
How will I know if they're healed? How long does it take for thier color to come back? My betta has been turning white for a week, he's still eating, but he seems to get swim bladder issues very easily. I was treating w antibiotics, but I just added the aquarium salt. (I'd rather kill my plants than my fish.) Methylene blue arrives tomorrow. 🤞
My betta has had a white patch of raised up scales on his side in front of his dorsal fin for a few months now. It is now looking bleached on his back also and on his other side a little. I still am not sure what it is but am wondering if it's Columnaris? I have treated with Mellafix, KanaPlex, Neoplex and ParaGard in the last couple of months. Nothing has worked. He is still eating and acting normal? I don't know if I can afford any other meds right now. I do have some API E.M. Erythromycin and Fritz Maracyn Oxy on hand also. Or do you think the salt alone will work? And will lowering his temperature that low going to hurt him? I have him at 79 right now. Thank you for your guidance I am now subscribed!
@@MichaelsFishRoom what else could it be? It looks just like every description I have heard of columaris. I just need to know how to treat him. He has taken a turn for the worst a few weeks ago when he stopped eating and was just laying in the bottom of his ten gallon tank. I now have him in a breeder basket so he can more easily come up to eat. He also has fin rot along with whatever this is this whole time. I have put 5 tablespoons of API Aquarium salt in there 6 days ago and so far no change. Thanks for any help, I appreciate it!
I would leave them in the tank and if they survive, great! You can also remove them and do a bleach dip and then don't put them back until the tank is cured.
hey so i believe one of my black mollies might have it, i have 2 common plecos & a baby albano bristle nose pleco in the tank as well and many more mollies, & 5 babies in a breeding box, should i remove the only one showing symptoms or should i treat the whole tank? would this amount of treatment hurt the baby pleco or baby mollies?
Thank you for this. But the bleach thing. Sorry that I'm confused. You said Anything not treated in you will bleach the bejesus out of lol. Does that mean what's already in the tank will be treated by the salt and meth?
Our cloud mountain minnows had a white spot around the mouth for a while, haven't spread or killed it so wonder if its actually cotton mouth or something else, any idea?
Can you please educate me on these tiny white worms/parasites in my tanks. I currently have then in 2 tanks. One with newts and the other with mollies. Please and thank you.
Knock on wood, I haven't had columnaris in a tank in years. If you have to treat for a second time, do you do a water change before adding the additional salt, or is the point to increase its concentration in the water?
Hi Michael. I believe my coworker has this disease in his guppy/platty tank. I wanted to confirm, 2.5 Tablespoons? Or teaspoons of salt? I want to give him this info! Thank you!!!
@@MichaelsFishRoom THANK YOU!! You really are so kind. One of the only peeps to still reply to these questions months after the video posted. I will have him watch for sure!
@@PhillipsFish thank you. I’m not sure if I have columnaris in my tank or not. But I had to cull two fish this week (white lip area on one- both were dying). The rest look ok so far. If the salt doesn’t kill the plants I will be surprised. They were a big expense. I guess these things happen, sadly. Take care
If you have another tank and want to save your plants. You can remove the plants to the new tank. Let the plants stay in the new tank without any live fish or snails for 90 days. The columnaris causing bacteria will die off without a host to feed on. This is about the only option I can think of with plants as both the salt and meth blue is harsh with many plants.
Will salt alone kill columnaris? Or do I have to add meth blue? I have it but dont know of I can mix it with meds for treating flukes. I know salt and fluke meds are ok together. Just not sure about the
Man I have it in a dwarf rasbora tank with my favourite floaters too, if i move the floaters i could infect another place later unless it dies if it has no host for a long enough time? They also seem to enter "survival mode" if I add a weak current to better distribute meds, like they keep swiming against the current, even ignoring food lol. yes there are several areas with lesser flow in the tank, or near no flow 🙃😐
thanks man for this reply, i still wonder if i can let the floaters sit in a bucket for a month and consider them safe afterwards, ya know? man all those diseases 😂@@MichaelsFishRoom
Hey Mike, when we get new fish in the shop it is common for us to first treat our fish with salt, trichlofon and Tetracycline. If you treat it early then you will be fine. Once you visibly see columnaris on the fish we euthanise it as there is no way back. Hope that helps. Oh , one last thing if we ever need to sterilise we use formalin . Hot water will weaken the silicon seams and may crack your tank. Good luck
This salt and methylene blue treatment works on visibly infected fish as well. However any treatment will depend on how infected the fish is and how bad there immune system is at the time of treatment. I have successfully treated some quite bad cases of columnaris with this treatment.
I have ammono shrimp. I am new to anything that isn’t ich. My rummys may have contracted this and now I’m fearful it will spread to everyone. I have rosaboras, rummys, lamprey balloon tetras, 1 blue German ram, rabbit snail, 2 mysteries, some type of blue Japanese snail, 2 Assasin snails and Ammano shrimp. I’ve had 2 rummy’s die but it was looking like it had an infection of first for 3 weeks before it passed. So I’m not sure if this is what I have or not but it looks super similar? May have passed it now to my betta in another tank from the same gravel vac. Oof.
As I understand it this bacteria is ever present and stress induced . Wouldn’t completely restarting a tank bleaching everything and throwing away bio media / recycling from scratch be over kill ? It’s easy enough to dip decorations and plants but to completely throw out all bio media and have to restart the BB , does that make sense ? I’m asking honestly, because I don’t know , should I throw away my bio media and completely recycle my tank after an outbreak ?
It is contagious and can come from a new fish added to the aquarium. I learned my lesson from columnaris, dont buy any fish that looks sick at the LFS. I made that mistake years ago and still paying for it.
My kids are so sad! Had their 4 year old Betta just pass from something. Symptoms progressed quickly, less than 24 hours from not eating to fuzzy white growth to unable to breathe well and then swimming vertically. Because he was such a dark red color we didn't notice anything earlier with his gills and a saddle is hard to identify. How do I know if it was this or just a fungus? Tank mates are unaffected should I treat with this method if I already doesed tank with "Jungle Fungus clear"? All I had when this started.
Ugh... I'm still not sure whether my guppy has columnaris maybe I just couldn't accept it. Can't believe I have to destroy my scaped tank and kill my plants just to treat it. I am hoping for miracles that the columnaris just die off. But I did the following: -remove the symptomatic fish (in a small container, I'll try to treat her there, I don't have hospital tank, sucks) -Placed a fan in my tank to raise the temperature -I'm still hesitant to put salt or any chemicals to my tank as it has plants, I love my plants. -The other guppies are showing no symptoms. Is there a chance that I can still save my guppies and plants? or even the tank itself? The suspected guppy has white coloration inside his body near the dorsal fin. there is no cotton like substance in her scales but she is showing signs of trouble breathing and not active as usual, but still eats. I'll still try to ask fellow guppy keepers for her diagnosis.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this video !!!!!!! I just want to be sure of one thing - when you say 'Aquarium safe' salt, this would be NON-iodised salt(s) , correct??? My first run-in with this was January of 2019 -- killed off 28 fish in 4 and a half days the first round! Battled this crap for FOURTEEN MONTHS before finally going down the 'heavy-duty antibiotics' road. Just finally started re-planting the tank in April this year. This is NOT a fun thing to have or to rid your tank of!
Any pure salt (not table salt) will be fine. As long as there are no added ingredients like anti clumping/caking agents. As for plants you can remove them to a diffrent tank or holding container for 90 days with out any fish or snails. The columnaris causing bacteria will die off in that time frame without a host to feed on. 90 days seems like a long time but some times it's better than having to buy all new plants. I will be working on a better solution for plants and columnaris once I get moved in to my new home and get the fish room set up.
@@PhillipsFish I had been treating the tank on and off (had been giving the tank inhabitants a break between things) for so long, and treating with such high doses of salt, it was killing the plants. The wood was removed, and boiled and dried a few times over, and then tge plants were removed, sterilized, and placed elsewhere during the remainder of treatment. I'm just glad it's over...(hopefully "forever" - but I know just how common this is becoming - so I know not to hold my breath)
Will this treatment kill baby guppy fry? I have about 20 of them in a net breeder in an infected tank (I think 3 of the female guppies got columnaris/fungus)
This is just so difficult. I have a 55 gallon community tank that has a variety of fish, including Corys, nerites, loach, and Otto. I can’t get meds here quick enough, and they discontinued Furan 2 anyway. I’m losing fish 1 by 1. If I try salt, it’ll probably kill my scaleless fish. Why don’t the LFS carry the meds ppl need? No one ever recommends the crap they have on the shelves. I’m not close to any real fish stores. This sucks.
@@MichaelsFishRoom oh I do think it’s a great thing! It’s just that if you have sensitive fish, it leaves people still needing good meds locally but stores don’t carry the really good products that work. I was just ranting bc I don’t want to lose more fish to this, nor do I want to kill my sensitive ones with salt. Also, quarantine tank won’t help either because my aquarium is heavily planted. Can’t very well bleach everything… Love when people find low cost, effective, easy to acquire treatments. Thank you for that!!! Just wish I could use it in my tank.
@@MichaelsFishRoom oh wow you think!? Idk what it might be then! I do think it might be an injury he suffered either en route or with the breeder. I notice some of the corys fins have been damaged on other fish from the same batch so they might have had a dangerous or overcrowded environment. Do you think it would harm him to give him a meth blue bath? Thanks!
Well unfortunately regular people can’t get most meds. It’s sad. Here’s a tip that once saved me some money… Source meds before buying fish. Your not going to buy a cat or dog with out shots right ?
2.5 Tablespoons is the optimal dose. I tested the amount to be the quickest and most efficient amount to use. Less can be used however it will take much longer to rid the fish/tank of the bacteria and more loss can accure during that time. More can also be used however many fish can not handle much more salt than that and it really doesn't shorten the time needed to fully treat columnaris.
Definitely trash. I bought when I was new to the hobby, used per instructed and had a bad feeling looking at the males i was treating. I even did a 50% watee change that night b4 going to bed, and told them I'm sorry if they don't make it. They all died by morning. Now i use a small amout if i have to euthanize. I'll be glad when it's used up. That stuff sucks.
"In MOST cases..." the first dose has worked ALL of the time. This statement doesn't make sense. The use of the term 'most' implies 'not all', thus it does not work all of the time. Whilst the treatment obviously works for you, please be careful when you make sweeping statements like this. It would also be helpful to those of us who keep sensitive species, like dwarf cichlids and pygmy catfish, if you could specify which species you, and others, have successfully treated. Incidentally, an obvious source of columnaris in aquaria is the introduction of live foods collected from outside bodies of water.
Pretty sure im dealing with columnaris right now! Whatever it is is some nasty shit! It’s eating the lips off my plates killed my 10” dojo all my neons lost two corydoras last night. They all looked fine yesterday and this morning the whole back half of them was white and fuzzy and they were dead! I am raising the salt now and my fish store guy said tetracycline will kill everything but the fish but can’t find it! So gonna try your method getting desperate!💯🙄
Bro.... This just saved my fish!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN!! You made it simple and understandable. 2.5 tbsp/gallon SCARES the bejesus outta me so I did half that but it worked!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Midnight the CT Betta says he owes you a beer when you are in Toronto.
Glad to help!
I'm scared of tje 2.5 per gallon too!! I have juvenile corys & glass catfish & 2 shrimp I know are sensitive
Never had it definitely don’t want it! Doing everything I can to keep it out. Quarantine tank that was my second tank I bought. I’m not the brightest but when you and Cory kept bringing it up I was smart enough to pay attention. Ten gallon tanks are cheap and most med dosages are based on ten gallons.
Keeping 1 teaspoon of pure salt per gallon in the tank at all times will keep the columnaris causing bacteria at bay before it has a chance to attack the fish.
Quarantine is KEY!
I was watching this on my iPhone and when Michael said “Hey Siri”, she responded 😂
Sounds much more doable as a treatment than struggling to find antibiotics.
I've also heard that increasing the calcium in the tank can help with treating columnaris. I've heard of people using Wonder Shells or liquid supplements.
This is whybi quarantine EVERYTHING new to my fish room. Been lucky so far and haven't had to deal with columnaris. All new arrivals get quarantined with salt and then I add meds if needed. They all get a course of anti-parasite flake foods too.
If it works for you it is right for you!
Currently struggling with back-to-back infections of camallanus worms and then columnaris in my guppies - i will definitely be doing this exact treatment going forward.
@@metametameta69 Best I've heard for camallamus worms is to use both fenbendazole and levamisole, rather than 1 or the other. But either or both can kill invertebrates like snails and shrimp, just fyi.
Good luck
Thanks for this excellent information. We can never have too many tools in the tool box in this hobby!
You got that right!
Thanks for the video Michael and thanks for converting Farenheit to Celcius, few FishTubers do that.
No problem 👍
thank you for the pictures of the infected fish. I personally have not had an issue with columnaris. But I am very aware of it. You have done an awesome job on the subject. I have seen videos of affected fish but it's really hard to see (for me anyway) on a moving fish. So the pic are excellent.
Thanks you, Michaels for you information in this topics
My pleasure!
This definitely worked for me! Thanks so much!!!!
Glad to help
I just added 3 guppies, and of course dont have a quarantine tank, sooo now I have Columnaris. I decided to try this method, and just added the aquarium salt, meth blue, and stopped my bio filter, and am dropping the temp to around 70-72.....will repost my results !!
Good Luck
How'd it go? I'm literally in the same boat with 3 guppies but just discovered it
@@TRAVISinRENO same with me :(
Yes had a guppy develop it also. Turned heater off as I had turned it up. Anyone have any luck?
Great info super easy to follow for us newbies thanks
Because I’m not that smart, so I make it easy!
Idk Bout that anyone who can handle that many aquariums and fish has got some brains in my opinion. Thanks for the great content
@@CBales2006 LOL, thanks.
Chrome dome looking fresh!
So glad I found your video...I got Fritz Maracyn for my columnaris infected tank. Two rounds and it didnt go away but the fish are still alive yet still sick. I will try aquarium salt as I just got it...crossing my fingers!
Good luck!
How's your fish doing now?
OHHHH DUDEEEEEEEE, I lost an entire 30g tank in February, 2 year old blood parrot, and beautiful Angel. 🤦🏻. I think when I caught it was too late and treated too late. I believe what I read prior said to raise temps to 86⁰ to speed the bacteria cycle up. I will keep this video in mind for future reference, thank you!!
Raising the temp will cause the bacteria to spread much faster. Lowering the temp will greatly slow the spread and gives a larger window of time to treat the infection.
Ich or white spot is what you want to raise the temp to treat.
@@PhillipsFish when I read it, I didn't make sense, I think the theory behind higher temp was speed it up, runs it course quicker 🤷🏻. Nonetheless it didn't work.
That's for Ick.
Great info, thanks for sharing😊 Good to know that Kosher salt can be used.
I'm pretty sure this is what is killing my Platies in my Coral Red colony. I'm going to give it a try.
Treat aggressively.
How did it work for you? I think I'm looking at it with my platys, too, but I'm nervous about such an aggressive amount of salt!
At First it seemed to work, but I notice that it came back. No effects from the salt, except for the plants. I'm trying a Nitrofurazone and Kanaplex combo. Every other day for a total of 3 doses each with a water change before each Nitro dose. This seems to be working. @@cherylmockotr
@@cherylmockotrit works.
If my ammonia is high, should I do the treatment along with water changes?
No, you can't do water changes and have the treatment work. Simply follow my "fish in cycle" video and do the treatment.
Thanks Michael!
Thanks Michael can't get much of any meds up here in Canada most have been banned now for a couple of years.
Due to lack of meds and baned meds in some areas along with cost of meds is a big part of why I did the research to come up with this treatment that can generally be done by anyone.
@@PhillipsFish Methylene blue unfortunately is also banned in Canada
But you have free healthcare. LOL
Well, I just added 9 1/3 cups of kosher salt, and 6 1/2 teaspoons of methylene blue to my 65. I used the same brands as you too. The snails might be a sacrifice, and the plants too. We're gonna find out.
Good luck!
Excellent alternative to Fritz
What does Fritz have to do with this?
@@MichaelsFishRoom LOL it cost a lot more then kosher salt
Can you add the full strength of salt all at once or do you need to space it out?
All at once
Mike, my Blood Parrot Cichlid is hiding in the corners of my 55 gallon community tank. She is eating her Cichlid pellets and fresh frozen food but isnt swimming around rearranging the gravel like normal.
Shes a real sweetheart and loves all her fellow fish (tetras) she isnt a fighter or fin nipper. Her gills arent red, her scales are dark orange and I don't see any sign of disease.
Maybe shes lonely for male company? Shes about 7 inches long.
How may it effect my bio filter?
It shouldn’t. (If you mean the salt)
Currently doing this too, I need to ask, what happens after the observation period and everything is good? Do you do water changes to slowly remove the salt and methylene blue?
Yup! Good luck!
👉🏼 Do you want healthy high-quality guppies and plecos?
Thanks Mike 🇨🇦🤛🏼
You’re welcome
Great info, thank you
You’re welcome
Hey Michael. Do you know what salinity would. that be? Either in ppm or ppt? Thanks so much!
No, sorry.
In Australia we can get tri-sulfa tablets, they're a little pricey ($20 for 15 tablets) but in my experience, it hasn't worked with some of the diseases I've had. I have a Betta fish currently with a bacterial infection on his face, on first site we used a 10-day treatment of Tri-sulfa when the infection was minor, it did nothing for the type of bacteria I'm dealing with. By 10-days treatment the bacteria had only gotten out of control. So don't feel bad you can't get it, we can't get some US brands either.
The local aquarium recommended the same treatment as your video, salt and Methene Blue (a product called Bactonex in Australia). Its been 5-days and I believe we've slowed the bacteria, possibly not completely yet but its doing more than tri-sulfa did.
I want to ask a question about lowering the tank temperature. For a betta or tropical fish, lowering the temp affects their immune system and healing properties. Or is just much more beneficial to lower the temp due to slowing down the bad bacteria?
It helps the columnaris to not reproduce, so I would lower.
Thank you.
You're welcome!
I dose everyday with the salt?
Watch again
FRITZ A+ Aquarium Salt used here . Why? Because we stock it and sell it lol
That is great salt, I use if for my brine shrimp!
What about Hillstream loaches?? Salt?
No idea, sorry.
Hey mike ive been advised to use myxazin will this be ok?
I have no idea. I use what is in the video. It is cheap, readily available and most important, it works.
My aquarium salt says one tablespoon for every 5 gallons. That seems like a-lot less than you mentioned. Use the dosage listed on the carton?
Do what you want, but my measurement works to kill columnaris.
Have you noticed if removal of iinfected fish can stop the advance of the bacteria?
Removal of visibly infected fish will not help with columnaris as the bacteria would have already spread to the other fish before signs appear.
Most fish can live without the bacteria ever being able to attack the fish due to high immune systems and good slime coats.
In my experience it does not.
So, how does this salt concentration do for Corydoras...2.5Tablespoons per gallon?
Most likely, not good.
Mike, how do you disinfect sponge filters in your quarantine tanks?
@@MichaelsFishRoom thank you for getting back to me! So the actual sponge part can also be bleached?
@@The28thfish everything. I have a video on it. “How to start over”
@@MichaelsFishRoom Thank you, I’ll definitely watch it. You’re the only one who responds! I can’t wait to get this taken care of so I can buy some of your gorgeous fish.
My spotted bass has it and man it’s awful had to order the medicine and it’s taking 3 days to get here 1 day left hopefully he can make it till then
Meth blue is pretty easy to get, your LFS didn't have it?
US Gallon or UK gallon?
3.7 (US) or 4.5 (Uk) Liters? how many Liters???
I only work in Freedom units.
Not sure if it's what I'm battling.
My false juliis are tje only fish that seem affected. They are loosing all their black & turning white. Once far enough I've lost 2 now.
My one also look like some kind of mouth rot. Aquarium salt has seemed to soothe it. Gills are a little red on the juliis as well.
I also have glass catfish - endlers -otos - & pgymys. Everyone seems good. Possibly the pygmys paling now. .
Heavily planted tank.
Tomorrow is a deep clean of tje tank.
I plan on dipping my plants & changing their soil. They're all potted.
I have several medications on hand.. melafix seemed to do nothing.
Methylene blue & aquarium salt baths separately I think is what's kept them alive.
I also have kanaplex, paraguard, api fin & body cure (doxy) & jungle fungus clear (nitrofurazone)
I'm just not sure which to use. I really want to save these juvenile fish I adore 😢
I am sorry, but what are you asking?
Oh! Ok, I think I understand now, lol. If I am putting the methylene blue + salt in the tank itself, that is eradicating the columnaris from everything in that tank + the tank itself (decor, filter, heater, etc) so the tank and all those items don't all need to be taken apart and bleached. Just items like hoses, buckets, cups, nets, etc- anything that had anything to do with that water needs to be bleached and then fully totally dried before using again. But then it's also killing the good bacteria, so I'll need to re-seed the tank and start the good bacteria cycle going again.
Right, or do a safe fish in cycle.
You made my Alexia go off at the same time and say the same thing as yours LOL
You're Welcome!
Will this method harm shrimp?
No idea
What about snails. Will any of this kill them? I'm gonna go buy this stuff today.
The salt will most likely.
So after 7 days, do you do a water change ? And if so, how much do you change out?
@@MichaelsFishRoom How long do you leav ethe reamaing solution?
@@juannuno7134 Do you mean the 2cd dose? another 7-10 days
My goldfish tank died I try save them they had down back they were covered I think fungus I treat they died fast
Sorry for your loss.
Does this treatment hurt other fish in the tank? I am unable to quarantine my fish.
The salt can hurt fish sensitive to it, but if you don't treat they will most likely die anyway.
How will I know if they're healed? How long does it take for thier color to come back? My betta has been turning white for a week, he's still eating, but he seems to get swim bladder issues very easily. I was treating w antibiotics, but I just added the aquarium salt. (I'd rather kill my plants than my fish.) Methylene blue arrives tomorrow. 🤞
They will look normal when they are healed. It could take a week or two.
My betta has had a white patch of raised up scales on his side in front of his dorsal fin for a few months now. It is now looking bleached on his back also and on his other side a little. I still am not sure what it is but am wondering if it's Columnaris? I have treated with Mellafix, KanaPlex, Neoplex and ParaGard in the last couple of months. Nothing has worked. He is still eating and acting normal? I don't know if I can afford any other meds right now. I do have some API E.M. Erythromycin and Fritz Maracyn Oxy on hand also. Or do you think the salt alone will work? And will lowering his temperature that low going to hurt him? I have him at 79 right now. Thank you for your guidance I am now subscribed!
Most fish do not survive columnaris for months, however the salt should not hurt the fish so it is worth a try.
@@MichaelsFishRoom what else could it be? It looks just like every description I have heard of columaris. I just need to know how to treat him. He has taken a turn for the worst a few weeks ago when he stopped eating and was just laying in the bottom of his ten gallon tank. I now have him in a breeder basket so he can more easily come up to eat. He also has fin rot along with whatever this is this whole time. I have put 5 tablespoons of API Aquarium salt in there 6 days ago and so far no change. Thanks for any help, I appreciate it!
@@TCgirl Post pics in my Facebook group
Can I pull my plants out to save them before adding salt? Is there a good method to sterilize them without killing them?
Not sure, maybe bleach?
@@MichaelsFishRoom I use Potassium Permanganate dip for 1 hour to 'bleach' plants.
So should we just get rid of plants? Or is there a way to save them?
I would leave them in the tank and if they survive, great! You can also remove them and do a bleach dip and then don't put them back until the tank is cured.
hey so i believe one of my black mollies might have it, i have 2 common plecos & a baby albano bristle nose pleco in the tank as well and many more mollies, & 5 babies in a breeding box, should i remove the only one showing symptoms or should i treat the whole tank? would this amount of treatment hurt the baby pleco or baby mollies?
Treat the whole tank. The salt may hurt the plecos, but you have no choice.
It's your fault Michael...Now I have a Flowerhorn 😍
Leaning that way also !!!!!!!! lol 😂
But you didn't it buy it from me.
Thank you for this. But the bleach thing.
Sorry that I'm confused. You said Anything not treated in you will bleach the bejesus out of lol. Does that mean what's already in the tank will be treated by the salt and meth?
It will, but if I can take it out, I do and use bleach to kill everything.
Our cloud mountain minnows had a white spot around the mouth for a while, haven't spread or killed it so wonder if its actually cotton mouth or something else, any idea?
No idea.
Should i use this method to treat my entire tank? I've had a few deaths from columnaris, and I'm hoping my entire tank doesnt get wiped out.
If you don’t, you will certainly loose all of your fish.
Can you please educate me on these tiny white worms/parasites in my tanks. I currently have then in 2 tanks. One with newts and the other with mollies. Please and thank you.
Most likely detritus worms, harmless.
@@MichaelsFishRoom thank you.
Knock on wood, I haven't had columnaris in a tank in years. If you have to treat for a second time, do you do a water change before adding the additional salt, or is the point to increase its concentration in the water?
Yesm 50% water change. Sorry for leaving that out.
Hi Michael. I believe my coworker has this disease in his guppy/platty tank. I wanted to confirm, 2.5 Tablespoons? Or teaspoons of salt? I want to give him this info! Thank you!!!
TABLEspoons. It is a lot. Have him watch the video too! Good luck
@@MichaelsFishRoom THANK YOU!! You really are so kind. One of the only peeps to still reply to these questions months after the video posted. I will have him watch for sure!
Another fantastic video, Coldest water?
For you?
It definitely is!
Yes, it is!
What about corydoras? Will they be able to tolerate the large amount of salt? I have 5 corydoras in a 30 gallon. So that’s 4.5 cups.
They will not like it......
Hi! I was wondering if plants from infected aquariums could transfer this illness. Thank you!
Yes anything from an infected tank can transfer the bacteria.
@@PhillipsFish thank you. I’m not sure if I have columnaris in my tank or not. But I had to cull two fish this week (white lip area on one- both were dying). The rest look ok so far. If the salt doesn’t kill the plants I will be surprised. They were a big expense. I guess these things happen, sadly.
Take care
If you have another tank and want to save your plants. You can remove the plants to the new tank.
Let the plants stay in the new tank without any live fish or snails for 90 days. The columnaris causing bacteria will die off without a host to feed on.
This is about the only option I can think of with plants as both the salt and meth blue is harsh with many plants.
Good luck with the plants. I would destroy them!
@@PhillipsFish thank you again!
Will salt alone kill columnaris? Or do I have to add meth blue? I have it but dont know of I can mix it with meds for treating flukes. I know salt and fluke meds are ok together. Just not sure about the
Salt will kill it, but the meth blue will help the secondary issues.
Man I have it in a dwarf rasbora tank with my favourite floaters too, if i move the floaters i could infect another place later unless it dies if it has no host for a long enough time? They also seem to enter "survival mode" if I add a weak current to better distribute meds, like they keep swiming against the current, even ignoring food lol. yes there are several areas with lesser flow in the tank, or near no flow 🙃😐
If you move the floaters, or put your hand in the tank, then another tank, you will contaminate.
thanks man for this reply, i still wonder if i can let the floaters sit in a bucket for a month and consider them safe afterwards, ya know? man all those diseases 😂@@MichaelsFishRoom
@@ragingcalmness7815 I wouldn’t.
Thanks, much appreciated 🙂 I ll dispose of those plants that die and get more later@@MichaelsFishRoom
Hey Mike, when we get new fish in the shop it is common for us to first treat our fish with salt, trichlofon and Tetracycline. If you treat it early then you will be fine.
Once you visibly see columnaris on the fish we euthanise it as there is no way back.
Hope that helps. Oh , one last thing if we ever need to sterilise we use formalin . Hot water will weaken the silicon seams and may crack your tank.
Good luck
This salt and methylene blue treatment works on visibly infected fish as well. However any treatment will depend on how infected the fish is and how bad there immune system is at the time of treatment.
I have successfully treated some quite bad cases of columnaris with this treatment.
I have cured it with this method when I visibly see it.
I have ammono shrimp. I am new to anything that isn’t ich. My rummys may have contracted this and now I’m fearful it will spread to everyone. I have rosaboras, rummys, lamprey balloon tetras, 1 blue German ram, rabbit snail, 2 mysteries, some type of blue Japanese snail, 2 Assasin snails and Ammano shrimp. I’ve had 2 rummy’s die but it was looking like it had an infection of first for 3 weeks before it passed. So I’m not sure if this is what I have or not but it looks super similar? May have passed it now to my betta in another tank from the same gravel vac. Oof.
I’m going to take a guess here and overstocked my fish because my filter could keep up in my 20 gal and thinking I’m taking the price for it
If one fish has it, they all do.
Thanks.. We know you just wanted to get my Alexa going! ;) Great video!
And Siri!
As I understand it this bacteria is ever present and stress induced . Wouldn’t completely restarting a tank bleaching everything and throwing away bio media / recycling from scratch be over kill ? It’s easy enough to dip decorations and plants but to completely throw out all bio media and have to restart the BB , does that make sense ? I’m asking honestly, because I don’t know , should I throw away my bio media and completely recycle my tank after an outbreak ?
Overkill? no, this shit is deadly.
It is contagious and can come from a new fish added to the aquarium. I learned my lesson from columnaris, dont buy any fish that looks sick at the LFS. I made that mistake years ago and still paying for it.
What’s in your coldest cup? Melted ❄️?
YES! and it is delish!
Is the treatment dangerous for shrimps or snails ?
The salt will most likely kill them if the columnaris doesn't
@@MichaelsFishRoom ok I got it. Thank you.
My kids are so sad! Had their 4 year old Betta just pass from something. Symptoms progressed quickly, less than 24 hours from not eating to fuzzy white growth to unable to breathe well and then swimming vertically. Because he was such a dark red color we didn't notice anything earlier with his gills and a saddle is hard to identify. How do I know if it was this or just a fungus? Tank mates are unaffected should I treat with this method if I already doesed tank with "Jungle Fungus clear"? All I had when this started.
Sorry for your loss. It would be very hard to tell without pictures. I would see how the rest of the tank react before treating anything else.
Ugh... I'm still not sure whether my guppy has columnaris maybe I just couldn't accept it. Can't believe I have to destroy my scaped tank and kill my plants just to treat it. I am hoping for miracles that the columnaris just die off.
But I did the following:
-remove the symptomatic fish (in a small container, I'll try to treat her there, I don't have hospital tank, sucks)
-Placed a fan in my tank to raise the temperature
-I'm still hesitant to put salt or any chemicals to my tank as it has plants, I love my plants.
-The other guppies are showing no symptoms.
Is there a chance that I can still save my guppies and plants? or even the tank itself?
The suspected guppy has white coloration inside his body near the dorsal fin. there is no cotton like substance in her scales but she is showing signs of trouble breathing and not active as usual, but still eats.
I'll still try to ask fellow guppy keepers for her diagnosis.
Email me a pic.
Great video :)
Thanks for the visit
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this video !!!!!!!
I just want to be sure of one thing - when you say 'Aquarium safe' salt, this would be NON-iodised salt(s) , correct???
My first run-in with this was January of 2019 -- killed off 28 fish in 4 and a half days the first round!
Battled this crap for FOURTEEN MONTHS before finally going down the 'heavy-duty antibiotics' road.
Just finally started re-planting the tank in April this year.
This is NOT a fun thing to have or to rid your tank of!
Sure isn’t. I now treat with salt with every new shipment!
So sorry to hear this
Any pure salt (not table salt) will be fine. As long as there are no added ingredients like anti clumping/caking agents.
As for plants you can remove them to a diffrent tank or holding container for 90 days with out any fish or snails. The columnaris causing bacteria will die off in that time frame without a host to feed on.
90 days seems like a long time but some times it's better than having to buy all new plants.
I will be working on a better solution for plants and columnaris once I get moved in to my new home and get the fish room set up.
@@PhillipsFish I had been treating the tank on and off (had been giving the tank inhabitants a break between things) for so long, and treating with such high doses of salt, it was killing the plants.
The wood was removed, and boiled and dried a few times over, and then tge plants were removed, sterilized, and placed elsewhere during the remainder of treatment.
I'm just glad it's over...(hopefully "forever" - but I know just how common this is becoming - so I know not to hold my breath)
Isn't 2 and half tablespoons kind of high ?
Yes, but it works.
@@MichaelsFishRoom one last thing you didn't specify the length of time this concentration is safe. Some people just like to do salt baths
@@omarbenouameur9780 I sure did. You do it for 7-10 days, then observe, if you still have issues, 1/2 the dose for 7-10 days.
@@MichaelsFishRoom ok thank you much bro 👍
Will this treatment kill baby guppy fry? I have about 20 of them in a net breeder in an infected tank (I think 3 of the female guppies got columnaris/fungus)
It shouldn't
No. Fry can handle the treatment just fine.
I'm looking through comments. What if cherry shrimp and nerite snails are in the infected tank
I am not sure, I do not keep them.
This is just so difficult. I have a 55 gallon community tank that has a variety of fish, including Corys, nerites, loach, and Otto. I can’t get meds here quick enough, and they discontinued Furan 2 anyway. I’m losing fish 1 by 1. If I try salt, it’ll probably kill my scaleless fish. Why don’t the LFS carry the meds ppl need? No one ever recommends the crap they have on the shelves. I’m not close to any real fish stores. This sucks.
That’s why I suggest salt and meth blue.
@@MichaelsFishRoom oh I do think it’s a great thing! It’s just that if you have sensitive fish, it leaves people still needing good meds locally but stores don’t carry the really good products that work. I was just ranting bc I don’t want to lose more fish to this, nor do I want to kill my sensitive ones with salt. Also, quarantine tank won’t help either because my aquarium is heavily planted. Can’t very well bleach everything…
Love when people find low cost, effective, easy to acquire treatments. Thank you for that!!! Just wish I could use it in my tank.
Will this amount of salt kill a betta fish?
It shouldn't
@@MichaelsFishRoom Thank you!
I think a little Cory I ordered online has it. He has a white patch on his nose that’s grown a bit since I got him 10 days ago.
He'd be dead if it was columnaris most likely,.
@@MichaelsFishRoom oh wow you think!? Idk what it might be then! I do think it might be an injury he suffered either en route or with the breeder. I notice some of the corys fins have been damaged on other fish from the same batch so they might have had a dangerous or overcrowded environment. Do you think it would harm him to give him a meth blue bath? Thanks!
@@treewitch666 You can post a pic on our facebook group and I can take a look.
Well unfortunately regular people can’t get most meds. It’s sad. Here’s a tip that once saved me some money… Source meds before buying fish. Your not going to buy a cat or dog with out shots right ?
Good tip!
Homemade oatmeal raisin cookies
This is such a pain of a disease to get rid of
It is, but follow the directions and it can be done!
Do you mean teaspoons not tablespoons!
2.5 Tablespoons is the optimal dose.
I tested the amount to be the quickest and most efficient amount to use.
Less can be used however it will take much longer to rid the fish/tank of the bacteria and more loss can accure during that time.
More can also be used however many fish can not handle much more salt than that and it really doesn't shorten the time needed to fully treat columnaris.
so there is 1% you do care
Melafix and or Pimafix ? best stuff NOT!
Definitely trash. I bought when I was new to the hobby, used per instructed and had a bad feeling looking at the males i was treating. I even did a 50% watee change that night b4 going to bed, and told them I'm sorry if they don't make it. They all died by morning.
Now i use a small amout if i have to euthanize. I'll be glad when it's used up. That stuff sucks.
Your pretty much making the water brackish and almost saltwater
What is your point?
loaches react badly to salt
That sucks
Hi bro.
"In MOST cases..." the first dose has worked ALL of the time. This statement doesn't make sense. The use of the term 'most' implies 'not all', thus it does not work all of the time. Whilst the treatment obviously works for you, please be careful when you make sweeping statements like this. It would also be helpful to those of us who keep sensitive species, like dwarf cichlids and pygmy catfish, if you could specify which species you, and others, have successfully treated.
Incidentally, an obvious source of columnaris in aquaria is the introduction of live foods collected from outside bodies of water.
Tell me you think you are the smartest in the room, without telling me.
Pretty sure im dealing with columnaris right now! Whatever it is is some nasty shit! It’s eating the lips off my plates killed my 10” dojo all my neons lost two corydoras last night. They all looked fine yesterday and this morning the whole back half of them was white and fuzzy and they were dead! I am raising the salt now and my fish store guy said tetracycline will kill everything but the fish but can’t find it! So gonna try your method getting desperate!💯🙄
Good luck