"Slow Down" - Jerma's Genuine Life Advice

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ธ.ค. 2022
  • take life one step at a time, thank you jerma985, hopefully this video will help someone out there
    Jerma's Twitch ~ / jerma985
    youtube vod: • Jerma Streams - Itch.i...
    #Jerma985 #Jerma #Clips
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ความคิดเห็น • 446

  • @SlapStyleAnims
    @SlapStyleAnims ปีที่แล้ว +2015

    This actually made me tear up. Never been told this before once in my 19 years on this earth. He may be a psycho serial killer, but he’s still a damn good, wise, wholesome Andy

    • @monkeymayEH
      @monkeymayEH ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Don’t care

    • @skippyosumania
      @skippyosumania ปีที่แล้ว +50

      @@monkeymayEH brutal

    • @eoozy2617
      @eoozy2617 ปีที่แล้ว +47

      @@monkeymayEH i do

    • @p1L0Ttt
      @p1L0Ttt ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Same I cried as well 😭

    • @sparrow_solas
      @sparrow_solas ปีที่แล้ว

      He advocates for the sterlization of little girls under the pretense that this is proper mental health treatment. Guys fucked.

  • @Cryospec
    @Cryospec ปีที่แล้ว +1996

    This is incredibly sweet. Behind the memes jerma really is just a nice, wholesome guy.

    • @TheEdge717
      @TheEdge717 ปีที่แล้ว +100

      I wish he was real :(

    • @ryank09
      @ryank09 ปีที่แล้ว +98

      incredibley SWEET and WHOLESOME OLD MAN STREAMER gives great LIFE ADVICE

    • @SlapStyleAnims
      @SlapStyleAnims ปีที่แล้ว +25

      @@ryank09 Elder Andy

    • @edoneill6138
      @edoneill6138 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@SlapStyleAnims Andy funny voices

    • @-Safijiiva-
      @-Safijiiva- ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Almost makes me wish he were real

  • @lennyface6828
    @lennyface6828 ปีที่แล้ว +959

    After my parents told me to "shut the fuck up" when they saw me feeling bad all day instead of offering any advice, hearing the funny sus man reassure me that I just have to do what I can, really helped out. Hell, maybe I'm looking too deep into this but I'm truly greatful for jerma
    Thank you jerma

    • @GeeGe.
      @GeeGe. ปีที่แล้ว +83

      You're not looking too deep, and I'm sorry your parents failed you like that. I've had a similar experience. Today I'm 27 and my life philosophy is pretty much summed up word for word by Jerma here. Do what you can, live *your* best life. And I try to be as kind as I can, not only because it feels good to see people happier but also to try and balance out the shit I had to heard growing up. To me, that might just be the best thing anyone can really do with their lives - balance out some of the bad in this world.

    • @thereallifesaiyan
      @thereallifesaiyan ปีที่แล้ว

      Eh, that's all parents are fucking good for

    • @lennyface6828
      @lennyface6828 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      @@GeeGe. Smallish update, things chilled down but from what I can tell my parents don't think they done anything wrong. My dad told me today that I can either move on or just waste my entire break that I got. I don't show much emotion since I don't want them to worry and all so that's probably why they act so hostile? (idk the right word my English is good but not on par with other native speakers)
      Oh and if you see this you don't gonna respond I just wanted to update anyone who's interested on the life of a complete stranger on the internet lol

    • @GeeGe.
      @GeeGe. ปีที่แล้ว +36

      @@lennyface6828 Sigh... seems about right that he'd follow up with something dismissive like that. I won't be surprised if he hits you with a "man up" or whatever, either.
      I don't know if this will help much - I hope so - but just know that you are *not* in the wrong here. I, too, had to learn to temper my emotions greatly for the sake of dealing with my parents. It took me until *very* recently for me to start managing to open up to myself, to allow myself to understand and process emotions rather than immediately dismissing them. So you shouldn't have to "shut the fuck up" about something that bothers you. And talking about what you're feeling is, contrary to what your father might believe, one of the most efficient ways to "move on" past whatever ails you. If anything, filling a bottle up with your emotions and screwing it tight is what keeps people from properly moving on. And you probably heard this already, but don't worry about your english, it's more than fine.
      My advice, in case you want any, is to keep doing what you're doing when it comes to your parents. It's not *at all* on you to bridge the gap in your relationship. But, and this in my opinion is the hardest part, I'd urge you to be careful that you don't do the same for other possible, more positive influences in your life. It's really unfortunate that we have to close ourselves off to our close family, but don't let them taint your view of the world if at all possible. Find positive people where you can, and nurture a relationship with them the best way you can. Feed off their positivity, so you can remind yourself how good people - including yourself - can really be. In my case, I made some okay friends in high school, and truly amazing friends in college. If it weren't for those people, I sincerely don't know that I'd still be alive.
      And finally, an extremely specific suggestion, but one that helped me tremendously with keeping my spirits up, so it *might* just work for you too. If you're at all into geeky stuff like fantasy and RPGs, I highly recommend the web series (I guess you can call it that?) Critical Role. It's a very close group of real life friends playing D&D together. They also happen to be professional voice actors, which highly elevates the entertainment value of the series. But really, the magic of it all, for most fans, resides at their friendship. They were a truly remarkable help when I desperately needed positive influences in my life. I can say with no exaggeration they helped shape the type of person I want to be. But to be clear, I have no illusion that Critical Role is excellent for everyone. You may very well find it boring and there's nothing wrong with that (episodes are around 4 hours long, each; also available as a podcast, but I really recommend seeing their physical performances and reactions). It's just that, given how similar your situation sounds to what used to be mine, I thought there's at least a fair chance you'll enjoy it too.
      I wish you luck, peace, and love.

    • @johannesisaksson7842
      @johannesisaksson7842 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@lennyface6828 the word you’re looking for is probably insensitive, I hope you feel better.

  • @mikonson4091
    @mikonson4091 ปีที่แล้ว +358

    He's been alive for 84 years. This kind of wisdom doesn't come early.

  • @smokyprogg
    @smokyprogg ปีที่แล้ว +294

    There's something poetic in the way chat interrupts his advice on there being no rush in life by reminding him there's a timer to the game he's playing

  • @Volvith
    @Volvith ปีที่แล้ว +348

    So, i'm 25, Dutch, only just now reaching the finish line of MBO, a level/type of college education.
    In the Netherlands, you're usually around 16/17 when you enter MBO, and most if not all educations these days, on that level of 'college' are 3 years long.
    I had a... rough couple years in my late teens to early 20's, discovered a lot of stuff about myself, a lot of shit that explained a lot of shit of why i wasn't functioning.
    Those words hit me pretty hard, not going to lie.
    I have a lot of trouble with imposter syndrome, "I don't belong here", "I'm just some dude who doesn't know shit", "Why am i even trying, everyone is so much better than me...".
    Funny thing is that i'm hilariously overqualified for the education i'm following, to the point where i'm pretty much co-teaching half my classes. And i still feel like i don't belong.
    Expectations of others weigh that heavily on me. To the point i can't _live_ my life.
    And it took me almost tearing down the middle before i realized this.
    I don't have shit together yet. It's been rough.
    I'm a mess, led by stress and the expectations of everyone around me.
    I'm terrified of any kind of meaningful social interaction, not because i can't, but because i haven't yet. Because i look around me, and see nothing but haves. All 5 years my junior.
    But i'm getting there.
    Slowly, but i'm getting there.
    Take his advice, i don't care what age you are, take his goddamn advice, and stop looking around you and thinking "everyone is already there, why am i still here?".
    Life isn't meant to be a comparison.
    Life isn't a contest.
    Don't make it one.
    Stop looking around.
    Stop running.
    Stop fixating on that finish line.
    Slow down.
    And just walk.

    • @JermaClips
      @JermaClips  ปีที่แล้ว +56

      Beautifully written and it takes a lot of courage to share, best of luck to you and remember, take it slow

    • @Volvith
      @Volvith ปีที่แล้ว +18

      @@JermaClips I'm still learning the lessons i'm teaching, but i'm learning nonetheless.
      Living life at one's own pace is a hard learnt lesson these days, and people need to hear it now more than ever.
      Thanks for the clips, usually for enjoyment, this time around for genuine life advice. Cheers. :)

    • @sammyexx
      @sammyexx ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ik op mijn derde hbo opleiding, 24 jaar oud in het eerstejaar. mijn klasgenoten waren in groep 6 toen ik de mavo afrondde

    • @kimioops
      @kimioops ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sammyexx hee ik zit in de 2e van hbo en ben 24, (had moeite met de middelbare school door ADHD + Mbo + tussenjaar) sommige van mijn klasgenoten zijn 18/19, voelt soms heel vreemd maar ik kan wel een gesprekje met ze aangaan. Niet zo'n zorgen over maken, het komt goed en voor je het weet maakt het later niets meer uit. (Het boeit niemand meer dat ik 2x ben blijven zitten) :)
      We komen er op een gegeven moment wel, ookal nemen wij een andere weg. U guys got this 💪

    • @jont2576
      @jont2576 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jon T
      1 second ago
      "slow down"?im sorry this guy talks like he joined the military when he was 19, had a successful career as a pilot in the airforce or something, got married at 23,left the air force at 27 and started a successful multi million dollar business featured on business insider and shark tank, has 2 kids by 32 and now hes looking to "slow down" like elon musk who just sold paypal for 136 million and was wondering if he should buy an island or build spaceX,
      when in all honesty dude.....all he really did for the past 8,9 years was sit in his bedroom/basement and played video games on a streaming platform called youtube and twitch.
      in fact the only reason he can say "slow down" is he became incredibly successful and rich.......where millions of others failed and he could continue in his peter pan syndrome or fantasies and continue "playing video games" as a content creator until his late 30s and beyond when most other people faced with reality have no choice but to face reality......imagine u being 28,29 years old living like jerma but without the money fame or success in ur jizz encrusted underwear.
      and he wants all the early 20 something and late teens to believe they can do the same thing as he is......
      jerma is an anomaly,he is an extreme outlier on the distribution curve......he has the personality and temperament few has to be connecting with teenagers and young early 20 somethings on the internet.....how many 36 year old grown ups do u think talks and sounds like him and can handle talking to kids all day? think about it when u were 10 or 12 years old and ur fathers were around mid to late 30s......do u think they even remotely sound or think like him......hes a fking living peter pan in a peter pan world.
      i watch another streamer schmidt. schmidt is 22 or 19 years old?and his personality and humour is like older and more mature than jerma.
      no man lol omfg, go and ask all the late bloomers and failures and failure to launch neets and basement dwellers out there still living with mom and dad in their mid to late 20s and early 30s....the people who are facing a brick wall and no way out in life....life is short, life is a fking race....there are only certain times in ur life when u can do certain things and experience certain things......u cant be 32 years old and think i want to be like 17 or 19 again, to experience life and the world and romance like a 19 or 21 year old again.....that fking ship has sailed......ur not jerma a forever 15 year old in a 36 year old man;s body.
      lemme ask u what do u think dating when u are 29,30 or 31 is like?people when they are 29,30,31 are tired and exhausted and weary of life at a depth u cannot imagine, they are disenfranchised and on guard.....i mean yeah sure u think u are cynical or discontent when ur 17 or 21......just give it another decade more.....like u think ur stagnant when u are 19 or 23?
      like the depression and isolation and welcome to NHK life u experience in your younger years they have experienced all that except they are now older and broken shells of a human beings who spent their twenties chasing scraps of delusions in hopes of salvation of some sort of future ???wake da fk up and stop smoking that jerma peter pan crap.......when u are 28,29,30 u are beyond broken,like u dont even have that little strength or fire or ambition or drive left in the depth of ur depression and isolation and misery in ur teenage and twenty something years....to drag urself out of bed and pretend ur alive.....
      ur looking at the ending of the requiem for a dream movie.......

  • @SehnsuchtYT
    @SehnsuchtYT ปีที่แล้ว +367

    3:00 he's right. Jerma is very talented, but he essentially started uploading at just the right time for his skills and character to get noticed by TH-cam. If any later, he might have ended up as an obscure TF2 TH-camr...

    • @SehnsuchtYT
      @SehnsuchtYT ปีที่แล้ว +83

      Something that makes me sad is how many talented people try to get into this but just can't, because it's too saturated, and sometimes only playing the algorithm and grinding videos can get you anywhere. I thought about doing TH-cam myself (unrelated to this account) but I just don't have the perseverance for that. Especially if you need to make an income to create the videos you *really* want. I admire Jerma for that even if he had it a little bit easier, he still did a hell of a lot.

    • @Kalitayy
      @Kalitayy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      ⁠​⁠@@SehnsuchtYTYeah, that’s just life. Only a few people can actually leave a mark in this world and be someone who matters. If everyone is special, no one is. You can’t be the #1 without the #2538. There’s no top without the bottom. No winners without losers. Most people, including me, were meant to be losers so that people who are winners, like Jerma can shine.

    • @siliconecheese697
      @siliconecheese697 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@Kalitayyi think that thinking of yourself as a loser for another persons sake, if you wanna make content for the fun of it id do it! i think theres no reason to hold yourself to that

    • @erwins_arm
      @erwins_arm หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@@Kalitayythat's a pretty bad mentality, stop worrying about being this or that and just go for it^^

    • @jimbo_mode
      @jimbo_mode หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@siliconecheese697 a lot of people think they are a loser until they are a winner

  • @b8IIin
    @b8IIin ปีที่แล้ว +143

    'how you feel when you're 17, 18, 19, will change in your mid to late 20's" I think every year feels like a different year compared to your last during your late teens, early 20's. That's probably the biggest piece of advice I'd give to my younger self. You really can change a lot for yourself in a year's time if you just keep pushing, IMHO.

    • @alpharoo2581
      @alpharoo2581 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      naaah dude ever year has been the same year for years. That's fine though, learn an instrument and don't get in a car crash

    • @kingcrimson4133
      @kingcrimson4133 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@alpharoo2581 It's different for everyone. For me, at 25, I spend so much time in introspection that I come out of every year a more mature person than I was when I went into it. Still have a lot to figure out, though.

    • @qwertydavid8070
      @qwertydavid8070 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Then there's me who's the opposite. I honestly feel like I've been the exact same person since I hit puberty. I've pretty much always thought the exact same way throughout my life. I was always considered way more mature for my age. It's like my brain just decided to skip the teenage phase lol. The only difference really is that the I gain more knowledge and more information as I consume more media, but my overall outlook and mentality has pretty much been the same since I gained consciousness.

  • @jmbkpo
    @jmbkpo ปีที่แล้ว +57

    My favorite wine mom

    • @dollindirty1578
      @dollindirty1578 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      based streamer get ZONKED on red wine and gives LIFE ADVICE to MILLIONS

  • @dearestreject
    @dearestreject ปีที่แล้ว +237

    Man, whenever he gives good advice, it hits me like a truck. I love this guy.

    • @coreofnothing
      @coreofnothing ปีที่แล้ว +20

      He hit me with a truck on April 25th 1997

    • @da_purple_lizard
      @da_purple_lizard 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      like a dumptruck

  • @starling1226
    @starling1226 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    I had a dream he was in my room. Okay so my room was a bit of a mess, nothing much just clothes, but my room is also small. So he looked at me and told me that I deserve to live better than this. That’s all I can remember, I cleaned everything after waking up. Truly my favorite parasocial relationship.

    • @Draw806
      @Draw806 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      yesterday I watched a peniguinz0 video and I was like this guy has jesus in him lmao

    • @davysmith1934
      @davysmith1934 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's amazing. You sir...are an example.

    • @starling1226
      @starling1226 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@davysmith1934 thanks, it’s kinda embarrassing reading back on this lol

    • @whyyes6429
      @whyyes6429 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Nah its not that embarrassing, people have weird dreams all the time but the self awareness at the end is very admiring. And healthy. How's your social life holding up?

  • @Wunzee
    @Wunzee ปีที่แล้ว +809

    Even though I am still uncertain if Jeremy is real or not, he makes some really good points at times, a lot of people tend to rush things in life and don't realize it, enjoy yourselves, you can blossom at any time you like, happy holidays everyone ❤️

    • @Reac2
      @Reac2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      And what you define as blossom, doesn't have to be what everyone else understands as "blossom"

    • @life4trinity
      @life4trinity ปีที่แล้ว +3

      And remember you don't have to blossom, there are many ways to enjoy life without becoming rich or famous or "successful" or whatever.

    • @jont2576
      @jont2576 ปีที่แล้ว

      "slow down"?im sorry this guy talks like he joined the military when he was 19, had a successful career as a pilot in the airforce or something, got married at 23,left the air force at 27 and started a successful multi million dollar business featured on business insider and shark tank, has 2 kids by 32 and now hes looking to "slow down" like elon musk who just sold paypal for 136 million and was wondering if he should buy an island or build spaceX,
      when in all honesty dude.....all he really did for the past 8,9 years was sit in his bedroom/basement and played video games on a streaming platform called youtube and twitch.
      in fact the only reason he can say "slow down" is he became incredibly successful and rich.......where millions of others failed and he could continue in his peter pan syndrome or fantasies and continue "playing video games" as a content creator until his late 30s and beyond when most other people faced with reality have no choice but to face reality......imagine u being 28,29 years old living like jerma but without the money fame or success in ur jizz encrusted underwear.
      and he wants all the early 20 something and late teens to believe they can do the same thing as he is......
      jerma is an anomaly,he is an extreme outlier on the distribution curve......he has the personality and temperament few has to be connecting with teenagers and young early 20 somethings on the internet.....how many 36 year old grown ups do u think talks and sounds like him and can handle talking to kids all day? think about it when u were 10 or 12 years old and ur fathers were around mid to late 30s......do u think they even remotely sound or think like him......hes a fking living peter pan in a peter pan world.
      i watch another streamer schmidt. schmidt is 22 or 19 years old?and his personality and humour is like older and more mature than jerma.
      no man lol omfg, go and ask all the late bloomers and failures and failure to launch neets and basement dwellers out there still living with mom and dad in their mid to late 20s and early 30s....the people who are facing a brick wall and no way out in life....life is short, life is a fking race....there are only certain times in ur life when u can do certain things and experience certain things......u cant be 32 years old and think i want to be like 17 or 19 again, to experience life and the world and romance like a 19 or 21 year old again.....that fking ship has sailed......ur not jerma a forever 15 year old in a 36 year old man;s body.
      lemme ask u what do u think dating when u are 29,30 or 31 is like?people when they are 29,30,31 are tired and exhausted and weary of life at a depth u cannot imagine, they are disenfranchised and on guard.....i mean yeah sure u think u are cynical or discontent when ur 17 or 21......just give it another decade more.....like u think ur stagnant when u are 19 or 23?
      like the depression and isolation and welcome to NHK life u experience in your younger years they have experienced all that except they are now older and broken shells of a human beings who spent their twenties chasing scraps of delusions in hopes of salvation of some sort of future ???wake da fk up and stop smoking that jerma peter pan crap.......when u are 28,29,30 u are beyond broken,like u dont even have that little strength or fire or ambition or drive left in the depth of ur depression and isolation and misery in ur teenage and twenty something years....to drag urself out of bed and pretend ur alive.....
      ur looking at the ending of the requiem for a dream movie.......

  • @Wardzz00
    @Wardzz00 ปีที่แล้ว +681

    He might not be the most articulate guy with the biggest vocabulary but what he meant really rung a bell in me and I reflected a bit on myself. I realised that the past 10 years of my life have been very stressful to meet people's expectations and I gotta say, he's right.
    Taking the time you need is important, stay safe guys and take care

    • @vain.a2
      @vain.a2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      articulation and vocabulary is all smoke and mirrors!1!1!1

    • @megamansiofan
      @megamansiofan ปีที่แล้ว +5

      i had to read this like 2 times because i thought you said you were 10 lol

    • @davebob4973
      @davebob4973 ปีที่แล้ว

      he may be dumb stupid foolish and idiotic but at least he isnt stupid

    • @davebob4973
      @davebob4973 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @mygills3050
      @mygills3050 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vain.a2 I mean everything English teachers teach is bs. actual linguists hate them and esp. the curriculum

  • @jellieshu
    @jellieshu ปีที่แล้ว +116

    I'm nearly 25 and recently have been feeling like I've achieved nothing. I've felt very much like I'm running out of time, because I think so much of what we see makes it seem like your 20s is the happiest most fun most productive period of your life, and now I'm nearly halfway through. This video came at pretty much the perfect time for me. Thanks.

    • @mizzphitzbeta
      @mizzphitzbeta ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I’m 24 and I lowkey feel the same way 😭 my biggest achievement so far is graduating college and I’m almost done with grad school but still that doesn’t feel like anything tbh 😭

    • @TheSkatingreptile
      @TheSkatingreptile ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @hennycolada I'm 23 and just starting college. You've got this. Graduating is a big deal and it's worth taking pride in it!

    • @GoreSpattered
      @GoreSpattered ปีที่แล้ว +18

      just turned 30 and my 20's were a complete mess, but im slowly starting to level out. my mum told me the other day she was the same and her 20's were the worst part of her life. just know that life is a lot longer than a few years, and the more we count the years away and regret our past the more we stay stuck in those patterns. let yourself be and then you will come to accept/change what needs to be changed in time.

    • @GuineaPigEveryday
      @GuineaPigEveryday ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@GoreSpattered your mom is really awesome for admitting that. Most adults always play up their 20s as the most exciting fun productive part of their lives that they always look back on fondly. Thats how my parents talked about college, all their friends they still have and all the reckless shit they did. I’ve just finished my last semester after 3 years of uni, and not made one friend. I fucking hate the pressure you have when ur in your 20s because it always is framed as this once-of-a-lifetime period where you should act this or that way and be youthful and reckless and spend all your time partying but also working your ass off etc etc. Its really hard trying to love up to the societal expectations of your 20s. I’m trying my best to convince myself that the way in living now is just fine, sure i wish i had friends but also i don’t like huge groups or lots of socializing, i like more individual/personal stuff and its a bummer that people feel the need to always reinforce this toxic idea of your 20s

    • @d0pesmoker
      @d0pesmoker 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I just turned 25 and I feel you. I had a very unconventional upbringing and on bad mental health days I can convince myself I wasted like 15 years of my life but in reality everything that’s happened in your life has happened for a reason to get you to the point you’re at now. We hold ourselves to a lot of self made arbitrary time limits that do nothing for us other than make us feel miserable. The only true waste of life you can do is to not do your best to enjoy it :)

  • @eddiejames4006
    @eddiejames4006 ปีที่แล้ว +323

    When you’re rushing around it’s hard to appreciate what you’ve got. I’m 20, in my second year of uni with amazing friends, but because I’m so busy thinking “why haven’t I accomplished enough yet?” I have trouble appreciating my friends and the fun I’m having at uni. I think Jerma’s right - if I slow down and re-evaluate my situation then I’ll have more chances to enjoy the good parts of my life. He’s not telling people to slack off, just to try manage themselves better. (P.S. I deleted my previous comment to word this one better)

    • @sweetpea3134
      @sweetpea3134 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I'm in a really good school for me and I'm a first year, and I am fighting every day against this feeling. I want to accomplish things I've dreamed of doing, but I also want to really not ignore the world around me if it gives me new dreams. I'm kinda curious about computer science and mock trials, and I am trying to tell myself that I will be fine if those pursuits don't end with straight A's or gold medals. I think that's what people mean when they say "take advantage of uni, because you'll never have an opportunity like it again".
      And since I've said a lot about myself, I do want to give you this piece of advice. Saying no to opportunities actually shows that you care. I've gotten offered opportunities that I couldn't pursue due to time and other pursuits, and I've never had anyone lose trust in me because I said no. Hope that helps because when I realized it, it changed my relationships with my professors who knew I really cared about putting effort into things I liked.

    • @Thekapo8
      @Thekapo8 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I'm 21, my 4th year at Law School. It's been really hard for me to focus and study due to my recently discovered ADHD, and that feeling of getting behind and wanting to experience life right now and accomplish things or enjoy certain things, fuels my insecurities and stops me from appreciating this years in the uni, my friends, girlfriend and my current situation in general. So hearing this, reading your comment and the one who commented on it, really makes me feel like I'm not alone, and I have to move on doing my best, not rushing into life.

    • @life4trinity
      @life4trinity ปีที่แล้ว +10

      You've done more than you think, it's easy to underestimate how much you've accomplished in your life

    • @anti64
      @anti64 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Man I wish I could have that. I'm in uni, 2nd year, and have zero friends. That's on me, I was scared when people approached me so I isolated myself, so now I'm just lonely. I love what I'm studying and that's the only thing keeping me there. Uni sucks without friends, so yeah take this moment to really appreciate your friends existing.

  • @CounterNerd
    @CounterNerd ปีที่แล้ว +161

    I wish I knew a guy like jerma irl. Just someone who's normal (memes aside) and don't jump to conclusions or is too quick to judge. Jerma has a sound mind and I think more people should aspire to be like him.

    • @Draw806
      @Draw806 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      its alot of luck these days to find normal people

  • @EulaliaDaisy
    @EulaliaDaisy ปีที่แล้ว +28

    "Slow down, it's not a race" as he is zooming through a grocery store

  • @BodeOwO
    @BodeOwO 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    i turned 29 today and i still havent found my place, but it's never too late. I hope...

  • @C00lp1r4t3
    @C00lp1r4t3 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    As ridiculous as it sounds he has been a role model to me. A lot of people look up to super smart or rich people but you can learn and relate the most to people actually in the same world as you

    • @Kalitayy
      @Kalitayy 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He's not real, he's from a different world

  • @ymakams
    @ymakams ปีที่แล้ว +18

    something about him walking around a virtual playground telling me the most meaningful advice ive ever heard

  • @libbycb
    @libbycb 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    tbh i return to this every couple months bc its so comforting, ik maybe thats a tad parasocial of me but particularly the stuff about not worrying about making it and being uber successful i forget so easily. all im tryna do is be happy, make my silly art, share fun timez w friends... simple stuff :3

    • @oogabooga473
      @oogabooga473 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      me too

    • @nikolay5736
      @nikolay5736 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      don't fret man, i keep coming back here too; it's easy to forget sometimes and all too important to remember

    • @davysmith1934
      @davysmith1934 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Can...can I help?
      Please; I enjoy trying to help... And if you've been suffering chronic pain..
      Then I want to at least try...
      Give me a shot, Big Shot!
      Let's put my.... intelligence towards something worthwhile, instead of random equations.

    • @libbycb
      @libbycb 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@davysmith1934 what the fuck are you talking about bro

    • @davysmith1934
      @davysmith1934 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @soap_bubbles
    @soap_bubbles ปีที่แล้ว +47

    I'm 20 years old and feel like I haven't accomplished anything in life. This video brings me at least a little bit of comfort and ease in that regard.

    • @life4trinity
      @life4trinity ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I'm 20 too and we have a long road ahead of us. Just take things one at a time, do it when it feels right, and eventually you'll get there.

    • @MayMoment_
      @MayMoment_ 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Man I'm 19 and I've genuinely thrown my life away, I dropped out of school when I was 13 bc I was depressed and I've never got back to a full timetable. I've got no qualifications, no passions, no ideas for the future, nothing really. I don't see any way I can move out from my parents, and even if I had the money I probably wouldn't be able to manage living alone, I honestly don't know how I'm gonna figure this out

    • @gnorgel
      @gnorgel 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MayMoment_ how's it going man

    • @youokboi8556
      @youokboi8556 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@gnorgelLet's hope his lack of response means he's busy living a good life 😁

  • @jod422
    @jod422 ปีที่แล้ว +97

    Literally yesterday, I wanted to be a film director but I was stressing out because I knew I wasn’t good enough and didn’t know what else to do with my life. Now I know jerma was the same way. Cool

    • @Jackson-pn4pn
      @Jackson-pn4pn ปีที่แล้ว +13

      As a fellow aspiring creative, I hope all your hardwork pays off and you catch that big break we all dream of.

  • @TheoJinx
    @TheoJinx 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    every time i think im ready to die i come back to this

  • @zach7
    @zach7 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    32, get berated by some relatives for not being good enough, im still here, they can shove it.

    • @Fart_Simpson
      @Fart_Simpson หลายเดือนก่อน

      this is so common, can we start a community or something of ppl who feel and treated this way lol prob on reddit somewhere

  • @Iteration456-8_codename_goblin
    @Iteration456-8_codename_goblin ปีที่แล้ว +220

    I watch Jerma’s streams a lot, this one was no exception
    I normally am laughing to myself but I had to pause for this part and reflect on my own life

  • @miathompson210
    @miathompson210 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Never in my life did I think that I would cry during a jerma video

  • @jasonhaiad
    @jasonhaiad 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    fckn hell tfw was nice just to hear someone say "it fucking sucks" about chronic pain because most people are so fucking callous and dismissive about it

    • @dflaming1371
      @dflaming1371 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I had messed up knees as a kid, messed up teeth from quacks known as dentists, and my thyroid gave out at 18 (you'll have to look up the symptom LIST of hyperthyroidism, it is constant, full body pains. Even your eyes swell and pound all day and you can't escape to sleep.) As a woman it also makes your cycle 10x worse (cramps every day, no, not just once a month, so strong blood flow would be cut to my legs).
      Adults would literally LAUGH at me. Teachers, coworkers. My dad never took me to the doctor because we'd have to skip big vacations for a year or two for the money--and he still made me pay exorbitant rent so I couldn't do it myself.
      I've overcome it all almost completely alone. Still deal with crooked teeth, but keep cavities away with occasional peroxide, coconut oil pulling if my gums act up and water rinsing after every meal. Fixed my knees MYSELF after 15 years of compounding issues through essentially 3 years of research and diy physical therapy and keeping in shape, and am using a period of unemployment to get me paid through doctors for the thyroid.
      Life has been rough, I live all alone in a huge house with a massive family. Dad is 10 years older than my mom...and began working on her when she was barely 18 so the abuse and grooming has been bad (though hes kept his hands to himself once i got big enough to mess him over, so that helped. He learned his neglect has made me immune to pain, theres nothing he could do to hurt enough to stop me before i tear his eyes out, so hes mostly a good boy now), but with all us kids grown she was finally able to take a breath, find her footing and become her own person, and she came back for me to help me, so I guess 1 person is in my court.
      Despite it all I've had joy, I've learned a lot, I'm happy with most of who I've become, I found a best friend, I do art and writing. At 26 I am starting to see a way forwards, where as at 19 I couldn't, I almost ended it all. Sone days it still doesn't feel worth it all, but most days it does.

    • @dflaming1371
      @dflaming1371 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I had messed up knees as a kid, messed up teeth from quacks known as dentists, and my thyroid gave out at 18 (you'll have to look up the symptom LIST of hyperthyroidism, it is constant, full body pains. Even your eyes swell and pound all day and you can't escape to sleep.) As a woman it also makes your cycle 10x worse (cramps every day, no, not just once a month, so strong blood flow would be cut to my legs).
      Adults would literally LAUGH at me. Teachers, coworkers. My dad never took me to the doctor because we'd have to skip big vacations for a year or two for the money--and he still made me pay exorbitant rent so I couldn't do it myself.
      I've overcome it all almost completely alone. Still deal with crooked teeth, but keep cavities away with occasional peroxide, coconut oil pulling if my gums act up and water rinsing after every meal. Fixed my knees MYSELF after 15 years of compounding issues through essentially 3 years of research and diy physical therapy and keeping in shape, and am using a period of unemployment to get me paid through doctors for the thyroid.
      Life has been rough, I live all alone in a huge house with a massive family. Dad is 10 years older than my mom...and began working on her when she was barely 18 so the abuse and grooming has been bad (though hes kept his hands to himself once i got big enough to mess him over, so that helped. He learned his neglect has made me immune to pain, theres nothing he could do to hurt enough to stop me before i tear his eyes out, so hes mostly a good boy now), but with all us kids grown she was finally able to take a breath, find her footing and become her own person, and she came back for me to help me, so I guess 1 person is in my court.
      Despite it all I've had joy, I've learned a lot, I'm happy with most of who I've become, I found a best friend, I do art and writing. At 26 I am starting to see a way forwards, where as at 19 I couldn't, I almost ended it all. Sone days it still doesn't feel worth it all, but most days it does.

    • @dflaming1371
      @dflaming1371 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I had messed up knees as a kid, messed up teeth from quacks known as dentists, and my thyroid gave out at 18 (you'll have to look up the symptom LIST of hyperthyroidism, it is constant, full body pains. Even your eyes swell and pound all day and you can't escape to sleep.) As a woman it also makes your cycle 10x worse (cramps every day, no, not just once a month, so strong blood flow would be cut to my legs).
      Adults would literally LAUGH at me. Teachers, coworkers. My dad never took me to the doctor because we'd have to skip big vacations for a year or two for the money--and he still made me pay exorbitant rent so I couldn't do it myself.
      I've overcome it all almost completely alone. Still deal with crooked teeth, but keep cavities away with occasional peroxide, coconut oil pulling if my gums act up and water rinsing after every meal. Fixed my knees MYSELF after 15 years of compounding issues through essentially 3 years of research and diy physical therapy and keeping in shape, and am using a period of unemployment to get me paid through doctors for the thyroid.
      Life has been rough, I live all alone in a huge house with a massive family. Dad is 10 years older than my mom...and began working on her when she was barely 18 so the abuse and grooming has been bad (though hes kept his hands to himself once i got big enough to mess him over, so that helped. He learned his neglect has made me immune to pain, theres nothing he could do to hurt enough to stop me before i tear his eyes out, so hes mostly a good boy now), but with all us kids grown she was finally able to take a breath, find her footing and become her own person, and she came back for me to help me, so I guess 1 person is in my court.
      Despite it all I've had joy, I've learned a lot, I'm happy with most of who I've become, I found a best friend, I do art and writing. At 26 I am starting to see a way forwards, where as at 19 I couldn't, I almost ended it all. Sone days it still doesn't feel worth it all, but most days it does.

    • @Fart_Simpson
      @Fart_Simpson หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@dflaming1371Been there. Idk if you know it but ppl like us that go thru shit like this have opportunities to become a villain when we ultimately choose to be closer to the role of a hero. Sounds really rough man, but proud of you and I'm sure jerma would be too.

  • @Lordmau5
    @Lordmau5 ปีที่แล้ว +153

    Man I needed to hear this today, thank you for everything Jerma. And thank you for the person that is handling this TH-cam channel. Lots of love to you all, we'll all figure this out 💖

  • @ungabunga7879
    @ungabunga7879 ปีที่แล้ว +93

    I love seeing jerma say this, what he says is something ive lived behind so far, im still young, but ive been telling it to people i meet, and its a big part of my life beliefs, so to see him say what i have been preaching for such a long time is so sweet. enjoy the time you have here, make it last

  • @localgrassfieldboneshandler
    @localgrassfieldboneshandler ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Exactly, when I was a kid / teen I wanted to build robots, be a boss of some sort, maybe a singer, but I realised these things don't actually bring me pleasure , and it was more or less the visualisation, the idea, not actually doing it. I love helping people, I have community and humanitarian values , I want to work with the homeless and so that's what I'm looking into, and I hope in the future I can create a great system to help in all sorts of ways, which I already have planned out.

  • @Mgrom-r7c
    @Mgrom-r7c ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Do NOT slow down! This PSYCHO will CATCH you!

  • @oneeyed1466
    @oneeyed1466 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Im 32 and feel like sh*t everyday... But this actually made me feel a little better about myself thanks jerma ❤️

    • @GoreSpattered
      @GoreSpattered ปีที่แล้ว +4

      30 and same ❤

    • @no1se711
      @no1se711 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm 18 and feel like shit everyday

  • @Torres289
    @Torres289 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This is the one stream VOD I saved. When I get to this part, I remind myself of what I want to be and do.

  • @da_purple_lizard
    @da_purple_lizard หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    honestly? honestly. this is one of the best things jerma said, at least for me. it really helps and a lot of people, myself included, can relate to it.
    most of my friends several years ago, when i was pretty much a kid, were 2 or 3 years older than me (so like 15-16) and they had already done a lot back then. some were pretty talented musicians, one was making lisa fangames as an indie gamedev, another was an artist and helped translate freaking uncle samsonite to russian- you get the idea.
    time passed and i am now approximately at the age they were at back then.
    i don't have any creative achievements they have. my music is cacophony, my art is mediocre at best, and i can't even begin to understand rpg maker.
    and here comes jerma, saying that it's alright to achieve less than other people your age. that it's okay to have your own tempo. that there's nothing wrong with having your abilities be more limited than others'.
    thank you so much, jerma. i am not a parasocial andy, but he's spitting straight facts.

    • @Fart_Simpson
      @Fart_Simpson หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I concur as someone in their early 20's

  • @SehnsuchtYT
    @SehnsuchtYT ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I'm 26 and feel awful btw. No job prospects. I hope he's right.

    • @viatomic
      @viatomic ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm turning the same age this year but I've been working in a 9-5 dead end job that leave me feeling empty and sad everyday. I know the reason why I feel that way is because sometimes I get caught up in comparing myself to my peers or some strangers in social media who seem to have better time at life than myself. I really appreciate Jerma's advice of just to slow down and do things in life the best I can given the circumstances of the life I have. Jerma said he lucked out, that's his circumstance and I can't exactly compare my life with him and the same goes for everyone else. I do feel awful from time to time but sometimes I need to remind myself that I have decades ahead of my life to look forward to

    • @Jukestar
      @Jukestar 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@@viatomic It took Morgan Freeman until he was 50-something to make it big.

  • @sarahjessicka
    @sarahjessicka ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I recently got super hyperfixated on Jerma after watching his dollhouse stream. Now my whole TH-cam recommended is filled with clips and such. I’m still learning about inside jokes and getting into the community but man this really did mean a lot to me. I know I’m still pretty young but I’ve always had such an ambitious personality ever since I was a child. I really really want to do music but it’s hard because right now my life is super out of control and I’m lacking the skills I need to get myself out there. I know it’s something I want to do/will do but every now and then I get pressure from not even myself but my family too about going to school and moving on in my life, so it just really refreshing to hear someone say it’s okay to slow down and take life one step at a time. So thank you for posting this, I really needed it fr ❤

    • @homeinvasion8615
      @homeinvasion8615 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      you aren't alone in that, i was just talking to my mother the other day about how music and fashion are the only things that make me feel good, thankfully she understood it and wants me to pursue my creative shit in a smart way though, i also lack the skill to put myself out there but hopefully one day i can, it really sucks to want to put yourself out there and try to make a name for yourself but you don't have the skill to do so 😿 i hope you get there though, hopefully i do too
      family pressure sucks because they kind of just expect you to drop your dreams or creative aspirations and just stuff yourself in a cube somewhere or get a degree in something you dont really have passion for and bury that shit
      welcome to the jermaphobes btw 👍

  • @user-ky2ug2wd9j
    @user-ky2ug2wd9j ปีที่แล้ว +25

    i was crying while watching this. i am 26 and worrying too much about what im gonna do. job is too stressful for my anxiety disorder

  • @BigR.O.B.
    @BigR.O.B. ปีที่แล้ว +6

    As parasocial as it may sound, it feels good to hear this from someone. I always feel like when I talk to any of my family, immediate or extended, they're always asking where I am in life, who I'm seeing, where my career is at, where do I want to be later in life. It's like a job interview. It's all they want to talk about. I like where I am in life and want to stay there a while, even if it's not my parent's or aunt's or uncle's idea of success and happiness. It just feels good to hear from anyone that I can take my time, even if it's from an e-clown who's not really saying it to anyone in particular.

  • @looselytelling
    @looselytelling ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @gazzamate2973
    @gazzamate2973 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    going through a really hard time in life right now, and i always find myself back here watching this video, simultaneously focusing on my breathing to mitigate a panic attack. Thank you for making this video, you may never see this comment, or never know my gratitude, but as long as i get it out there im satisfied.
    The words that jerma speaks resonates with my life, Slowing down and embracing the process is hard, it hurts me every day knowing im not at my full potential in life, but it also brings me joy, it gives me hope for a better day. For every awful day i live through, thats one less day of sadness ill ever have to experence, and looking foward i know my destination lies ahead, full of love and support and joy. I am not at that place of joy right now, and i may not be there for a while, but until i get there i can laugh along at the 36 year old man who beat sekiro on stream. Thankyou everyone in the community for helping brighten my day with all the "one guy" moments, Thank you Jerma for having these brief moments of enlightenment, Growing up without a father ive rarley found such helpful advice in my time of need. Thank you for helping me get through these dark times, you all give me hope that this was all worth something.
    when i finally "figure it all out", im going to look back at my years of depression and say "Can i get uhhh, 'look at me!'....'Look at me!'...im looking for a 'Look at me!'". Fuck you depression, i will beat you and make awful jerma jokes at you. i hope my fellow Jerma-mites can find some of their own hope, goodluck friends, we will beat back the darkness together

  • @ShuyaTheDark
    @ShuyaTheDark หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I bet he was saying all the things he felt like he personally needed to hear at some point

  • @ghostyboi9186
    @ghostyboi9186 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    ive ben following jerma since his TF2 days. im not a superfan or nothing i probably have les than 100 messages in his stream from the years ive casually watched. but this is why i love him. ive seen all the ups and downs. ive seen him miss a whole month of streaming because of his pain. i remembered for a while about a year ago he was only streaming 1 day a week on saturdays because of his pain. so i know when he basically says "i have chronic pain too. its okay. do what you can look what ive managed to accomplish" i know he means it and is speaking from the heart

  • @user-gv2ok1hn2v
    @user-gv2ok1hn2v ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Wow, I really needed this.
    He’s totally right. Being a young guy there’s so much pressure on my shoulders. People expect all kinds of things out me and most importantly I expect so much more.
    It’s easy to lose yourself, what you’re really passionate about in this endless chase of fame and success. Most of those goals that society tells us to pursue are very hard to achieve at best. We should really take it slow and be thankful for what we have.
    I have time.

  • @Spaceman68ok
    @Spaceman68ok 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I'm turning 27 in a month, the same age Jerma was celebrating his 500 subs on TH-cam
    He gives me hope that it's not over for me yet

  • @jademcl4727
    @jademcl4727 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Every time I start spiraling I come back to this and feel a little better ❤

  • @citrus-eater
    @citrus-eater ปีที่แล้ว +44

    Just turned 23, i’m on torn between many things rn and i just wish i could for once start providing for my parents instead but my career paths are nothing short of challenging and highly competitive. I never had passion in my current path but it’s the best pay i could get i suppose. Even so, i wish i could get some things over with quicker but it just feels like i’m always falling behind schedule. This clip absolutely struck a chord with me and honestly i just feel like i need to rethink my options. One of my favorite clips of jerma there is. I just hope that everything gets figured out bc rn i’m terrified and alone, but i guess excited to try out new things in life when i can.
    In any case, i hope everyone has a good break these coming weeks and happy holidays

    • @alechamblin7679
      @alechamblin7679 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      24 and was in the exact same spot you were. I wanted to be a doctor. It's insanely competitive. I'd guess that maybe 5% of the people who start down the path toward an MD/DO actually get through all the schooling. Pushed myself through college, sent out applications for medical school, and began working entry level jobs in healthcare. It was hard, and I was getting so burned out in only 5 years of trying. Once I started working with patients in hospitals, I felt only a slight morale improvement. Hospital administration is no joke. And the hours you're expected to work in medicine is insane. After six months in the job, that initial morale boost had faded. At one point, I was pushing 80 hours a week on my feet and in charge of monitoring sick patients. I kept going for a few more months - same way I pushed myself through 4 years of a 4.0 GPA in high school and 4 years of a 4.0 GPA in college - but that steam just ran out, eventually. Once the sheer willpower of avoiding the shame/fear of "success" - or at least my unrealistic definition of success - wore off, I realized that I couldn't keep going in that direction. I loved the idea of it, but I hated the reality of working 80 hours a week for a hospital more focused on profits than patient outcomes. It was hard to reckon with, and it was even harder to admit to myself that the "plan" I strived for just wasn't the right thing for me I had to quit that job and find a new path.
      I've been really hard on myself all my life. 23 was a really hard year in particular, and admittedly 24 isn't much better. But I'm no longer pushing myself into a career that would completely drain me of all my energy. I'm back in school for a 1 year Masters in Education. Teachers, while not as "esteemed" and wealthy as physicians, have a career where they can exist outside of their work. And that's what I needed. After my 23rd year on this planet, I realized that I need time to be myself and follow my interests and enjoy my hobbies. I don't feel guilty about that, and I don't feel ashamed for changing paths. I feel happy to be somewhere I'm convinced I'll be comfortable.
      My advice is just to follow your gut. You'll know if you need to move into something new. But don't brush your doubt aside for the sake of forward movement. Lean into it and find the source of that doubt. Ask yourself why you're unhappy about whatever it is that's bugging you. That'll help you figure out what you "need" vs what you just "want," which in turn can help you find the right path.

    • @drghost_9739
      @drghost_9739 ปีที่แล้ว

      Youre just like me fr. 😭😭

    • @citrus-eater
      @citrus-eater ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alechamblin7679 i rlly do want to follow my guts but it feels like im “betraying” myself bc all this time ive been growing up in a household where i should stick to it and that the pain is worth the wait. it sucks. i just want to get this one exam over and done with but it’s just taking a massive toll on me just like what my degree did.

    • @citrus-eater
      @citrus-eater ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@drghost_9739 it fucking sucks dude, i can only hope that you’re coping w it well 😭

    • @novichek5886
      @novichek5886 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      omg... u r literally me. same age, same life description

  • @jjrome78
    @jjrome78 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    ngl hearing this from jerma ment alot to me

  • @XXXFotyleggaXXX
    @XXXFotyleggaXXX ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I'm already 30 and i want to try streaming and content creation so bad, it would distract me from so much bullshit and it seems like so much fun, but i always thought i am way too old because usually people start with this stuff way earlier. This psychopath is really giving me more motivation to actually start doing this.

  • @TheReal_GigaChad
    @TheReal_GigaChad ปีที่แล้ว +5

    There's a reason jerma looks like he's in his 20s other than him being a shapeshifter, he's not a dad yet.

  • @SameDoll
    @SameDoll ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The same water that softens the potato, hardens the egg

  • @p1L0Ttt
    @p1L0Ttt ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I actually cried to this

  • @mikemeier1817
    @mikemeier1817 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    This was from almost a year ago and it was the best thing I heard then and it's still the best thing I hear now

  • @positive.juice.apartment
    @positive.juice.apartment หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    the music in the background made it so emotional i shed a tear. thank you jerma.

  • @Idothinkysaurus
    @Idothinkysaurus 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I have watched this MAN for 10 years and he's consistently just been the cool older brother I never had. Maybe more of a cool cousin. It's weird to say that, but it's true.

  • @Jukestar
    @Jukestar 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The more you try to run through life, the more you will miss. People will unknowingly spend their entire lives pursuing a future that they will never truly arrive at due to never genuinely being in the moment.

  • @alexmark6580
    @alexmark6580 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


  • @monkeeee
    @monkeeee ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Fatherly advice Andy

  • @Nero35P
    @Nero35P ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I pretty much realized that some years ago and let me say, that advice really help me when I was feeling like shit because of getting older and doing nothing "important" in life
    Jerma is right, you need to take it slow, you don't have a time limit or something, just do you

  • @CamperCarl
    @CamperCarl ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This has "you've been hanging out with your friend for a few hours and he drags you to an empty supermarket at 11pm to get more junk food and dumps his wisdom on you" vibes

  • @kyleheck5363
    @kyleheck5363 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Genuinely some of the best advice I’ve ever heard, I always compare myself to everyone else my age and how well they’re doing so it’s good to be reminded every now and again that I’ll get to where I need to be eventually and everyone moves at different paces

  • @JLG629
    @JLG629 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The way this starts out with him working at a grocery store moving boxes and ends with him going down a playground slide over and over is poetic.

  • @Fart_Simpson
    @Fart_Simpson 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This deserves more views. There are a lot of people who needs to hear this from someone specifically like Jerma. Someone more relatable than Theo Von, as much as I love that man as well.
    It's not about settling for less, it's about acceptance through failures. Jerma isn't quoting Charles Bukowski's "Don't try". He's essentially saying don't take yourself so seriously, the world/life itself is hard on us enough. Doing your best imo is just keep moving forward

  • @keistopherc
    @keistopherc 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Unironically at 19 this was something I really needed to hear lol.

  • @j-skullz
    @j-skullz ปีที่แล้ว +31

    memes aside I genuinely needed to watch this right now so thank you💜💜💜 the past couple of years have been tough for everyone if you're on the younger side still figuring yourself out and that's ok, and the holidays can be especially hard for people. we'll all be ok🤝take care and happy holidays if you celebrate. Give yourself a break!

  • @tateburton6952
    @tateburton6952 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm 18 now and am having alot of issue with feeling behind where Im supposed to be. This is helpful. Thanks for keeping this clip around.

  • @TheGooberGrape
    @TheGooberGrape หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sometimes I worry that I'll miss out on things because I'm still learning how to live with my severe anxiety, but this clip was really comforting.
    Thank you random editor! :D

  • @3three3three3three
    @3three3three3three ปีที่แล้ว +5

    i'm halfway through my 20s and i already feel like my life is over. this video helped a bit

  • @Jake-9
    @Jake-9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    video after this was "derma is hallucinating ballsacks"

  • @CoreyCat4
    @CoreyCat4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I never thought Jerma was 36! He looks 25!

  • @MrEyes-xh4bb
    @MrEyes-xh4bb 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    this was a very sweet video but it's so fitting that he gave that amazing nice speech by nearly throwing up

  • @badger6882
    @badger6882 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love this game as the background for this clip.

  • @c.ccarlhead5744
    @c.ccarlhead5744 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I dont look up to a lot of creators (due to many, TOO MANY, examples of youtubers/streamers doing awful stuff) but I genuinely really look up to Jerma. I feel like similar to Markiplier he is one of those creators that truly doesn't let the fame make him into one that exploits their audience or just uses their fame to do bad things. Like I'm never big on putting creators on a pedestal but I think Jerma's actions just kinda reflect that he is a pretty great guy with solid advice. It reminded me of how only recently as I've started my 20s that I'm okay with not doing anything significant. Fame is almost entirely luck and it's okay not to get it. As long as you are okay and taking care of yourself, you've achieved a lot already.

  • @huntermorgan6177
    @huntermorgan6177 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Heard this advice before, but only now I realize the subtext: "Experience and appreciate as much as you physically can"

  • @mamaluigi6949
    @mamaluigi6949 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    He went from "slow down. It's not a race" to "There's a timer? Nevermind-- fuck that existential bullshit! I got shit to do!" lol

  • @Daniel-es8rz
    @Daniel-es8rz ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Thanks for sharing this - needed to hear it today. Im twenty three right now and it absolutely is hell. Slowing down isnt easy but Jerma is right

  • @athy8763
    @athy8763 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    thank god i sought out jerma advice at the age of 19, early on in life

  • @muhrizqiardi
    @muhrizqiardi 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Appropriate song: The Tourist - Radiohead

  • @The_Corn_God
    @The_Corn_God ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Based and heartwarming-pilled 🥰

  • @dio8440
    @dio8440 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm not crying, you are

  • @mawprints
    @mawprints ปีที่แล้ว +3

    22 and feel like shit but these clips gave me a really nice break. started adderall this year and it's helping me function but exacerbates my stress in other ways. gonna find a good therapist next year and learn some management skills

  • @gooodmorning4526
    @gooodmorning4526 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    3:39 as a high achiever, this is so helpful and the way he says it makes it even more reassuring and comforting

  • @notverifiable3731
    @notverifiable3731 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I fucking can't believe Jerma985 is 36 years old. He looks like 26, at most

  • @EmmanQuinones5234
    @EmmanQuinones5234 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    There was a video clip of Jerma years ago now that was similar to this which jump started my genuine appreciation and love for Jerma. I can't find the clip tho so let me paraphrase it.
    "Guys, you know, you don't have to be a goddamn Astronaut. You don't have to be a pilot or be a professional chef! *You can be just whatever you are good AT!*
    Find it. You will. Soon enough."
    It was this quote coupled with the couple hours of exposure of Jerma's E-clown profession that made me think: "So, this is what it feels like to find a role model in life..." And I cried a little bit. Just hearing those words and knowing the energy that Jerma brings whenever he is on-screen made me realize that this guy is the most upstanding guy I have ever ""met"" in my entire life. What a role model truly. He truly is just out here to hang out and have a good time with people, ya know? There's no pressure in there. He just have that chill yet warm aura coming from him, you get what I mean?
    Anyways, from then on, I have kept those words close to heart. Life's still a struggle but things could be worse so I give my thanks big time to this man. Thank you, Jerma. Thanks for going to clown college or else I wouldn't have known where to steer my life to to some extent.

  • @AbaddontheVampire
    @AbaddontheVampire ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I needed to hear this today man, kind of teared up ngl. I'm 21, I'm super stressed out in my job and thinking so far ahead into the future, and worrying how I'll ever get there even though I have so much time left. This is so wholesome, thank you car accident enjoyer man

  • @elliebee3520
    @elliebee3520 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks dad.

  • @shan_2933
    @shan_2933 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "If u can live your life without an audience, you should do it. "

    • @Fart_Simpson
      @Fart_Simpson หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did he say this? What a powerful quote

  • @gazover_
    @gazover_ 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Billy Joel's "Vienna", "Moving out" and "James", same message, listen to it if you want some peace of mind

  • @laylover7621
    @laylover7621 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Honestly pretty affirming. Thank you Jerma!

  • @sspringNG
    @sspringNG ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I know paradoxical relationships are bad, but I appreciate Jerma talking to his chat like this. I like a more chill, advice-type step back.

    • @EulaliaDaisy
      @EulaliaDaisy ปีที่แล้ว +10

      It's paradoxical because he isn't real

  • @scaf5363
    @scaf5363 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Everytime he talks real he lathers chapstick onto his lips. He’s like that one wholesome guidance counselor that everyone wishes they had.

  • @ivanthespacehiker4693
    @ivanthespacehiker4693 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i love this man

  • @feelingawesom
    @feelingawesom ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I rewatch this stream every now and then, it's so chill and entertaining at the same time.

    • @JermaClips
      @JermaClips  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yea, it has so many good moments in it, I think I'll clip some more things from it here and there until jerma streams again

  • @Spaceman68ok
    @Spaceman68ok 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Truly the best one guy moment

  • @lightyagami6011
    @lightyagami6011 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The game BGM makes it so much better

  • @MTH3h3l0l
    @MTH3h3l0l ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As long as you're going along, you are doing well. It is NOT worth destroying yourself chasing a dream that may never happen and besides, those people who keep shooting too high are annoying and unlikable

  • @Fart_Simpson
    @Fart_Simpson 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No self-help needed, just Jerma :)

  • @humanharddrive1
    @humanharddrive1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    this game "Night Of The Consumers" is actually such a good metaphor for being stuck in a shitty dead-end job and wanting to do something with your life. the grocery items you stock the shelves with scream at you to get out of there, that you're wasting your time

  • @angelnavarro553
    @angelnavarro553 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    it's nice that his mother (even when hes just imitating her) makes his boston accent come out "yea, ma"

  • @loganturner2061
    @loganturner2061 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I just cannot figure out what I want to do with my life, I don't have many friends, struggle with social situations, can't get dates, don't have any particular skills. I'm mostly just confused. But I'm strong regardless and we all are. Got to be proud of myself regardless of any of that