This is gonna be my last video for today i'll have more stuff up tomorrow so make sure to come by tomorrow! Also if any of you have ANY more questions please feel free to let me know and i'll answer as fast as i can :) Enjoy guys and let me know if you've killed predator already! :P
Carbon Meister Hey Carbon I may be wrong but using the predator mask in mp causing for a small loop of the predator music. Not sure if this has to do with the predator class of more than on player using the mask. Pretty cool though✌
For people wondering why the predator or yautjia Didn’t kill the girl it’s because predator culture is revolved all around honor they see it it unhonorable to kill a unarmed human
Carbon Meister also carbon sorry to bombarde you with this info Predators have laws and if they break a law and escape their considered outcasts also predators hunt every 100 years so lucky for you you meet a rare creature also there are some predators who like humans like scar from avp or another predator lesser known dachandae also allowed a female human to hunt with him.
Carbon Meister also last thing I promise at the end of the trailer the predator had the same exact animation as nomad when he runs with no weapons equipped so maybe in the future we get a predator costume in the future
Took me 3 try’s but I got him. 1) turn off tier 1 mode 2) call in rebels, they draw his attention 3) don’t revive AI 4) look around and try and shoot him when he randomly stops and yells
Let the AI revive you and each other. Honestly mine barely shot at him. And I recommend the MK 17 if you have it. That’s what I used and it worked out great.
I tried this for 3 hours, Solo... I could NOT beat this pisser using the advice here or anywhere I looked (@sorry Carbon!). The best place, for whatever reason, is around the ammo box. Everywhere else I tried, he would always get the drop on me, and the cover didn't help much, as he'd end up surprising me and popping me. High damage sniper fire was also apparently useless, I hit him with 20 sniper hits, and he never really got close to dying. On a hunch, I believe the predator doesn't take normal damage, but somehow responds more to how many times he has been hit. I ended up having to put several hundred rounds into him with the MP5, no exaggeration. No other gun, not the LMG, not the sniper, seemed able to bring him down. It was only when I decided to have a go at him near the ammo crate with the MP5 that finally capped his ass. For whatever reason, Predator seems to have a harder time focusing on the player in this location and all the NPC's suddenly become useful as a diversion. Even if they don't shoot back much. When I attempted it here, I got it on my second try, and I wasn't even hit once. Not once. Here's my tactic: Use the highest rate of fire weapon you have, any SMG will do, I did it with a nearly stock Mp5 (iron sights and everything). Well before the fight, about halfway from the border of the mission area and the ammo box, if you have access to them, spawn your rebels and have them spawn around the ammo box. Once the show gets started, Stand on the rock near the ammo box, and keep taking little random steps and turning randomly and scan for him. This throws off the AI as the AI seems programmed to have predator spawn to attack from your flanks or behind. But also, never where you see him when he is invisible (you can see him easily with night vision at night by the way). Learn what sounds he makes before he goes to shoot you, vs when he is just taunting you, or trying to lure you/scare you. His movements will make very little sense, he will run right past you in cloak mode, letting you hit him, then he teleports out. He'll pop back in to roar nearby, then leap into the trees. Then after that expect an attack. The most important thing you can do at this point is to dance on the rock and the minute he spawns with intent to shoot you, hop off the rock on the opposite side from where he is coming from. So long as you are quick, his shots will miss every time. When he spawns to shoot you, make sure you shoot him in the face a lot, ASAP, otherwise he just sits there and keeps shooting and wrecks your AI bots guarding you. Any time you see him, respond with aggressive fire. The MP5 has a super high ROF for a newbie gun. You can put half a mag to a full mag into him each time he appears, and this makes short work of him. Reload every time he disappears, and rearm frequently, especially right after he shoots at you. Rinse repeat, and when he starts getting really spammy with the laser missiles and doesn't recloak, you just have to hit him a few more times in the face and he will go down. When he roars, run up to him, get a good look at his face, and as soon as he goes for his wrist computer, RUN LIKE YOU STOLE SOMETHING!
Just to help some people out I just beat him. It's simple hug a tree and order your team to follow you so predator moves around you. Move around the tree and wait for his laser to show up. Also when he removes his helmet and laughs runnnnnnnnn.
how to kill him on solo 1. Don't revive team mates let them revive each over. 2. don't stay in the open stick near a tree or large rock 3. Use a G2 and msr sniper Rifle 4. Grenade launchers are good for this! 5. fight near the edge of the yellow circle, cause your gonna need to run 6. As soon as you confirm his death, sprint before the game tells you too, as he detonates quickly 7. if caught in the open with the lasers, lie down quickly. it's your only hope 8. If dark, use thermal imaging or night vision, as you can see his semi-invisible sillhoute easier as he runs 9. Good luck!
The rebel help is a really good hint, I also found that using an LMG and having the other weapon as an assault rifle with the grenade launcher ready to go as a good alternative to the sniper rifle.
Renold Vottier the reason why is this when the predator feels like he is defeated but he could still move is because he brong dishonor in his species so he kills him self and the evidence
Ripper517 it’s actually because whenever they hunt they do it in a controlled location that is simulated by them so if they fail the hunt and still have breath in em they blow up the location before they die to ensure that the creatures they were hunting don’t escape and wreak havok
Well I did Pred solo and there is dialogue among NOMAD unit and Pred uses his voice modulator during the fight as well. And there's also the music as well. Man it was like I was playing the movie.
Freyafanboy90 yeah one I heard is ahem (Is it real) another one VERY RARE is actually Dutch’s scream from the movie when he screams to get its attention.
It was so much fun tagging along with you on the Legend. This was my first time being able to play live with a TH-camr and I'm just happy that I could stream with you man. Thanks again. Love your content Like always.
BlizzardChild 323 Gaming just run to the closest edge of the circle but you need to assess that as soon as he starts typing don't wait for the laughs just start pumping hard. When I got to the roadway and took a Santa Blanca truck my team miraculously revived so mission accomplished.
The hugging tree camping strategy works wonders for this mission!!! Thanks big time for the tip! Took me a few tries. Btw the RGP R5 with long barrel works really well for this mission, I only used it with 195 bullets and completed the mission without visiting the box. Just like Carbon Meister said, hug that rock or tree like glue!!!
I don't KNOW?? I lot of people are saying that the Predator CAN shoot you or throw those discs at you and GET you behind a tree and/or behind a rock. I know I died MANY times while being behind a rock or tree. I played with a guy who offered to help me last night, who had already beaten the Predator. He said it has to do with being too CLOSE to the tree or rock, and you DIE. Its like if you are behind a tree or rock and NOT to close your OK. But get too close to the tree or rock, and his things create a SHOCK WAVE that will kill you when you are too close!!
Gene Mathis Yes, the Predator does throw an exploding disc if you are behind cover, all I did was move around the tree I was behind of whenever he would throw it. That worked for me, took me around 6 or 7 tries to complete.
This might be HARD to answer but a couple of questions. Do you remember what area of the map you were on? I played with someone last night and he had me stay by two big trees and a big rock JUST below the ammo box. But still we both got killed and after 3 hours we never killed the Predator! What weapons did you use and which weapon finally killed him? After watching LOTS of videos and reading lots of tips it seems also that we can only kill him with HEAD SHOTS, which makes sense he either takes his helmet off OR it is shot off at THE END of the game??
HSFDElectro, I have heard the same suggestion quite a few times, and some say STAY AWAY from the ammo box because he targets ANYONE at the ammo box. I played with a guy last night who had completed the challenge who kept telling me to, "STAY AWAY from the ammo box", and we both saw that every time one of the Rebels ran up by the box that he would start shooting and killing them? ? It was like he was defending the ammo box? And I tried staying a the ammo box and DIED there many times, but I did not have a team with me either??
Best way is to stay in the open, each in specific area or spot (and KEEP MOVING ALL THE TIME) and give each other commands only: "on me" or "by me", where: "on me" when he tracks you with the gun, then the one who's being tracked runs right or left and outwards from him while others get him shot at, "by me" when he does anything else than shootign someone and all can point at him. oh and when anyone gets knocked out DO NOT PICK HIM UP, NEVER. i did it 3 times with my friend duo only (3rd attempt) and in 4 squad (1st attempt). on the duo attempt i got knocked out and my friend finished him easily dancing off every shot
omg ty dude ive been trying to beat him as to do the two last things and that worked just camping and using rebels but the non-stop moving while camped keeps him from the trees like you said thank you i already had the full helmet but this makes it one more step closer to getting it alllll thanks a million man
Took me a bunch of hours but finally beat him aswell... Went back to level up born leader/rebels and some other skills and came back with my lmg and sniper and stand on top of the rock... Maxed ai actually did help out alot.
I learned too that barricading yourself next to a tree is the best way to kill the predator. The perfect spot i found is near the ammo crate, there are two trees with a rock below it and a hill above it -- which gives you good cover
We played this last night for the first time. We mastered taking him down really fast. We called rebels, spotting and distraction. There were rebels everywhere. The predator rarely payed attention to us. We stood on the rock by the ammo crate in a triangle formation and rarely moved. What was noticeable was you can tell when he's going to unmask and detonate, the attacks become more frequent, however the rebels we're overwhelming.
I tried the sniper and LMG combo to start with as well. It works, but I found a quicker and more effective way to beat him. I stayed at the rock by the ammo crate and used an under barrel grenade launcher. It took half as much time and reloads quicker in between Predator’s pop ups. Also if you refill ammo from crate instead of hitting reload, it reloads your capacity and magazine with equipped weapon a lot quicker.
I found the best strategy: If you have squadmates, call in as many armored SUVs as you have people (ie I had 2 friends so we called in 3) and drive them up and place them around you. Don't use the turrets, he kills the Jeep's in 1 hit, the reason that they are there is so you can use the burned remains as cover, as he can't shoot through them. Everyone I was playing with the high damage Assault rifles, and we kept shooting him until we won. Sidenote, I had tier mode on also.
Sounds like lmg all the way is the path since it seems to be killed by the damage but the hits number. In second phase you need to sound his bomb things that fly straight into your position before exploding (without any ground mark) more over second phase makes him harder since he only spawn, aim and fire (no more running arround + yelling animation) and he is doing it faster : you need to be ultra reactivve to 1 get a proper cover, fire back in between his shoots.
Not sure if they patched it after day 1 but I had both distraction and rebel reinforcement and they were trying to attack. As for guns it didn't matter if I had a sniper later or not you just need to hit him to cause him to stop shooting and move. The P90 and a shotgun did the trick and I never had to use the ammo box. Another hint would be keep your guys in eye shot. That way you can see where the Predator is when ever he injures one and be ready to shoot while another is healing due to he likes to target you when your aiding the fallen. Not sure it's a set amount of damage because no matter what I hit him with, including a nearly maxed out Desert Tech HTI, the fight always lasted the same amount of time. Shotguns do help the best imo to get extra hits while he's running stealth. Hope that helps.
What worked the best for me was the mg121 and any gun with a grenade launcher attachment. Nect to the ammo box in the middle of the circle there is a rock. If you are consistent enough you can hide behind it and dodge his shots. Staying in thermal view helped a bunch. Also dont use silencers
Before you run into the yellow circle call for rebel backup and diversion on your location (it wont allow you to do it once you start the fight), they will follow you into the fight and predator picks them off 1 by 1 so you can take him out a little easier...
Tier mode, damage delt, difficulty settings, players present have no bearing on this challenge. You just have to hit him while he is uncloaked yelling or targeting with his laser 19 times!!!! On the 10th time he enters beserk mode and gets faster. SHOOTING HIM WHILE HE RUNS AROUND CLOAKED DOES NOTHING!!! This includes mine as well as tubes. Now you can beat him with a pistol or a HTI. Its the same result. Just him him those 19 times. Now, tips- call for rebel "guns4hire" and "Diversion" to get more thing for the predator to target besides you and your team. Pick a small narrow tree as cover and keep 3 paces away from it. Because after he enters beserk mode that rock is to large to effectively run around in time to not get shot. Stand 3 paces back from the narrow tree to avoid splash damage. Good luck. GT G3TxJacked Xbox One
Nicholas Andrew Salazar Not To Me It Ain't the Best Thing You Get Out Of That Pack That Is Worth Money Is The Wristblades That's All Everything else is cool but 20 bucks come on
Ha, ha, ha, ha!!! WORTH $20.? I DON'T THINK SO. I have 800 points so all I need is 1800. But they sell 1700 for $10. I am not going to pay another $10, for a total of $20, I can create one in Photoshop... in 10 minutes, for FREEEeeeeeeeeeee............
I did it by myself on extreme and you just have to hug a big tree like he said so when the lazer comes you can hide behind the tree and get off good shots, and i also used thermal it helped a lot, and use your strongest assault rifles and the desert eagle too
I been trying all fucking day! To beat the predator LoL! They got him so realistic it’s insane LoL! I love it though: got my sister on it now hopefully she can beat him. This mode needs to stay in this game though it’s totally freaking badass I love it! And as a fan of the series it’s sweet
Yeah, but I wished he had melee attacks too. Like popping up behind you our your teammates and SNIKT impales you with his Wolverine-like claws. Also the net launcher with the sharp wires would also be awesome to see.
I swear my weaponds are USELESS when fighting the predator. I Tried 7 Times already(2 Times solo and 4 online).AND GODDAMN I CANT EVEN HUG A TREE FOR MY LIFE!
Lay mines, LMG and no HTI. Keep moving, don’t stand still. Didn’t call any rebels. Don’t reload just hit the ammo case. Negates the reload. His frequency depends on how much damage he has taken.
Turn on heat vision, take off suppressors, grab a gun that is maxed out if you are in tier 1 mode and switch to long barrel, use ammo box as cover and shoot to kill. That is how I done.
Eventually i end up to the conclusion that the best way to defeat him in any difficulty is find a tree near the ammo box and circle it.Also good solution is to call rebels for back up BEFORE entering the yellow circle.Use thermal vision for better results.
Just to let you know if you actually hit the box to get ammo he will almost always appear and aim at you and you can hide behind the box when ever he aims at you and it will block the attack unless it's on the sides and then you will most likely get hit
Wow just done it in tier mode. Mk 17 focusing on handling for some reason done better than anything else. Get a spot thats got a lot of cover and call in guns for hire. Best thing to do...found out after 7-8 attempts.
The lack of predator knowledge on TH-cam is astounding. Also the quality at which many of you TH-camrs upload at is garbage. The predators shoulder mounted weapon is called a plasma caster, it is laser guided and the disk or "rocket" you all keep referring to is the predators smart disk which is also heat seeking and can cut through most material known to man. It's wrist controller, controls it's entire suit including helmet and onboard weapons, camouflage/ cloaking systems, communications, life support and as you saw, also controls self destruct sequence with input code. Have none of you seen any of the movies? Am I that old? The predator is too iconic for that many of you to be that clueless.
D Campbell well the point of this is to learn how to defeat an in game enemy. There are other videos to learn more about the predator. As for miss information in this video I went into that in greater detail im the comments above. Hope it helps those still wanting to complete this challenge
I love this game so much. I might just play again on my alternate account. I didn't get Narco Road because people said it was wack. I still might get it because my trophy % is only 85%, lol.
I dont play ghost recon but i clicked this video because i saw predator and i got excited. Also its very satisfying hearing the guy speak i have no clue why. 😐
Keep shooting flares up as well, it blinds him Nd he respond much faster trust me we beat him just like this plenty of times. Call in rebels then call in rebel diversion that’s twice as many rebels they going to shoot but just use them as decoys and place mines but always use the flares to blind him
its really easy there's a rock near the ammo crate stand on top of it and when he target you just drop off the rock away from the direction he targets you from, then just pop out and shoot him took me 2 attempts to solo it
Also predators are a lot like Vikings they have clans this one Youngblood judging by the equipment is not a bad blood or sovereign but rather a jungle hunter also judging by his taunting and the way he slowly walks when shooting his caster it’s either his first hunt or he is just a very cocky youngblood
i beat the predator already, used a powerful sniper and shoot at the chest..that way much faster to beat it, stay in the middle near ammo box, that way much easier to find it
Randomly started this mission, when i figured i was chasing predator, i was like OMG, awesome, when i got into fight with him, after 1h30min i had poker face and shutted down my PS4
When you kill him you get the Predator Bio Mask which is the one that doesn't have the dreads sadly... BUT unlike the mask you buy from the store this one has a special thermal feature.. Along with that you also unlock the Predator facepaint and if you kill him without reviving teammates you get the Predator Tattoo as well :)
Finally just killed him on my 4th try I used the mk14 on auto and wrecked pretty fast. Just it has low ammo so I kept a type 95 that also wrecked at the end.
guys use the scar h! I tried everything last night for 5 hours and nothing. Today I tried the scar after an hour of mega anger and I finally killed him! just make sure you try everything to have the best handling possible and you'll beat him! I had the mk48 as back up and didn't even need it. Don't worry about reload time, you'll have plenty of time. Also make sure you do it at night and use night vision, it's so much better to see him during the day he camo's into surroundings to well.
This is gonna be my last video for today i'll have more stuff up tomorrow so make sure to come by tomorrow! Also if any of you have ANY more questions please feel free to let me know and i'll answer as fast as i can :) Enjoy guys and let me know if you've killed predator already! :P
Carbon Meister yo loved how you were with the community manager
If you equipe the predator BIO-MASK and turn on thermals it's the same as the movie! Voices at distorted and there's a unique mark sound!!!
I wonder if there are any other Easter eggs/hidden features
jlapiers 97 there are if you played avp 2 you can hear the predator saying lines from the game
Carbon Meister Hey Carbon I may be wrong but using the predator mask in mp causing for a small loop of the predator music. Not sure if this has to do with the predator class of more than on player using the mask. Pretty cool though✌
For people wondering why the predator or yautjia Didn’t kill the girl it’s because predator culture is revolved all around honor they see it it unhonorable to kill a unarmed human
Had no clue thanks for sharing that man :)
Carbon Meister also wish you had a Xbox foreal I bed yo help
Carbon Meister I’m also disappointed that the wrist gauntlets need a tank top I wish it was under gloves and gave you his predator hands for gloves
Carbon Meister also carbon sorry to bombarde you with this info Predators have laws and if they break a law and escape their considered outcasts also predators hunt every 100 years so lucky for you you meet a rare creature also there are some predators who like humans like scar from avp or another predator lesser known dachandae also allowed a female human to hunt with him.
Carbon Meister also last thing I promise at the end of the trailer the predator had the same exact animation as nomad when he runs with no weapons equipped so maybe in the future we get a predator costume in the future
Took me 3 try’s but I got him.
1) turn off tier 1 mode
2) call in rebels, they draw his attention
3) don’t revive AI
4) look around and try and shoot him when he randomly stops and yells
AI revive themselves how do you get away from (or the AI from) reviving them?
Good Look 'n'.
alan davis that's what I was doing but I can't kill him
Let the AI revive you and each other. Honestly mine barely shot at him. And I recommend the MK 17 if you have it. That’s what I used and it worked out great.
alan davis Thats what i was doing
I tried this for 3 hours, Solo... I could NOT beat this pisser using the advice here or anywhere I looked (@sorry Carbon!).
The best place, for whatever reason, is around the ammo box. Everywhere else I tried, he would always get the drop on me, and the cover didn't help much, as he'd end up surprising me and popping me.
High damage sniper fire was also apparently useless, I hit him with 20 sniper hits, and he never really got close to dying. On a hunch, I believe the predator doesn't take normal damage, but somehow responds more to how many times he has been hit. I ended up having to put several hundred rounds into him with the MP5, no exaggeration. No other gun, not the LMG, not the sniper, seemed able to bring him down.
It was only when I decided to have a go at him near the ammo crate with the MP5 that finally capped his ass. For whatever reason, Predator seems to have a harder time focusing on the player in this location and all the NPC's suddenly become useful as a diversion. Even if they don't shoot back much. When I attempted it here, I got it on my second try, and I wasn't even hit once. Not once.
Here's my tactic:
Use the highest rate of fire weapon you have, any SMG will do, I did it with a nearly stock Mp5 (iron sights and everything).
Well before the fight, about halfway from the border of the mission area and the ammo box, if you have access to them, spawn your rebels and have them spawn around the ammo box.
Once the show gets started, Stand on the rock near the ammo box, and keep taking little random steps and turning randomly and scan for him. This throws off the AI as the AI seems programmed to have predator spawn to attack from your flanks or behind. But also, never where you see him when he is invisible (you can see him easily with night vision at night by the way). Learn what sounds he makes before he goes to shoot you, vs when he is just taunting you, or trying to lure you/scare you. His movements will make very little sense, he will run right past you in cloak mode, letting you hit him, then he teleports out. He'll pop back in to roar nearby, then leap into the trees. Then after that expect an attack.
The most important thing you can do at this point is to dance on the rock and the minute he spawns with intent to shoot you, hop off the rock on the opposite side from where he is coming from. So long as you are quick, his shots will miss every time.
When he spawns to shoot you, make sure you shoot him in the face a lot, ASAP, otherwise he just sits there and keeps shooting and wrecks your AI bots guarding you. Any time you see him, respond with aggressive fire. The MP5 has a super high ROF for a newbie gun. You can put half a mag to a full mag into him each time he appears, and this makes short work of him.
Reload every time he disappears, and rearm frequently, especially right after he shoots at you. Rinse repeat, and when he starts getting really spammy with the laser missiles and doesn't recloak, you just have to hit him a few more times in the face and he will go down. When he roars, run up to him, get a good look at his face, and as soon as he goes for his wrist computer, RUN LIKE YOU STOLE SOMETHING!
Vector is really great for this
You are a GOD.
Well I didn’t know we were commenting essays now
If you equipe the predator BIO-MASK and turn on thermals it's the same as the movie! Voices at distorted and there's a unique mark sound!!!
Yeah it's pretty darn cool.
After you kill him?
@A Toilet, yup.
Predator bio mask??
Nick Hall mask u get when u complete the mission
Wow this is exactly like the Predator movie.
The first dude he kills with the black outfit looks like arnold from the movie tbh.
Just to help some people out I just beat him. It's simple hug a tree and order your team to follow you so predator moves around you. Move around the tree and wait for his laser to show up. Also when he removes his helmet and laughs runnnnnnnnn.
Javaun Zeigler-mayes can someone help me with predator I need help taking him down
Javaun Zeigler-mayes i fuckin kill the predatorbut i died late to.escape..and i failed
We should try it bro
Do I have to interact with that or run right away?
its ridiculous.. dont matter where i am near cover i die.. around it, thru it & its pretty lame. lol
how to kill him on solo
1. Don't revive team mates let them revive each over.
2. don't stay in the open stick near a tree or large rock
3. Use a G2 and msr sniper Rifle
4. Grenade launchers are good for this!
5. fight near the edge of the yellow circle, cause your gonna need to run
6. As soon as you confirm his death, sprint before the game tells you too, as he detonates quickly
7. if caught in the open with the lasers, lie down quickly. it's your only hope
8. If dark, use thermal imaging or night vision, as you can see his semi-invisible sillhoute easier as he runs
9. Good luck!
Chris Holloway no it won’t.
@@lixishere4everit does to me
Yes it does still hit you if your lieing down
This is the most annoying fight in the entire game
I like it but i can see why hah
No its not
@@chrisholloway3333 yes it is.
Amen to that
The rebel help is a really good hint, I also found that using an LMG and having the other weapon as an assault rifle with the grenade launcher ready to go as a good alternative to the sniper rifle.
So, the moment he removes his helmet and laugh's, Run like you stole something??
Couldn't have said it better myself
Renold Vottier the reason why is this when the predator feels like he is defeated but he could still move is because he brong dishonor in his species so he kills him self and the evidence
Yep Thanx. Even though It took me several tries, but thanx all together.
Damn!! LOL!!
Ripper517 it’s actually because whenever they hunt they do it in a controlled location that is simulated by them so if they fail the hunt and still have breath in em they blow up the location before they die to ensure that the creatures they were hunting don’t escape and wreak havok
"Jesus man,You're bleeding!"
"I ain't got time to bleed."
Baddest fuckin line in a movie ever!
Darth Yautja "Son of bitch is dug in like a Alabama tick!"
Darth Yautja Any John McTiernan action flick from the 80s has got em."This shit will make you a sexual Tyrannasauraus, just like me!"
Well I did Pred solo and there is dialogue among NOMAD unit and Pred uses his voice modulator during the fight as well. And there's also the music as well. Man it was like I was playing the movie.
Freyafanboy90 yeah one I heard is ahem (Is it real) another one VERY RARE is actually Dutch’s scream from the movie when he screams to get its attention.
Freyafanboy90 another one which is still rare but not really is Actually (want some candy).? From predator 2
Ian Cross He says We Can Kill It too
Yea he says stuff like you can kill it, and is this real? Etc.
It was so much fun tagging along with you on the Legend. This was my first time being able to play live with a TH-camr and I'm just happy that I could stream with you man. Thanks again. Love your content Like always.
Was awesome having you there with me brotha! Hopefully we can do it again soon :) you da best bro!
Carbon Meister yeah I would love to tag along with you again
It took me about 3-4hrs (i got it done few times but ddnt make it out in time) I USED TRUCK TO LEAVE AREA...
BlizzardChild 323 Gaming just run to the closest edge of the circle but you need to assess that as soon as he starts typing don't wait for the laughs just start pumping hard. When I got to the roadway and took a Santa Blanca truck my team miraculously revived so mission accomplished.
The first time I played this mission, Predator wall-hacked me through a tree and a hill with the orb thingy.
I feel your pain trust
I have tried 7 times and kicked his ass but soon as he gets an AI upgrade he Wall hacks me
yup his weapons clip through rocks, trees, and landmass. Shit development.
His plasma caster is a bitch, but the smart discs are even worse.
Central Time Gamers no that's how his plasma canister is
The hugging tree camping strategy works wonders for this mission!!! Thanks big time for the tip! Took me a few tries. Btw the RGP R5 with long barrel works really well for this mission, I only used it with 195 bullets and completed the mission without visiting the box. Just like Carbon Meister said, hug that rock or tree like glue!!!
HSFDElectro awesome man! It also took me that many tries, maybe a few more XD
I don't KNOW??
I lot of people are saying that the Predator CAN shoot you or throw those discs at you and GET you behind a tree and/or behind a rock. I know I died MANY times while being behind a rock or tree.
I played with a guy who offered to help me last night, who had already beaten the Predator. He said it has to do with being too CLOSE to the tree or rock, and you DIE. Its like if you are behind a tree or rock and NOT to close your OK. But get too close to the tree or rock, and his things create a SHOCK WAVE that will kill you when you are too close!!
Gene Mathis Yes, the Predator does throw an exploding disc if you are behind cover, all I did was move around the tree I was behind of whenever he would throw it. That worked for me, took me around 6 or 7 tries to complete.
This might be HARD to answer but a couple of questions. Do you remember what area of the map you were on? I played with someone last night and he had me stay by two big trees and a big rock JUST below the ammo box. But still we both got killed and after 3 hours we never killed the Predator!
What weapons did you use and which weapon finally killed him? After watching LOTS of videos and reading lots of tips it seems also that we can only kill him with HEAD SHOTS, which makes sense he either takes his helmet off OR it is shot off at THE END of the game??
HSFDElectro, I have heard the same suggestion quite a few times, and some say STAY AWAY from the ammo box because he targets ANYONE at the ammo box.
I played with a guy last night who had completed the challenge who kept telling me to, "STAY AWAY from the ammo box", and we both saw that every time one of the Rebels ran up by the box that he would start shooting and killing them? ? It was like he was defending the ammo box? And I tried staying a the ammo box and DIED there many times, but I did not have a team with me either??
Beat this and you will become the “Local Legend”
@Jaiperz no
Best way is to stay in the open, each in specific area or spot (and KEEP MOVING ALL THE TIME) and give each other commands only: "on me" or "by me", where: "on me" when he tracks you with the gun, then the one who's being tracked runs right or left and outwards from him while others get him shot at, "by me" when he does anything else than shootign someone and all can point at him. oh and when anyone gets knocked out DO NOT PICK HIM UP, NEVER. i did it 3 times with my friend duo only (3rd attempt) and in 4 squad (1st attempt).
on the duo attempt i got knocked out and my friend finished him easily dancing off every shot
Awesome bro
Wildlands is one of my top 5 favorite games, it even beats any COD game.
wasn't even about to try that at tier 26, switched to arcade mode asap lmao
Garrett Smith I don't think it does any difference. You still get one shot no matter what
Garrett Smith hey I did same thing
omg ty dude ive been trying to beat him as to do the two last things and that worked just camping and using rebels but the non-stop moving while camped keeps him from the trees like you said thank you i already had the full helmet but this makes it one more step closer to getting it alllll thanks a million man
Took me a bunch of hours but finally beat him aswell... Went back to level up born leader/rebels and some other skills and came back with my lmg and sniper and stand on top of the rock... Maxed ai actually did help out alot.
I used the sr25 sniper rifle ir dragunov. Stick n move. Run around trees when the laser is pointed at you. Or duck. Use the land to your advantage.
I learned too that barricading yourself next to a tree is the best way to kill the predator. The perfect spot i found is near the ammo crate, there are two trees with a rock below it and a hill above it -- which gives you good cover
We played this last night for the first time. We mastered taking him down really fast. We called rebels, spotting and distraction. There were rebels everywhere. The predator rarely payed attention to us. We stood on the rock by the ammo crate in a triangle formation and rarely moved. What was noticeable was you can tell when he's going to unmask and detonate, the attacks become more frequent, however the rebels we're overwhelming.
I tried the sniper and LMG combo to start with as well. It works, but I found a quicker and more effective way to beat him. I stayed at the rock by the ammo crate and used an under barrel grenade launcher. It took half as much time and reloads quicker in between Predator’s pop ups. Also if you refill ammo from crate instead of hitting reload, it reloads your capacity and magazine with equipped weapon a lot quicker.
I found the best strategy:
If you have squadmates, call in as many armored SUVs as you have people (ie I had 2 friends so we called in 3) and drive them up and place them around you. Don't use the turrets, he kills the Jeep's in 1 hit, the reason that they are there is so you can use the burned remains as cover, as he can't shoot through them. Everyone I was playing with the high damage Assault rifles, and we kept shooting him until we won. Sidenote, I had tier mode on also.
Sounds like lmg all the way is the path since it seems to be killed by the damage but the hits number.
In second phase you need to sound his bomb things that fly straight into your position before exploding (without any ground mark)
more over second phase makes him harder since he only spawn, aim and fire (no more running arround + yelling animation) and he is doing it faster : you need to be ultra reactivve to 1 get a proper cover, fire back in between his shoots.
The blue orb is heated plasma that comes from his shoulder mounted cannon which also acts as a artillery cannon
Not sure if they patched it after day 1 but I had both distraction and rebel reinforcement and they were trying to attack. As for guns it didn't matter if I had a sniper later or not you just need to hit him to cause him to stop shooting and move. The P90 and a shotgun did the trick and I never had to use the ammo box. Another hint would be keep your guys in eye shot. That way you can see where the Predator is when ever he injures one and be ready to shoot while another is healing due to he likes to target you when your aiding the fallen. Not sure it's a set amount of damage because no matter what I hit him with, including a nearly maxed out Desert Tech HTI, the fight always lasted the same amount of time. Shotguns do help the best imo to get extra hits while he's running stealth. Hope that helps.
What worked the best for me was the mg121 and any gun with a grenade launcher attachment. Nect to the ammo box in the middle of the circle there is a rock. If you are consistent enough you can hide behind it and dodge his shots. Staying in thermal view helped a bunch. Also dont use silencers
Before you run into the yellow circle call for rebel backup and diversion on your location (it wont allow you to do it once you start the fight), they will follow you into the fight and predator picks them off 1 by 1 so you can take him out a little easier...
Tier mode, damage delt, difficulty settings, players present have no bearing on this challenge. You just have to hit him while he is uncloaked yelling or targeting with his laser 19 times!!!! On the 10th time he enters beserk mode and gets faster.
SHOOTING HIM WHILE HE RUNS AROUND CLOAKED DOES NOTHING!!! This includes mine as well as tubes. Now you can beat him with a pistol or a HTI. Its the same result. Just him him those 19 times.
Now, tips- call for rebel "guns4hire" and "Diversion" to get more thing for the predator to target besides you and your team. Pick a small narrow tree as cover and keep 3 paces away from it. Because after he enters beserk mode that rock is to large to effectively run around in time to not get shot. Stand 3 paces back from the narrow tree to avoid splash damage.
Good luck. GT G3TxJacked Xbox One
Can't believe the predator pack is 2000+ points thought all that stuff was Guna be free soo disappointed... 😢
Worldsend247 it’s worth the 20$ though
Nicholas Andrew Salazar Not To Me It Ain't the Best Thing You Get Out Of That Pack That Is Worth Money Is The Wristblades That's All Everything else is cool but 20 bucks come on
Ha, ha, ha, ha!!! WORTH $20.? I DON'T THINK SO. I have 800 points so all I need is 1800. But they sell 1700 for $10. I am not going to pay another $10, for a total of $20, I can create one in Photoshop... in 10 minutes, for FREEEeeeeeeeeeee............
Free? This company? hahahahahahahahahahaha
Worldsend247 right? i thought all the stuff was gonna be free
I did it by myself on extreme and you just have to hug a big tree like he said so when the lazer comes you can hide behind the tree and get off good shots, and i also used thermal it helped a lot, and use your strongest assault rifles and the desert eagle too
I beat the predator already and was wondering can you still fight him to complete the other challenges?
Sure can. Just open the mission menu for the region and hit Replay
Carbon Meister thanks for the reply 🙏🏻
dude can u help me?
Kurt can u help me
I been trying all fucking day! To beat the predator LoL! They got him so realistic it’s insane LoL! I love it though: got my sister on it now hopefully she can beat him. This mode needs to stay in this game though it’s totally freaking badass I love it! And as a fan of the series it’s sweet
Yeah, but I wished he had melee attacks too. Like popping up behind you our your teammates and SNIKT impales you with his Wolverine-like claws. Also the net launcher with the sharp wires would also be awesome to see.
Wow you just admitted girls are better than guys at gaming.
I swear my weaponds are USELESS when fighting the predator. I Tried 7 Times already(2 Times solo and 4 online).AND GODDAMN I CANT EVEN HUG A TREE FOR MY LIFE!
This is why I actually bought the game, it’s installing now and it’s really cool to see how accurate he is in game
Lay mines, LMG and no HTI. Keep moving, don’t stand still. Didn’t call any rebels. Don’t reload just hit the ammo case. Negates the reload. His frequency depends on how much damage he has taken.
Oh I thought you’d get his suit...oh well looks like challenge I’m willing to take
Charlie Michael I
Long tall Sally she's built sweet, she got everything that Uncle John needs!!!!!!
zxvb9827 gonna have me some Fun...gonna have me some Fun.
i fallowed ur recomendation i used mk17 lvl 30 with my bro just 2 of us we done it in 4 mins thanks !!!!! great video Thanks Again !!!!!
Turn on heat vision, take off suppressors, grab a gun that is maxed out if you are in tier 1 mode and switch to long barrel, use ammo box as cover and shoot to kill. That is how I done.
May I suggest the G2 with acog and grenade launcher underbarrel took him down in like 3 minutes with it
Just killed it , Hti and lmg...15 hits called rebels and got on top of the rock near ammo crate every time that SOB locked on jumped down other side
litteraly beat him first try after watching this video, those rebels helped the most. thanks dude
Glad it helped out! :)
Eventually i end up to the conclusion that the best way to defeat him in any difficulty is find a tree near the ammo box and circle it.Also good solution is to call rebels for back up BEFORE entering the yellow circle.Use thermal vision for better results.
What is the difference between the solo rewards and reward for playing with a group of players?
There is no difference
Hey! I just wanted to say thank you! My friends and I have been trying for the last hour or so and your tips so helped.
Carbon Meister thanks for tips. I about gave up trying to beat the predator. After seeing your video I was able to beat him, thanks!
No problem man! Enjoy the rewards :)
I Literally cut my controller in half because of this
My friend and I have tried this almost 20 times, thanks for making this video it helps alot!
Just to let you know if you actually hit the box to get ammo he will almost always appear and aim at you and you can hide behind the box when ever he aims at you and it will block the attack unless it's on the sides and then you will most likely get hit
Wow just done it in tier mode. Mk 17 focusing on handling for some reason done better than anything else. Get a spot thats got a lot of cover and call in guns for hire. Best thing to do...found out after 7-8 attempts.
I know this mission may be difficult for others but this mission is sick!
everything was good but the plus is use the thermal vision.. that will help a lot..
also good tip, get 4 buddies together and throw mines all over the place. deals great damage and lets you know where the predator is
Use heat vision its so op, u can see him through all the brush and u can see the lacer VERY CLEARLY
The lack of predator knowledge on TH-cam is astounding. Also the quality at which many of you TH-camrs upload at is garbage. The predators shoulder mounted weapon is called a plasma caster, it is laser guided and the disk or "rocket" you all keep referring to is the predators smart disk which is also heat seeking and can cut through most material known to man. It's wrist controller, controls it's entire suit including helmet and onboard weapons, camouflage/ cloaking systems, communications, life support and as you saw, also controls self destruct sequence with input code. Have none of you seen any of the movies? Am I that old? The predator is too iconic for that many of you to be that clueless.
D Campbell can’t wait for the new film next year! :)
Vision Tube #bornyesterday
D Campbell well the point of this is to learn how to defeat an in game enemy. There are other videos to learn more about the predator. As for miss information in this video I went into that in greater detail im the comments above. Hope it helps those still wanting to complete this challenge
Damn triggered
No its common knowledge but you just think you're the smart one in the group aren't ya you little shit
how much longer will the Predator event be going on? or what is the final cut off date? - i just started.. so im not even geared up yet.
Tip that I used. Run perpendicular to the blue orb. For me it always misses
Camp the ammo box and hide behind it when he locks on, I recommend the Mk17 single shot only
They need to keep this as a mission like the peruvian and launidad missions not just a 33 trial.
Thank you so much for the video. Phase info was super helpful!
Np! :)
The desert tech is bomb combined with the mk17 best if upgraded to takw down predator
hey carbon, ive just started playing wildlands and can i do this mission immediately or do i need to play certain missions first?
I love this game so much. I might just play again on my alternate account. I didn't get Narco Road because people said it was wack. I still might get it because my trophy % is only 85%, lol.
I tried the tree hugging (before watching this) the plasma shot goes through all the objects
I dont play ghost recon but i clicked this video because i saw predator and i got excited. Also its very satisfying hearing the guy speak i have no clue why. 😐
The Disc is from Predator slices thru softer material and kills it's target.
I just got the game and was wondering if this is still a thing in the game or if this was a 1 time thing
It would be nice if we could redo the mission or maybe new variations or chapters. But great vid.
When the predator reveals itself after a few second the AI and the rebels will shoot at him
Which predator is it like movie wise not comic
there called
Shoulder plasma canister
Weapons the Predator uses
i promise your day will get better
Keep shooting flares up as well, it blinds him Nd he respond much faster trust me we beat him just like this plenty of times. Call in rebels then call in rebel diversion that’s twice as many rebels they going to shoot but just use them as decoys and place mines but always use the flares to blind him
its really easy
there's a rock near the ammo crate
stand on top of it and when he target you just drop off the rock away from the direction he targets you from, then just pop out and shoot him
took me 2 attempts to solo it
I did it! Thanks! U got a new sub :)
Soon as I got there and saw the ship I thought Predator? AND IT WAS!
Can you wear the predator helmet in ghost war if you hit the ghost pack?
I tried on Tier 1 last night. If you die, it just respawns you right outside the yellow investigation area for the encounter.
Ha ha, Yeah I respawned there like 30 times...
Stone Osborne i completed it on Tier 1 was a lil bit though but easy in the concept
Can u do it more than once? And if u join with ur friends and u want to do a solo can u do it
Find a decent sized tree and circle it then RUN!!!!
The fight is basically the movie. Yet, it seems most people doing this haven't seen the movie.
Turning on thermal helps to see him when invisible and not invisible
Is using a grenade launcher affective at all? It doesn’t seem to work for me
Also predators are a lot like Vikings they have clans this one Youngblood judging by the equipment is not a bad blood or sovereign but rather a jungle hunter also judging by his taunting and the way he slowly walks when shooting his caster it’s either his first hunt or he is just a very cocky youngblood
Ian Cross wtf you actually study this shit.
Nexuluz nothing else to do until the next comic comes out
Nexuluz if you study yautjia society it does actually get interesting
Ian Cross yautjia??
If you have a good headset or hearing and good aim just hug the amo box it's the best strat
i beat the predator already, used a powerful sniper and shoot at the chest..that way much faster to beat it, stay in the middle near ammo box, that way much easier to find it
Ayy I used the right strat right off the bat w/o any tutorials
Randomly started this mission, when i figured i was chasing predator, i was like OMG, awesome, when i got into fight with him, after 1h30min i had poker face and shutted down my PS4
Im inly asking cuz i wont be able to play til tomorrow, can you play with Real teamates?
What free rewards do you get when you kill him? On the trailer it says you get stuff but yet the pack for all the good shit is 2600 points
When you kill him you get the Predator Bio Mask which is the one that doesn't have the dreads sadly... BUT unlike the mask you buy from the store this one has a special thermal feature.. Along with that you also unlock the Predator facepaint and if you kill him without reviving teammates you get the Predator Tattoo as well :)
Finally just killed him on my 4th try I used the mk14 on auto and wrecked pretty fast. Just it has low ammo so I kept a type 95 that also wrecked at the end.
guys use the scar h! I tried everything last night for 5 hours and nothing. Today I tried the scar after an hour of mega anger and I finally killed him! just make sure you try everything to have the best handling possible and you'll beat him! I had the mk48 as back up and didn't even need it. Don't worry about reload time, you'll have plenty of time. Also make sure you do it at night and use night vision, it's so much better to see him during the day he camo's into surroundings to well.
if your playing at night use night vision it helps a lot
Does it have to be done on ghost mode or campaign?
It took me about half an hour and 3 tries. I stayed at a rock in the center with guns for hire, and I forgot to turn off tier 1, so it was DIFFICULT.