Use continual exposure, of all those concepts mentioned. You need to be part of the community, so that your are known. A single web page, recommendations and before after if cars or bikes detailed. Target you niche, give away an air freshener so they remember you keep it simple. Be corporate however small you are.
I enjoy watching these videos. great work. Perhaps in a future video that has mobile detailers who work in cold climates I would ask how do you keep your products from freezing on the paint and any other tips for working in the cold!
Great vid as always . I think a popular question is pricing, though it would vary by location and demand but that would be a good topic. I've contacted Levi directly and he's helped me out a great deal .
Use continual exposure, of all those concepts mentioned. You need to be part of the community, so that your are known. A single web page, recommendations and before after if cars or bikes detailed. Target you niche, give away an air freshener so they remember you keep it simple. Be corporate however small you are.
spot on. keep it up and i am also waiting for a video which i have requestded yesterday.
I enjoy watching these videos. great work. Perhaps in a future video that has mobile detailers who work in cold climates I would ask how do you keep your products from freezing on the paint and any other tips for working in the cold!
The Rag Company Thanks for the reply and info!
Perfect. Thanks TRC!
Great advice Thanks
So I guess I should put some stickers on the back on the car window
Another great video from TRC! It's always great to hear different strategies from guys with many years of experience. Thank you and keep them coming!!
Thank you Craig!
Love this Sir, very informational
I’m starting to do mobile detail in my area wish me luck.
Build a website and do google ads. Market like crazy
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Business owners will need a lot more marketing solutions. The marketplace is so saturated. Don't you think?
how about working out of your car
Great vid as always . I think a popular question is pricing, though it would vary by location and demand but that would be a good topic. I've contacted Levi directly and he's helped me out a great deal .
Thanks Bro!!