It's hard to argue with Dr. Meyer. I see a lot of dislikes on this video, but I imagine those are based on bias rather than legitimate disagreement of what he actually says.
It is God of the Holy Bible that brought creation in to existence.. U know it ??? By prophecy..... please google Holy Bible prophecy and accuracy....only a God who exists outside the constraints of space and time can predict events before they happen.......and as per Holy Bible prophecy dark days are coming in the world.......... since churches have started closing have U observed an increase in lawlessness....
What about the long term evolution experiment? Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species. Also the algae experiments some this February?
Stephen C Meyer, I’ve been watching you videos for about 6 months. I decided to buy your books signature in the cells, Darwin’s doubt, and the return of the God hypothesis. Can’t wait for them to get delivered. Keep up the fantastic work you’re doing.
MrNanonen What about the long term evolution experiment? Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species. Also the algae experiments some this February?
Dr. Meyer, Thankyou for putting in the hard work that allows you to speak so fluently and authoritatively on what many people must know intuitively - '"Things like the cell just do not happen by accident." Thankyou for the professional labor you put in to explain to some of us WHY we feel strongly as we do in the face of a skeptical modern scientific culture.
Amazing how the DNA works in the cells to provide the information necessary for the functionality in the cells. Hopefully they can do some repair work in the eyes of those who choose not to see the designer concept.
The problem of information Norbert Weiner - MIT Mathematician - Father of Cybernetics "Information is information, not matter or energy. No materialism which does not admit this can survive at the present day." It has to be explained: - a library index and fully automated information classification, storage and retrieval program ( chromosomes, and the gene regulatory network ) - The origin of the complex, codified, specified, instructional information stored in the genome and epigenetic codes to make the first living organism - The origin of the genetic Code - How it got nearly optimal for allowing additional information within protein-coding sequences - How it got more robust than 1 million alternative possible codes - The origin of the over twentythree epigenetic codes - The origin of the information transmission system, that is the origin of the genetic code itself, encoding, transmission, decoding and translation - The origin of the genetic cipher/translation, from digital ( DNA / mRNA ) to analog ( Protein ) - The origin of the hardware, that is DNA, RNA, amino acids, and carbohydrates for fuel generation - The origin of the replication/duplication of the DNA - The origin of the signal recognition particle - The origin of the tubulin Code for correct direction to the final destination of proteins none of the above items can be explained by evolution since evolution depends on all this. 1. Regulation, governing, controlling, recruiting, interpretation, recognition, orchestrating, elaborating strategies, guiding, instruct are all tasks of the gene regulatory network. 2. Such activity can only be exercised if no intelligence is present if the correct actions were pre-programmed by intelligence. 3. Therefore, most probably, the gene regulatory network was programmed by an intelligent agency. 1. The setup of functional Information retrieval systems, like a library classification system, is always tracked back to intelligence 2. The gene regulatory network is a fully automated, pre-programmed, ultra-complex gene information extraction system 3. Therefore, its origin is best explained through intelligent setup 1. DNA stores information based on a code system, and codified, complex, instructional information, with the same function as a blueprint. 2. All codes and blueprints come from intelligence. 3. Therefore, the genetic code and the instructions to build cells and complex biological organisms, stored in DNA, were most likely created by an intelligent agency. 1. Cells use sophisticated information transmission and amplification systems (signalling pathways), information interpretation, combination and selection ( the Gene regulatory network ) encoding and transcription ( DNA & RNA polymerase machines ) transmission (mRNA), and decoding ( Ribosome ) systems. 2. Setup of information transmission systems, aka. transmission, amplification, interpretation, combination, selection, encoding, transmission, and decoding are always a deliberate act of intelligence 3. The existence of the genetic information transmission system is best explained by the implementation of an intelligent designer. The central problem in biology Complex Specified/instructing Information - It’s not that hard to understand DNA stores literally coded information The language of the genetic code Coded information comes always from a mind The genetic code cannot arise through natural selection The five levels of information in DNA The genetic code, insurmountable problem for non-intelligent origin Wanna Build a Cell? A DVD Player Might Be Easier The amazing DNA information storage capacity The different genetic codes The various codes in the cell DNA - the instructional blueprint of life Is calling DNA code just a metaphor?
Intelligent Design Academy What about the long term evolution experiment? Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species. Also the algae experiments some this February?
LOVE reading your books ("Signature in the Cell," "Darwin's Doubt") and listening to you explain "Intelligent Design," Dr. Meyer. Putting these complex concepts into layman's terms that a person of average intelligence can understand is an extraordinary gift. Thank you and God bless!
I am a software engineer for over 23 years. It is very complex precise work. We have to debug and test many times to get code to work correctly so to think you can just randomly change code and come up with complex complete code for proteins is nonsense.
Dr. Myers is the best. He explains this better than anyone. I’ve been following he and Dr. Berlinski for 10 years..Darwin’s theory worked for its time, but discovery has changed that theory..Keep pushing Dr. M, we proletariats’ are behind you!!!
Thank you Stephen Meyer. You have a knack of simplifying scientific data in layman's terms thus making it easier to understand the information presented to us. Appreciate your hard work and all the scientists at the Discovery Institute who use science to argue for Design and an Intelligent Mind
It’s funny how Richard Dawkins has been quoted as saying he could accept the idea of a simple God, or even an alien, or that we can become a god ourselves. So in other words, he just can’t accept the GOD of the Bible. That is the only God that is impossible in his mind. Even though that would be the only God capable of starting a universe like the one we live in. Only an infinite, all knowing, all powerful, always present God can be powerful to start a “big bang”. There was a Big Bang alright. The moment God said, “let there be light”
Watson and Crick who discovered the DNA double Helix in 1953 put an end to the theory of evolution its just that a lot of people never received or understood the memo. German engineer and IT specialist, Werner Gitt summarizes it this way: A necessary requirement for generating meaningful information is the ability to select from alternatives and this requires an intelligent, volitional entity. Unguided, random processes cannot do this not in any amount of time because this selection process demands continuous guidance.
Very Good! The more I lean about proteins, the more shocked I am that any knowledgeable people still have faith in evolution. It was a reasonable theory, back in the 19th century, but we've learned SO MUCH that it's clearly bankrupt.
Signature In The Cell by Stephen Meyer, was one of THE SEMINAL WORKS on DNA as evidence of Intelligent Design. Even Atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel applauded it! (Though I'll admit, it was a tad too technical for ME.) Stephen, I believe you're a TRUE PIONEER of our day, who will be seen (in future years) as one of the few people who saw the OBVIOUS, and was courageous enough to take a stand against the mainstream Materialistic worldview. P.S. I never saw you DRIVING AROUND before, while explaining the wonders of Intelligent Design. Nice touch :-)
I think Mr. Meyer gives a wrong answer on the last question (Why do certain scientists reject Intelligent Design Theory?). I think the answer is much more pragmatic and rational than explaining the "mind". The answer is: because when there's no "Intelligent Designer" presented, any "evil" act could be assumed "good", and therefore the "evil" becomes relativistic and abstract idea. In other words: when there's no a judge to judge your actions, all actions you plan and perform could be seen as "meant to be good". You might drop a nuclear bomb and exterminate 40-50 000 people instantly and ruin the life of couple of next generations, but when there's no "intelligent designer" to judge your act as "incredibly evil", you might assume that throwing a nuclear bomb is actually a "good thing", because it scientifically displays what's the effect of a nuclear bomb. Those scientists who reject the existence of an intelligent designer, are looking for self-comforting excuse for their own monstrosity.
i have spoken to atheists and explained these ideas and the ID approach to proving intelligent design using darwin's own methods, but it seems to go completely over their head. i think the idea is subtle, but when a person has their preconceived biases and compound that with the fact that one has to have at least a modicom of critical thought and logic makes it a real uphill struggle to get them to the stage when tthe "penny drops".
You don't need faith nowadays to arrive at the conclusion that was a Perfect Mind, a Creator who designed this complexity impossible to imagine. I always ways rational, exceptic and now I know that. Thanks Stephen!!
ID has bolstered my faith. I would still believe without it, but God is merciful. In these last days, He is giving us believers (and those who do not believe) His mercy and grace, in direct opposition to the stranglehold that the materialists have over science and science education in this country. Thank you, Lord!!!!
Science leads to God - though science done superficially will take us away from God, so the more you research the more study it the more we realize that science will lead as to God either sooner or later!
Another curious thing, is the possibility of "looking at our own thoughts" as if we're an observer that is conscious of thoughts and with training it's even possible to even choose the thoughts that we want around... people are more than sacks of cells.
HI Salvador, agreed, people are not just sacks of cells. The former atheist turned Christian author C.S. Lewis said if our thoughts are just random firings of neurons in our brain, then they have no meaning and my ideas are no better than yours and vice versa.
I am impressed! Your discussion on the mind fascinated me. Kant, the philosopher, explained that we process everything through our natural mind. it is not that mind exist, but that "How do we know that when we see red, it is the ting in itself not green? We can only be sure if the Creator became human and communicated that to us thus verified our senses. hence not only is there intelligent design but we can trust our that intelligence talks to us..
It's funny that Dawkins attempted to prove evolution without the need for intelligence by creating a program that was aimed to find its predetermined conclusion. Obviously, this involved no intelligence.
Yes he is and is hated by not a few in the scientific realm. It is the discovery institute that evokes them to considerable anger. The reason is the same when anyones belief, or professed belief is threatened. Oh I have been wrong!. Lawence Krauss; "A uniiverse from nothing" is such a one.
The most vocal critic is Ken Miller who is a theistic evolutionist. You will find him on youtube. His argument for the origin of the bacterial flagellum centers around the magical CO-OPTION. That is, another bacterium that has 10 of the 30 odd proteins that the flagellum must have.. To account for the 20 to make up the flagellum he says they were co-opted or seconded randomly from bits and pieces of protein parts from somewhere, not even a guess where, and a couple of cellular pumps used for a different purpose near the cell membrane. But no one in the lab has ever seen/proven that co-option ever occurs in cell biology or Biology per se. Like all origin ideas it is full of maybes, must have beens, might haves etc. Trust me you would be wasting your time.
Bob Newhart had a comedy bit where millions of monkeys were placed at millions of typewriters to test the theory that eventually they would type all the great books. One of the monitors of the experiment became excited when he finally discovered that one monkey had typed, “To be or not to be that is the gazzzornunplat.” Even in the 50s people knew information was not the result of randomness.
Stephen Meyer is a Master of Science. Without intelligent design, life is a futile attempt to connect invisible dots. Yet the invisible Designer has left visible dots in creation for all to connect. May the rocks cry out!!
Superb - As the Bible has told us "IN THE BEGGING GOD " Our DNA is so unique and special ONLY a truly wonderful Creator could have accomplished this re; Genesis before anything came into being GOD WAS
I would like to know if the information is received by the DNA molecule in “real time” (ie like an antennae) or if it is imbedded within the molecule itself.
So who wrote the first code? How is there life to code life. I think this discounts chemistry and sub quantum physics that we really though quite sofisticated know little about in relation to possibilities in the greater universe or cosmos
It's mind boggling how anyone could imagine the specified information that's encoded in DNA which requires one the most complex proteins to "Read & Translate The Information", is somehow randomly created itself from nothing to enable it with an ability to physically attach itself to the DNA , read and translate the code and create the specific information from it to help other equally complex machines (proteins) make more purpose specific proteins. It's like swamp water building a modern day city. All the stuffs there less the intelligence required to create the information and the ability to comprehend the information for a future purpose and the lack of 10's of thousands of informed coordinated forces required to start at a preliminary point and end up at future point with a city. The stuff that takes place in so called simple cells and the amount of information required for its proper function itself is enormous , never mind the ginormous amount of information required for inter-cellular interactions . This alone pales our smartest civil engineers abilities with their intelligence and ability of foresight. Unbelievable that intelligent people can even consider this with the amount of scientific "Information" showing otherwise.
The one thing we know for sure is, everytime a scientific experiment takes place it proves it takes an intelligent cause to perform the experiment. Bread doesnt make itself. Haha!
The movie Contact beautifully illustrates this concept. Arrow at is given a glimpse of a planet orbiting Vega and sees a level of order to which she immediately responds “they’re alive.” Dawkins is not nearly as smart as we think he is. He might be as smart as he THINKS he is. But he isn’t as smart as he needs to be to make the claims and objections he makes. And would love to see him and David Berlinski debate.
You had me right up until intelligent design. Yes, you are correct and saying that the search space is vast and that it's complexity is enormous and the successful results few and far between. Yet, so our prime numbers and we can find new primes with basic rules. That being said, I do wonder if certain pairs or certain combination of pairs are more likely to go together and create new traits. Such that, it is not a "brute Force algorithm" but rather a "neural network" based on simplistic rules that has built up on itself since the beginning of time.
What I find interesting is the NASA astronaut with an identical twin brother that spent a year in space had his DNA changed when compared to his brother. The other thing I thought interesting was back millions of years ago on earth the atmosphere was comprised of different ratios of elements. There was a study in which dragonflies were raised in an environment replicating the earth a million years ago. They became many times the size of the originals. That seems to tell you DNA is subject to the environment. Amazingly complex and designed to function anywhere in the universe. The building blocks of the universe work together in a way that makes the case for intelligent design, in other words a God so to speak.
I'm a little troubled by the idea that fundamentalists are so blindly attracted to Meyer. For the record, I myself am drawn to his argument; it's endlessly compelling, a fresh perspective on the possible origins of life. However, what I'm put off by here in the comments section is the religiously ignorant pointing, enthusiastically, to what they now believe is solid evidence for their god being the one who kicked it all off.
There must be a transcendent being that exists outside the material universe who conceived this. It is not logical to insist this could happen by random chance.
What about the long term evolution experiment? Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species. Also the algae experiments some this February?
Craig Ventor and his team spent 10 years mapping out the human genome or DNA. Though he is not a creationist he did say at least 80% of the non producing DNA, (its introns) are not junk and are tied up with gene expression. That was 7 years ago and now more is known about epigenetics, but still away to go to fully understand it; it may well be connected to those introns. Bacteria are some 3 billion years old and the creator gave them the ability to share Genes since they dont sexually reproduce. Please cite the authoritive peer reviewed references for your claims re E coli and Algae.
All bacteria are involved in all life forms and as long as they dont wind up in the wrong organisn or animal, will be beneficial. They can adapt to antibiotics because in the Gene pool of each of their species are variations that will resist, and as said can share genes to help each other out.(plasmid activity). But they have remained bugs for more than 3 billion years and are ubiquitous in land air and sea. Such is the wisdom of the creator, and they will never be any more than bugs.
That man has a brilliant mind and I appreciate that he doesn't turn the "Intelligent Design" theory into a thin veil for Bible based creationism with it's horrific "God."
Intelligent Design is now being called Epi-Genetics, and it is we who are the designers. In other words we have never been separate from God, and thus that energy works through us interdimensionally I believe through what they call the Hox Gene. This is not necessarily done by our intellectualization of what we desire of our bodies, but almost as a subconscious directive by us to correct an issue that needed correction to be used effectively in this reality and location where you live in on this earth.
Indian Scientists of Ancients times say, that Knowledge (Gnyana) is defined as God or vice versa. Being Knowledgeable means having all information (All Data). Data is Intelligence. Data or Information or Intelligence is synonymous to Knowledge.
One persons opinion. There is plenty of evidence indicating major evolutionary changes. Very few species are the same now as they were in the distant past. Species evolved and still are, we are changing basic traits ourselves in farmed and domestic animals through selective breeding and many more changes have a distinct and traceable link in evolution even without human interaction. Just examine fossil evidence for major changes to a species. Examine the DNA changes and similarities between what now appear to be completely different animals (and plants) which in fact show common ancestry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but in my view the evidence strongly points to evolution.
HI Roger, I agree with most of what you say. You can study how the horse evolved from millennia ago to today, but it's still a horse. God created various "kinds" according to Genesis 1, a bovine kind, a feline kind, and so on.
Secular scientists play poker with God. They put a card on the table and say " Evolution; I'll raise you 100". God puts a card on the table and says " DNA; you lose"!
All life is information based (there are no known exceptions) and DNA has been shown to be the software of life. You have to be a complete idiot to think that software (DNA) can be created by randomly mutating the code and then using selection. No software is designed this way. Let me quote Craig Venter: "We have shown that DNA is actually the software of life. It is totally interchangeable between the digital world and the biological world." "We are now using computer software to design new DNA software. All living cells that we know of on this planet are 'DNA software'-driven biological machines comprised of hundreds of thousands of protein robots, coded for by the DNA, that carry out precise functions." --- Craig Venter, Trinity College Dublin, July 12, 2012
the male provides the code that drives represents the environment whereas the female stores the genetic code of the past and is used to adapt to the environment.
It's very telling the lengths to which people are willing to go to show there is no need for an intelligent creator. It's also very telling how quickly the insult start to fly when you tell someone you believe in God. Methinks the Lady doth protest too much...
It's hard to argue with Dr. Meyer. I see a lot of dislikes on this video, but I imagine those are based on bias rather than legitimate disagreement of what he actually says.
The complexity is astonishing - as a software engineer I can clearly say DNA is far more complex than 32/64 bit system code
It is God of the Holy Bible that brought creation in to existence.. U know it ??? By prophecy..... please google Holy Bible prophecy and accuracy....only a God who exists outside the constraints of space and time can predict events before they happen.......and as per Holy Bible prophecy dark days are coming in the world.......... since churches have started closing have U observed an increase in lawlessness....
So you still cant do it even in 2019 year?
What about the long term evolution experiment?
Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species.
Also the algae experiments some this February?
@@thomasranjit7781 I believe in Design but I don't believe in the Bible because I won't follow a God who'd sends non believers to Hell.
This guy is brilliant. I can see why no one wants to debate him.
Finaly I found one who explains this matter clear and sound. I am not 100% convinced, but time to leave the materialistic vieuw.
🤯What an amazing guy. The way he explains things makes sense to even a regular mind like mine!
Stephen C Meyer, I’ve been watching you videos for about 6 months. I decided to buy your books signature in the cells, Darwin’s doubt, and the return of the God hypothesis. Can’t wait for them to get delivered.
Keep up the fantastic work you’re doing.
MrNanonen What about the long term evolution experiment?
Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species.
Also the algae experiments some this February?
Dr. Meyer, Thankyou for putting in the hard work that allows you to speak so fluently and authoritatively on what many people must know intuitively - '"Things like the cell just do not happen by accident." Thankyou for the professional labor you put in to explain to some of us WHY we feel strongly as we do in the face of a skeptical modern scientific culture.
Amazing how the DNA works in the cells to provide the information necessary for the functionality in the cells. Hopefully they can do some repair work in the eyes of those who choose not to see the designer concept.
The SETI project is looking for intelligent life in space. They follow the same line of reasoning: a meaningful signal implies intelligence.
Thanks Mr Meyer always interesting and refreshing listening to your wisdom.
Coherent convincing and dispassionate argumentation. Impressive for the unbiased.
The problem of information
Norbert Weiner - MIT Mathematician - Father of Cybernetics
"Information is information, not matter or energy. No materialism which does not admit this can survive at the present day."
It has to be explained:
- a library index and fully automated information classification, storage and retrieval program ( chromosomes, and the gene regulatory network )
- The origin of the complex, codified, specified, instructional information stored in the genome and epigenetic codes to make the first living organism
- The origin of the genetic Code
- How it got nearly optimal for allowing additional information within protein-coding sequences
- How it got more robust than 1 million alternative possible codes
- The origin of the over twentythree epigenetic codes
- The origin of the information transmission system, that is the origin of the genetic code itself, encoding, transmission, decoding and translation
- The origin of the genetic cipher/translation, from digital ( DNA / mRNA ) to analog ( Protein )
- The origin of the hardware, that is DNA, RNA, amino acids, and carbohydrates for fuel generation
- The origin of the replication/duplication of the DNA
- The origin of the signal recognition particle
- The origin of the tubulin Code for correct direction to the final destination of proteins
none of the above items can be explained by evolution since evolution depends on all this.
1. Regulation, governing, controlling, recruiting, interpretation, recognition, orchestrating, elaborating strategies, guiding, instruct are all tasks of the gene regulatory network.
2. Such activity can only be exercised if no intelligence is present if the correct actions were pre-programmed by intelligence.
3. Therefore, most probably, the gene regulatory network was programmed by an intelligent agency.
1. The setup of functional Information retrieval systems, like a library classification system, is always tracked back to intelligence
2. The gene regulatory network is a fully automated, pre-programmed, ultra-complex gene information extraction system
3. Therefore, its origin is best explained through intelligent setup
1. DNA stores information based on a code system, and codified, complex, instructional information, with the same function as a blueprint.
2. All codes and blueprints come from intelligence.
3. Therefore, the genetic code and the instructions to build cells and complex biological organisms, stored in DNA, were most likely created by an intelligent agency.
1. Cells use sophisticated information transmission and amplification systems (signalling pathways), information interpretation, combination and selection ( the Gene regulatory network ) encoding and transcription ( DNA & RNA polymerase machines ) transmission (mRNA), and decoding ( Ribosome ) systems.
2. Setup of information transmission systems, aka. transmission, amplification, interpretation, combination, selection, encoding, transmission, and decoding are always a deliberate act of intelligence
3. The existence of the genetic information transmission system is best explained by the implementation of an intelligent designer.
The central problem in biology
Complex Specified/instructing Information - It’s not that hard to understand
DNA stores literally coded information
The language of the genetic code
Coded information comes always from a mind
The genetic code cannot arise through natural selection
The five levels of information in DNA
The genetic code, insurmountable problem for non-intelligent origin
Wanna Build a Cell? A DVD Player Might Be Easier
The amazing DNA information storage capacity
The different genetic codes
The various codes in the cell
DNA - the instructional blueprint of life
Is calling DNA code just a metaphor?
Intelligent Design Academy What about the long term evolution experiment?
Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species.
Also the algae experiments some this February?
That was AMAZING!! Thank you for explaining in such eloquent terms, the obvious truth of our existence.
Excellent & logic explanation - 10 points !
Thank you!
Love this guy. So very articulate.
The light shines upon the darkness yet the darkness cannot understand or know it.
Willingly ignored it.
LOVE reading your books ("Signature in the Cell," "Darwin's Doubt") and listening to you explain "Intelligent Design," Dr. Meyer. Putting these complex concepts into layman's terms that a person of average intelligence can understand is an extraordinary gift. Thank you and God bless!
I am a software engineer for over 23 years. It is very complex precise work. We have to debug and test many times to get code to work correctly so to think you can just randomly change code and come up with complex complete code for proteins is nonsense.
THAT says everything ~ evolution explains 'survival'.....not 'ARRIVAL' it! How grand!
yes, this is the quintessence of this whole subject
It explains both.
Wow, this guy is brilliant
I love how science proves God
Dr. Myers is the best. He explains this better than anyone. I’ve been following he and Dr. Berlinski for 10 years..Darwin’s theory worked for its time, but discovery has changed that theory..Keep pushing Dr. M, we proletariats’ are behind you!!!
I love it! Science is revealing God and not dismissing or disproving Him ❤️
Thank you Stephen Meyer. You have a knack of simplifying scientific data in layman's terms thus making it easier to understand the information presented to us. Appreciate your hard work and all the scientists at the Discovery Institute who use science to argue for Design and an Intelligent Mind
Wish I had studied deeper as early as at school,but this is great information .👍🏻🍒Anytime. Be back here.
Very good!
It’s funny how Richard Dawkins has been quoted as saying he could accept the idea of a simple God, or even an alien, or that we can become a god ourselves. So in other words, he just can’t accept the GOD of the Bible.
That is the only God that is impossible in his mind.
Even though that would be the only God capable of starting a universe like the one we live in. Only an infinite, all knowing, all powerful, always present God can be powerful to start a “big bang”. There was a Big Bang alright. The moment God said, “let there be light”
Absolutely fascinating and I love how Dr Meyer explains the science in a language I can understand.
I make it easier: 2:46 1/64 of all mutations creates new information
Watson and Crick who discovered the DNA double Helix in 1953 put an end to the theory of evolution its just that a lot of people never received or understood the memo.
German engineer and IT specialist, Werner Gitt summarizes it this way: A necessary requirement for generating meaningful information is the ability to select from alternatives and this requires an intelligent, volitional entity. Unguided, random processes cannot do this not in any amount of time because this selection process demands continuous guidance.
Very Good! The more I lean about proteins, the more shocked I am that any knowledgeable people still have faith in evolution. It was a reasonable theory, back in the 19th century, but we've learned SO MUCH that it's clearly bankrupt.
Nice logical explanation!
Sad to think some would watch this and still cling to their archaic “something from nothing” presupposition.
Thank you for an amazing insight into the subject
Signature In The Cell by Stephen Meyer, was one of THE SEMINAL WORKS on DNA as evidence of Intelligent Design. Even Atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel applauded it! (Though I'll admit, it was a tad too technical for ME.) Stephen, I believe you're a TRUE PIONEER of our day, who will be seen (in future years) as one of the few people who saw the OBVIOUS, and was courageous enough to take a stand against the mainstream Materialistic worldview. P.S. I never saw you DRIVING AROUND before, while explaining the wonders of Intelligent Design. Nice touch :-)
I think Mr. Meyer gives a wrong answer on the last question (Why do certain scientists reject Intelligent Design Theory?). I think the answer is much more pragmatic and rational than explaining the "mind". The answer is: because when there's no "Intelligent Designer" presented, any "evil" act could be assumed "good", and therefore the "evil" becomes relativistic and abstract idea. In other words: when there's no a judge to judge your actions, all actions you plan and perform could be seen as "meant to be good". You might drop a nuclear bomb and exterminate 40-50 000 people instantly and ruin the life of couple of next generations, but when there's no "intelligent designer" to judge your act as "incredibly evil", you might assume that throwing a nuclear bomb is actually a "good thing", because it scientifically displays what's the effect of a nuclear bomb.
Those scientists who reject the existence of an intelligent designer, are looking for self-comforting excuse for their own monstrosity.
Yes Borislav, I like your last sentence.
Thanks for sharing. Great presentation.
Excellent, so well explained by Stephen
You figured it all out. Great!!
i have spoken to atheists and explained these ideas and the ID approach to proving intelligent design using darwin's own methods, but it seems to go completely over their head. i think the idea is subtle, but when a person has their preconceived biases and compound that with the fact that one has to have at least a modicom of critical thought and logic makes it a real uphill struggle to get them to the stage when tthe "penny drops".
"explained these ideas and the ID approach to proving intelligent design using darwin's own methods, " what do you mean by darwin's methods?
Mindhumble People only believe what they want to.
Thank. You have truly helped me understand the fallacies Darwin threw our way.
God is a great Creator! Definitely a great Writer.
And artist as well..
Clear evidence for a Creator - The Lord of lords.
You don't need faith nowadays to arrive at the conclusion that was a Perfect Mind, a Creator who designed this complexity impossible to imagine. I always ways rational, exceptic and now I know that. Thanks Stephen!!
God bless the beautiful mind He gave you, Stephen C. Meyer.
Very inspiring, very thought provoking.. I have read and will keep reading much more stuffs related to ID
ID has bolstered my faith. I would still believe without it, but God is merciful. In these last days, He is giving us believers (and those who do not believe) His mercy and grace, in direct opposition to the stranglehold that the materialists have over science and science education in this country. Thank you, Lord!!!!
Science leads to God - though science done superficially will take us away from God, so the more you research the more study it the more we realize that science will lead as to God either sooner or later!
Thanks for your work it’s shows there’s only one explanation for creation
a amazing intelligent creator
Much appreciated really learnt from your work
Another curious thing, is the possibility of "looking at our own thoughts" as if we're an observer that is conscious of thoughts and with training it's even possible to even choose the thoughts that we want around... people are more than sacks of cells.
HI Salvador, agreed, people are not just sacks of cells. The former atheist turned Christian author C.S. Lewis said if our thoughts are just random firings of neurons in our brain, then they have no meaning and my ideas are no better than yours and vice versa.
I am impressed! Your discussion on the mind fascinated me. Kant, the philosopher, explained that we process everything through our natural mind. it is not that mind exist, but that "How do we know that when we see red, it is the ting in itself not green? We can only be sure if the Creator became human and communicated that to us thus verified our senses. hence not only is there intelligent design but we can trust our that intelligence talks to us..
It's funny that Dawkins attempted to prove evolution without the need for intelligence by creating a program that was aimed to find its predetermined conclusion. Obviously, this involved no intelligence.
lol. If at least he could laugh...
I wish Stephen Meyer and Professor Denis Noble would do an interview together.. different topics, but similar outcomes in their theories.
Very good argument.
You are a smart man Steven.
Yes he is and is hated by not a few in the scientific realm. It is the discovery institute that evokes them to considerable anger. The reason is the same when anyones belief, or professed belief is threatened. Oh I have been wrong!. Lawence Krauss; "A uniiverse from nothing" is such a one.
Can we have an Arabic Translation CC? PLEASE
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds,
there is none that does good.
Psalm 14:1 [RSV]
This is interesting. does anyone have videos that propose the counter argument?
The most vocal critic is Ken Miller who is a theistic evolutionist. You will find him on youtube. His argument for the origin of the bacterial flagellum centers around the magical CO-OPTION. That is, another bacterium that has 10 of the 30 odd proteins that the flagellum must have.. To account for the 20 to make up the flagellum he says they were co-opted or seconded randomly from bits and pieces of protein parts from somewhere, not even a guess where, and a couple of cellular pumps used for a different purpose near the cell membrane. But no one in the lab has ever seen/proven that co-option ever occurs in cell biology or Biology per se. Like all origin ideas it is full of maybes, must have beens, might haves etc. Trust me you would be wasting your time.
Bob Newhart had a comedy bit where millions of monkeys were placed at millions of typewriters to test the theory that eventually they would type all the great books. One of the monitors of the experiment became excited when he finally discovered that one monkey had typed, “To be or not to be that is the gazzzornunplat.” Even in the 50s people knew information was not the result of randomness.
Thankyou Mayer
Stephen Meyer is a Master of Science. Without intelligent design, life is a futile attempt to connect invisible dots. Yet the invisible Designer has left visible dots in creation for all to connect. May the rocks cry out!!
Superb - As the Bible has told us "IN THE BEGGING GOD " Our DNA is so unique and special ONLY a truly wonderful Creator could have accomplished this re; Genesis before anything came into being GOD WAS
This is so intriguing... this is not theist vs atheist battle, is open mind vs closed mind
I would like to know if the information is received by the DNA molecule in “real time” (ie like an antennae) or if it is imbedded within the molecule itself.
Everything Dr. Stephen is talking about "mind" is so pretty obvious.
Its consciousness. It is the basic stuff of the universe, and it works against entropy and drives towards intelligence and complexity.
Dawkins must have pushed the dislike button 46 times.....not like him to pull himself away from the mirror .....vain egotistic man ..
i find this fascinating, and i get what he s saying... i think also the complexity of dna, shows a creator, i really do.]
So who wrote the first code? How is there life to code life. I think this discounts chemistry and sub quantum physics that we really though quite sofisticated know little about in relation to possibilities in the greater universe or cosmos
It's mind boggling how anyone could imagine the specified information that's encoded in DNA which requires one the most complex proteins to "Read & Translate The Information", is somehow randomly created itself from nothing to enable it with an ability to physically
attach itself to the DNA , read and translate the code and create the specific information from it to help other equally complex machines (proteins) make more purpose specific
proteins. It's like swamp water building a modern day city. All the stuffs there less the
intelligence required to create the information and the ability to comprehend the information
for a future purpose and the lack of 10's of thousands of informed coordinated forces
required to start at a preliminary point and end up at future point with a city.
The stuff that takes place in so called simple cells and the amount of information
required for its proper function itself is enormous , never mind the ginormous amount
of information required for inter-cellular interactions . This alone pales our smartest
civil engineers abilities with their intelligence and ability of foresight. Unbelievable
that intelligent people can even consider this with the amount of scientific "Information"
showing otherwise.
The scientific world slowly needs to change paradigms but sadly I don't see that anytime soon
Is there enough time for a random mutation to work?
God is the creator he is the light and love.
The one thing we know for sure is, everytime a scientific experiment takes place it proves it takes an intelligent cause to perform the experiment.
Bread doesnt make itself. Haha!
Alguien que me comparta un Link donde esté traducido a español este video
How can anyone believe in evolution now that the truth is obvious?
Thank you for sharing. Really interesting.
The movie Contact beautifully illustrates this concept. Arrow at is given a glimpse of a planet orbiting Vega and sees a level of order to which she immediately responds “they’re alive.”
Dawkins is not nearly as smart as we think he is. He might be as smart as he THINKS he is. But he isn’t as smart as he needs to be to make the claims and objections he makes. And would love to see him and David Berlinski debate.
GOD is the best designer, programmer, architect, creator, engineer...
You had me right up until intelligent design. Yes, you are correct and saying that the search space is vast and that it's complexity is enormous and the successful results few and far between. Yet, so our prime numbers and we can find new primes with basic rules.
That being said, I do wonder if certain pairs or certain combination of pairs are more likely to go together and create new traits. Such that, it is not a "brute Force algorithm" but rather a "neural network" based on simplistic rules that has built up on itself since the beginning of time.
The camera man had a few too many
What I find interesting is the NASA astronaut with an identical twin brother that spent a year in space had his DNA changed when compared to his brother. The other thing I thought interesting was back millions of years ago on earth the atmosphere was comprised of different ratios of elements. There was a study in which dragonflies were raised in an environment replicating the earth a million years ago. They became many times the size of the originals. That seems to tell you DNA is subject to the environment. Amazingly complex and designed to function anywhere in the universe. The building blocks of the universe work together in a way that makes the case for intelligent design, in other words a God so to speak.
I'm a little troubled by the idea that fundamentalists are so blindly attracted to Meyer. For the record, I myself am drawn to his argument; it's endlessly compelling, a fresh perspective on the possible origins of life. However, what I'm put off by here in the comments section is the religiously ignorant pointing, enthusiastically, to what they now believe is solid evidence for their god being the one who kicked it all off.
There must be a transcendent being that exists outside the material universe who conceived this. It is not logical to insist this could happen by random chance.
And God is the creator of these all miracles
What about the long term evolution experiment?
Done with E. Coli and proved and shown they mutated into a different species.
Also the algae experiments some this February?
What did the E. Coli bacteria become after the evolution time lapse? ...or the algae? Answer: bacteria and algae.
kylethedalek I understood they degraded ?
Craig Ventor and his team spent 10 years mapping out the human genome or DNA. Though he is not a creationist he did say at least 80% of the non producing DNA, (its introns) are not junk and are tied up with gene expression. That was 7 years ago and now more is known about epigenetics, but still away to go to fully understand it; it may well be connected to those introns. Bacteria are some 3 billion years old and the creator gave them the ability to share Genes since they dont sexually reproduce. Please cite the authoritive peer reviewed references for your claims re E coli and Algae.
All bacteria are involved in all life forms and as long as they dont wind up in the wrong organisn or animal, will be beneficial. They can adapt to antibiotics because in the Gene pool of each of their species are variations that will resist, and as said can share genes to help each other out.(plasmid activity). But they have remained bugs for more than 3 billion years and are ubiquitous in land air and sea. Such is the wisdom of the creator, and they will never be any more than bugs.
Mmmmm interesting 🤔 watching in 2022
Basically there is an intelligence behind the information coding for DNA.
I want to see @richarddawkins debate this point.
That man has a brilliant mind and I appreciate that he doesn't turn the "Intelligent Design" theory into a thin veil for Bible based creationism with it's horrific "God."
Intelligent Design is now being called Epi-Genetics, and it is we who are the designers. In other words we have never been separate from God, and thus that energy works through us interdimensionally I believe through what they call the Hox Gene. This is not necessarily done by our intellectualization of what we desire of our bodies, but almost as a subconscious directive by us to correct an issue that needed correction to be used effectively in this reality and location where you live in on this earth.
7:17 when your atheist/ evolutionist friend gets a lift home from school by your dad and begins to question recent life decisions.
Indian Scientists of Ancients times say, that Knowledge (Gnyana) is defined as God or vice versa.
Being Knowledgeable means having all information (All Data).
Data is Intelligence. Data or Information or Intelligence is synonymous to Knowledge.
One persons opinion. There is plenty of evidence indicating major evolutionary changes. Very few species are the same now as they were in the distant past. Species evolved and still are, we are changing basic traits ourselves in farmed and domestic animals through selective breeding and many more changes have a distinct and traceable link in evolution even without human interaction. Just examine fossil evidence for major changes to a species. Examine the DNA changes and similarities between what now appear to be completely different animals (and plants) which in fact show common ancestry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but in my view the evidence strongly points to evolution.
HI Roger, I agree with most of what you say. You can study how the horse evolved from millennia ago to today, but it's still a horse. God created various "kinds" according to Genesis 1, a bovine kind, a feline kind, and so on.
Secular scientists play poker with God. They put a card on the table and say " Evolution; I'll raise you 100". God puts a card on the table and says " DNA; you lose"!
All life is information based (there are no known exceptions) and DNA has been shown to be the software of life.
You have to be a complete idiot to think that software (DNA) can be created by randomly mutating the code and then using selection. No software is designed this way.
Let me quote Craig Venter:
"We have shown that DNA is actually the software of life.
It is totally interchangeable between the digital world and the biological world."
"We are now using computer software to design new DNA software. All living cells that we know of on this planet are 'DNA software'-driven biological machines comprised of hundreds of thousands of protein robots, coded for by the DNA, that carry out precise functions."
--- Craig Venter, Trinity College Dublin, July 12, 2012
That evidence is enough proof that, there is some one who created the universe and us. and it's Almighty Allah...
You need more evidence for that. Also to learn what evidence means
Materialism is dead
the male provides the code that drives represents the environment whereas the female stores the genetic code of the past and is used to adapt to the environment.
Delphi, Agree with Allan, pure nonsense. Not even a biochemical evolutionist would entertain that. RUBBISH.
It's very telling the lengths to which people are willing to go to show there is no need for an intelligent creator. It's also very telling how quickly the insult start to fly when you tell someone you believe in God. Methinks the Lady doth protest too much...