The Return of the Jedi Boba Fett figure is actually a massive improvement over the ESB one (even though I prefer his look in ESB). Better articulation, and more accessories. I have both displayed, but I was surprised that the RotJ Fett was largely a completely new figure.
These are always crazy cool.
Of all the hascrap stuff to have ever been made. This set is an absolute badassness masterpiece ❤
they need to re-release these as set.
It would be $200 lol
Awesome looking figures Happy May 4
This is the scene that made me fall in love with the franchise.
Those little pegs on the arms just behind the hands plug into the guns so IG-88 can hold them.
6:38 Was this on purpose? The kenner figure was the exact same, but I don't remember it being like that in the film
Haven't collected SW since PoTF 2, and it'll always be 3 3/4" for me, but this is a great looking crew. #DashRendar
The Return of the Jedi Boba Fett figure is actually a massive improvement over the ESB one (even though I prefer his look in ESB). Better articulation, and more accessories. I have both displayed, but I was surprised that the RotJ Fett was largely a completely new figure.