How to Avoid Astrological Burnout: Don't Be Afraid of Pluto - Episode 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 185

  • @Michelle-cb5jf
    @Michelle-cb5jf 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +62

    I am a Capricorn rising and as everyone knows we have it in our 1st house. For the bulk of this 15-16 year period I didn’t know a thing about astrology and I’m glad because it would have just made me worry more. But I’m not going to sugar coat it, this was hands down the toughest period of my life. Health, money, relationships crumbled and on and on. But the phoenix analogy is true. I didn’t think at times I would survive on want to!! But I’m glad I persevered. I’ve grown a ton and it’s good!

    • @helenplass9875
      @helenplass9875 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Cap rising here too and I have to say, I echo you 100%. Now the south node is in engagement with my Pluto and I’m learning to turn the page on my opinion about Pluto. Pluto’s now my hype girl who pushes, well shoves, everything out of my way that’s not for me! Lol

    • @Michelle-cb5jf
      @Michelle-cb5jf 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Hi Helen! It’s great to talk to other cap rising to hear about their experiences too. Finding astrology in the midst of this transit was cathartic but because of the way most astrologers speak about it I’m glad I didn’t know a thing about before it went into my 1st house.
      I hope your life is lightening up too! Sending you love!

    • @littlebit8
      @littlebit8 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Same for me. When I started looking at astrology, Pluto had just started crossing my ascendant. 2 years later, I am divorced, live in a new town where I am starting a new career. Pluto has taught me a lot. A beautiful divine wrecking ball? Either way I am not in an abusive marriage anymore and I am thankful for the guidance of Pluto showing me what I was living in.

    • @Michelle-cb5jf
      @Michelle-cb5jf 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @littlebit8 Glad you too have come out the other side having learned a lot and better for it. Sending you peace and love on your journey. And I liked what you said “beautiful wrecking ball”

    • @gemini61562
      @gemini61562 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      On the other side of the coin, I'm an early cap rising and I really haven't had any major difficulty with this transit. I did quit drinking and eating dairy foods. So I changed my health for the better.

  • @raychelparks
    @raychelparks 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    If you fear Pluto you fear your own power!

    • @Lisa-sq3zl
      @Lisa-sq3zl 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Great point. I think that's true.

    • @genghisgalahad8465
      @genghisgalahad8465 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Fear not the planet with a warm heart, astronomically!

    • @luminousvox29
      @luminousvox29 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wow. That’s profound.

  • @soundsponge8
    @soundsponge8 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    Love this. My natal sun is at 28° Cap, and these past few years where he’s been close to my sun have been a challenge, in literally every area of my life. I experienced depths of darkness I had no idea I was capable of experiencing. But Pluto taught me how to navigate that darkness, as I had my spiritual awakening during that time and learned deep, deep levels of surrender to my soul’s calling.
    Yes there has been “destruction” and lots of it, but it’s been for my own good, for regeneration. The destruction were just of castles built in the sand, but I’m rebuilding my life with solid foundations built on the truth of my core.
    Pluto still isn’t finished with me 🤣 but I truly have so much gratitude for what has happened these past few years.
    At first I was like, “Why is this happening to me?!” Now I work with him and ask, “Why is this happening FOR me, and what am I meant to learn?” 🖤

    • @lisamoore750
      @lisamoore750 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @tinareynolds2938
    @tinareynolds2938 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Luke asks,” what’s in there?” And Yoda says, “Only what you bring with you.” And then tells him he won’t need the weapons. I rewatched it recently wanting to revisit what Yoda had to say in that training segment. I suspected it was deep philosophical wisdom due to Lucas’s Joseph Campbell connection and it was. So great!

  • @Philosophy28369
    @Philosophy28369 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    This is so true... it got to the point my family asked me to stop following and watching astrologers who are negative because it started affecting my mental health. Everyone wants the truth, I get it but like my pops always says "it's not what you say it's how you say it". Delivering the information and putting fear into people's hearts is not the way to go. Call me weak idc, I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that enjoy that kind of content, not me. The world is hard enough already. Thanks for the video. This was great info.

    • @allseeingeye5301
      @allseeingeye5301 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      That's why I stopped following other astrologers. No hate 😊 some of these astrologers are really talented then you see how their ego feeds off negativity and it's a no go for me. I dislike it greatly when they exaggerate transits and think it's funny. It's like they're laughing at other people's misfortunes. Funnier when they downplay their own sign or of the people close to them 😂 they claim to be love and light and really preach doom and gloom. I definitely agree with you.

  • @melinafritzler9864
    @melinafritzler9864 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Natal pluto conjunct moon in 5th house libra opposite sun in Aries in 11th! I thought everyone was in perpetual unconscious exploration for fun!

  • @anglkisez
    @anglkisez 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    As a Libra rising, I have a stellium in Scorpio. I've learned that pluto forces change for the better. One can either go with it, or fight against it regardless, Pluto will win and you will be forced kicking and screaming. Learn to embrace change and things will not be as difficult

  • @Cindy.Brown.79
    @Cindy.Brown.79 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Im a Scorpio Sun but also have Pluto in my first house so I definitely feel what a lot of you all have had to say about your experiences deep in my soul. Most of all Pluto is about growth and transformation in ways that we can’t really fathom until we are through it. Imo.

    • @auntiebarnes
      @auntiebarnes 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same here. Wild ride! Stay strong.

  • @echolio22
    @echolio22 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    After many years of Pluto going through one square after another to my natal sun then Mercury, MC, and natal south node in Libra- I'm actually looking forward to seeing what the upcoming years of trine to those placements will be like - when Pluto re-enters Aquarius. I imagine it to be a cathartic revealing of the underlying learning from all that "intensity" - but who knows... only time will tell!

  • @lisamoore750
    @lisamoore750 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I’ve had Pluto conj my 26 degree Cap sun and I am a Leo rising & moon. Been life altering and I don’t want to frighten anyone but there’s been a lot of loss. My husband passed suddenly in early Jan and if it weren’t for the soul balm of astrology (I practice & have my own personal astrologer) it would be even more difficult.
    Love your words about how fear can’t touch the soul and that’s been my biggest lesson thus far. Thank you for your guidance and many blessings for you and your family.

    • @soundsponge8
      @soundsponge8 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @janestanton9422
      @janestanton9422 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Sorry for your loss 😢💜

    • @sararichardson737
      @sararichardson737 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      26 degree cancer sun. Lost significant other Nov 2022. Lost home also. I’m feeling so darn tired.

    • @lisamoore750
      @lisamoore750 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sararichardson737 I feel you and we can do this. Sending you love and healing ❤️💫

    • @lisamoore750
      @lisamoore750 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@janestanton9422 thank you 💜

  • @raychelparks
    @raychelparks 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I have realized that people with a lot of anxiety in general will get anxiety over everything and they have a lot of squares in their chart indicating internal conflict. Somehow I got lucky to have no squares in my natal chart which made a lot since when I learned about this. I do have oppositions which I experience as conflict with other people. The rest of my chart has trines and sextiles which feels like internal ease and flow. I am so happy I found astrology! It’s been the missing link in my life that has brought me so much magic and connection! I fucking love Pluto! Talk about power! ❤

  • @jenniferbell5512
    @jenniferbell5512 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When Pluto entered Aquarius my 12th house of hidden enemies. Someone hacked my Facebook, they changed my phone number, so I will never be able to get it back. My photo album for the last 15-years is gone. Tough lesson, but definitely learned to never depend on social media to hold a snapshot of my greatest memories.

  • @marjettaanderson854
    @marjettaanderson854 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Pluto in Capricorn is moving through my second house, and it's been dancing around an opposition to my natal venus in leo in the 8th. It just started early this year and it's going to be an ongoing dance til 2026. I think there are just so many factors at play that you can't just obessess over 1 aspect. I also dont fear change and transformation. I embrace it, if we were to live our lives in a perpetual state of stasis, what fun is that? I'm here to experience ❤

  • @doriskenny4488
    @doriskenny4488 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Pluto has transformed every Cap I know;
    myself included.. through its trials and tribulations highs lows peaks valleys and everything in between.
    I may listen to this twice 🙏

  • @ivena534
    @ivena534 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Love this so much Adam 😍 I am 57 years old and feel my whole life has been about learning to love and trust Pluto. Deep, deep gratitude for your honest reflection and I hope many people will breathe easier and relax into their soul 🙏

  • @psycatnip
    @psycatnip 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    At 38 years old I've had so much experience with Pluto transits - it has conjoined every single planet in my chart except my moon (had an opposition to that). There have been some challenging moments - the Pluto transit conjunct my Mars and square natal Jupiter around 5 y.o. (3rd house - involved early childhood bullying, starting with name-calling) left some wounds that still drive my inner transformation today. Conversly, the one at 14 y.o. (4th house transit) conjunct my Saturn opposing my Gemini moon, which most people versed in astrology would invariably frame negatively, is remembered incredibly positive as I found the courage to learn how to talk to people and took the first vulnerable steps in learning how to connect with other people and make friends.
    Currently I've begun a Pluto transit to my natal sun & Venus at 0° Aquarius and soon Pluto will begin the process of squaring all my natal planets, starting with itself. Rather than fear I find myself feeling anticipatory curiosity - what else is there to transform? I really appreciate what others have written that you can either work with the transformative energies of Pluto or it will make you do the work anyways even if you are kicking and screaming the whole way. Being able to navigate discomfort is definitely one of the gifts Pluto has given me.

  • @charlottecomfort2446
    @charlottecomfort2446 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Uuugggghhh!!! Pluto in Capricorn is steam rollering me, I have 29 Cancer ascendant with natal Pluto/Saturn at 27 Libra, then it will go on to Square my Venus/Sun@ 1/3Scorpio. I moved from Scotland to the US (rural Northern Michigan) in 2009 when Pluto entered Capricorn to get married. The 2020 Capricorn conjunction blew the marriage apart, my 2 year long divorce was finalized in March this year.
    I would love to go home to my family and friends, but I have a son with my ex so that’s not going to happen. I’m so lonely and exhausted. I tell myself my soul must have wanted this experience, but my God is it tired.

    • @janestanton9422
      @janestanton9422 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I understand the part about wanting to go home but can't because of elderly husband and commitments. I want to go back to the south of England on the coast where I was born. I miss it and the people down in my soul. 😢

    • @charlottecomfort2446
      @charlottecomfort2446 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@janestanton9422 Aw 😔 massive hugs Jane, I know exactly how you feel ❤️‍🩹

    • @Petrenko2012
      @Petrenko2012 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

  • @glacierwk6933
    @glacierwk6933 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Thank you for this,,, I never thought about Pluto until it transited over my natal venus during a new moon eclipse in Scorpio in early December 2021. My husband unexpectedly died the day after😢,,,this probably doesn't help the case of Pluto not being intense, however I am open to the healing aspects of Pluto as well. I get so much from your analysis🙏

    • @7655kitten
      @7655kitten 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @tinareynolds2938
      @tinareynolds2938 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sorry for your loss. This was when my Mom passed and the Pluto conjunct Venus Rx (which squared my Libra MC and my IC ruler) was happening in my chart. Definitely a biological truth about all of us that isn’t necessarily pleasant for most about our deaths and how it can happen at any time. Is there power in the truth about our powerlessness over what happens in life with regard to this type of event? (The power is in our response, I suppose) 😢❤

    • @RodeoDogLover
      @RodeoDogLover 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @blesseddanzy8552
      @blesseddanzy8552 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Im so sorry for the loss of your husband sending you a big hug.❤

  • @clairekeller4303
    @clairekeller4303 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I have had Pluto hanging out on my Sun in 3rd hs and coming back in this retrograde. I wrote a book and transformed my relationship with my sister, who did experience the death of her child. Natal, I have Pluto in house 12. I believe Pluto should be described as Spirit world, spirit guide, or shamanic journey. That's my experience., I visit spirit worlds in my sleep.

  • @annakobuk3618
    @annakobuk3618 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Pluto is change, transformation and obsession. Pluto gets what is hidden very deeply and shows it to the world.

  • @rewfrog
    @rewfrog 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Pluto is a gift. I'm proud of myself for saying yes to going deeper. Thank you for reframing this planet, it helps me understand Pluto which has been going over my Capricorn stellium.

  •  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    * right before I start losing it after reading ALL about my approaching pluto square natal venus transit * thank you!

    • @SweetShine213
      @SweetShine213 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am at the tail end of this Pluto squaring my Venus and i got married during this transit❣️

  • @bridgetsalata501
    @bridgetsalata501 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Pluto squared my large 6 planet and ASC ♌️ stellium from 4-29’ for 12 years in ♏️. 💯 transformational from the head to toe…. Challenging yes but the growth was so deep …. So now I’m looking at 20 years of Pluto opposition…. And being in my 60’s ….. I must still have a lot of growing to do….for sure there will be soul searching, deep transformation…. But I’m here for it …. So true when you said embrace Pluto, make friends…. Open arms….. it’s coming !!!
    Pluto squaring me for so long made me strong , independent confident and soulful. It must have been in preparation for the opposition!!!

  • @LanaK83
    @LanaK83 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In a world where its in our nature to try to always find an easy way out and there is a pill or a quick fix for almost everything its very hard to see Pluto as good. I also feared Pluto. What made me change my perspective is my opiate addiction many years ago was wrecking my life and at the time of a significant Pluto transit I was able to start the recovery and do it the right way instead of finding the easy solution. I am very grateful for it. I think of Pluto as a strict guardian. If Pluto does not feel my “toy” is good for me, he will take it despite my tantrums.
    He will also do it for my own good.
    Haha I just realized that I am probably not making any sense explaining what it means to me, but I tried 😂❤.
    I appreciate you Adam.

  • @ClipsBolinha
    @ClipsBolinha 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Beautiful sermon from the stars, astro priest! ❤⭐

  • @lunabee89
    @lunabee89 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’ve had intense dreams since I was very young. I believe my first memory was a dream. These are not unicorns farting rainbows types of dreams. They are quite the opposite. I can smell, feel, tase etc.. I have many falling dreams where I do not jump awake. I have died on multiple occasions in dreams without jumping awake (sometimes ending up in a different reality). I have fallen asleep, had a dream, fell asleep in that dream to have another dream. Then wake up from each dream in reverse order. It sounds crazy but it’s now become a part of me. I’m okay with how confusing and scary they can be. I would not give them up. I’ve finally come to terms with them and appreciate all these experiences. I’ll use a weighted blanket (thank for that tip in a past episode!) when I really need a break and my cats have not coughed up a hairball on it. Anyway, I have a stellium in Scorpio and a stellium in Capricorn, this episode means a lot! Thank you Adam!

  • @allisayisthatyouhavetobehere
    @allisayisthatyouhavetobehere 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe one could argue to compare Pluto to a recycling vehicular that comes, takes something wasteful away from you, but then in return during and after the recycling process gives you something fresh, useful to start anew. It is there to painfully remove something in our lives that is no longer useful but gives you the opportunity to rise from the ashes, build new grounds. Pluto Transits are actually great in the sense that you may lose something, but you win something else.

  • @msmaryna961
    @msmaryna961 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Appreciate this perspective. Pluto in my 4th for 14 years has been the most devastating and shocking experience of my life. I still don't understand what happened, but I did survive it and slowly rebuilding my foundations. I don't think any astrological text could have prepared me for the experience, but learning about Pluto in retrospect is beneficial to the process.

    • @clairvphen0mena391
      @clairvphen0mena391 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I have Pluto in the 4th cusping my 5th. Ughhh

  • @genievibes3675
    @genievibes3675 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Anybody that says "don't be afraid of Pluto" hasn't lived a life of Pluto transiting every natal planet of their chart, final aspect to come, 2 degree 1st house Aquarius Chiron. My entire life has been Pluto transits, occasionally 5 or 6 years between, but I didn't know astrology. The title alone felt like a basketball in my gut but I will listen for tools not to be terrified by the next fall into the flames.

  • @barba7741
    @barba7741 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I have Pluto in Cancer opposite Venus in Aquarius, Venus is then opposing Moon, Moon 5 degrees conjunct Pluto. Then Moon opposing Mars in Pisces. Pluto is also trine Neptune. It's like a ricochet of energy, I sometimes feel like I am the one like the child in the tale, who points out that the emperor has no clothes. Like I am the Pluto to other people.

  • @user-wn2vl8lz8j
    @user-wn2vl8lz8j 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Excellent topic thank you. I definitely need help with this. I have stopped watching some astrologers who overdramatise stuff in a negative way. Truth is important but ultimately I do believe there is an empowering way to discuss the challenges we face. So I;m becoming more picky about who I watch.

  • @ashleyfoster7047
    @ashleyfoster7047 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There are some big Pluto transits coming up in both my husband and my charts. Squares to our early degree Taurus placements. Thank you for sharing your experiences! Unconscious material revealed is a very insightful way to look at it.

  • @musiclover12369
    @musiclover12369 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Pluto has been squaring my mars (5th & 12th house ruler) the past two years and I experienced it as unconscious material from traumas helping me create something meaningful. I was finally able to finish the book I’d been working on for years. Now that I look back I’m really thankful I had this transit, I probably wouldn’t have completed the project and discovered my inner strength had it not been for it. Crazily enough I actually look forward to it squaring my mercury for the next few years.

  • @LiLiKay1221
    @LiLiKay1221 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Scorpio rising here, turning 40 in 2 weeks with a seemingly neverending Neptune square Neptune alongside Pluto square Pluto ( and good God someone please just wake me when it's over!) But everything you talk about rings so very true and it was a perfectly timed reminder that I deeply needed and appreciate❤

    • @rhiannonnickerson2360
      @rhiannonnickerson2360 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Scorpio rising conjunct Pluto here & samsies! I needed to get a new filter away from my old fearful worry that this placement makes me too intense and out of place for not wielding a sword as a war monger (Aires moon)

  • @theplayofsunandshadow7062
    @theplayofsunandshadow7062 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Your description of my modern astrological misunderstanding of Pluto was spot on. I'll lead with the healing archetype from now on. Thanks!

  • @thebeenu
    @thebeenu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you Adam... this reflection on Pluto was just what I needed today! Some dark clouds (from early May) reappeared yesterday and I found myself getting frustrated with astrology for amplifying the shadows more than casting light.
    I love the image of Pluto as my friend, therapist and soul coach inviting and encouraging me to go deeper, because I capable and because there's treasures of the soul in my caves that are the real riches of this long strange infinitely beautiful trip.. indeed there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Cheers :)

  • @erikabautista6960
    @erikabautista6960 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Is it just a coincidence you are wearing a black hoodie today ? 😉

  • @brendapappas8433
    @brendapappas8433 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you again Adam!
    This talk on Pluto just solidifies my feelings on Hades/Pluto.
    I bought a Hades figurine from Greece🌙I have Pluto in the same House as my Sun. He has been in Conjunction with my Moon for 15 years. He will soon be in my 1st house with my Ascendent and will oppose my Sun. I honestly feel that what has been hidden slowly is coming to the truth! As difficult some life events has and still is happening I feel a closeness to him. I am not as afraid but feel supported💫

  • @snakewomangirl
    @snakewomangirl 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’ve got natal Pluto conjunct natal Moon & Uranus opposite natal Venus (and Chiron), I’ve always been held back by unconscious stuff from an abusive childhood. I’ve had 10 years of deep therapy & I’ve had to become aware, understand and accept the parts of me that I had exiled. I’m comfortable with most of my different parts now and am able to help others to listen to their parts who are tentatively emerging from the unconscious. I like Pluto & look forward to its transits as I experience them as an unearthing & refining of the riches from my unconscious material & boy, there are shitloads of gems that come up to the surface.

    • @SweetShine213
      @SweetShine213 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Fantastic share/comment! Thank you!

    • @janestanton9422
      @janestanton9422 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I have the same placements and have gone through such intense, deep childhood healing for years. How old are you? I'm 60 ☺️

  • @WildflowersWithin
    @WildflowersWithin 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    “It’s our own distrust of the soul, of the mystery of the soul, that leads us to experience it as an enemy. We have to move through that, and Pluto helps us move through that. And this is why Pluto is associated with the initiation of the soul.” Effin’ mic 🎤 drop Adam!! 💥✨🙌🏽🌹❤️‍🔥🌟💯

  • @stacecadet1896
    @stacecadet1896 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I appreciate the way Adam explains everything. 🦋❤️

  • @donnariseborough2641
    @donnariseborough2641 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I love Pluto ❤️ I'm a scorpio sun mercury 3rd house

    • @donnariseborough2641
      @donnariseborough2641 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am always in a better place once Pluto has done its thing with me I'm very grateful 🙏

  • @Amelia-el4mq
    @Amelia-el4mq 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I've had Pluto aspecting all of my personality planets for the past several years and soon it will be moving into my 1st house. I am scared, I've had to back away from astrology because it has caused a LOT of obsessive thoughts (in my 12th house) that I struggle to get away from and astrology has been a tool for that obsession .. constantly trying to figure out what the outcome of certain things will be.. and I tend to live less and worry more. I don't like that.

    • @Plethorality
      @Plethorality 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Backing off is wise at times. Sometimes we have to just ger on with living, instead of obsessing over the weather.

  • @theweirdestaddams
    @theweirdestaddams 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have Pluto opposing Venus in my natal chart, with Venus in Taurus alongside my sun. My moon is at 29° Capricorn, too, so, Pluto has had a big impact on my life, but especially the last few years while he's been conjunct my natal moon. I'm digging deep into unconscious psychic material, ahd deep into early childhood trauma and the narratives those experiences created within me and how they've shaped my life thus far.
    I'm in the process of integrating so much intergenerational 💩, and have been finding my sense of agency in my life again, thanks to Pluto 🖤

  • @jeanette9205
    @jeanette9205 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you, Adam for another great teaching!
    I just can't help thinking of that Disney dog when i hear the word "Pluto". Hmmmmm a faithful friend perhaps? Lol . To see it that way for me takes the sting out of the inevitable , as I am heading into my last chapter before the end lol

  • @5teffi3
    @5teffi3 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you, Adam, such profound and helpful content. With Sun, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn, in addition to my ascendent ruler the Moon at 29 of Cap, I really felt Pluto and still can. It has been rough, but I appreciate the many gifts.

  • @ArtGardenOracle
    @ArtGardenOracle 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Another genius series Adam. Thank you and so well done on this 1st episode. So thankful to have found you as my astrology teacher! Although pluto wasnt a part of ancient astrology, this episode is Echoing so much what we talked about in year one and this more modern dichotomy of good and bad vs the nuance of benefic and malefic in ancient times.

  • @livinginparallel
    @livinginparallel 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thanks Adam, this is such an important point to make for exactly all the reasons you mentioned! Also, I find it kind of funny that ppl use the word "intense" for Pluto lol when I think Pluto, I think DEEP. Like, yeah, sometimes intense, sure...but like you said, there's so much more than just "intense", thank God🥲

  • @linde753
    @linde753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great info. I am Capricorn Sun 12th House and Aqua Rising. I am coming out of 2 years of Saturn ruled profections. I am done. I'v never been so serious and deppressed in all my life. I have had great past situations sorted out, I have to say my life actually improved when Pluto enters Aqua. Ohhh when it went Retro it dragged all energy out of me. I'm normally energetic so....I'm looking forward to it coming into Aqua next year despite what I just read below of @Michelle. Fingers crossed

  • @ghostylovesu
    @ghostylovesu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've been so anxious about the upcoming eclipse 😅

  • @florenceholmes6463
    @florenceholmes6463 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just what I needed to hear as the Virgo Sun trines a Pluto making its 4th & final conjunction with my natal Cappy Sun 😌🤝✨

  • @shaktiveda7041
    @shaktiveda7041 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hi Adam, quite an interesting conversation here, thank you!
    Fortunately for me, Astrology is the main topic on my desk, yet I often diversify topics by jumping into Numerology, and even Divination, etc. just to avoid the typical burnt out which sometimes has a tendency to come by, seat on a chair in front of me, stare at me, and yawn right in my face...LOL...
    By the way, Scorpio Sun here/Aquarius Moon, actually, I too consider Pluto to be a beneficial Planet; without transformation there's no growth and no point for existence either. As a Scorpio with a Moon, plus true Black Moon Lilith, Chiron all in Aquarius, and Pluto in a sensitive and predominant point in the chart at an anorectic degree squaring the Nodes and Saturn, I can say with confidence that I am familiar with Pluto at a very intimate level...LOL...
    NDE in 1978, very transformative experience along with a whole collection of transformative experiences since birth, so far.
    So glad I had a moment to listen to this video today, thanks!

    @5FTASSASSIN22 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you for this, it’s been hard being a Taurus rising for the last few years.

  • @LaurenCecilia722
    @LaurenCecilia722 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Thank you so much for this video Adam. I have learned so much from you over the years and just wanted to give a little love for Pluto in hopes that it supports this beautiful message you have put out there. I have Pluto in a 1-degree conjunction with my natal sun in Libra. And I took up meditation three years ago and just a wealth of material came (and continues to come) up to me which has prompted me to dramatically change my life for the better. It has been so hard and so confusing at times… but so healing. It has allowed me to see shadows I didn’t know I had and choose a different way of being that I work to exercise every day. I’m so thankful for all of it, including (and maybe especially) the painful moments.

  • @angelapellino885
    @angelapellino885 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you. This was really beautiful. As a Scorpio rising with Pluto in the first house and Capricorn Sun I know Pluto transits very well and your talk was very insightful and profound 🙏

  • @SimpleMandy
    @SimpleMandy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is a quote from good ole Ron Weasley in Harry Potter that makes me think of Pluto..."you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it."
    Back during my Pluto square is when I discovered astrology, my natal chart (Scorpio Rising) and all things spiritual. After a while with this square I decided to form a relationship to Pluto, and Mars, to be that guide. It turned out to be one of the more painful times of my life. I became sober, and faced the pain that was suppressed but it was the most liberating.

  • @autumnrosenberg5192
    @autumnrosenberg5192 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am trying not to fear Pluto but it’s hard when it’s going into your 8H and all the fast moving planets are going to conjoin Pluto over this next month. I will take a deep breath and hey you can only die once lol. It will pass and may not be have as bad as what I have built in my mind. Really needed to hear good things about Pluto. Thank you Adam.

  • @juliegarten3780
    @juliegarten3780 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This is one I’ll be listening to a few times - amazing info! With sun in Scorpio, Pluto exactly on my ascendant, and Neptune conjunct my sound. (combust actually), this is extremely helpful to me. Thank you, as always!

  • @peggytraeg
    @peggytraeg 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My daughter's third house is Capricorn. While Pluto was transiting Capricorn and conjunctiong her Sun, Venus and Mercury, she discovered her husband used thousands of dollars to pay for prostitutes and other nefarious activities. Very difficult for her to "uncover" the real him. She is in the process of divorcing him. When Pluto was conjunct his moon, his mother died (at a ripe old age) and his granddaughter was born 4 months later.

  • @peacepantherproductions
    @peacepantherproductions 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for this. I do have to say though this Saturn transit of my moon has been a classic doom-y landscape haha … but I remain open

  • @Cmrntylr
    @Cmrntylr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Interestingly, I made a minor joke which reminded me of the song Pluto from Bjork which (i already knew) is a song released not long after the end of her 1st house Pluto transit. What happened? She joined the sugarcubes, had success, went solo being successful on the level that you don’t ever have to hear a song from Bjork to know who she is.
    I wouldn’t (personally) ever worry about outer planet transits. They’re so slow you’re likely to not notice it. A very slow build up to a sensitive point and slow decline.
    Pluto through Capricorn (5th house), I’m the type that always has to be working on some creative project (5 in 1), I found myself looking more at what I wanted to accomplish in terms of depth and changing mediums. Even more so, the mediums I liked working with are worthless as we’ve become more focused on immediate gratification or “one hit wonder” attitudes. It’s the trend, I’m not judging. 😂 I wouldn’t describe that as a very noticeable change as it dragged out for a long time; I wouldn’t fear it as sometimes change is needed even if it’s out of boredom/monotony.
    I will mildly counter argue something while agreeing it depends on the context. I’d argue a horribly timed Saturn transit with natal moon (6th) “kicked my ass and I needed it”, sometimes it’s appropriate and others it’s not. Want an example of a cold Saturn ruled 6th house moon with Saturn in the 1st? That transit did a number on me related to pushing myself to hard and not establishing boundaries which was impacting my short and long term health. Cold = helping others just enables them to make poor decisions and take advantage of you. Why help the big picture when the pieces are all out for themselves? Why put in 110% into work if they see that as a change to put in 10% less than the 50% they’re showing up providing? It’s definitely not the planet, it just may symbolize something by topic that needs attention. An 8th house profection aries and a mars return libra 2nd had my car in the body shop during the supply chain crisis; 2 months of paying for a car rental (forgot to add it to my insurance) which brought up I was only at my employer for the money. I could easily afford it, but I noticed it impacted my ability to save severely where it made it more noticeable I absolutely despised my work. 😆
    But I would agree, more often, new age spirituality and often progressive ideologies is merely a vessel to be both judgmental and even excuse “bullying” by some. Like moon in Aquarius 6th with Saturn 1st: there’s a subjectivity that may have a surprising result. Saturn hitting it meant to chill, relax, everyone else can F off.
    Sometimes you have to let Samwise Gamgee drown for a bit until you weigh out if he’s been pulling his weight or dragging you down. (I’m just being stupid making jokes at this point).
    I’ve never had a “bad transit” that I didn’t think “well, I’m the one who set that up myself”.
    The method I prefer is looking at transits later to see if a topic that came up aligns with said transit, I don’t worry about them. Unless it’s a full moon in scorpio. 🤪

  • @ginahaber3224
    @ginahaber3224 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have hip replacement surgery 11/9. Transiting Mars in my 10th squares natal Pluto in 7. Prayers welcome!!😊

  • @theresapelham1918
    @theresapelham1918 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I loved this
    My moon is squaring my natal Pluto today
    Heading into the woods
    Thanks for this
    One of your fellow Scorpionic sun born now rising as well in my progressed chart
    Pluto Virgo generation

    • @theresapelham1918
      @theresapelham1918 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Long term transit also Saturn opposes natal Pluto

  • @reutloria9737
    @reutloria9737 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you ❤ Pluto, the planet with the heart on it 🙂

  • @nickyt-grey
    @nickyt-grey 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This was so beautiful and well articulated. I feel like you really honoured Pluto here. My life has been very Plutonic, but especially so the last 6 years and I've come to love Pluto and am so grateful for what it brings. Yes intense, yes hard at times, yes challenging, but yet incredibly rich and soulful and purifying. I have something very personal that I made on my alter to honour Pluto as well. Thanks for this💖

  • @JG-yp3vz
    @JG-yp3vz 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Super Good One. Thank you!

  • @skywawl422qq
    @skywawl422qq 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well as a late degree Scorpio I have been described as 'intense' by those who do & do 'not' follow Astrology, so much so that it has become akin to a serious scar on the face...I know myself & am comfortable in my own skin but tend to hide my truth rather than explain myself. Pluto has been a harsh master & I cringe at the whisper of it's name! I cannot wait to graduate out of this Is curriculum & reincarnate into something lighter & hopefully more fun!

  • @corinabtaylor
    @corinabtaylor 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks Adam! I have Pluto conjunct my N.N in Virgo in my 2nd house. I've listened to Jeffrey Wolf Green speak about Pluto and it has helped me to see and understand somethings of them being that Pluto conjunct NN in Virgo is about a desire to continue recent prior life development. Pluto wants to continue looking through the NN. The Quest for the Soul!

  • @deniseohlson
    @deniseohlson 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cap rising here, 14 degrees. Having had Pluto transiting my natal Uranus, Saturn, Asc, Venus and Neptune in cap throughout these years has been nothing but extreme in all ways possible.
    Coming for my Aquarius sun 4 degrees then mercury 5 degrees in a few years time. I don't know what will be left, and I can't even be bothered just hoping life brings the teachings I am here to experience and live through. I am glad for all it taught me but am literally stripped out of everything.
    Loved this video, Thank you Adam for your work. I appreciate you!

  • @nickischneider6771
    @nickischneider6771 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am grateful for this lesson .

  • @auroralattanzi6026
    @auroralattanzi6026 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This conversation is much needed! Thank you

  • @victoriaruiz6695
    @victoriaruiz6695 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Yeah ! My solar return ( my b-day is oct 31 ) i will have sun,mars,mercury in the 12 house and jupiter, kiron and the node in the 6 house 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 i m hoping it will not send me to jail, hospital etc.....and i have in my natal moon at 27 1st house in square pluto ( my mother died june 8).....Your new dog name is Hilda my mother name was Elda ( im from Argentina) ❤

  • @user-hm8hq2dv3u
    @user-hm8hq2dv3u 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you Adam, as you were speaking I was reminded of C.S. Lewis's book, 'Till We Have Faces' a reinterpretation of the myth of Cupid and Psyche which I read many years ago.

  • @teadale2693
    @teadale2693 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have 10th WSH Pluto square my 7th house moon in my natal chart. I have my chart lord, fallen Jupiter, in my 2nd house Cap at 29degrees, conjunct Saturn at 23 degrees. I have been dealing with real time Saturn, progressed Saturn and real time Pluto sitting on top of my natal Jupiter for.. far too f*king long. Heavy much? you bet. I am so grateful for the knowledge of astrology that you and your colleagues put out on the internet! I know this will pass, I know that there are cycles within cycles and that this is a particularly heavy one.. I know this will not express in only one way...and I will (probably) get through it. it doesn't help that Neptune will soon be squaring my ASC degree.. but whatever.. hahahaha

  • @kathy-ht3fi
    @kathy-ht3fi 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Libra Rising but Aquarius Stellium Moon, Sun, Asteroid Vesta, Black Moon Lilith and Juno. Always hopeful for the Best. ❤

  • @jennyphoenix7912
    @jennyphoenix7912 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I mean, what can I say? 🙌🏽 😮what a great talk 🤯

  • @zitapuskas2772
    @zitapuskas2772 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you! This was really thoughtful. I think Pluto wants to deepen us and peel off any bullshit from us.

  • @monique6451
    @monique6451 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Idk if it’s my moon in Scorpio, but by 4. I was verclempt and teary eyed. I just loved this episode it really hit home with me. Thank you Adam 🕊️

  • @LisaJean.
    @LisaJean. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you!

  • @laurabeaux1622
    @laurabeaux1622 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ah this video feels divinely for me right now. I literally was sobbing in the middle of the night two nights ago. I had convinced myself that my middle son, who has been dealing with an extreme eczema flare up, may actually have something much worse or even life threatening. I'm sure the Neptune opposition which is exactly on my nodes didn't help. But I had also noticed my lunar return has pluto in my first house exact on the asc. My son is Capricorn sun (and has pluto exact on it in 7th house).
    I then neurotically checked my solar return which kicks in next month and realised that I have my sun and mercury in the 8th house 😮. I was really stressing myself out thinking all the bas things that might play out😢. Made me realise how much astrology can affect .y energy if I let it. Thank you for this 🙏

    • @rses916
      @rses916 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Depends on how old your son is and if you can afford it. But I also deal with extreme eczema and there is this new treatment called dupixent I'm set to test it too. You might wanna talk about it with his dermatologist.

    • @laurabeaux1622
      @laurabeaux1622 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @rses916 thank you..we live in Scotland so the health care here is a bit different. I got this flare up calmed down and think a cold virus triggered it the week before. I hope this treatment helps you, such a horrible thing to deal with.

  • @user-lf6it1ye1g
    @user-lf6it1ye1g 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you Adam! Such a timely message (of course) 😅

  • @erikabautista6960
    @erikabautista6960 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wonderful talk 👏🏽👏🏽grateful

  • @jillianmcclennan576
    @jillianmcclennan576 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You're very good at this... Thanks

  • @kevnar
    @kevnar 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I'm more afraid of Uranus than Pluto. At this point in my life, I could do without wild chaotic surprises that turn my life upside down. Mars is a dick, too, but at least he's predictable. And Saturn is just a traffic cop. He gets in your way, but it's ultimately for your own good. Pluto is just a volcano. Subtle, slow-moving, boring most of the time, but every once in a while, there's an explosive upheaval and everything changes.

    • @Petrenko2012
      @Petrenko2012 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      😂 I love your descriptions of the planets! "Mars is a predictable dick!" Love it!

    • @kevnar
      @kevnar 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Petrenko2012 It could be that I'm the one who's a dick. Mars is just energy that forces you to move faster. If you were already going toward trouble, Mars puts the pedal to the floor.

    • @Petrenko2012
      @Petrenko2012 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @kevnar I'm an Aries and extremely good at heading towards something impulsively at full speed. Some may say I am also a dick, lol. However, what I love about Mars is lack of stagnation! It is all action, and for someone who can't tolerate boredom, I often welcome the Mars energy even when it gets me into trouble 😊

  • @khansenvt
    @khansenvt 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This was really helpful. Thank you, Adam.

  • @Adriiaa
    @Adriiaa 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pluto at anaretic 29th degree in Libra in the 12th house conjunct Saturn at 1 degree in Scorpio in the 1st house. toughest few years of my life hands down; many times I thought I won’t make it through. So many squares to Pluto and my Mars, Saturn, nodes been hitting my chart too in the past 3 years. Tbh this period of time actually did feel like multiple deaths one after the other in many ways (and thankfully a rebirth). Led to biggest & most profound lessons and realisations

  • @melissareece8656
    @melissareece8656 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Wheres the lie tho? I have 6 placements in the 6th house and I feel like everytime I turn around Im saying"GMAFBA!" in regards to my chart. So yes, I have to step away sometimes and say..."Just surprise me!" 😂 Currently for me, Uranus Rx is trining my Pluto, Pluto is squaring my sun and Jupiter and sextiling my Neptune.

  • @jacquelineweeks
    @jacquelineweeks 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Brilliant! Thank you💜🙏🏼

  • @clairelawrence8722
    @clairelawrence8722 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So needed to hear this. Soo helpful xxx

  • @michelecook5708
    @michelecook5708 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you once again Adam. A very soulful episode & intuitively well timed. As I write, I’m doing my homework, looking at Pluto’s upcoming tansit to my Mercury (& stellium)in the 4th). I have several ideas of what to expect ( thanks to your Nightlight courses) & will be better able to cope, given talks like these. With gratitude….❤

  • @michaelpolzin512
    @michaelpolzin512 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Amazing episode

  • @eyzup
    @eyzup 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you

  • @lorinapetranova2607
    @lorinapetranova2607 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    #grabbed I used to get a bit nervous n edgy during a Pluto transit until I got into Real astro-psychology and read Stephen Arroyo and others because they had a different kind of outlook on planetary effects of transits. I started to pay more attention to triggers n reactions. Heightened Awareness but seeing how planetary transits affected holistically. I have a way of looking at some aspects in multi layers.... one day a good while back I discovered sometimes it's a lot more beneficial to not get totally entangled in western thought and let other ways of Being become your life where they fit like a favorite old shirt so to speak. That's Pluto transit work. But lately it's like breathing. Like an inventory is going on. Perhaps cleaning and sorting the inner harddrive. That too, is part of a Pluto transit. I know pieces of a transit might challenge me and maybe piss me off for a minute but why did I get pissed? What's the core reason? Zen awareness time. More of the Pluto transit. It's like swimming in a small lake n coming to a patch of reeds just under the water. You calmly move on. No need to disrupt nature. It's multi-level examination of how you respond to life. No need for peyote. I didn't learn most of this using mind expanders altho back in the day I had interesting times from owsleys acid. None of which had anything to do with astrology. The point is that a Pluto transit can be a splendid time of inner growth if you just float with the transit n tell yourself it's time for raw life. If you don't fight it then life flows more gently. It's like my attitude about menopause. It's just another phase of life... like teen years but better bcos now you know more about life. Life. And all of that is part of a Pluto transit. Many blessings of compassion and inner peace.

  • @elizabethlea27
    @elizabethlea27 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great great video, thank you.

  • @genghisgalahad8465
    @genghisgalahad8465 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I fear not the Planets, not least the most short shrifted astronomical planet, Pluto, the astronomical planet with a heart! I understand the 8th planet the least! I only fear the global shifting to do with the transit that was present during the American Revolution and rigorously discussed in the astrology podcast....personally, what streses me out the most is some other approaches of, ah look at this transit and so forth, time to lay bare your shadow stuff, cheerfully. I mean, I get it to a degree, but with some on the surface cheerful channels, it's a bit much, so I'm glad I hop onto here so often 🎉 because the unfolding is compassionate and inspires I dunno confidence and a sense of "it's gonna be okay!" No matter what. And in a non-judgemental, and not let's look at you kinda way at all! So with Nightlight Astrology and quite a few notable favorites that don't try to hide negatives and such but bring a confidence and assurendness in their approach and CONTEXT and big picture, no matter what. Versus, however adept, once again pointing out in general, "oh see this transit, it's gonna bring up your personal stuff again. You ready? Need another coffee? Are you sitting down? Ready to hunker down?" is how I take it in too often. Its like dentistry, the best dentists are calm, cool, and confident and inspire calmness and assurendness in the patient. It's the little things! 🎉 And I'm glad I'm here!

  • @JennHeals
    @JennHeals 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I know Pluto as transformer

  • @RoxxiRed
    @RoxxiRed 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Have you watched the Disney movie Encanto? All I can’t stop singing ‘we don’t talk about Pluto’ 😂

  • @myrrhseart
    @myrrhseart 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a 1st house pluto native, I appreciate this

    • @Lisa-sq3zl
      @Lisa-sq3zl 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Interesting. Do you feel like you are always going through changes to your identity?

    • @myrrhseart
      @myrrhseart 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Lisa-sq3zl hmmm not exactly, but a lot of changes have happened in my philosophy, inner world, and as far as healing goes (sometimes in very difficult and intense ways) over the years. I also feel like I catalyze change a lot at the places I wind up. Another way I see it (and resonated with) is being a deeply soulful person in a way that can sometimes make people uncomfortable, especially if they’re not used to vulnerability or living purely authentically. And sometimes, challenging people in their belief systems, simply by being me, living my life, or engaging in deeper conversations with them. It’s Pluto in Sagittarius & Scorpio rising

  • @Volpe2025
    @Volpe2025 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So well said Adam! 👏🏼👌🏼 Thank you 🙏🏼. I learn so much from you every time you put out a video. You’re amazing! ❤️💚🤍💜💙🫶🏻🤗

  • @redcoral8
    @redcoral8 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Many many thanks for this inspiring video, Adam. It soothed my soul. Blessings.