White can also castle queenside, or even remain uncastled, and start an all out pawn push on the kingside. Perhaps not the most sound way to play but quite intimidating at my level as black ends up with very little room to maneuver.
Looking at the position at 1:41 where you begin listing options for White, what do you think of just Bxa6? It looks interesting and compromises Black's pawn structure but I'm think the light-squared bishop is worth more than getting rid of Black's knight. I've not checked it with an engine but wanted to get your take on it. Thanks again for another great quality video! Looking forward to Sundays!
Hi, nice suggestion! also without using engines, looking at the resulting position i initially feel that it´s an interesting move as it´s one of the cases in which black cannot answer Bxa6 with ...cxd4 so it makes sense, like a few lines in the video. Then, you´re right about the loss of the pair of bishops for white. Going further, i feel like after ...bxa6, it´s not gonna be easy for white to find a plan. Black has a lot of plans, but i would like to start with ...Rb8 annoying white´s b2 pawn first and then at minimum i could go with the same plan i showed in all variations, to go ...Nd7 preventing a good e5. As i showed in one of the lines, that leaves white with only one option if they wanna play on the kingside: to go e5...dxe5 f5!? at the right moment. After ...bxa6 i think the position remains unclear and that probably black got a very nice resulting position out the opening, probably one that is not easy to play for both sides and therefore interesting and playable for the two sides.
Hey fam ... really loved the analysis, definitely earned a sub. Would love to see more analysis on the Pirc Defense
I play these openings a lot and, I like them. I have some really good literature from Mihail Marin and your analysis is pretty good. Thanks!
Great video thanks
White can also castle queenside, or even remain uncastled, and start an all out pawn push on the kingside. Perhaps not the most sound way to play but quite intimidating at my level as black ends up with very little room to maneuver.
Looking at the position at 1:41 where you begin listing options for White, what do you think of just Bxa6? It looks interesting and compromises Black's pawn structure but I'm think the light-squared bishop is worth more than getting rid of Black's knight. I've not checked it with an engine but wanted to get your take on it.
Thanks again for another great quality video! Looking forward to Sundays!
Hi, nice suggestion! also without using engines, looking at the resulting position i initially feel that it´s an interesting move as it´s one of the cases in which black cannot answer Bxa6 with ...cxd4 so it makes sense, like a few lines in the video. Then, you´re right about the loss of the pair of bishops for white. Going further, i feel like after ...bxa6, it´s not gonna be easy for white to find a plan. Black has a lot of plans, but i would like to start with ...Rb8 annoying white´s b2 pawn first and then at minimum i could go with the same plan i showed in all variations, to go ...Nd7 preventing a good e5. As i showed in one of the lines, that leaves white with only one option if they wanna play on the kingside: to go e5...dxe5 f5!? at the right moment. After ...bxa6 i think the position remains unclear and that probably black got a very nice resulting position out the opening, probably one that is not easy to play for both sides and therefore interesting and playable for the two sides.