The most short-cut explanation for BDO is simply; If you're someone who can envision the future and progress towards it instead of expecting immediate results, then you'll have fun.
Bullshit, that's a mindset that's expected when you play most MMOs. But BDO's progression is so mind-numbingly boring and number oriented that I can't, in good faith, recommend this game to anyone. Do you want good pvp? Bdo has it in the form of AoS, and you don't need to mindlessly grind to enjoy it.
@@Idcenoughlmao These are my sentinments as well. AOS removed the need for me to grind out gear for good\fun PVP. This game has the best combat I've ever experienced in a game, period, and I finally get to enjoy it with AOS, except it's only seasonal, which sucks.
@@BryanHaldabruh you can still enjoy pvp 😂 outside of AOS. There is a seasonal Arsha server where everyone is gear capped at seasonal gear but you can open World pvp. Regular server pvp is hard for newer people because you’ll get gear checked. Or you can just make a trial character of your seasonal so you can play pvp in BA.
@@Idcenoughlmao If AoS is your cup of tea then go for it. For me personally, I like seeing the time I invested towards my goals, in this case gear, translate into damage. Not only is it more satisfying, but it feels and is authentic.
I think this is the best video for him to react to since it is not biased and all the information is coming from a player who has played since the beginning of BDO, sunk in thousands of hours into. This is as factual as it can gets
He never will play the game again. He failed a pri necklace one time and has never let go how it blew up on him. But he loves games like Lost Ark where enhancing is infinitely worse than BDO
fake is actually such a g, he really cares about his community isn’t a selfish person. I remember one time i asked in chat if he could help me do leebur scrolls and he quickly responded and used all his scrolls for me to get auras back in the day. Really love this guy his demeanour and the way he carried himself,i often take breaks from bdo but everytime i come back i actively look for his streams and videos. Ook
I remember playing BDO very, very carefully and optimizing every step that I took and no-lifing it pretty hard like leaving my PC on for 24 hours a day to squeeze an extra 20mil silver. It burned me out horribly. I came back last week and realized, none of it really matters so long as I don't demolish all of my gear and break down crying. They've done a better job now providing players with a functional baseline with the seasonal Tuvala and guaranteed PEN boss gears that it's much more relaxing to play BDO as the sandbox it was intended to be. Ofc, tap some Blackstar gear here and there and be sad that it failed, but hey, still have usable AP/DP sitting on those guaranteed gears :) Plus all of the extra QoL they've been introducing, reworking of farm spots so there's a bunch more variety now, seasons and gear copy letting us try new characters, it's just fun.
I just came back after a few month break cuz of all the events and coupons, got the free 5 mythical censers and just "fuck it we ball"ed at my pegasus' and got a T10 so now I think I'm obligated to get back into it a lil bit
@@BeggarAfterKnowledge T9 Pegasus ? yeah sir, its free to new players as well you just need to log in & process 2 item that you got from Challenge reward to obtain item that let you to choose your T9 Horse
@Oceansraven t9 Pegasus is one of the options for the free dream horse! The t10 Pegasus is 2 t9 Pegasus smashed together into a more powerful mutant chimera (I think it's actually supposed to be breeding, but the parents both disappear so I'm pretty sure my version is more accurate anyways).
Well made video sir and couldn't agree more. I would like to add that as mentioned with it being a marathon, it's okay to take breaks. It doesn't have to be the only thing you play and spend time on. Yes it impacts the speed of your progression but the devs have shown that they give helping hands all the time to help players with their progression. Be it J Hammers, crons, free t9 as of late lol. Just remember that it's a game, not a job.
The game is sooooo much more approcable now! I lost my account during the merge back in the day(5 years or so ago). Started new last week, and im higher AP/DP now than i was back in the day. So the catchup is real. The game is just good! Everyone try it out!
While all of this is true for PC and is a pretty good take from my favorite Ook, if you start this game on console because you don't want carpal tunnel from the PC controls you should be aware that console players only have about 80 percent of the experience PC currently has, with no roadmap for future progression. In addition, the 'negative progression' style enhancement system is absolutely brutal, and somehow feels more unfair on console. I once failed 17 pri crescent ring attempts, going from a 20 to a 38 stack. The math behind doing that is almost as rare as getting hit by lightning.
at least one creator actually talks about new QoL/changes that actually matter instead of random gibberish that doesn't really matter but is a content so they did it
As a casual player with over 9k hours into the game, i think this game is worth trying if you’re willing to spend more time in the game. P2W is only the naphart campsite, pets, fairies, maids will come to you through events as i got full t5 and t4 pets now without buying pets. I’m at 695 gear score now and i progressed mostly by grinding my silver and doing my jetina weeklies (my armors are entirely from jetina pens) however, i struggled a bit nowadays with no way to upgrade my gear beside getting a tet bde or pen accessory 😅. Overall, amazing game but a little harsh on the end game side.
I'd even say just the tent, all my t4s are for free, heaps of free maids and with horse stacking weigh isn't' a major issue. Even inv slots I've never paid for and still have coupons of them lying around. TENT is pretty much 100%, after that it's mega fair cash shop.
Damn... Finally a review from someone that KNOWS the game. 10k hours? That's impressive. Took on the f2p experience to better understand the game? Dope!
thats a good suggestion for people who want to min max, but what is the point of playing 10 hours just grinding and saving everything? is that even remotely fun for anyone? its good idea to avoid spending money on useless stuff since youll need it at lvl 60+. but people should do whatever they find fun to actually drag them into the game
No. There will always be someone stronger than you no matter how much you grind. Unless you have a credit card with no limit and 24 hours a day to grind.
I bought it in 2016 and really didn't like the cash shop implication at the time despite appreciating the life skills emphasis which is why I was keyed in to begin with. The combat threw me for a loop at the time as well and I just didn't vibe with it. I started a Musa season character maybe 2 weeks ago, put about 50 hours in on that toon which I've leveled to 59 with PEN Tuvala gear so far and I like it. I will keep playing. I don't love it but I do like it. The new player experience is so incredibly overwhelming in its pacing and bloated items/mats that come without really clear and concise significance (or just being completely irrelevant) but once I hit that second monitor groove it did begin to make sense. There are admittedly far too many obscure mechanics to be a friendly and casual recommendation IMO but it feels much better, looks pretty good and does provide a TON of horizontal progression options which I appreciate. It's a 7/10 for me in the MMO sphere and I could see that going up with time. I'd recommend it but not to someone who doesn't like having to look up guides and wikis. It's still far too obtuse at times in terms of progression and outright confrontational at select moments (particularly for new players who hit the higher 50's without any knowledge of the MSQ ramp up).
Yes it's absolutely worth playing, it can be a bit overwhelming though especially for new players because it's item and storage system is more in depth than any other mmo I've played, granted there is a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it it gets much easier. The combat itself reminds me of Tera but without the hitboxes displayed on the ground. As far as leveling your character you will need to balance slaying monsters, doing main & side quests, talking to literally every npc, and endless exploring, gathering, and crafting. The more knowledge you have the more perks and quests unlock. The game rewards you for meeting specific requirements though and I almost think leveling is too easy early game and needs some balancing to help slow people down to encourage people to explore slower. There is a lot to miss if you go too fast and then you will have to backtrack at some point in order to progress. And a lot of items become useless once you get your main character to a high enough level to farm high tier equipment. Most of the gear isn't level or class locked so you can load out level 1 characters with end game gear for a huge starting boost to your AP and DP. They have added a lot of quality of life features since beta, however some of the features could use some minor reworking. As someone who plays the mobile version there are some features that could, should in my opinion, be added in. 1. Altars of memory for fast travel are available from the start of black desert mobile and are in most towns as well as near certain world bosses and dungeon there is no need for a horse even though you will still get one lol. Bdo has horses that can teleport, granted its slightly limited by the fact that you need to complete a questline to get it... 2. Crafting, enhancing and gathering are easier on bdm compared to bdo because as long as you have the items for it you can put a near unlimited amount of upgrade materials into it to get your success rate up to max. 3. Bdm you can start as an ascended character on any class from lvl 1. 4. Your camp in bdm is a combination of the workshops, residency, and a variety of other quality of life things that are almost completely separated from each other in bdo. 5. The pearl market in bdm is far more in depth and has more items to purchase. Granted its more expensive than bdo by almost double for some stuff the tradeoff is you get more items and there are more items available for silver or for milage than on console. 7. Amity in bdm is connected to special quests and is easy to figure out, amity in bdo is is stupid and way too complicated at first. Regardless of which version you play they are both fun and definitely have some differences. Both have a steep learning curve and they don't explain things in a way that makes things easy to understand. The game doesnt tell you a lot... Though BDM has full auto which is sorta cool. Ninja in bdo and Sura in bdm are the same class but sura is less wiggly and doesn't use throwing weapons.
Hell yeah, I just got back a few weeks ago before all of this and with me getting my 2nd T9 horse and its the one that I've always wanted yeah I want to go back into the game and its very worth playing. Now, I am going to start slowly getting the easiest treasures and get to 700GS then I guess retire lifeskilling while grinding treasure parts. I hope that this momentum keeps going and this game gets the popularity it deserves and I really really hope for the devs to show how much potential this game has.
The ONLY thing making me hate this game is the constant POP IN while walking around, i dont know how to tweak settings to stop this but just grass on the ground changes shape 5 times as i walk to it not to mention everything else thats on the screen. It really hurts my eyes and brain
As a complete beginner to the game, I'm really enjoing it so far, although I have no experience to compare it with. But with respect to other mmorpgs I've played before, I'd say BDO is definitely one of the best out there.
All i want is some traditional mmo raids and dungeons not that i want the game catered around it but as an option That and for the devs to do another remaster revolving around game optimization and animation smoothing
Grinding in BDO is the fun part... But the bazillion number of items to manage makes the game very unappealing as a new player... I don't understand why the sort items is so weird and require us to deactivate for some items neither
Tried to return many times. But every time I login and look at the hundreds of different items in my inventory and storage, my head will become heavy and don't feel like playing.
Same experience for me and I play a lot of different games. Thought combat felt excellent and world looked nice but it truely was an overwhelming amount of inventory management.
Couldn't agree more man. I quit playing in December of 21 after pen after pen fail. I originally started the week of launch on Xbox, but my guild broke apart and quit playing after about 6 months to a year so I was all by myself for the rest of that time. I think I did a decent job keeping myself entertained for as long as possible. Leveling up a Ninja Valkyrie and sage to 61 and about 12 other characters to 55 to 60. But after failing for my pen 24 times with how long it took to grind up to get the chances for those swings.. It took its toll and finally broke my motivation. For no apparent reason, I decided to log back in a little over a week ago and holy crap I'm so glad I did. Just on the festa coupons alone and returning player rewards, I now have pen kzarka, pen dande, and made a pen muskans that I sold for 15b within 10 hours. I knocked out the old moon quests to reform my kutum up to IV and finally entered the 261k bracket. Then they dropped a free dream horse on my head. Holy crap what an upgrade over my t5 courser I've been riding since I first started. I'm back to watching hours of content and studying all I can. It really feels like that first year of playing the game when progression still came at a reasonable pace, and there was a good amount of stuff I didn't know about the game. I know this explosion of upgrades will slow down again eventually, especially when I'm going for black star and fallen God and whatnot, but with just the sheer amount of things to do now that aren't go here and grind for 10 to 12 hours.. I'm confident BDO is going to stay fun for the foreseeable future and I'm going to actively try to recruit some of my friends that in the past, even while I was still playing, I told to stay away.
I used to play this game closer to its launch but I am legitimately worried that if I return, will I ever be able to catch up or match the ones who have been playing this from the start or even some years? #gettingsmackedintheguildwars
I didn't notice when I took a break from playing that there was an account migration cuz of publisher change and I did not migrate so my account got wiped and 2000+ hrs of progress and heart ache from enhancements and also $$$ I drop to the game got nuked. Yeah I'm done with BDO.
this looks like a whole different game compared to 2018. I remember when this game's main selling point to me was the combat system but the mind numbing pve and progression system was a huge turn off. it had alot of potential, open world and large scale pvp but now it seems like this game is slowly achieving it's full potential
It's the same game dude....but changing a house's wall paintings with prettier colors doesn't make the interior look better especially when it reeks of rotten corpses since years.
Enhancement is NOT optional. If no one did it anymore and everyone was just waiting to buy their items off the market, there would be no items to buy !
The game throws so much free shit at us and so many free attempts for gear that there's always a constant influx of enhanced gear from lucky players. I have dozens of free 100-150 failstacks and countless stacks from 40 to 80 that I never use because I don't like enhancing, but sometimes I'll gamble a tri or a tet accessory and it'll go and I'll sell it. The point is, you don't have to enhance to get YOUR gear. People already in full pen will gamble or use free crons or j-hammers to supply the market. The people in the DEEP end-game like biohack are enhancing dozens of TETs and PENs a day for profit because they already have fallen god and full pen accessories. I've been playing since launch and I haven't had to enhance a single piece of gear in like 4 years and the market always has PEN items, even fallen god and blackstars, sitting on the market.
I started my relationship (yes it absolutely is a relationship) with bdo on eu release and to this day I absolutely loved my time that I had on my ninja but it got to the point where I felt like getting upgrades past a certain point was exclusive to people that are able to play 24/7 and for other reasons so I ultimately just got burnt out and finally destroying it all doing pen roulettes 😂😂😂 maybe Il have to look into checking out bdo in the near future hopefully, keep up the great work fakeuni ❤
The grind to get endgame stuff is true to a real mmo and its hard if you dont dedicate yourself daily to make 1 billion silver a day if you want to buy the end game gear from the market since meta fully upgraded weapon armor or accessories are about 150 billion minimum
1b silver a day? i heard that people are making 200mil silver at lvl 58? thats only 5 hrs farming on a character with no upgrades, so in weeks time you should be able to double it? maybe im wrong though, im still pretty new myself but most guides say you can make hundreds of thounsands of silver per hour in easy spots
1bil a day is like an hour of grinding at decent gear (~293AP) at the elvia spots or gyfin. Full Tuvala and journals is 252AP/315DP so right after season (about a 2-3 week grind casually and getting used to the game) you can start grinding Centaurus, Kratuga, Thornwood, or Lower Sycraia and start making 400-600M+ an hour according to Garmoth.
Dumped ESO, and started BDO yesterday. Greatly prefer BDO, but totally lost. Help vid did not help given what it showed and where I ended up were not the same thing. Earned 3 trouphies, and level 17 musa, but still very confused and lost. Will I dump it? Not a chance. Loving it.
New player. Got a guardian to 59 over the past week. Some of the worst shit I’ve ever done. Trying to decide whether I should push through and see the endgame but idk. So many aspects of this game are downright ugly. Combat seems to be the only thing of value
Brand new player and this video is very informative. I get so much from the season pass and seasonal server I don’t know what to keep or sell. The game is overwhelming in the beginning so I am keeping everything for now.
Hey I'm actually extremely curious about the "global storage quest" you talked about during the video. Could you tell me which quest it is about please ?
I heard of you BECAUSE of BDO, I remember watching some stupid idea for a video and genuinely made me laugh and everything and I even got some streams, I quit BDO a little after that but this kinda makes me want to go back, I might I remember first hearing about the Shai(?). that little support character with that big ass boomerang, and still liking the game. I might try it out again.
Awesome video man, been watching for years and playing the game for years over 15-20k hrs myself as well, 720+ gs now and still watch your new player content and videos etc lol. Definitely a fair shakedown of the game on where it started to its current state. For sure a marathon game and would highly recommend any player like you said looking to scratch that MMO itch even if its only for a couple months. Taking a hiatus and coming back to it is a well known thing players do for sure. Currently on a bit of a hiatus myself (casually playing) but still love watching the content and creators in the community. Bit winded of a comment but really do appreciate the hard work and effort you put into your BDO content as always man. I think the video will be very beneficial to new and returning players. See ya in game O/, Family Name: Korazin
This game camera doesn't make any sense to me! Can you zoom in? The games character trailers make it seem like its 3rd person where as every game play ive seen from players has been top down where you're forever away from your character! The top down looks really bad to me as well as the horrendous ui that most mmos suffer from. Just curious thanks for any feedback!
Don’t even think to play this game unless you are a rich guy he can spend alot of money, This gameplay is not for free believe me I played this game for 5 years and quit cuz it ask for to much money or alot and alot of time consuming to just do something small that I can get with money
Even Short-cut version is Enjoy for a few days then suffer for the rest. Even if you love the game, You will not enjoy most of the time you spend playing. Good Luck
Been tuning this game for 2 years for now, watching all the reviews in ytube, been played the mobile version and to this point regarding the quarrels of BDO about the game I have in conclusion that d only bad about the game itself is the gambling system for set enhancement and this is d Down side of BDO cause of it's RNG hoping for players to have a great set in order to hook up with end game players but nevertheless there's a lot of good stuff on going on in the game. When d time is right and all my priorities are already achieved. I wanna play this game, jst don't mind about the RNG set enhancements and enjoy d game.
If d devs implement d like mobile progression of this game; have a bunch of free stuff and buffs, having a system that provides help for ftf player so that they could jst on par to the whales by not letting them dissapointed cause they paying money for d game, it's a win win thing between ftf and whale players to have a balance for d game itself wether u pay to save time or ftf player to enjoy the game, this game will explode.
I was at this point too, used to hop between dark knight, ranger and lahn until the release of woosa and maegu..I love succ maegu playstyle, high mobility and range attacks. Absolutely love it. What playstyle are u into?
I want to play again because I miss the game, but I know so many changes made that I would be so so confused and far behind. Plus I found the game to be very lonely before. Love to you and your beautiful family HuGGieS
@@FakeUni You know, when your ship get stuck in water and you cant move it, until you shot ship canon, for some reason. Sometimes even that didnt work because you couldnt walk to it. It was super annoying bug and when i asked in the world chat, people told me its pretty normal. That was at 8th(!) anniversary time. I havent tested if that bug is still present, but i got stuck a bit when just swimming near Velia, so i guess it still is.
dude I break up the game its like 5 month and im now at 0 point all my gears blow up so what should i do? Going tryhard or just enjoying and 3 hours of grind a day is enough for develop
Opened a new account 2 weeks ago and plays 1hr a day. I have now a Pen Kutum and a Tet bs awakening. Now saving for a pen kzarka and I'll just buy it off the market.
Bought it yesterday on steam, played 16 hours straight. Gameplay is really really great, since i don't find much joy in classic MMO's like WoW or FF14 ( press 1112112311211134511...) Tbh i skip every conversation in MSQ's, its just way too much text and i can't wait for combat to happen. Also breaking my wrists, but i hope, i'll get used to it and become better :)
We're gonna hop back with some friends, I'm planning on choosing the class the most appealing to me, but should I still maybe stay away from certain class as a high ping player (should be between 180 and 220 didn't tried it yet)?
Speaking from personal experience - the new girl Succession Maegu (or Maeglue as I like to call her) is really chill to play. Longer animations, huge AoE nukes and ranged, on the lower end of APM, overall quite simple, so she should be very high ping-friendly.
I think unless you are trying to be ultra competitive in high end PvP it shouldn't be any concern. High ping will certainly change the delay in which you are going to input your skill combinations but whatever class you play, as you get more comfortable with it you will figure out how to get your skills flowing smoothly together. So yeah basically just pick what looks cool to you!
@@fredxu99Maegu has really good mobility too! For a range class its crazy. I used to jump between classes because I wasnt just settled down on a class until woosa and maegu got released
It's a very fair cash shop, no complaints at all and yes the amount of event and free items and seasons made it beyond easy. You don't even need weight anymore. P2W technically but very soft, basically you don't have to spend more than $60-80, grabbing like a tent and maybe some QOL perks on your main.
what people dont realize is that yea its p2w but your buying costumes to sell on the market which is actually very good for people that dont spend irl money. its a win/win is what im trying to say
Yeah , in the most very basic sense yes, it’s p2w. And by that logic every game in someway shape or form is p2w. But in the perspective that if someone joins today and has 20k to drop on the game, not only are they heavily timegated and could possibly take maybe more than a year of pure buying, they still won’t reach anywhere near 700+ gs probably. Buying your way to victory in bdo is just a patient rich mans game that very very very few ppl can do.
Last time I checked, the server has become less toxic and a lot of nerdy people wanting to report me😂 So I think I blew my tri crescent rings for a reason to not come back. But since you said progression is much easier now to reach soft cap for casuals, and to get the dream horse, I’m coming back to take a 👀. (YOU BETTER NOT LIE)
It most definitely is convenient when you want to save 15-20 mins traveling cross map. and they just gave out free dream horses so what’s to complain about.
no they only restored the items he threw into the trash. not the items he blew up upon failure. this is an option for everyone through a support ticket
my question is, do I have to grind my soul out in order to be more or less competitive in pvp? I’m returning with a seasonal character after playing back in the days at launch and hitting the soft cap.
Season brings very quickly up to speed on the games content. With pen season gear you can attend t1 node wars, but t3 are a nogo you will have to progress to get to that point. If you want to be able to fight anyone just finishing season wont be enough
The most short-cut explanation for BDO is simply; If you're someone who can envision the future and progress towards it instead of expecting immediate results, then you'll have fun.
Bullshit, that's a mindset that's expected when you play most MMOs. But BDO's progression is so mind-numbingly boring and number oriented that I can't, in good faith, recommend this game to anyone. Do you want good pvp? Bdo has it in the form of AoS, and you don't need to mindlessly grind to enjoy it.
@@Idcenoughlmao These are my sentinments as well. AOS removed the need for me to grind out gear for good\fun PVP.
This game has the best combat I've ever experienced in a game, period, and I finally get to enjoy it with AOS, except it's only seasonal, which sucks.
@@BryanHaldabruh you can still enjoy pvp 😂 outside of AOS. There is a seasonal Arsha server where everyone is gear capped at seasonal gear but you can open World pvp. Regular server pvp is hard for newer people because you’ll get gear checked. Or you can just make a trial character of your seasonal so you can play pvp in BA.
Man's has invested time and this is pure copium 😂
@@Idcenoughlmao If AoS is your cup of tea then go for it. For me personally, I like seeing the time I invested towards my goals, in this case gear, translate into damage. Not only is it more satisfying, but it feels and is authentic.
Time for Asmon to watch 1 more 'Why play Black Desert in 2023' instead of just playing it XD
I think this is the best video for him to react to since it is not biased and all the information is coming from a player who has played since the beginning of BDO, sunk in thousands of hours into. This is as factual as it can gets
He never will play the game again. He failed a pri necklace one time and has never let go how it blew up on him. But he loves games like Lost Ark where enhancing is infinitely worse than BDO
i mean, he's just talking about how bad it is "in the past", and never gives it the chance to actually play the game.
@@Rotomoo Lmao I heard it was a witch earring. that is like useless💀💀 I would love to see him fail PEN distos
@@Rotomoo he hates Lost Ark now. Everybody does.
Great video. I might finally get around to playing this game now.
the most random place to find the man shakedown LOL
Be aware that there are insane texture pop ins in the game, other than that its ok
What?! Didn’t expect finding you here 😂
Hit me up on discord if you ever need a hand :)
fake is actually such a g, he really cares about his community isn’t a selfish person. I remember one time i asked in chat if he could help me do leebur scrolls and he quickly responded and used all his scrolls for me to get auras back in the day. Really love this guy his demeanour and the way he carried himself,i often take breaks from bdo but everytime i come back i actively look for his streams and videos. Ook
I remember playing BDO very, very carefully and optimizing every step that I took and no-lifing it pretty hard like leaving my PC on for 24 hours a day to squeeze an extra 20mil silver. It burned me out horribly. I came back last week and realized, none of it really matters so long as I don't demolish all of my gear and break down crying. They've done a better job now providing players with a functional baseline with the seasonal Tuvala and guaranteed PEN boss gears that it's much more relaxing to play BDO as the sandbox it was intended to be. Ofc, tap some Blackstar gear here and there and be sad that it failed, but hey, still have usable AP/DP sitting on those guaranteed gears :) Plus all of the extra QoL they've been introducing, reworking of farm spots so there's a bunch more variety now, seasons and gear copy letting us try new characters, it's just fun.
I just came back after a few month break cuz of all the events and coupons, got the free 5 mythical censers and just "fuck it we ball"ed at my pegasus' and got a T10 so now I think I'm obligated to get back into it a lil bit
Is the Pegasus free for new players as well?
@@BeggarAfterKnowledge T9 Pegasus ? yeah sir, its free to new players as well you just need to log in & process 2 item that you got from Challenge reward to obtain item that let you to choose your T9 Horse
@Oceansraven t9 Pegasus is one of the options for the free dream horse! The t10 Pegasus is 2 t9 Pegasus smashed together into a more powerful mutant chimera (I think it's actually supposed to be breeding, but the parents both disappear so I'm pretty sure my version is more accurate anyways).
Well made video sir and couldn't agree more. I would like to add that as mentioned with it being a marathon, it's okay to take breaks. It doesn't have to be the only thing you play and spend time on. Yes it impacts the speed of your progression but the devs have shown that they give helping hands all the time to help players with their progression. Be it J Hammers, crons, free t9 as of late lol. Just remember that it's a game, not a job.
The game is sooooo much more approcable now! I lost my account during the merge back in the day(5 years or so ago). Started new last week, and im higher AP/DP now than i was back in the day. So the catchup is real. The game is just good! Everyone try it out!
Welcome back. Enjoy your stay :)
Pearl Abyss has really splashed out for all these "ad" videos, its nice to see someone with legit info on the current state of the game
While all of this is true for PC and is a pretty good take from my favorite Ook, if you start this game on console because you don't want carpal tunnel from the PC controls you should be aware that console players only have about 80 percent of the experience PC currently has, with no roadmap for future progression.
In addition, the 'negative progression' style enhancement system is absolutely brutal, and somehow feels more unfair on console. I once failed 17 pri crescent ring attempts, going from a 20 to a 38 stack. The math behind doing that is almost as rare as getting hit by lightning.
PC performs better and gets better updates imo
if there's anyone we can trust to speak on this game, it's you.
Ayyye Cryy :o
I hope to see you play sometime.
at least one creator actually talks about new QoL/changes that actually matter instead of random gibberish that doesn't really matter but is a content so they did it
As a casual player with over 9k hours into the game, i think this game is worth trying if you’re willing to spend more time in the game. P2W is only the naphart campsite, pets, fairies, maids will come to you through events as i got full t5 and t4 pets now without buying pets. I’m at 695 gear score now and i progressed mostly by grinding my silver and doing my jetina weeklies (my armors are entirely from jetina pens) however, i struggled a bit nowadays with no way to upgrade my gear beside getting a tet bde or pen accessory 😅.
Overall, amazing game but a little harsh on the end game side.
I'd even say just the tent, all my t4s are for free, heaps of free maids and with horse stacking weigh isn't' a major issue. Even inv slots I've never paid for and still have coupons of them lying around. TENT is pretty much 100%, after that it's mega fair cash shop.
@@Despond yes tent is needed for sure
Damn... Finally a review from someone that KNOWS the game. 10k hours? That's impressive. Took on the f2p experience to better understand the game? Dope!
My only suggestion is have patience, do not sell everything, do not buy everything, just play save money and avoid upgrading.
thats a good suggestion for people who want to min max, but what is the point of playing 10 hours just grinding and saving everything? is that even remotely fun for anyone?
its good idea to avoid spending money on useless stuff since youll need it at lvl 60+. but people should do whatever they find fun to actually drag them into the game
Starting today!!! I’ve been a FFXIV player for years and elder-scrolls.
I quitted this game a long time ago with several reason but you can deny FakeUni is that one people actually passionate about this game
Awe thank you
No. There will always be someone stronger than you no matter how much you grind. Unless you have a credit card with no limit and 24 hours a day to grind.
If you want to be competitive sure. But this is an mmo. it should be at your own pace on your own journey.
I bought it in 2016 and really didn't like the cash shop implication at the time despite appreciating the life skills emphasis which is why I was keyed in to begin with. The combat threw me for a loop at the time as well and I just didn't vibe with it.
I started a Musa season character maybe 2 weeks ago, put about 50 hours in on that toon which I've leveled to 59 with PEN Tuvala gear so far and I like it. I will keep playing. I don't love it but I do like it. The new player experience is so incredibly overwhelming in its pacing and bloated items/mats that come without really clear and concise significance (or just being completely irrelevant) but once I hit that second monitor groove it did begin to make sense. There are admittedly far too many obscure mechanics to be a friendly and casual recommendation IMO but it feels much better, looks pretty good and does provide a TON of horizontal progression options which I appreciate.
It's a 7/10 for me in the MMO sphere and I could see that going up with time. I'd recommend it but not to someone who doesn't like having to look up guides and wikis. It's still far too obtuse at times in terms of progression and outright confrontational at select moments (particularly for new players who hit the higher 50's without any knowledge of the MSQ ramp up).
Its a marathon. Not a sprint.
Is this reflective of the PS4 version? I want to play it on PS4 before I get a PS5.
Unsure. Will have to wait for it's release.
Yes it's absolutely worth playing, it can be a bit overwhelming though especially for new players because it's item and storage system is more in depth than any other mmo I've played, granted there is a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it it gets much easier.
The combat itself reminds me of Tera but without the hitboxes displayed on the ground.
As far as leveling your character you will need to balance slaying monsters, doing main & side quests, talking to literally every npc, and endless exploring, gathering, and crafting. The more knowledge you have the more perks and quests unlock.
The game rewards you for meeting specific requirements though and I almost think leveling is too easy early game and needs some balancing to help slow people down to encourage people to explore slower. There is a lot to miss if you go too fast and then you will have to backtrack at some point in order to progress. And a lot of items become useless once you get your main character to a high enough level to farm high tier equipment. Most of the gear isn't level or class locked so you can load out level 1 characters with end game gear for a huge starting boost to your AP and DP.
They have added a lot of quality of life features since beta, however some of the features could use some minor reworking.
As someone who plays the mobile version there are some features that could, should in my opinion, be added in.
1. Altars of memory for fast travel are available from the start of black desert mobile and are in most towns as well as near certain world bosses and dungeon there is no need for a horse even though you will still get one lol. Bdo has horses that can teleport, granted its slightly limited by the fact that you need to complete a questline to get it...
2. Crafting, enhancing and gathering are easier on bdm compared to bdo because as long as you have the items for it you can put a near unlimited amount of upgrade materials into it to get your success rate up to max.
3. Bdm you can start as an ascended character on any class from lvl 1.
4. Your camp in bdm is a combination of the workshops, residency, and a variety of other quality of life things that are almost completely separated from each other in bdo.
5. The pearl market in bdm is far more in depth and has more items to purchase. Granted its more expensive than bdo by almost double for some stuff the tradeoff is you get more items and there are more items available for silver or for milage than on console.
7. Amity in bdm is connected to special quests and is easy to figure out, amity in bdo is is stupid and way too complicated at first.
Regardless of which version you play they are both fun and definitely have some differences. Both have a steep learning curve and they don't explain things in a way that makes things easy to understand. The game doesnt tell you a lot... Though BDM has full auto which is sorta cool.
Ninja in bdo and Sura in bdm are the same class but sura is less wiggly and doesn't use throwing weapons.
Hell yeah, I just got back a few weeks ago before all of this and with me getting my 2nd T9 horse and its the one that I've always wanted yeah I want to go back into the game and its very worth playing. Now, I am going to start slowly getting the easiest treasures and get to 700GS then I guess retire lifeskilling while grinding treasure parts.
I hope that this momentum keeps going and this game gets the popularity it deserves and I really really hope for the devs to show how much potential this game has.
The ONLY thing making me hate this game is the constant POP IN while walking around, i dont know how to tweak settings to stop this but just grass on the ground changes shape 5 times as i walk to it not to mention everything else thats on the screen. It really hurts my eyes and brain
As a complete beginner to the game, I'm really enjoing it so far, although I have no experience to compare it with. But with respect to other mmorpgs I've played before, I'd say BDO is definitely one of the best out there.
All i want is some traditional mmo raids and dungeons not that i want the game catered around it but as an option
That and for the devs to do another remaster revolving around game optimization and animation smoothing
The game has more of that MMO love added to it. I hope they keep adding more :)
Grinding in BDO is the fun part... But the bazillion number of items to manage makes the game very unappealing as a new player... I don't understand why the sort items is so weird and require us to deactivate for some items neither
Tried to return many times. But every time I login and look at the hundreds of different items in my inventory and storage, my head will become heavy and don't feel like playing.
Same experience for me and I play a lot of different games. Thought combat felt excellent and world looked nice but it truely was an overwhelming amount of inventory management.
Couldn't agree more man. I quit playing in December of 21 after pen after pen fail. I originally started the week of launch on Xbox, but my guild broke apart and quit playing after about 6 months to a year so I was all by myself for the rest of that time. I think I did a decent job keeping myself entertained for as long as possible. Leveling up a Ninja Valkyrie and sage to 61 and about 12 other characters to 55 to 60. But after failing for my pen 24 times with how long it took to grind up to get the chances for those swings.. It took its toll and finally broke my motivation.
For no apparent reason, I decided to log back in a little over a week ago and holy crap I'm so glad I did. Just on the festa coupons alone and returning player rewards, I now have pen kzarka, pen dande, and made a pen muskans that I sold for 15b within 10 hours. I knocked out the old moon quests to reform my kutum up to IV and finally entered the 261k bracket.
Then they dropped a free dream horse on my head. Holy crap what an upgrade over my t5 courser I've been riding since I first started.
I'm back to watching hours of content and studying all I can. It really feels like that first year of playing the game when progression still came at a reasonable pace, and there was a good amount of stuff I didn't know about the game. I know this explosion of upgrades will slow down again eventually, especially when I'm going for black star and fallen God and whatnot, but with just the sheer amount of things to do now that aren't go here and grind for 10 to 12 hours.. I'm confident BDO is going to stay fun for the foreseeable future and I'm going to actively try to recruit some of my friends that in the past, even while I was still playing, I told to stay away.
its great how much more casual it is now
I used to play this game closer to its launch but I am legitimately worried that if I return, will I ever be able to catch up or match the ones who have been playing this from the start or even some years? #gettingsmackedintheguildwars
I didn't notice when I took a break from playing that there was an account migration cuz of publisher change and I did not migrate so my account got wiped and 2000+ hrs of progress and heart ache from enhancements and also $$$ I drop to the game got nuked. Yeah I'm done with BDO.
well they spammed emails out to everyone for like 6 months before it happened so
this looks like a whole different game compared to 2018. I remember when this game's main selling point to me was the combat system but the mind numbing pve and progression system was a huge turn off. it had alot of potential, open world and large scale pvp but now it seems like this game is slowly achieving it's full potential
It's the same game dude....but changing a house's wall paintings with prettier colors doesn't make the interior look better especially when it reeks of rotten corpses since years.
@@ToxicSHDAgent honestly it obviously has it flaws but there have been huge improvements over the years
over time its become a much better package overall
@@ToxicSHDAgentOfc you gotta use a shitty metaphor. How profound
Great video! i hope this burst in popularity retains some of these peoples, would be a nice stim shot too the population.
Greaaaat video! Thank you for bring us your perspective! Excellent explanation
Glad it helped!
Enhancement is NOT optional. If no one did it anymore and everyone was just waiting to buy their items off the market, there would be no items to buy !
It is optional, because other players do, any and all returning and new players can completely ignore it, cuz the vets are the ones enhancing
The game throws so much free shit at us and so many free attempts for gear that there's always a constant influx of enhanced gear from lucky players. I have dozens of free 100-150 failstacks and countless stacks from 40 to 80 that I never use because I don't like enhancing, but sometimes I'll gamble a tri or a tet accessory and it'll go and I'll sell it.
The point is, you don't have to enhance to get YOUR gear. People already in full pen will gamble or use free crons or j-hammers to supply the market. The people in the DEEP end-game like biohack are enhancing dozens of TETs and PENs a day for profit because they already have fallen god and full pen accessories. I've been playing since launch and I haven't had to enhance a single piece of gear in like 4 years and the market always has PEN items, even fallen god and blackstars, sitting on the market.
Well.. gamblers are everywhere, and it's an addiction that is hard to cure.. so win win for everyone lmao.
I started my relationship (yes it absolutely is a relationship) with bdo on eu release and to this day I absolutely loved my time that I had on my ninja but it got to the point where I felt like getting upgrades past a certain point was exclusive to people that are able to play 24/7 and for other reasons so I ultimately just got burnt out and finally destroying it all doing pen roulettes 😂😂😂 maybe Il have to look into checking out bdo in the near future hopefully, keep up the great work fakeuni ❤
This game can be a rough road sometimes. Best of luck to you
The grind to get endgame stuff is true to a real mmo and its hard if you dont dedicate yourself daily to make 1 billion silver a day if you want to buy the end game gear from the market since meta fully upgraded weapon armor or accessories are about 150 billion minimum
😅 νέο😅😅;
1b silver a day? i heard that people are making 200mil silver at lvl 58? thats only 5 hrs farming on a character with no upgrades, so in weeks time you should be able to double it?
maybe im wrong though, im still pretty new myself but most guides say you can make hundreds of thounsands of silver per hour in easy spots
If you get to the centaures area youll be able to
@dmitrijsmironovs7513 well I mean an experienced player hits lvl 61 in about 6 hours so 58 isn't really a good spot to start judging silver per hour
1bil a day is like an hour of grinding at decent gear (~293AP) at the elvia spots or gyfin. Full Tuvala and journals is 252AP/315DP so right after season (about a 2-3 week grind casually and getting used to the game) you can start grinding Centaurus, Kratuga, Thornwood, or Lower Sycraia and start making 400-600M+ an hour according to Garmoth.
Dumped ESO, and started BDO yesterday. Greatly prefer BDO, but totally lost. Help vid did not help given what it showed and where I ended up were not the same thing. Earned 3 trouphies, and level 17 musa, but still very confused and lost. Will I dump it? Not a chance. Loving it.
It gets much much easier as you go. Keep it up. Ask questions as they come. Feel free to join the discord!
dope! big sub! and deff jumping in BDO
Welcome friend
Seeing the enhancement window gives me PTSD
Thanks for the vid, downloading now.
Welcome friend
New player. Got a guardian to 59 over the past week. Some of the worst shit I’ve ever done. Trying to decide whether I should push through and see the endgame but idk. So many aspects of this game are downright ugly. Combat seems to be the only thing of value
The combat is always a big sell for this game.
Brand new player and this video is very informative. I get so much from the season pass and seasonal server I don’t know what to keep or sell. The game is overwhelming in the beginning so I am keeping everything for now.
take it slow, ask questions as they come. it gets easier over time.
if i started playing this again would anyone be friends with me and play with me?
Communities and guilds arent hard to find!
Hey I'm actually extremely curious about the "global storage quest" you talked about during the video. Could you tell me which quest it is about please ?
the magnus
@@TheKrazyGamerr Thanks man!
@@DodgyDamRogue no problem! this also allows for the fast travel system, as well as you get a free pen armor of your choice once you complete it
I heard of you BECAUSE of BDO, I remember watching some stupid idea for a video and genuinely made me laugh and everything and I even got some streams, I quit BDO a little after that but this kinda makes me want to go back, I might I remember first hearing about the Shai(?). that little support character with that big ass boomerang, and still liking the game. I might try it out again.
Awesome video man, been watching for years and playing the game for years over 15-20k hrs myself as well, 720+ gs now and still watch your new player content and videos etc lol. Definitely a fair shakedown of the game on where it started to its current state. For sure a marathon game and would highly recommend any player like you said looking to scratch that MMO itch even if its only for a couple months. Taking a hiatus and coming back to it is a well known thing players do for sure. Currently on a bit of a hiatus myself (casually playing) but still love watching the content and creators in the community. Bit winded of a comment but really do appreciate the hard work and effort you put into your BDO content as always man. I think the video will be very beneficial to new and returning players. See ya in game O/, Family Name: Korazin
Thank you for all your kind words
This game camera doesn't make any sense to me! Can you zoom in? The games character trailers make it seem like its 3rd person where as every game play ive seen from players has been top down where you're forever away from your character! The top down looks really bad to me as well as the horrendous ui that most mmos suffer from. Just curious thanks for any feedback!
yes you can zoom in, I personally can't stand being zoomed in, id honestly like to be further away lol
Don’t even think to play this game unless you are a rich guy he can spend alot of money,
This gameplay is not for free believe me I played this game for 5 years and quit cuz it ask for to much money or alot and alot of time consuming to just do something small that I can get with money
And here I am playing on a F2P account with no issues spending 0 money.
im thinking of picking it up again i had no idea they deleted accounts though not a huge deal but i did put in like 600$ though.
I'm coming back, but I'm not looking forward to the enchanting 😅
All I want to see is more group content.
I agree
great video! thinking of giving it a try!
Go for it!
How is the pvp? Is the equalized pvp available already in the seasonal server? And can my character progress by mainly playing this mode?
It's an mmo with decent PvP. But its an mmo.
Is this game like the anime Overlord? Can I role play as Ainz oal gown?
You can be your own anime character if you wish lol
Good video man, sums up everything pretty well.
Glad you think so!
Even Short-cut version is Enjoy for a few days then suffer for the rest. Even if you love the game, You will not enjoy most of the time you spend playing. Good Luck
Well I would play on console which is what I have but seeing the reviews of how bad bdo is I guess I will have to get a PC some time down the road.
PC is the route to go imo
If buying gear is better than enhancing gear by yourself, why people are selling gear so cheap?
Economy and event always impact the price of items.
Been tuning this game for 2 years for now, watching all the reviews in ytube, been played the mobile version and to this point regarding the quarrels of BDO about the game I have in conclusion that d only bad about the game itself is the gambling system for set enhancement and this is d Down side of BDO cause of it's RNG hoping for players to have a great set in order to hook up with end game players but nevertheless there's a lot of good stuff on going on in the game. When d time is right and all my priorities are already achieved. I wanna play this game, jst don't mind about the RNG set enhancements and enjoy d game.
If d devs implement d like mobile progression of this game; have a bunch of free stuff and buffs, having a system that provides help for ftf player so that they could jst on par to the whales by not letting them dissapointed cause they paying money for d game, it's a win win thing between ftf and whale players to have a balance for d game itself wether u pay to save time or ftf player to enjoy the game, this game will explode.
600hrs in and I still haven't decided what class to stick with. They're all a lot of fun. 😆
I was at this point too, used to hop between dark knight, ranger and lahn until the release of woosa and maegu..I love succ maegu playstyle, high mobility and range attacks. Absolutely love it.
What playstyle are u into?
Whos your fav so far?
@@FakeUni I'm all style and no substance so Guardian for me! :)
13:45 Arena of Solare is event based and hasnt been around in almost half a year, started playing BDO in feb 2023 and im still waiting for Solare 😢
You can play unranked matches while it's off season
glad pearl abyss is now free from the shackles of kakao.
Me too
I want to play again because I miss the game, but I know so many changes made that I would be so so confused and far behind. Plus I found the game to be very lonely before. Love to you and your beautiful family HuGGieS
you can chat group channel and people help
Just one question....
Did they fix that stupid ship stuck bug?
ship stuck bug?
@@FakeUni You know, when your ship get stuck in water and you cant move it, until you shot ship canon, for some reason. Sometimes even that didnt work because you couldnt walk to it.
It was super annoying bug and when i asked in the world chat, people told me its pretty normal. That was at 8th(!) anniversary time. I havent tested if that bug is still present, but i got stuck a bit when just swimming near Velia, so i guess it still is.
I bought it out the gate and it was not as advertised. Hopefully it's better now
Definitely give it a go.
If i was to play again and focus on solo pve. What would you recommend as an engaging pve solo class ?
Kuno or Ninja...
All of them serve that purpose imo
See my problem with the game is i cant get the hang of it at all its just confusing when i first start and no one to help
New player guide will help!
Most players take a break during Spring Event mostly here in SEA
The Fairy system needs to be rework
My English is not that good and i also feel the combat is hard i mean the keyboard layout so idk should i give it a second try or what!!
Combat is different compared to other mmos
dude I break up the game its like 5 month and im now at 0 point all my gears blow up so what should i do? Going tryhard or just enjoying and 3 hours of grind a day is enough for develop
do seasonal character and start over. Your pace,your progress.
remember only suffering comes after raw tapping :)
Not worth playing if you are a high ping player unless you play ranged class or /fully protected class.
Opened a new account 2 weeks ago and plays 1hr a day. I have now a Pen Kutum and a Tet bs awakening. Now saving for a pen kzarka and I'll just buy it off the market.
its so easy to be a casual player now these days
Is the price of all end teir increased too with easy money grind?
You make more money with more gear.
ive been playing since 2014, and the game hasnt changed since 3 years back at least
Bought it yesterday on steam, played 16 hours straight.
Gameplay is really really great, since i don't find much joy in classic MMO's like WoW or FF14 ( press 1112112311211134511...)
Tbh i skip every conversation in MSQ's, its just way too much text and i can't wait for combat to happen.
Also breaking my wrists, but i hope, i'll get used to it and become better :)
Hahahaha. Welcome!
Is this just PC or for psn and Xbox too?
This guide only remains somewhat relevant for console. This guide is more catered for PC players
We're gonna hop back with some friends, I'm planning on choosing the class the most appealing to me, but should I still maybe stay away from certain class as a high ping player (should be between 180 and 220 didn't tried it yet)?
Speaking from personal experience - the new girl Succession Maegu (or Maeglue as I like to call her) is really chill to play. Longer animations, huge AoE nukes and ranged, on the lower end of APM, overall quite simple, so she should be very high ping-friendly.
I think unless you are trying to be ultra competitive in high end PvP it shouldn't be any concern. High ping will certainly change the delay in which you are going to input your skill combinations but whatever class you play, as you get more comfortable with it you will figure out how to get your skills flowing smoothly together. So yeah basically just pick what looks cool to you!
Ty for the feedback guys, really appreciate it!!
Try Ninja or Kuno...
@@fredxu99Maegu has really good mobility too! For a range class its crazy. I used to jump between classes because I wasnt just settled down on a class until woosa and maegu got released
is the pvp still a one hit kill 5 people type of thing? And tanks instead of dying with 1 hit, die with two?
I dont think it has ever been like that and there is no such thing as "tanks" in bdo
Solid video!
Thank you!
Its p2w but PA is very good at giving free stuff and improving quality of life ingame
It's a very fair cash shop, no complaints at all and yes the amount of event and free items and seasons made it beyond easy. You don't even need weight anymore. P2W technically but very soft, basically you don't have to spend more than $60-80, grabbing like a tent and maybe some QOL perks on your main.
what people dont realize is that yea its p2w but your buying costumes to sell on the market which is actually very good for people that dont spend irl money. its a win/win is what im trying to say
Yeah , in the most very basic sense yes, it’s p2w. And by that logic every game in someway shape or form is p2w. But in the perspective that if someone joins today and has 20k to drop on the game, not only are they heavily timegated and could possibly take maybe more than a year of pure buying, they still won’t reach anywhere near 700+ gs probably. Buying your way to victory in bdo is just a patient rich mans game that very very very few ppl can do.
Does anyone knows how far behind is BDO on console in terms of content? I'm on PS5 and it doesn't seems to be free to play.
its not free on pc either its 10 bucks on steam
I'll think about comeback if they completely delete "Pila fe" step from the game, these scroll step have no respect for player time
LOL. That scroll grind.
I was thinking about trying this game. Thanks for letting me know I shouldnt lol
Can I turn of PvP after lvl 50 ?
No. But players have karma and will be punished for pvping you on a non pvp server. It's not as scary as it sounds I promisem
Last time I checked, the server has become less toxic and a lot of nerdy people wanting to report me😂 So I think I blew my tri crescent rings for a reason to not come back. But since you said progression is much easier now to reach soft cap for casuals, and to get the dream horse, I’m coming back to take a 👀. (YOU BETTER NOT LIE)
Just start fresh on seasonal-- it's boosted progression! You'll be caught back up quick!
Nice video. I wouldn't say the fast travel system is convenient tho...
It most definitely is convenient when you want to save 15-20 mins traveling cross map. and they just gave out free dream horses so what’s to complain about.
How is it not convenient? You'd rather hop on your horse, set a point, then ride for 30 mins to get there?
@@lespretend I thought you were talking about the magnus wells fast travel...
this game has improved so much since PA took over. there's no denying that I've been playing since the game came out.
If you got the time for it and the sanity, sure.
didn't your exploding account/fake quit end up with a support ticket reinstating it all?
no they only restored the items he threw into the trash. not the items he blew up upon failure. this is an option for everyone through a support ticket
my question is, do I have to grind my soul out in order to be more or less competitive in pvp? I’m returning with a seasonal character after playing back in the days at launch and hitting the soft cap.
Season brings very quickly up to speed on the games content. With pen season gear you can attend t1 node wars, but t3 are a nogo you will have to progress to get to that point. If you want to be able to fight anyone just finishing season wont be enough
@@SoupTurtle16 but still it’s not an impossible task I guess?
Thanks to you im going to redownload this game after ages 👍Very good Video
can one play ones a week for few hours and be successful
This game is always pulling me back
Youre telling me hahaha
Yes the answer is yes, unless you play on ps4 or xbox one, then the answer is most assuredly no
I need to take the time to better understand the gear enhancement stuff.
It's worth imo
great video cheers uni
So i kinda quit last year came back and tapped a pen bs... I'm forced to play the game again now.... Omw to making a T10 doom rn xD
what a great video!
Come back and go BLADE STYLE
@@FakeUni ok, seeya next week