I read the Special Strength Training Manual for Coaches by Verkhoshansky, its amazing how in depth and light years ahead the soviets were in training explosive events. As someone who does athletics in Britain, I laugh at some of the things my coach says, because we are soooooo old school! Britain ain't got a clue!
Squatting strength and depth jump strength are 2 different things. Just as you can build up 2 a 2 x bodyweight squat, you can build up to a high depth jump. You think all those triple and high jumpers squat 2x bodyweight?
If you build up to it over time, first body weight, then weight held in your arms, empty barbell, then with weight on the barbell you will be fine. It’s one of the best exercises for building up resiliency and strength of the spinal erectors, especially the lower back area.
I read the Special Strength Training Manual for Coaches by Verkhoshansky, its amazing how in depth and light years ahead the soviets were in training explosive events. As someone who does athletics in Britain, I laugh at some of the things my coach says, because we are soooooo old school! Britain ain't got a clue!
Where can I get the book sir?
I love that you dubbed “very scientific” over the footage of the guys finding all the stuff in the room they can jump over
Every time that guy in the black shorts sees a table, he probably jumps over it
c'est du très lourd leur entraînement 😊
@mawkheaf Those are Hip Extensions not back extensions.
Those are actually Hyperextensions which are back extensions
Original Depth Jump - Salto Profundo Original
People should know Soviets would start with plyometrics only when tathlets were able to do squats with as tvice of their body weight.
More people need to hear this
Is this factual? & why?
The biggest bullshit there is
arnoud verschoor what’s your take?
Squatting strength and depth jump strength are 2 different things. Just as you can build up 2 a 2 x bodyweight squat, you can build up to a high depth jump. You think all those triple and high jumpers squat 2x bodyweight?
c'est avec cette entrainement que javier sotomayer et devenue champion du monde 2.45 personnes n'a battue sans records en 2025😊
o cara
i wish this didn't have the rocky music
sa a l'air cons comme sa mais c'est efficace 😊comme méthode et sa paye
Le monstre soviétique l'URSS qui a tout apris au usa sur le plan sportifs
I'm confused, I swear that isn't "true" plyometrics? They're all taking a very long time to get off the ground. Does anyone else agree?
+benzory12 This was the very beginning of plyometrics, emphasis was on the explosive jumps. All things evolve/improve with time.
Amortization training comes later .
If you saw yourself doing true plyometrics in 3rd person you’d realise that the ground contact time just looks longer than in 1st person
back hyper extensions with a weighted bar...no thanks
If you build up to it over time, first body weight, then weight held in your arms, empty barbell, then with weight on the barbell you will be fine. It’s one of the best exercises for building up resiliency and strength of the spinal erectors, especially the lower back area.