hello. Always a great pleasure Andrej to see your Lentus. After my FMS ASW-17 (2022) and my KAVAN SWIFT-S1 (2023), I think I will buy one for Christmas 🙂
Hi. Yes I am using the stock prop. I fly with a 3s 4000 mAh 30C Lipo (from JLB Cheetah RC car) or with a 3s 5000 mAh 20C Turnigy Lipo. In the past I was flying with a 4s Lipo and a smaller recommended prop but I didn't like it - too noisy.
@AndrejSturm thks a lot for your answer Andrej. I was very glad to crash my Lentus just after taking off. .. stall 3 sec after launching. I have to review my configuration. And get a 3200 or 3300 mAh at least. And to repair one flap. Engine propeller and ESC are safe.
@@JPh35I am sorry to hear that. I have crashed mine once as well, flying it too slowly and it stalled (the video is somewhere on my channel). This is the issue with the Lentus, now I am more careful.
Przepiękna miejscówka i wspaniałe umiejętności pilota, gratuluję.
Love your flying site!
What size lipo are you using? You make the Lentus fly beautifully.
hello. Always a great pleasure Andrej to see your Lentus. After my FMS ASW-17 (2022) and my KAVAN SWIFT-S1 (2023), I think I will buy one for Christmas 🙂
Hey my friend! :D
Hello Andrej.
Can you tell me what is characteristics of your Lipo ? Cell/ mAH/C values.
Do you fly with original 11"7 propeller?
Hi. Yes I am using the stock prop. I fly with a 3s 4000 mAh 30C Lipo (from JLB Cheetah RC car) or with a 3s 5000 mAh 20C Turnigy Lipo. In the past I was flying with a 4s Lipo and a smaller recommended prop but I didn't like it - too noisy.
@AndrejSturm thks a lot for your answer Andrej. I was very glad to crash my Lentus just after taking off. .. stall 3 sec after launching.
I have to review my configuration. And get a 3200 or 3300 mAh at least. And to repair one flap. Engine propeller and ESC are safe.
@@JPh35I am sorry to hear that. I have crashed mine once as well, flying it too slowly and it stalled (the video is somewhere on my channel). This is the issue with the Lentus, now I am more careful.
Lovely video and some great landings
Thank you.
Hy Andrej. Which Setting is "Thermal Mode"?
Where is this heartbreakingly gorgeous flying site?
Hi, I live in Slovenia (Europe). Thank you for watching :)
😃 zelo lepi pristanki. Iz tvojega videa sem se naucil da je mogoce za poskoke uporabiti jadralno letalo 😄👋👍