“San Mateo Fog Line”- If you drive on 280 North or South, you will notice there is an almost exact place where the fog starts and ends. I started calling it the “San Mateo fog line” on my drives up to the studio in San Francisco from San Jose. I used it as a metaphor here for something that is always there, always sure. So it turns into a pretty fuckin’ bitter love song with a repeating line after a negative statement “and I’m as sure as, sure as the San Mateo fog-line.” I wrote the lyrics and sung them into my iPhone on the way up to the studio, I think we recorded it like two days later? Lo saqué de acá! saludos! www.fatwreckwiki.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=1384&start=100
Chemical upgrade
“San Mateo Fog Line”- If you drive on 280 North or South, you will notice there is an almost exact place where the fog starts and ends. I started calling it the “San Mateo fog line” on my drives up to the studio in San Francisco from San Jose. I used it as a metaphor here for something that is always there, always sure. So it turns into a pretty fuckin’ bitter love song with a repeating line after a negative statement “and I’m as sure as, sure as the San Mateo fog-line.” I wrote the lyrics and sung them into my iPhone on the way up to the studio, I think we recorded it like two days later?
Lo saqué de acá! saludos!
Lo tuve en cuenta. Por eso trate de hacerlas lo mas gráfica a esa parte. Saludos.